#Thank you for this Rue!
chiropterx · 2 years
[Leave object on muse's desk meme.]
A bulging plastic bag was left at Kirk's office's door. Inside wasn't anything gruesome like a severed head. In fact once opened a delicious smell of the Iceberg Lounge's food billowed outward. There was an appetizer, entrée, and dessert inside their wrapped containers that were neatly stacked on top of one another. Beside the personalized take-out bag was a bottle of good wine wrapped in a paper bag. All of this, and tucked away was a small note.
"No charge. Let's talk some time. I hear you're onto great things.
Yours Truly, Oswald C. Cobblepot".
Leave an object in my ask and my muse will react to it being given to them.
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This wasn't what he'd ordered. In fact, the usual deliveryman hadn't come by at all that day, security camera having alerted him to an unknown visitor passing by only to drop off this bag at his office door. Kirk notices the logo proudly emblazoned across the stark white plastic wrapping and pales visibly. The Iceberg Lounge, only the fanciest nightclub in all of Gotham. He'd never been to the Iceberg Lounge before. Couldn't afford it, especially not now he was living on his own (not that he had reason to go out partying anyway.) The logo on the bag seems to glare at him and it's all Kirk can do not to close the door and hope the bag was no longer there when he next opened it. It finally occurs to him to at least check if there's a letter attached just in case it was actually meant for one of his neighbours. No doubt they wouldn't be best pleased to find that dinner had been delivered to the wrong address and he hadn't even bothered to let them know about the mix-up so Kirk rummages through the contents, his stomach trying not to grumble at the exquisite smells emanating from within. Hell, there was even a bottle of wine included, no doubt just as expensive as the food included but finally he located a small note and is shocked to find it's addressed to him. What could Mr. Cobblepot possibly want with somebody like him? No charge? And onto great things? Kirk Langstrom was no partygoer. He barely registered on anybody's radar, his line of work too small, too niche to be of interest to anybody who wasn't deaf or similarly impaired and yet Oswald Cobblepot, owner of the Iceberg Lounge and upper-class businessman had heard of him, even taking the time to deliver a meal on the house. Part of Kirk was worried. Oswald Cobblepot, while a legitimate businessman, was also rumored to have had shady connections within the city... but then who didn't in Gotham? It was filthy and crime-ridden, had been since before he was born and would likely remain that way long after he was gone. Kirk was content to hide away from it all within the comforts of his little home, with just his vampire bats for company as he doggedly worked to find a cure for his and many other's chronic deafness. His stomach grumbled again as his nose again picked up the scents from within the boxes inside the carrier bag. Appetizers, dinner and dessert with a bottle of wine sure sounded a hell of a lot better than the scant inventory of his pantry (when had he last gone shopping anyway?) and so Kirk reached out hesitantly, picking up the bag by it's handles and crrying it inside. He would have cried at how good everything tasted had it not felt like ashes in his stomach as he wondered when Mr. Cobblepot might come calling, to discuss who knew what.
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ruellakuma · 2 months
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his rage throughout this chapter was so quiet, it was definitely a slow build up of rage til the end. for him to have this as a last resort for sukuna, in trying to make him feel sympathy even if he knew it wasn't gonna work felt desperate to me. but that's kind of the beauty in it too, like after everything, the chaos and the deaths of all he loved. ofc he was gonna be desperate and at least he tried. i dont think it was useless. he made sure sukuna heard everything and i think this chapter was a nice one.
yuji :( everybody is cheering you on boy, you tried your best and you did such a good job. im so proud of him
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scarringstars · 8 months
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THE HUNGER GAMES APPRECIATION WEEK day seven: free for all ↳ The odds were never in our favor.
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readingforaneternity · 3 months
I was 7 when the first Hunger Games movie came out and watched it within those two years of its release. Rue had always stuck out to me. Rue and Cinna. One because they were two out of three black characters, and two because of the amount of screen time they got.
At the time I didn’t realize it, but now that I’m older the HG movie was probably one of the first forms of media I consumed as a child where a black character wasn’t a stereotype of their race and culture.
What I love about Suzanne’s writing is that at face value her black characters are rooted in stereotypes. At least Thresh and Reaper. But what makes Suzanne so much better than loads of writers, game makers, directors, etc is that her black characters have so much more depth. Thresh and Reaper come off as aggressive and blood thirsty. They also have a stereotypical ‘strong black man’ body type. But what makes them full of depth is that that is not all they are. Both Thresh and Reaper were aggressive to deter the other Tributes from attacking them. They were gentle, kind, and full of mercy when it came to Rue and Dill (and as we saw Katniss and the other Tributes as well). Reaper especially with how he cared for the dead in during his Games.
The sense of community in District 11 that is shown through just four characters is telling. In the movies when they rebelled. Or in the books when D11 sent their loaf of bread to Katniss in gratitude. When that old man saluted Katniss.
I just love that her characterization of her black characters actually hold depth. Especially as side characters. She could have played into ignorance and say that they only served a purpose through their death, but she didn’t.
District 11 will always be my favorite District.
All of the characters of color in the HG universe hold a special place in my heart.
And although Cinna and Boggs are only black in the movies, they’re black in my heart when I read the books too.
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tending-the-hearth · 10 months
estelle's class has an assignment to draw their family, and they take turns showing them off to their parents during back to school night, and estelle stands up at the front of the classroom with the proudest look on her face as she very earnestly points to each person saying "this is my daddy, this is my mommy, and this is my big brother percy who's the coolest person ever and protects me" and everyone's like awww cute but then estelle turns the paper around to show MORE colorful blobs and she starts going:
"this is my big sister beth who tells me stories and who's gonna marry percy, this is my big brother g-man who lets me play in the dirt and makes silly sounds, this is my big sister rissy who scares the monsters away from me and mommy and daddy, this is my big sister zeezee, who has a pretty singing voice and colors with me, and this is my big brother frankie who lets me play with all his pets!"
and sally's filming the entire thing while paul just coos over his daughter, and she shows the video to her kids during sunday dinner, and clarisse is absolutely NOT crying thank you very much, but she hugs estelle a little tighter, and all estelle's big brothers and sisters decide to dote on her so much more, and just estelle being the most loved and protected little girl in the entire world and having an army of big brothers and sisters who will die for her in a heartbeat
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“she hot?”
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monstrous-fusion · 5 months
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Rue / LOZ + AOL / he/fae / 19 years old
It's hard to get a read on this young man. He keeps to himself and never voices his own opinions, never gives you a foothold. In spite of his lack of presence, he carries a different presence; a near inhuman aura of magic seems to cling to his skin. He's crafty and unpredictable.
Some fun information under the cut <3
Rue is midverbal, and mainly signs rather than speaks. In faer youth, he didn't really talk much and that definitely carries over into adulthood.
Rue is extremely resourceful and a natural survivalist. He's a very good liar and very good at detecting scams; gotta get good at rooting out suspicious people when your monsters can disguise themselves as Hylians.
Rue wears a cowl and a sash as a quick disguise to use when he goes in villages. Fae would throw the hood over faer head and draw the cowl over their mouth. Messages simply don't travel in his Hyrule, so not many knew what the hero looked like.
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ahollowgrave · 8 months
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-- entangled.
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districtscare · 12 days
ok re: weird race stuff in thg i literally was just thinking about your post and how every single black boy is described as a threat. anyways. i am dropping in to ask about any thoughts you have on chaff and seeder and how they're treated in the narrative - i've been thinking about seeder's connection with katniss and chaff's with haymitch and how it made wayy more sense for them to be allied with katniss and peeta. idk. felt like another way for them to be more Tragic Deaths. but i also don't know if i'm making a mountain out of a mole hill
hey, hi! you're totally not making a mountain out of a molehill and i do actually have some thoughts.
i feel very strongly about chaff and his part of the narrative (if that wasn't already apparent) and how i absolutely loathe his introduction. kissing katniss as a joke looked very predatory at first to me, and it was weird that suzanne collins would pose one of her black characters in such an unfavorable light as SOON as he's introduced. then you've got the comments about “he could never stay out of a fight,” and then that poses him as predatory AND aggressive. those negative traits will overide the positive in a read where he's been mentioned.
his redeeming qualities is looking over katniss and peeta, (and bonding with him specifically,) alongside playing a huge role in haymitch's life, as a best friend/drinking partner, which even reads as queer-coding, considering that the first person that we see is important to haymitch, is a man. and yes, men have best friends! not denying that! but it's the nature of descriptions in their relationships, and even peeta's adamance to mention chaff every so often. chaff ALSO lasted a long time in the arena, being smart enough to likely figure out the tree + water trick without a spile.
with seeder, she seems almost forgettable. a seam-resembling woman who reassures katniss about rue and thresh's family, and holds a sense of comfort and wisdom as an older woman. and yet, first chance, she's one of the first people to go. we don't get her story, or any important details otherwise, and it really stunts getting to know the (introduced) victors of 11. it simply seems as if they weren't important enough in comparison to other victors, when they were in on the rebel plan in the exact same way.
and on the subject of reaper, chaff and thresh, it is so repetitive to have all 3 of your main black characters be brutal, fighty, aggressive. reaper killed a peacekeeper. thresh killed clove brutally. chaff, we don't know. but if he's a fighter, then i assume his actions aren't any better. it's okay to make your black characters good people. you don't have to weave in microagressive stereotypes to display racism, especially when it isn't your place. each of these characters do so much good, yes! but by collins constantly giving them that fatal flaw of violence and aggression, which is ALREADY a trait that condemns black people in the modern day, true or not true of any character, she undoes that. she harms the community she's attempting to represent in her work.
i could also mention how the torture system in district 11 eludes to lynching, and how strange it is to beat people for eating crops, or kill them for harmless mistakes. it is not racism representation, it is harm, because we don't have to be tied to slavery every time! a lot of our history is, but in the same vein? it's not the only thing that happened to black people, and you don't have to hint or reference it to create a successful black character/population.
very true that suzanne uses each character as a tragic death. it's literally like how every black character dies first in a horror movie. overused, and absolutely uneducated. because we have reaper & the poisoned water (and in the movie the snakes,) seeder in the bloodbath, rue and the spear and her mural/tribute grave, chaff dying right as they were leaving the arena, boggs getting his legs blasted off and dying violently. all of this is repetitive, and she gives life to these characters, just to have that discontinued. and it's unfair, it isn't representation to the full extent.
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villiun · 1 month
TW: Scratching/pulling?
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frauleiiin · 5 months
In honor of that special day, here's a post regrouping most of my OCs art!!
OCs Art Work Collection
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1. Kaaydan by @outcastcommander 2. Kaaydan by @theoasiswinds 3. Herazed (Kaaydan's mom) by @notsomeloncholy
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1. Kaaydan & big sis Hylo Visz by @captainderyn
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1. Rue by me! 2. Rue by @squirrel-art
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1. Maverik'a by @wackyart 2. Raeshen by @the-tomato-patch
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1. Juhann & Kyahni by @tizaara 2. Yuthuura & Andronikos by @nekorinnie
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ruellakuma · 26 days
forgive me but i really thought megumi wasn't gonna make it. so far up to this point, i believed he was either gonna wake up and fall into a coma or just fully giving up because imo his purpose was to basically protect his sister. like yeah it made sense if he didn't want to live after everything that happened & yuji understood that too.
but then cut to today's chapter where he literally said he wanted to try living for someone else.. like damn.. he must've seen the efforts yuji poured into just saving him, and decided that he wanted to pay it back by choosing to live.
talk about character development. thank you for coming back fushiguro!
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fluffyquill · 2 years
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You could just FEEL Rue puffing up with frustration in this scene. I thought for sure they were gonna shake some sense into him.
1- Rue: Are you hurt? How are you feeling?
2- *Hob tries to deflect by critiquing Prince Apollo’s lack of archery skills*
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izvmimi · 5 months
mimi x izuku
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greensagephase · 3 months
This is the silliest suggestion I’ve ever brought up, but you’re like the one person I trust with fic ideas that will execute it perfectly.
So as we know, Miguel doesn’t have a tingle like most spiders. However, our dear reader does… Most times, but obviously in NVC our reader has a very special tingle for one very special person.
I honestly think that at some point it would be cute to integrate something very small like Y/n tensing up or getting that tingling feeling randomly at some point (not in a dangerous situation) and where Jess and Peter know they very jokingly ask “What, your little Miguel tingle?” Like aunt May called it in I believe far from home 😭 and Y/N getting a little flustered “Don’t call it that?!”
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And from then on it becomes a very silly little running joke between Peter and Jess.
Rue, first of all hiiii and thank you for the ask!!!! 🥰
Second, I'm so, so honored you trust me with fic ideas like these!!! It makes my heart very happy, so thank you for trusting me as a writer with such a sweet and funny idea!!!😭💕
Third, when I say this made me GIGGLED - I MEAN IT!!! I've had one of my moots in the past suggest the same idea that reader's spidey senses could act up at some point (you know when we get to the ❤️ era) because of Miguel when she (@/faretheeoscar) drew this fanart for part 11! So because of that lovely fanart, I've already added it to my future ideas, but I'm giggling at the thought of Jess and Peter B. noticing it (before reader even does, maybe?) and calling it the "Miguel tingle" - !!!!!!!!!
It fits perfectly because as you guys know, Jess and Peter B. are already lowkey paying attention to Miguel and reader's friendship like 👀👀, so they'd def notice this happening to reader and making the quick connection it's due to Miguel (who may or may not also be showing sus behavior at this point....)🤭🤭 and ofc, they'd love to tease reader about it because she gets all flustered!! She's already dealing with her spidey senses acting up, having feelings for her best friend, and now Jess and Peter B. are teasing her about having a Miguel tingle!!!!?
I'm SOOO 100% including this in the fic, Rue!!!! There's no way I can leave out the Miguel tingle now!!!! It's going to be canon!! 😌 I hope that I do it justice once I get to it, and that I don't disappoint you!!!!🥺
Thank you for sharing this idea with me!!!! It's not silly at all, I absolutely LOVE it!!!! It's one more thing I'm looking forward to include when we finally get to that stage!!!
Thank you so much!!! I hope you're having a lovely day/night, Rue!!!! 💕💕
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ikarakie · 7 months
happy 3k followers. why are you all here
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