#oswald pengu1n cobblepot
dimxnd-assistant · 2 years
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It was another rainy night in Gotham. A night that would make Oswald Cobblepot laugh as everyone that made fun of him for carrying g an umbrella was now doing the same.
But a woman in a designer white coat and a familiar black umbrella were walking to the neon entrance of the Iceberg Lounge.
She had no appointment or warning she was coming. But she was let in without haste or trouble. Few had this power. So what was Monica, the Two of Diamonds, doing at the Iceberg on this rainy night?
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masquenoire · 2 years
Checklist, please.
Send “checklist” and my muse will fill out the list below with their thoughts about yours!
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"The fuck are you looking at, Cobblepot?"
I find you to be:
[X] interesting [ ] cute [ ] attractive [ ] sexy [ ] reassuring [X] intimidating [X] annoying (prick!) [X] tedious (don't think I've forgotten about you killing my mole) [ ] terrifying
I think we should:
[ ] talk more [ ] hang out more [ ] date [ ] adopt each other as found family [ ] fight (friendly) [X] fight (hostile) [X] avoid each other if at all possible [X] focus on our enemies first
If we spent an evening together we would:
[ ] just hang out [X] talk about deep stuff (fuck it, let's drink and chat about shit happening in Gotham) [ ] cuddle (fuck no, not even if I was the drunkest man on earth) [ ] go to bed together (to sleep) [ ] go to bed together (to… not sleep) [ ] go out and party till sunrise [X] both get arrested [X] probably wind up killing each other (most likely outcome tbh)
If we kissed it would be:
[ ] a chaste press of lips [ ] a playful smooch [ ] swift and stolen [ ] deep, sweet, and sincerely meant [ ] all teeth and tongue and hot as heck [X] not happening [X] I don't trust you not to bite off what's left of my lips
If we had sex it would be:
[ ] romantic and luxurious [ ] fast, rough and hard [ ] against the nearest wall [ ] fantastic [X] awkward (so fucking awkward) [X] a really bad idea [X] an all-around disaster [X] not happening
If I woke up and found you unexpectedly in my bed I would:
[ ] cuddle you (I'd rather cuddle as cactus) [ ] offer you breakfast (I'd serve you my fists) [ ] attempt to seduce you (hell no!) [X] kick you the fuck out, both physically and literally [X] demand to know how you got there (and how you fucking sneaked in without waking me up) [X] scream (I got enough bad dreams without waking up to your goddamn face)
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chiropterx · 2 years
I see. [if you're still accepting..]
Send me “I see” and I’ll tell you how my character perceives yours
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Oswald Cobblepot was an intimidating man. In another life, Kirk would have been happy to have remained ignored, to stay in his own little world of bats, long nights studying blood under the microscope and analyzing pages of complicated data in his mission to cultivate the perfect cure for deafness. That was until a letter had been addressed to him one day, along with a complimentary dinner delivered straight from the Iceberg Lounge. Kirk kept his own company these days but even he wasn't completely ignorant as to the going on behind Gotham's scenes. The Penguin was a dangerous man despite his unassuming appearance, his small stature the perfect disguise as to just how much power he wielded in this city. Cobblepot was an old name, present ever since the first stones jad been laid in this city and it was no surprise the man held such sway, and as to why he'd contacted a man with whom he had no dealings with before... A cold bead of sweat rolls down the back of his neck. Cobblepot must have found out about the research Kirk had been developing, had been hoping to turn into a cure instead of a weapon- "He scares me, Mr. Cobblepot does. I'm not afraid of what he'll do to me, rather I'm afraid of what'll happen if he gets what he wants. He doesn't understand how dangerous the serum is, that there's still work to be done on it..." Kirk's voice is a shaky whisper as he looks down at his hands. In his quest to create something special to help people, he had inadvertedly created something terrible that powerful men wanted for their own ends and if Cobblepot was anything like the rumors he'd heard, the man would stop at nothing to get his hands on the formula. He dreaded the day there would come a knock on his door, and he suspected that day would come all too soon.
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He has not met this man yet but Man-Bat feels something when he stares at the newspaper flapping in the breeze, beadly eyes fixated on the pages within. Words he does not care to understand are ignored in favour of the photo of a man dressed in fine clothing, and it's with a sense of rage that the immense chiropteran hisses, fur bristling along the nape of his powerful neck. Bite... he wanted to bite this man. Why, Man-Bat did not know but looking at the picture brought about an uneasy feeling somehow, a feeling reminiscent of fear which does cause him to lash out. Striking the fluttering pages with his claws, it's quickly reduced to ribbons, causing a sense of relief to come over him now that the pages have been scattered to the winds.
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dimxndsareforever · 2 years
Smash or Pass?
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"Oh Oswald! Now I too am curious if we would... 'smash' was it?" She chuckled.
"You are a man of power and wealth and fine taste. My three favorite things in a partner. So if I were to appear in your bed.... What would be in it for me, Ozzy? What does Marsha, Queen of Diamonds, get out of this passionate night?"
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puzzlies · 2 years
Give us some more creativity. What else besides blenders and saws do you have?
I never said I am in possession of any of these.
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
🍉 - What is something they have done that they feel the most guilt over? How do they handle this guilt?  Does the guilt ever get resolved?
Random Headcanons
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There is one other thing that Khare feels like absolute shit about and that's not contacting her family as soon as she was able to, if only to let them know she's still alive. She'd been missing for months after all so naturally her family back home would be worried out of their minds, right? Only... the thought of hearing their voices after so long, to tell them she's okay when she's very much not okay is just too painful to bear. Khare often looks at phones and debates ringing them every time, perhaps even sending them a letter but she fears those at the facility finding out somehow, maybe even going overseas to bring trouble their way. Khare had her passport on her when she was abducted, which would no doubt provide valuable information leading them right to her family which would only be another way for her captors to find her. If her family doesn't know she's alive and haven't heard from her, they can't possibly be targeted, right? It's safer for everybody both that way, the only way she's able to protect them from her situation. She's not sure how they'd react if they knew she was alive, if they'd actually go as far as coming to America to get her which would only put them in even more danger. Better for everyone involved she just... waits a little longer, to make sure things have quietened down enough while she finds a way to purchase a ride back to Britain without getting arrested or uncovered as the monster she's become. Her resolve wavers every time she looks at her phone, knowing her loved ones are just a few buttons away if only she had the nerve to call them.
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caestusvulpes · 2 years
@oswald-pengu1n-cobblepot asked:
🐭 Slightly intimidating. Your powers are not to be underestimated.
[🐰 for mun. you seem really pleasant!]
"I'd prefer I don't get underestimated at all, so kinda preferrable. Kinda mad I didn't get the fox emoji, though."
AGGHH you are too!!! Thank you for being so sweet!!!
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kira--romanova · 2 years
@oswald-pengu1n-cobblepot sent "slurred words"
my muse describes your while ridiculously drunk
↳ accepting
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"I'd be as happy as the next person to see him guillotined..." Kira enunciated the words carefully "Сволочь... jerk, but-" Kira remarked, stopping only to finish her drink. She twirled the glass in her hand ,only to discard it on the table. The glass slid and stopped moving with a clink. "It's Gotham. Bussines is bussines. I can pretend to tolerate him for the money, он хорошо платит, он придурок, но деньги есть деньги"
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alicesought · 2 years
[8. Does your character feel like their in the wrong? If so does it bother them? And 9. What is a line that your muse will not cross?]
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8. Does your character feel like they're in the wrong? If so does it bother them?
{{ He doesn't! Because he's crazy! But he can! He is... capable of feeling wrong, at very least. Jervis does care about being good in some way! He doesn't want to be a monster, but he's desperate and also deeply confused. He can feel shame and he does feel empathy, he's agonizingly earnest. Maybe, even at his sanest, he can be a little more anti-social than most in some regards... He's clearly become entirely too accustomed to a certain level of violence and dishonesty, but really he DOES need a sense of moral right to justify his behavior before he's willing to do most things.
Which is why he has to lie to himself. Why would he deny so much if he didn't care right? That's... something haha. }}
9. What is a line that your muse will not cross?
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thecursedraven · 2 years
[8. Does your character feel like their in the wrong? If so does it bother them?]
"There are times that I have made mistakes, naturally, and that has cost me a good deal- but as to whether or not I'm a good person?
I'm a monster, and I live up to the title. I do think I'm past the point of it mattering whether it bothers me or not."
Darius pours himself another drink, thinking for a moment.
"If they want to make me a Villain, I'll let them do so- but it won't be My head on a platter at the end of the night."
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dimxnd-assistant · 2 years
I see.
What Monica thinks of Oswald
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"Mister Cobblepot, Sir. You are an amazing man by both your position and your business. You have all Marsha has but none of what makes her so cruel and feared. If I had the chance to be YOUR second in command, I would take the job and happily help run your club. I hope we have a good working relationship from now on."
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chiropterx · 2 years
[trust your gut cause the way you write Man-Bat is very well done. Writing a character who cannot talk let alone is some kind of feral animal is hard to pull off but you do it so well. Using bat body language and keeping a great balance between where Man-Bat's animalistic nature begins and ends. Also some descriptions read so well, I can clearly picture the scene like it was from BTAS. (The tearing up the book on vampire bats mating was hilarious.) You have good judgement, so keep doing what you're doing!]
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[Thank you so much for taking the time to send such a lovely message, friend! Not gonna lie, this was VERY reassuring to read as that's what I was trying to go for? Muses who cannot speak require a different approach from those who can, and trying to convey body language and thoughts, much less from a feral point of view is a completely different take from what I'm normally used to! It's challenging but in a very fun way, trying to keep things as 'realistic' as possible... well, as realistic as it can be when it comes to this science-induced horror so having Man-Bat being more calculating and cautious, being so animalistic in his approach is thrilling to write. Predators don't just tackle their prey. There's very real risk to them and vampire bats are no exception, needing to be sneaky about the way they feed. Man-Bat is a whole other kind of beast, utilizing his latent human intelligence so trying to keep with that BTAS theme and hearing that it's coming across so well to you warms my heart, truly! Thank you again for making my day! 🍊]
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dimxndsareforever · 2 years
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"Pengy darling? Can I borrow this umbrella and these men? I promise at least two of them will return unharmed."
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puzzlies · 2 years
if it's any consolation, bluebird was going to be my first guess. But I thought it'd be rude to spam the list of other guesses I had afterwards.
At least someone would've given me a little hope for humanity, if you had dared to answer correctly.
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Why did the author kill you off?
Plot Twist: You Didn't Die
Maybe the story starts with the hero finding out you died, or maybe you're dragged off screen just before a gunshot. Or, possibly, you suffer a wound that no mortal could possibly survive. Then, in the hero's most desperate hour (or just in time for sequel bait), you'll reappear to save the day. Something makes you stronger than most, or perhaps there was simply a grand, miserable sort of miscommunication regarding your status. Nonetheless, just about everyone will be happy to see you, and more than happy to hear the story of how you survived. Just hope that the author won't make a habit of this- otherwise no one will know what to do when you die for real.
Stumbled across this one.
Tagging : @oswald-pengu1n-cobblepot @fluffytimearts @mashedpotatosinacup and anyone who would like to take part.
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caestusvulpes · 2 years
@oswald-pengu1n-cobblepot asked:
Music blared through the air as parade floats passed by. Fat Tuesday, 2006, situated in the busy New Orleans streets. Nearing her 14th birthday, Hikari had begged her parents with those wide, dark brown eyes to take a family trip for Mardi Gras. In Texas, no matter where you were, Mardi Gras celebrations were scarce. Between Florida and Lousiana, that seemed to be the tiny festival belt that contained all the Moon Pies and King Cakes of the entirety of the U.S, save a few exceptions.
Galveston was the city that came to mind-- but Haru had made the decision that, if they were to go out of their way to drive to a Mardi Gras parade, they'd go all out. Book a hotel, the whole song and dance. The drive from Dallas to New Orleans was only three or so extra hours than a drive to Galveston would be anyway, so they might as well. Got an amazing parking place due to how early they were, with Masaru's arms wrapped around his daughter in a gentle sway as he kept her close. Too many people increased the chance of losing sight of her-- and she was rather small for her age.
One thing they forgot to check was the temperature.
It was the tail end of February, after all. A frigid low of 47 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning Hikari was tucked in her own violet sweater and folding herself halfway into her father's open coat to keep warm. The parade dragged on, Hikari and Haru catching plastic cups, t-shirts, and beads. Haru folded them in the canvas bag to carry back to the truck, and Hikari waved her hands and hopped in place, until a small wad of white-silver beads came careening out of her right peripheral and smacked her in the cheek.
Now, with the combination frigid weather and high-speed plastic projectile, what would have been a harmless 'oh, ouch!' turned into a resounding, stinging pain. Hikari looked up at Masaru with tear-filled eyes, not quite crying, but obviously in distress.
"Oh. Oh, gosh..." Masaru's mitten gently cupped her cheek to apply a bit of pressure. It took the edge off, slowly disappating in the cold. "Are you alright? They threw it pretty hard."
"'M... 'M fine." Hikari mumbled, turning away fron his hand to rub her sore cheek. Fucking owwwwwww.
"Please keep an eye on what they're throwing, so that way we can avoid anoth-- ACK!" A chocolate Moon Pie smacked off of Masaru's head, falling to the asphalt below. A Krewe-member on a large pink-and-black float called out an apology. Hikari suppressed a chuckle.
"Don't forget t'keep an eye out, dad."
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