#When blogs and moots collide.
thirium-800 · 5 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
I think you've all done this and lots of you asked me already but I have to get you back! Only if you wanna as always!
🖤 Trish
Hello my love 🖤
Sorry this has been sat in my ask box for so long! 🙈
I'm not one for making specific playlists! I tend to listen to the ones Spotify makes for me.
For this I used my "liked songs" playlist which is dangerous. Anything could show up in there 🤡
Angels and Airwaves, side project of Tom DeLonge. No surprise thats in here!
I LOVED The Used back in the day 🥹 I think this was the last album of theirs I listened to.
LO THE MUSIC MAN. Dechart Games stream music. Seeing multiple "ME UP"s in chat 🥹 ahhh. Good times.
It's no secret they're favourite band of all time and that Tom DeLonge is the love of my life. (Sorry to Connor detroit and the actual real life love of my life, he knows. It's fine. He loves him too)
OH MY GOD. I haven't heard this song in years 🥹 Reminds me of my Uni days 💃🏻
BRB gonna go listen to Wile Out on repeat and ignore the fact I'm not 21 anymore 🤡 and haven't been for a very long time.
Ah that wasn't so bad. I expected a wider variety. Thank you for the ask lovely! 🖤
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tally-kiza · 2 years
its weird following all the blogs of my twitter mutuals while still surrounded by my normal tumblr moots jghsjgnasj. when worlds collide
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keichan · 3 years
Firsts with Sakusa Kiyoomi
A collections of firsts with Sakusa Kiyoomi
I’ve had the idea of this story in my drafts forever now, but I sat down yesterday and finally brought it to life! I have never wrote for Sakusa before, but I hope that you guys enjoy my personification of him!
word count: 7.2k!
warnings: vomiting, nsfw content that will be italicized, swearing?
Please interact with this story! I’m restarting my blog back up and I lost a lot of moots! Send me asks and whatnot!
The first time you saw Sakusa Kiyoomi was when he silently strolled down the hallway in elementary school. He had a blank stare at all times. Never strayed too close to any of the other children. A gloomy looking child that you did not particularly want to approach. His hands remained glued to his side and looked to be sulking. He blended into the crowd but if you paid enough attention, he barely stood out. He crossed your mind for the slightest second before you were sucked back into conversation with your friends.
The first time you heard his voice was when he was talking to another boy in your grade level. Who you found out was his cousin. Their interaction was quiet and somewhat dull. His cousin, Motoya, asked if he wanted to go to an after school activity with him. Sakusa nodded briefly and said “sure”. His voice was quiet and bored. You wondered as you walked past the boys what they were talking about, however, you were quickly distracted yet again and proceeded to move forward without a second thought.
The first interaction between the two of you was your third year of middle school. Sakusa Kiyoomi was nothing but a background character in your life. You ever so often saw him since the two of you were in different classes. However, you shared a class with Motoya so it wasn’t too rare to see the boy. 
You walked out of class upon dismissal, but hung around campus with your friends, knowing that your parents were at work and it was redundant to return so early. It was an unanimous decision to go to the convenience store outside of campus to grab a quick bite with the chore money that took a few weeks to rack up.
Walking outside of the gym a volleyball rolled to your feet. You picked it up before looking to your right to see who it belonged to. Sakusa Kiyoomi walked calmly over to you with his  hands  at  his side.  There was no one else in the gym. He was playing by himself.
He came to a halt, looking at you expectedly. You fidgeted the ball in your palms before asking. “Are you practicing all alone?”  He nodded curtly with a deadpan expression that said give me the ball. 
“I see.” You tossed him the ball gently before following your friends that have already walked ahead. 
At the convenience store you grabbed things you thought Sakusa may have liked.
“Why are you grabbing so much? Also, I thought you didn’t like daifuku.” Aya commented as she browsed the shelf next to you. Your nose scrunched up. “I’m just craving it.” You shrugged her off. She didn’t reply as she grabbed a carton of apple juice. 
All of you checked out and parted ways in front of the store. It wasn’t long before you peeked your head into the gym to see Sakusa slamming  the ball against the wall continuously. He was roughly the same height as you, but each time he struck the ball, there was an undeniable force behind it. 
You took your shoes off, outside of the gym before clearing your throat nervously.
The boy caught the ball as it ricocheted off the wall. His black curls stuck messily to his forehead and he turned to you with a confused expression. Holding up the plastic bag with one hand,  you offered him a small smile. 
“Looked like you were working hard, so I brought this for you.” 
He blinked at you. Not a word. 
“I can just leave it somewhere if you’d like. I just have to-”
“I was actually getting kind of hungry.” He said quietly. He walked to the edge of the gym and sat down. You followed his lead quietly. Upon sitting down, you opened the bag,  preparing to dump  everything on the floor before he raised a hand to stop you. 
“The floor is rather dirty, I would prefer you not to do that.” He said plainly “Please.” he added. You nodded and opened the bag towards him so he could get his pick. Luckily for you he went straight for the daifuku. He meticulously unwrapped it and began to munch silently. You followed suit and you began to eat a custard-filled bread roll. 
“Sakusa, right?” You turned your head to the boy. “Kyosuke?” You faltered.
He shook his head. “Kiyoomi. And you?”
“L/N F/N.” You answered. He dipped his head in acknowledgement. 
“What high school are you going to try to go to?” 
“Really? I want to go there as well. Maybe we can study together for the entrance exams together.”
“I’m going to get in on a sports recommendation since I’m on the volleyball team here.” He said nonchalantly as he flattened the snack’s wrapper on his thigh. You nodded. His curtness didn’t particularly bother you. 
“Fair enough.” You brushed off your skirt and began to make an exit towards the gym. You began to slip your shoes on outside of the door before waving over to him. “Let me know if you change your mind about studying. I’m in the same class as your cousin. Keep the rest of the snacks. Work hard.”
Roughly two weeks later Sakusa Kiyoomi was waiting outside of class 3-B. Ignoring Motoya he approached you. “Let’s study for entrance exams.” Motoya looked at you oddly and tailed the two of you as Sakusa lead you to the library in silence.
You sat in front of the curly haired boy, pulling out your journals and folders excitedly sliding them towards Sakusa. Motoya sat beside him, earning a subtle glare from Kiyoomi.
“I looked at everything they’ve made available for students who are applying, organized it, and color coded it. I have a plan to get in. 
Sakusa carefully eyed over your notes as he skimmed the pages. Your handwriting was incredibly neat. Everything was so organized that even an idiot could get into Itachiyama. Not that he was thinking that you were stupid by any means.
That was the first time you saw Sakusa smile because of you.
It was now your first year at Itachiyama Academy. You walked through the gates of the school sandwiched between Sakusa and Motoya. Somehow the three of you managed to be in the same class.
As the semester progressed, you began to settle in a routine with the boys. You would sit at practices, reading books. After they finished, you would all study at someone’s house and part ways. 
It was dipping into the summer. Tokyo subtly rose in temperature as the rainy season commenced. 
Sakusa stood outside of your home with an umbrella since he was fully aware that you refused to bring one to school any time that it rained. He looked down to his cellphone. You were always punctual so it didn’t make sense to him that you weren’t outside yet. He knocked on the front door to your family home. No answer.
He used the spare key under the plant to go inside. He propped the umbrella against the door and took his shoes off before making his way upstairs. You weren’t in your bed but he could hear someone gagging in the bathroom.
His face contorted into disgust at the thought, but proceeded towards the room. He opened the bathroom door to see you hunched over the toilet. Your hair pooled over your shoulders going forward as you choked on your own vomit. Sobs quietly echoed the room. 
He cautiously moved forward and gathered your hair in his hand. He turned his head away from your body to cover his distaste for the situation that he found himself in.  You jumped startled in place before you started vomiting again. 
“Sorry, I didn’t text you. I’ve been here for hours.” Your voice was incredibly weak.
“I wish you took care of yourself. Then things like this wouldn’t happen. Where are your parents?”
“I don’t know.” Your voice croaked. Sakusa flinched at that. He knew the feeling all too well.
“You know if you used an umbrella in the rain you wouldn’t get sick. Plus you’ve been pulling all nighters with school for no reason. Stop overexerting yourself.”
“Shut up.” You groaned. “Go to school. I’ll take care of myself.”
He rolled his eyes. He grabbed a hair tie from under your sink and tied your hair back to the best of his ability before leaving the room. Going downstairs he began to make hot green tea with honey, a glass of water, and cut up an apple, your favorite fruit, and grabbed a mask out of his backpack and put it on before returning to the bathroom. You were leaning against the wall, your features were flushed as beads of sweat developed along your forehead.
Sakusa sighed as he squatted in front of you. 
“Drink this. Rehydrate. Put some food in your stomach.” 
“Go to school Sakusa.” You muttered as you placed the cup to your lips gently.
Sakusa began washing his hands into the sink, ignoring you.
“You ought to go lie down so your body can repair itself.” He turned around before gathering the cups and the bowl of fruit from you. He placed it on your bedside table before he felt a weight collide with his back. He turned suddenly to catch your body.
“Sorry, I must be really weak right now.” A laugh barely escaped your lips. You were face to face with him as he supported you up. All he did was nod before he gently lowered you onto the bed, placing you under the sheets.
He walked over to the bathroom and found a small towel. A sigh of exasperation escaped his lips. He already had known that you were overdoing it academically, but now it finally showed physically. He didn’t understand you sometimes.
He returned to your room once more to see that you were out cold. He used the cloth to gently dab the sweat off of your face before folding it inside out and resting it on your forehead entirely. Sakusa supposed that it would be alright to skip school that day to help his friend out.
“Thanks, Kiyoomi.” The words poured quietly from your lips. His head jerked up suddenly
That was the first time you didn’t call him by his surname.
“Okay hear me out. Yes, you’re insanely talented at volleyball. No, I am not telling you how to play, BUT I think that if you approach the AB attack that you guys have been working on this way, I think that you can achieve it somewhat better.” You shoved your diagram that you drew out to Kiyoomi. His eyes scanned over everything. You flipped the page in front of him. 
“This is the way that you’ve been doing it, but I think that with your spiking range, you wouldn’t have to exert yourself and overextend yourself from this side of the court.”
Sakusa laughed pulling your notebook closer to himself. 
“This is actually genius. How did you know I couldn’t get it?”
“You’ve been spending more time practicing solo than normal so I just paid a little more attention when I’ve been able to come in and watch.”
“I really appreciate this! Do you mind?” You shook your head. “It’s all yours. I have some other ideas in there as well since nationals are coming up.”
He giddily slid it into his backpack before checking his phone. 
“Shit. I didn’t realize how late it was. The subways are probably packed by now.” He groaned.
You slung your bag over your shoulder. The crowds outside were moving meticulously outside. A sigh escaped your lips. You turned to Sakusa as he hooked a mask over each ear with a gloomy expression.
The two of you walked out of the cafe and headed towards the JR line. The crowd was astonishingly hard to walk through. Well, it was easy for Saksua since he could see over the sea of people. You reached out for his sleeve and managed to grab his hand. He looked back and gave you a weary acknowledgement and continued to tread forward. You barely managed to get into the train car with him. Your fingers tangled with his as you were shoved into his side. You looked up to see his eyebrows furrowed and expression darkened.. This definitely isn’t the first time that Saksusa had been unfortunate enough to get on the trains with rush hour. 
“You good, Kiyoomi?” You tugged on his arm gently as you whispered. He nodded looking down at you. A man beside you accidentally shoved you forward. Sakusa quickly laced his fingers in yours before he anchored you back to his side. You squeeze his hand gently as a quiet thanks.
In roughly ten minutes the doors opened to your stop. Sakusa led the way, weaseling the two of you outside of the train station. He let out a sigh of relief as he climbed the stairs onto the open street.
“Much better.” he mumbled. You absentmindedly followed him to his house as he continued to hold your hand.
“Kiyoomi, you know you can go ahead and let go now.” He froze in his tracks and looked down to your hands and returned his gaze to your face.
“Apologies.” He said before he let go. His hand returned to his side.
“I think I’m going to call it a night here. I’m going to Motoya’s to study the notes. I’ll text you if I have any questions.” He raised a hand to bid farewell and walked to the direction of his home. 
Your eyes traveled down to the palm of your hand. You studied it. Each finger as you rotated it. With a subtle shrug, you turned to the opposite direction and made your way home.
That was the first time you held hands with Sakusa Kiyoomi.
“What do you mean I can’t braid your hair for a game? It’s getting longer and it would look adorable. Right, Motoya?” You twirled one of Sakusa’s curls gently in your finger. Motoya glanced up from his phone laughing. 
“I don’t see why not.”
“ Don’t support her. You’re going to make her think that she’s unstoppable.” Sakusa groaned and thudded his head against the table. 
“Can I do it for fun though?” You whined as your ran your hands through his hair.
He sunk in his chair in defeat. “Fine.”
You excitedly stood up and got to work. 
After a few minutes you were finished. His hair was barely short enough for it to stick into a little poof in the back. You quickly took out your phone and snapped a quick selfie with your back camera. You laughed at the photo as Sakusa grabbed at it.
“I didn’t know that you were going to take a picture of me, you ass! Delete it!” 
“Nah, this is too good! Kiyoomi I really think you should do this for a game! You look precious!”  
You quickly ran over to the couch next to Motoya, showing him the off guard picture you got of the two of them. The two of you were in hysterics. Sakusa ran over to the couch to join the two of you. Placing an arm around your shoulder he broke into laughter as well.
Lose hair flowed on the sides of his face. His eyes squinted shut as his laughs filled the room.
“You ought to delete that picture though, seriously.”
You shook your head at him. 
“This is too good. I might just send it to your whole team.”
“Don’t even think about it.”
After some time, the three of you settled down and watched a movie. You rested your head on his shoulder. His arm never left your side. The three of you passed out cold. 
Motoya’s mother laughed at the view she had of the three of you as she took her shoes out of the door. Her own son was sprawled out on the end of the couch, snoring the night away. Kiyoomi’s head rested on the couch. Tufts of hair were popping out of the braid. His arms loosely wrapped around you. Your head rested against his chest and your arms rested around his stomach.
She laughed quietly to herself, leaving the kids to sleep.
This was the first time that you fell asleep on Sakusa Kiyoomi.
“What do you mean that you didn’t have a good time at the camp? It’s literally for the Olympics!” You had your hands on your hips as you stared at Saksua. He sulked in your kitchen chair. He came over as soon as he had gotten back from camp.
“I do not understand how Shiratorizawa lost. Kageyama Tobio wasn’t necessarily an extraordinary feat to watch-”
“You do understand that there’s a reason why he got invited there as well, right?”
“I’m trying to be realistic here.”
“Well since both schools are going to nationals, maybe you can play them in the bracket. You’re the number two ace in the country because you worked hard Kiyoomi. I don’t care if some brat from Miyagi rubbed you the wrong way. You need to get over it and do your best. You and Motoya leave in two weeks.”
The two of you had spent the last hour bickering of his experience. Sakusa had a negative thing to say about almost every player that was there.
“If I want to analyze my potential opponent then I think you should allow me to. You’re not playing on the court whatsoever so I think you should keep your opinions to yourself about this situation.”
“Kiyomi, I’m literally the one who has helped you get to where you are now. I’ve spent hours of my own freetime, even getting physically ill coming up with ways to help you and Motoya improve your skills to be better players-”
“But nobody asked you to do that.” He glared at you. You falter at what to say next.
“I did it because you two are my friends. And I want you to succeed.” Each word articulated from your mouth excruciatingly slow. As if you were questioning yourself.
“You have a lot to say for someone who has never played the game before.” Sakusa snapped at you.
“Get out.” 
“Get out of my house. You do not talk to me like that here.” You made your way to the front door, holding it open.
“Out Kiyoomi.”
“I think we’re having a little miscommunication.” He rose from his chair. He hands beared out to you as he stepped towards you cautiously.
“No. Grab your bag. Put your shoes on and leave. I understood with clarity everything you just said to me. Now I’m asking you to leave. You said everything you wanted to.”
Sakusa’s head did not hang low as your gaze pierced through him. He slung his back over his shoulder and walked towards you. His height towered over you before he bent down, slipping his shoes over his heels.
He walked out without another word. 
That was the first fight you had with Sakusa Kiyoomi.
In the next two weeks you didn’t walk to school with the boys, you did not study with them, you did not watch practice, you didn’t use breaks at school to visit their classrooms. Anytime Motoya had reached out, you politely avoided him. If Sakusa did it was like he wasn’t even there.
Nationals were now upon the boy’s volleyball team. You followed the group solemnly to the bus.  You had signed up as an official volunteer and there wasn’t any way to necessarily get out of it since you had already been excused from the school days.
You sat alone on the bus. Far away from your two friends. The ride was short. Upon arrival, you carried the medical bag to the team’s designated area for the day.
It was a clash of teams mingling at the entrance of the arena. Not one member of the team had made it to the area yet. You turned to see Sakusa’s standing in the corner of the room. His forehead creased and his chin tucked towards his chest. There were too many people for him. Motoya was mingling with random  teams. You let out a small sigh and made your way to the designated area. 
A hand gently rested on your shoulder.
“Can we talk?” Kiyoomi asked. He towered over you in height. You couldn’t see his face due to the mask, but he radiated stress. You nodded and sat next to him in the hallway.
The apology was quick, sweet, and straight to the point. You graciously accepted and it wasn’t any worry at all. 
You could never truly be mad at him.
You continued to help the boy’s volleyball team until they lost the tournament.
You waited on the side of the court for the boys to come off. However, Sakusa was approached by fans and reporters. 
You stood patiently on the other side of the toom. The opposing team’s captain approached you. He shyly flirted with you. Sakusa watched from afar as he continued to chat with the reporter. 
This was the first time Sakusa Kiyoomi felt jealousy.
You, Kiyoomi, and Motoya stood side by side posing for pictures for your families. High school diplomas proudly in hand.
Kiyoomi graciously slipped away from everyone for a brief moment. His parents were fawning over the fact that he got accepted into college on a sports scholarship. Same with Motoya. Your parents were openly wondering what college you would choose to go to. You got accepted to five different ones, one of them the same as Kiyoomi.
You and Motoya bid your parents a farewell and began to leave the school together for one last time. Kiyoomi stood at the gates waiting patiently for the two of you. His blazer now slung over one shoulder, he used his other arm to gently rest around your shoulder.
“I’ll see you at the dinner, Motoya. I’m going to walk Y/N home.” 
Motoya dipped his head in acknowledgement before parting ways.
You and Kiyoomi laughed and reminisced over the last three years. The late nights studying. Hanging around each other's houses. Him keeping you company as you read your books at cafes. The cat you two found outside of the school your first year. The god awful game of telephone pictionary that almost got the three of you suspended your second year of school. The failed attempts of learning how to play volleyball in third year. It seemed that all of the memories so precious to your heart were coming to a cease.
Your laughs faltered as you approached the gate of your home. 
“I don’t know what I’m going to do when you leave for Osaka.” You laughed nervously as his arm slid off of your shoulder. He unconsciously moved a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Easy. Just go to the same school as me. It’s not that difficult of a decision.”
You laughed. “You know I haven’t even begun to choose the college I want to go to yet. I haven’t weighed the pros and cons of each school. Plus you got a full ride.” You sighed.
“Well a pro is that I’m there. I think that’s enough.” He tilted his head at you.
You let out a short laugh before turning your head away from him. “If only it was that simple.” You wondered aloud.
“I have to see how good the program is for what I want to do. I know that they’re the top in the country for it but will it really benefit me? What if financial aid doesn't end up coming through and I have student loans out the ass? What if housing is full? If I don’t have anywhere to live?” 
Your thoughts were cut off by Kiyoomi stifling a laugh. He used a single hand to cover his mouth as he looked down at you. You shoved his chest playfully. 
“What’s so funny?”
“You worry too much for someone who’s so smart.”
You rolled your eyes at him. He ran his hand through his hair before he rested it on his neck, his gaze never leaving yours. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you how pretty I think you are.” He reached over and cupped your face. His long slender fingers gently tucked the rest of your hair behind your ear. He felt your skin heat up below his hand and laughed.
“Are you trying to be funny because you’re really bad at it.”
Before you could even react, Kiyoomi quickly closed the gap between the two of you. His lips were soft as he gently pressed his lips against yours. Your hands rose up quickly against his sides. Slightly panicking. He tilted your chin up slightly and you finally kissed him back. 
You felt him smile against your lips as he pulled you closer.
He pulled away. Grinning like an idiot.
“I think you should go to that school in Osaka with me. I’m going to have an apartment and everything.”
You placed your arms around his shoulders and his slinked down to your waist.
“We’ll see.”
Kiyoomi’s body sunk into itself.
“I’ve been waiting to do that for quite some time now and that’s all you say? ‘We’ll see?’ It’s really not enough.” 
“I mean who said I haven’t been waiting to kiss you too?” 
He raised an eyebrow at you as you leaned up to place a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“For how long?”
“After nationals in our second year when I saw a horde of fan girls for one of the best aces in Japan.” You reached up and pinched his cheek. “I thought to myself that I wasn’t jealous or anything, but I think I’ve thought about you romantically for a while now.” He narrowed his eyes at you before shaking his head for you to let go of his face.
“But you’re right. You’ve never told me I was pretty before, Kiyoomi.” You used your hands to bring his face down to yours. 
That was the first time you and Sakusa Kiyoomi had ever kissed.
Sakusa Kiyoomi was disappointed to say the least that you did not follow him to college in Osaka. 
Or so he thought. 
Two weeks after his move there was a knock on his apartment door at 7am in the morning. Kiyoomi was a morning person, but he had no clue who it could possibly be. He pulled a sweatshirt over his body and pulled on sweatpants over his boxers.
There you stood with a suitcase in each hand.
“I chose Osaka because I don’t think I can handle being away from you for four years.”
Kiyoomi enveloped you in a hug, making you drop your luggage. He pressed your body against his chest and buried his head into the crook of your neck. He peppered kisses on your  cheekbone until you turned to face him. He held your hands and kissed you sweetly before pulling you inside. 
“Kiyo, you need to grab my bags.” You mumbled into his mouth. He gently put you down. Grabbed your bags and placed them inside and turned to face you. You looked at him expectantly with your arms open towards him. Without missing a beat he picked you up and spun you around.
“Are you sure you want to go to school out here?” He pressed a kiss to your temple. You nodded against his chest.
“One exception though.” You pulled away from him.
“Will you be my boyfriend, Sakusa Kiyoomi?”
This was the first day you spent as an official couple.
The semester was beginning to take a toll on the both of you. Fortunately enough, the both of you managed to be taking the same courses for your basics and had a basic study regiment in the evenings. Kiyoomi’s volleyball practice ran from ungodly hours of the morning and the fatigue was catching up to him as finals week set upon the two of you.
You returned from the library and walked into the bedroom to see Kiyoomi sound asleep, laying on his side snuggling a pillow. Quiet snores spread through the room as his mouth was slightly agape.
You quickly showered and changed into a shirt of his before snuggling into bed beside him. You ran your fingers through his hair causing him to lean into your touch.
“Y/N” He groaned into the pillow.
“C’mere.” He lifted up his arm as an invitation. You quickly obliged as his arm encased you into his chest.
“How was studying? Sorry I left so early.” He yawned.
 Your arm wrapped around his side as your fingernails began to graze his bare back.
“It’s fine, Kiyo. I know how tired you’ve been lately. Being a student athlete is tough enough as it is.” 
“I don’t want you to be stressed out because of my incapabilities.”
“You’re only human. And I’m stressed out because college is tough, not because you’re incapable of things.”
“I know.”
“Your voice is cute when you’re tired.”
“No, it isn’t.”
“I beg your pardon?.”
“Have I ever told you that you’re super handsome when you’re dead quiet. I know I can’t see you right now, but the whole brooding thing  you usually have going on is usually pretty nice in my opinion.”
“Shut up.”
“Okay, Kiyo.”
“Y/N  I’ll literally make you do all of the cleaning next week.”
“But Kiyo-”
“Shut up.”
“Anyways. I’ve missed you.”
“We live together. And study together. And go to school together.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Remember that one time that you fell down the stairs in our second year? In front of the entire class?”
“I hate you.”
“I love you.”
You sat up abruptly staring down at your boyfriend. He sat up, propping his hands on either side of his body. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes.
“I love you, Kiyoomi.”
A lazy smile graced the black-haired man’s features.
“I mean it!”
“I know you do. That’s why I’m smiling.”
“I really mean it, Kiyoomi. You’ve been my best friend since middle school. We spent every waking moment together. I got to grow with you as friends. I had the opportunity to watch you bloom into your passion by bringing you daifuku one day because I saw a quiet boy practicing all by himself. I’m so lucky for that moment of time. Even though we’re busy now, we get to hold each other at night and see each other’s achievements during the day. I think it’s so amazing that we have each other.  I just want to cherish you.”
“I love you too.” He clasped his hand over yours.
“And I mean it too.”
That was the first time you and Sakusa exchanged ‘I love yous’.
The semester had come to an end. Kiyoomi rested his head on your lap as you watched TV and he watched volleyball highlights on his phone. You played with his curls absentmindedly.
“I can’t believe that Kageyama Tobio is playing on the Olympic team this year.”
“The kid who beat Wakatoshi our second year.”
“Oh that one.”
“I want to play in the Olympics.”
“I know Kiyo you just need to keep doing what you're doing and you’ll be on that stage in 2020.”
You pulled out your cell phone and took a picture of the two of you. Managing to get his glare and everything. You shoved the photo you just took in his face. 
“Look! Do you know who that is?”
“Me. Sakusa Kiyoomi.”
“Correct!” You exclaimed. “He’s also my boyfriend and a future Olympian! A future representative of Japan’s men's volleyball team!”
Kiyoomi laughed. He locked his phone and just kept on laughing.
“You’re so precious.” He managed between laughs. He pulled his head from your lap and squeezed your cheeks with both of his hands.
“My girlfriend believes in me!” He sang song.
You placed your hands over his and pulled him forward into a quick kiss.
“Am I not supposed to?”
“I never said that.”
“You’re kind of suggesting it. Do you not like me anymore?”
He leaned forward, putting his lips on yours once more.
“You know I don’t like you, I love you.”
Butterflies rose in your chest at his words. You gave him the dopiest grin before you leaned into  him once more. Your body leaned into his. Kiyoomi’s hands rose under your shirt as he pulled you on top of his lap. Your legs fell on either side of him as your fingers ran through his hair. As your hands reached the back of his head you fisted his curls, earning a quiet groan from the man underneath you. His hands pressed roughly into the skin of your hips. The surprise let Kiyoomi slip his tongue into your mouth.
He began to place open mouth kisses down your neck as his hands traveled up to your breasts. You quickly slid your shirt off over your head to give him more access. His kisses continued across your collarbone and down to your breast. 
“Kiyo-” Your breath hitched in your throat as he swirled his tongue.
“Hmm?” He mumbled into your chest. 
“Let’s go to the bedroom.” You said firmly, as you slid your hands to his shoulders to get him to look at you.
His dark eyes sparkled at you and nodded. 
You got off of his lap and made your way to your room. Dropping your shorts to the ground, you kicked them to the corner of the room. Before you could even reach the bed, you were enveloped in a hug from behind. Kiyoomi’s bare chest warmed your back as he began to kiss your neck, your shoulders. A hand firmly on your hip and a hang squeezing your breast. His hands traveled your body hungrily. You turned to meet his face. Caressing it with the back of your hand you placed a gentle kiss on his nose, making him smile at you.
Your hands draped over his boxers as you generously worked them down his legs. Placing, small, eager kisses on his lips.
“I don’t think we have condoms-”
“Yes we do. They’re in my nightstand, I bought them just in case we ever-”
You lured Kiyoomi over to the bed as you stroked him. He opened the bedside table and carefully tore the wrapper before rolling the condom on. He hovered over you as he lowered you onto the bed, his lips not leaving yours once. His fingers caressed you, slipping in and out slowly, you moaned into his mouth, making him speed up ever so slightly as he kissed all over your body. He wanted to show you physically how much he loves you.
He positioned himself between your legs before slipping himself in. The two of you gasped at the newfound sensation. He moaned into your neck as your hands failed to grab at his back. He kissed your cheek and smiled at you. He began to roll his hips into you repeatedly. He was weary of his actions as his hands roamed your entire body. He didn’t want to go too slow or two fast. He never asked, he just studied your reactions as he pressed deeper into you. He began to hold a steady rhythm as moans began to spill from your mouth. Each sound encouraging him to unconsciously move faster. 
“Kiyoomi.” Your nails sunk into his back, your lips struggled to find his. He moaned your name into your neck. He was reaching his climax as he shuddered inside of you. He kissed your forehead gently. 
“I love you. Forever. I cannot imagine anyone else I’d share this life with.”
You stared at your boyfriend. He was studying your face with great intent as if to check if he made a dent. His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat. You pushed it back making his curls bounce as they flopped back down. His body rose and fell steadily as he caught his breath over you. He gave you a small smile as he flattened your hair on your head, he gently pulled out of you before sitting on his knees and sliding the condom off of himself.
“Give me a second please.”
He walked to the bathroom and disposed of it and began to pick up the clothes from earlier and put them in the hamper. He returned to your side. He propped up his head on his hand as ran his fingers through your hair.
“I’m so lucky. Everyday.”
You smiled as he placed yet another tender kiss on your lips.
The night ended with Sakusa curled on your bare chest, fast asleep while you held him dearly through the night.
That was you and Sakusa Kiyoomi’s first time.
Today was Kiyoomi’s first V-League game. 
You were never typically awake at the same times that he was. Ever. 
You sleepily followed him around the apartment. He brushed his teeth first. You stifled a laugh as he began the skin care routine you taught him in high school. He ignored you, but followed suit. Next he fixed his bed head. Well you did. You sat on the counter with him between your legs as you gently raked product through his hair. 
“Omi Omi.” You sang as he relaxed into your hands. 
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why? I think Miya was onto something when he started calling you that.” 
“No he wasn’t. He tainted the second half of my name when he started that shit.”
“Don’t be that way, Omi Omi!” 
“Shut up!” He yawned. 
“Or what, Omi?” You hopped off the sink and walked away from him.
“You’re gonna do what you did to me, last night? Right now?”
A sly grin rested on his lips before he pushed you to the bed. 
“Good thing we woke up early.”
You stayed arm and arm with Kiyoomi at the bar where his teammates won. The Black Jackals won their very first game. 
You glanced up at your mask-clad boyfriend as he glared at his teammates. 
“Omi Omi! I didn’t know you were bringing your girlfriend!”
“Hi! You must be Atsumu!” You extended your hand to shake his, but Sakusa cut in front of you. 
“Don’t touch him.” He rolled his eyes. 
“It’s called being courteous, Kiyo. You ought to try it!” You shoved his chest. 
“I can’t believe Omi Omi has a heart. He actually talks about us at home.” Bokuto bunched up his shirt on his chest, his eyes watering. 
“You’re telling me.” Atsumu huffed. 
“To be clear, the only person I respect on this team is Meian and I think it’s all valid.” Sakusa glared at the two men. His gaze lost it’s focus once he heard your laugh and reeled back into the conversation that you were having with Hinata. 
His teammates smiled as they were watching a never before seen Sakusa Kiyoomi. 
As the night progressed more and more drinks were spread amongst the team. 
You and Kiyoomi balanced the drinks the best you could, but after all, it was your first time drinking. Ever. 
Both of you, equally wasted, exited the bar and ordered a ride home. Laughing up the stairs the two of you tumbled into your bedroom. Kissing and everything in between. 
Sakusa Kiyoomi looked at you like you were the light of his life and he made sure you knew it. 
You studied his features as he drunkenly told you stories of when he was little. His dark brown eyes squinted at you as little laughs escaped his mouth. Anytime he smiled one corner of his mouth rose higher than the other. Anytime Kiyoomi reached for your hand, he always managed to be the most gentle with his spindly fingers. His kisses were so soft. Even now as he continuously reaches down to kiss you. Even though your own lips are numb from the alcohol rushing in your veins. 
This is true love. 
“I told you that you’d be in the Olympics.” 
You wrapped your arms around him as you stood behind the couch, smothering his cheek with kisses. 
“I know! I’m glad everything paid off!” 
“Me too. Me too.
“I think this is the first time I’ve ever dated an Olympian.” You stared at the phone in Kiyoomi’s hand. The congratulatory email. 
“Oh yeah?”
“What do you think about marrying an Olympian? Pretty practical, right?”
You grinned from ear to ear. 
“I think that’s the best idea you’ve had in a while.”
“I’d like you to know I’m full of great ideas. I mean we’ve been together for six years. And it’s because I kissed you since you wouldn’t kiss me. I think that it’s a fair assumption that I’m the brains of this relationship. I also made the idea for us moving into this city home. I also made the executive decision for us to buy a cat.”
“Kiyo. That’s not how that went. You know damn well I brought the cat home when you were done with practice and you hit me with the whole ‘I guess we can do it if we clean the litter box everyday’. I think you’re remembering things incorrectly. Per usual.”
“Dunno, but it took my decision making to allow her to stay in this home.”
“Uh huh. Now that I think about it, it would be my first time marrying an Olympian.”
“Well duh. I mean look at me.”
“ I was talking about Miya, you dolt.”
He let out a hearty laugh. “I guess you can take the role of the funny one.”
The first time Sakusa became a parent. He had almost passed out in the delivery room. He’ll never acknowledge it to you, however when friends asked he claimed that childbirth was ultimately disgusting. 
His eyes shone the moment your son entered the world. 
He held him delicately as if he could break. He was laughing as he gently brought him down to you. 
You stared down at the baby you and your husband had brought into the world and you couldn’t help but think of the first time you saw Sakusa Kiyoomi and the blessings the boy brought into your life.
(A/N) the smut scene wasnt supposed to be good!!!!!!!!! It was their first time so it wasn’t supposed to be some god tier orgasming experience. It was supposed to be plain and about their connection!
thanks for reading (:
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framecaught · 4 years
Transmedia Storytelling: A Perspective on the Homestuck Epilogues
First of all, thank you for reading my first post! I created this blog to document some of my research for a directed study project. I’ll be looking at Homestuck from an interdisciplinary lens but focusing especially on its formal artistic qualities and place in art history. The blog will contain various points of analysis which I develop over the course of the project. For my first piece of writing, I wanted to tackle (from a new perspective) what I view as a complicating factor in the controversy surrounding the Homestuck Epilogues.
Rather than critiquing the Epilogues’ content or making a judgement about their overall quality, I want to explore a specific criticism which has been echoed time and time again by fans. In an article for the online journal WWAC, Homestuck fan-writer Masha Zhdanova sums up this criticism:
“No matter how much members of the creative team insist that their extension to the Homestuck line of work is no more official than fanwork, if it’s hosted on Homestuck.com, promoted by Homestuck’s official social media accounts, and endorsed by the original creator, I think it’s a little more official than a fanfic with thirty hits on AO3.”
Between attacks on the Epilogues’ themes, treatment of characters, and even prose-quality, fans have frequently referenced the issue of endorsement and canonicity as summarized above. Although the Epilogues and Homestuck’s other successors (including Homestuck^2 and the Friendsims) attempt to tackle themes of canonicity within their narratives, critics of the Epilogues contend that this philosophical provocation falls flat. While the creators argue that the works should form a venue for productively questioning canonicity, fans point to issues of capital and call the works disingenuous. In Episode 52 of the Perfectly Generic Podcast Andrew Hussie explains that, to him, the Epilogues are “heavily implied to be a piece of bridge-media, which is clearly detached from the previous narrative, and conceptually ‘optional’ by its presentation, which allows it to also function as an off-ramp for those inclined to believe the first seven acts of Homestuck were perfectly sufficient.” As Zhdanova paraphrases, a critical view posits that this “optional” reading is impossible. The company ethos and production of capital inherent to the Epilogue’s release—their promotion, their monetization—renders their “fanfic” backdrop completely moot, if not insulting.
Why does appropriating the “aesthetic trappings” [1] of AO3 strike such a chord with critics, though? What’s wrong with the Epilogue creators profiting from their work? Other officially endorsed “post-canon” materials, including the Paradox Space comics, Hiveswap and Friendsim games, have not inspired such virulent opposition. The issue comes down to the association between the AO3 layout and the separation from canon. The Epilogues ask us to read them as “tales of dubious authenticity,” but critics assert that this reading makes no sense in the context of their distribution. It’s not exactly the endorsement or monetization that prevents a “dubious” reading, though. After all, Hiveswap is also endorsed and monetized, yet fans have no problem labeling it as “dubiously canon.” So what is it about the Epilogues’ presentation that seems so incongruous with their premise as “dubious” texts?
I’ve come to understand this issue through the lens of transmedia storytelling. First conceptualized by Henry Jenkins, “transmedia storytelling” involves the production of distinct stories, contained within the same universe, across different media platforms. [2] This allows consumers to pick and choose stories across their favorite media outlets, since each story is self-contained, but superfans can still consume All The Content for a greater experience. The Marvel franchise with its comics, movies, TV shows, and other ephemera, is a great example of the transmedia phenomenon.
How does Homestuck fit into this theory? In an excellent article [3] for the Convergence journal, Kevin Veale lays out a taxonomy for Homestuck’s role in new media frameworks. Rather than dispersing different stories across multiple media platforms, Homestuck combines the “aesthetic trappings” of many media forms into one massive outlet: the Homestuck website [4]. It’s almost like the inverse of transmedia storytelling. Veale describes this type of storytelling as “transmodal.” He further defines Homestuck’s storytelling as “metamedia,” meaning that it manipulates the reader’s expectations of certain media forms to change the reading experience. So, despite its multimedia aspects, Homestuck structures itself around one monolith distribution channel (the website), the importance of which directly feeds into what we know as “upd8 culture.” The Homestuck website itself, as a “frame” which encapsulates Homestuck and the other MS Paint Adventures, takes on a nostalgic quality; the familiar grey background and adblocks become inextricably linked with the production of the main, “canon” narrative.
Homestuck itself—the main narrative—is a transmodal venture. However, as of writing this post, the Homestuck franchise has taken a leap into transmedia waters, starting with the Paradox Space comics and continuing with Hiveswap, the Friendsims, and Homestuck^2. All four of these examples fit the definition of transmedia ventures: they contain distinct stories still set in the Homestuck universe and are distributed through fundamentally separate media channels from the main comic. Which is to say, crucially, none of them are hosted on the Homestuck website.
This is where I think the issue arises for the Epilogues. The Epilogues, from what I can tell, aimed to present themselves as a transmedia venture rather than a transmodal one. Firstly, they try to act as a “bridge-media,” or self-contained story. They can be read as a continuation of Homestuck, but can also be separated or ignored. Secondly, they take on a distinct format (prose). Hussie notes in PGP Ep. 52 that the Epilogues were originally only meant to be published in print, functioning as a “cursed tome.” In short, they were intended as a transmedia venture: a self contained story, distributed through a separate medium (prose) and separate media channel (print), to be embraced or discarded by consumers at their whim.
Instead, when the Epilogues were released through the main Homestuck website, readers couldn’t help but interpret them as part of Homestuck’s long transmodal history. Rather than interacting with a new distribution channel, readers returned to the same nostalgic old grey website. The AO3 formatting gag makes no real difference to readers, as Homestuck patently appropriates the aesthetics of other platforms all throughout its main narrative. This issue of distribution (print versus website), which in turn produces either a transmedia or transmodal reading, is the crux of the criticism I mentioned before. Despite the creators’ protests, readers failed to see any “question” of canonicity because the Epilogues fit perfectly into the comic’s preexisting transmodal framework, supported even further by the nostalgia of the website’s very layout. The Epilogues read as a transmodal contribution to Homestuck’s main channel rather than a post-canon, transmedia narrative (like Paradox Space or the Friendsims) as they were intended. This created a profound dissonance between the fans’ experiences and the creators’ intentions.
How things might have turned out differently if the Epilogues really had been released solely as “cursed tomes,” the world will never know. In PGP, Hussie cites the importance of making content freely accessible on the website as a reason for the online release, which is certainly a valid consideration. Even though the print format offers a much clearer conceptual standpoint as a transmedia “bridge-story” [5], issues of capital and accessibility may still have come to the forefront of discussion. As it stands, though, I think the mix-up between transmedia and transmodal distribution was a key factor in the harsh criticism the Epilogues sparked.
If you liked this post, you can follow the blog on tumblr for updates or, if you don’t frequent tumblr, sign up for the mailing list to receive an email whenever I publish a new mini-essay!
[1] I love this term, “aesthetic trappings”, which Masha Zhdanova uses, so I’ve overused it to some degree in my post.
[2] Henry Jenkins, Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide, 2007: pg. 98. You can also find a description of transmedia storytelling on his blog.
[3] Veale, Kevin. “‘Friendship Isn’t an Emotion Fucknuts’: Manipulating Affective Materiality to Shape the Experience of Homestuck’s Story.” Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 25, no. 5–6 (December 2019): 1027–43. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354856517714954.
[4] Although the Homestuck website shifted branding from mspaintadventures.com to homestuck.com before the Epilogues’ release and has shifted its aesthetic somewhat (re: banners and ads), I treat the core “website” as the same location in my post
[5] Hussie points to numerous fascinating experiences which might have arisen from the print distribution. He describes a tome as “something which maddeningly beckons, due to whatever insanity it surely contains, but also something which causes feelings of trepidation” and references the sheer size of the book and “stark presentation of the black and white covers” as elements which produce this trepidation. The ability to physically experience (through touch) the length of the Epilogues and the impact of the book cover were lost in the online format. Although the Epilogues have been released in their intended book format now, the printed novel still won’t be a “first reading experience” for most fans. 
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kingkatsuki · 4 years
It’s so weird because I used to read your works even before I was on tumblr lol. Live Show is one of my favorites by the way-
And I was like wow she’s so amazing and such a big blog that’s crazy how anyone can get that far. As then it was crazy when I saw you interacting with some of my moots. (Reina, Abby, and Hipster) Kinda like a when worlds collide moment lol. All of y’all are so talented tho!!
Ahhh thank you so so much🥺😭 isn’t it so funny when you look back on old stories you’ve written and start to hate them? So hearing people enjoy them just makes me 😍
It feels so weird when people say big blog because it’s like I’m sat here writing about anime dick? Idk😭😂
Hipster,Reina and Abby are so so sweet! We’re honestly so blessed to have so many talented people in the fandom 🥺
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seungminhos · 5 years
we might end up being clowns 😔.... but seungmin would look so good w like a dirty blind too imo 😭😭 prove me wrong seungmin...... n I just saw sjskdjs when i see moots interact w my posts from other blogs im like god.. worlds collide... UR so cute ily 🥰
WORLDS COLLIDE.. SMLDFKSD😭😭 also ive been seeing edits of seungmin w silver hair.. and then dark blue hair.. im literally suffering like im so jealous of every other stan getting new hair colors but im stuck w this seungmin.. it literally feels like stanning ksoo and im just like 😐
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junker-town · 7 years
Pittsburgh hockey media’s witch hunt on Alex Ovechkin is dangerous
The city’s past inconsistencies on holding Penguins players accountable renders their outrage at Ovechkin moot.
It didn’t take long for the hockey world to have a varying degree of hot takes on Sidney Crosby’s Game 3 injury. The response was swift, loud, and extremely colored by whatever fanbase colored glasses you tend to wear.
This is sports, after all. It’s to be expected from fans, especially in such a high-pressure, high-anxiety time that is the Stanley Cup playoffs.
What’s been absolutely out of left field, however, is the response from Pittsburgh media. Two pieces in particular have made their way across the Internet over the last few days, the second more incredulous, and more dangerous, than the first. I’m linking them here for the sake of journalistic integrity in sourcing your information. One of the first rules of journalism school, kids. Don’t forget it.
Before I go on, let’s talk about the facts of one Alex Ovechkin in this series:
He has four points in three games so far.
He’s still deadly from the left circle.
His shot in the third period of Game 2 hit Ron Hainsey in the head. The defenseman returned to the Penguins lineup in Game 3.
His slash to the top of Crosby’s head started the fall which eventually lead to his injury.
Now that we have you caught up, let’s flash back to the aftermath of Game 2.
Hainsey took an Ovechkin shot to the side of the head as the clock was winding down in the third period. The shot injured Hainsey, potentially splitting his ear and causing quite the stir on the ice.
Unfortunate as it is, it’s quite routine for defensemen to get nicked and bruised and even injured when blocking shots. Why they willingly put their bodies in front of speeding projectiles is beyond me, but that’s why they’re being paid to play hockey and not me.
Even still, quotes surfaced after the game that some Penguins in the room weren’t pleased with Ovechkin’s choice of shot, via DK Pittsburgh Sports.
[Hainsey] indicated following the game that his helmet absorbed the majority of the blow and that he believed he would be OK.
One got the sense from a couple of Penguins after the game that they believed Ovechkin, while not necessarily acting with intent, was pretty careless regarding how he fired the puck in Hainsey’s direction.
While DKPS got ripped for suggesting malace on Ovechkin’s part, writer Josh Yohe clarified that he was reporting on the feeling in the room. Good on him.
That didn’t stop a Pittsburgh-based ESPN radio host, however, from insinuating the very same thing.
From @JoshYohe_PGH: Exactly my reaction when I saw Ovechkin’s shot last night. To be that far off target so quickly… http://pic.twitter.com/sR1omtRi73
— David Todd (@DavidMTodd) April 30, 2017
Flash-forward to Game 3, where Ovechkin played a part in Crosby’s injury. We’ll show you a clip here, as there are a lot of moving parts around this.
Your browser does not support iframes.
Ovechkin initiated contact with Crosby as the Pittsburgh center was heading to the crease, getting a slash in around the arm then to the top of the head. The pair’s skates also collided, sending Crosby into an awkward downward slide that sent him right into the path of Matt Niskanen’s stick as the Capitals defenseman was seemingly going for a shoulder cross-check.
We know how that play ended, with Crosby going to the locker room, Niskanen ejected, and Ovechkin back on the ice to resume play. While many argued over Niskanen’s major penalty and whether it was deserved, it’s hard to say if Ovechkin would have gotten one, but a pair of slashes likely warranted it.
Then, after the game, this little chestnut showed up on Twitter.
Alex Ovechkin shouldn't play another game in these Stanley Cup playoffs says @Real_RobRossi. https://t.co/JcRfeSCTXV
— upgrūv (@upgruv) May 2, 2017
I won’t rehash that whole article here, but one quote stands out in particular to me.
Makes you wonder what that closed-door meeting called by Capitals players was really about after their blowout defeat in Game 2, huh?
Not really.
Writer Rob Rossi, formerly of the Tribune-Review, currently of Upgruv, and a member of the Professional Hockey Writers’ Association, wrote those words insinuating Ovechkin and the Capitals had it out for Crosby.
The piece reads in much of the same way, but the meat of this take down is the posturing that Ovechkin specifically planned to take out Crosby to give the Capitals a better chance of winning this series.
Don’t believe me? Here’s his next line.
If they say it wasn't about eliminating Crosby, the Capitals are liars. And if that sounds like an unfair accusation to make of the Capitals, then please consider my decade of experience covering a sport I love and a league I really, really, really want to give the benefit of the doubt.
I’ll let you have a minute get over the fact that a paid writer wrote those words with seemingly complete sincerity. After all, it’s hard to distinguish someone’s tone from words alone. Good thing Rossi was on video twice on Monday talking about — and to — Capitals head coach Barry Trotz.
Now then, the pieces lie where they are. A reporter with locker room access to a team insinuated the captain of the Washington Capitals orchestrated a take down on Sidney Crosby, without evidence no less. Not only is this bad journalism, it’s inflammatory and down right dangerous to do so without anything other than opinion to back it up.
Opinions are fine and good, but to come after a star NHL player in a piece that seems to be written with serious intent without some proof of insider knowledge of what happened in the locker room is setting a horrible standard.
Other prominent Pittsburgh media members also had various takes on the entire situation.
Well, as long as we're all keeping this incident in perspective. http://pic.twitter.com/FZG1bGGZem
— Becca (@BeccaH_JR) May 2, 2017
Graves on Mario = Niskanen on Sid, according to @KGorman_Trib http://pic.twitter.com/QpaG7kyTnZ
— Greg Wyshynski (@wyshynski) May 2, 2017
COLUMN: Capitals come with a low blow, resort to taking out Crosby with a cheap shot: https://t.co/g6seK9iINW
— Kevin Gorman (@KGorman_Trib) May 2, 2017
If there’s one thing that Rossi’s Ovechkin piece does well, it’s getting people to talk. And talk they did. However, at what point do we step back from our hot takes? Are we really adding anything to the conversation if we’re just writing incendiary things we may not even believe to get clicks?
It’s also hard to take Pittsburgh media’s outrage seriously when they’ve stood idly by as the team employed players such as Matt Cooke in the past. That Cooke, who put into motion the NHL’s stance on headshots with this career ending one to Marc Savard.
A glowing piece on Cooke’s changed character from the same author can be found in the archives of the Pittsburgh Tribune. Our own Penguins blog wrote quite the rebuttal back in 2011. It’s a great read on the situation.
Fast-forward to March 2017, where Tom Sestito spent a minute of ice time fighting and being ejected for a late hit on Jets’ defenseman Toby Enstrom. Our site seemed like one of the few outlets questioning that whole scene, along with the Altoona Mirror’s piece echoing the disappointment. Only radio silence and news hits on Sestito’s disagreements with his four game suspension came from Pittsburgh.
Are we really adding anything to the conversation if we’re just writing incendiary things we may not even believe to get clicks?
Nothing was written either on Sestito’s reckless play in his first game back from suspension that injured Toronto goaltender Frederick Anderson.
That’s not even diving into the player’s reactions to Crosby’s injury. Chris Kunitz called Niskanen’s hit “deliberate”. Former player Tyler Kennedy offered truth about the PR behind Niskanen’s “it wasn’t intentional” statement, but seemed to imply a falseness to the words. Head coach Mike Sullivan, rationally, opted for the the no-comment route.
This is a story that will no doubt drag on through the series, and maybe even the playoffs. It’s a down-right shame that Crosby was injured, especially given his concussion history and what that’s robbed us of as fans of this sport.
Yet this vendetta the Pittsburgh hockey media holds against Ovechkin is a journalism farce. Insinuating maliciousness from an opposing player while not holding their own accountable is disrespectful, dangerous, and irresponsible as members of the media.
The outrage cycle over Ovechkin and Crosby may churn in Pittsburgh media for awhile. Just remember the inconsistencies and disingenuous clamoring they’ve made in the past.
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thirium-800 · 5 months
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3
When blogs and moots collide. HELLO. Sincerest apologies. This has been in my inbox FOREVER. I am terribleeee at replying but today I am on a roll. IN THE ZONE 🙌🏻
The Wizard of Oz is one of my favourite films of all time. The reason why my favourite colour is red. I love it with all my heart.
Psychobilly is my favourite style of fashion! Horror and rockabilly in one? YES PLEASE. I need a white stripe in my hair more than I need air to breathe.
I LOVE fridge magnets. If a friend or family member goes anywhere on holiday YOU BET I'm asking for a fridge magnet.
Thank you for the ask lovely! 💙
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