#Weight gain tips
soft-dolll · 4 months
💗Nutritional ways to help gain weight💗
These tips are definitely for the feedees who may not be into unhealthy weight or death feederism! Please do not take this as bashing any sort of denomination of feederism, this is simply here to educate someone who wants to take a different approach to gaining weight❤️
Also, I am not a health professional, this is simply research I’ve done on my own time. Sources will be below👇
Fill up on protein!
Having a large amount of protein and not doing a lot of physical activity can help promote weight gain! This happens because the protein that wasn’t used for physical activity gets turned into glucose, which turns into fat
While gaining it is always important to eat lots (of course), but especially when you are eating less calorie dense food!
Sumo wrestlers eat plenty of nutritious foods, but their secret is to of course is to fill up on it all!
Indulge in weight gain shakes!
Using bulking powders in your weight gain shakes is a definite way to pack on those calories! Like protein powder, it can either cause muscle gain or fat gain depending on how you use it. Not doing much physical activity can cause weight gain if you’re using bulking/weight gain shakes!
Typically, you’d probably add a dairy product like ice cream, or heavy cream to your shakes, which is completely fine to do! But do keep in mind that there are lots of cholesterol in high fat dairy products, which may or may not be what you want on your journey. A good alternative would be coconut cream, and coconut milk, as they are high in calories, and low in both trans fats, and cholesterol!
Another tip is to use your weight gain powder in things like smoothies, or even baking!
Fats are definitely an important part in weight gain, and there are many nutritious ways to get fats in you! For example, nuts, oils (such as avocado oil, and olive oil, fatty fish, high fat yogurt, avocados, and eggs! Another thing you can use is animal fats such as duck fat which isn’t very high in trans fats and cholesterol!
I hope this was somewhat helpful to some of you guys!!
I apologize that the links were kind of posted weird, it’s my first time really doing something like this, so I’m not super used to or good at the format.
Again, please do not take this as me shaming any sort of denomination of this fetish, you do you <3
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gainingpeach · 3 months
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I eat a lot already but I’ve been really wanting to tip the scale and try out some cake shakes to see the effect it has on me. 🤭 My boyfriend is also my feeder and he does amazing at keeping me fed but I wanted to try these shakes, needless to say he was thrilled and stuffed me even more than usual this weekend, along with the shakes!!
AND WOW, after having two a day since Friday, I have never felt so bloated and stuffed. I woke up today while my bf was getting ready for work and I still felt like a complete blimp from the night before.
He made sure to remind me to have a shake with breakfast today as well..as if I could forget. 🥵
*If you have any tips or gaining shake recipes you’d like to recommend, pls don’t hesitate to let this piggy know. Hehe.*
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dionysianchub · 11 months
Do you have a recipe for the cake shake? Interested in making a friend guzzle it down :3
I do! I generally use the following measurements for a shake of about 1,300 calories.
129 g or 1/2 cup of cake mix (this is roughly 1/3 of a box)
4 oz or 1/2 cup of heavy cream
16 oz or 2 cups of whole milk
This amount fits perfectly in a 24 oz shaker cup. You can obviously sub some of the milk for more heavy cream if you wish, just be careful as cake shakes tend to make the belly bubble and it's easy to give "your friend" 😉 a bad bathroom day by overdoing it. While this is a good shake for a bloat, I recommend my gainer shake recipe for a more caloric treat, clocking in at around 2k calories.
I call this one my Fat Potion cause it makes it feel more magical. ✨
16 oz or 2 cups whole milk
4 oz or 1/2 cup heavy cream
1 banana
2 oz or 4 Tbs peanut butter
3 oz or 6 Tbs chocolate syrup
4 scoops your choice of weight gain/protein powder (I use Naturade Weight Gain)
Again, you can shift the measurements around to suit your own needs and preferences. This is just what I use! 🐷
Happy chugging!
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fatpigfeedeee · 6 months
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If anyone is looking for something to add for extra calories, this is amazing! I have 3 left from my box of 24. 330 calories, 33 grams of fat. Great to add in coffee or weight gain shakes! Literally slippery and buttery lol. I need to order another box.
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peachyyfatty · 3 months
I’m past the point of no return.
I’ve plunged into obesity, only getting larger and fatter every day.
No more straight sizes.
No more people denying my reality.
I’m a pig.
A fat, obese, round, overweight pig.
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squeeze-josie · 3 months
is there anyone in this community that stress starves instead of stress eats? Like-- im trying to gain right now but I've been so stressed and I am absolutely unable to eat in this condition. Was wondering if anyone had any advice or could recommend small meals/snacks that are super fattening...
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the-yummy-archives · 5 months
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Found this on Insta, looks like it has good potential 🖤
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rats0nvenus · 5 months
I can’t sustain this human body
I eat a deer diet of.. plants
I don’t feel hungry much I graze and human food doesn’t resemble food to me
I’m so skinny my ribs pop too far out and my hips roll under them uncomfortable and it feels barfy idk how to put on more weight on a plant based diet, any tips?
This doesn’t feel so good I gotta put on some pounds
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fatbellyboysstuff · 2 years
one thing I started doing that really helped me with body image & gaining motivation is filming myself while eating. I usually use my laptop camera for that so I can watch my fat belly while working on making it even bigger 🤤
it really made me feel so much more comfortable in my growing body, getting used to watching myself grow, defying others expectations of what I would eat or how I should look like...
anyways, can't recommend this enough!
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growmydarling · 2 years
for those of you who ask me how to up their calorie intake: found this reddit thread both enlightening and silly
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health-aand-fitness · 2 years
How to become fat within one week || how to gain weight.
How to become fat within one week? If you want to gain weight, then you need to eat more calories than you burn. This can be a challenge if you have a fast metabolism or are constantly on the go. However, there are a few simple strategies you can use to make sure you are consuming enough calories to support weight gain.
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fitnesflag · 6 months
A simple diet plan to gain weight
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Hey there, all you hardgainers out there! If you're looking to bulk up and add some healthy weight to your frame, you've come to the right place. 💪 Let's talk about crafting a diet plan to gain weight that'll have you feeling strong, confident, and ready to take on the world.
First things first: when it comes to gaining weight, it's all about calories in versus calories out. To pack on those pounds, you need to consume more calories than your body burns in a day. But not just any calories will do – we're talking about nutrient-dense foods that'll fuel your body and support muscle growth.
So, what does a diet plan to gain weight look like? Let's break it down:
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Load up on protein: Protein is the building block of muscle, so make sure to include plenty of it in your diet. Aim for lean sources like chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, and plant-based options like tofu and legumes.
Embrace healthy fats: Don't be afraid to add some extra fat to your meals – it's a concentrated source of calories that can help you reach your weight gain goals. Avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish like salmon are all great options.
Carbohydrates are your friend: Carbs provide your body with energy to fuel your workouts and support muscle growth. Opt for complex carbs like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, and try to include them in every meal and snack.
Don't skimp on the snacks: Snacking throughout the day can help you increase your calorie intake without feeling overly full. Reach for high-calorie snacks like nuts, dried fruit, cheese, yogurt, and protein bars to keep your energy levels up between meals.
Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is important for overall health and can help support your weight gain efforts. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day, and consider adding in calorie-rich beverages like smoothies, milkshakes, and protein shakes to boost your calorie intake even further.
Don't forget that consistency is key when it comes to sticking to your diet plan to gain weight. It may take some time to see results, so be patient with yourself and stay committed to your goals. With the right combination of nutritious foods, plenty of calories, and a solid workout routine, you'll be well on your way to achieving the gains you're after. You've got this! 💪🍔🥑
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peachyyfatty · 3 months
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I can feel how my stomach is expanding everyday, and I just keep getting bigger 🤤
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brainer-club · 11 months
In a world where weight loss dominates the fitness conversation, there’s a significant portion of the population that struggles with the opposite challenge: gaining weight in a healthy and sustainable way.
If you’re among those looking to increase your body mass and build a healthier physique, you’re in the right place. This comprehensive guide will provide you with essential tips to help you embark on a successful weight gain journey.
The common fitness narrative often revolves around shedding pounds, but for some individuals, the goal is to put on those extra pounds and build a healthier body. While it may seem like a simple task, weight gain should be approached with care and a focus on health rather than sheer quantity. In this guide, we will explore strategies and tips to assist you in reaching your weight gain goals in the most sustainable and health-conscious manner.
Understanding the Basics
Before embarking on a weight gain journey, it’s crucial to understand the basics. It starts with determining your current weight and setting realistic goals. The first step is knowing where you stand and having a clear vision of where you want to be.
Setting realistic goals is equally important. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration. Your weight gain journey should be gradual, aiming for a steady and healthy increase rather than rapid gains that can harm your health.
Nutrition for Weight Gain
Nutrition plays a central role in weight gain. To start gaining weight, you need to consume more calories than your body burns. This is achieved through a caloric surplus. However, it’s essential to maintain a balanced macronutrient intake to ensure you’re gaining the right kind of weight.
Caloric Surplus
A caloric surplus means that you’re taking in more calories than your body expends. To calculate your daily caloric needs, you can use online calculators that consider factors such as your age, gender, weight, and activity level. Once you have this number, aim to consume a few hundred calories more each day to start seeing weight gain.
Macronutrient Balance
While the goal is to increase your calorie intake, it’s equally crucial to maintain a balance of macronutrients. Ensure that you’re getting an appropriate amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Proteins are especially important for muscle growth and recovery, which is an integral part of healthy weight gain.
Healthy Food Choices
Gaining weight isn’t an excuse to indulge in unhealthy foods. Make wise choices by incorporating nutrient-dense options into your diet. Opt for lean protein sources, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. These choices will not only help you gain weight but also promote your overall health.
Meal Planning
Frequent, balanced meals and strategic snacking can help you meet your daily caloric needs. Instead of focusing on three large meals a day, aim for five to six smaller, nutrient-rich meals.
Frequent, Balanced Meals
Aim for regular meals throughout the day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in between can ensure a steady intake of calories and nutrients. Don’t skip any meals, as this can slow down your progress.
Snacking Tips
Snacks can be a powerful tool in your weight gain journey. Opt for nutrient-dense snacks like nuts, yogurt, and fruit to boost your calorie intake between meals. Additionally, incorporating protein-rich snacks can support muscle growth.
Strength Training
Strength training is an essential component of healthy weight gain. While consuming extra calories is vital, without exercise, those calories might turn into unwanted fat. Strength training helps you build lean muscle mass, which not only adds weight but also improves your overall health.
Building Lean Muscle Mass
Strength training involves exercises that target different muscle groups. These exercises create microtears in the muscle fibers, which, when repaired, result in muscle growth. This process helps you gain weight in the form of lean muscle mass, rather than just adding fat.
Recommended Exercises
To get the most out of your strength training routine, focus on compound exercises. Squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull-ups are excellent choices. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups, making your workouts more efficient and effective.
In some cases, supplements can be valuable aids in your weight gain journey. While it’s always best to obtain your nutrients from whole foods, supplements can fill in the gaps in your diet.
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the-yummy-archives · 8 months
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New profile Picture!!! I love how this filter makes my eyes red🖤😈 I’m no longer a faceless Square or triangle!!! My appeal went through and my blog is no longer labeled as explicit and is with in the guidelines!! What that means for y’all this means more personal posts, my likes and following are now visible, and I will actually be much more active!!! To see my original posts look for the #me or #toasty irl below. To find weight gain tips, shakes, recipes, and spells, look for the corresponding hashtags🖤
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healthifydiet · 1 year
Simple way to gain weight without workout
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Gaining weight without exercise can seem like a daunting task, but it's possible to do with the right diet and lifestyle changes. Eating more calories than you burn is essential, but there are many other factors to consider for healthy weight gain that don't involve hitting the gym. Here are some simple ways to gain weight without exercise.
1. Start Eating More Calories: The simplest way to gain weight without exercise is to start eating more calories each day. This can be done by increasing portion sizes or simply eating more often throughout the day. It's important to reach for nutrient-dense calorie sources, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats.
2. Avoid Empty Calories: Focus on getting the most nutritional value out of every calorie you eat. If you want to gain weight, it's best to avoid junk food and opt for nutrient-dense options instead. Sugary foods and beverages, fried snacks, and processed and refined carbohydrates offer little in terms of essential vitamins and minerals.
3. Choose High-Calorie Foods: To gain weight without exercise, choose high-calorie foods that also provide essential nutrients. Healthy sources of calories include whole-grain breads, avocados, nuts, nut butters, oats, quinoa, full-fat milk and yogurt, and other nutrient-dense options.
4. Eat A Balanced Diet: Eating a balanced diet of lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, and all five food groups can help you gain weight without exercise. Eating a combination of these foods will give your body all the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs to fuel healthy weight gain.
5. Go For Nutrient-Dense Snacks: Snacking throughout the day can help you gain weight without exercise. Choose nutrient-dense snack options such as trail mix, nut butters, Greek yogurt, and seeds. When choosing snacks, make sure to read nutrition labels and choose options that are low in added sugar and sodium.
6. Eat More Protein: Increasing your protein intake can help you gain weight without exercise. Protein helps build muscle mass and increases metabolism, which can help you burn more calories. Lean proteins such as fish, white-meat poultry, tofu, eggs, beans, and lentils are all excellent choices for weight gain.
7. Boost Your Calcium Intake: Eating more calcium-rich foods can help support healthy weight gain. Dairy products, dark leafy greens, and canned fish are just a few of the calcium-rich foods you can add to your diet. Research suggests that calcium can increase fat storage in cells, which can help you put on weight.
8. Drink More Milk: Consuming more milk can be an easy way to gain weight without exercise. Milk is a great source of quality calories and provides many of the essential nutrition components needed for weight gain. Whole milk is particularly beneficial because it provides healthy fats and proteins that can help you gain weight.
9. Cook With Healthy Oils: Healthy oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil are great sources of healthy fats and calories. Cook with these oils to add flavor and healthy calories to your meals. You can also use these oils to make dressings, dips, and sauces.
10. Get Enough Sleep: Getting enough sleep each night is important for overall health and can also help you gain weight without exercise. Sleep helps regulate hormones, which can affect your appetite. Studies suggest that getting enough sleep can help boost hunger hormones and increase the urge to eat.
Gaining weight without exercise is possible if you focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet and making lifestyle changes. Eating more calories and focusing on nutrient-dense foods can help you build muscle mass and increase your metabolism. Additionally, making sure you get enough sleep and avoiding empty calories can also help support healthy weight gain.
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