#When you haven't eaten a proper meal for days so getting a delivery from the Iceberg Lounge is like getting a lifeline from God himself
chiropterx · 2 years
[Leave object on muse's desk meme.]
A bulging plastic bag was left at Kirk's office's door. Inside wasn't anything gruesome like a severed head. In fact once opened a delicious smell of the Iceberg Lounge's food billowed outward. There was an appetizer, entrée, and dessert inside their wrapped containers that were neatly stacked on top of one another. Beside the personalized take-out bag was a bottle of good wine wrapped in a paper bag. All of this, and tucked away was a small note.
"No charge. Let's talk some time. I hear you're onto great things.
Yours Truly, Oswald C. Cobblepot".
Leave an object in my ask and my muse will react to it being given to them.
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This wasn't what he'd ordered. In fact, the usual deliveryman hadn't come by at all that day, security camera having alerted him to an unknown visitor passing by only to drop off this bag at his office door. Kirk notices the logo proudly emblazoned across the stark white plastic wrapping and pales visibly. The Iceberg Lounge, only the fanciest nightclub in all of Gotham. He'd never been to the Iceberg Lounge before. Couldn't afford it, especially not now he was living on his own (not that he had reason to go out partying anyway.) The logo on the bag seems to glare at him and it's all Kirk can do not to close the door and hope the bag was no longer there when he next opened it. It finally occurs to him to at least check if there's a letter attached just in case it was actually meant for one of his neighbours. No doubt they wouldn't be best pleased to find that dinner had been delivered to the wrong address and he hadn't even bothered to let them know about the mix-up so Kirk rummages through the contents, his stomach trying not to grumble at the exquisite smells emanating from within. Hell, there was even a bottle of wine included, no doubt just as expensive as the food included but finally he located a small note and is shocked to find it's addressed to him. What could Mr. Cobblepot possibly want with somebody like him? No charge? And onto great things? Kirk Langstrom was no partygoer. He barely registered on anybody's radar, his line of work too small, too niche to be of interest to anybody who wasn't deaf or similarly impaired and yet Oswald Cobblepot, owner of the Iceberg Lounge and upper-class businessman had heard of him, even taking the time to deliver a meal on the house. Part of Kirk was worried. Oswald Cobblepot, while a legitimate businessman, was also rumored to have had shady connections within the city... but then who didn't in Gotham? It was filthy and crime-ridden, had been since before he was born and would likely remain that way long after he was gone. Kirk was content to hide away from it all within the comforts of his little home, with just his vampire bats for company as he doggedly worked to find a cure for his and many other's chronic deafness. His stomach grumbled again as his nose again picked up the scents from within the boxes inside the carrier bag. Appetizers, dinner and dessert with a bottle of wine sure sounded a hell of a lot better than the scant inventory of his pantry (when had he last gone shopping anyway?) and so Kirk reached out hesitantly, picking up the bag by it's handles and crrying it inside. He would have cried at how good everything tasted had it not felt like ashes in his stomach as he wondered when Mr. Cobblepot might come calling, to discuss who knew what.
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Fic: Alma Ellen Morales
Read on Ao3.
Fandom: Triple Frontier
Ship: Frankie Morales x Jay ‘Lady’ Ray (OFC) **Series masterlist**
Warnings: descriptions of pain, descriptions of childbirth, typical Jay x Frankie language.
Words: 3,416
Summary: The birth of little baby Alma. That's it, that's the plot.
A/N: It goes without saying that every birth is different, and I've never done it, nor will I. I haven't researched that much on how deliveries are done in America, so if there are factual mistakes, they're on me. Also: most women rip. A lot of them piss and shit themselves, and they vomit. My gift to Jay is that she did none of these things because I like to keep things tidy *shrug* This is a piece of fiction. I tried, however, to keep it somewhat realistic. And as always, half of anything I write about these two love bunnies comes from the brain cell I share with @apascalrascal.
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A dull ache blooming in Jay’s lower back wakes her up. Her first thought is of her period starting, before she remembers the 40 week bump. She lies still for a moment, assessing the situation, gathering data and making conclusions. Eventually, she has to go to the bathroom.
Frankie looks up from the toast he’s buttering when she enters the kitchen in as graceful a waddle as she can.
Jay murmurs a reply and goes straight for the coffee machine. Cup in hand, she sits down with deep sigh and sips the coffee. Frankie regards her with a sympathetic look painted on his handsome features.
“You okay?”
“Extremely pregnant,” Jay replies with a grimace. The ache in her back makes itself known and she wets her lips. “Frankie, I think something’s going on.”
He straightens immediately, looking from her face to her belly. “Yeah?”
“I think I’m having contractions. I’m not sure, but this is definitely new.”
He reaches for his phone. “Do I need to call the hospital?”
“Not yet,” she shakes her head. “They’re just gonna tell us to wait, anyway.”
Frankie nods. He’s done his research well and knows that she’s right. “Okay. You in any pain?”
“No, it’s not that bad, actually.” Her smile is a little wry. “Getting shot in the leg is a lot worse.”
Frankie smiles back and reaches his hand across the table, palm up. Jay leans forward and places her hand in his.
“You’re two days overdue, so this could be it.”
“I’m not overdue,” Jay corrects him, her other hand on the bump, “she is. Blame her. I was ready to kick her out two months ago.”
Frankie chuckles and squeezes her hand. Jay presses back with a little smile.
“You ready for this?” she asks, knowing that he’s just as ready and absolutely unprepared as she is.
“You know it, amor.” Frankie gets up and walks around the table, coming to her and bending over to give her a kiss. He then crouches to kiss the bump.
“See you soon, Almalita,” he murmurs before standing up and doing what he does best: prepare and care.
“I’m making us a proper breakfast. If shit hits the fan quickly and we have to go to the hospital, there might not be time for more meals in a while.”
He takes out whatever he can find and starts to crack eggs into a bowl.
“And after we’ve eaten, you’re going back to bed for a nap. You’re gonna need your strength.”
“Affirmative,” Jay acknowledges gratefully. To have someone like Frankie in her corner is comforting in a situation like this. They may both be practical, but Frankie has that softness that takes the edges of her own sharp ways, and she needs that now.
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Jay’s water breaks after lunch when she’s in the bathroom, and the contractions start to feel like more than just mild cramps. She tolerates pain well, and with her years in the military under her belt, she knows how to function even when in pain. Still, a flash of nerves zaps through her, before she takes a deep breath, steels herself like before a mission, and gets to the point.
“Okay,” she tells Frankie when she comes out of the bathroom. “I think we’re a go.”
They time the contractions before Frankie makes the call. Jay gets dressed while he deliberates with the medical staff over the phone. Looking at him for clues, he nods at her, so she takes the hospital bag and goes to the door. He ends the call and grabs the bag from her.
“They said to come,” he reports, brisk and on point. A hand on her lower back, he guides her to the truck. He drives calmly, focusing on the midday traffic, but starts to feel little pangs of anxiety. Jay’s breathing, while not labored, is coming out a little more audible, and he asks her to time the contractions again.
“The same,” she replies. “Don’t worry.”
“Are you in pain?”
“Nah, this is nothing. Don’t know what women bitch about.”
“Don’t say anything you’re gonna regret later,” Frankie warns her with a little smile, settling his hand on her thigh. Jay scoffs.
“You mansplaining birthing to me now?”
Frankie laughs, and it takes the edge of her nerves.
“Wouldn’t dare, not to you.”
They arrive at the hospital, sign in, and are assigned a room. Jay changes into a hospital gown, and an available doctor checks out her and the baby’s vitals, as well as her dilation, before telling them it’s going to be a while.
“Great,” Jay sighs, sitting on the bed. “And no TV.”
“Try to get some rest,” Frankie suggests, but Jay shakes her head.
“I’m too antsy.”
“I’m sure there’s a gym in the building, but I don’t think they’d let you in,” he jokes, knowing how she often works out frustrations on gym equipment.
“Call Benny, have him come fight me,” Jay grins, before a contraction, more intense than the previous ones, distorts her face in a grimace. “Fuck, I need to get up and walk.”
“I got you.” Frankie takes her hand and helps her up from the bed. Sliding one arm around his waist, Jay leans against his shoulder.
“Please don’t tell anyone if I piss and shit myself, or puke,” she mutters. Frankie, knowing that this is her way of letting him know that she’s nervous about what lies ahead, puts his arm around her shoulders and draws her close.
“Not a living soul,” he promises, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Come on, mamacita. Let’s exercise.”
A few hours go by with the contractions slowly increasing in strength, frequency, and length. Jay walks, tries to rest, plays cards with Frankie, walks again, manages to down a smoothie, gets checked, walks again, and sighs about the slow process. Her OB Patricia shows up after an hour.
“You’re dilating well,” she informs her with a comforting smile. “A lot faster than many first-timers.”
“How long still?”
“An hour or two, at this speed. Plus the expulsion stage. We’ve talked about pain relief before, and you’ve said you don’t want meds. Is that still the case?”
Jay squares her shoulders, and Frankie has to hide a smile at that quintessential Jay move. “I can manage.”
“You sure?” Frankie looks at her, his intimate knowledge of her knowing the signs of pain and tiredness in her. She nods. Patricia has been her primary doctor throughout the pregnancy, and they’ve talked this through a few times. She’s been heavily medicated before, and hated the loss of control. If there’s something she wants to control, it’s giving birth.
“I’m sure.”
When it all comes around, she almost regrets the decision. The diffuse yet taxing pain turns sharp as a heavy pressure starts to push down, bringing forth a gasp from Jay where she sits on the bed, heat blanket wrapped just underneath the belly for some relief.
“Ow, fuck.”
Frankie’s hand goes straight to the call button next to the bed as Jay’s brows draw together in pain. “This it?”
“I think so.”
Within moments, Patricia and a nurse are with her. Frankie gets orders of what to do and how to assist.
“This is not a place for fainting fathers, okay?” Patricia warns him, and Jay barks a laugh.
“If he does that, I’ll be the one to kick him out on his sorry ass.”
“I’m not fainting,” Frankie promises her, stroking her cheek as another contraction makes her breath hitch loudly. “You know me better than that.”
She smiles weakly at him, clasping his hand. The pain has been manageable until now, but the long hours of waiting have taken their toll on her, and she’s beginning to feel tired. Still, there’s a lot of fight in her, and with Frankie by her side, she can do this.
But when she crowns, the burning pain is excruciating, the pressure against her rectum so violent that panic starts to bud in her. This is too much, she’s going to split right open, she needs to get out, she’d happily take fifteen rounds of bullets to both her legs if she could just walk out now and not have to deal with this anymore. At the same time, the stubborn struggler in her wants to push, just push, and be done with it.
“I’m fucking done!” She doesn’t realize she’s screaming it until she sees Frankie’s concerned yet determined features through the haze of blinding agony.
“I know what you want to do, but you need to breathe,” Patricia tells her calmly but firmly, glancing up from between her spread legs. “You’re doing great, I can see the head. Breathe, Jay, you got this.”
She closes her eyes with a growled moan and leans her head back, tears burning behind her eyelids. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. When is this going to end? Is it ever going to end?
Her sweaty hand grows slack in Frankie’s, exhausted by the hours of waiting and growing pains, but then she feels him grip it again, and a cool, wet cloth dabs at her flushed, sweaty face.
“I know you’re tired, but you can do this, Jay. Just a little more, and we get to meet our baby. Okay? Breathe now, come on, breathe, and when they say push, you do that, okay?”
Jay’s eyes, dull with fear and fatigue, open and flicker to his face. He sees them light up with new fire, and she lifts her head back up, breathes in quick but controlled puffs, and when told to push, she does exactly that, with a roar that almost scares him.
“Fantastic, great work, Jay, now breathe, your baby’s head is born, but we need to take it easy, just breathe…”
Frankie stares at her, mesmerized by her focus and strength. He was always so impressed by how concentrated and single-minded she was in the field, but that is a mere shadow of what she now demonstrates. She’s just incredible.
“Get ready to push.” He sees her take a deep breath in preparation. “Now push!”
Another break, more breathing, one last push. Jay’s cry is unsettling, and she’s crushing his hand, but in the corner of his eye, Frankie sees Patricia catch something in her hands. Shortly after, another, much smaller and helpless, yet forceful, cry takes over where Jay’s ends. Jay’s head collapses back to the elevated mattress when the doctor happily announces the birth of a baby girl.
“Fuck,” Frankie breathes, his body in pieces and drenched in sweat. He tears his gaze from Jay to the bloody, wrinkly, quite frankly ugly little thing in the doctor’s hands, and his first thought is: Hands off, doc, she's ours!
The baby’s airways are declared free of blood and mucus, the umbilical cord is clamped, and she’s lifted to Jay’s chest, skin to skin, a towel set over her.
“Congratulations, mommy and daddy. Well done, what a good team you are,” Patricia applauds them. “Frankie, do you want to do the honors?”
Frankie releases Jay’s hand for the first time in – how long has it been? He has no idea – and accepts the scissors, opening them at the assigned spot on the blueish white connection between Jay and the baby. It looks otherworldly, like something out of Alien, and is harder to cut than he expected. His slightly trembling hand might be to blame for that, but he manages to chew through it. After that, he directs his attention back at Jay and the little thing on her chest. Alma. His daughter.
He can’t speak. It’s all too much. He just needs to save this vision for forever: Jay, the love of his fucking life, exhausted yet giving off a new brand of brilliant radiance, and the bloody little baby resting over her heart. Her hands on the little body. Her eyes on the baby, as if they’re the only ones in the room. Her quivering whisper of Hi, Alma. I’m your mommy. He wants to remember this always.
Frankie has no idea how much time passes, but it can’t be more than minutes before Patricia is by Jay’s side, pressing down on her still bloated stomach. Jay winces, her eyes rounding as she seems to awaken from her strange reverie, and she glares at the doctor.
“Sorry,” the older woman apologizes. ��The uterus is starting to shrink. That’s really good. Get ready for the afterbirth.”
“Does it ever end?” Jay groans, casting a desperate glance at Frankie.
“After this, it’s all over. You’ve done so well, Jay, this will be over in no time,” Patricia promises. “We’re going to take your baby for a little clean-up while you push out the placenta, is that okay?”
Jay nods, and the baby is lifted off her. Frankie stares at the nurse walking away with his daughter to the other side of the room, and Patricia gives a little chuckle.
“No need to go Taken on us,” she tells him, snapping him out of it. “We need you for this last round, Frankie.”
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The pains that came in wave after wave, the fire when the baby was finally pushed out. The relief. The joy. The immense love. Jay had been preparing to reroute her affections, to give her daughter the same love she gives Frankie, but finds that she doesn’t need to: there is a new, untouched and bottomless well of love to scoop from. There is enough for Frankie, for the baby, for herself.
When it’s all over, and she lies there, in a sea of her own sweat and tears, the pain still present but not as intense anymore, little baby Alma is finally brought back, clean and measured. The nurse announces the weight and length, and gives the baby to Frankie. She checks in with Jay, and then she and the doctor leave the little family for a while.
As Frankie holds his daughter for the first time, he has eyes for no one else. When he finally manages to tear his gaze from the baby and look at Jay, she’s not surprised to see his soft eyes shiny with tears.
“I’m fucked,” he says in a low voice that cracks with the first word. “I’ll never be able to deny her anything.”
“I figured.” Her voice is weak from exhaustion, and Frankie comes to sit on the bedside.
“Can you nurse?”
“Gotta try, don’t I?”
He gently unwraps the baby and places her skin to skin again, watching Jay offer her her first meal. Alma latches on without problems, and Frankie praises her like she just won an Olympic gold medal.
“Good girl, look at you, only ten minutes in this world and you can already do that.”
“Greedy,” Jay smiles tiredly as she tries to figure out how to do this comfortably while keeping Alma latched on, and her fragile little neck supported.
“Like her mama,” Frankie chuckles. “Wants it all, wants it now.”
“Oh, shut up,” Jay sighs and leans her head back against the pillow, closing her eyes. The lingering pain is burning between her legs, and the remaining contractions are squeezing around an empty stomach and uterus. Frankie pets her head slowly, like one would an uneasy animal.
“You did so well, baby, I love you so much, look at what you did, look at her, she’s perfect.” She hears his voice break again, and blinks her eyes open, only to find his shiny with tears. Of course. Frankie’s so sensitive. She smiles faintly at him.
“I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you.”
“Of course.” He wipes at his eyes, and stares down at the feeding baby. “Is it okay? You comfortable?”
“Never been less comfortable in my whole life,” Jay mutters, eyes falling shut again. She wants to sleep, puke, shower, and sleep some more, in any order.
“Amor?” Frankie cups her cheek. “You with me?”
“Let’s not do this again tomorrow,” she murmurs weakly. “I’d rather get shot in the leg again.”
Frankie scoffs, his thumb passing over her lips.
She murmurs to show him she’s listening.
“Let’s get married. I want to marry you.”
“Oh my God,” she sighs, opening her eyes again and fastening a tired look on him. “No, Frankie.”
“We have a kid together. We should be married.”
“We are not having this conversation now, Francisco. I just squeezed out a fucking beach ball for you, my pussy is fucking ruined – “
“The doc said you didn’t rip.”
“That’s your takeaway from this? Get fucked,” Jay sighs and closes her eyes again.
“I love you, too.” Frankie dips down to place a light kiss on her forehead, then giving the baby an even softer one.
“So tired,” she murmurs. “Tell her to finish up, I want to sleep.”
“Don’t rush her.”
“She took her sweet fucking time getting here – “ Jay’s eyes open again and he sees the exhaustion in them, but also that special Jay fire, the need to always be right, always win some imaginary battles, even with him.
“Okay, okay. Don’t come for my balls.”
“Trust me, your balls are the last thing I’m going to touch for some time.”
“You’re breaking my heart, baby.”
She chuckles at that, a genuinely happy and amused sound. Frankie smiles, and they both look down at the baby, falling asleep with the nipple in her mouth. Frankie sighs, a world of emotions fitting into that little exhale. Jay shifts a little, drained yet fidgety.
“You want to hold her?” Frankie immediately bends over her to pick the baby up, and Alma continues her nap on his arm as he wraps the soft blanket around her to keep her warm.
“She looks like you,” Frankie murmurs, once again feeling like his heart is going to burst through his ribcage. “Your nose. Your lips.”
“She looks like herself,” Jay points out with a grimace as she rolls her shoulders and carefully moves her pelvis.
“Your temper.”
A nursing specialist drops by, checks the flow of the milk – Frankie sees that Jay is seconds away from punching them in the face – and leaves a pamphlet that Jay scoffs at as soon as they’re out of the room. Frankie, however, puts it in the overnight bag, just in case. Another nurse comes in with a little meal that Jay’s not that interested in, but she asks for meds to help her deal with the after pains. The nurse fetches Patricia, who returns to consult and, finally, offer an injection.
“Shower first,” Jay decides. “I look and smell worse than I ever did in the army. I want to feel like a person again. And then I want to sleep.”
She manages by herself in the small bathroom attached to the room, although Frankie is ready to come give her a hand. He has finally relinquished baby Alma to the plastic basin by the bed, but is sitting next to it, staring at her like she was the object of a recon. Watching someone sleep has never been so amazing. He mumbles promises in Spanish to her, tells her that no matter what happens in her life, he’ll do his very best to help her, support her, and he’ll always love her.
A nurse comes in to change the sheets, and he suddenly remembers that other people exist in the world. The wheels of time keep turning, and they’ve been in the hospital for… how long has it been? He doesn’t know. The face of the clock on the wall means nothing. And nobody outside of this room knows what amazing, life-altering thing has happened.
Frankie gets up and rummages through the overnight bag for his phone. Finding it, he first snaps a picture of Alma and sends it in the group chat. Perfect Baby Alma Ellen Morales is here! 7,5 lb and 19”. J is doing great.
The first, immediate reply comes from Benny: a girl, CALLED IT!!!!!!!!!
Frankie chuckles before calling his parents.
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Your children are not your children.
     They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
     They come through you but not from you,
     And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
Kahlil Gibran
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
     For they have their own thoughts.
     You may house their bodies but not their souls,
     For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
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haechanokeh · 4 years
I’m right for you [pt. 3]
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[teaser] [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 2 ]
(you can play Die For You by The Weeknd while reading this 😌)
pairing: popular college! mark x average! reader
genre: romance, smut, angst, series.
warning: corruption, oral sex (both receiving and giving), cream pie, rough sex, mention of religion, rough sex, self-esteem, psychology, public sex, sub! reader, sex toys. possessive mark two-faced mark
I think I’m right for you, babe. You know what I’m thinking, see it in your eyes. You hate that you want me, hate it when you cry. It ain’t workin’ ‘cause you’re perfect and I know that you’re worth it I can’t walk away. (Die for you by The Weeknd)
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today is you case presentation with mark. you were deeply affected of what happened in the cubicle but mark seemed unbothered because he was greeting you as usual. it wasn’t weird, he always greets everyone but what was really weird was your classmates. they were looking at you and it made you felt conscious, they were not saying anything but sometimes you catch them glancing at you but you brushed it off and focus on your brainstorming with mark.
yes you do dislike mark but you thank god that he's your partner. he never missed a question from your professor during case study on the other hand you're just standing beside him dumbly. you only understand the question AND the answer once mark responded. well, mark a very kind person he was, despite of answering it alone he made sure that you're included in the case saying base in y/n and my research, even lied that some are from my own research but of course not. plus, for some odd reason, your classmates' eyes were literally made you uncomfortable to the point you were having a hard time to breathe or your social anxiety attacking you. however, at the very moment, you want to give mark a tight hug for making your life easy.
the whole presentation ended. you were putting your things back to your back while standing while mark scrolling in his phone because his dad texted him asking if he could buy him some new pen. you gasped when an arm was on your shoulder, and that caught mark's attention but he hid his annoyance. 
"hey, y/n, i heard you like someone ha?" his brows were playfully raising. it was lucas, he gave mark a meaningful glance but mark smiled confusingly.
"what?" you didn't have any idea what he's telling you. 
"i heard someone saw-"
"mark!" mina suddenly appeared calling mark's name a little too loud which made lucas stop from talking. "we're going to a milk tea house, do you want to come with us?"
“y/n, come with us.” lucas pulled you closer to his body. mark was taring at lucas arm around your shoulder. you weren’t aware of mark’s expression because your mind was thinking ways to breakthrough from lucas. 
“no!” mina exclaimed. he caught everyone’s attention, and she became flustered. “i mean, we will only make her feel uncomfortable and lucas please remove your arms to y/n, she doesn’t look comfortable.” she mumbled. lucas did remove his arms from you. 
“milk tea? can we also come with you?” then the people started to surround mark. it became noisy, knowing you who’s allergic to people and noise sneaked out from the circle and left the room.
mark turned his head to look at you but you’re nowhere to be found. he sighed and forced himself to interact with his classmates.
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your mother texted you that he will be away for one week because of their excursion. she left you an allowance good for one week including your meals for the whole day and transportation. you already had your dinner outside. right now you were just laying down on your favorite long sofa in your living room, watching NCT 2020 funny moments. suddenly, mark's name popped. mark is your class representative, he has access to class contacts and it wasn't that mark called you because you're always late in the class so for almost past 3 years he's the one you always contact just to inform the class that you're just late. 
wait, did i miss an announcement? you quickly left the class maybe something came up.
"hello, was there an announcement?" you directly asked
"none, just checking you. we haven't had a proper conversation awhile ago unless it's case related." 
you heart melted, he's very kind and sweet... that scares you.
"ah okay." you simply answered. it wasn't because you want to talk to him, well you really don't want to talk to him but it wasn't that he's annoying or anything- it was just you hate phone calls. you hate talking with someone in general unless it's your mom. 
"well, have you eaten yet?" he tried to save the conversation, he wanted to hear your voice longer.
"yes." it was a one-word reply. 
mark was slightly shattered because you don't seem to want to talk to him. he just thought that maybe you were tired.
"okay, goodnight."
"yeah." then you hang up. 
you returned watching youtube until you drifted into your dreamland... no it wasn't your dreamland.
you gasped and sat up as you woke from another perverted dream with mark. your chest was rising aggressively and you look down as you felt the wetness between your thighs. you raked your hands over your hair as you felt frustration and guilt. this was your second time that you dreamt of mark doing erotic things. you looked at the digital clock it was already 2 am. you groaned and stood up, you want to wash your body because the stickiness just made you feel more guilty if it stays there longer.
you entered your room and stripped, walking directly into your bathroom. you opened a warm shower and as the water trickled on your body, hands unconsciously trailing to the south. your dream was so hot, you can't lie about that. it was in the same cubicle but instead of his digits, it was his dick inside you. 
your eyes closed as you rubbed your bead slow while recalling your dream. you squeezed your left breast and imagining it was mark's squeezing it. you want something to fill your womanhood so you inserted your two fingers and thrust it. your lungs felt like being suppressed by pressure, your thrust became furious. 
"oh my- mark fuck." you moaned his name and you have never been so ashamed. it was so wrong but the feeling was so good that you weren't able to stop yourself from moaning. you felt the tension in your thighs. you knelt down and the hand that squeezing your breast was now on your clit rubbing it furiously. 
"mark! fuck right there." you felt the tension in your abdomen and your legs started to shake. your body just gave in, bending down, cheek shoved against the wet tiles while the warm water splashed on your body.
you screamed erotically, eyes rolling and lashes flickering. your legs were shaking as you reached your high.
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 mark hasn't slept yet, it's okay for him because there are no classes. he was staring at the ceiling and mind preoccupied by you.
he was trying to understand why do you keep pushing him away even though you clearly wanted him too. mark did remember where you say he's very different from you, and so? what's wrong with it? what he didn't like is the thought of changing just for a single person but...
"shall i?" he chuckled bitterly. he was really close to his insanity. he feared that this affection will grow into something that is uncontrollable- like an obsession.  
he checked the time through his phone. it's 5 in the morning. he decided to jog outside, so, he took a quick shower and wore his tracksuit and running shoes. maybe if tiredness hits him, he will feel sleepy. mark already went to your house and he didn't tell you that his house is just a few blocks away from you, instead of going to his normal route, he changed it, jogging in your house direction.
when he was closed to your street, he was surprised to see you outside. he stood and admire your naturalness from afar. your hair was disheveled, your eyes weren't completely closed yet, and your face was a little puffy but it doesn't take away your beauty. plus, your cute teddy bear pajamas made him smile. he sends his gratitude to god because he created a masterpiece. 
yeah, mark is deeply in love and he thinks there's no way out of this feeling. 
you were actually waiting for your breakfast, your pancakes from mcdonalds and a warm chocolate drink. when the delivery arrived, you paid and gave him a tip for being quick. you were about to go back inside when you heard a VERY familiar voice which was owned by the person who sleep deprived you 
"Y/N!" his voice was loud, it even cracked. 
"what are you doing here?" you asked.
"morning jog, and good morning to you." he replied and greeted at the same time.
"jog.." you paused and gasped. "from your condo to here?!" you exclaimed in disbelief. mark laughed at your reaction. of course it'll shock you because you already been in his condo and if he jogged it from there to here, he was supposed to be passing out right now.
"no, my family house is actually a few blocks away from here."  he said.
WHAT?! this is not good. you thought. the more he gets closer the more he has access to your mind and body. you masked your displeased face and just nodded.
"okay, ahm. i'm heading back now. bye." you pointed at your house door and awkwardly turned your back walking towards your door.
you expected him to do something because he always do that but to your disappointment he didn't. you looked back to check if he was stil there but he was no longer standing there but you saw him jogging away from your direction. you sighed in disappoinment that made you mentally slap yourself for feeling very contradicting .
you ate miserably your affordable and favorite pancake.
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mark took a bathe and go down to eat breakfast together with his parents. they prayed before eating. the cooked food by his mom made him question why your ordered delivery food for breakfast.
"how's school?" mark's dad asked him.
"good, still the same." he replied.
"your father will lead a service, you can invite your classmates. oh mina, you can invite her, she's very sweet girl." his mom said but she doesn't have any motive. she knew mark have not interest in romantic relationship as of the moment, her child was so focus in maintaining his grades and scholarship. at least, that's what he though.. if she only knew.
"i'll try." he forced a smile but behind it was growing tiredness. he knew that his classmates doesn't really want to praise but because they were so fond of mark and they just love to hang out. it defeated the purpose of going to church.
after the breakfast, mark's parent left for their work. he washed the dishes and went up stairs and stayed in his room with his music and guitar. it helped to detach his mind from thinking of you, but it was just temporary as he saw you name appeared in his phone. he almost threw his guitar just to answer your call very quick.
"y/n? why?" he sound so excited.
"ahm, mark... well.. perhaps, do you ahm, have notes from yesterdays discussion? i mean in all cases, not just ours?" you were very stuttering because of shyness. your class have long test about the cases but you're notes are everywhere and you can't understand your writings.
"yes." he said. he knew where this is going. he quickly get out from his bed and go straight to his closet, choosing shirt to wear. "do you need it? i can bring it to you."
"no, no. ahm, you do digital notes right? mind if you could send it through gdrive?" you really don't want to bother him... nah lies. you're just preventing things from happening.
mark paused for a moment and was a little hurt, he understood your statement as if you don't want to see him. but mark will not having any of that.
"it was handwritten though." he faked sorry. he hoped you didn't notice what he did there, hoping that you received it as if it was literally handwritten like directly to paper since he sounded apologetic.
"oh... i see. well, ahm, can you drop by in the house?"
mark still not satisfied by just dropping by.
"how about we study together? we can review together."
you translated it like 'the smartest in your class can help you'and that's very tempting. you can't easily study 8 cases and you need him. you used his diuretics notes in lecture, you almost aced it. now, your lab needs him.
"then, pizza is okay for you?" you whisoered from the other end.
mark secretly fist pump and grinned in triumph.
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you spayed air freshener in your living room and changed your shirt to another shirt? you only have tees just in different colors, you changed your short into black sweatpants. you made sure that your hair was far different from the hair he saw this morning. you already ordered the pizza.
the doorbell rang. your quickly opened the door for him. mark was standing, carrying his ipad and his other hand holding a two milk teas in a cup holder. he's wearing dark blue t-shirt and gray sweatpants. you smiled awkwardly and let him in. you scanned his body, looking for paper or at least a piece of paper but you didn't see any of it. mark was looking down at you, watching you observing him.
"where's your notes?" you curiously asked.
"here." he lifted his ipad. your jaw dropped.
"i thought you did not do digital notes?"
"i don't recalling telling you i didn't, i just said it was handwritten and when i saif that handwritten in my ipad." he reasoned. taht made you think later realizing that he was right and that made you dumb.
you sighed in defeat.
"by the way, bought you milk tea since you missed it yesterday." he said, you acually don't care if you missed it or not.
you walked towards the single couch and patted it.
"you can seat here." you said.
he quickly sat down and put the milk teas on top of your living room's table. he confusingly watched you when you sat on the long couch and it was the end of it. you were too far from him.
you noticed his sulking face.
"mr. mark lee, what's with your long face?" you chuckled teasingly.
"why are you too far from me?" he pouted.
"damage control." you replied shortly and get your case 3 notes which is very illegible to read. "can i borrow your case 3?"
"why? what did i do?" mark asked was clueless. he did not pay attention to your question
"mark, being alone with you is not healthy anymore." you directly answered him.
"orgasm is healthy, what do you mean?" mark didn't get your.
"mark, that's not what i mean. we're like horny teenagers doing unappropriate things."
"we're already passed in that phase in life, we're both adults." he rebutted.
you mentally face palmed yourself in frustration. why is he so smart and dumb at the same time.
"mark, that's not why i mean. we're being to touchy, every time we are left alone the next thing we knew we're touching each other. do you know how scary was that to me? it only happened twice but i am already longing for more! when i don't feel your touches i go craaazy! i even touched myself for freaking 2-" you froze when you realize what you were telling him you stared blankly at him.
on the other hand, mark was very pleased hearing you exploded from frustration as you became honest for the first time.
"you touched yourself? what 2?" he smirked and lifted his brows.
you cleared your throat.
"can i borrow your ipad? i need your case 3." you murmured and look anywhere but him your face heat up. you want to be swallowed by your favorite sofa.
"then get it."
you look at his ipad sitting on his manly wide spread apart thighs. your eyes stared at the mark that makes your knees weak and wet pussy. his fiery eyes looking directly toyou while he was sitting comfortably on the couch and arms are both in each side of the armrest.
"mark lee, i need it." you tried to use your stern voice but failed because your voice was too small.
"i told you, you can get it.. here." he glanced at his ipad.
you gulped and the living room's air became thick. your submissive self switched on and you just found yourself walking towards him. your hands felt cold as you reached for his ipad. when you lifted it, his bulge forming in his gray sweatpants made you almost drool. you were reminded how fucking hot it was.
you want to touch it and do anything you can possibly could but your single rational braincells keeping you in the light.
"you don't seem sure of what you really wanted to do." he snapped you from overthinking. "should i make you choices?"
"what?" you asked confusingly but your voice was shaking.
"you bring that ipad with you and go back to where you were sitting, or..." he looked up to you with his dark eyes, leaning a little forward you trace the side of your hips with his palm..
"put the ipad on the table and sit in my lap."
mark knew that you can never say no at this state. if you could only see how your body shivered and how defeated your face was, he knew you already gave in.
and his was right.
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the original draft was deleted because of my stupidity 😭 idk think this is good as the original draft.
hello, some of you asked me if i have a tag list, i will be creating one.
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anyways, i would like to say thank you for supporting this story. i did not expect some of you will like it. i also want to thanks people who leaving message through dms and ask praising this story. also to those nctzens hearting it 🥺🤗
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