#While my family had the 'vacation of a lifetime' in Disney World with my cousins + another family they're still close with.
rahabs · 5 months
Definitely up there on the list of shitty birthdays. Between work being an absolute shitshow (including me walking in to 35+ emails and the knowledge that we weren't given the stuff we needed to cover our coworker effectively, a rush assignment that needed to be done EOD, and a bunch of other stuff), it was gale force winds, my building parkade was broken into, I'm running on barely any sleep, my birthday feeling like an afterthought the way my siblings' weren't, my dog shitting on the floor in protest for the first time in awhile and me coming back to clean it... I bought myself birthday cupcakes, which is probably a little pathetic, especially since it's not in my budget right now for takeout. I paid for the extra little happy birthday things to be put on them, but they weren't. I'm too tired for this. Just bone-weary.
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nctzendreamz · 5 years
starstruck // part l
popstar!jimin x reader
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you don’t care who park jimin is, and he likes it.
[guys I’m so excited for this! i hope you’ll love it just as much as I do. also all credit to disney for giving us this masterpiece of a movie.]
✱ 5:00am ✱
you stared at the ceiling peacefully, taking this time to breathe in what you referred to as, “spring break air”. for one week, you would be able to enjoy yourself without the worry of projects, homework, and focusing in general. today was the day your scholastic brain officially shut down and took a nap.
“y/n!” a voice yelled through your door, scaring you off your bed with a booming thump.
“ow...” you whispered to yourself, rubbing your forehead gently, “yes mom?”
she opened the door, revealing a pained you on the floor. “what are you doing? we leave in five. you better have all of your things packed!”
“some of us have sensitive ears at 5am and get scared when people randomly yell at them, mother.” you said politely.
“yelling gets your point across easier.”
you took a deep breath. “you’re completely right. i’ll be down in four.” when she walked out of your room, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“i felt that!” she yelled from the hallway.
✱ 5:05am ✱
you made it downstairs right on time. your little brother, sage, was sporting an adorable teal shirt that read “first vacay” in red letters. there was even a cute little shark on it. you could feel your heart clenching. “did you know that you’re the cutest boy in the world?” you squeezed his cheeks.
“y/n, i’m nine now. don’t baby me.” he removed your hands from his face.
of course he was turning too cool for you now. “you used to love me.” you fake cried, wiping away non existent tears. “don’t come talking to me when you think the plane is going to crash.”
“just because I’ve never been on a plane before doesn’t mean i’m scared to get on one.” he tried to sound confident, but you can hear his voice wavering just a tad.
you mocked his scared voice while tickling him, causing the both of you to erupt in loud laughter. “oh, don’t worry skillet. I’ll always protect you.” you cooed as you put an arm around him.
“wow. true brother and sister bonding.” your fathers voice spoke as you two felt a flash jumping across your cheeks. of course he already had the camera on deck snapping photos before the vacation even started. “it’s so beautiful.”
“yeah yeah dad. take my things?” you asked innocently.
“so because I’m a man I’m obligated to take your things? it’s 2019, y/n.”
“dad...” you sighed, knowing he was mocking you and your mother.
“no gender roles in this house. grab your stuff.” he winked, ruffling your hair and going outside.
“you’re just being lazy!” you yelled.
“says the one who asked me to carry her bags!” he yelled back in the same tone.
this family was going to make you question your whole existence.
✱ 6:25pm ✱
the plane ride was smooth, thank God. sage also didn’t hesitate to hold your hand during takeoff.
now the four of you were in a rented convertible, riding around the absolutely gorgeous Malibu.
“dad look! it’s an In-N-Out!” your brother yelled as you drove past the famous restaurant.
“can we go?” you asked.
“later, baby.” your mom answered. “right now we need to get to your aunt rachel’s and put our bags away. plus, aren’t you eager to see jasmine and roxy? it’s been three years hasn’t it?”
ah, jasmine and roxy. twin legends, and the only cousins you had that were your age. you did miss them a lot as you couldn’t help but become distant over these last couple of years.
“of course, mom. but food always comes first you know this.”
“shame you!” your family all said in unison.
✱ 6:35pm ✱
it didn’t take that much longer to arrive at your aunts house. you had only been here one other time when you were really little, but nothing much had changed. it was still the cute little beach house you remembered.
everyone was already outside waiting on you guys’ arrival. you wouldn’t deny that it brought a warm feeling to your chest.
“rach!” your mother screamed as she jumped out of the car, hugging her sister tightly.
“oh my! i’ve missed you so much.” your aunt whispered, tears threating to fall from her eyes.
you and your cousins held eye contact for about a millisecond before erupting in screams loud enough to open a coffin.
“y/n! oh my goodness look at you!” jasmine definitely hadn’t changed much face wise, only looking a bit older.
“me? look at you guys! you have boobs now!” you joked, recieving a hit from roxy. her and jasmine may have been twins, but it was clear that she wanted zero confusion. she spotted a blonde look, complimented with a nose ring.
“yeah? and your head got bigger.” she joked back. the three of you engulfed in a hug, jumping around in a circle. “we have to show you our room. compete makeover from when we were fifteen.” roxy squealed, grabbing your hand and running inside.
“we made your favorite!” aunt rachel said, taking her sisters hand in attempt to drag her inside as well.
“woah woah woah.” your dad interrupted, hands in the air, “you’re not gonna help us with the luggage?”
“we have gender roles here.” aunt rachel said, laughing evily before going inside.
“isn’t she just lovely?” her husband, cody, said causing the two of them to burst into laughter as well.
“is this the life of a man?” your brother said sadly, dragging your suitcase through the driveway.
“absolutely.” they said in unison.
when you walked into your cousins bedroom, you expected to see the typical pinterest aesthetic. you know, the lights hanging from each corner, a random quote sticker plastered on the wall, but no. instead there was one man and all his different photo shoots spread evenly across the room
“doesn’t our husband look great?” jasmine questioned with nothing but love beaming from her eyes.
“wow.” you said, taking a step to take it all in, “you guys really like park jimin i see.”
“girl, you don’t?” roxy questioned in a offended tone.
“i mean...not really. not at all actually.”
they both gasped in horror. “what!”
“can’t name one song.” you admitted, amused by their offense.
“we can’t be related,” jasmine began pacing around the large white room.
“there’s no way.” roxy added. she stopped suddenly, as she got a notification on her phone. “park jimin may be appearing at the echo tonight to surprise his girlfriend, sunmi.” she whispered to herself before freezing. “park jimin is gonna be at the echo tonight jas!” she yelled, running into her sisters arms.
you were absolutely terrified in this moment.
“how are we going to get there? we both just got our license so you know mom and dad won’t let us drive that far.” jasmine pouted. it took them about two seconds to turn sadistic eyes towards you.
“no,” you said, backing into the corner, “absolutely not. this obsession is scary.”
“please y/n! you can drive, and our mom will trust you to take the car.” jasmine begged.
“and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. it’s fate. we just want to peek at him” roxy said on her knees now.
you took a deep breath, rubbing your temple as you were in deep thought. “...okay okay. just a peek though. we’re not gonna be waiting all night just for him not to show up.”
they both screamed in unison once more, scaring you to death. “ya’ll have got! to stop with that.”
“okay okay.” they both whispered. “we need to find you something to wear.”
“woah woah woah...i’m going just like this.” you began to fiddle with your oversized black tshirt.
“absolutely not.” they whispered harshly.
“how about this, i’ll stay in the car and let you do your peeking, and then we’ll come straight back home?”
✱ 9:00pm ✱
the three of you pulled up to the echo, you happily sporting your same outfit, while jasmine and roxy decided on a full face of makeup featuring a lot of boob. not that it was anything wrong with makeup and boobs. boobs were always great and if you were in their situation you would’ve found your own way to make your assets show.
“five minutes.” you said, instructing them with your fingers. “and you have to buy me frozen yogurt after.”
“that wasn’t apart of the deal.” roxy complained.
“i can pull off?” you threatened.
“frozen yogurt it is.” they said with fake smiles plastered on their faces before getting out of the car.
when they left the car, you decided a little music wouldn’t hurt. you didn’t know California’s radio stations, but you had time to channel surf, right? you found a lot of country stations, and rock as well, but you weren’t in the mood for that. the pop station would have to do for now. you didn’t know what was playing, but you liked it. it was a smooth kind of rnb that was almost adorable? the songs kept coming and coming, but irritation began to cloud your sense of hearing.
it’s been fifteen minutes, you thought to yourself, getting annoyed that you agreed to this. you could be at home doing something way more proactive, like laying on the couch and breathing in spring break air as you had planned from the start.
maybe you should’ve stayed in the car, but you couldn’t stay put. if they wanted to be embarrassed getting dragged out of the club by you, you could make that happen for them. just as you were about to pull the handle to open the door, it swung open, hitting you right in the head. you fell straight to the ground.
“oh shit!” a voice whispered. he quickly began to help you up before holding you in his arms to make sure he didn’t kill you. “are you okay?”
it took a couple of seconds to register his face, but once you did, you couldn’t believe your eyes. your cousins were gonna kill you.
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meeshw777 · 7 years
Taaaag game
Rules: Tag some people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by the Queen of A/B/O smut @kittenofdoomage, and thanks Rhi.  This was fun <3
5’2 1/2″ short, round, but just under 200 pounds, so woohoo!  In constant search of a bullet bra like my Grandmother wore to contain my 44 D’s cuz gravity is a BITCH! Flat booty, but sturdy AF, which is good because I live in the Windy City.  Hazel eyes that change depending on my clothes, shoulder length brown hair, but currently I have silver roots as my halo is showing :)  No freckles, a couple of wrinkles, a double chin and cheeks that beg to be pinched.  I have worn glasses since second grade.  I am usually smiling, because smiling is my favorite <3
I am friendly and generous.  Not as patient as I would like to be and quick to use foul language, which is sometimes not appropriate.  I thrive on being helpful and try very hard to make my fellow humans feel loved and appreciated.  I am sarcastic and mean to those I love, because I know they love me any way.  I have been a fan of many things in my life and I love to talk about them with anyone who will listen. I laugh very easily - especially at people falling down - there is seriously something wrong with me, I laugh cry when people fall.  I am concerned about them, but I cannot ask with out it sounding disingenuous. 
On a related note, I myself fall down a lot - and I laugh the whole time!
I like to organize and keep my family on track.  I have a whole section of my brain set up to store movie and tv show info, with a separate section for lyrics and vacation photos.  I do spontaneous gravity checks, as stated earlier.  I can make a pretty good breaded pork chop and twice baked potato, and my kid says my chocolate chip cookies give her life.  I get a close parking spot 95% when I am at the mall when it is busy - ya’ know like now.  Which is good, because I don’t want to be carrying a ton of stuff a long way - is lazy an ability?  If so - I am all over that!  I can sleep any where, at any time - it is my super power!
Watching anything related to Supernatural, reading fanfic on Tumblr, reading my regular stuff, looking for a job (it is half hearted to appease my husband), paper crafting (making cards and scrapbook pages), trying new recipes and seeing the world.
In my almost 48 years on this planet, in this vessel, I have been a part of some amazing things.  I tried really hard to get all the Cosmo quiz points from a sex quiz I read while I was still in college, which led to some not so good choices, but still, experiences that continue to make me blush.  I think I had two things left, so wow!  I stalked my current husband when it was not chic to do so, but after revealing “oral” talents, he quickly fell under my spell. We have been together 22 years and have lived in the same house for 20 years. 
I grew one human, albeit the birthing was not according to plan, every time I look at her snarky little face, I think, “I made that!”  and I beam with pride, and she in turn asks me if I am having a stroke, do I smell toast, because I get a weird look on my face.  I have been to 44 of these United States and have only lived in Illinois. Since losing over 100 pounds I have been on a hot air balloon ride and gone to an indoor skydiving place - I would do both again.  
In my 12 years of running movie theaters - pre-Samantha - I met a lot of interesting people - Nicholas Cage (he signed my Face/Off clock!), Prince, Mary J. Blige, Kevin Spacey, Eric Clapton and Nick Cannon, from his Drumline days.  Many concerts - U2, Erasure, Billy Joel at Wrigley Field, The Rolling Stones at Soldier Field, Elton John, Bob Seger and The Bare Naked Ladies several times, once at the zoo!  Seeing Disney’s animated TARZAN at a convention, then Phil Collins did a small concert for us - so AWESOME! I took a boat tour in Honolulu on a teak boat that was once owned by Humphrey Bogart, it’s called the Jada II, so cool!  
And recently my new obsession is Supernatural conventions.  I have been to two and plan on ChiCon this July.  Seeing my daughter enter puberty during Gil’s song at Karaoke is something I will NEVER forget.  Building relationships with other SPN obsessed people has been a gift.
My life:
It is with experience that I can look back and be grateful for the struggles and see where I can do better, be better and that is my goal.  If I could go back to teen me, I would tell me to forgo the pastries and chips, life is easier lighter.  I recently spent an afternoon with childhood friend whom I hadn’t seen in 30 years.  She just kept smiling and she said I hadn’t changed.  I was like of course I have.  And she said, “Nope.  You are still a positive force that makes me smile.” That has to be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
Random Stuff:
I am a Polish, Latvian lady born in Chicago.  I have a step brother and half brother, and when I got them I always wanted an older brother, not the same!  I learned to ride a bike at 12, did not pass my driver’s test the first time and I was heart broken.  Once getting my license though, any time I got a speeding ticket, I made a copy and mailed it to my father.  I blamed him, because I could not watch cartoons on Saturday mornings, it was Formula One races on the tv. I am learning yoga and enjoying the journey. I have one tattoo and only ear piercings.  I am a Lifetime Member of the NRA and inherited a fine collection of firearms, and I am a better shot than my husband. I married into a HUGE family and I love them all, especially my best friend, who is my husband’s cousin. I am not a writer, but sometimes feel the inclination.  I cannot go to bed if there are dishes in the sink.  I am a hugger and I think J2 give awesome hugs <3
Tagging: @jpadjackles, @atc74, @whatdoyouthinkmyjobis, @supernatural-jackles, @sis-tafics, @percywinchester27, @waywardlodging.  I enjoyed doing this and if you lovelies have time I would love to hear more about you <3
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phoenix1966sbottom · 7 years
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When Sam/Jared is around royalty (but not necessarily royalty himself). As always, heed the warnings where the story is hosted. And if you enjoyed it, consider leaving a comment for the author, since it is the only payment they ever receive.
The Golden Cage by Phoenix1966 (me) on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jared Padalecki was on the adventure of a lifetime before settling into the drudgery of life as a clerk in his father’s company. But as he traverses the Arabian Peninsula, his caravan is attacked and he ends up the property of Sheikh Ankour, forced to bend to the man’s every whim. (warning: contains non-graphic mpreg. Must be logged in to read.)
Hostage by fufaraw Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jared has always gotten his regular omega checkups, and he takes his inhibitors like clockwork. He’s devoted to his friends and his family, but he’s passionate about archeology and dedicated to his career. He’s got neither time nor interest for a romantic relationship, much less a mate, and he definitely doesn’t want kids. He’s working as TA for Dr. Omundson, head of Knox University’s archeology department, while he finishes his Master’s degree. Jared jumped at the chance to join the dig, but omegas in Rirajistan are rigidly traditional, so Jared agrees to wear Omundson’s collar while in-country. The collar is just the visible sign that Jared’s under the Doc’s protection and responsibility. (warning: mpreg)  
The Prince and I by bluetoast on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jared's having an awful year. He's been fired, evicted and he caught his boyfriend cheating on him. With not much to stand on, no family save for friends, Jared goes with his friends to the Mediterranean country of Biryal for a month-long vacation. While there, he meets Jensen Ross, who is unlike anyone Jared has ever met. What should have just been a summer romance is the start of something neither of the two men expected. For starters, Jensen is keeping one very large secret from Jared. Namely that he's the crown prince. (warning: mpreg).
What’s a fire and why does it burn? by deirdre_c on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  A retelling of "The Little Mermaid." A little bit Hans Christian Andersen, a little bit Disney, a whole lot of melodrama.
My Light by zubeneschamali on LiveJournal. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. King Jensen rescues his kidnapped husband-to-be Jared and reaffirms how much he means to him.
Pretty Things series by keep_waking_up on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  King Jensen has a reputation for liking pretty things.
Royal Secrets by Sanshal on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jared (18-21) is a commoner who works hard to support his sickly mother. He is surprised to see the prince’s entourage travelling through his village. The prince notices that Jared looks exactly like him, telling Jared how fun it would be if they could switch places, just for the day.
Slave for Love by annie46 on LIveJournal. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jared is a reporter who will do anything for a story. When his plane crashes during an important job he finds himself in the Harem of a notorious sheik – Jensen. (Waning: there is a Top!Jared moment in chapter 3!)
Worth Having series by Greenbird on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jared’s family has never hidden that they hate him for being an omega. They think it makes him weak and his existence dishonors their family. When they discover that the king’s son is looking for a mate they jump at the chance to rid themselves of Jared and increase their social standing. They believe that something good should come from the blight on their lives. (warning: mpreg)
Convincing the Consort by Sanshal on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Breaking up with his boyfriend might have been the hardest thing Crown Prince Jensen Ackles had had to do in the line of duty… Except; it turned out that convincing said boyfriend that he wanted to make-up and marry him might just be even more difficult. (warning: mpreg)
Baiatul Pierdut by minchout on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. When the warrior king from the North decides to take Jared as his husband, Jared’s world is upended. However, he quickly realizes that being captured by a handsome king is really the least of his problems. 
Imperative by ancastar on LiveJournal. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jensen is lost in the woods, and Jared finds him. 
Darkness Deep In You by aythia on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Just because Jared offered himself up doesn't mean he’ll go down without a fight. The problem is that Jensen likes it when they fight because it makes it that much more delicious when they break. (heed all the warnings on this one,m folks!)
Unmake the Bed by deirdre_c on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jared has worked as part of the housekeeping staff at an elite Caribbean resort on Paradise Cay every summer all through college, crushing from afar on its most notorious celebrity guest: Jensen Ackles, the Playboy Prince of Espian. This year, he’s been assigned to attend to Jensen’s rooms, where he catches Jensen’s eye, and possibly his heart.
The Fairy Tale !verse by morrezela on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jared is a workman’s apprentice in the royal palace. He should be happy for the opportunity, but he really just wishes that he was back home. (no penetrative sex)
Love at First Sight by cleflink on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Once upon a time, a stable boy loved a prince who'd never seen him. Who also happened to be his best friend.  (no penetrative sex)
Vow of Protection by fiercelynormal on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  With his father slain by a ruthless enemy, Prince Jensen of Glenhaven must fight to take back his family's kingdom and to win the heart of his best friend, Jared. (no penetrative sex).
The Taking by morrezela on AO3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jared was on vacation on the mysterious and beautiful Parnath. He had known about the ‘takings’ that could happen; he just never thought that he would be that one tourist that would have it happen to him.
Estrangement by morrezela on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Senior year of high school, Ross Blanco’s estranged father died. His death caused rifts that hadn’t the time to be fixed before Ross disappeared from his teenage home to go live with his grandmother. Now that his ten year reunion is approaching, the people Ross left behind might be in for a bit of a surprise. (no penetrative sex)
Silver City, Golden Heart by whispered_story on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Jensen is just your normal easy-going elf prince, that is until Jared, the adorably charming stable boy, is captured by an evil necromancer. Aided by fairies, a mage, and a brownie, Jensen must ward off werewolves, a troll, a siren, and one very cranky wyvern to get his beloved Jared back.
If Only A Heart Could Be As White As Snow by zubeneschamali on LiveJournal. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  What if Snow White had been a young man? It would not only have been his beauty that was a threat, but his future role as king. What if his best friend was a huntsman's son, and both of their worlds were shattered by the betrayal of a jealous stepfather… (no penetrative sex)
Keep on Yearning by Teot on A03 via the Wayback Machine. Jared/Jensen. J2 Non-AU-ish. Every member of the lore knows that shifters only mate with other shifters. When Jensen meets Jared, someone disconcertingly human, he reacts as if his body were on fire. But Jensen refuses to believe that Jared is his true mate. He’s already in a committed relationship with Danneel and Jared is engaged to his girlfriend Sandy. Factor in Jensen’s responsibilities as Prince and the rebellion he’d have on his hands if he chose a human for a mate, and any relationship with Jared should be dead on arrival. But the wolf in him doesn’t care about politics or existing relationships; it wants Jared, human or not. Further complicating everything is that Jared seems to be the target of humans, wolves and even the reclusive cougar clan. Could Jared be more than he seems?  (warning: Jared/Sandy background)
But Gently Pulls the Strings by eugara on Ao3. Sam/Dean. Wincest AU.  When the Queen of Winchester finds herself unable to produce an heir for the kingdom, her ensuing plot results in two boys being born in secret and raised as companions—the elder, a prince, and the younger, a simple commoner. Unaware of their shared parentage, Dean Winchester and Sam Campbell grow up to fall deeply in love, keeping their affair hidden from the gossiping mouths of the court. But when it comes time for Dean to choose a spouse, the lovers are forced to contend with not only the weight of their scandalous past, but also Lucifer, the sinister archduke vying for Sam’s hand in marriage…and Dean’s rightful place on the throne.
Beauty and his Beast by virtualpersonal on AO3. Sam/Dean. Unrelated Wincest AU. Prince Dean crosses galaxies and ruthlessly strikes a bargain enabling him pluck Sam away from family and home . Sam only hopes he will survive the cruel attentions of this heartless half-man half-monster who has secret agendas and expectations that Sam cannot fathom. (Sam does use a dildo on Dean in one scene)
The Sheikh’s Reluctant Bride by restless-jedi on LiveJournal. Sam/Dean. Wincest AU.  Sam, a young lawyer trying to get by, unexpectedly finds himself traveling overseas when a forgotten uncle dies. Dean, his adoptive cousin, is dashing, but distant, with a mysterious past.
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vacationsoup · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/family-photographer-in-orlando/
Family Photographer in Orlando: Capturing Magic Moments
So, you’re planning a family vacation to Orlando. You've spent months planning, creating itineraries, shopping for perfect outfits. You've made sure there's something for everyone to enjoy.
But what about capturing all those priceless moments? Have you considered a family photographer in Orlando?
Did you know that there are family photographers that specialize in documenting real moments as they happen? And not just directed moments of “unposed” fun?
We happen to have one of those family photographers right here in Central Florida. Stephana absolutely loves photographing families on vacation in Orlando.
Her passion for capturing real life stems from a childhood of many wonderful memories. And an abundance of portraits with forced, fake smiles!
So let me hand you over to Stephana from The Inspired Storytellers...
(And by the way, we're not receiving any kickbacks, payment or commission for featuring Stephana).
Capturing the Moments on a Magical Vacation
Hi! My name is Stephana Ferrell and I’m a documentary family photographer in Orlando. I want to help you all capture the wonderful memories you’re about to create here with my vacation photography services!
A Family Photographer in Orlando will help capture those precious moments
A Common Story
Although I can officially call myself a local now, I wasn’t always. Like many in Central Florida, I’m a northern transplant. Drawn to Orlando because of the many wonderful memories I have from visiting as a child.
My dad has always been inspired by Walt Disney. Disney World quickly became his favorite family vacation spot.
We would pile into the family van and make the 18 hour drive from PA to FL, meeting our cousins somewhere along I-95. We usually made an overnight stop in Williamsburg, VA. We'd gather for a little history and finalize the week’s plans with the whole group together.
While adults caught up and coordinated over drinks, kids amped up the silliness and concocted our own plans for who and what we would see first.
Everyone’s excitement grew another 110%.
We may not have had every minute planned out, but we knew it was going to be the best week of the year.
A weeklong sleepover with some of our best friends, and carefree, magical days in the Orlando theme parks.
You can imagine all the great moments that could be captured in that time.
The Best Camera is the One You Have Available…
Now, Disney has certainly stepped up their photography game since the 80s and 90s. Their picture package is definitely a worthwhile add. It helps you get a lot of portraits of everyone together in the park without having to ask a stranger.
That said, it still doesn’t capture what your vacation is really about. Those moments of togetherness that happen when you aren’t on the rides or standing in front of a Kodak picture spot. Those times only a family photographer in Orlando can be present for.
A family photographer in Orlando can help capture and document those causal moments.
Another great addition to life since my childhood is the readily available camera in-hand. )(i.e. your phone). It’s easy to snap away with the only worry being how to back-up all the images before you run out of space.
But, the phone does have a few limitations:
Image size: In case you do have a wonderful image you want enlarged to hang on the wall.
Someone has to take the picture: Which means the moment won’t feel complete, if it is missing an important family member.
Skillset: Often the person snapping the picture may not be able to compose in preparation for the moment to happen. (They are reacting, hoping to catch a fleeting moment).
That last one is important, and it isn’t easy. In order to make a beautiful image of real life as it happens, you have to be prepared. And how can you be prepared to make pictures and be a part of the moment at the same time?
The truth is, you can’t. Even as a professional family photographer in Orlando, the hardest time I have taking a great picture is when I’m trying to be an involved and present parent at the same time.
Take the picture above of my son dodging the “snow” at Winter Summerland Miniature Golf as an example. Had I not been worried about where he was running and who he might run into, I could have stuck with the moment a bit longer and captured a better expression.
This is why even a professional needs the help of a vacation photographer to get the best pictures while on their own family vacation.
…And Preferably in the Hands of a Professional Family Photographer
Disney Magic extends beyond the parks and follows you back to where you rest. Where you all are allowed to slow down and truly catch up around a dinner table. Or while lounging around your vacation home, or relaxing by the pool.
I wish our families would have thought to hire a documentary family photographer in Orlando. Someone to come in and capture us just hanging out at the rental house in addition to the parks.
My dad, who happens to be a professional photographer, did his best to capture our trip. But he was never a part of the pictures that weren’t posed portraits. He also had a hard time capturing real moments because we were all used to posing when he was around. We didn’t want him to hear what we were giggling about, so we stopped an authentic moment from playing out before his camera.
A family photographer in Orlando can document moments.
Then, there was the adult time when he had to choose between being a part of it or being the one to capture it.
In the end, he always chose the enjoyment of the moment over capturing it for later.
Now that I’m wearing the family photographer shoes he wore back then, I don’t blame him at all for making the decision he did. But I want to make sure I can stop it from happening in the future. (And yes, that means I will hire a professional documentary family photographer in Orlando to capture me and my extended family when they come to visit over the holidays).
It will be so nice to have pictures to show our kids that while theme park days are filled with fun and sights. It’s those unassuming instances with our loud, diverse, and completely original family that differentiate this time in our lives from every other.
Benefits of Hiring a Family Photographer in Orlando
In case you skimmed over the earlier part of this post, let’s recap the benefits of hiring a local professional documentary family photographer for even a few hours of your vacation:
Your designated photo-taker gets a break to join in on the fun and be in the pictures
The captures will be well-composed, high-quality images that you know can be enlarged to show off on the walls in addition to your social media
A trip that might be a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration of extended family is documented in a way where everyone’s personality comes to accurately freeze time and share for generations to come
Documentary Family Photographer Packages
As an example of what type of coverage you can request from a local, documentary family photographer for an Orlando vacation, here is a list of my packages:
DocuStyle Session: This one happens in your rental property and includes 15 minutes for posed, full family portraits followed by an hour of documentary coverage.
Partial Day Coverage: This one starts or finishes at your vacation home to allow for quieter moments preparing for or recuperating from a busy day. Capture some moments of play out and about Central Florida. In total, it is about four hours of coverage.
Extensive Day Coverage: This one will cover both the start and end (or between) time at your rental property in addition to covering activities outside of the home. In total, it is about 8 hours of coverage.
By far, my most popular request is the Partial Day coverage a few times during a family’s stay here in Central Florida.
I hope this blog post has got you thinking about the benefits of seeking out a family photographer in Orlando for your vacation. To see my portfolio or learn more about my offerings, please visit my website theinspiredstorytellers.com or follow my Instagram account. It would be my pleasure to capture your family while you’re here!
Stephana Ferrell
The Inspired Storytellers
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sugabeans · 7 years
200 things you can put in my ask
i answered them all wow i was bored 
200: My crush’s name is: david but idk if it’s still a crush 199: I was born in: canada 198: I am really: dumb lol  197: My cellphone company is: telus bebe  196: My eye color is: light brown 195: My shoe size is: 7.5-8 it depends 194: My ring size is: no idea 193: My height is: 5′5 or 165cm  192: I am allergic to: pet fur  191: My 1st car was: i don’t have a car 190: My 1st job was: ontario govt - ministry of education, co-op student 189: Last book you read: i don’t read books 188: My bed is: my life 187: My pet: IS THE CUTEST 186: My best friend: is my sister  185: My favorite shampoo is: idk?? 184: Xbox or ps3: i have neither  183: Piggy banks are: never used  182: In my pockets: i don’t have pockets  181: On my calendar: there are numbers  180: Marriage is: not gonna happen in my lifetime  179: Spongebob can: KRUSTY KRAB PIZZA  178: My mom: is lovely  177: The last three songs I bought were? i don’t rly buy music so..  176: Last YouTube video watched: probs bubzvlogz  175: How many cousins do you have? too many to count  174: Do you have any siblings? yes, 1  173: Are your parents divorced? no  172: Are you taller than your mom? yes she’s only 5 feet  171: Do you play an instrument? i used to play piano, flute, violin ..  170: What did you do yesterday? work lol  [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: attraction yes, love no 168: Luck: yeah and i believe i’m unlucky  167: Fate: my fate is to die alone with dogs  166: Yourself: no never lol  165: Aliens: no  164: Heaven: yeah  163: Hell: probs not.. when you die i just think you’re “asleep” forever 162: God: i don’t think so 161: Horoscopes: no they’re dumb  160: Soul mates: for other people yeah! for me, no!  159: Ghosts: yes  158: Gay Marriage: OF COURSE  157: War: no :c  156: Orbs: wha  155: Magic: yes magic is real  [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs bc i’ve never kissed 153: Drunk or High: i don’t think i’ve ever been either?? idk  152: Phone or Online: online  151: Red heads or Black haired: black hair  150: Blondes or Brunettes: blondes are pretty  149: Hot or cold: cold  148: Summer or winter: winter  147: Autumn or Spring: autumn  146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate  145: Night or Day: day  144: Oranges or Apples: apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: straight  142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcd  141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate  140: Mac or PC: this is hard.. honestly PC even tho i love my mac  139: Flip flops or high heals: high heals? i hate toes lol  138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor bc i’m already that 137: Coke or Pepsi: does it even make a difference  136: Hillary or Obama: who cares (this must be an old post lol) 135: Burried or cremated: no preference  134: Singing or Dancing: singing bc my dancing is worse  133: Coach or Chanel: who cares  132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who?? 131: Small town or Big city: big city - no one knows you  130: Wal-Mart or Target: i like target when i go to the states..  129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: ??? 128: Manicure or Pedicure: never gotten either but mani bc ew feet 127: East Coast or West Coast: east bc that’s where i’m from? but canada 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: christmas dude - birthday’s suck  125: Chocolate or Flowers: CHOCOLATE  124: Disney or Six Flags: wtf is six flags?? disney obv  123: Yankees or Red Sox: i don’t care  [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: it sucks  121: George Bush: this is an american dude isn’t it ..?  120: Gay Marriage: should be legal everywhere  119: The presidential election: i’m canadian  118: Abortion: pro-choice  117: MySpace: i had one  116: Reality TV: i don’t watch tv  115: Parents: i love them  114: Back stabbers: evil people  113: Ebay: love, but aliexpress is better 112: Facebook: i love fb messenger more than texting  111: Work: ew  110: My Neighbors: idk them  109: Gas Prices: are TOO HIGH  108: Designer Clothes: are a waste of money  107: College: is expensive - uni is expensive too  106: Sports: don’t care about them  105: My family: i love them so much  104: The future: is scary  [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: today my daddy side-hugged me lol  102: Last time you ate: an hour ago? 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: saturday  100: Cried in front of someone: can’t remember - it was probs my co-op supervisor 99: Went to a movie theater: uh - to see beauty and the beast so do the math  98: Took a vacation: can’t remember  97: Swam in a pool: I HATE POOLS so it’s been more than 3 years probably  96: Changed a diaper: i haven’t done that  95: Got my nails done: never done it  94: Went to a wedding: uh .. a year ago? maybe?  93: Broke a bone: never  92: Got a peircing: i can’t remember.. so long ago like 5 years?  91: Broke the law: i never do  90: Texted: an hour ago [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: honestly, myself  88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my bed  87: The last movie I saw: free! starting days? mAYBE? or rurouni kenshin 3rd movie 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: my death LOL  85: The thing i’m not looking forward to: when i need to move out of my house 84: People call me: by my name??? 83: The most difficult thing to do is: not eat  82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: no  81: My zodiac sign is: cancer  80: The first person i talked to today was: my mommy, about the coffee  79: First time you had a crush: idk i was like 6 probably  78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: there’s no one lol i hide everything 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: idk but it happens regularly with my sister  76: Right now I am talking to: myself while i write this  75: What are you going to do when you grow up: idk, die  74: I have/will get a job: not yet  73: Tomorrow: i’ll wake up  72: Today: i’m sleepy  71: Next Summer: i’m panicking abt my future  70: Next Weekend: i’ll be sleeping  69: I have these pets: one doggo  68: The worst sound in the world: scraping chalkboards or anything similar  67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself  66: People that make you happy: my family  65: Last time I cried: idk .. recently  64: My friends are: not real  63: My computer is: SO SLOW  62: My School: sucks honestly  61: My Car: is my mom’s  60: I lose all respect for people who: hurt others  59: The movie I cried at was: idk i cry a lot  58: Your hair color is: black / dark brown  57: TV shows you watch: does haikyuu count  56: Favorite web site: i guess it’s tumblr? or twitter - wow that’s sad  55: Your dream vacation: JAPAN  54: The worst pain I was ever in was: idk  53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare? 52: My room is: hella messy  51: My favorite celebrity is: kevin woo  50: Where would you like to be: japan  49: Do you want children: no  48: Ever been in love: no lol  47: Who’s your best friend: my sister (i answered this already??) 46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl  45: One thing that makes you feel great is: eating  44: One person that you wish you could see right now: kevin woo  43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no  42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no i’ll just die  41: Have you pre-named your children: no lol i don’t want kids  40: Last person I got mad at: my dad  39: I would like to move to: japan  38: I wish I was a professional: SLP  [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: skittles  36: Vehicle: idk a car???  35: President: i’M CANADIAN  34: State visited: I’M CANADIAN  33: Cellphone provider: i don’t care  32: Athlete: don’t care 31: Actor: don’t care enough  30: Actress: don’t care enough 29: Singer: kevin woo  28: Band: ukiss i guess  27: Clothing store: anything cheap honestly  26: Grocery store: they’re all the same?  25: TV show: haikyuu??? 24: Movie: idk??????? 23: Website: i answered this already?? 22: Animal: doggos  21: Theme park: idk disney? 20: Holiday: christmas  19: Sport to watch: i hate sports lol  18: Sport to play: i hate sports lol  17: Magazine: i don’t read lol  16: Book: i don’t read lol  15: Day of the week: friday  14: Beach: I HATE BEACHES HOOOOOO  13: Concert attended: ukiss  12: Thing to cook: idk  11: Food: rice  10: Restaurant: congee queen ?? idk  9: Radio station: i don’t care 8: Yankee candle scent: wtf is this  7: Perfume: i hate artificial scents  6: Flower: i hate flowers lol but roses  5: Color: pastel pink  4: Talk show host: i don’t care 3: Comedian: i don’t know any 2: Dog breed: all dogs are good dogs  1: Did you answer all these truthfully? yes 
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vacationsoup · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/family-photographer-in-orlando/
Family Photographer in Orlando: Capturing Magic Moments
So, you’re planning a family vacation to Orlando. You've spent months planning, creating itineraries, shopping for perfect outfits. You've made sure there's something for everyone to enjoy. But what about capturing all those priceless moments? Have you considered a family photographer in Orlando?
Did you know that there are family photographers that specialize in documenting real moments as they happen? And not just directed moments of “unposed” fun?
We happen to have one of those family photographers right here in Central Florida. Stephana absolutely loves photographing families on vacation in Orlando. Her passion for capturing real life stems from a childhood of many wonderful memories. And an abundance of portraits with forced, fake smiles!
So let me hand you over to Stephana from The Inspired Storytellers...
(And by the way, we're not receiving any kickbacks, payment or commission for featuring Stephana).
Capturing the Moments on a Magical Vacation
Hi! My name is Stephana Ferrell and I’m a documentary family photographer in Orlando. I want to help you all capture the wonderful memories you’re about to create here with my vacation photography services!
A Family Photographer in Orlando will help capture those precious moments
A Common Story
Although I can officially call myself a local now, I wasn’t always. Like many in Central Florida, I’m a northern transplant. Drawn to Orlando because of the many wonderful memories I have from visiting as a child.
My dad has always been inspired by Walt Disney. Disney World quickly became his favorite family vacation spot.
We would pile into the family van and make the 18 hour drive from PA to FL, meeting our cousins somewhere along I-95. We usually made an overnight stop in Williamsburg, VA. We'd gather for a little history and finalize the week’s plans with the whole group together.
While adults caught up and coordinated over drinks, kids amped up the silliness and concocted our own plans for who and what we would see first.
Everyone’s excitement grew another 110%.
We may not have had every minute planned out, but we knew it was going to be the best week of the year.
A weeklong sleepover with some of our best friends, and carefree, magical days in the Orlando theme parks.
You can imagine all the great moments that could be captured in that time.
The Best Camera is the One You Have Available…
Now, Disney has certainly stepped up their photography game since the 80s and 90s. Their picture package is definitely a worthwhile add. It helps you get a lot of portraits of everyone together in the park without having to ask a stranger.
That said, it still doesn’t capture what your vacation is really about. Those moments of togetherness that happen when you aren’t on the rides or standing in front of a Kodak picture spot. Those times only a family photographer in Orlando can be present for.
A family photographer in Orlando can help capture and document those causal moments.
Another great addition to life since my childhood is the readily available camera in-hand. )(i.e. your phone). It’s easy to snap away with the only worry being how to back-up all the images before you run out of space.
But, the phone does have a few limitations:
Image size: In case you do have a wonderful image you want enlarged to hang on the wall.
Someone has to take the picture: Which means the moment won’t feel complete, if it is missing an important family member.
Skillset: Often the person snapping the picture may not be able to compose in preparation for the moment to happen. (They are reacting, hoping to catch a fleeting moment).
That last one is important, and it isn’t easy. In order to make a beautiful image of real life as it happens, you have to be prepared. And how can you be prepared to make pictures and be a part of the moment at the same time?
The truth is, you can’t. Even as a professional family photographer in Orlando, the hardest time I have taking a great picture is when I’m trying to be an involved and present parent at the same time.
Take the picture above of my son dodging the “snow” at Winter Summerland Miniature Golf as an example. Had I not been worried about where he was running and who he might run into, I could have stuck with the moment a bit longer and captured a better expression.
This is why even a professional needs the help of a vacation photographer to get the best pictures while on their own family vacation.
…And Preferably in the Hands of a Professional Family Photographer
Disney Magic extends beyond the parks and follows you back to where you rest. Where you all are allowed to slow down and truly catch up around a dinner table. Or while lounging around your vacation home, or relaxing by the pool.
I wish our families would have thought to hire a documentary family photographer in Orlando. Someone to come in and capture us just hanging out at the rental house in addition to the parks.
My dad, who happens to be a professional photographer, did his best to capture our trip. But he was never a part of the pictures that weren’t posed portraits. He also had a hard time capturing real moments because we were all used to posing when he was around. We didn’t want him to hear what we were giggling about, so we stopped an authentic moment from playing out before his camera.
A family photographer in Orlando can document moments.
Then, there was the adult time when he had to choose between being a part of it or being the one to capture it.
In the end, he always chose the enjoyment of the moment over capturing it for later.
Now that I’m wearing the family photographer shoes he wore back then, I don’t blame him at all for making the decision he did. But I want to make sure I can stop it from happening in the future. (And yes, that means I will hire a professional documentary family photographer in Orlando to capture me and my extended family when they come to visit over the holidays).
It will be so nice to have pictures to show our kids that while theme park days are filled with fun and sights. It’s those unassuming instances with our loud, diverse, and completely original family that differentiate this time in our lives from every other.
Benefits of Hiring a Family Photographer in Orlando
In case you skimmed over the earlier part of this post, let’s recap the benefits of hiring a local professional documentary family photographer for even a few hours of your vacation:
Your designated photo-taker gets a break to join in on the fun and be in the pictures
The captures will be well-composed, high-quality images that you know can be enlarged to show off on the walls in addition to your social media
A trip that might be a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration of extended family is documented in a way where everyone’s personality comes to accurately freeze time and share for generations to come
Documentary Family Photographer Packages
As an example of what type of coverage you can request from a local, documentary family photographer for an Orlando vacation, here is a list of my packages:
DocuStyle Session: This one happens in your rental property and includes 15 minutes for posed, full family portraits followed by an hour of documentary coverage.
Partial Day Coverage: This one starts or finishes at your vacation home to allow for quieter moments preparing for or recuperating from a busy day. Capture some moments of play out and about Central Florida. In total, it is about four hours of coverage.
Extensive Day Coverage: This one will cover both the start and end (or between) time at your rental property in addition to covering activities outside of the home. In total, it is about 8 hours of coverage.
By far, my most popular request is the Partial Day coverage a few times during a family’s stay here in Central Florida.
I hope this blog post has got you thinking about the benefits of seeking out a family photographer in Orlando for your vacation. To see my portfolio or learn more about my offerings, please visit my website theinspiredstorytellers.com or follow my Instagram account. It would be my pleasure to capture your family while you’re here!
Stephana Ferrell
The Inspired Storytellers
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