dragon-above · 4 years
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It’s finally time to reveal a project I’ve been working on at varying speeds for two years now...
Escape from Riedra
This module is the first Sarlona adventure EVER published for Eberron! Your players will have the joys of exfiltrating a political asset, outwitting an insidious surveillance state, and battling psionic foes. And as an added bonus, the main story is all about getting a WLW couple the happy ending they deserve! Take a look here - the free previews are extensive! https://www.dmsguild.com/product/330694/Escape-from-Riedra-An-Across-Eberron-Adventure
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dragon-above · 4 years
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Bag of Holding Monsters: Above & Below Versions are live! :D
28 monsters, 28 drawings of weird Eberron pokemon. Now with 5e stats!
Get them on the DMs Guild now!
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dragon-above · 4 years
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Bag of Holding Monsters  - Preview 2!
Exploreach is still one of my favourites to come out of this whole weird and wonderful project.
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dragon-above · 4 years
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I may have gotten carried away with this Eberron+Pokemon idea. Now I’m writing a whole monster manual for these beasties. 
Eventually they’ll be published together as Bag of Holding Monsters! Two versions will be available: Above Version and Below Version. 
Don’t worry...unlike the games they’re based on, both will include all the monsters!
I hope you enjoy this sample page for the Mournland’s pokemon, Moureign!
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dragon-above · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon #14 - Zilargo
The goblinoids have a legend that the gnomes of Zilargo are descended from wererats…so a mouse pokemon seemed like the natural choice!
Zilagents love to gather secrets to get the upper hand. They scribble rumours down onto dead leaves.
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dragon-above · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon #12-13 - Darguun & Dhakaan
In Eberron, the goblinoids are called dar in their own tongue. Thousands of years ago, Khorvaire was dominated by a goblinoid empire called Dhakaan. The Empire had exceptional smiths, called daashor, who have crafted our ancient Dhakaan pokemon a fine set of armour. Nowadays, goblinoids in Eberron are treated as something of an underclass, but recently they have risen up to claim a new nation for themselves: Darguun. One day, the leaders of that nation hope to reclaim something of their lost heritage. And that’s why we have this evolution line!
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dragon-above · 4 years
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Eberron Pokémon #11 - Stormreach
Me: Stormreach is a colony at the edge of a jungle, a wretched hive of scum and villainy, and the main hub for extraction of ancient relics from Xen’drik to Khorvaire. Naturally, its Pokémon should be a grass type because its a jungle mon, and dark type as a critique on the evils of colonialism. I should look up a bunch of invasive plant species and…
Also me: he’s just this lil’ guy
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dragon-above · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon #9 - Seren, Argonnessen
Argonnessen is that big part of Eberron’s world map that just says “here be dragons”. On the northwest coast is an island chain called Seren, home to humanoids who are tasked with protecting the mainline from intruders. One of their holiest sites is Totem Beach, on Argonnessen proper. There, giant stone dragon heads serve as a warning to anyone that would try and go deeper into the continent. 
So….rock/dragon statue head, and diglett’s older, scarier cousin. Imagine 10 different colour variations to represent each of the major chromatic and metallic dragon kinds!
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dragon-above · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon #8-9 - Aerenal
Continuing a bit of a “Beyond Khorvaire” theme, following Riedra. These were quite an easy pair to concept up. The typing choices are fairly obvious: Elves are fey-ish, and they preserve their ancestors as undead/deathless. The golden mask design is a direct reference to the symbol of the Undying Court.
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dragon-above · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon #6-7 - Riedra
Bug type seemed a natural fit for Riedra, with its psychic hive mind (of sorts) and rigid caste system. The evolved form, Altaspired, is a portmanteau of the words “Inspired” and “il altas”, the Riedran name for the quori nightmare spirits that rule the place. Altaspired itself is based on a tsucora quori combined with the hanbalani altas, giant egg-shaped monoliths that support Riedra’s continent-wide psychic network.
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dragon-above · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon #5 - Breland
This was one of the trickier ones to find a good theme for. Starting with “Bear” was obvious because it’s the heraldic animal of the country, but from there we had a number of routes to take. Eberron creator Keith Baker has often said if the Five Nations were an adventuring party, Breland would be the rogue…so here we are with a dark type dirty fighting rough and tumble rogue bear! With thumb daggers.
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dragon-above · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon #4 - Thrane!
Thrane is a theocracy supporting the Silver Flame, a religion/metaphysical force that has ancient ties to the couatl. Thrane is also renowned for its archery.
Hence… bow and arrow themed couatl!
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dragon-above · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon #3 - Karrnath!
Progressing nicely on this series :D
Karrnath is a nation with a strong martial tradition. During the Last War it suffered horrendous famines, and a large portion of the nation turned for help from the Blood of Vol and its necromancy. Hence - Fighting/Ghost! It’s heraldic animal is a wolf, so it seemed the natural animal to base it off.
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dragon-above · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon again!
This time we have Cyre represented as the fairy/streel type Cyreign!  I expect I’ll get around to doing its evolution Moureign at some point. 
I can’t be stopped. I’ve already finished Karrnath’s.
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dragon-above · 4 years
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I love the D&D setting Eberron. It’s why I have the whole @dragon-above thing going on. But I also love Pokemon. Never again must these fandoms remain separate in my brain. It’s time for Eberron themed Pokemon! First up is Aundare, a bird mage pokemon based on the Eberron nation of Aundair. That country is famous for its arcane magic users, and its heraldic beast is the dragonhawk. Combine the two and we get a mysterious eagle wizard!
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dragon-above · 5 years
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art i made for my mistrider token, a really cool concept that came with the mournmare monster from @dragon-above (really enjoy both of your books!) my players may encounter her and her band of mistfolk depending on how the game goes…
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dragon-above · 5 years
Forgive the break from posting about my homebrew, but I had to show off some wonderful art of my longest running (and favourite to date) Eberron PC, Cinnabar d'Phiarlan.
I love everything about the piece. The sky is breathtaking!
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Commission for @amalgamousnothing! Featuring Cinnabar d'Phiarlan and Atalie d'Orien under the awesome sky of Eberron.
Cinnabar belongs to @dragon-above and Atalie belongs to @amalgamousnothing.
Thank you again!! 💕
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