#Wedding venue in derby
heysibigotaquestion · 4 months
How to formally dress masculine
When I was younger the only formal event aside from prom was cotillion, so when I got a black tie invitation to a distant cousin's wedding, I was conflicted. I was recently out as trans, and while my cousin had said it was fine, I didn't know how to dress up in a masculine way. I hounded the internet for so long, trying to figure out what to wear. I struggled to buy stuff as well, since I'd never had to measure myself for a tux before, and all the ones at the closest mall looked cheap, and I wanted my first look to be one to remember.
Apparently, there's a lot that goes into deciding what to wear. The event changes the type of outfit, the venue changes the vibe of the fit, suits vs tuxedos, color scheme, color combos, pocket squares vs boutonnieres... let's just say it was more stressful than it had any right to be. So let's begin just at the type of event.
White tie, black tie, black tie optional, semiformal, cocktail... and many more event types exist out there. I'll quickly sum each up. White tie masculine means you're dressed to the nines, but as if you were in the 1800s. Tailcoats, waistcoats, gloves, the works. Black tie masc means its an event the paparazzi will stake out so you gotta look Nice. Tuxedo, patent leather shoes, preferably bow tie with studs but long ties work. (Also, black tie doesn't mean your tie has gotta be black, just a dark color.) Black tie optional events are where you can wear a suit if you'd like, long ties are preferred, and as far as I can tell this is where belts start getting worn, and they gotta match the shoes. Semiformal is the same as business wear. Suits are preferred. Cocktail is like tuxedo casual, ties aren't required, sports coats can be worn, pocket squares preferred. If you're looking for a specific type of event, I'd check google.
Venues can surprisingly change your vibe pretty easily. Think about it, you won't wear the same thing to a museum wedding as a barn wedding. Same hat, essentially. Thankfully, it can be explained pretty easily: if it's inside, typically it's gonna be nicer than an outdoor event. There are outliers of course, I mean, have you ever seen the kentucky derby? But usually that is a pretty good indicator of outfit vibes.
Keep in mind you can always google "cocktail wedding masculine outfit inspo" and check if your fit, well, fits.
Color Scheme
Pay attention to the venue of course, but also look at your calling cards/invitations. What colors are prominent? If it's a wedding, does it specify colors for you? If not and you've never done this before (like me) an all black fit with a white shirt is pretty standard and fits a good amount of events. If the invitation has earthy colors, maybe look for a green tie and brown suit. If it's navy blue and gold, maybe a navy jacket with black pants and gold studs and cufflinks. You judge.
Color Combos
On that note, all colors look good but not all colors look good together, you know? I'll just go ahead and list common color combos here in a sec, but a good piece of advice is try and do the same color hue. Dark blue and dark grey, or tan and pale green or pink are good combos, but dark blue with hot pink? It would only work in a specific and unique circumstance, yeah? Just keep that in mind.
Good combos:
Blue, grey, and black are standard colors and look good with a lot. Steel blue and middle grey. Light grey and a sage green. Terracotta and tan. Of course, black and white.
What is what
Suits, tuxes, sports coats, and blazers are all different things, apparently. I guarantee not a ton of people know this anymore, but if you wanna get technical, there are a few telltales on which is which.
Suits have buttons that are plastic or wood, and you see the holes where they are stitched to the jacket. The lapel (the folded part of the front, where you see your shirt underneath) is the same as the rest of the jacket. The fit is more rectangular than triangle. Suit jackets match the fabric of the pants.
Tuxedos have buttons that are covered in cloth. The lapel is usually a satin in a similar color as the rest of it. Tuxedo pants have pleats and don't have belt loops to my knowledge.
Sports coats are patterned, and you don't have matching pants, but instead have pants that compliment the pattern.
Blazers are a solid color and have metal or wood buttons. You don't match the pants, but instead compliment the jacket.
Pocket Squares vs Boutonnieres
It used to be that pocket squares were worn at every event, folded nicely and tucked into the breast pocket. They have since fallen out of style, and replaced with boutonnieres (thank spell check for that btw). Boutonnieres should complement the rest of the outfit OR stand out from the rest of the outfit. An ivory ribbon with an ivory shirt, Never wear white with ivory unless that's the specific look you are going for (it looks dingy). Blue flowers with blue suit. Pocket squares tend to match the tie. They can be worn at the same time, but one must be understated to allow for both without looking "overweighted" in your pocket.
How to Measure for online orders
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This is a sizing guide I just mocked up that follows the majority of formal wear websites that I looked at (it's not perfect, I did it on my phone). Some sites may differ, so double check it, but I'll walk you through measuring.
The first measurement you should make is red, going around the base of the neck where it connects at the shoulders. Don't measure too tightly, but also don't measure too loose. You should comfortably be able to stick two fingers next to your neck without choking you out.
The second is in blue, beginning in the middle of the neck where the spine begins protruding (if you're wearing a t-shirt, look where the label sits and go just above it), extending to the left outer shoulder on the back, then to the part of the elbow that's boney, then to the meat of the thumb, stop it just before the first knuckle of the thumb
The third and fourth are both green. The third will stretch across the widest part of the chest over your arms. If you're trans, wear the binder you will be wearing when you dress up, or else it will be too big. If you're cis, the measurement will cross over where most folks have their nipples, but I gotta say prioritise the widest part of your chest over your nipples when measuring. The fourth will be almost the same measurement but under your arms, oftentimes in the armpit. Take a deep breath.
The fifth, sixth, and seventh are all a hot pink color. The fifth measures around your natural waist. This is your typical "dip" in your sides, and should cross over your belly button. The sixth will be where you tend to wear your waistline of your pants. The seventh will crosses over most folks' crotch area, and will go over your butt, across the widest part of your seat.
The eighth and ninth are a purple color and the only ones got top to bottom instead of left to right. The eighth begins at the same place the sixth line ends, at the right of the waistline of where you wear your pants, and will extend along the outer leg, and will end where the knob of your ankle is. The ninth begins where the crotch is, and extends down the right side of the inner leg, and ends where the knob of the ankle is of the same leg that you measured for eight.
The first and second measurement will be for your shirt, for example a 15 inch neck and a 34 inch arm seam will be 15x34. The third and fourth will be your chest measurements and will make sure you don't hulk out of your jacket. They tend to have an 8-10 inch difference, such as 48 overarm and 40 underarm. The fifth, sixth, and seventh will ensure when you drop it down low you don't split your pants wide open, and tend to be similar to the underarm measurement with a 5 inch difference. So a 40 chest will be a 40 hip/widest part, with a 35 waistline and say maybe a 37 natural waist. I noticed some companies prefer one over the other for the eighth and the ninth, so check for OUTseam vs INseam when looking at their site.
How to check if an outfit fits correctly
Well, first put it on. If you can't get it on, shockingly I don't think it fits (haha).
The top shirt button, even if it will be covered by a tie, needs to close and not choke you out. It may be uncomfortable if you aren't used to them, but there is a difference between uncomfortable and choking you out. The neck typically is the determinator of the rest of the shirt aside from the sleeves, and doesn't usually get smaller/bigger without getting a smaller/bigger size neck. Some companies do offer a fitted version of their shirts, so check when looking online if you think you need one. The sleeve of the shirt, once buttoned, should rest on the meat of your thumb and around your wrist.
The pants should feel comfortable, if not a little thick, and you should be able to sit without them riding up past your sock or threatening to split. While standing, you shouldn't see above your ankle knob and the pants should have a little crease while resting on top of your shoe, unless you're showing off your shoes.
While wearing the jacket, you shouldn't be able to pinch more than an inch of fabric at the shoulder seam. The sleeves should let a little shirt peak out but still rest on the wrist while your arms are at your sides. The lapel shouldn't bulge or stretch once buttoned. The bottom of the jacket should rest at about your palms when you stand tall and relaxed.
Wow. That was a lot more information than I thought I knew. Maybe I should look into being someone's tailor /j. Anyway, I ended up renting from https://generationtux.com/ since they are totally online, and really like how I looked, but maybe check for in person rentals, since if something had gone wrong I wouldn't have been able to fix it.
If you're trans and wearing a formal look for the first time, wear the stuff you'll be wearing under your suit while measuring, and you should look fairly masculine, especially since suits don't tend to have a feminine cut.
Anyway, happy formalwear hunting. :)
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johnjankovic1 · 1 year
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Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love. William Shakespeare, Hamlet, 1601
The matrimony between statecraft and the conquest of the cosmos birthed the space industry in a concerted effort to seize the final frontier. A triumvirate of government, academia and corporations found common cause in the geopolitics of the Cold War to mobilize minds and machines against the Soviets whose Sputnik orbited the earth by 1957. This shot across the bow of a lone satellite in the outlands of the stars rattled American exceptionalism insofar as policymakers perceived it to be an existential threat over their monopoly of the sciences. The slender orb of 83.6kg evoked paranoia due to how swift the Soviet Union transitioned into a knowledge-based economy. Any robust space industry cultivates a panoply of ancillary sectors from vast spillovers to fabricate composite metals, semiconductors, liquid fuels and other things of this ilk. Prima facie the coup was prodigious by itself but the infrastructure behind it left Washington reeling. Manifestly the communists confirmed themselves to be lightyears ahead of their counterparts in the research of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The postwar propaganda value of boasting the know-how of rocketry to escape earth’s gravity rallied brains and brawn around the flag in a species of a Manhattan Project redux.
In the infancy of the space derby the torrent of Soviet victories intensified rivalries in the bipolar world. The canine Laika became the first mammal to voyage the ether in 1957. Luna 2 probed the Moon’s surface on the maiden trip of its kind in 1959. Luna 3 purveyed to the world its first glimpse of the far side of the Moon in 1959. Venera 1 established a record as the first interplanetary vehicle to effect a flyby of Venus in 1961. Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin followed suit by entering the firmament as the first human in 1961. Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova defied gender norms as the first woman to orbit earth in 1963. Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov partook in the first spacewalk in 1965. Mars 3 captured immortality as the first manmade craft to land on the Martian planet in 1971. The string of triumphs and their rapid succession aroused awe and dread on terra firma amongst the cognoscenti in the Beltway. Such a truncated turnaround from the ravages of WWII called into question whether in fact the communist model of governance was indeed leaps and bounds ahead of free market capitalism. The gulf of a knowledge gap that differentiated the Soviet space program from the amorphous one in America left skeptics of the former agog. For a time the legion of scientists under the auspices of the politburo’s central planning seemed omniscient.
Such centralization of the bureaucracy unmolested by partisanship or a farrago of stakeholders created small skunkworks under the nomenclature of OKBs wherein discoveries were made at the cadence of a metronome. Not at all enigmatic in retrospect this quantum leap also stemmed from its piracy that was more rapacious than America’s. Whereas Washington acquired intellectual assets via Operation Paperclip the Soviet’s variant of Osoaviakhim in 1946 conscripted a whole brigade of German minds to catapult space exploration. Wernher von Braun and a cohort of his scientists from Peenemünde were spirited away to Washington whilst Moscow’s dragnet repatriated exponentially more in human capital and technology (Neufeld 2004). The poaching of knowledge midwifed the series of records monopolized by the superpower in the incipient years of the space race. The spoils of war from German heuristics wedded to indigenous capabilities proved to be a boon for the Soviets who were keen to parade the merits of communism. Indeed the Kremlin’s industrial complex revolutionized space travel for the sake of ideological warfare against its nemesis. The disparities were quite vast. America’s Project Mercury sought to put an astronaut in orbit as the Soviet’s Luna missions were already plumbing the Moon in 1959.
In the prelude to the moonshot of Apollo the saga of America’s space industry begins with the importation of V-2 rockets from the Nazi regime which whetted the enthusiasm for escaping earth’s gravity. Under Project Hermes the autopsy on these missiles saw the technology reverse engineered in an effort to breach the Karman Line of the upper atmosphere. A whole 300 boxcars of miscellaneous V-2 hardware smuggled from Germany made their way to the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico where 67 units were reassembled between 1946 and 1951 (Buchanan et al. 1984). Telemetry data from subsequent tests telescoped the learning curve to spur the development for Apollo’s workhorse known as the Saturn V rocket whose pedigree veritably traces back to the V-2s. At this early juncture it was the firm General Electric with which Washington rendezvoused so as to scrutinize these artifacts for their ballistics and gyrostabilized guidance systems. A constellation of scientists were contracted to harvest the secrets hidden within the entrails of the V-2s in a bid to marshal propulsion and re-entry technologies into maturity. Borne from this fact-finding mission did GE design avionics that later computed the terabytes of data for the Apollo moonshot. The firm would be the first embraced in the bosom of the space program.
Post the industrial policy of this public-private partnership the space industry sired the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as its guardian in 1958. The institution’s formation heralded a departure from space’s militarization towards its exploration to demystify the mysteries of the cosmos. The separate track charted a course to the stars for civilian ends at variance with the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that put a premium on technology for martial use. Founded fourth months prior to NASA this other agency’s mandate was written in rebuttal to the USSR’s launch of Sputnik. Within this bifurcation the raison-d’être for each hinged on war in the case of DARPA and peace in the case of NASA. The civilian program’s prime directive as distilled in section 102 of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 empowered the institution to one end alone of making America a leader in the Olympics of science. NASA wasted no time in engineering a stepwise roadmap between the triad of Projects Mercury, Gemini and Apollo in this chronological order. Each unique phase rested along a spectrum in the mastery of technology beginning with a manned craft in space to orbital docking and finally a lunar expedition. NASA summarily evolved into a hive of innovation.
After GE’s forensics upon reconstituting the hodgepodge of V-2 rocket paraphernalia amidst Project Hermes the next private firms entrusted with reifying America’s curiosity with outer space were Chrysler and McDonnell Aircraft. Industrial policy shovelled $277m or $2.9t in real value for its pecuniary commitment towards the first phase christened Project Mercury (DiLisi et al. 2019). The industrial heritage of Chrysler hitherto as a marque of Plymouths and Dodges appears paradoxical for such high-tolerance engineering but the firm proved its poise in WWII when it mass-produced 25,000 M4 Sherman Tanks (Davis 2007). To segue into this highbrow application the company collaborated with the prodigy von Braun who was the doyen of rocket science. Chrysler would be the proverbial blacksmith for the single-stage Redstone booster whose propulsion from 78,000 pounds of thrust bore astronaut Alan Shepard into suborbital space in 1961 (Bentley 2009). It fell to McDonnell Aircraft to manufacture the spacecraft itself meant to house the life support systems for a solitary occupant in the antipodes of space. Everything from the heat-shield for re-entry to the escape system that jettisoned the capsule with a parachute should the mission be aborted in the event of a catastrophic failure was designed by the firm.
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ericbozoian · 2 months
Buoyed by the lessons of the past and the promise of the future
July 18th, 2024, Thursday
As the summer sun reaches its zenith, casting long shadows and illuminating the path ahead, we delve into the recent adventures and reflections of Mr. Eric Bozoian, a man of both introspection and action. 🖋️☀️
In the sultry days of late June, Eric and his steadfast Faren embarked on an arduous yet awe-inspiring two-week journey along the Lake Tahoe Rim Trail. 🌲🏞️ Traversing diverse landscapes, from the arid expanses of Nevada to the lush forests of California, they faced the dual challenges of excessive heat and weighty backpacks, each laden with 30 pounds of essential gear. The contrasts were striking: snow-capped peaks basking under 90-degree heat, and encounters with nature's myriad creatures, including a bear the size of a small car! 🐻🌞 Despite the trials, the vistas were nothing short of spectacular, rewarding their perseverance with unparalleled beauty.
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Between the rigors of the trail, South Lake Tahoe offered a refreshing respite. Margaritaville, with its grandiose resort charm, provided a haven of relaxation where they indulged in custom ice cream sandwiches and leisurely dips in the pool. 🍦🏊‍♂️ Their journey concluded in Reno, where they strolled along the river walk, explored casinos, and appreciated the local art, all while finding solace from the relentless heat in yet another inviting pool.
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Parallel to his adventures, Eric has embraced the burgeoning hobby of rock hounding. Armed with an array of new tools, he has delved into the earth, unearthing gem-quality stones and enriching his connection with nature. Each discovery is a small victory, adding to the treasure trove of his burgeoning collection. 💎🔨
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Closer to home, Eric and Faren have reveled in the aquatic wonders of New Hampshire, taking advantage of its myriad swimming spots. Eric's long-desired beach tent has finally been acquired, enhancing their seaside sojourns. 🌊🏖️
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The musical landscape also brought joy, with an outdoor concert in Gilford, NH, reminiscent of cherished venues from his past. Seeing Modest Mouse in the picturesque lakes region provided both auditory delight and a cool escape from the summer's heat. 🎸🌌
Wedding preparations are in full swing, with March 15th at Indian Head Resort set as the date and venue. Venue tours doubled as explorations of charming small towns and a delightful encounter with a butterfly breeding stream, evoking fond memories of missed opportunities at the Smithsonian. 🦋💍
On the volleyball front, Eric continues to hone his organizational prowess, hosting more tournaments and gearing up for official Yankee Tournaments in the fall. His efforts are met with anticipation and excitement, as he steps confidently into this new chapter. 🏐🎖️
Faren’s roller derby exploits add another layer of admiration for her resilience and independence. In stark contrast to past relationships, she embodies strength and self-reliance, qualities that Eric deeply appreciates. 🛼💪
With Faren, Eric has found a partner who shares his values of communication and mutual support. They have pledged to address issues together and avoid the pitfalls that marred his previous marriage. This commitment, coupled with a realistic understanding of the challenges ahead, fortifies their bond as they prepare to embark on a life together. 🌅❤️
As the summer unfolds, Eric looks forward to the continuation of this journey, buoyed by the lessons of the past and the promise of the future. With Faren by his side and a steadfast resolve, he strides into the coming days with hope and determination. 🌟🚶‍♂️
#EricAndFarenAdventures #LakeTahoeJourney #RockHoundingFun #WeddingPreparations #VolleyballVentures #PersonalGrowth 🌄💍🏐💎
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zerinseo · 5 months
Elevate Your Event with Exceptional Ladies Sangeet Singers Across the UK
Are you planning a special event and seeking enchanting live music performances? Look no further! Sangeet by Sangeeta offers a captivating experience with our talented ladies sangeet singers. Whether you're in Birmingham, Bradford, Coventry, Derby, Huddersfield, Hull, Ilford, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Luton, Manchester, Milton Keynes, Newcastle, Nottingham, Reading, Sheffield, Slough, Uxbridge, or Wolverhampton, our team of professional singers is ready to add a touch of elegance and charm to your occasion. Our singers are renowned for their exceptional vocal prowess and versatility, delivering soulful renditions of traditional and contemporary songs tailored to suit your event's theme and ambiance. From vibrant Mehndi nights to elegant weddings and lively celebrations, our singers create magical moments that leave a lasting impression on your guests. Why choose Sangeet by Sangeeta for your event? Versatile Repertoire: Our singers are proficient in a diverse range of musical styles, from Bollywood classics to Punjabi folk songs and modern pop hits, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy. Professionalism: With years of experience performing at various events and venues, our singers bring professionalism, poise, and passion to every performance, ensuring a seamless and memorable experience for you and your guests. Customized Performances: We work closely with you to understand your preferences and requirements, crafting personalized performances that align with your vision and exceed your expectations. Unforgettable Memories: Whether it's a small intimate gathering or a grand celebration, our singers create an enchanting atmosphere that sets the stage for unforgettable memories and cherished moments. Don't settle for anything less than extraordinary for your special day. Choose Sangeet by Sangeeta for an exceptional live music experience that will elevate your event to new heights. Visit our website at https://www.sangeetbysangeeta.com/
to learn more and book our talented ladies sangeet singers for your upcoming event. Let the magic of music transform your celebration into an unforgettable affair!
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ikoho001 · 6 months
In Step with Trends: Men’s Shoes Reflecting Current Fashion
Hey there, fashion-forward fellas! If you’re on the hunt for the perfect blend of style and comfort, look no further. IKOHO, the go-to brand for vegan leather shoes, is here to elevate your shoe game.
Let’s dive into the world of men’s footwear and explore how IKOHO is keeping you in step with the latest fashion trends. Hang on to avail some great styling tips from the next big trend in the fashion industry!
Comfortable Men’s Shoes: Elevating Every Step
When it comes to comfortable men’s shoes, IKOHO is leading the pack. Our dynamic shoe collection, crafted with quality vegan leather and modern designs, ensures that every step you take is a stylish and comfortable one. Whether you’re strutting through the city streets or hitting the dance floor, IKOHO’s shoes are the perfect companion for your on-the-go lifestyle.
Current Fashion Trends with IKOHO’s Modern Shoe Styles
IKOHO’s modern shoe styles are a true reflection of current fashion trends. From the timeless elegance of the Derby Shoes to the versatile and stylish 1/2 Naked Mules, IKOHO’s collection is designed to keep you in vogue. The brand’s contemporary twist on desi footwear is evident in the chunky Nagra loafers, available in classic black, brown, and a stylish suede green colour. These versatile colourways and modern design make the Nagra loafers a must-have for those looking to add a unique and stylish touch to their ensemble.
Styling Tips — From Weddings to Weekend Hangouts
When it comes to styling IKOHO shoes, the options are endless. For a wedding look, the 1/2 Naked Mules in black or white offer a chic and relaxed style that complements both traditional and modern wedding ensembles. The Derby Shoes, available in white, are a versatile option for a wedding, providing a sophisticated and elegant look that pairs well with formal attire. The Halfway Boots, with their classic black colour, are an ideal choice for a stylish and versatile wedding look, offering a unique and fashionable take on traditional boots, perfect for both indoor and outdoor wedding venues.
How Can I Incorporate IKOHO’s Shoes into My Daily Outfit
By incorporating these stylish and versatile IKOHO shoes into your daily outfits, you can elevate your style and comfort for any occasion, from casual outings to formal events.
Casual Outings: For a casual day out, consider pairing your outfit with stylish and comfortable shoes.
Formal Events: When dressing up for a formal event, it’s essential to match your shoes with the elegance of the occasion. For a sophisticated and timeless look, pair your formal attire with Ikoho Derby Shoes or sleek pumps. These options will add a touch of class and elegance to your ensemble, ensuring you look and feel your best.
Versatile Options: When it comes to everyday wear, consider incorporating versatile shoes into your outfits. For men, casual shoe styles such as Ikoho Panda loafers are great for various occasions, from leisurely strolls to casual gatherings. Our new launch, which is the first Ikoho women’s pair, the Ikoho Rave Platforms to give your feet an elongated look and can be paired with heavily embellished or swanky dresses to bring a balanced and stylish touch to your outfit.
OR If You’re Planning a Night Out, Here are Some Head-turning Dressing Tips
You wanna catch everyone’s attention? We get it! These are our top picks that are sure to make a mark on everyone for that perfect night out!
1/2 Naked Mules: Pair the 1/2 Naked Mules with a stylish dress or a sleek pair of trousers for a chic and sophisticated look. The unique design and comfortable fit make them perfect for standing out in the crowd during a night out
Derby Shoes: The IKOHO Derby Shoes, available in versatile colours, are a great option for dressing up for a night out. Pair them with tailored trousers and a crisp shirt for a classic and elegant evening ensemble
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It’s Time to Up Your Style Game!
IKOHO’s commitment to combining comfort and style is evident in our diverse collection of men’s shoes. Whether you’re looking for comfortable footwear for everyday wear or stylish options for special occasions, IKOHO has you covered. Elevate your style and comfort with IKOHO’s exclusive line of premium men’s shoes. Visit IKOHO’s website to explore our collection and step into the world of fashion-forward footwear.
So, to all our dear gents and gentlethems, it’s time to step up your shoe game with IKOHO. Your feet will thank you, and your style will never be the same; it’s gonna be so much more fun!
Explore all our styles here!
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aghotel · 6 months
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Creating Enduring Memories: The Top Reasons to Hire a Picture Booth Near You in Derby
Are you trying to find a special and amazing method to create long lasting memories at your next occasion? Look no further than hiring a photo cubicle near you in Derby. Image cubicles have ended up being increasingly popular in the last few http://special-events-photo-booth-machine-derbyshireqzlo286.lucialpiazzale.com/step-into-the-enjoyable-zone-leasing-a-celebration-image-cubicle-in-derby years, as they provide an enjoyable and interactive experience for visitors of all ages. Whether it's a wedding event, birthday celebration, or corporate occasion, an image booth leasing makes sure to be a hit. In this article, we will check out the leading reasons that you must think about hiring an image cubicle for your next occasion in Derby.
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Why Choose an Image Cubicle Rental? 1. Capture Unforgettable Moments
One of the primary factors to hire a picture cubicle near you in Derby is to catch remarkable moments from your occasion. With an image cubicle, visitors can take limitless photos throughout the night, producing lasting memories that they can value for several years to come. Whether it's capturing ridiculous postures or candid shots with loved ones, a picture cubicle allows visitors to let loose and have a good time while producing extraordinary memories.
2. Entertainment for All Ages
Photo cubicles are not just for grownups - they offer home entertainment for guests of any ages. From kids to grandparents, everybody can take pleasure in the excitement of stepping into the picture cubicle and posing for images. The interactive nature of photo cubicles makes them perfect for keeping visitors amused throughout the event.
3. Personalized Experience
When you work with a photo booth near you in Derby, you have the chance to tailor the experience to fit your event theme or branding. From tailored backgrounds and props to custom-designed photo design templates, you can make every element of the image cubicle line up with your vision. This level of personalization includes an extra touch of personalization and uniqueness to your event.
4. Instant Prints
Gone are the days of waiting weeks for professional occasion pictures. With a photo cubicle leasing, guests can receive immediate prints of their photos right on the area. This instant satisfaction enables visitors to take home their favorite memories from the event and acts as an excellent party favor or keepsake.
5. Social Network Sharing
In today's digital age, social networks sharing has ended up being an integral part of any event. Picture booths frequently come equipped with social media integration, permitting guests to immediately share their images on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. This not only increases engagement and excitement throughout the event however also extends the reach of your event beyond the physical venue.
6. Professional Quality Photos
While mobile phone electronic cameras have come a long method, there's still something unique about professional-quality pictures. Picture cubicles are geared up with high-resolution cams and professional lighting, guaranteeing that every image comes out crisp and clear. Whether you want to print out physical copies or use the digital images for advertising functions, you can trust that the photos recorded in a photo cubicle will be of exceptional quality.
FAQs Can I tailor the image cubicle props? Absolutely! When you employ a picture cubicle near you in Derby, you have the option to pick from a wi
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brookpub · 1 year
Watch Live Football Premier League Screening at Brook Pub
Attention, all football fans! Look no further than Brook Pub near Mill Road, Cambridge, if you're searching for the best place to watch Live Football Premier League. With our live football screenings, we raise the bar for sports entertainment, providing an electrifying environment where fans can cheer on their favourite teams and players while enjoying a great pub experience.
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Why Watch the Premier League at Brook Pub?
At Brook Pub, we deeply appreciate football supporters' zeal and enthusiasm for the "beautiful game." That's why we've prepared a venue tailor-made for fans, where you won't miss a second of the action. The finest wines, tastiest cocktails, Best summer pitcher drinks, traditional British pub fare, and a wide selection of ales and beers are all available. As a result of the delicious, freshly prepared cuisine and attentive service we provide, we have consistently happy clients.
Every seat in our bar has a great view of one of our numerous high-definition televisions. Enjoy a front-row centre to all the football action from the comfort of the bar or one of our cosy booths.
The sound that surrounds you: 
We have installed state-of-the-art surround sound systems so the entire bar can feel part of the action. You'll feel like you're in the stands, hearing the crowd's roar and seeing the goal's excitement from up close.
Selection of Drinks: 
Without a cold one, football just isn't the same. There's a beer, ale, cider or other drink here in our bar to satisfy anyone's taste. Most of our customers love to enjoy our summer pitchers and cocktails. Soak in the football fervour with your drink, or try something new.
Delicious Bar Food: 
Don't forget to indulge your taste buds with our delicious pub food while you enjoy the thrill of the game. Our menu features something for everyone to enjoy while watching the game, from classics like burgers and fries to more unique options like wings and shared platters. We have also added a few new items to our menu, like Bread and Dipping Oil, Battered Halloumi, Filo Prawns, Chicken Kebab Bites, Cheese Burger, Halloumi & Avocado Salad, sure to make your taste buds happy.
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A Warm and Friendly Environment: 
The Brook Pub is a hub for football enthusiasts to congregate and bond over their shared passion for the game. Every football screening is a special event because of our pleasant environment and helpful team. 
Special Dates & Dates to Remember in Football:
We all know how much football fans look forward to the season's big games, derbies, and rivalry matchups. All the big Premier League games, UEFA Champions League matches, and other prominent football events are shown on the big screens at Brook Pub. You can count on us to air every game live, whether it's a championship showdown or a heated neighbourhood rivalry.
Events and Private Reservations:
Are you getting together with some buddies to watch the big game? We provide private booking alternatives for special parties and gatherings. Whether you're hosting a birthday bash, a company outing, or even a football watch party, our devoted staff will ensure your event is remembered. Our Outdoor Garden events is the best place to host weddings, birthdays, office parties etc. We prepare the food of your choice from the menu and serve some of the best drinks related to the occasion.
Position in the Heart: 
Football fans coming from a variety of different regions will have no trouble getting to Brook Pub as a result of its excellent location. Our convenient location makes it easy to meet up with other fans and watch the game together. As Cambridge University is located near the pub, more students come over with friends to enjoy the match and the food. 
The Brook Pub near Mill road is the best place to watch the Premier League on the big screen. Our dedication to airing major football events on high-definition screens in a welcoming environment with a full bar and delicious pub food will impress even the jaded football fan. Besides food and drinks, we also entertain our customers with live music events, karaoke night, and Open mic night. It’s a place to create memories with loved ones over food and conversation.
Come down to Brook Pub to watch the game with a group of football fans and cheer on your favourite sides.
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picturematic · 1 year
The Book Cafe, The Perfect Vintage Photo Booth Backdrop
A couple of weeks ago, amidst the love-filled ambiance of Ellie and Kelsey's wedding, we had the absolute honor of bringing our sensational vintage themed photo booth to The Book Cafe in Derby. It was an occasion brimming with joy, laughter, and a palpable sense of romance that permeated the air.
As guests arrived at this enchanting venue, the allure of The Book Cafe embraced them like the pages of a captivating novel. The cozy atmosphere and the intimate surroundings added an extra layer of charm to the celebration.
The open-air design of our booth seamlessly blended with the intimate setting, inviting guests to partake in the enchantment that surrounded them. Warm lighting casting a romantic glow around the entire venue it was a scene straight out of a fairy tale. Friends and family members gathered around, their anticipation mirrored in their smiles and twinkling eyes.
The photo booth became a hub of excitement and connection. Guests eagerly embraced the opportunity to capture their joyous spirits, strike poses that expressed their happiuness and create memories that would be treasured forever. Laughter and cheers echoed through the venue as friends and loved ones encouraged each other, celebrating the union of two beautiful souls.
The genuine love and happiness shared by Ellie and Kelsey radiated throughout the celebration, infusing every photograph with an undeniable warmth. The Book Cafe, with its cozy charm and literary backdrop, provided the perfect setting for Ellie and Kelsey's wedding. As we reflect on the the tender embraces, and the joyous celebrations and craziness that happened in the photo booth we are reminded of the power of love and the beauty of intimate gatherings like this one.
If you're seeking to infuse your upcoming event with the same sense of enchantment and personal touch, our extraordinary photo booth is the perfect choice. Let us join you on your journey and weave our magic into your special day. Contact us today and let's create some excited at The Book Cafe that captures the essence of your love story—a celebration that leaves you with stunning cherished memories.
To learn more about The Book Cafe, here are a few useful links:
website: The Book Cafe, Derby
location: Google / Waze / W3W
our favourite past event gallery: Ellie & Kelsey's Wedding Gallery
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I do like a little walk into the woodland! A few post ceremony photos so you get a few minutes of alone time to discuss the days events so far. well, almost alone time! Awesome Supplier Deets: Photo ♡ @danielburtonphoto Bride ♡ @leannejmatthews Groom ♡ @adam_m91 Venue ♡ @themillbarnsvenue Venue Stylist ♡@therusticweddingcompany Hair ♡ @hvhairandmakeup Make up ♡ @sophiebrowsandbridal Dress ♡ @weddingbelles_4aoks Shoes ♡ @paintedlovecustoms Flowers ♡ @barlowbespokeflowers Suits ♡ @fort_formalwear_ripley Cake ♡ @bakeitspecial DJ & Love Letters ♡ @weddingsounds A&L Letters ♡ @lilbertseventhire Photobooth ♡ @kaboothuk Videographer ♡ @cg_media_weddings Ice cream cart ♡ @danandwills #castledoningtonphotographer #nottinghambrides #staffordshireweddingphotographer #derby #derbyshire #lichfield #burton #weddingphotographer #nottinghamwedding #derbywedding #derbyweddingphotographer #leicesterweddingphotographer #nottinghamweddingphotographer #derbyweddingphotographer #relaxedweddingphotography #castledonington #ukweddingvenue #weddingcouple #danielburtonphotography #weddingmoments #millsbarns #ukweddingsuppliers #derbyphotographer #engageduk #themillbarns #canonr6 #weddingtips #themillsbarns (at The Mill Barns Exclusive Use No Corkage Countryside Wedding Venue & Rooms) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp023KtMr8i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wedcellinsti · 2 years
  FAQs For An Event Management
1. Exactly What Is meant by an event planning ?
Event planning is a process by which a project such as weddings,ceremonys, meetings, tradeshows, corporate events etc. handled by skilled event planners successfully. 
The Responsibilities of an event planner
Liaising with vendors
Setting timelines
Charting out a budget
Scouting event sites
Obtaining permits
Planning food and lodging for event invitees
Arranging transportation
Selecting a theme
Planning various activities
However, these are only some of the tasks of event planning. All in all, it includes everything to make an event successful.
2. What does an event planner do?
An event planner coordinates with all aspects of the event to make it successful. Consult with clients to explain about an event with detailed information.To Devise a plan of action about an event in terms of the date and time, venue, and the expenses.To Communicate with service providers and agree at an affordable price for their services such as photographers, florists, equipment suppliers, bakers, and technicians.To Coordinate with the client during all times and decide on the event venue.To Arrange for event services such as food, transportation, and rooms.ToCoordinate with on-site staff to conform everything goes on well according to  the plan.AtLast, review invoices and distribute payments.
3. What skills should an event planner have?
An Event planning is a challenging and driven profession to organize events. Some of these skills are as below-
Ability to organize and communication skills
Knack for networking
Understanding of events
Problem-solving skills
Client-centric approach
Ability to negotiate and arrive at an affordable budget
Drive to get things done on time
Go-getter attitude
4. What are the other event planning professionals ?
Event planning or event management is an umbrella term for many types of careers included under it. The following are the job profiles in this industry-
Event Planner
Venue Manager
Wedding Planner
Catering Services Manager
Social Media Event Coordinator
Sponsorship Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator
Communications or Marketing Manager
5. Which program can I do to pursue an event management ?
In order to pursue a career in event management, you can enroll yourself in any of these programs offered by universities depends on your finances, the amount of time you can devote to the programs and the availability at your preferred institute.
Undergraduate courses in Event Management -3 or 4-year program
Post-graduate courses in Event Management- 1 or 2 year program
Diploma in Event Management- Usually 1-year program
Bachelor/Master/Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication
6. What are the subjects in an event management program?
When you enroll yourself for an event management program, you will be taught several exciting and fun subjects, such as 
Business communication
Management process
Event management planning
Advertising management for services
Brand management
Grooming and personality development
Spoken and communication abilities
Risk management
Advertising and Public Relations
Qualitative techniques
Concept and design
7. What are some top universities for an event management courses?
The following are a few universities you can browse through from around the world and decide on an event management program.
British and Irish Modern Music Institute, UK
CDI College, Canada
 New York University, USA
La Trobe University, Australia
 Llandrillo College, UK
University of Central Florida, USA
Iowa State University, USA
 Australian Catholic University, Australia
 Cornwall College, UK
University of Technology Sydney, Sydney
Singapore Institute of Management, Singapore
University of Derby, UK
8. What are the requirements for an event planning course?
Depending on the college and the country you are applying to, the application requirements vary slightly. However, some of the commonly asked documents at the time of registration and application are-
10+2 school level certificates
Bachelor’s degree and mark sheet if you are applying for a postgraduate degree
Letter of recommendation
Updated resume
Statement of purpose (in case you are applying for a scholarship, you might need to submit two statements of purpose)
9. How much does it cost to get a degree in an event management ?
If you are applying for a bachelor’s degree in event management, it can cost you between $28,380- $40,350 approximately.  if you pursue a master’s program, it can costs from $57,916- $28,644 approximately.
10. What is the average salary for an event planner or manager?
an average salary of experienced event planners can be around $44,672 per annum.
11. What does a day in the life of an event planner look like?
A typical day as an event planner can begin at 7 am and end late by11 pm or 12 am. So you have to follow up a total project from begin to end. Therefore, you need to be regular to take updates, meet with the client daily to explain  about an event going on  as per their wish, agree on budgets, approve payments etc. to handle an event successfully.
12. What are some of the challenges of a career as an event planner?
Some challenges in the life of an event planner are that you will need to keep your schedule flexible at all times. You may have to work  continuously to get things done properly. You have to be fit both physically and mentally to long lasting in this profession. Moreover, you have to stay away from your family and dear ones for  somedays.
13. Can I be an event planner with out experience or educational degree ?
Without an educational background, you will not get well-paid clients who will be willing to invest their time and money on you to organize their most important events. So, you should either get a degree or diploma in an event management or will get practical experience as an intern or trainee to strengthen your profile.
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thestuart01 · 3 years
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Get Perfect Wedding Venues Derbyshire
Host your special day here at the Stuart Hotel Derby. We can host any size or style of wedding, from the most intimate celebrations, up to as many as 250 with exclusive hire of the XS Restaurant too. It is our promise to help you choose the right setting to ensure your wedding is everything you dreamed of and more.
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meneatyoghurt · 2 years
Tarlos wedding comedy scenarios:
The roller derby bartender works for the caterer/venue
Carlos's old aunt keeps calling TK 'TJ'
There are like 100 people on Carlos's side and TK's is literally just the 126 (potential to be sad but also funny)
A lizard/general wildlife incident of some kind (...birds)
Small mishap that TK tries to hide from Carlos because he wants the wedding to be perfect, resulting in comedy japes that make everything worse (but of course Carlos doesn't care in the end)
Buttercup eats something (obvs he's going to be there)
The officiant has to be replaced at the last minute and the new one is just...weird
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nehakumar · 5 years
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Book Luxury Wedding Venue Hotel in Derby City Center
The Stuart Hotel is the perfect venue for all your events, whether it's a wedding reception, birthday party, family function. Stayed at XS Restaurant Best Western The Stuart Hotel, Derby. Our Wedding Showcases are an ideal opportunity for you to view the rooms’ setup for your wedding day and wedding reception venue with a dedicated wedding coordinator on hand to discuss all your requirements.
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dry-valleys · 3 years
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It must be allowed that the twelve miles between Nottingham and this town [Derby] , keeping the midway between the Trent on the left and the  mountains on the right, are as agreeable with respect to the situation, the soil, and the well planting of the country, as any spot of ground, at least that I have seen of that length, in England"  Daniel Defoe.
After my walk from Derby it was on to Elvaston Castle, where I met my friend in a socially distanced way (couldn't go anywhere indoors due to the covid 19 outbreak which has STILL not been fully resolved, though i hope it will be soon and have proudly had my own vaccination because I'm not a moron). This land was owned by Shelford Priory and was outlying land of a foundation based in Nottinghamshire, which was founded around 1160-1180 and  disestablished in 1536 with so many others.
The Crown sold the land to Sir Michael Stanhope in 1536, and it passed into a cadet branch of the family, with Sir John Stanhope founding the main house in 1633. (Sometimes used as a wedding venue, it was shut when we went). In 1730 William Harrington was created Baron Harrington, and in 1752 he became the first Earl of Harrington. Alongside the Curzon family of Kedleston, the earls showed a trend Defoe noted in 1727. "The Peak being so near, and taking up the larger part of the county, and being so inhospitable, so rugged and so wild a place, the gentry choose to reside at Derby, rather than upon their estates, as they do in other places”.
The modern age of Elvaston began in the 19th century; in 1830, Charles Stanhope, 4th earl, hired William Barron to design the gardens (Lancelot 'Capability' Brown having refused to do them decades earlier!), and the gardens are largely as they were then, though there are some areas which were shut and which I look forward to seeing next time I'm here.
The 4th earl also employed James Wyatt to design the house, which was built in 1833 in the newly fashionable Gothic Revival style. The work of both men has clearly stood the test of time and is now grade II listed and a place I’ve been to a number of times. (2 June 2019, 4 February 2020, 6 October 2019, the rest April 2021). Sadly, the general decline of the aristocracy charted by David Cannadine started to bite. In WW2 the grounds, still owned by the earls of Harrington, were used as a teacher training college which shut in 1947 and little was done with the estate; happily, this changed when William Harrington, 11th earl, sold the house and grounds to Derbyshire County Council in 1969; it became one of the new country parks. While this was popular, the house declined further until it was rescued by a project involving the National Trust in 2013-2015. It is now open to the public, as it has been since 1851, and is run by a charity, with many features such as the Italian Garden and English Garden which I will soon be taking the river walk back to.
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aghotel · 8 months
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