#We got together almost on valentine's day. We both were like uhhhh something is gonna happen but idk what or when but I Feel It
winter-tospring · 1 year
I want to thank my wife for making me see the color pink in a new light; making it a joyous event for me, instead of something I roll my eyes at. Associating it with her is the best thing that could have happened to my relationship to it. It's genuinely happy for me now, because I know it makes her happy. And I feel protective, and in that feeling, grows a defensive stubbornness to have more pink and more softness.
My heart just burstssss 💓with the desire to surround her with all the pretty things. With all the soft, blooming pink adornments i could find, to make her feel light, loved, and more precious than the stars.
I love that she's the softest soul I've ever known. I treasure her unabashed love of cute things, pretty, silly things I wouldn't have opened my heart to before. She's the smartest and most knowledgeable person I know, and her humor matching mine was like endless cherries on top of what I already was incredibly humbled to be a part of with her. There's something so grounding about the light-hearted moments; I really started realizing that in the past months. She makes me laugh all day, and she laughs with me, and even what I do and what I joke about can make her smile to tears. I'm starstruck by it, because she's a wonder to behold in those moments, and because it makes me feel so liked... I go shy in my heart, and smile to myself. One of the greatest joys.
I'm in awe that I get to know all parts of her, equally. Her resolution of spirit, her encyclopedic brain, her balm of a laugh, her lazy touch, her corny jokes, and so much more... To have known and adored her as someone online, then a friend, and to now know and adore her intimately, constantly makes me feel so privileged and wonderstruck.
She makes me look twice at simplicity, and awards my heart with beauty and meaning that I wouldn't have found had she not pointed to it. Trinkets, patterns, details, words, and actions; I think life is fizzing within her, and she cares so much because she can feel it all for how invaluable it is. She lives through the kind of heart I've aimed to carry in myself. I cultivate the thoughts to behave with intention, but she truly feels it all, second after second, and to watch her is to love life a thousandfold.
I try harder because of her, I wait longer because of her, I give my body pause for appreciation of what's around me, of what beauty could be found in it. I watch her watch things, and take notes. I give pause to more, in general, to feel the length of moments and savor them, and I start to understand that relaxing and nothingness have value in them, beyond preservation, or restoration. Sitting there with you is a treasure in itself. I know it, but my instincts take me out of what I know in my core to be true, for fear, that just being here wouldn't be enough. You brush fears gently with your warmth, and keep me embraced for long enough to feel, that I'm right where I should be.
She brightens everything with her gentleness and her uncorrupted stance in herself, which I admire so greatly. Seemingly uninfluenced by trends and outside opinion, she remains so effortlessly herself that her taste is truly hers, and it's so rare, and inspiring. She's like a true free spirit. She knows what she sees in things, and in others, and she's not afraid to compliment and acknowledge, even the smallest things. Victories are a many, every day, when you are around her. It's so light, so unburdened. All a continuation of communication and cooperation, and sadness, and comfort, and good faith, and care, leading us to all the finish lines we ever start.
I want her warmth to be held and celebrated for the gift that it is. I long to spend all my time embellishing her world the way she does mine. My love is hers, always deepening, filling endlessly with memories to look back on. I want more pictures than one can store, and I'm so happy about it. I used to delete without care, and now I want to overflow in folders of us.
I'm more affectionate than I could have ever been; I feel it become part of me, my hand reaching for her like that's what it's meant for. I feel the eyes beyond us becoming irrelevant. It gets easier and lovelier and more necessary each time I see her face again. It makes me so happy, and proud, and I know it's thanks to her.
I realized recently that I finally understand this thing about not knowing where the other person begins and where you end. Fade into you, you know. I understand. It's beyond words, constant when in her presence, unstated, but here, in me, between us. I feel complete, I feel peace, I'm at home with her. Nothing comes close to this.
I love you, infinitely, Dusty. I love choosing you, every single day. It's effortless; it's the thing that makes the most sense in the whole world. I'm so proud of you, and in love with you. 2 years of giggly disbelief that you love me too. I'm so lucky, @dustlines <3
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myeternalsin · 4 years
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Hello everyone! 2020… WOW. Can I just say that it has been a complete and utter rollercoaster! IT’S BEEN AWFUL! I am making this post to explain multiple things about myself, my stories, my accounts, etc, so grab a cup of your favorite drink and finger snacks because this is gonna be one long a*$ post! (Excuse my French, but considering everything I’m about to explain I felt like I needed to write that!)
First off, 2020. I believe everyone thought that 2020 was going to be their year. Everyone had their hopes and spirits high to the skies. I was one of those many people. I celebrated New Years Eve with my boyfriend of 3 and a half years and thought this year would be perfect. Valentines day on a Friday, my 21st birthday on Easter, 4th of July on a Saturday, etc. COVID-19 happened. I live in Cedar Rapids Iowa where honestly, my governor had and still has done sh*t about COVID-19. 
Around the end of March I was hit with some very hard information. 
The daycare I worked at, 8-5, as a full time job during the week of spring break had it’s numbers DROP. I went from a class of 12 children to a minimum of 4 a day to a maximum of 7 children. I was even given Wednesday off along with my teacher assistant as we were TOO overstaffed at the center. Usually when I leave work at 5 o'clock, there’s about 20 to 25 children left by the end of the day since we close at 6. I should have known that Monday that the week was going to get worse. There were only 6 CHILDREN at the center when I left EARLY at 4:30. The next day I came home at 10 since we were overstaffed again, and was called at noon that our daycare was shut down. I’m laid off. Start filing for unemployment. 
I was completely HEARTBROKEN. I was truly hoping to stay open, not for the pay or to “get the virus so I can stay home” as some of my co workers joked-but to stay open for the CHILDREN. I was praying that they could get through this and that this whole COVID-19 would blow ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL over soon… boy, was I WRONG! 
I celebrated my 21st birthday at the apartment with my boyfriend instead of bar hopping since everything was shut down. I was completely and utterly BOARD. I had no clue what to do with myself! During this time, my boyfriend was also stuck in the apartment instead of at the office. While we were at the apartment, there was this trend on TikTok called the “towel drop challenge”. I was honestly thinking that since were both cooped up in this tiny apartment that was could, ya know, get it on~
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Three and a half years. I was with this boy for three and a half years without ever losing my V-card! I mean, we’d tried on multiple occasions but I just never got my cherry popped. I was told by my mom that any boy would have taken my virginity by now and not waited this long. I even asked him a year after we were together if he was possibly gay or asexual. Which wouldn't have been a problem AT ALL! I have no hate against him however he identified sexually, I just wished that he would have told me or he would have done something about it. 
That fateful day, I let him know that I wanted his time and attention. He could have walked away from his computer. There were times where he’d either be on his phone with his head down while “working”, or he’d come out into the living room to play a video game for half an hour while still “logged in and working”. I was hoping to just get ten minutes of his time. I was lying in my bed, naked and waiting for him. I know he saw me too, yet he didn’t do anything. It was the end of his work work shift, and I was waiting with anticipation for him to just POUNCE on me. 
He gave me a kiss on the forehead and said, “I’m going downstairs to do laundry.”
My whole entire being shattered. I was completely DEVASTATED. I always asked myself after every time we tried having sex if something was wrong with me. Was I not pretty enough? Is it because I got bigger throughout the years we were together? Was it because I was inexperienced? Was I performing wrong on him when we would do stuff? I was pretty sure I was attracted to him both physically and personality wise. So what was wrong?
I got so upset and started screaming and yelling at him while crying everything out about not only what he just did, but about everything. In the end, I just collapsed on the bed and said “I want to go home.” I was like a broken record, uttering that saying over and over again.
So, I moved out. I am still living with my parents, and honestly it was rough and still is. I became so depressed. This boy was my best and sadly only friend I ever had. I had pushed away all of the friends I used to have because of him. I tried contacting some old friends, but they had all moved on with their lives. Everyone’s getting married, engaged, having kids, having pets, graduating college. I had nothing, or at least it felt like it at the time.
No friends, no boyfriend, moved in with my parents, and no job.
That’s right. The owner of the daycare never hired me back on, along with six other staff members. Around the beginning of July, I was wondering why I hadn’t been contacted to come back to work. I was willing to travel even though I didn’t live in that city anymore because of the breakup. I was notified by a coworker that they were back to work already a month ago and she was wondering where I was! I called the daycare and never went through to anyone about why I wasn't back.
I felt so useless. A failure. Disappointment. I wanted to not exist. 
I knew that I shouldn’t have had these thoughts, and it scared the shit out of me that my mind was not only thinking it-but the feeling and urge to actually follow through with it.
So, I contacted my doctor. Got some antidepressants, and am trying to get a therapist at the moment. My doctors building with their therapist are practically booked with everything going on. It’ll still be a little bit before I can talk to someone. I was told by my doctor to try to find something to do that peaks my interest. I thought of my work and you guys. I’m proud of the writing I have and can’t believe I left you guys hanging, both on request and stories. I found something I could do to lift my spirits up yet again!...
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August 10th 2020, I woke up at 10 in the morning. I made a hearty breakfast and an iced coffee for the first time in FOREVER! I was pumping myself up to get on here and to start writing again! After I was done eating, the city sirens went off.
“Is there a tornado?” I asked my parents. They themselves didn’t know either because both cable and the electricity went out as soon as I asked. We all hurried downstairs with all three and a half dogs as the wind picked up and the rain became more heavy. (I said a half because M,W,F we babysit my sister's little beagle dog.)
We sat and waited for the storm to be over and we were wondering what was going on. My dad was about to get up when BOOM! The house shook and vibrated all around us.
My mom started crying hysterically, my dad tried to comfort the dogs and create a barrier for them not to go upstairs, and I just kinda sat there. It was like I wasn’t really registering what was going on. Maybe it was because I was trying to stay positive? Maybe a couple branches just smashed the siding of the house or window? Were the antidepressants not allowing me to cry and freak out? I wasn’t sure what was going on with me at the time. 
The rain stopped and my parents went upstairs to check everything out while I stayed downstairs with the dogs.
“Argh! What the!?” I exclaimed as I showed my flashlight on my phone to the ceiling. It was dripping from the heating and cooling vent. I saw other droplets of water along the Styrofoam tile ceiling, and followed the trail towards the small kitchen area where there was water IN the ceiling light!
“Uhhhh, guys?” I yelled to my mom and dad upstairs.
“Wait a couple minutes sweetie!” My mom responded back as I started to hear their hurried feet running around upstairs.
“We got water coming downstairs!” I hollered as I grabbed a couple of empty solo cups I had downstairs since I was living down there to start collecting the water.
“Yeah? That’s ’cause we got a hole in the house!” My dad yelled.
The big tree in the backyard that was planted from the previous owner back in the 1950’s crashed into the living room from this storm we later learned 3 days later called Derecho. We’ve been recovering for about a month now. Almost everything is back to normal. 
We got power and water back 2 weeks ago from today, the internet back a week ago, and cable has been kind of wonky. We’ve been wanting nothing but the news and were able to have cable for ONE DAY. It crashed and we still don’t have cable. We’ve tried antennas but they just aren’t working in our location. 
The downstairs floor is ruined. We had to rip out the carpet and the floors now have asbestos. I live upstairs now in the guest room and we’re pretty much confined to the entry way since we still have a huge hole in the living room. No comfortable seating either. We’re hoping to hear back from the insurance claim sometime this week… but there's a possibility that we might just have to move if the damage is too much. 
To put the good old fashioned cherry on top, one of our dogs may no longer be with us this week. She hasn’t eaten in the past couple of days and is only drinking water. We’re taking her to the vet tomorrow to see what’s going on, or if she’s suffering too much.
Honestly… 2020 can F#@! OFF! It’s been such an awful year! But! I am ready to get back into the swing of things and get back to writing and writing for you guys again!
I was going to explain some things about my accounts and rules but I feel a tad bit drained after writing this all out, and I haven't typed on a keyboard in so long! My wrists HURT! Give me a couple of hours and I'll be back with a PSA part 2! I will be posting this to all of my accounts so no one is left out of the loop. Be back soon! 
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translightyagami · 6 years
Otp questions for Matsuda/Light?
dflkjskaljf;ldfsakj ALL OF THEM????? aight dude.
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
i don’t think either of them spends a lot of money on each other. their relationship isn’t rlly....over the table. but i think matsuda gets light presents sometimes like that sashmi phone charm or fun socks. he definitely DEFINITELY gets light something on valentines day bc he sort of hopes light will do the same but uh light has to go on his lunch break to the nearest convience store and buy some shitty chocolates bc he doesn’t want matsuda to know he forgot. except matsuda like knows, he’s just too nice and a little too into light to say anything.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
matsuda will lay his head on light’s lap while light is doing paper work. its late on a tuesday when they hv light’s apartment to themselves which almost nvr happens and he’s running his hand thru matsuda’s hair. its almost like they’re a real couple. it’s almost like light cares.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
they r both way too conservative abt their bodies to walk around half naked anywhere but if matsuda spills something on his shirt he’s not gonna soak in that cold coffee. he’ll strip that shirt off and use light’s washing machine and then chill in the kitchen. light yells at him, which scares the shit out of matsuda bc light almost nvr yells at ppl if he can help it, and tells him that misa is going to b home in like an hour so he can’t b waltzing around w no shirt on. then he stops, sees matsuda’s wide eyes and his anger slinks back into it’s cage so he offers to blow him as an apology.
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
matsuda is always getting on light for staying up too late. “you’re giving kira too much of your time!” he says and light just gets this ugly look on his face like he’s halfway to a laugh but also abt to melt. “how else can we bring him to justice,” he says, “if we aren’t giving up some parts of our comfort?” that shuts matsuda up.
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
god they both suck so hard at cooking. matsuda tries to make them like romantic meals and light lets him bc he loves it when ppl do things for him ever at all. all the meals end up burnt and light tells matsuda he doesn’t mind but he rlly rlly does bc then he has to explain to misa why their apartment smells like burned chicken. they order takeout or go somewhere to eat and its rlly uncomfortable for the rest of the night.
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
oh for sure matsuda sees those, like, couples memes and wants desperately to send them to light and b like “ha that’s us” but he’s not sure if they count as a couple since light makes him leave immeadiately after they fuck. so instead he just sort of casually will announce that this meme makes him think of someone and light doesn’t look up from his work like “what’s a meme?”
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
god they r like different sizes but sometimes, if light is weak and lets matsuda convince him to go to his place, light borrows a shirt from matsuda that’s too big on his all flat angles body. it hangs on him and it kind of....turns matsuda on a little?? they’re all his old college track shirts. light always returns them promptly the next day, washed and folded in a plastic bag.
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
light likes to send matsuda on errands bc he knows he can and also he hates hving to do small tasks so he’ll like send him to get lunch and then when he gets back will get huffy if he forgets to bring like...enough napkins.
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
it’s canonical in my headcanon that light is a very bad driver and matsuda actually had to help him learn so matsuda drives them most of the time. light gives surprisingly good directions for what a shit driver he is, mostly bc he has a good memory and spent a lot of time using the subway so he knows his streets. get him out in the country tho and he’s like “uhhhh turn left?? maybe right??? lets use the gps.”
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
light poses and matsuda draws a shitty stick figure w a tie on. light must stiffle the urge to rip it up and it’s the greatest feat of strength he’s ever managed.
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
uhhuhuhuuhhh shit man i literally hv no idea with this one!!! neither of them can do a backflip but matsuda is convinced that if given the chance, he could do one and then light and he hv that charlie and mac argument of “u can’t do a backflip” “i do a backflip every day of my life!!”
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
literally. neither of them stops the other one. light doesn’t drink a lot but matsuda will take him out clubbing which means light gets drunk off two cocktails and half of matsuda’s rum n’ coke. he dances to ariana grande and pulls matsuda on the floor and matsuda is so flattered by the attention that he lets light get drunker until he’s swaying and they hv to take a cab back to his apartment bc he can barely stand.
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
i think i said in the first question, but matsuda often leaves light little gifts.
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
dslkfjla;skdfj;aslkfj;slfa matsuda sometimes puts yagami as his last name but that’s only bc he spends so much time w that family. he’d b so pleased to marry into it honestly. its a secret dream of his to propose to light and for light to accept and it keeps him warm on nights when light won’t return his calls.
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
neither of them take the spider outside but matsuda will just smack it w his shoe. light gets the bug spray and watches the spider die, slowly and painfully. he only ever does this when no one else is around but god, it’s a little thrill to take the edge off.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
matsuda forgets his jacket A Lot and so light will offer his as a token of affection (or at least as much a token as light can manage). it nvr fits but the same song and dance happens every time. matsuda wishes that light would forget his jacket once so it would b the other way around but uhhhh mr. five hundred plans at once has nvr been unprepared for bad weather. except once on a certain rooftop but like who’s keeping score?
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
their relationship is secret so nobody. but if sayu knew, she’d hv a word or two for matsuda abt dating her wonderful brother who deserves the best boyfriend life has to offer.
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
hmm. this one is......tough. neither of them every say anything but matsuda almost does. it takes a while. it takes several times of matsuda getting up to put on his shoes and looking over his shoulder, asking if light’s sure he wants to be alone. its a lot of him “dropping by” when he knows misa isn’t home but light didn’t ask him to come over and just watching tv together. he’s like a frog in water slowly boiling until he realizes the water is too hot and he’s burning with some kinda something for light. so he works up a little courage and a little stupidity and one night, after sex, he rolls over and asks light what they are. light blinks and smiles. “we’re friends,” he says and matsuda’s heart is a brick sinking into his stomach. “oh,” he says. “okay.” he doesn’t bring it up again.
a week later, light calls one of their outings a date and the brick starts to lift.
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
Oh They’d B Such Shit.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
is this.....are you trying to ask me who does 1337 speak? okay okay. u would b surprised but i think light uses a lot of text chat when he messages ppl he’s closer to. if its like a work message, its all business but if it’s like a booty call to matsuda its like “hey wyd?” matsuda texts in such.....text code....u would hv to hv one of those “what is ur teen saying” guides next to u to understand. light can’t keep up. the only time matsuda texts with perfect grammar is when he’s sexting and honestly? that is half of what drives light wild.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
here’s the facts: light likes matsuda but if he saw him getting bullied or anything and protecting him meant bringing himself to literally any harm? he’d turn right around and go in a different direction. matsuda defends light constantly whenever someone says something abt him being kira. anyone got anything to say abt light yagami? matsuda is on ‘em at the drop of a hat.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
god matsuda makes so many puns. he’s out of control. every time he opens his mouth its light’s worst nightmare which is nice humor and fun. he’ll grit his teeth and smile but inside he’s in special dead hell which is for ppl hearing bad jokes. BUT there’s one time where light is doing something and doesn’t catch himself b4 just out loud making a pun and the grin on matsuda’s? could’ve lit up an entire stadium.
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
if matsuda ever brought a puppy into light’s home, he’d b out on his ass in a minute. his dick game isn’t that strong.
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
matsuda is actually a little stronger than light, he’s like short-ish but built and frequently has to carry light home from clubs bc he can’t handle his alcohol. when he does carry him, light gets v handsy and matsuda has to like try and calm him down which is hard bc matsuda is drunk too? uhuhuh here’s something: one time when matsuda was carrying light home, light kept up this stream of conversation abt nothing and then started to make this weird, choked crying noise and matsuda was like whats wrong and light just kept saying “he’s dead” all gargled n shit. matsuda got him home and everything and light offered to hv sex with him but there was something so dead eyed abt him that matsuda was like “uhhhh i’ll just go home.” and light looked v small and matsuda knew he should probably stay, that light would b sick soon and probably vomit and he should definitely stay but he leaves anyway. he thinks abt that a lot after he shoots light. abt the way he lay there like a corpse, like he died six years ago and was haunting himself.
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
every once in a while light will do some intramural sports like soccer just to keep up his physique (he’s one of those ppl that like sports over like gym time) and matsuda always goes w misa under the pretense of their friendship. secretly tho he’s checking out light’s legs in shorts. light has v defined thighs.
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
matsuda takes eight selfies every rare occasion light sleeps on him and uses the kitty ear filter on them. he only sends the snapchat to his mom, who is the only person that knows abt him and light, and keeps the photo saved on his phone. light nvr finds out abt them. matsuda’s mom snapchats him back a thumbs up.
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
light would definitely give matsuda pointers and he actually does it, unsolicited, pretty often. if he could get a crack at matsuda’s waredrobe? god. the amount of macy’s casual wear he would shove in there. he hates matsuda’s day off clothes. worn jeans??? no thanks!!!
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
matsuda has a lizard named suds and light is not terrified of it, okay??? he just doesn’t like how it feels when it touches his skin and also how its eyes look and also he’s maybe a little scared of it so whatever
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
light insists on holding the umbrella bc he’s taller and likes the control but if he’s super busy and speedwalking he lets matsuda do it. also bc he likes flexing his ability to make ppl do things and it makes him feel royal to hv someone else hold his umbrella.
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
well, they’d literally nvr go on vacation bc they r not in that kind of relationship BUT if they did, they’d probably just go out to the country to a bed n breakfast in the gayest fashion possible. light would use the time to read some books he bought but nvr got around to reading. matsuda attempts to write a science fiction story which he is too embarassed to show light. light hacks his computer when he’s asleep so he can read it and finds out that the love interest is just a thinly veiled version of himself so he shuts the computer and crawls in bed, blushing bc he’s flattered and bc there were a lot of alien sex scenes w his character.
matsuda takes several phone pics of light falling asleep in the car on the way to the bed n breakfast and is sorely tempted to save one as his phone background. he doesn’t but he does keep one of those pictures even after light dies. it reminds him that light was human. that somewhere there was a person in there, that he didn’t sleep with a monster.
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aghostpost · 7 years
Can you do a Jughead x reader where the reader is Veronica's non-identical twin sister and the reader is all geeky and nerdy and stuff thank you xx
“Is there any way I could just go to the library?”
“Umm, I’m afraid not. You’ll have to spend the remainder of class here, Y/N.”
I sighed. “Alright then.” I just handed in my pre-calculus test with a whole 32 minutes left to spare in class. While I wanted to go to the library to work on my chemistry lab report, apparently I was to be detained in class. So I took out the tiny sketchbook I kept on me and started doodling. Or, at least I wanted to. I was drawing blanks any time my pencil hovered over the blank white page.
I looked at Mr. Stewing Silently one row ahead of me, three seats to the left. He had his deep thought face on. Granted he was taking a test just like everyone else, but he also had a look that he was in serious thought almost eighty percent of the time. I was staring, yes, and before I knew it my pencil was scrawling over the thick sketch paper.
“What are we, eight years old?” I asked my sister. “Gimme my sketchbook back!”
“I can not believe you have a crush on Jughead!” She laughed, an arm outstretched to me and keeping me at bay with my sketchbook open in her other hand to one page in particular. It was a sketch I managed to draw of her friend that was in my math class. “I mean, why didn’t you just tell me, Y/N? You know I woulda set you guys up-”
“-Because drawing someone doesn’t mean I like them,” I claimed, crawling across my bed to finally snatch the book from her hand. “And don’t tell him about this either.”
“Oh come on, why not?”
“Because I know you, Ronnie, and I know you’re gonna make a huge deal out of this! That or it’s just gonna sound really creepy when you tell him I was staring at him and drawing his face.”
“I think it’s sweet! Poetic, even-”
“-Jesus, Veronica-”
“-What? Is it wrong for me to be excited that you are finally showing interest in a guy?”
“I never said I was interested in him,” I reiterated with a head shake, now becoming frustrated that she was distracting me from getting my homework done.
“Plus it’s like the whole twintuition thing; you feel all happy and bubbly inside over a guy, I think I feel it, too-”
“-Earth to Veronica?? Are you hearing anything at all that I’m saying? Even more importantly, are you hearing yourself? I’m serious, don’t mention this to him or anyone else.”
“Not even B-”
“-No, not even Betty!”
I was at my locker staring at my schedule and refusing to acknowledge that I overbooked myself. Tutoring sessions for both Spanish and pre-calc, a meeting with my chemistry study group to trade notes for an upcoming test, and I still have to finish an art project when I got home. Sighing and shoving my planner back into my locker, I grabbed my lunch and closed the metal door only to be presently surprised to see my twin sister there. With guests.
“Holy- Please, don’t scare me like that!”
“Y/N, nice to see you here!”
“… You’re at my locker, Veronica.”
“Am I? Anyway, what’d you pack for lunch?”
“Uhhh, some of the… pasta salad mom made last night? And half a turkey sandwich? Why?”
“Wow, that sounds amazing. Now why didn’t I think of that?” She turned to her friends behind her, including the boy whose face was burning a hole in both my mind and my sketchbook. “She’s always thinking of things like this. This is why she is so amazing, guys.”
“Because I pack my lunch?”
“Come eat with us!” I opened my mouth to protest but she grabbed my elbow and pulled me along with her circle of friends. Betty, I was familiar with because she visited the house often. Any time her cell was to her ear, you could almost guarantee she was talking to Betty Cooper. Archie, Mr. Tall,Red and Handsome football player, was pretty hard to miss. Jughead Jones, not so much. Easy to miss, easy to forget, blended in with the background like no other.
At least that’s how everyone but me would describe him.
“Betty- Well, you already know Betty. Archie-”
“-You’re the twin sister. Nice to finally be introduced.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard about you. Veronica says you’ve got some skills behind a guitar…”
“Ehh, somethin’ like that,” he responded shyly, his face threatening to burn as bright as his hair.
“You’ll have to let me hear sometime. I’ve got a real good ear.”
“According to Veronica here you’ve also got a gift with writing.” I diverted my attention to the beanie clad boy to Archie’s right, swallowing nervously at being right under his scope. “Jughead Jones. You wrote for your school paper in New York, right?”
“Uhhh, yeah. But you know, that was just a middle school paper, so…”
“What, can’t handle a high school paper? Writing about the real, important stuff?” he asked, his eyes widening mockingly at the word real.
“I thought you guys didn’t have a school paper…”
“I’m changing that,” Betty chimed in happily. “With everything going on with Jason, all the speculation around it, I thought now’s the best time to revive the Blue & Gold.”
“I see. Well, I can show you guys a few samples of my writing if you want. If you think it’s good enough-”
“-Hi,” Veronica raised a hand and interjected with a nervous smile on her face. “I may or may not have… already shown them your writing?”
“Geez, Veronica- What articles??”
“Don’t worry, no fluff pieces were involved. Trust me, if it caught my attention I was colored impressed,” Jughead smugly stated. He bit into his burger and I rushed to drink my cranberry juice, hoping the momentary distraction would lessen the burning feeling of the spotlight on me. I couldn’t distract myself from the feeling of knowing Jughead acknowledged and even complimented my writing, however.
I cleared my throat. “I’ll have to see if I can fit it into my schedule.”
“I told them you were a busy bee, queen of extracurriculars.”
“Anything you didn’t tell them, Ron??”
“Honestly, you’re a machine, Y/N.” I chuckled, looking up at the foot of my bed where Jughead was reading an article I’d written on my laptop. “Do you ever stop for one second, take in life around you?”
I nodded. “Yeah, of course. For exactly one second. Then it’s back to work.”
“Yes, of course. So what is it today? Fix the nation’s budget? End world hunger? Launch your campaign for presidency?”
“That’s Monday’s schedule,” I said with a smile. “It’s the weekend and I take my weekends very seriously which mean I unwind.”
“And this is how you unwind?” he asked, tapping the top edge of my sketchbook. I was reclined against my pillows coloring a landscape drawing I did recently.
I shrugged casually. “Sometimes. Draw, write… read anatomy textbooks.”
“Of course you read anatomy textbooks,” he commented dryly with a signature eyeroll as he climbed up next to me. I held the open sketchbook to my chest. Surprisingly my drawing wasn’t something I shared with too many people and possibly was the one thing I was sensitive about. “Well c’mon, lemme see it.”
“-I won’t judge. Hell, if you’re as good at drawing as you are at literally everything else you do, I’m sure I’ll be looking at the next Picasso.”
“O’Keeffe, actually.”
“Oh but of course. Y/N O’Keeffe. Silly me.”
I laughed, shoving him playfully. “Shut up. Promise you won’t say anything.”
“Cross my heart.” I hesitated and stared him down, still contemplating if this was a good idea. “I promise!” he urged.
“Okay!” I sighed and paused dramatically before handing him the sketchbook. It was a very unfamiliar feeling, like handing someone my diary and giving them free reign to read what they will. He started from the beginning and slowly flipped through, carefully pouring over each page quietly. Moments went by and still not a word, not an expression his face, just absolute silence and stillness.
“Okay this is killing me. I don’t know if you’re silent because it’s really bad or because you just don’t know what to say.”
“I’m silent because you made me promise not to say anything.”
“Nothing bad!”
He chuckled to himself, shaking his head. “I have nothing bad to say. You already know you’re good at this, what does my opinion matter?”
“It matters to me…” I pulled the book from his hands and turned to the page I went to that one day in math class, the page Veronica found flipping through my sketchbook. “What do you have to say about this?”
I braced myself for the worst as he turned and twisted his head as he stared at his own face on that page. “When did you draw this?”
“Umm, in pre-calc. Our last test.”
“The one you finished a year early? I got a C on that test, by the way.”
He sighed and looked at me. “I think I look a lot better on this paper than I do off it.”
“Really? You don’t think it’s weird? I mean, I was staring at you for a long time trying to get this right; you have a distinct glare that’s hard to capture on paper.”
“I take that as a compliment. And no, I don’t think it’s weird. I’m flattered, actually. I don’t get flattered often.”
“Well in that case…” Quickly I scribbled a signature on the bottom corner of the page and tore it from my sketchbook, handing it over to him. “Somethin’ for your fridge.”
“Oh this is much too good for the fridge,” he said, accepting the drawing. “This one is getting framed. I’ll look at it every day for inspiration, hoping someday I will look at good as this pencil drawing of myself.”
I felt my ignite and rushed to change the subject. “So, did you really get a C on that test? You should come to a study group with me or… I don’t know, if you want, I could help you out. I do math tutoring after school sometimes.”
He sighed and leaned back against my pillows. “Or, as exhilarating as that sounds, we could just go to Betty’s Valentine’s Day event.”
“Oh yeah. I said I’d go to get some coverage for the newspaper; it’s supposed to be a good time, Josie and the Pussycats are even gonna perform.”
“Right, well, I meant we go together. As in to enjoy ourselves, not to do extracurriculars.”
“Oh. O-oh! You mean like… together together. As in…”
“A date. Yes.”
So much for extinguishing the fire in my face. “Right. A date. W-With you. Me and you together.”
“Yes, that usually makes a date, two people together. Are you short-circuiting up there?” he asked, playfully tapping the top of my skull.
“No. I-I mean yes. No, I’m not having a brain short-circuit and yes, I will go with you. A little short notice seeing that the event is tonight.”
“Good thing you already have a dress, right?” he asked smugly, hopping up from my bed and pulling his coat on.
“Wait, how do you know I have a dress?”
“Because you went shopping with Veronica. Who do you think gave me the idea to ask you? Admittedly I’m a little embarrassed I didn’t think to ask you myself.” He picked up the drawing and leaned across the bed and to my surprise kissed my jaw. “See you tonight, Georgia O’Keeffe.” Once my shock dissipated I mumbled a weak “See you later” but of course he was already making his way downstairs.
When I heard the front door close I fell back on my pillows and reeled in for a moment before yelling what was really on my mind. “Veronica I’m gonna kill you!”
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