#When halfway through the mental image of our good friend the sweet but stupid real estate lawyer is swapped out
cryptvokeeper · 2 years
Dillemma reached: several fanfictions have Dracula calling Jonathan “Johnny”
and like. ya’ll know why thats a problem right. you know what wire is getting crossed here for me.
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yoongi-sugaglider · 6 years
Boy in Luv
Oneshot based on this request
Yoongi x reader
Warnings: reader as 8th member, strong language, bit of angst, bit of fluff. You knooowwww the usual fun stuff from me lol
A/n: Alrighty so this was written as gender neutrally as I could possibly make it, just to sort of experiment once again with the idea. It was waayyy harder this time around than the last one for whatever reason...probably because I put a lot of my own personality into the reader character. So yea, the internal monologue? Totes something I would be thinking in x situation rofl. Anyway,  I hope you guys like it. If you do drop a like or a comment or reblog to share with your friends. Please do because I just love the feedback and it lets me know you guys enjoy my stories as much as I do~
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It was supposed to be simple. Hobi’s dance break just before my intro verse, and just before I start rapping I was supposed to do a front flip over him and that would segue us  into my verse. Simple right?
Of course it was simple. I’d done it dozens of times before.
So…”Could somebody explain to me why y/n is sitting here with a fractured ankle?” Bang PD-nim...is not happy. I stared down at the cast encasing the entire lower half of my leg, from mid calf  right on down to immobilize the ankle.
Shame burned in my cheeks and I couldn’t even meet his furious gaze. “I’m sorry Boss.” My voice came out at a bare whisper but I knew he’d heard me. He hears everything. That’s why he’s the boss.
He sighed, coming over to sit beside me and pat me gently on the shoulder. “I know you are. And I don’t blame you. You couldn’t have known they’d spilled wax in that one particular spot that you just so happened to have flipped onto. But somebody should have known. Somebody should have warned you all before practice.” He pinched the bridge of his nose to relieve some of the headache I could tell was already forming.
“Better a fractured ankle than a broken neck huh?” I attempted to play the situation off with a bit of humor, flashing Mister Boss Man with one of my signature sweet smiles and it seemed to work.
His shoulders relaxed and he huffed out a chuckle “Well you’re not wrong. Alright…” he nodded, clapping his hands to get everyone’s attention as he stood. “Jungkook-ah. Have you and Jimin-ah gotten that hat trick down?”
Jimin and Jungkook’s eyes both widened as they realized what was being asked of them.
“Wait...you...you want me??” Jimin pointed at himself, just about on the verge of tears.
“Oh come on Jiminie.” I pipped in, knowing exactly what the issue was. “You’re the one who helped me perfect the flip. Don’t tell me you’re afraid to jump over Hobi are you?” I smirked, a teasing lilt to my voice now. “Or are you not man enough to do something that little old me can do?”
Oh that did it. A fire blazed in Jimin’s eyes as he stood up straight, saluting Bang PD-nim. “We can do it Sir. Don’t worry we’ll take y/n’s place.”
The boss chuckled, waving him off. “It’s just for the promo and music video. Once y/n’s ankle is healed the choreo is going back to the way it was before. Now go get cleaned up, we’ve got an episode of Rookie King to film.”
The group groaned, though good naturedly of course. We love filming the little videos for ARMY, but the boys loved giving Bang Pd-nim a hard time even more. And so the complaints filled the room, ranging from exaggerated exhaustion to crippling feigned hunger, though for the bottomless pit that was our Golden Maknae the hunger was more than likely very real.
“Ya! Children!” Bang PD-nim shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. “If I knew working with you all would mean becoming a father in everything but name alone I’d have opened a flower shop instead.”
I pouted, tugging at his sleeve and giving him my most pitiful face. “You don’t mean that do you Poppa Nimmy?”
He cringed, shivering before giving off a booming laugh that filled the room. “Alright that’s enough.” He said, pretending to wipe a tear away. “Jungkook-ah, make sure once you’ve showered to get y/n back to the dorms. Namjoon-ah and Hoseok-ah make sure to check in with the producers, I think they wanted to talk to you both about one of the tracks.”
The boys nodded and began to disperse, going to their respective tasks or heading back to the dorms for their showers. Since I knew it would be a bit before Kookie came back to help me back upstairs I decided to scroll through my phone, going straight to fancafe to check on how ARMY was doing.
As I scrolled through the comments on the latest selfie on my profile, someone walked up to stand over me. Their shadow cast over the screen of my phone and when I looked up my heart skipped several beats and left me breathless.
“Do you need anything?” Yoongi’s gaze was intense as he stared down at me. My cheeks blazed so intensely with heat that I immediately ducked my head down to stare at my phone.
Nooo...this can’t happen right now. I can’t face him after fracturing my stupid ankle and crying like a little bitch baby because of it. I stared down at my phone, mentally reliving the look of horror he’d given me when he’d seen me laying on the ground, rapidly swelling ankle in hand.
There’s no way he could even halfway respect me after that… I can’t face him. Can’t talk to him. OMG please Yoongi leave before I start crying from shame again.
“Hey, spacecase. You still with me?”He crouched down before me, trying to catch a glimpse of my face. Quickly I shook my head, wiping at the tears that’d threatened to spill.
“Woah,hey don’t cry again. It’s alright there’s no shame in getting hurt.” He gently reached up and wiped the tears away.
Yoongi just touched my cheek….
Okay, seriously y/n play it cool or he’s gonna find out he’s affecting me and there’s no way I’m ever living that down.
“Sorry, I’m fine…” I sniffed and ducked my head out of his reach.
He frowned, sitting back on his heels and scanning my face. I flashed him a smile, trying hard to cover my embarrassment.
“I’m fine I promise, Opp...hyung. Go on, get your shower in before the show starts. Kookie will be back soon to take me to the dorm so don’t worry about me okay?”
Oh my god did I really almost call him Oppa? End me now universe, bury me beneath the building. Throw me in the trash where I belong.
He didn’t exactly look like he believed that I was alright, but being the sweetheart that he is he didn’t push the issue any farther.
“Alright. But if you need anything…”
“I know hyung, I’ll call if I need anything.”
He nodded and stood, sparing me one last worried glance before heading out.
30 minutes of waiting and a trip to the dorms on Jungkook’s back and I’m finally back at the dorms, snuggled safely into a pile of blankets on the living room sofa with my laptop in my lap and a giant macchiato from Starbucks that Hobi had so kindly gotten me.
“Those boys are the best.”I sighed,clicking open the video I’d last been watching. An episode of Rookie King that I’d missed out on a few weeks ago due to some interviews I’d had to go on.
“The winner is….Second Class! Bangtan’s Charming Guy Bachelor Jimin!”
“Ya! No fair Yoongi Oppa should have won that!!!” I shouted at the screen as Jimin stood up and took a bow. Shocked I quickly glanced around the room, just to make sure I was actually alone. Heavens forbid one of the guys actually heard that...I would never...in a million years….live that down.
“Hobi-ssi what are you up to?” Namjoon wandered over, sitting next to the younger man and leaning over to glance at his phone. The filming crew happened to be on a break and Hoseok had decided to check on their injured member to ensure y/n’s safety.
“Checking on y/n...what is even going on here?” Hoseok watched as the injured member seemed to be screaming at the poor innocent laptop screen. He had the volume muted on the security camera so wasn’t exactly sure what was being said, but the antics in themselves was definitely cause for hilarity.
“What’s going on is right...” Namjoon said, concern filling him as he pulled up the footage on his own phone in order to see the feed a bit clearer.
“That’s rude! Have some respect!!!”
“Did you manage to get the sound on?” Hoseok asked, leaning over to glance at Namjoon’s  phone screen.
“Yea, is that the rant episode y/n missed a few weeks ago?”Namjoon asked.
“I think so, sounds like it anyway.”
“What’s up?” Taehyung wandered over, having been drawn by the sound of yelling and the look of horror on Namjoon’s face.”Is that y/n yelling at a video?”
“It is, Jimin, Jungkook, Yoongi, come here you guys have got to see this.”
I grabbed my coffee, taking a sip from it as I watched the punishment unfold.
“Yasssss Hobi, work that lipstick boi.” I snickered, watching as Tae stared on in horror.
“Nah Tae Tae, it’s over, just accept your fate and let it happen boo. We all want this, you know you want this. Look at that smile. Ya’ll he so ready!”
Wincing I rubbed the cast on my leg, remembering  the look of horror on the guy’s faces as I lay on the ground crying in pain. I shook my head to clear the mental image away and focused back on the show.
“Ya! Y/n you traitor! I was severely traumatized by that!” Taehyung yelled, his indignation only further solidified by the kissy faces Hoseok made in his direction.
The group was crowded around Namjoon and Hoseok, staring at the phone screens in amusement as they watched the dramatic scene unfold before their eyes. They’d never seen this side of y/n. The normally quiet and shy member seemed so animated and happy watching the show in seeming peace and solitude.
Yoongi meanwhile had finally decided to wander over, having finished an over the phone discussion with one of their producers about conflicting vocals on one of their tracks.
“Hey hyung, look y/n’s talking about you!”
His eyes widened in curiosity as Jimin and Jungkook made room for him to be able to see the screen.
“No no no! VHope! Stay in your lane! I’m trying to stay loyal to Yoongi Oppa!” I squealed, burying my face into one of the couch cushions and squealing out a rush of giggles so intense  I’m pretty sure I teared up a little.
Grabbing my laptop before it fell to the floor I switched over to youtube, clicking open my saved playlist before taking another sip of coffee.
“Aiyoo, Oppa...where did it go?” I grinned in triumph before clicking open a compilation video of Yoongi’s savage moments.
“Yassss savage Daddy, slaayyy.”
Yoongi’s eyes widened at the audio coming from the phone’s tiny speakers.
“Did she just call hyung...Daddy?” Jungkook and Taehyung stared at each other in shock. The others were so busy clutching their guts and laughing that they’d been unable to hear anything other than their own mirth.
“Guys, come on shut it off.” Hoseok was the only one concerned with y/n’s privacy at this point as he tried to take the phones back from the younger boys.
“Oh no! No way! I’ve finally got dirt on y/n you are not taking this moment away from me.” Jungkook snagged Namjoon’s phone from him, setting it to record the screen before racing away. Namjoon chased after, threatening all types of bodily harm should anything happen to his phone.
Yoongi stood there, staring at the floor in concentration as he wondered how this new information affected him. Really? Y/n liked him?
And it seemed like more than a crush from the way y/n kept sighing and scrolling through pictures of them together, taken by fans during concerts and meet and greets. He’d never actually seen y/n in that sort of light, picturing them as just another member of the group for him to look after and keep out of trouble. But...how did he feel?
Three weeks later
I can’t believe they’re actually making me sit for the concert... The managers had said it would look worse if I actually missed it rather than sitting off to the side with my stupid cast and singing my lines along with the others.
The fans missed me apparently. And Jimin never failed to visit me to show off the well wishes and messages of love that our precious ARMY kept sending my way on the fan cafe. So yea...I guess I’m stuck in this stupid chair, my leg propped up on a cushion and I’m well out of the way of the boys so that they don’t trip over me or knock me off my perch during their choreography.
There were a few times were, looking out over the crowd and seeing all their smiling and hopeful faces where all I’d wanted was to disappear, the shame of my injury bothering me more than I wanted to let on to the other members.
I’d try to hide my tears,but one among them saw them, saw my shame, and though I didn’t notice, when there was a break in the songs or a skit had to be done, Yoongi was always right there by my side, trying to get me to smile or make sure I was included.
“Y/n!!! Y/n!!!! Y/n!!!!” ARMY is chanting my name.
My heart soars with joy as Jimin hands me my crutches. I limp to the main stage and Tae sets my chair down before helping me back into it. I smile my thanks but...something’s off…
I squint at him and he flashes me the most mischievous grin I think I’ve ever seen on his face.
“What are you boys up to?” I hiss to him, but he just shrugs and flounces off to stand beside Kookie.
“ARMY!” Namjoon shouts into his mic and the crowd screams in joy.
“So, we all know that our dear little y/n was injured a couple of weeks ago yea?” Hobi asks and everyone awws. There’s shouts of ‘Get better soon’ and ‘We still love you’ echoing through the air.
“Yes, yes we all know it’s such an awful thing that happened, and really, it’s given us some knew insight as to the personality of one of our favorite dancers.” Jin grins over at me.
“Ya! I thought I was your favorite dancer?” Jimin acts all hurt and the crowd laughs at his antics.
“Nah we all know y/n is the best dancer we’ve got. If it weren’t for y/n Bangtan wouldn’t be here don’t ya know.” Jungkook screeches as Hobi and Jimin both begin to chase him around the stage.
“Boys...boys that’s not the point.” Tae snags Jungkook around the neck, allowing Jimin and Hobi to smack his arm before returning to their places on stage.
“What exactly IS the point?” I ask into the mic, meeting Yoongi with a questioning gaze. His only answer is a shrug as he quickly looks away, but not before  I see the brush of blush dusting his cheeks.
“Well you see...our dorms are set up with security cameras…”
I think my heart just stopped…
No...wait...still beating…
I think…
There’s no way they actually caught me right?
“Oh but we did y/n and frankly, I’m hurt.” Jin clutches his chest in feigned pain.
Shit, did i say that out loud???
“Here I thought I would be your bias. I’m worldwide handsome!” Jin strikes a pose, his thumb and index finger forming a v beneath his chin while he flashes ARMY his signature smile.
“No way hyung, I should have been y/n’s bias. I’m the golden maknae!” Jungkook drops to the ground, pushing his lower body into the air before grinding down onto the stage and hopping back to his feet again.
“Guys omg what are you even talking about??” I huff out a nervous chuckle, my eyes dancing around the stage, looking from the crowd to the curtains that lead backstage, anything other than looking at Yoongi and risking giving myself away.
“Can we like...talk about ANYTHING else???”
“No no we have to discuss!” Tae jumps in, wrapping an arm around me and grinning out at the audience.
“You see ARMY. Y/n has been hiding a massive secret from all of us.”
“Yes yes! A secret!”  Jin dances around the stage, hooking his arm with Tae as they both shout, “Secret!Secret! Secret!”
“Guys please! I don’t have a secret!!!” I hide my face in my hands, the heat of embarrassment so strong I know for a fact that even the people in the back can probably feel it.
“Oh?” Namjoon quirks an eyebrow and waves to the giant screen behind us. “Then could you explain this?”
The screen flashes on, showing a still image of me sitting on the dorm sofa just a few short weeks ago, laptop open and a picture of Yoongi clearly shown on the screen.
“Oh...god...end me now…” I try to get up from the chair but Jimin and Hobi trap me, standing to either side of me with a firm hand on each of my shoulders.
“Hyung! Is that you?” Hobi glances over his shoulder to Yoongi, who shyly nods but is refusing to meet anyone’s eyes.
“This isn’t fair! Why did it have to be Yoongi hyung??” Tae demands, walking past in front of me and dramatically sighing.
“Why wouldn’t it be Yoongi hyung? He’s dashing and cool and all around he makes such a great…” Namjoon nods to the video and it begins to play.
“Oppa!” The sound of my squealing voice echoes through the room and all chaos breaks loose.
ARMY echoing the word and cheering and screaming that they ship it, they approve. There’s a ship name already?? What even has my life come to.
I want to melt into the floor, disappear like mist in the morning sun. There’s a ringing in my ears so loud it almost drowns out the next words that I hear.
“You know...I kind of like it…”
“What was that Yoongi-hyung?” Hobi steps aside, allowing Yoongi to move closer before staring shyly at the ground.
“I said…” He looks up, finally meeting my eyes. His gaze is focused solely on me and it’s so intense that I can’t look away. There is no ARMY. There is no Bangtan. Only us in this moment.
“I kind of like the sound of y/n-gi….It’s got a nice ring to it.”
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