#We have lived in this house for 8 years 😔 not once has it been cleaned
chickenisamazing · 1 year
I'd never cleaned the washing machine (didn't realize that was a thing u had to do 😔) and I tried really hard to clean it last week and it's way cleaner than it used to be but it's still dirty like there's gunk in the holes in the drum that I can't seem to scrub out very well and I hate to think how gross it must be on the side I can't see
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cashweasel · 6 months
It was hard to pick,,,,, so, fjskdjsksjs it’s so many (only sort of sorry,,ngl) 😂
5,17 for kiyazan
9,25 for daemon nd karima
8,15 for Gideon and valen loll
29 for all of em 💀
Once again I FORGOT ABOUT A BLORBO ASK but I literally had this in the drafts and everything and today I bring you answers FHRHDJKSSJ
5. How do they comfort each other when they are sad?
Yazan is a big actions guy so if something is bothering her he’d want to take care of it and fix it immediately also kiki loves cuddles and cuddles she shall receive fjskakdjdk will literally do anything to make it better,, holding her, talking about it, dancing it out, ordering her favorite takeout (yazan talking about it is a mix him being sincere and dissing the shit out of the person/situation and I kinda love it djdjskdjdk) leaving kiki’s part for you because I wanna know 😌💗
17. Their ways of expressing their love.
We talked about yazan putting up the shelves that kiara got that have been sitting around since forever and that pretty much what it’s about 😂 he just does things for her, or does things so she doesn’t have to. Pre relationship or pre living together yazan would just go around her house and fix anything that needed fixing fjdksidjdk,, also a big part of why he doesn’t mind doing the chores. To put it shortly acts of service and quality time!
Daemon and karima:
9. How open are they with their feelings?
I know why you’re asking this 😂💀 karima is…. Unfortunately still not the best at it at least in a serious vulnerable context and she bottles up a lot BUT she would sit down with him and be like “can I tell you something homie to homie 😔” and even then she tries to to keep it from getting too deep even when it comes to expressing love she’s not one to get Too sentimental but will let him know she cares about him. But this is mostly when they’re still in the beginning of their relationship (honestly it might take her 2+ years of being like that 💀) but I will say the first time she lets herself cry in front of him…………..
25. Share any headcanons about their relationship.
FHDKSJSKDJ ok so you know karima will just KO whenever wherever and her sleep is heavyyyyyy lol and I just think daemon doesn’t let her sleep in her makeup that’s all 😌 she’s knocked tf out snoring and all and he’s just 🥰 wiping her makeup off and doing her skincare for her
Valen and Gideon:
8. What are their most prominent memories of each other?
PLEASE 😭 valen’s is that he used to keep a pet rat as a kid, everybody refused to acknowledge it because it wasn’t actually a pet it was some rat he found lurking in their gardens and deemed it his bestie and would check up on it every day fssksjdjdj and when the rat died gideon was the one that buried and held a funeral for it 😔
Gideon’s most prominent memory has to be valen punching his dad in a room full of people loll bc not only was it incredibly humiliating and an act of love towards his bestie but it was also the first time anyone really stood up to this bully of a man and he just got wrecked by a teenager fjskaksjdj it was great seeing him hunched over w a bleeding nose until he made a comment about the company his son keeps and then it was both boys vs the guards trying to tear them off him fjdksksjskdn
15. Does their view of themselves differ from their partner’s view?
Sort of lol,, gideon struggles so much with his self image and thinks he’s broken and has nothing to offer or that letting ppl get to know him is essentially a burden on him and them so he just doesn’t make friends or meaningful relationships easily and valen over here just Fails to fathom it because to him gideon’s the most solid friend he’s ever had and literally nothing like all those things he says about himself and so he always makes it a point to let him know all the things he appreciates about him
Valen on the other hand thinks he’s the most interesting and amazing person anyone has the pleasure of knowing and that he’s worth it and because he’s set that expectation for himself any criticism from others or negative emotions from himself is shoved aside in favor of the facade and while gideon agrees he’s amazing and lowkey idolizes him lol he’s the only one actually capable of giving him a reality check that he’ll listen to and seeing him as just valen
29. What are your favorite moments that happen between them?
WAAHHHH LMAO ok to be completely fair my fave kiyazan moment is them throwing up into the same toilet together and kiki tolerating the bugs yazan collects despite hating them bc if this isn’t love idk what is 😂
My favorite daemon karima moment is him kicking the ball in her face when they first met DJDKSKDJDJFN and also ceramics class
And my fave valengideon moment is them going into the city and buying some lame lizard which turned out to be a large dragon they tried hiding in a barn where hay and fire don’t mix very well SGDHFKSKDJDJ rip
[oc romance asks]
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toads-treasures · 1 year
Fifteen questions for fifteen mutuals!
(It will probably not be fifteen I am too scared to tag too many people)
I was tagged by @galaxycunt weeks ago, and I finally got around to answering.
Tagging @hereforthehaunts @cactme @plasticdodecagon @iwanttobecomeavoid @mars-colony no pressure tho!
Also, feel free to skip any questions you don’t wanna answer.
1. Are you named after anyone?
My great grandpa Tora. But he went by Tory. He was apparently a grumpy ol sonofabitch according to my dad, but it was also his idea to name me after him so 🤷‍♀️
2. When was the last time you cried?
Prolly like two days ago but I don’t know for sure for sure. I cry all the time. I think this time I was crying in frustration at packing for my last camping trip lol
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, and I don’t know if I want any tbh. It would really cut into my time of being the Weird/Fun Aunt who lets my nieces and nephews stay up too late and helps them dye their hair
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not nearly as much as I did when I was younger. We call that Growth 😌 but sometimes I can’t help myself
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
Ha. I am so uncoordinated I don’t play any sports. I played tennis for one year in high school and hated it. I’ve gone rock climbing once and really enjoyed it even though I was scared shitless, so I’d really like to get back into that. I’ve also been kind of wanting to play tennis again just for funsies with my husband and not actually pay attention to any rules or anything and just have fun.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
I think height? Because I’m pretty tall and if someone is taller than I am I definitely notice
7. Eye color?
Hazel is the least pretentious way to describe it. Or green…ish.
8. Scary movie or happy endings?
Why not both? I will say I like things to end happily, because I need to have some semblance of hope in the world lol, but also bittersweet endings will stick with me for the rest of my life.
9. Any special talents?
I am freaky good with names and faces. I will remember people who I had one college class with but never actually personally interacted with them. I can also like, trifold my tongue so it looks like a clover.
10. Where were you born?
Ha nice try fbi. Just kidding, it’s just a small town (like, less than a thousand people) in southern Utah and I highly doubt anyone would know the name or where it was, but if perchance they do, it probably means I know them in real life and I’d rather not risk it.
11. Free space
Ummmmm I love hiking and camping, and I’d love to get into photography and videography to be like a nature photographer, I think that would be cool. But I’m also Very Bad at taking pictures. I always forget to take them, or I frame it really bad or the lighting is really bad, I’ve got a lot to learn with that hobby lol. Also I wish I could just wear my crunchy/granolaey/outfits all the time business casual my absolute beloathed
12. Do you have any pets?
No 😔 I want one, either a cat or a dog, but honestly I have so much anxiety around it because there’s this CREATURE in my HOUSE and it needs me to live! And what if it eats my plants and what if my plants are toxic and what if it chews a hole in the floor or the door and we get kicked out and and and (you get the idea).
13. How tall are you?
5’10” 😎 my husband insists I’m 5’9” but he’s wrong
14. Favorite subject in school?
I’m still recovering from the god complex that being in English class gave me so, we’ll leave it at that.
15. Dream job?
I do not dream of labor, but I have a few ideas of what would be preferable than being a receptionist for the rest of my life lol. I’d like to open an online sticker/print shop and just draw and design cute silly stationary and stickers. I’ve also always dreamed of being an author, but seeing as how I can’t finish any of my wips that will probably remain a dream lol.
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marism-tr · 3 years
selfship Q&A
ahhhh im so late on this I DIDN’T FORGET IM JUST TRAPPED IN GENSHIN.
but thank you so much again for the tags!!!
@sennsational @nahoyassss @imaushiji @sanzuchi
1. your anime selfship person
Akashi Seijuro from Kuroko no Basuke
2. your ship name
seijuri (credit to eunoji for this!!!)
3. what do you call each other?
He’s “Sei-chan” to me and this threw him off when I first started using and he wondered why I couldn’t do his full name or even just “Sei.” but after getting used to it, he finds it endearing. he uses my first name or a pet name if he’s in the mood.
4. who confessed first?
it was kinda both of us at the same time??? we were a friends to lovers scenario and it just happened so naturally and we kinda both came to a mutual realization around the same time that we were basically almost dating and had feelings so why not?
5. how long have you been together?
OH GOD. This is going to show my age fr fr. BUT HAVE BEEN TOGETHER FOR 9 SOON TO BE 10 YEARS. Married for 5 of those years.
6. are you affectionate?
yesss but in different ways. I’m definitely more of the teasing type and it makes you wonder if I actually love him or if my mission is to make his life a nightmare and the answer is both. AND I KNOW HE LOVES ME FOR IT BECAUSE HE’S NEVER TOLD ME TO STOP. Maybe a long sigh or a text saying 😔 or 😐if my jokes suck.
I’m the type who needs reassurance that someone still loves me because I’m paranoid that maybe he fell out of love and is staying with me out of pity or obligation. But he’s pretty good at preventing my episodes of self doubt because he does small gestures of affection to show he loves me or thinks of me all the time. like bringing a souvenir from a trip, sending pictures of something he saw that day and wanted to share, messaging me to make sure I ate, etc.
7. living together/married?
Married for 5 years now but we moved in together a year before getting married!
8. kids?
3 sons which surprised even me.
9. what your friend group looks like?
he has his “work associates” that I refuse to meet more than I have to. but for actual friends, we share the same friend circle. if anything they’re more mine than his. even the ones he knew first and introduced me to.
10. how do you each get along with your friends?
his friends like me more LMAO. or they like that I balance out how serious he can be sometimes and get him to lighten up which he’s definitely been a lot better with!!! but he still seen as overly intimidating sometimes to others even though his mood is neutral so I act as his mood translator so others can know he’s not angry or scheming or something LMAO.
11. night in or night out?
mix of both! I’m the one planning what to do for nights in when we feel like having a more chill time and relaxing. He’s better at planning the night outs and always plans for dinner + some event and makes it a regular thing to do once every few weeks or so. I appreciate it a lot because he knows I sometimes just need to spend some time out of the house and unwind from being stuck inside 24/7.
12. your favorite date?
it was one of our first dates. he was trying to teach me tricks and tips for shooting a 3-pointers. result: he gets hit square in the face with the basketball because of my bad aim. he tells me I’m not allowed to try again without making sure all onlookers are standing behind me. he still gets smacked in the face despite standing behind.
tagging: no pressure!!! @dejwrites @festive @noekoi @hoetani who wants to do this too!!!
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