#What does the Fox say? || Khalom
fireteam-silent · 5 months
“Got a favor to ask of you, if you’ve got a minute.” The Spider’s voice was smooth from across the bar, almost nonchalant. “Could be a good reward at the end of it.”
Khalom's head snapped over to look at Spider, bright eyes narrowed in a squint. "You're reaching out to me?" She snorted, incredulous, then downed the rest of her drink in one gulp. Tossing the bartender a tip, Khalom spun around in her bar chair and hopped lightly to her feet. "This outta be good. Alright," she said, stepping towards him, "hit me with the deets, and I'll let you know if I'm interested."
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fireteam-silent · 1 year
peachtiiime - 🫂 (for Khalom!)
When Sundog opened their arms, Khalom threw herself at them in a running hug. "Yessss!" She cackled as she latched on, arms around their neck, feet off the ground. "Titan hugs are the best! Thanks Sunny~"
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fireteam-silent · 1 year
"I pride myself on seeing the strength in others, and yours can no longer be denied." - @rhulks-legs
Khalom didn't often find herself at a loss for words, but hearing that from Rhulk? Her cheeks darkened to the colour of a rich plum, and she looked away to hide her face.
"Thank you," she said earnestly, running a hand through her hair. She did sometimes mess around with Rhulk, being silly and teasing, but she had learned that there was a time and a place for that with him, and this was not it. "I want to be ready, ya know? For when the-- whatever happens next." She cleared her throat awkwardly. Speaking of the Witness around Rhulk was never a good time.
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fireteam-silent · 9 months
Khalom is trying to make cookies.
Not going very well.
Maybe you want to help her?
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fireteam-silent · 1 year
"Uh, Khalom. Sorry I lost my shit. The gang of asshole shrimp that hang out in the old apartment bloc on the edge of Trostland hijacked my Sparrow when I was busy tryin' to clear out the area for the fishing dock."
Khalom paused as she took her information in. "So... Need some help?" She asked. "And by asshole shrimp, that means Hive, yeah?" She leaned against the doorway to her apartment. "I can help you get your Sparrow back... Or do you just want a place to crash for a bit?"
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fireteam-silent · 1 year
Open Starter - KHALOM
The sound of cracking branches and swearing filled the remote northern forest of Old Canada. The source was a very tangled Khalom, hanging from a large, old maple tree from her cloak. No matter how much she bounced and tugged, the white fabric would not come free. 
A simple solution, of course, would be to remove her cloak, or cut it free, but that wasn't an option. The inside of her cloak was covered in colourful patches that she had earned as gifts from other Hunters. It was her most precious cloak, the one she felt safest in, and she couldn't damage it, or risk losing it! This also meant she couldn't try to pull herself away with Strand. The threads of reality would probably outlast the threads of her cloak.
The next solution, then, would be to transmit away, surely. But in order to transmit, there had to be a transmat beacon to call to. There was no such thing this far north into the wilderness, and Khalom was too far from her ship to reach it. She was, effectively, stuck.
"Fucking hell!" She swore, bouncing up and down from her attempt at sliding free. "Any luck, Lucid?"
In the branches above, Lucid was trying to push the fabric along the thick branch, but the rough bark caught and clung. Lucid grunted and pulled back. "No luck," he sighed, shaking no. "Do you want me to go back to our ship? I could try calling for Artemis, or Forget-Me-Not."
Khalom made a face. "I don't want to bother them again. Artemis was so excited to do bug camp with the kiddies this week… Can you keep trying?"
Lucid sighed once again and moved back to pushing the fabric with his body. How did his Guardian keep getting into situations like this?
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fireteam-silent · 1 year
Closed starter for @thvndersnow
There were many factors involved when Khalom chose a victim for one of her pranks. What kind of trick was she in the mood for? Her friends were often targets of her more harmless ones, relatively easy to pull off, and maybe not requiring too much cleanup. The victim's attitude was a big one. If they were extremely grumpy, then Khalom wanted to bring some levity into their life. If they thought themselves above others, then they needed to be taken down a peg or three. A person's authoritative level was important, too. That's why Zavala often had noise makers hidden in his office by Khalom. Something annoying, but not too damaging to any important work.
(Sometimes, these noise makers was just her saying "thank you Commander Zavala," or other affirmations because she thought the big guy needed it.)
But sometimes, what drew Khalom to a victim was if they were a striking individual, such as this bright pink Hunter she had spied in the tower.
Seriously, the fella was so pink it almost hurt her eyes! Pretty bold for a Hunter to be wearing an outfit that you could spy half a kilometre away in a snowstorm! This amused her, and she earnestly wanted to meet this stranger. Unfortunately, Khalom couldn't do anything normally and had sent one of her Glitter Bomb Engrams™️ along with a note. This particular Glitter Engram wasn't as messy as the ones she used on Spider or the Clovis Bray AI head, which were massive quantities of very fine glitter. This engram held only a small container of chunky glitter, paper confetti, and a tiny amount of Glimmer. Afterall, Khalom didn't want to make an enemy. She wanted to make a friend!
She was casually browsing the Eververse as she waited for her package to be delivered by Kadi, though the note inside held her name and comms signature in the chance she wasn't around when the Pink Hunter picked up the package.
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fireteam-silent · 1 year
hug from. cayde to khalom bc i think hed like her
Khalom hugged the Hunter Vanguard readily in return. "Mhmmm you give good hugs," she grinned as she settled her head against the leathers of his vest. Looking up at him, she added, "need an excuse to get out of a meeting or something? Cause I found this REALLY cool place in old Switzerland if you wanna check it out!"
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fireteam-silent · 1 year
New Tags!
(( To make things easier to track I’m changing up my tags!
Khalom posts: What does the Fox say?
Artemis: Let my hands do the talking
Forget-Me-Not: There are branches in my bones
Nylkras: You turn on any of my crew you turn on me!
Lucid: Through Light or Dark... we’re partners. Always.
Church: I am a motherfucking Ghost
Apollo: You are my sunshine
Out of Character: Behind the Curtain
Ask memes and prompts: Send it via carrier pigeon
Ask Answered: We just got a letter
Crack RPs: Kicks and Giggles
I’ll change my blog to reflect this soon c: ))
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fireteam-silent · 1 year
what's the most impulsive thing you can picture ur muse doing? | ok i gotta send this one for khalom too bc i need to know LMAO
If we're talking impulsive AND reckless, it would absolutely be taunting the Witness to its face. Blowing a raspberry at it, calling it the Witless, trying to stand on its shoulders so she can dump glitter on it, stuff like that.
In general, Khalom has a tendency to do whatever silly thing comes to mind when she's dealing with authoritative figures, even those she respects like Zavala. She just really wanted to know what sound the cheese slice would make when it slapped against his bald head!
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fireteam-silent · 1 year
what are bigger gestures that are important to ur muse & what are SMALLER gestures that are important to ur muse too | for khalom!
Khalom might be stubborn about not eating while out on missions because of Void Light, but she loves it when people make food for her. Getting messages from Memory, Striker, or Drifter, fussing over her eating habits, it really makes her feel loved. Between the three of them and using Strand frequently, she's gone from worryingly skinny to a healthy, if still willowy, weight.
A smaller gesture is hand holding. Khalom is sooooo touchy feely, and holding hands makes her <3
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