#What is NATO
thejuniorage · 1 year
Get All About NATO, NATO Countries, NATO founders, NATO History, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, What is NATO.
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oobbbear · 6 months
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Heart/Nato has a brain tattoo on the back of his head
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icebear4president · 4 months
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I don’t know whether Alfred looks extremely handsome or just an extremely tired dad. Either way, I’m living for it!
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i-merani · 7 months
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Bro is greenlighting a ww3😭😭
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chussy · 7 months
if your country is a part of NATO then joining your country's military is fucking psychotic imo. like you could just get sent to die whenever and wherever the americans want you to die in the name of profit. genuinely insane to put yourself in that situation
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nato-obenkrieger · 2 months
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i drew the black suits yaoi.. nandon i love you
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huggingtentacles · 6 months
I wish I had an older socialist lady who knows everything about politics who I could ask questions about stuff. I don't post about politics much despite there being a fucking war in my country. That's because I feel really lost and inadequate when it comes to expressing my worldview.
I have my general principles but it's hard to apply them in writing.
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lehdenlaulu · 7 months
Welcome to NATO, Sweden! 🥳
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nnato · 1 year
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sachafenestraz To le Big Dog, merci for all the good times over the last season. Thank you for passing on your experience and best of luck in your next chapter 🙏
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Hi, non American invested in your election here (it will inevitably have consequences in my life even if it'll take a few years to manifest so). I have a question regarding jasmine sherman - what is their stance on Ukraine (specifically on the money the US sends to Ukraine) as well as on NATO?
So far the only source I've found says that they want NATO to be abolished and for the US to stop sending defence funds to Ukraine, both of which seem like absurd propositions to me. (As they would invariable help in Russia's ongoing crusade to genocide/subjugate/take over Ukraine and potentially other eastern European and Caucasian (in the caucasus region) countries)
I hope the source I read is wrong, because otherwise the implications of jasmine's stances are concerning to me. Hope to see you respond soon
Foreign Aid:
When aid is offered, it will be of a type which the country in question has requested. If aid is undesired, it is not aid; it is imposition. Moving forward, to the best of our ability we are providing our global neighbors with the outreach and support they truly want (rather than what we’ve decided for them), because what is good for our allies is good for our nation. Foreign Aid will be designed to empower countries to grow on their own, towards their own future. If the USA is involved in developing laws in other countries, respect for human rights and equal opportunities will be of primary importance. Science based information will be used to inform all decisions regarding the specific nature, quantity, and delivery of aid. When offering aid, we will take measures to ensure that the aid is provided with sustainability in mind. Short term aid will still be provided, but a higher emphasis will be placed on aid with longevity that is placed in the hands of our allies. Energy facilities which we build for and with our allies will be sustainable and renewable energy sources, provided solely for the benefit of the country, not for our government’s gain off the lives and backs of those we claim to be helping, and the energy provided by these installations should be available to the population equitably
Democracy and Influence
Each country has the right to determine their own government and future. As with aid, we will only be assisting in establishing foreign governments in ways invited by that foreign nation’s people. The USA will no longer fund programs which are designed to violently inject our version of democracy into a foreign government. Self determination is paramount. Legal systems we influence should aim in the direction of a right to life, a right to peaceful assembly, a right to education, a right to security, and a right to a clean and healthy environment. Available healthcare, education accessibility, and science funding should also be included in our preferences when invited to offer guidance to developing, reforming, and restructuring government systems of allied nations.
International Community:
The USA has too long occupied a solipsistic position, separated, and acting above the other nations of the world. Our position must be one of equality with the other leaders of the world, not superiority. We must listen to the needs and the successes of our global, international community, in order to serve our own nation and strengthen those around us.
Our performance and respectability as a nation, when participating in NATO, the UN, and other international assemblies must improve. We must show our desire for diplomacy in actions and words, within and beyond such assemblies and summits.
The USA has been losing favor in the international community for some time by being short-fused and destructive, and by inserting ourselves into conflicts to which we were uninvited, unwanted, and ultimately detrimental to both ourselves and external conflicting states in a multitude of cases. It’s time we work on ourselves as a nation.
At present, our citizens are not equipped to interact with the global community. We need to be more inviting to visiting residents of our allied countries, as well as our immigrant communities. This means reducing biases and discriminatory practices against those for whom English is not their first language.
While education programs are important, our own education system is failing, and so we will not be taking it upon ourselves to educate the rest of the world. In the event that educational aid is requested, we will look to our allies who already have such organizations in place, with a better system of education than we may boast at this time.
We will be closing international military bases, and protecting our country while supporting our troops, by bringing them home. We will no longer be inserting ourselves into external conflicts in the hope of profiting. We will only get involved in foreign conflict in ways which will benefit all, namely by providing foreign aid.
In disputes which directly target the USA and its citizens, we guarantee we will follow the Geneva Convention, as well as strict deescalation directives. We must show the world we are ready for, and capable of peace.
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Moment of signing the security agreement with Germany
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thethirdman8 · 7 months
If I were president of the United States I would reach out to Vladimir Putin to end this conflict in Ukraine asap and I would stop all support to Israel's genocide.. I would.. what would you do? What would you do? What you do matters..
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samodivas · 2 days
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hmm what a nuanced take, I wonder what Georgians themselves think about "selling the country to the EU"
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by Talos this can't be happening
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nato-obenkrieger · 1 month
i made little timelines of the black suits post canon and my headcanons for them because i am in fact joe iconis and they are in fact my ocs
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queen-vv · 4 months
The ideologies of the Zeon factions throughout the UC Gundam timeline are very weird, like in ‘79 Ghiren comes right out and explicitly says he’s a Nazi, but then by the time of Unicorn the Cpt. Gilboa and the Garancieres crew talk about Zeon as if it was purely a spacenoid liberation movement. I’d be interested look into the change over time bc it’s a pretty weird disconnect watching 79 and Unicorn close to each other
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
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everyone: best explanations for why norman looks that shocked, please. what did pierre say?
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