#We don't condone harassment or telling people to kill themselves btw
antiendovents · 5 months
Were seeing so many pro endo blogs belonging to traumagenic systems on our timeline and im just like STOOOOOOP KYS KYS KYS YOU DELUSIONAL BITCHESSSSSS ENDOS ARENT REAL YOU WHORESSSSSSSSSSS YOU FUCKING TRAITORSSSSSSSSSSS-Vinnie
honestly, we be feeling like that sometimes. The rage is,, intense
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silvermoon424 · 4 years
It's always "just a few bad apples" with cops but apparently, looters and full on rioters speak for all protesters. Generalizing groups of people is okay unless it's the people quite literally calling the shots. A friend of mine said that we have this inclination to implicitly trust the police because we don't want to lose our peace of mind. That the people touting, "To Serve and Protect," could be the death of us is an almost excruciating pill to swallow.
(referring to this rant I posted)
Preach, anon. It’s the unbearable hypocrisy that kills me. These people will tirelessly defend cops by saying “it’s just a few bad apples, you can’t judge them all based on the actions of a few” but when a handful of rioters take advantage of the protests to rob a Target suddenly it’s “all protesters are dangerous rioters and thugs and police have every right to brutalize them.” The police brutality apologists genuinely seem like they can’t (or maybe just refuse to) understand that the vast majority of protesters are peaceful or their “crime” is just telling law enforcement to fuck off (which gives law enforcement the right to brutalize them, apparently, because if you don’t show LEOs blind obedience and respect and  obsequiousness you deserve to be assaulted and/or arrested). 
The stupidity of apologists goes even beyond hypocrisy, though. Police brutality is far worse than rioting because it’s a bigger violation of the social contract. Rioters are just individuals who have their own reason for destroying or stealing things. I don’t condone any of that, but they are not on the same level as police officers who supposed to protect the people and not abuse their power. We as a society gave the police their power because we wanted them to protect us and uphold justice (btw, I am aware of the racist and classist origins of policing, but I’m talking about the present). Instead, the institution of policing itself is deeply corrupt and abusive to its core; not just to black people, but to people of all walks of life (but particularly the poor). 
Like you said, I think the average American (well, those who haven’t been targeted and abused by the police already) holds onto blind cop worship or defense as a coping mechanism. The sheer level of police corruption in the United States is terrifying and it’s easier to go through life believing that the police are there to protect you and only bad people get in trouble. They don’t understand (nor do they want to understand) that it’s not just “a few bad apples” abusing their power but rather an entire system that bends over backwards to protect and accommodate abusive, violent, unprofessional cops. Not only that, but they actively harass and endanger whistleblowers (the actual good cops) who try to expose corruption.
It’s just enraging to me because a lot of Americans pride themselves on being individualists who are skeptical of authority and are willing to fight against tyranny, but when actual state-enforced violence and oppression is waged on their fellow Americans they just make excuses and defend authority. Oh, except when it comes to wearing a fucking mask. Then all their talk of “just obey authority” goes out the window.
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