#10/10 food and drink though
chiropterx · 2 years
[Leave object on muse's desk meme.]
A bulging plastic bag was left at Kirk's office's door. Inside wasn't anything gruesome like a severed head. In fact once opened a delicious smell of the Iceberg Lounge's food billowed outward. There was an appetizer, entrée, and dessert inside their wrapped containers that were neatly stacked on top of one another. Beside the personalized take-out bag was a bottle of good wine wrapped in a paper bag. All of this, and tucked away was a small note.
"No charge. Let's talk some time. I hear you're onto great things.
Yours Truly, Oswald C. Cobblepot".
Leave an object in my ask and my muse will react to it being given to them.
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This wasn't what he'd ordered. In fact, the usual deliveryman hadn't come by at all that day, security camera having alerted him to an unknown visitor passing by only to drop off this bag at his office door. Kirk notices the logo proudly emblazoned across the stark white plastic wrapping and pales visibly. The Iceberg Lounge, only the fanciest nightclub in all of Gotham. He'd never been to the Iceberg Lounge before. Couldn't afford it, especially not now he was living on his own (not that he had reason to go out partying anyway.) The logo on the bag seems to glare at him and it's all Kirk can do not to close the door and hope the bag was no longer there when he next opened it. It finally occurs to him to at least check if there's a letter attached just in case it was actually meant for one of his neighbours. No doubt they wouldn't be best pleased to find that dinner had been delivered to the wrong address and he hadn't even bothered to let them know about the mix-up so Kirk rummages through the contents, his stomach trying not to grumble at the exquisite smells emanating from within. Hell, there was even a bottle of wine included, no doubt just as expensive as the food included but finally he located a small note and is shocked to find it's addressed to him. What could Mr. Cobblepot possibly want with somebody like him? No charge? And onto great things? Kirk Langstrom was no partygoer. He barely registered on anybody's radar, his line of work too small, too niche to be of interest to anybody who wasn't deaf or similarly impaired and yet Oswald Cobblepot, owner of the Iceberg Lounge and upper-class businessman had heard of him, even taking the time to deliver a meal on the house. Part of Kirk was worried. Oswald Cobblepot, while a legitimate businessman, was also rumored to have had shady connections within the city... but then who didn't in Gotham? It was filthy and crime-ridden, had been since before he was born and would likely remain that way long after he was gone. Kirk was content to hide away from it all within the comforts of his little home, with just his vampire bats for company as he doggedly worked to find a cure for his and many other's chronic deafness. His stomach grumbled again as his nose again picked up the scents from within the boxes inside the carrier bag. Appetizers, dinner and dessert with a bottle of wine sure sounded a hell of a lot better than the scant inventory of his pantry (when had he last gone shopping anyway?) and so Kirk reached out hesitantly, picking up the bag by it's handles and crrying it inside. He would have cried at how good everything tasted had it not felt like ashes in his stomach as he wondered when Mr. Cobblepot might come calling, to discuss who knew what.
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Making Azul overblot in Book 3 by giving Monstro Lounge a bad review on MagiYelp
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icewindandboringhorror · 11 months
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sneepy cozy....
#cats#(medical stuff mention for tags)#poasting confortable image of boye for peace and serenity and such forthe#I have little weird episodes sometimes where I get shaky (but like violently like 'would spill a drink if you were holding it beacuse#your hands are moving so much' type shaky) and weird and sick feeling but usually it passes in an hour or less. but last night I just#literally couldnt sleep I was shaking so much and my heartrate was up a ton and wouldn't go down even after like 6 hours plus super nausea#so I went to the hospital and now shall wear a heart monitor for a week. which hopefully it's just some weird drastic low blood sugar#event or something and there's nothing actually going on. ekg + ct scan for blod clots + virus panel + almost all of the blood work seems#normal so... aa.......#Though me being so privacy focused hrggh... I basically have a constantly bluetooth connected device around me#since the monitor comes with a cell phone that is constantly transmitting data to the place. which they said they'll call you#if they see anything weird which is also scary. random phone calls... but definitely better than letting an issue go unadressed lol#the phone is also not meant to be more than 10 feet away from the monitor at any time so I put on this old tactical fishing#vest thing thats like navy green with 100 pockets and im just using one of the giant pocketson the side as a phone holder#my enormous silly vest just to keep one little phone#ANYWAY... because I got up early the morning before and didn't sleep at all and spent nearly all day in waiting rooms and such#I have been awake for like 32 hours striaght. which I'm sure also does not help with an elevated heartrate lol#feeling shrimp emotions or whatever people talk about unlocking at a certain level of stress and sleep deprivation#and also no food or water. after a while they brought me like 3 saltines and some ice water but I basically also haven't eaten since 3am#last night and it's 2pm now..#thus............ bapy............. baby boye....... he will help ease all ailments with his baby powers...#And no I dont drink energy drinks or anything with caffiene really I'm afraid of all substances on the planet essentially#My body just likes to become shaky and weird randomly even when I'm not conciously anxious about anything/have had no caffiene/etc#and I guess I'm always more nervous about getting anything heart related checked out because of my arm/shoulder/chest area injury stuff#... i literally have constant chest pain all the time. it moves around but i nearly always have some sort of pain or pressure in my chest#so when people are like 'oh well a little weird heartrate is fine but watch out if you have pain!' it's like... i always do lol.. how am I#supposed to tell the Bad Pain apart from the Always Pain when the descriptions of Bad Pain are very very similar#AAAANYway.... hrghh... i wanted to be very productive and finally post drafts and wrok on things today. but alas..#I can at least post small image of soft boye.. though he recently got into stuff in the bathroom whilst left#alone and knocked things into the toilet.. So perhaps not an innocent and NICE boy.. but still.. a soft one .. beautfile....
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
ARENT TADPOLES,,,like, a solid dark green color,,
wait are eels even green i uhm apologies late night rambling
I thought that tadpoles were translucent and turn color when they get bigger like eels do. But Imma be honest, I only know as much as I do about morays because I hyperfixate hard and idk much about frogs.
When I get really interested in something I become google for it aksdalkjsdkl
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doecrossing · 6 months
just sat through the most horrible, awkward, tense dinner I've ever experienced in my whole life
#my bf's family was in town to see the eclipse#he was like 'hey do you wanna get dinner with us after?'#and he's met my entire family so even though i didnt want to it was only fair.#anyway his uncle picks us up at my apartment. his sister is in the car.#no one asks who or how i am and i do not get introduced nor have the chance to introduce myself#for like a good 3-5 minutes. off to a bad start.#we get to the restaurant. a pizza place. his family is already seated.#no one except for his grandparents acknowledge me. they are the only 2 people to talk to me directly for the entire meal.#his grandfather asks some stuff about my life. i answer normally. he veers off into tangents that i can only respond to with 'haha'#or a smile and nod bc they are so personal that i literally have nothing to add#the children in the family spill water everywhere. there is yelling in the public restaurant while my bf goes and gets napkins#like a normal person might do#despite being at a pizza place everyone decides to order an individual dish instead of something to share#this might be fine if there were only 4 of us. there were 10.#they get mad when the food takes over an hour to come#at this point i wished i had ordered a cocktail#his uncle is the most awkward person ive ever met. he quotes outdated memes out loud.#at one point everyone except for me and my bf was on their phones#his grandfather shows me vulgar facebook posts#what is WRONG with people#im going to shower and change into my jammies and have a drink and watch something stupid#i need to cleanse myself of this whole. thing.#txt
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dilfsisko · 11 months
'No use crying over spilled milk." What if i really wanted to drink the milk. what if i was looking forward to the milk. what then
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jorisjurgen · 21 days
i want to have funnnnn i want nice treats.... the liver and lungs are evil and must be destroyed
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loveandscience · 2 years
rip to me and my 15+ hour workday tomorrow
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nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *loading a pistol* moon’s stuck in a time loop. do you have extra ammo? this won’t be enough. nasa employee: enough for…what? astronaut: *finding extra clip of ammo, pocketing it, and getting back on the rocket-ship* don’t worry about it!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop. nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *emerging from supply closet with a space harpoon, getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut:   oh hey u guys are back early astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: what?  nasa employee: how did you know what i was going to say?  astronaut: *punching in key pad code for base evacuation signal, getting back on the rocket-ship* i told you…moon’s stuck in a time loop. *red warning lights begin flashing*
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *rifling thru bookshelf of operating instructions, selecting one that says “AIRLOCK MANUAL OVERRIDE INSTRUCTIONS,” getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: moon’s stuck in a time loop. hey, do you have anything to eat? i’m starving. *opens random drawer, finds nothing, closes it* nasa employee: a time loo- uh, we don’t have food in here…we can’t…eat in the control room, only the break-room. astronaut: *sighs* nasa employee:…my lunch is in like 10 minutes, though, and if my lunch is actually STILL THERE and not STOLEN, AGAIN, i can share it with yo- astronaut: nah, that’s ok…no time. *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* or…too much time. but thanks, anyway. OK, bye! *alarm begins blaring* nasa employee: you’re…welcome? wait, a TIME LOOP?!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: yup. nasa employee: …?  astronaut: *sitting down next to nasa employee* so…do you ever like…wonder what the meaning of life is? the secrets of the universe? nasa employee: aren’t you supposed to be ON the MOON?! *alarm begins blaring* nasa employee: hey, what the hell is that? astronaut: that’s the code red override klaxon. moon’s stuck in a time loop. oh, and there’s an explosion imminent. But don’t worry, we can deal with that tomorrow. So, you have any siblings? *pulls beer out of space suit, cracks tab* want a drink?
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: do you know frank in IT? nasa employee: what?  astronaut: do you know frank, who works in IT?  nasa employee: yeah, but why are you guys back so early?  astronaut: moon’s stuck in a time loop. call frank, tell him there’s a virus in the security patch and the system’s compromised. then get the hell out of the base.  nasa employee: wait what? what? where are you guys going?  astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* back to the moon. it’s stuck in a time loop. call frank!  nasa employee: *picks up phone* ugh, straight to voicemail. i wonder wha- *alarm begins blaring*
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: *grim silence* nasa employee: i said, you guys are back early…hey, what are you…?  astronaut: *randomly opening drawers until they find a pair of scissors and some duct tape, getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop. *sticks head back out the door of the rocket-ship* by the way, if you go to the break-room in exactly 2 minutes and 45 seconds, you’ll catch the person who’s been stealing your lunches for the past two weeks. nasa employee: what?! WHO IS IT?! *alarm begins blaring* nasa employee: *running for the break-room* FUCK!!!!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *sits down, sighs, pulls a beer out from their spacesuit* moon’s stuck in a time loop. nasa employee: …ok, and? hang on, how did you get a beer? you can’t have that in here. astronaut: what do you know about project floyd? nasa employee: I mean, the usual amount? i’m not really on the project anymore, why?  *alarm begins blaring*  astronaut: COME WITH ME TO THE ROCKET-SHIP, we don’t have ti-
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: yeah. moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop. see you tomorrow. maybe. nasa employee: WHAT?!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *sighs, rubs hands over face, and loads pistol, before getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop. and, uh…you should call your mother like you’ve been meaning to. and tell her you’re not actually mad and that you will come to dinner tonight. you’re gonna be hungry. nasa employee: wait, what? WHAT?? how do you know my mom?! why am i gonna be - *alarm begins blaring* 
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what? astronaut: *grabbing two pistols, an extra box of ammo, a pair of scissors, some duct tape, a space harpoon, and a booklet of operating instructions that says “AIRLOCK MANUAL OVERRIDE INSTRUCTIONS,” starting to get back on the rocket-ship, but dropping everything with a horrendous clatter* FUCK! goddamn moon’s stuck in a time loop. *alarm begins blaring*
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what? also, hey, where’d you get that duffel bag? astronaut: *grabbing two pistols, an extra box of ammo, a pair of scissors, some duct tape, a space harpoon, and a booklet of operating instructions that says “AIRLOCK MANUAL OVERRIDE INSTRUCTIONS,” shoving them into the bag, and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back earl-  astronaut: *grabs nasa employee and kisses them passionately*  nasa employee: what? WHAT?! astronaut: *loading a single pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop, sweetheart.  nasa employee: what?!? astronaut: a time loop!!! i love you!!! get out of the base!!! stay alive!!! nasa employee: *presses fingers to lips, confused but intrigued, as alarm begins blaring* 
nasa employee:…. nasa employee:… nasa employee: ho hum what a regular day at the office *alarm begins blaring* nasa employee: what the hell is that?!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back earl-  astronaut: *grabs nasa employee and kisses them passionately*  nasa employee: what? what?! WHAT!?!? also, hey, where’d you get that duffel bag? astronaut: *grabbing two pistols, an extra box of ammo, a pair of scissors, some duct tape, a space harpoon, and a booklet of operating instructions that says “AIRLOCK MANUAL OVERRIDE INSTRUCTIONS,” shoving them into the bag, then cupping nasa employee’s cheek with free hand* moon’s stuck in a time loop. nasa employee: the moon’s stuck in a what?! astronaut: a time loop, sweetheart, but we don’t have much time ourselves, so you have to listen to me RIGHT now nasa employee: *faintly* …“sweetheart”?! astronaut: in 2 minutes and a few seconds, you need to go into the break-room and find frank. nasa employee: wait, frank from IT? astronaut: yes. nasa employee: how do you know he’s gonna be in the break-room? i can’t just call him at his desk right now? astronaut: how do i know this?! because, one, time loop, ok? and…also…because…heismaybetheguywhohasbeenstealingyourlunchfortwoweeks nasa employee: that BASTARD i KNEW it astronaut: BUT THAT’S NOT WHAT’S IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW. hey! listen to me! go in there, catch him red-handed with your burrito, and tell him lunch is on you FOREVER if he goes RIGHT NOW and checks the last security patch - because there’s a virus and the whole system’s compromised. then you need to get the hell out of this base, ok? nasa employee: …ok. ok. and…and what about you? astronaut: *cocking pistol and getting back into rocket-ship with duffel bag* me? i’m gonna shoot for the moon.
nasa employee: so, how many loops in total? astronaut: i mean, it was hard to keep track. somewhere around six months, if i had to guess. nasa employee: damn. astronaut: yeah. nasa employee: and in those six MONTHS, the best zinger you came up with was “shoot for the moon”? astronaut: hey, you know what, i had some other stuff on my mind! nasa employee: i mean, i guess. it sounded like you found time to flirt with me each time. astronaut: yeah, like i said. other stuff on my mind. *they look at each other, blush, and look away* astronaut: sooooooo. you’re sure your mom is cool with me coming over for dinner? nasa employee: can’t make the day any weirder. plus, i owe you for ratting out frank, right? astronaut: he did help us save the world; we can’t be too mad at him. nasa employee: you’ve had a little while to get over it, i might need some more time. and it wasn’t even your food! astronaut: ok, that’s fair. what if i buy you lunch to make up for it? nasa employee: hmm, when? astronaut: tomorrow? nasa employee: well, i’ll have left overs from my mom, and you might too if you play your cards right. day after tomorrow? astronaut: honestly, anytime is good for me.
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nepenthean-sleep · 1 year
you know what. i've always been hesitant to describe my anaphylactic food allergies as a disability because "it's just allergies" but if you look at the numerous ways this has affected my life as an adult (because everybody only talks about kids having anaphylactic allergies):
no restaurants or fast food
no store-bought food from small companies (less accountability/resources to prevent cross-contamination)
no candy or desserts (unless they are 100% homemade, which takes a lot of time and energy if you have other disabilities like i do)
no hand-washing dishes (every place i live in has to have a well-functioning dishwasher)
no kissing people on the mouth/lower half of the face
other people cannot kiss me/put their mouth on me
no allergens in the house (really difficult to enforce with non- immediate family members!!)
always having to cook my own meals/bake my own treats/desserts
no sharing drinks/food with other people
no food cooked in other people's houses/kitchens
always having to bring my own "lunchbox" to family events, work or school, all-day events, or any other situation in which i could THEORETICALLY need to eat or drink something other than bottled water
calling food manufacturers to verify label information on new/changed foods
and none of this is counting the avoidance behaviors i developed with obsessive-compulsive disorder around age 13 in response to the panic attacks i'd have remembering about the anaphylactic shock i experienced at age 10.
i was taught to read labels at age 5. i was taught how to use my own epi-pen at age 6. my parents and i have always been careful and responsible about my allergies. it's not "i just don't like this food", it's "if i eat this my throat will swell up and block my trachea AND i'll go into shock from low blood pressure." as inconvenient as it might be for YOU, you can learn these things too and save a life. happy disability pride month; stop being a dickhead
i don't usually talk about my allergies because it gives me a LOT of anxiety but i felt this was important to share, because most people have no idea what being an adult with allergies is like. life went from "everyone at the birthday party gets a cupcake but me and i'm sad" to to "if i want to kiss someone i like, i have to make sure she hasn't eaten anything i'm allergic to in the past few days" (which is like. hugely awkward to ask of someone holy shit) or "i have to turn down the meal from my friend's mom even though she has the best of intentions and now she thinks i'm an asshole"
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deesblanketfort · 4 months
5 of my favorite drink recipes for regressors ☆´ˎ˗ ︶︶︶
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As someone who generally prefers non-solid food, I often find myself making drinks for my regressed self because they bring me a very unique kind of comfort.
So here's a small (likely the first of many) compilation of recipes that I usually make for myself when regressed!
🍓 Yogurt Smoothie🍓
This one is the simplest of them all, and one I make pretty often! Though I don't think I'm the only one who does this, I came up with the recipe myself!
Ingredients: 100g or 3,5oz of a yogurt of your choice; 2/3s of a cup of milk Method: Blend them together until it's all creamy and foamy Servings: 1 cup
🍎 Apple and Banana Smoothie 🍎
My mom used to make this for me when I was a kid! Has a porridge-like texture.
Ingredients: 2 slices of apple; 2 slices of banana; a cup of milk; a tablespoon of oatmeal; a teaspoon of sugar Method: Blend it all together and serve! Servings: around 1 1/2 cups
🍋 Swiss Lemonade 🍋
Funnily enough, the "swiss lemonade" is neither swiss nor a lemonade. I'm unsure if anyone here is familiar with this one, but for me it's the best creamy drink for a sunny afternoon
Ingredients: 2 whole limes, 600ml or 20oz of cold water, a can (395ml or 13,5oz) of condensed milk Method: cut the limes in 8 pieces, without removing the peel, blend all ingredients for less than 10 seconds (blending for too long might make the drink bitter!). Strain through a fine strainer to remove rinds and serve. Servings: around 3 cups
🍼 Burnt Milk 🍼
Another one my mom used to make for me before bed, she says it's good for sore throats. Has a unique burnt/caramelized taste.
Ingredients: 1 cup of milk; 2 teaspoons of sugar; a pinch of cinnamon (or a cinnamon stick) Method: Pour the sugar on a small saucepan, cook and stir on medium. Right when the sugar starts caramelizing (burning) add the milk and stir in. Serve and sprinkle the cinnamon on your drink! Cinnamon is also good for sore throats Servings: 1 cup
🍫 Hot Chocolate 🍫
Classic? Mayhaps. But this recipe has a little special ingredient that gives it a thicker texture
Ingredients: 1 cup of milk; 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa mix powder; 2 tablespoons of corn starch (the more you add the thicker the drink's texture); a pinch of cinnamon Method: pour the milk, cocoa and corn starch on a small saucepan, cook and stir on medium until hot. Serve and sprinkle the cinnamon Servings: 1 cup
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jeonginsleftcheek · 2 months
My favorite person
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pairing: han jisung x afab!reader
genre: fluff, smut, neighbors/(fake) enemies to lovers au
word count: 6.7k
warnings: alcohol, swearing, smoking weed, cheesy flirting, handjob, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it up pls), squirting, cumshots, spanking, they're both desperate for each other and completely in love
a/n: had so much fun writing this omg! i love playful hannie sm and i hope y'all enjoy this too, consider a reblog if you did🩷
~check out my: Masterlist
It's almost midnight when Jisung's tired and aching legs slowly carry him towards his house. He has music in his ears and he's whistling lowly in the empty street.
It's still warm, the summer sun is unforgiving during the day, burning every surface up, stealing the freshness of the night.
Jisung can't wait to take all his greasy clothes off (courtesy of working in a fast food restaurant) and hop in the shower to wash the day off.
As he nears his house, he sees you sitting on your porch, wearing an oversized shirt, your hair in a messy bun, your sandals thrown aside and a can of beer in your hand.
He waves and you roll your eyes as you take another sip of your beverage.
"Came to bother me?"- you ask as he lowers his headphones to rest them around his neck.
"Ofcourse, you know that's my favorite hobby."- he smirks, leaning on the railing in front of you.
"You're blocking my view."- you lean to the left, trying to look behind him.
"Of what?"- he turns to look.
"The street."
"There's nothing on the street."- Jisung pouts.
"Still more interesting than you."- you quip.
"Wow, hostile much?"
"You know me."- you shrug with a smirk and he chuckles.
"You got another one of those?"- Jisung points at the beer in your hand.
"For you? No."- you continue smirking.
"Liar."- he smirks back at you. "I know for a fact your fridge is full of that crap."
"You know, it was nice and quiet before you came around."- you sigh.
"Well, I'm here to disrupt your peace."- he says and you groan with a smile as he sits next to you.
"You stink for real."- your face scrunches up as you scoot away from him.
"Mm, the smell of a working man."- Jisung leans towards you, draping his arm on your shoulders and you shake him off with a look of disgust.
"Ew, go shower."- you shove him away and he laughs.
"Alright I was going to anyways. I'll be done in 10."- he gets up before you can answer and you watch his silly little legs walking away from you.
Most of the time you want to smack Jisung, but sometimes he's a nice distraction from the thoughts swirling in your mind and the shitty world around you.
You don't wait for him though, throwing the empty beer can in the trash and padding back to your house. You close the door with a thud and sit in your living room, your fan is placed right in front of your face as you exhale.
"Fuck this heat."- you mutter to yourself, the sound of that annoying commercial voice from the TV blending into the background, behind the droning noise of the fan.
You almost fall asleep sitting like that but your door swings open suddenly and it jolts you awake. You don't have to look to know whose footsteps are echoing in your house.
"Finally refreshed."- it's Jisung and he grabs a beer from your fridge and then sits on your couch like it's his house.
His hair is still wet and messy, droplets of water sliding down his neck towards the white Sonic Youth shirt he's wearing.
You don't mean to stare but you do for a moment until the sound of him opening the can of beer snaps you out of your thoughts.
"That's my shirt, you thief!"- you point your finger at him and he laughs annoyingly.
"Doesn't have your name written anywhere on it."- he shrugs and you roll your eyes, smacking his arm.
"Obnoxious."- you mutter but he ignores your little quips as always.
"I'm not stinky anymore."- he smirks at you, his arm around your shoulders again and you whine, moving his arm away.
"All boys are stinky. And why are you drinking beer? I'm not gonna hold back your hair when you start puking, you lightweight."- you shove him playfully and he almost chokes on the sip he's taking.
"I'm not gonna puke, okay? I will be completely fine and sober after this."- he says matter-of-factly as he brings the can up.
"You would've been better off drinking some milk, baby."- you tease him and he chuckles.
"Baby, huh?"- he smirks, his face closer to yours.
"Yes baby, like an infant. A child. Now get out of my personal space."- you press your fingertips into his forehead and push him away.
"Damn, keep being mean to me and you won't get any of this."- Jisung waves a baggy in front of your face.
"Oh, now you're talking."- you smirk and he laughs at you.
"I'm not so stinky anymore, am I?"- he wiggles his eyebrows.
"You're still stinky."- you say, reaching for the baggy but he snatches it away.
"Give it here!"- you yell out and he giggles as he keeps moving the baggy away from you while you try to catch it.
You kneel on the couch, trying to grab it with your flailing hands but he moves his arm away again, making you lose your balance as you basically fall into his lap.
"Hello there."- Jisung smirks, his arm wrapping around your waist.
"Ew."- you scramble to get off him, crossing your arms over your chest and looking away from him.
"Okay, okay, you can roll."- he reaches the baggy towards you and you grab it but he keeps holding onto it.
"Jisung."- you warn.
"Give me a kiss and I'll give you the baggy."
"Quit blackmailing me with kisses. Never gonna happen."- you say as he chuckles, the little bastard.
"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, here. For real now."- he gives you the baggy and you get to work.
Jisung watches you as you concentrate, your brows slightly furrowed and your tongue poking out between your lips.
He licks his lips unconsciously, thoughts of tasting you have been on his mind ever since he first saw you when he moved next door.
You were a mess back then and sometimes you still are but Jisung loves the mess you are, he loves that you don't try to pretend to be okay when you're not, he loves that you don't take anyone's shit and always fight for yourself, he loves the fact that you're just so unapologetically yourself that you don't mind crying in front of him.
"Earth to stinky. Give me your lighter."- your voice breaks his daydreaming and he rolls his eyes playfully at the nickname before handing you the lighter.
The first two inhales already make you a little floaty, waves of relaxation slowly traveling through your body. Just what you needed after the day you had.
Your music plays in the background, the shared playlist Jisung and you have on spotify. The two of you are sprawled on the couch in front of your fan, the smoke from the blunt swirling in different patterns as Jisung drapes his leg over your lap.
"You wanna do shotgun?"- he asks, looking at you with his eyelids droopy and eyes red and you mirror his expression.
"It's gonna have to be a no."- you say with a snicker.
"Whyyyy?"- he whines, bringing his other leg up to rest it on your lap too.
"Because I know it's another one of your ways to try and kiss me."- you say with a dopey smile, your mind floaty and cloudy as you stare at Jisung's face, a goofy smile on his lips, his puffy cheeks looking extra squishy. You want to bite him.
"You're not getting in my pants."- you add and he laughs at you.
"We'll see about that."- he wiggles his eyebrows and the expression on his face just makes you laugh.
It's dumb but both of you have a fit of laughter and you forget all your worries, and Jisung scoots closer to you, he leans his head on your shoulder and plays with your fingers.
You want to protest and tell him to get his stinky self away from you but the weight of his legs on you and the way he gently touches your hand coupled with the effects of the weed bring you closer to the sleep you so badly crave.
"Ouch."- is the first thing that comes out of your mouth the next morning, the sunlight blinding you as soon as you open your eyes.
You feel dehydrated, sweaty and disoriented as you blink slowly, squinting your eyes as you look around. Somehow you ended up in your room, and judging by the snoring and the warm body attached to you, it was probably Jisung's doing.
You groan and try to escape his grasp but he wrapped both his arms and legs around you, clinging onto you like he never wants to let go.
You pinch his arm slightly and he stirs awake.
"What'd you do that for?"- his voice is deep and laced with sleep.
"Don't you have your own house?"- you ask.
"I like yours better."- he mutters, nuzzling into your neck. Goosebumps rise on your skin as he tightens his hold around you, his breath constantly tickling your skin.
"You're a pest."- you chuckle, wiggling away from him but you can't move at all.
"A pest who washes your dishes and brings you food. Hm, maybe you should consider being nice to me."- he lifts his upper body suddenly, staring down at you and you turn in his arms and look up at him.
You hate that your heart skips a beat when you see him first thing in the morning, his hair a mess of curls, eyes laced with sleep, his cute puffy cheeks and pouty lips, the shirt he stole from you messed up from sleeping, sliding down and revealing his skin.
"Get out of my bed."- you groan, wanting to run away far from him so you don't keep having these thoughts.
"That's not what you were saying last night."- he smirks.
"W-what do you mean?"- you stutter.
"Well, last night you were literally falling asleep on the couch and I asked if you want me to carry you to bed. You said yes so I did."- he keeps smirking. "And I was actually about to leave to sleep on your couch but you pulled me down and told me to stay here."
"Ugh. What did you put in that weed?"- your face is scrunched up as you finally free yourself from his hold.
"A love potion."- he narrows his eyes at you.
"I'm gonna go throw up."- you get up and Jisung's laughter echoes behind you as you make your way to the bathroom.
Working at the convenience store had you run into all sorts of people but it seemed that today every single annoying and rude person decided to shop.
You were this close to biting someone's head off, fuming as you stomped your feet to the bus station, some angry metal songs screaming into your ears.
The bus was also especially disgusting today, the smell of it making your stomach rise contantly coupled with a creepy old man staring at you the whole time made for a horrible ride home.
You practically ran from the station to your house, barging in as you opened the door. Forgot to lock up again, you think and shrug.
You almost trip over someone's legs and you're about to scream but the owner of the legs beats you to it.
"Jisung!"- you yell out, grabbing at your chest as he looks up at you, blinking innocently as he lays next to your couch on his stomach.
"You scared me so bad!"- he says and you shove his leg with your foot. The audacity.
"I scared you? You're in my house."- you put your hands on your hips, your eyebrows raising.
"You left it unlocked like always."- he says, his hands roaming under your couch.
"What the hell are you even doing?"- you ask confusedly.
"I'm looking for my lighter from last night! It's my favorite and I couldn't find it anywhere this morning so it has to be here somewhere."- he explains as he continues looking.
"We'll find it, no need to cry."- you chuckle, teasing him.
"I'm not crying. Yet."- he jokes and you laugh as he stands up, brushing off his pants.
"Oh, you look like shit."- he says as he finally looks at you closely.
"Wow, thanks."- you smack his arm and he squeals dramatically, grabbing at it.
"Sorry, I meant you look like you've had a bad day."- he says.
"I'm still having it."
"Not even my cute face makes it better?"- he pouts at you, batting his eyelashes.
"That makes it even worse."- you say, making a disgusted face. "Go to work Jisung and stop bothering me, I need to have the afternoon to myself."- you add, whining.
"So that means I'll come back after my shift."- he smirks.
"Only if you shower first."- you joke and he chuckles.
"Ofcourse. Now come here and let me give you a hug, you need one."- Jisung opens his arms.
"I really don't."- you shake your head at him.
"Yes, you really do."
"If you hug me I'll smack you!"
"Is that a promise?"- he smirks and you give in with a groan and let him wrap his arms around you.
You can truly never win, you always end up giving into his hugs and cuddles, knowing somewhere in the back of your mind that you crave to be close to him.
You had the whole afternoon planned out, cleaning up, doing some self care, taking a nap and then cooking dinner.
You ended up feeling sad and deflated, so you just stood under the shower, hoping that the water will somehow wash out the shitty day you had.
Fatigue got the better of you and you ended up falling asleep on your couch.
You stir awake, hearing the rustling of plastic bags and then a thud followed by Jisung cursing under his breath.
You lift your head up, squinting at him as he slowly walks towards you.
"Oh hey, did I wake you up?"- he asks gently.
"Yeah, kinda."- you say, feeling dizzy from the heat as you slowly sit up, wondering what day it is.
"I'm sorry."- he says as he puts the bags down.
"I hope this makes up for it. I brought you your favorite from work and I put extra love in it."- he smiles cutely and you really want to smack him in that moment, but in a good way.
"I'll think about forgiving you."- you tease and he chuckles.
"I'm gonna go shower and then I'll come hang with you."- he says.
"You mean annoy me?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."- he smirks.
You open up the bags and dig in immediately, your stomach growling at the sight of food.
Jisung comes back some 15 minutes later, practically skipping to you and throwing himself on the couch next to you, making you bounce a little.
"I left you some fries."- you say as you sip on your Coke.
"No, no, eat it all. I already ate at work."- he quickly shakes his head.
"Okay, don't need to tell me twice."- you start eating again and Jisung smiles at you adoringly.
"You won't believe the day I had."- he says when he snaps out of his trance.
"Tell me about it, I was this close to murdering someone."- you grumble.
"This woman came in and she returned her order 3 times, telling us it's not what she ordered when we clearly heard her say the order. Like we're some kind of five star restaurant not a freaking burger joint."
"Did she ask to talk to the manager?"- you snicker as you finish eating and lean back.
"Ofcourse she did, fucking Karen."- Jisung rolls his eyes and you laugh.
"The amount of those I had in the shop today. Not people making a fuss over yoghurt and milk, like I can't deal with them anymore. They wanna make petty drama where there is none. I wish I could just take a vacation away from everything."- you sigh and Jisung scoots closer to you, turning his body towards yours.
"Me too. I need a break."- he says and you turn to look at him, your heart skipping a beat when you realize how close his face is to yours.
"Let's run away."- he says suddenly and you laugh.
"We don't have any money to do that."- you say as you both lean on the headrest of your couch.
"We'll find a way. We can... juggle! Or sing on the street! Or you can read tarot cards!"- he flails his arms and you laugh, your giggles making Jisung's stomach swarm with butterflies.
"Keep pulling suggestions out of your ass."- you shake your head and he chuckles. "It's entertaining."
"But I'm for real. I would run away with you any time you asked. Like I'd pack my bags right now if you just said the word."- he says, his hand somehow finding yours.
"Where would we go?"- you ask, your fingers slotting between his.
"Anywhere we want. We would never stay in one place, we'd always look for new adventures. It would be me and you against the world."- he smiles, his boba eyes shiny as he looks at you.
"That sounds so nice."- your eyes fall to his lips. He's so close and it's so tempting but something inside you never lets you close that gap, mentally or physically.
Jisung's cheeks heat up as he catches you staring at his lips.
"But, it's just a fantasy."- you move away suddenly. "Real life is not like that. Real life is rude customers, exploitative bosses, barely making ends meet and this stupid heat that's making me feel even more disgusting."
"Way to bring the mood down."- Jisung snickers, squeezing your hand.
"You know me, y/n the party pooper."- you chuckle and he laughs.
"Oh but the party didn't even start yet!"- Jisung smirks and grabs the remote, turning the channels until he finds the commercial one, you always watch it together after midnight if you can't sleep, laughing at stupid stuff people sell.
"Oh my god!"- you chuckle. "This requires beer."
You go to get up but Jisung stops you.
"Let me."
"Damn, is Han Jisung actually a gentleman?"- you tease, wiggling your eyebrows.
"I'll have you know that I'm a perfect gentleman."
"Mhm, right. I'll see about that."- you say as he brings two cans of beer.
"Yes you will."- he smirks, sitting down next to you.
Someone is selling a gilded statue of a peacock, complete with different colored jewels all over it.
"So kitschy. Like who'd want that staring at them at their house? My eyes would hurt."- you say with disgust on your face.
"It would be funny to get it though."- Jisung says and you laugh.
"They still didn't reveal the price. How much do you think it costs?"- you ask as the woman on the tv describes the kitschy statue and the materials it's made of.
"Why don't you take a guess? If you guess right, I'll do anything you ask of me and if you're way off you have to kiss me."- Jisung smirks and you smack his thigh.
"Again with the kissing! Fine! Let's do it. I guess 200 dollars."- you say annoyed and he laughs at you as he rubs his thigh.
"Alright, I guess 300 dollars."- he says.
You wait for the reveal in anticipation, and when the woman says 350 dollars, you freeze.
"Guess I owe you a kiss."- you sigh and turn towards Jisung.
He lookes completely and utterly bamboozled, his lips falling open as he stares at you, not blinking.
"Jisung?"- you wave a hand in front of his face.
"Right."- Jisung laughs, thinking you're joking around so he puckers his lips towards you, exaggerating for the effect, his eyes closed.
"Ji, please be normal about this."- you warn him, your hand on his and his eyes snap open.
"W-we're actually gonna kiss?! You're actually gonna kiss me?!"- he freaks out suddenly, his eyes widdened.
"A bet is a bet."- you shrug with a smirk, but on the inside you're freaking out the same way Jisung is.
"I'll take it."- he nods quickly.
"Why don't you start breathing first?"- you laugh, scooting closer to him so your knees are touching.
"Right, breathing, that's like important."- he says and takes a deep breath in as you giggle at him.
It's almost 2am and you decide to throw everything out the window as you lean in closer to Jisung's face. You can hear his breath hitch as you gently brush your lips on his.
Without any more stalling, you finally close the gap and press your lips into his. Your mind feels dizzy instantly, his lips are so soft and pliant against yours as he kisses you back eagerly.
You can feel the relief in his movements, like he was waiting for this for so long, and frankly so were you.
His hand ends up on your waist and you cup his face, some kind of hunger brewing inside you as you deepen the kiss, your tongue prying his lips open, making him moan.
His arms wrap around you as your tongues fight for dominance, making the kiss needy and messy, your teeth clashing and spit dribbling down your chin.
When you part for air both of you look dazed and Jisung squirms uncomfortably as he looks down. Your eyes follow his gaze and you chuckle at the prominent bulge in his sweatpants.
"Really, Ji? One kiss is all it takes to have you this turned on?"- you grab his thigh and he jolts, gasping as he looks up at you.
"Don't make fun of me! It's your fault anyways."
"Oh it is, hm?"- you smirk, massaging his inner thigh, making his hips lift up for some kind of friction.
"Yeah, so help me get rid of it?"- he blinks at you with those puppy eyes of his, a cute pout on his lips for added effect.
The little manipulator.
"You're a horny little boy, Ji."- you chuckle, hooking your fingers in his pants and he gasps.
"Woah, you're going straight for it?!"- he panicks.
"What, do you want me to introduce myself to it first? State my name and business?"- you snicker and he laughs, smacking your arm.
"You make me feel so self-conscious just so you know."- Jisung groans as his head falls back and he covers his eyes with his arm.
"Aw, baby is shy."- you coo and pull his pants down in one swift move.
Jisung whines as his cock smacks against his stomach and your mouth waters at the sight.
"Damn, didn't know you were packing this much."- you say, your hand instantly wrapping around his throbbing member, the pre-cum already lubing your hand up as it dribbles down.
"Ahh, don't say shit like that. I'm gonna cum."- he whimpers and you laugh as you squeeze his cock, making his hips jolt upwards into your hand.
"Already? I didn't even do anything."- you smirk, running your thumb through his slit, playing with the pre-cum oozing out of it.
"Yes you did. You're... you."- he says.
"What does that mean?"- you chuckle, playing with the sensitive underside of his head, making his cock twitch in your hold.
"Means anything you do gets me hot."- he whines.
"Oh yeah? Is that why you can't look at me, Ji?"- you tease, grabbing his arm and trying to pry it off of his face.
He just whines and doesn't budge.
"Look at me, Jisung."- you say sternly, squeezing his cock again.
"Ah, fuck!"- he whines and finally looks at you.
His face is red in arousal and embarassment and you chuckle at the state of him.
"Keep your eyes on me."- you order, moving your hand up and down.
"Oh my god, y/n."- he whimpers, instantly looking down at your hand pleasuring him.
"Eyes on me, baby."- you warn again and he looks at you quickly.
You manage to slide your tank top down and Jisung's eyes are as wide as saucers.
"I see you always staring at my breasts."- you smirk, your free hand coming up to play with your nipple. "Would you like to touch them?"
"Y-yes, yes I would!"- he whimpers as you speed up your movement on his painfully hard cock, the squelching sounds going straight to your core.
"Say please."- you smirk, leaning closer to him.
"Please! Please!"- he looks desperate as you tease him, your breasts almost on his face.
"Okay, you can touch."- you say and his hands are instantly squeezing your flesh, thumbs running over your nipples.
He looks fixated so you change up the rhythm of your hand, cupping his balls with your other hand.
"S-shit!"- Jisung moans loudly as his cock twitches hard in your hand, and he cums, ropes of white cum painting your hand and his thighs.
Both of you gasp and he whines, his hands coming up to cover his face.
"Well, that was quick."- you chuckle.
"Oh my god, that's so embarassing. Please don't laugh at me."- he mumbles behind his hands as you wipe yours clean.
"Hey, don't be embarassed."- you quickly grab his hands, moving them away from his face. "I think that was so fucking hot."
"R-really?"- he pouts.
"Well, yeah. Shows me how much you want me."- you say, your eyes full of lust.
"I do, I want you so bad. I-I can go for more rounds if you're down."- he says almost timidly and you really want to eat him up.
"Ofcourse. I hate unfinished business."- you waste no time as you take off your pants and Jisung is quick to take his shirt off.
"Stay like that. I wanna ride your pretty cock."- you narrow your eyes at him and he whimpers.
"God, please do!"- he says, his voice strained as you grab his sensitive cock.
You throw your leg over him and hover above him as you start jerking him off again.
"Touch me."- you grab his wrist and pull his hand towards your pussy, dripping with arousal and begging to be filled up.
He runs his fingers on your wet folds, rubbing your pussy and you let out a needy moan as you grind against his fingers.
"Look who else is desperate."- Jisung smirks, feeling his chest swell with pride that he's the one making you feel like this.
"Shut up and put them in."- you groan, landing a light slap on his cock and he moans loudly, pushing his fingers inside your wetness as he squirms under your touch.
"D-don't make me cum yet."- he whimpers as you keep a steady pace on his cock while he starts fucking his fingers in and out of you, matching the speed of your hand.
"Ah, Jisung!"- you whine when he hits the spot inside you, making your legs shake.
The way you moaned his name got him twitching in your hand again. He speeds up and you grab his hand suddenly, stopping him.
"I don't want to fuck around anymore. I'm gonna fuck you now."- you smirk and he gulps, pulling his fingers out of your pussy and you aim his dick towards your entrance, sliding the wet head against your warmness.
Jisung plops his fingers in his mouth sucking on them and tasting your juices and you whine at the sight, sinking on his cock at the same time.
Jisung's head falls back as he pulls his fingers out with a pop, letting out a strained moan at the feeling of your velvety walls sliding down on his hard cock.
He grips your hips as you wrap your arms around his neck and start bouncing on him fast immediately, your thighs smacking down on his, your titties bouncing in his face.
Jisung starts whining desperately, he can't wrap his head around the fact that you're fucking on him so desperately, your nails digging into his back.
"Fuck me harder!"- he whines, pushing his hips up and you whimper as you fuck on him as fast and hard as you can. He follows your pace and meets your movements with his thrusts, pushing his cock so deep inside you that the tip presses into your cervix, making you see stars.
"Ah, Ji, you feel so good!"- you moan as you grip his shoulders, the couch creaking under the two of you fucking like some kind of feral animals.
"Mm you feel so good too. So tight around me."
Jisung digs his heels into your carpet and fucks you even harder, his hand landing a smack on your ass.
"Ow!"- you whimper and Jisung apologizes immediately, caressing your ass but he felt the way your pussy clenched around him when he spanked you.
"No, it's okay. Do it again."- you groan, barely catching a breath, your thighs are burning from all the exertion but the way his cock feels inside you beats the need to give your legs a rest.
Jisung's eyes are glazed over as he smacks you hard again, your hand tangles in his hair as you moan his name loudly. He leans in and captures your nipple in his mouth, sucking on it as he grips your ass, plummeting into your clenching hole.
You feel crazy as your orgasm hits you harder than ever before and you lift off of his dick just to squirt all over him.
"Jisung!"- you whimper and then look down realizing he's cumming too, just from the sight of you squirting and you grab his cock and help him get to his high.
"Ahh, y/n..."- he keeps moaning your name as you milk him dry, sweat covering both of your bodies, the fan behind you helping you cool down as goosebumps rise on your skin.
"Fuck that was so hot."- Jisung groans as the two of you cling to each other, not caring about the stickiness.
"Mhm."- you try to breathe as you lean your forehead on his shoulder.
"Can't believe I made you squirt."- he smirks and you lift up to look at him.
"Are you hard again?"- you chuckle in disbelief as you feel him grow beneath you.
"I told you I could go for more rounds."- he wiggles his eyebrows.
"Fine, let's go upstairs."- you stand up, wobbling on your feet a little and he helps you get steady.
"Really?"- he looks up at you cutely.
"Well, I'm not sleeping tonight."- you chuckle and he giggles as he lets you pull him up.
As soon as you get to your room, both of you fall into your bed and between the mess of sheets Jisung and you spend the night indulging in each other.
"I feel disgusting."- you whine 3 more rounds later as the two of you lay on your back and try to catch some breaths.
"Hey!"- he whines, smacking your thigh lightly and you laugh.
"Not like that. I mean the heat is disgusting. This really didn't help with that."- you look at him and he chuckles.
"I'd say it was worth it."- he smiles, his eyes hopeful and sparkly.
"I agree."- you nod and Jisung lifts up to give you a gentle kiss, contrast to the hungry and passionate kisses the two of you spent the night sharing.
It's almost 6am when the two of you are done cleaning up and changing the sheets.
"Are you gonna throw me out now?"- Jisung jokes as you lay down and he sits on your bed.
"Like that would work on you."- you chuckle and he laughs as he lays down.
"You know, my shift starts in two hours."- he says as he holds your hand.
"What?!"- you gasp and flick his forehead as he whines. "Why didn't you tell me you had the morning shift, you fool?"
"Well, I didn't want to lose what might've been my only chance."- he says quietly and you lean in and bite into his bicep making him yelp.
"What's that for?"- Jisung whimpers, grabbing at his arm.
"Nothing, you're just dumb and adorable. Now go to sleep."
You wake up around 11, the spot beside you empty and everything floods back into your mind, you can't believe you did all that sober.
A part of you feels embarassed but you know it was bound to happen sooner or later. Deep inside, you know you cared about Jisung a lot and you hoped he felt the same.
Losing him is unimaginable and even though he annoys you, you know you enjoy him 'bothering' you every day more than you would like to admit.
You're off work today so you finally gather the strength to clean up your whole house, and when you move your couch to vacuum, you see a little shiny lighter behind it.
You chuckle as you pick it up, it's Jisung's favorite lighter, one you covered with shiny stickers and heart doodles when both of you were high. You sigh and put it aside, wondering how Jisung will act today with you after everything that happened between the two of you last night.
You take a shower and a nap, and before long it's 5pm and your door swings open.
You're in the kitchen, finishing up on dinner as Jisung strolls in with a big smile on his face.
"Hey."- you say and he laughs as he pulls you into his arms.
"I missed you all day."- he says into your hair as he holds you tight and you wrap your arms around his dainty waist.
"Oh yeah?"- you smirk.
"Mhm."- he nuzzles into you. "I know you missed me too, admit it."- he adds and you chuckle as you both lean back to look at each other.
"Yeah, sure."- you tease him.
"I was gonna text you but um... my phone fell into the hot oil in our fryer."
"Oh my god Jisung! Stuff like that only happens to you."- you laugh and he shakes his head.
"Don't mock my troubles. I have to buy a new phone now."- he pouts.
"Why were you even looking at your phone near the hot oil?"- you chuckle, turning off the stove.
"I was... looking at your pics."- he says, his puffy cheeks rosy as he looks away.
"Ofcourse you were, you stalker."- you smack his arm. "Don't act all shy now, we're way pass that."- you add and he groans.
"You ruin every cute moment on purpose."- he pouts.
"And you bother me 24/7 but you don't hear me complain."- you tease.
"You complain all the time."- he snickers and you laugh.
"You don't mind, do you?"- you ask, hating that you feel vunerable in that moment but it's Jisung, your Jisung.
"Ofcourse I don't."- he says gently, sensing the shift in the tone and he leans closer to you, cupping your face.
"Can I kiss you?"
"I think we're way pass that too."- both of you chuckle as your lips collide in a sweet, gentle kiss.
It doesn't take much time for the kiss to get heated, and for Jisung to push you against the kitchen elements.
"Woah, calm down big boy. Dinner first."- you smirk and he laughs.
"Alright, but just because you cooked. You even cleaned up, what gives? I made you so happy last night that you were on cloud 9 today?"- he teases you and you narrow your eyes at him.
"What if I was?"- you tease back, pinching his cheek and he whines, grabbing at it dramatically.
"I was too. That's why I put my phone into the fryer instead of the fries."- he confesses and you laugh loudly, grabbing at your stomach.
"Go ahead, laugh at my misery."- Jisung says, but he's smiling too.
"Sorry, that's just such a Jisung thing to do. Like somehow your lighter ending up behind the couch."- you add, pulling the lighter out of your pocket and showing it to him.
"Oh, you found it! I knew it was somewhere around here."- he smiles as he takes it from your open palm and you can't help but wonder why he loves it so much.
"Why is it your favorite?"- you ask and he looks up at you, his eyes wide before they soften.
"Remember when I got it? Both of us had a bad day and it was raining like hell. I came to you with a baggy and you rolled a perfect joint like you always do. But, we couldn't find a lighter that was working so we had to run to the gas station in the rain like two idiots. And when we came back you let me shower here and you gave me your Sonic Youth shirt, which I know is your favorite so that was a great honor to me. To get to wear your favorite shirt that smells like you. And then you decorated the lighter when we finished smoking and you gave it to me and threatened that if I ever lost it you would kick me."- he laughs and you chuckle, your face burning and heart beating fast at the way he talked about you and that evening.
Ofcourse you remember, you remember every night with him.
"That was such a y/n thing to do."- he adds and you laugh as he grabs your hand.
"I guess it was."- you squeeze his hand lightly as you stare at each other.
"I told you I'd get in your pants."- he smirks suddenly and you roll your eyes, groaning at him.
"Ruining the moment. And it wasn't me this time."- you point at him and he laughs.
"Okay, how about this for the moment?"- he swallows and leans in closer.
"I love you, y/n. And I'm in love with you. Like so desperately. I can't stop thinking about you 24/7 and my favorite parts of the day are the parts I share with you. I know I bother you a lot and cling to you but I don't know how to stop. You're my favorite person ever. You're my person."- Jisung says and you almost melt down into a puddle.
"Don't stop bothering me ever, Ji. Because I... I love you too. And you're my favorite person in the whole world too."- you confess finally, feeling like a burden was lifted off of your heart.
"Good, because you can't get rid of me that easily."- he smirks, his lips on yours.
"Mhm."- you mutter against him, wanting to throw a witty comment back at him but he kisses you with so much emotion that any word lingering on your lips dies and you kiss back, grabbing at his shirt and pulling him closer to you.
"Hope you know I'll be spending even more time at your house now."- he smirks when you pull away.
"Ugh, I might start locking my door finally."- you joke and Jisung snorts.
"You'd forget to do it after one time."
"But you'll be there to remind me?"
And he stays with you as he promised, selling his house a few months later and moving in with you even though it seemed like he was living there already.
More than half of his stuff was already in your house so the move in was easy. He remembered the night you talked about needing a break from everything and as soon as fall brought colder weather and less customers, the two of you planned a little trip.
You always heard that it can't get more better than having that one in a million chance to love and be loved by your favorite person in the whole world.
And you have that, you think as you smile at Jisung's silly cute face, and he looks at you mirroring your smile, making you feel like you're home with him, no matter where you are.
✨Taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg @velvetmoonlght @hwanghyunjinismybae @jehhskz @laylasbunbunny
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It's a Match! || 141 x Reader
[ Chapter 9 ] || [ Chapter 11 ]
Pairing: Ghost x gn!Reader || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.7K~ Tags: NO SMUT, simon is a flirt, first kiss, simon has a PIERCING, simon needed to be held okay? Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: ghost HAS MADE THE MOVE.
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Chapter 10: SIMON?!
You had entered the pub looking for someone who you didn’t know. Unlike with John, you didn’t even have a picture of Simon’s face to go off of.
Not that you had needed one. Going inside and scanning the room, you immediately spotted a tall, blond man with a black mask holding a tumbler of whiskey. He was leaning against a back wall by the dartboard, one foot propped up on the wall behind him.
Tall, blond, and a fan of Bourbon. Check, check and check.
You had made your way over almost immediately, being greeted with a squinting of his eyes and a dipping of his head off to the side.
“You look good.” He had said before raising a finger in the air and spinning it, beckoning you to give a little spin. Which you did.
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” You had retorted as he pulled away from the wall and guided you to the bar, one hand on your shoulder, so he could pay you for the drink, as you had so salaciously demanded on Tinder.
After that, he took you outside, to a table in the corner of the outdoor area of the pub. He parked himself on a lone armchair, legs spread and his position relaxed, spine curled ever so slightly, to make him take up less space. As if that’s somehow possible.
Then, Simon tapped his palm on his lap, beckoning you to sit, which you did without question. His hand circled around your waist, pulling your back to press against his chest.
He felt you press your ass back against his bulge, which earned you a dark rumble of a chuckle right into your ear. “Not as shy as I expected you’d be.” He had whispered.
“You’re the one who made me sit on your lap.” You had retorted as you looked back at him, only to get your head swiveled forward once more by his firm hand on your jaw.
“Eyes forward.” He had demanded. “I wanna drink in peace.” He had told you. He was bossy, but not exactly in a bad way.
“I guess that answers my question.” You had told him as you sipped from your own glass. Behind you, Simon did the same. You could hear the ice clinking against the glass as he dipped the tumbler back to sip from.
“Which one?” He had asked after a wet swallow of his drink and smacking his lips lightly.
“If you were going to wear the mask.” You had answered.
“It’s for your own benefit.” He had retorted.
“How’s that?” You had asked, daring to turn back to look at him, only to be stopped by his firm hand on your jaw, correcting your gaze away again, wordlessly.
“I’m not exactly a pretty sight under this.” He had told you. “Would rather not scare you off.”
“I’m sure it’s not that bad.” You had retorted. “And I doubt you could scare me off.” You added. “Though…” You had trailed off, thinking for a moment. “I won’t deny that if you’re like… super disfigured I might have a bit of a reaction to it at first.” You had told him sincerely.
That had earned you another rumble of a laugh behind you as he leaned in, pressing his chest a bit more against your back.
“Tell you what.” He had said softly in your ear. “I’ll let you have a glimpse soon enough, if the night ends up going the way I wish for it to.”
After a few hours getting to know each other, in which Simon kept up his promise of being honest within reason, you ended up at a McDonald’s parking lot, eating greasy food in the front seat and talking some more about all sorts of things. 
You told him about your ex, about your family, about work, about your current obsessions in a certain TV show, a certain videogame, a certain actor… And he returned with his own. Who would’ve thought that this mysterious, sort of strange, guy would like Pedro Pascal?
He made you laugh, his sense of humour extremely morbid and sarcastic and his deliveries deadpan, but just smart enough to draw laughter out of you… And whenever you retorted with a smartass comment of your own, you swore you saw him smiling… Even if the mask was in the way, the corners of his eyes crinkled.
And you made sure to dutifully look away when he loosened his neck gaiter at the bottom, in order to stick fries and nuggets and his drink straw under it…
At midnight, you found yourself being dropped off at home… And just like it happened with John, you found yourself not quite wanting the night to end…
So you invited him upstairs.
It’s 5 A.M. when you find yourself waking up in his arms, stirring awake ever so slightly by his movement.
The sun is starting to rise, lighting the room ever so slightly, and making it so you can kind of see a few shadows of your furniture around the room.
Bleary-eyed and groggy, you rub your eyelids, finding Simon’s silhouette still next to you and looking at you.
“You alright?” You ask him softly, receiving a soft ‘Mhm’ in return. You pull yourself away from his arms, leaning up on one of your elbows to look at him.
“Had fun last night.” He tells you as he stretches a bit. “Should probably be heading back to base in a minute, though.”
Your bare leg rubbed lightly against his thigh which was still clad in denim, a consequence of the two of you having had some sort of… sleepover. That’s the best way of putting it.
“I’m glad. I had fun too… Weirdly enough.” You reply as you start to sit up in bed as well. “Never did think I’d end up getting… laid but… not. ‘Laid together in bed’, I guess?” You joke a bit, still too groggy to really make a joke.
“Can just call it cuddling.” He replies as he pulls the covers back a bit in order to sit up and turns on your bedside table lamp, lighting the room in a warm-toned orange-y light and casting shadows further toward the door and the hall.
He still has that neck gaiter of his on over his features, or… maybe he took it off and put it back on? You can’t be sure, you were asleep.
After coming home, you talked some more, played Mario Kart on your switch, watched a horror movie, during which he complained way too much about the realism of the blood splatter and the injuries… And then you kind of… cuddled to sleep.
“I think we both needed this.” You tell him as he nods his head. “Haven’t gotten a good cuddle in… well, ages… And you’re surprisingly comfortable.” You add.
“Definitely.” He tells you, his eyes squinting a bit again. “I… like you.” He admits.
“I… Thank you?” You reply as you sit up in bed next to him, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“That felt wrong to say aloud. Felt a little bit like a little boy in the playground.” He admits and chuckles at himself.
“Yeah… Well… I like you too.” You reply and chuckle as well at how silly it feels to say it so openly.
“Of course you do.” Simon retorts, his tone still flat and deadpan even as he spoke himself up and acted cocky.
“Oh piss off, Simon… It’s too early to deal with your shit right now.” You grumble and nudge at him with your elbow.
“Oh, c’mon… You dealt with it all night last night.” He tells you as he leans over, getting his face close to yours, the neck gaiter just softly grazing against your shoulder.
“Shut up.” You reply, a smirk on your lips. His eyes crinkle into a smile as well, which makes your smirk soften into a little smile.
You gently grab his face with his hand which makes his eyes widen and, as a reflex, he grabs your wrist and stops you from pulling down/up his untucked neck gaiter and show you his face.
This had happened a couple times last night. One of which was you trying to tuck a corner of his mask into his neck had earned you a grab from him, that only relaxed when you explained your intentions.
He’s a deeply mistrusting person, you’ve noticed… And you are strangely intrigued by it.
“Relax.” You tell him. “I’m not going to pull it off.” You assure him once more, which makes him relax.
Instead, you lean forward and press a kiss to his cheek, right on the edge where the mask meets his cheek, your lips softly brushing the stitching of the top of the gaiter. 
His breath hitches and his eyes close for a moment, seemingly basking in the warmth of your little kiss.
As you pull back, his eyes snap open again and he rushes forward, grabbing your whole jaw with his large, rough hand before pulling your whole face toward him once more.
His other hand moves the gaiter up just enough to capture your mouth in his, but not enough to earn you a glimpse of his features. 
His mouth is warm, his lips chapped and dry to shit, and his tongue is… Is that a piercing? Your eyes double in size when your tongue rubs against the cold metal nubs of his barbell piecing.
Simon’s eyes are open too, the corners crinkled in amusement at your shocked reaction. He keeps his grip on your jaw as your eyes slowly fall closed, giving into the kiss.
It’s completely different compared to John’s kisses, or Ethan’s back when you were together. Simon kisses like he wants to take your breath away.
After a moment, he pulls back, the neck gaiter quickly falls back down to cover his face and when your eyes open, it’s as if nothing happened. Simon is up on his feet, putting on his boots and leather jacket.
“We should do this again.” Simon tells you. “I’ll text you.” He adds and winks at you before turning and walking out of your room.
After a moment, you hear the front door of your apartment close and there you are, left sitting in bed, blinking away the shock.
taglist: @daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @infpt-zylith , @xxshadowbabexx , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark , @zombie-freak , @wittleespur
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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captain-hawks · 2 months
soshiro hoshina x f!reader
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Hoshina finds himself in a precarious situation when his repeated use of the No. 10 suit sends his body into a rut, one that's only further exacerbated when you let yourself into his office without warning.
wc: 3.2k
c: 18+ only, friends to lovers, rut dynamics, breeding kink, oral sex (f & m!receiving), cum eating, squirting, unprotected p in v, creampies, too many creampies to count, copious amounts of cum, a ridiculous amount of orgasms, pussy drunk!hoshina, required horny suspension of disbelief, author takes great liberties with human biology
a/n: this one goes out to the two requests i received for hoshina + office, in addition to an older request for him in a rut!
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There are three things Soshiro Hoshina promised himself when he was sworn into his position as Vice-Captain of the Third Division—
To give his life to the JAKDF. 
To do everything within his power and abilities to ensure the safety and preparedness of each and every officer under his watch. 
—and to never let himself get involved with a fellow officer. 
…after all, sentimentality is a dangerous weapon to hang oneself with.
The third is the reason he’s currently staring at you with wide, panicked eyes as you step past the threshold of his locked office door, your brows furrowed as you point what appears to be a hairpin in his direction. 
“You’ve been holed up in here for days, Soshiro,” you frown, your gaze tracking across the uncharacteristically messy state the room is currently in. Paperwork is left askew across the surface of his desk, a haphazard pile of blankets and pillows stacked on the couch, and an array of takeout food and drink containers is stacked precariously atop the filing cabinet. 
Soshiro grips the edge of his desk, teeth grinding as he fights to ignore the surge of possessive, blinding heat that unfurls inside of him at the sound of his given name on your lips. 
(It was an exception he was too weak to deny you, not when you’ve become the closest friend he’s ever had in the years since you joined the Defense Force.)
You begin to walk toward him, and his nostrils flare, chest heaving as the familiar, soft scents of your perfume and shampoo invade his senses, amplified like never before. 
“S-stop,” he gasps, hunching forward, palms flat against the desk as he inhales sharply. 
Your voice has an edge of panic to it as you stride closer. “Soshiro?”
He backs up, putting several more feet of space between the two of you, though the added proximity does little to quell the blazing fire your presence has ignited in his veins. 
“I…there’s….,” his throat burns as he tries to talk, “…a side effect from Number 10.”
A rut, to be precise. 
Biologically, it makes zero sense. There are no reported cases on file across the JAKDF of similar side effects as a result of kaiju weaponization. And Soshiro’s not even wearing the goddamn suit, he hasn’t been since he collapsed in the middle of the training grounds earlier in the week without warning. 
But the medical team at the Third Division has since hypothesized that it’s a particular irregularity resulting from the repeated usage of the No. 10 suit which has simply tricked his body into believing it’s going into an animalistic rut, of sorts. 
His cock has been achingly hard nearly round the clock all week, a thick and throbbing presence between his legs no matter how many times he brings himself to completion. 
Mortifyingly, after the higher ups insisted on contacting Captain Gen Narumi of the First Division to see if he had any insight, the other man had nearly laughed himself out of his seat as he suggested Soshiro try “fucking it out of his system.”
And this is where your presence has now become a problem. 
Deny it as he might, there’s a traitorous golden thread of sentimentality for you that runs deep in Soshiro’s veins, one that has nearly cost the team a mission on several occasions at times when he’s found himself too focused on your individual wellbeing on the battlefield. 
He sees the way you look at him. 
He feels the way his stupid, reckless heart throbs against his ribcage in your presence. 
He knows what this could be—what the two of you could have. If only he was weak enough to bend to the will of his own desires. 
But under the influence of the rut currently sinking its ruthless fangs into his better judgment, he’s a weak man. 
He’s a weak, hungry, desperate man who wants to claim you as his. 
Who wants to breed you, to fill you with his seed, to pump every last drop of cum he has left to give into the tight, slippery warmth of your cunt. 
This is why he’s been avoiding you specifically, why he’s teetering on the frantic edge of panic as he feels his body’s visceral, uncontrollable reaction to your presence. 
You sigh, expression softening. “I didn’t realize it was this bad.”
He stares at you in confusion and chokes out, “What?”
“Well…Captain Narumi called me to ask how you were doing, which threw me off. He didn’t go into much detail, but I…I got the gist of it.”
“That asshole…” Soshiro groans. 
“I think he was trying to be nice, if you can believe that. But I just…I know you like thinking you have to shoulder every burden yourself, and you hate asking for help. And you’ve been ignoring all of my texts. So I’m here now to offer you whatever help you may need.”
Soshiro maneuvers himself behind the side of his desk, if only to hide the stiff erection currently tented at the front of his pants. “This…I don’t…this ain’t somethin’ you can help me with.”
Putting your hands on your hips, you huff. “You look like you’re barely keeping it together. And I…” you scratch the back of your head, looking a bit sheepish, “I may have done some research. On the internet.”
“I mean, I know the mental gymnastics of applying the concept from animals to kaiju to humans isn’t exactly laying the groundwork for the next peer-reviewed scientific study…”
“Do ya even know what you’re saying?”
You sidestep around the barrier of the desk, and Soshiro backs up again, his shoulder blades hitting the wall, the obvious outline of his cock in his pants the least of his concerns now. 
“I’m saying that your body probably isn’t going to revert back to normal until you satisfy the conditions of your rut.”
A subtle shiver runs through him. “I’ve tried,” he grumbles, looking off to the side. 
“Oh?” you ask, an odd look crossing your face, one that he can’t quite read—but it makes something inside of him clench all the same. 
“By myself, I mean,” he continues. “Many times, actually. S’not changing anything.”
“Because your body wants you to breed someone. Well, probably in the hypothetical sense, like just finishing inside of them…,” you reply, matter-of-factly. Like his cock isn’t threatening to thrash its way past his zipper at the sound of those words on your lips. 
He inhales slowly, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before finding your gaze once more. “‘m not goin’ out and findin’ some random—“
“That’s why I’m here.”
“Excuse me?” Soshiro’s not sure he remembers how to breathe. 
“Use me, breed me. Whatever it’s going to take to get you out of this room and back into commission.”
He’s going to lose his fucking mind. 
“I can’t—“
“I trust you, Soshiro. I trust you more than anyone else. I don’t think you understand how much you mean to me. And I know you refuse to let yourself care about anyone enough to become a liability…but I’m here if you want me. If you’ll have me.”
Everything inside of Soshiro feels like it’s reaching a breaking point, a fever pitch. He takes one step toward you, and then another. 
—and it’s almost excruciating, the distance that remains, every cell and fiber in his body helplessly, desperately drawn toward your gravitational pull. 
“…also I…the contraceptive part is covered. So I won’t actually get pregnant. You can come inside of me as many times as you need to…”
Another step. 
“…or as many times as you want to…”
He’s standing directly in front of you, his muscles tensing painfully as he begins to feel the warmth of your body heat. 
“I locked myself in here to stay away from you,” he rasps. 
Your face falls a fraction. “Am I that terrible of an option?”
“No.” He sidesteps, and you turn to face him, your backside leaning against his desk. “You were the only option I want.”
You blink, clearly a bit taken aback by the admission. “Then why didn’t you tell me? I feel like I’m not exactly subtle about my feelings…”
“Cause I don’t know if this is goin’ to stop if we do this. I don’t know what kinda side effects there might be afterward.”
“Are you trying to scare me off with the threat of a potential sex sabbatical if your boner doesn’t go down?”
He bites the inside of his lower lip. “I’m tryin’ to warn ya that I don’t know if we can go back to normal after this…it’s more than just sexual…there’s this possessive feeling eatin’ me alive whenever I so much as think about ya.”
You lean more of your weight back into the desk, letting one of your feet slide forward to nudge against Soshiro’s. 
“You know just about everyone in the entire Defense Force already thinks we’re dating, right? Captain Narumi started crying laughing when I got into an argument with him over it.”
Soshiro’s self control is dangling by the edge of a frayed, treacherous rope. 
“You really wanna do this?”
“I was already yours, Soshiro. Even if you weren’t ready to acknowledge it.”
A ragged exhale leaves him at that, every last piece of his desire falling at his feet and bursting into flames. And when you meet him halfway as his lips come crashing into yours, Soshiro knows there’s no turning back. 
Distantly, Soshiro knows that if he were in the right state of mind, this would unfold in a far different manner. He’d settle down into his office chair, tugging you into his lap to kiss you soft and slow and languid. 
He’d take his time, familiarizing himself with each dip and curve of your body. Every corner, every plane. Every little sound and reaction. He’d use his lips and his fingers first, until you’re pliant and sated under his touch. 
He’d kiss the corner of your mouth and worship the very sight of you, tell you just how fucking terribly in love he is with you. 
But you know him better than anyone else, and he you. 
So when he gets out an, “I’m sorry,” between frantic, sloppy kisses as his hands fumble for the button of your pants—
When you gasp at the feeling of his fingers grazing your slit and bite down on his lower lip and moan into his open mouth, “Next time.”—
He knows you understand all that he wants to give you to, that this wasn’t how this was supposed to go. That you trust him and want him enough to let him fuck you through his rut like an animal moments after you’ve shared your first kiss. 
Despite the unbearable ache of his cock, which only grows worse when you begin to palm him through his pants, Soshiro still manages one thing—one moment of pleasure that he’s fucking dreamed of giving you over and over again. 
He has little regret for the way he swipes all of the paperwork off of his desk in one go before he sets you down on top of it, memos and unanswered letters the furthest thing from his mind when he finally has the taste of your cunt on his tongue. With your legs spread wide, he eats you out with reckless abandon, the heel of one hand shoved against his dick as he plunges two fingers of the other in and out of your dripping wet hole. The keening, needy sounds you make only fuel him further, your back arching up off of his desk as he thrusts his tongue into your tight channel, greedily lapping up every last drop of the arousal that’s slipping out of you. 
“Oh my god, Soshiro,” you cry out, fingers scrambling for purchase and eventually coming to tangle in the dark violet locks of his hair. 
When you come on his tongue, moaning and shaking as you roughly tug in his hair, it’s the most wonderful fucking sound Soshiro’s ever heard in his life. He groans when a searing wave of pleasure bursts inside of him, an unexpected orgasm filling his boxers with hot ropes of cum. 
You hardly have time to recover before he’s carrying you over to the couch, setting you down in the messy nest of blankets and pillows strewn about on the wide cushions. But before he can do anything else, you’ve pushed him into a sitting position and shuffled around to kneel between his legs. 
“Ya don’t have to…”
He can hardly deny you, especially not when he hears the satisfied sound that tips out past your lips when you slide down his pants and boxers to find the sticky mess of cum already coating his dick and balls. 
His dick that’s already hard again. 
“Did you come while you were—“
“Yeah,” he rasps, dragging a hand through his mussed hair. 
You bite your lower lip. “Soshiro, that’s so hot.”
He doesn’t have a chance to come up with an eloquent response, because his entire body seizes up with pleasure as you lean forward and take his cum-covered cock into your mouth. Soshiro wonders how he’s ever going to recover from this—the sight of your kiss swollen lips smeared with filthy, sticky cum and saliva. As you lap it from his balls. As you suck every last drop off of him until he’s coming again right down your throat. 
Soshiro thinks he’s going to climb on top of you when his cock stiffens once more, to stare down at you and press messy, hungry kisses to your lips as he thrusts inside of you. 
But you’re adamant that you think he needs something else the first time, something more akin to the primal needs his body is succumbing to. 
Soshiro knows you were right when he lines up his flushed, weeping cock with your slick, quivering entrance from behind while you lean forward on your hands and knees, the need in his body now burning hotter than ever before. 
It takes exactly three thrusts inside the dizzingly tight, soaked warmth of your cunt for Soshiro to reach his next climax without warning, cum exploding from his cock as his hips violently stutter while he fucks his seed inside of you. It feels so good, he’s worried he might pass out, but his hips won’t stop rocking into the plush curves of your ass. 
You whimper as you feel him fill you deeply, fingers digging into the blankets and couch cushions beneath you as your body rocks backward into him. 
“More, Soshiro,” you beg. “I know you’re not done. I need more, too.”
Soshiro nearly growls as something desperate and feral unfurls like the crack of a whip inside of him, folding his body over yours and sinking his teeth into the soft juncture between your shoulder and your neck as his cock hardens again inside of the grip of your tight channel. You moan as he bites down, whining and gasping as you reach back to tangle your fingers in his hair.
Soshiro’s balls ache as the wet sound of skin slapping on skin fills the room, his throat dry and his muscles straining with the desire to pump you full of more cum. 
“Harder, Soshiro,” you gasp, rocking backward to fuck yourself on his shaft. 
He’s helpless to do anything but oblige as his hips begin to snap into yours at a brutal pace, his fervor only unraveling further when you shout as you squirt all over his hand right after he starts playing with your clit, your cunt rapidly spasming and contracting around his cock. 
“Breed me, please,” you whine, gasping for air, your chest heaving. 
He slams inside of you to the hilt as he comes hard, brokenly groaning in pleasure as the euphoric grip of your pussy milks the cum from his cock. 
“Don’t stop,” you plead when he pulls out, feeling the way his cock is hard once more as it rests against your ass. 
“S’ gonna make a mess,” he heaves, entranced by the load of cum dripping out of your cunt and sliding down the backs of your thighs. 
You shiver when he runs two fingers through it, the sound dissolving into a moan when he gives in to the unexplainable urge to lean forward and lap some of his sloppy mess directly from your folds. 
“Good,” you choke out.
It’s so fucking filthy—the amount of cum that slides out of you as he tries in vain to fuck it all back inside. The way you come again for him a third time from the feeling of the hot, sticky mess squelching inside of you as he murmurs against your ear, “Gonna fuck a baby into you. That what ya want?”
Soshiro’s so pussy drunk he can hardly think straight when he finally gets you where he really wants you—moaning into his mouth and dragging your hands through his hair as you straddle his lap on the couch. You alternate between riding his cock and letting him ease your pliant body up and down his length as he grips your hips, blazing a hot, open-mouthed trail of kisses along the curve of your jaw as he groans about how good you feel. 
The state of the leather couch is a lost cause as you bounce up and down on his shaft, cum slipping from your cunt and coating the base of his cock in a creamy ring of fluid. Drenching his balls and his thighs as he fucks up into you harder, his seed sloshing around in your fucked out hole. 
When he comes again, his head drops against the back of the couch as he tries to catch his breath, groaning as he watches a fresh wave of cum leak out of you with hooded eyes when you lift yourself off of his cock. 
His still hard cock. 
“Fuckin’ hell,” he sighs as it twitches with interest when you reach down and swipe your finger through the cum, licking it off slowly as you hold his gaze. 
“One more,” you whisper, leaning forward to slot your lips with his. 
You wrap your hands around Soshiro’s cum-covered cock, moaning softly as you rub your clit up against the firm base while you begin to stroke his length. It’s so intimate and sensual, the way your body presses up against his, the roll of his hips as he slowly twitches upward and fucks your fist before climaxing one last time.
Soshiro rouses from a deep, heavy sleep hours later, your head on his chest, your bodies tangled together in a pile of blankets on the couch. And he’s relieved to realize that he finally feels back to normal again. Albeit, every muscle in his body aches, and he doesn’t even want to begin to think about the mess the two of you left behind before passing out, but it’s a relief all the same.
When you snuggle up closer on his chest, he pulls you close and presses a kiss to the top of your head, whispering, “Mine,” into your hair.
“Is that still your dick talking?” you ask, tired and amused.
“Nah, just me,” he murmurs, lips curving upward in a content, relaxed smile. 
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
I need to know!!
I have no idea if you've already done this but I need to know what Jamil and Kalim's dynamic is in the 10 years in the future thing. How is Kalim doing? Did he get married? To who? What is he up to?
Than you!
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(Jamil's phone background pic)
KALIM! Oh dear, I have a lot to say.
First I'm gonna tackle the marriage status subject. I... actually don't ship Kalim with many other characters so I haven't bothered to think about a potential partner. I know the Ruggie/Kalim/Silver is a popular ship or something. Just imagine whoever you want with him, I'll leave that side of the story to your imagination.
Now, for his overall situation! Here's how I see it:
After a handful of years learning under his father, Kalim became the head of House Asim while his father enjoyed early retirement. One of his first decisions was, if not to completely free his servants, then at least to offer them more freedom (that's how Jamil still managed to secure himself some holidays to spend with Leona and Vil). That's also how Najma ended up being able to aim for college and study both tradings and politics. After Jamil leaves to be with his now husbands, Kalim revises his close circle of advisors/investors/whatever other powerful people he'd have by his side, and asks Najma to become his advisor.
Not bodyguard. Not servant. Not food taster. Advisor.
Because he knows he still tends to be too kind or thoughtless and he needs someone as ruthless as Jamil at his side. Jamil has left, so he asks Najma who is studying precisely for the things he needs. She happily accepts.
As for Kalim and Jamil's relationship, it was still tense for years after NRC. They both tried to make their relationship better but their situation wasn't helping at all. Once Jamil was gone with his husbands though, it became better fast. The power imbalance gone and Kalim treating Jamil's family very fairly, even giving such a high position to Najma, they managed to talk things out and start their friendship anew.
Kalim still regularly calls Jamil for advices, so does Najma since he has a lot more experience with Kalim. With Jamil's new status as Ambassador, he's also often in contact with Kalim for events or future deals between House Asim and Sunset Savanna.
The first few times they reunited after Jamil left, it was very awkward. Kalim wasn't sure how to act with Jamil anymore, if he even wanted to talk to him at all or have a drink together or hug it out. And Jamil had a hard time transitioning from servant to prince, so seeing Kalim again made him mentally backtrack several times. Eventually though they worked it out. When either of them is invited by the other, they first spend an awfully long time just hugging until they are both satisfied. They regularly spend time just the two of them to drink and catch up, gossip about whatever latest nonsense happened in their respective palaces, play Mancala, etc etc
When they have to part ways they hug for just as long. Eventually everyone gets used to it and adds a good fifteen minutes to the plannings so those two can take their time.
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cherriesformatt · 30 days
stream || matt sturniolo
summary: reader cooks for matt and chris while they are streaming and because she is bored
warnings: fluff, making out kind off
word count: 964
a/n: the amount of content for the past week is craaaaaaaazy also how do you like my new layout? thank you for over 700 followers that is crazy as well
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I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone with my AirPods on so I could hear my thoughts and music. Matt and Chris were streaming for a third time this week and all I could hear was their screaming. I did not mind I knew there were having fun finally streaming games. I was a little bored and I knew that they still did not have dinner so I stood up and went to their kitchen to check what they have in the fridge. But of course there was nothing that much useful because all they had was variety of drinks. I mange to get stuff for fried rice and also I made instacart order for some groceries and for stuff to make Matt's favorite cookies.
When I was cooking the rice Chris came in to the kitchen for some water.
"Are you cooking?" He smiled and came closer to look what I was doing.
"I am I figured none of us actually had dinner so I am making some fried rice and cookies" I smiled looking at him.
"Smells amazing you're the bets bro" He said and went back to Matt's room.
I laughed and stirred the rice on the pan. I chopped the green onion and the chicken I got from the order and put it all in the other pan.
I send a quick photo on snap to Nick and captioned it "being a wife material when you gone come back homeeeee". Nick was already up so he send me back a surprised face saying "what did they do to you".
I laughed and put my phone down so I could out away the rest of the groceries away and come back to the rice.
When it was all ready I nicely transferred it to the plates and I texted Matt and Chris on the group chat asking if one of them could come and get the food.
Me and Matt did not really share a lot of our relationship online. It was there, people knew but that was it.
"Are you kidding me? We were actually talking about being hungry" Matt came to the kitchen and looked at the plates. I was sitting on the countertop holding my own bowl and eating already.
"Well.. you are welcome, take it and you guys eat it when it is warm. How is the stream going? I think all the neighbors heard you screaming at Chris" I laughed looking at him as he steps closer to me.
He came to stand in-between my legs and I smiled and him.
"Well.. he is an idiot so.." He laughed and he took my bowl and put it next to me and he stepped even closer.
I put my arms around his shoulders.
"Go do your stream Matt, when you done we can make your favorite cookies I also stock up your fridge because you guys do not own food in this house" I said.
"You did not have to do that baby..."He looked at me with eyes full of admiration.
"I wanted to... now take the food and go before they will yell at you" I pushed on his shoulders lightly.
He stole one kiss from my lips and smiled. That made my face bright up and I fixed his messy hair from the headset.
"Can't wait for the cookies. I love you, thank you" He said and took the plates and disappeared in his room.
I finished my dinner and cleaned up my mess after cookies and started to prepare the cookies.
"The rice was fire y/n thank you, I told Matt he can marry you already" Chris said coming back to the kitchen an he put the plates in the sink.
"Thanks god we have your blessing" I put my hand on my chest where my heart was.
He laughed and in the same time I felt arms hugging me and soft lips on my cheek.
"We are done for today... and yes this dumbass actually said that on the stream and chat was going crazy and like 10 thousand people came because they though they will see you" Matt said and my eyed widen at his words.
"That is crazy, well I look like shit so they would not see me for sure. I spent half of my day watching tiktoks on the couch" I laughed.
"You are always beautiful" Matt looked at me and gently patted my back.
"You guys are both cornballs, I am going to shower but if you make the cookies please tell me" Chris said and waved at us as he went to his room downstairs.
"You are cornball actually" I said turning around and wrapping my arm around his neck.
"Well... if it comes to you..."He started with a smirk but I rolled my eyed and laughed.
"Shut up" I said and brought him in for a kiss as I practically did not even talked to him today.
The kiss was slow and his warm lips on mine made me shiver. I parted my lips to let his tongue slip in. His hands traveled on up and down my sides and finally stopped on my hips. He gently squeezed them making me gasped a little. The distance between us seemed to disappeared completely when I tangled my hand into his hair. My heart was bitting so much faster when we stopped away from each other breathless.
"Hi"He said as he rested his forehead on mine.
"If you think that this was enough to make me to make cookies by myself than - wrong ,you are still helping Matthew" I said moving away still short on breath and he laughed at my statement as he sook his head at me.
"Let's bake the cookies then..."
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