#Well some of us prefer to rehome a rescue rather than bringing a purebred in from overseas
vergess · 2 years
(you mentioned in a review on when I kissed the teacher that you had feelings about them. Gimme gimme!) - @littlelordalphinaud
I think G'raha/Alisaie is an under utilized ship. I know it's because people prefer WOL ships for both, and I don't begrudge them that.
But in a post Shadowbringers world, I just like the idea of them bonding over being Red Coded Love Interests.
Plus they're the same age post ShB which is SO FUNNY to me. Raha entered stasis at 22 iirc, when Alisaie was late 16. Since then Alisaie has added 3 years (hw,sb,shb) materially and an extra 2ish from absurd time shenanigans, putting her at 21.
And YET! Like Raha, Alisaie's body and age are mismatched. Raha is simultaneously 22 and 130, and Alisaie is 16 and also 21. More opportunity to bond.
They also:
Were (are?) ludicrously in love with WOL
Have the same deeply accursed sleep and eating habits
Enjoy dunking on nerds in spite of being S Tier Nerdlords themselves
Dangerously and disproportionately combat capable
Daddy issues
Weird incest vibes involving foreign twins (the allag twins, the Leveilleur twins)
Take on the burden of both combat and care for those around them in spite of not wanting that responsibility (Alisaie and tempering, doma, light poisoning; G'raha and Allag, the First, the Umbral Eighth Era)
Now with all this in mind, go rewatch the cutscenes where 1) they get into a bitch fit over being suicidally in love with the WOL in SHB and 2) they fall asleep together outside the library in EW.
I think the resolved their UST with the wol by fucking each other, and! It! Worked!!
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