warriorbard2012 · 1 year
Happy NationalComingOutDay ! I’ve updated my pronouns in my bio a while ago, but I guess I should make it official. So hello, friends. My name is Mari and I’m nonbinary! My pronouns are She/They.
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bigbangsanvers · 1 month
Take a Chance, Roll the Dice
written by @warriorbard2012
Rating: Mature
Warnings: None
Alex is a Dungeon Master for the Superfriends’ Saturday night Dungeons & Dragons sessions. But when Lucy has to move away, that leaves the group a player short and an open spot at their table and friend group and one that Alex is hesitant to fill. When Kara suggests that Maggie, The Criminal Justice Professor that Alex is crushing on, join them, Alex reluctantly agrees. Little does she know her whole life is about to change. This is a story about a group of college faculty just trying to survive the craziness that their job brings by escaping into a world of their own making, while building friendships and love that will last a lifetime. This is an exploration about Sanvers meeting and falling in love, told amidst the backdrop of a weekly D&D game.
Additional tags: Fluff and Angst, Author Is A Dungeon Master (Dungeons & Dragons), Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, A group of College Faculty Plays D&D and has alot of fun doing it
With art by @sithwitch13
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These works were part of Sanvers Big Bang 2021 and were revealed on November 10.
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throughalleternity · 10 months
Last line tag meme - tagged by @roadien60 thanks!
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or the last wip you drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
From a little hurt/comfort idea:
But anything about her own past can be for later.
Not sure if this line will ever see the light of day because I need to rework the 'past' that it's referencing, if the idea does get written out fully. But maybe next year once I finish other things for people.
Tagging @allondonboy @bioswear @bitch-for-a-rainbow @cantdrawshaw @euhemeria @labellewolf13 @nerdsbianhokie @sandstonesunspear @smarterinabsentia @warriorbard2012 if you have a line you want to share! And anyone else who wants to play!
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sapphicscholar · 2 years
10 Things for 2023
Thanks for the tag @trying-to-get-somewhere-real
a fic idea you want to write or read: I’m super excited to read all the fic coming out in the Hacks S3 fic event I’m organizing - there were some really fun prompts! In terms of writing? I feel like I’ve talked on here about my Hacks WIPs already, but I’m also still kicking around that Julia post-S1 fic @trying-to-get-somewhere-real mentioned, plus an Abbott Elementary Melissa/Janine fic that I wrote and scrapped and now am trying to piece back together (and thank you very much to @hashtagtheyfucked for the encouragement!) 
a place you want to go: this is gonna sound a little ridiculous, but I’m very excited about the massive climbing gym that’ll be just a 15 minute walk from my hotel at a conference I’m presenting at in Chicago haha! So much of my travel is work-related that it’s hard to really be excited about it, but my wife and I are hoping to go up to the northern part of our state this summer to see a meteor shower, so that’ll be fun! 
a book you want to read: I’m currently rereading everything I’m teaching this term + things for the dissertation, but in terms of things that are just for me, I got Sally Bellerose’s Fishwives and am very excited to delve into it when I get the time!
something fun you want to do: hiking with friends, hosting friends for brunch, and bouldering are perennial faves, and I’m hoping that we’re all able to stay healthy and relatively safe enough to have those things feel like real possibilities throughout the long, often brutal winters we get here in the midwest 
something you want to make: does fic count?? I do a lot of baking and writing, so for now, given the weather, I’ll say I’m very excited about making a big batch of an old family friend’s molasses ginger cookies! 
a habit you want to start: I’d gotten really good about running a few days a week (I have historically loathed running, but had managed to find a program this fall that let it feel fun and like a gradual enough work up into distance that I didn’t hate every second of it), but I fell out of the routine with the holidays and fellowship apps, so I’d love to re-cultivate that! 
something new you want to try: to copy the person who tagged me, I also kind of want to try cross-country skiing! We have a local park that does it all winter, and we have really good friends who’ve offered to teach my wife and I how to (and my wife has already accepted on my behalf haha). I had a terrifying experience learning to downhill ski, so I’m hoping this relatively horizontal version is the one for me! 
something you want to finish from 2022: Waterloo! Which should be by the end of the month... And longer-term, my dissertation haha! (technically the defense is looking like it’ll be a couple months into 2024, but dream big ya know) 
something you want to stop doing: oh! I do this thing where I get lovely fic comments and then I let them sit too long bc I don’t immediately respond and forget for a few weeks, then I feel horribly guilty and awkward, then I never respond. And I know it’s not, like, an obligation to do so, but I’ve made some great friends via fic comments, and I don’t want to lose that opportunity just bc it’s been a few months (or years...) 
something you want to keep doing: climbing! I got my first pretty hard V5 on the overhang today, and it’s really personally gratifying to see improvement over time through hard work and practice. I’ve also found a really nice group of people to climb with, so it’s a nice way to keep friendships going even when the semester is at its most hectic
tagging, only if you want to do it: @hashtagtheyfucked @dkc2017 @sandstonesunspear @bathtimefunduck @howmanycatsistoomany @sralinchen @warriorbard2012 @chainofclovers @shesnohack (and anyone who wants to do it!)
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daggersandarrows · 2 years
tagged by @thevalleyisjolly to share the first line of my ten most recent fanfics--thanks aj!
Essek has met Astrid and Eadwulf before, of course. (x)
Obi-Wan has reached the point in his night where he has to desperately and continuously remind himself that this is not technically against the Code, all the while not examining the minutiae of that technicality too closely. (x)
It’s not as though he would know, not really, what constituted a “nice” girl, and he suspected that if he were to ask anyone Anna would hardly qualify, but...there was something nice about her. (x)
Vax’ildan is a thief. (x)
Every morning, Astrid gets on the subway to the Assembly, and every morning she thinks about simply not getting off. (x)
Vax wakes in Percy’s arms, shaking, and for a moment that’s all too long he can still taste mud deep in the back of his throat and feel water rise up to choke him, filling his lungs and covering his nostrils till he can no longer remember what air is like. (x)
Vax is standing on the roof of Greyskull Keep. (x)
Vex has never been particularly rash or impulsive. (x)
don’t come home (x)
Percy kneels on the thrift store rug in Vex’s room, hands clasped neatly behind his back, head bowed, and feels for the first time in a long time, a sense of peace. (x)
gee thane, i wonder who your favorite member of vox machina is...
i uhhhh don't know enough writers to know who to tag in this lsdjkfdslkjgs BUT if you want to!! @stardustedknuckles @bubbles-floating @warriorbard2012 @tangereendream also if anyone else wnats to do it feel free to do so and tag me as having asked if you feel self conscious about just posting it without being tagged :)
love that i had one (1) star wars wild card rip
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lyricalporcupine · 3 years
37) not realizing they’re holding hands till someone points it out, platonic Beau and Molly because I think this would be so funny. Thank you! :)
Bam! Hope you enjoy it!
Beau coughed as she turned the corner, waving her hand to get the fog from out of her face. “Why are haunted houses always filled with smoke? You can’t see shit, and you can’t breathe! It’s like they know their attraction isn’t good enough, so they hide it.” She felt someone press close against her back and flinched when they spoke into her ear.
“And yet every year you go to at least three,” came Molly’s Irish drawl.
Beau looked at them over her shoulder, eyes narrowed. The haunted house was dark, but there was just enough dim light that she could see his smirk. “Easy excuse to cling to Yasha.”
Molly laughed so hard they doubled over, hands on their knees. “Like you need an excuse to cling to Yasha,” he said as he straightened up, wiping a tear from his eye as he continued to chuckle.
“Beau never needs an excuse,” said Yasha as she stepped up to Beau and kissed her temple. She smiled at Beau when the human turned to look at her.
“Thanks, babe,” said Beau, rocking up to the balls of her feet to kiss her girlfriend properly.
As their lips brushed, an actor jumped out of a dark corner, waving their arms and yelling, trying to spook the group of friends.
Beau turned and leveled them with a glare. “Stop that.” She smiled when she heard Yasha and Molly both giggle.
When the actor went back to their hiding spot, Yasha bent down to whisper, “Be nice.”
Beau smirked and leaned up to kiss Yasha again before making her way to the next room, leading their group of friends.
The next rooms were the same; Beau smiled, delighted despite herself, when the actors leapt out at her, Yasha, and Molly. Though she complained about the fog machines, and she rarely became frightened, she did love going through the haunts. For Beau, it was the equivalent of a kid let loose in a candy store.
But there was one room she did actually dislike, and it was towards the end of the haunt. The place had it every year she had been visiting, and it was such a simple room that she couldn’t understand why it freaked her out so much. The room was solid black, floor to ceiling, and hanging on the walls were glow-in-the dark hockey masks. No fog and next to no light was present in the room. There were always at least two people in here, wearing the same mask that hung on the walls, and one always seemed to get the jump on her.
Beau swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. With her heart hammering in her chest, she slowly crept into the room. She felt Yasha brush against her side and Beau grabbed her hand, squeezing gently and felt relief when Yasha returned it. Beau could see the exit, and her gait became faster the closer she got to it.
Movement to her left caught Beau’s attention, and she turned, expecting to see one of the actors. But there was nothing. When she turned back towards the exit, however, there stood someone in her path. Not expecting it, Beau let out a scream and yanked Yasha in front of her. She hid her face in Yasha’s back and pushed her forward toward the exit in a hurry, twisting her poor girlfriend’s arm behind her back so she could keep hold of it.
They passed through the exit, and the dim light was near blinding after being in the dark for so long. Beau circled her arm around Yasha’s waist and kept her face buried in her back.
“Um, Beau?” came Yasha’s soft voice.
Beau didn’t answer, instead she focused on getting her breathing under control.
“Beau?” Yasha called again.
Shaking just a bit, though she would deny it later, Beau grunted and looked up from Yasha’s back.
Only…it wasn’t Yasha’s back. It was Molly’s, and he was looking over his shoulder with a smirk.
Beau quickly released him and took a step back, even as Molly and Yasha laughed.”Shut up!” Beau yelled, even as a small smile began to spread across her face and a laugh broke her voice.
Yasha stepped up and offered Beau her hand. “How about we go and get pancakes?”
Beau smiled and took Yasha’s hand. “That sounds great.”
“Hey,” Molly cried out, indignant, as they made their way to the exit of the haunted house. “I wanna hold hands, too!”
Yasha chuckled and offered her other hand, surprised when Beau did the same. And it surprised them both even more when Molly took hold of Beau’s hand.
“To the pancake house!” Molly exclaimed, and began running towards Yasha’s car, tugging his favorite lesbians behind him.
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thesanverslibrary · 5 years
"Can I Sit With You?"
by WarriorBard2012 for FeistyMouse
Rating: G
Words: 1628
Description: Alex decides to do the right thing and study on Valentine’s Day instead of going to Lena’s Party. Little does she know that decision will change her life.
Special Event: Sanvers Secret Valentine
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murdershegoat · 7 years
What is your favorite episode of Supergirl and why? If you were a writer on the show how would you fix the Sanvers Storyline? I hope this helps cure the boredom and that I’m not being a bother. I hope you have a great day.
my favorite episodes are in season one, for the girl who has everything, falling, and solitude bc theyre some of the best acted episodes in season one and i dont think any of the other seasons have given melissa or chyler material strong enough to warrant the same level of acting tbh 
id fix the sanvers storyline by, like, having them together lmao. alex wanting kids felt so ooc and sudden and was clearly pushed to get rid of the relationship without killing a lesbian. but they couldve written it so much better. like, if they knew they were gonna try get flo back or whatever then send her off to gotham for some shit or back to work things out w her family idek like there are so many ways to handle it. mayhaps dont make them get engaged just to please fans??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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lurkz · 7 years
1, 4, 19?
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
Actually started: 7. And another 5 or so in bullet point form. With yet more in vague “I should write a fic about X” form.
4. What fandom’s/ship’s fan fiction do you read the most?
Supergirl: Sanvers right now
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
Uhh... hm... good question. I don’t tend to think of any headcanons in terms of “favorite.” Alex Danvers is a motherfucking Slytherin (though, really, that’s just canon).
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warriorbard2012 · 1 year
Just wanted to let you know that I started reading with the Detective Comics issue you said, and I'm really enjoying it! I loved Kate and Maggie's first meeting - tuxes and dancing and super queer ! I'm also way more interested in Kate and Renee than I expected; I've read Supergirl fics with them but that's the only place I knew them from, so it was cool to see their stories in the comics. I'm starting with the New 52 Batwoman issues next and am excited to see more of them. Thanks again!
Hello, friend!
Sorry for the late response! This message got lost in my inbox it seemed!
I’m very excited that you are diving into the Batwoman series! And yes! I love their first meeting! Their outfits, the dancing, and the tension! It’s one of my favorite scenes in the whole series!
Kate and Renee will always have a special place in my heart. I wish we got more of them, but I did like what we got of them if that makes sense.
This is making me want to reread the series myself, so thank you! I hope that you are enjoying the 52 series thus far and I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts if you are interested in sharing them!
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tiamat-zx · 1 year
My friend @grayintogreen started this, I might as well play along. Let’s do this!
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following: 
@waltwhitmansbeard @arcadialedger @warriorbard2012 @jtr-99 @katia-dreamer @blorbologist @otterlycaleb @ravendruid @sylvanfreckles
Four ships: Vaxleth and Beauyasha from CR, Justicykes from Ace Attorney, and Makoto x Aigis from Persona.
Last song: Movie-wise? “Level Complete” from the Super Mario Bros. Movie. Such a perfect Mario Medley to celebrate a very great film.
Currently Reading: “Kith and Kin” because I still haven’t finished it. Also, various CR longfics.
Last movie: Again, the Super Mario Bros. Movie. First time in seven years that I stepped into a movie theater. Last one was in 2016 for Star Trek Beyond. The perfect time to break my cinematic cold streak, and seeing SMB with my aunt was just delightful. I especially teared up when I not only got all the references that caught my attention, but the soundtrack as well.
Craving: The Legend of Vox Machina Season 3, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and a new batch of my grandma’s homemade cinnamon rice pudding. Yum.
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ao3feed-sanvers · 2 years
Facing Fears
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Abtd6TI
by Warriorbard2012
Maggie has a fear of dancing in public. After being reminded that couples usually have the first dance at weddings, she decides to take lessons and faces her fear. Because she wants to have that moment with Alex.
Written for Day 4 of Pride Prompts 2022: Dance + "We Should Practice For Our Wedding Day."
Words: 1018, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Pride Prompts 2022
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Abtd6TI
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ao3feed-shadowgast · 3 years
Conversations with the Mighty Nien
by Warriorbard2012
Various conversations and moments with the Mighty Nien!
Words: 845, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Critical Role (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Beauregard Lionett, Essek Thelyss, Yasha (Critical Role), Caleb Widogast, Fjord (Critical Role), Jester Lavorre, Mollymauk Tealeaf, Caduceus Clay
Relationships: Beauregard Lionett/Yasha, Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast, Fjord/Jester Lavorre
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/33830131
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Supercorp - Drunk
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The Truth (Will Set You Free) by spacemanearthgirl
Out Tonight by babydragon73
Drunk Texts and Happy Endings by EvieWhite
Gorgeous by Manya91
You can hook me up by  FallingArtist
Your Wayward Girl  by  el.abstracto
Drunk Bean Kara by sxperlena (orphan_account)
Don't give alcohol to aliens by spacemanearthgirl
Pretty Like A Star by Tassi_Ki
Late Night Call by MrRigger
Drunk Bean Kara by sxperlena (orphan_account)
my girlfriend's going to kill you by doughnutwhore
The Only One for Me by SuperLcorp
Drunk Puppy by whitebeltwriter
Job Well Done by commanderofcandles
Lena's Long Night by jollywriter
Get Get Get You Drunk by DaniJayNel
Flickering by GraceSav
Excited by freedombeats89
Drunk Kara by JediRanger
Amor y Alcohol by CaptainOfTheKryptonSpacemarines
Love And Alcohol by CaptainOfTheKryptonSpacemarines
Drunk dreams of Me, You and My Other Me by CaptainOfTheKryptonSpacemarines
Supers, Luthors and Shakespeare by JSottri
Self doubt and comforting talks by nxptxne
I need you now by nxptxne
Kara and the Drunks by Lola_McGee
So this is a hangover by lenaluthortho
Day 3 "You're Drunk." by Warriorbard2012
Let me take you home by lenaluthortho
Ripped Shirt by BiBitch (datgurlrox)
Good Morning by TwerkingOnLenaLuthor
Hungover with you isn't nearly so bad by SavageRights
She like likes me? by SavageRights
Drunken Love by meltemxia
she's just the girl for me by karalovesallthegirls
Team Drunk Alien v.s. Team Luthor Robotics™ by luthoranddanvers
Adorable Drunk Alien by SincerityExtreme
Lena Luthor Does Drunk History by IShipItAllAndThenSome 
Rogue Desires by SarahZorEL
Lapfull of Blonde Puppy by Machines_Analog_Interface
Drunk by Impala73
Drunk History: Lena Luthor - The Tale of Grace O’Malley - The Pirate Queen bySupercat_123
Sober by ThisIsAnna47
Things she said at 3am by ThisIsAnna47
Drunk Night by holtzy_baby
Drinking by Amakatsu 
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lyricalporcupine · 3 years
24. “This isn’t how I pictured our first Valentine’s day.” For Beau and Yasha! :)
Here ya go! Sorry it's late, I didn't feel well last night.
“This isn’t how I pictured our first Valentine's Day,” Beau grouched.
Yasha chuckled and nuzzled into the back of Beau’s shoulder. Her arms were wrapped around Beau’s waist, careful of her upset stomach. “It’s not so bad,” Yasha said softly. “We’re together. Doesn’t that count for something?”
Beau grumbled and grouched, burying her face in her pillow. She growled when Yasha chuckled softly. “I hate my body so much right now. It knew. It. Knew. And did this to me on purpose.”
“Sex isn’t everything,” Yasha said gently. “I still had a wonderful day with you.” She slid her hand under Beau’s shirt and her fingertips brushed along the waistband of Beau’s loose shorts. She felt Beau relax in her arms as she poured what little healing magic she had into Beau, easing her tense belly. “We don’t have to have sex for a date to be good.”
Beau sighed and relaxed, her cramps easing to a more manageable level as Yasha’s magic faded. But she grumped again and rolled over, burying her face in Yasha’s collarbones. “I just wanted today to be special.”
Yasha’s arms flexed around Beau and gently pulled her closer. “And it was, baby girl. I can’t tell you when I enjoyed a Valentine’s Day so much.”
Beau huffed and fully relaxed against her girlfriend. Her fingers played with the loose collar of Yasha’s shirt for a moment before she looked up at her. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take care of you?”
Yasha smiled and kissed Beau at her hairline before dipping her head down to brush her lips against Beau’s. “You do take care of me,” she said softly when they broke apart.
Beau grumbled again and hid her face in Yasha’s throat, more out of bashfulness than being cranky. “Love you, Yash,” Beau said softly against her girlfriend’s skin.
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tiffanytheweirdo · 5 years
Rules: Post your lock screen and the last song you listened to!
Tagged by @hellokaelyn
I should be going to bed soon but I'm addicted to my phone so here I am
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My lock screen is me and my bestie from my exchange in Canada last year. The song I last listened is a Cantonese (my mother tongue) song anf for those who are wondering, the name of the song means "Love is a kind of French Dessert" (it's a direct translation).
@aweirdo-yourweirdo @julish-17 @warriorbard2012 @indestinatus @starkspn-marvel2 @thekeyboardninja
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