inthemoodformoodboards · 10 months
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vickling27 · 1 year
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Yumm~ things that Whimy likes😩💓
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whimsyvixen · 2 years
Hello, can you draw an male alternate oc, please? I really wanna see it in your style:)
Little man's first encounter with the Na'vi
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@nobodysflower // andrea gibson // u/j0be (reddit) // andrew wyeth // doc luben // mitski
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noita-digging · 6 months
I'm not sure how to make a proper summary. Tumblr doesn't seem to support html tables. And I don't know how to show all the necessary information concisely and without just repeating what's in the posts themselves. And then a circle/tunnel shape to represent the radius? Anyways I don't have that ready for this month. So, here's just a list of all the digging showcase posts from March with hyperlinks to them.
Bomb Spark Bolt Spark Bolt Double Trigger Sädekivi Digging Bolt Digging Blast Magic Arrow Pollen Energy Orb Hookbolt Slam Digging Magic Bolt Black/White Hole Glue ball Touch of Smoke Prickly Spore Pod Arrow Tannerkivi Bubblespark Summon Explosive Box Energy Sphere Glowing Lance Unstable Crystal Dormant Crystal Holy Lance Dropper Bolt Dynamite Magic Missile Large Magic Missile Giant Magic Missile Firebolt
Alternatively, here's my archive.
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silentreigns · 2 months
I find it SO interesting that both Max and Lewis directly call out the development progress made with the cars they drive, but the reactions from the fans are drastically different. I wonder why 🤔
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blackstarregulus79 · 5 months
A poem about River song
Hello, I got board and wrote a poem about river and the doctor. had to fudge/ add a few details to make rhyme so if something doesn't sound quite right that's why but yeah. Haven't posted in a while but here. (Also sorry if I didn't see any grammar mistakes)
Her name was River or sometimes Mel. She always cast you under her spell.
Before he knew it the Doctor fell and with it he came out of his shell.
First a brit, then a bow, finally, a Scotts-man to take you home He didn't even get to say Geronimo!
Hand cuffs and guns, lasers and pistols, weeping angels, cybermen, fishes, and missiles.
A monster, a person, a wonderful women the Doctors name she whispered making him shoken.
Her name was River but right now Mel sort for Melody a Pond and a blond. Oh, well.
In to the computer her conscious go, and he didn't even get to say Geronimo!
Take down the age she say, it didn't even last a day a spy she was sent for the Doctor to go away,
On the beach,
Her self still watching,
Cowboy hats are cool,
He said like a fool.
But when the gun did not fire bad things transpired.
Parallel timelines the universe blown all of history calling one place home.
But spoilers they say so that story is for another day.
The Doctor in love Jim the fish is grand there was River Song the women, the man.
Hand cuffs and guns, lasers and pistols, weeping angels, cybermen fishes, and missiles.
A monster, a person, a wonderful women the Doctors name she whisper making his shoken.
10, 11, 12 and me we love her so for that they agreed, indeed.
But he didnt even get to say geronimo. Oh, no. Oh, well. On we go.
Spoilers she say before she had to go. Don't you change it not a minute not one second one day.
For the doctor she loved but she just couldn't spin it. A computers hard dive her conscious was in it. Thanks for reading it, if you have an idea for something to do next i would love to hear it, or feel free to add to the poem. ❤
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martyrbat · 6 months
btw everytime someone uhm achtually's me on a whimsical post i only get more powerful and mischievous
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whimsythepuntable · 9 months
Here's my entry for the "Bottom of the River" Warriors map! This isn't the original, because I had a better idea after I finished it. Anyways, here it is!
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This image feels like something I'd redraw after I improve enough.
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soundcrusher · 7 months
Sometimes I hate how documentaries are like „Oh, we’re looking into this myth. Turns out, dragons are not real. Science proves it!”
Dragons are real or were real once!
Just because you haven’t found them yet, doesn’t mean that they could have never existed.
Same goes for Unicorns, Aliens, Monsters, and whatever else there could be.
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war-and-crafts · 2 years
how much money will i have to pay blizzard for them not to kill nozdormu/have him corrupt into murozond in this expansion
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supvoid · 6 months
how aware are the boys of eachother?
Like Zayne & Caleb shared a childhood with mc, so we have an idea how they could've interacted. but what about the others???
Honestly I just wanna see them interact with eachother...
WAIT with all the loopin timey whimy shenanigans have they interacted before um the current loop??? Even if they've never inteacted the MUST at least be aware of eachother right???
NO WAIT!!! With everything they must have all interacted at some point!!!! after Mc has lived over a thousand lives!!!! It would be weirder if they hadnt interacted with eachother at some point!!!!!
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buggyboba · 5 months
Surrender Your Mind
Part One: The Meeting Part two [x] part three [ x ]
A/N: HI HI! This is set somewhere before Dark Water/Death In Heaven. Canon? What canon? Don’t worry about it, it’s all a ball of time whimy wibbly wobbly stuff anyway. No beta reader we die like men. Sloppy edit will come back to edit properly. This is part one of a new series! I also will be posting this to AO3, baby's first doctor who fanfic. Surrender your mind (Ao3 link)
TW For this chapter: Thought reading/hypnosis, kidnapping,  Missy is a psychopath (but she is our psychopath.) Cursing. Not much else, that I can think of. She calls you poppet (derogatory) once, pet a few times, dear once I think, and is very rude, you know Missy things. 
 Words: 2159
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You popped into the corner store, and grabbed a drink and some crisps, needing the sweet comfort of junk in this trying time. Armed with your little bag you headed towards your flat, the air pod in your ear blasting music from your favorite band, blaring out the sounds of busy London around you. 
Today had been a shit day. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. The universe had given you a proverbial ‘fuck you’, and now you were one more catching yourself on the door or the wall away from fist-fighting God. You just needed a break, to get home, to calm down. 
It would be fine, you would be fine, you always were. So what if you had a setback today, tomorrow was a brand new day, and as cliché as that was, that's what your mind told itself to get through the bad day that you just had. Though deep down you worried about if the mistakes you made today at work were ultimately going to cost you. Once again you told yourself you hated that job so fuck them if they let you go, you could find another one just as easy. At least you hoped.
As you turned down the familiar street you came face to face with construction, and the sidewalk had been blocked. You stood there trying to decide your next action. Taking a few breaths You decided this was fine, everything was fine, you just had to take two streets over, it was fine. You started your walk the long way, and the heavy scent of flowers and tea hit your senses, you had almost forgotten there had been a nice little tea shop around here, it was a comforting scent, you had thought about checking it out sometime, but you just never got a chance. Maybe you would sometime this week. 
There was a nice little outside seating area, as you walked past there was a couple at the corner table and a woman sitting alone at the gate. Your eyes were drawn to her, it was unexplainable, well no it could be explained by how beautiful she was, her dark reddish brunette hair was pulled up into a perfect updo, her makeup stunning, the black liner cat eye was just sharp enough to kill a man. Her lips looked soft and were painted a beautiful crimson. She smirked and you immediately looked away, your heart racing as you walked past trying not to walk too fast, but trying not to be awkward. There was one odd thing, she looked like a Victorian governess, but it fit her, the deep plum jacket clung to her perfectly, and once again you had to force yourself to walk calmly past where she sat. Her striking blue eyes followed your every move like a cat watching a mouse. The more you tried to look away the stronger your body wanted to look at her, to meet her eyes, it was like you needed to. No that was weird, right? Just be cool.
Your heart did an odd little thing, it fluttered but also pounded like you were in danger, it was akin to the time you drank four energy drinks in a row. Your stomach was in knots, just from this woman looking at you? You managed to keep your cool as you passed the tea shop, trying your hardest not to sneak a look at the woman, whose eyes you could feel on your body still as you turned the corner. You felt your cheeks heat up as you took a moment to compose yourself. Who was she? You had never felt anything like that before, part of you yearned to poke back around the corner to talk to her, and the other part of you told you it was a bad idea. 
You forced yourself to continue walking, and a soft little smile took your lips as you thought about Her. You wondered if she frequented the tea shop, maybe you should start going to the tea shop. No that was weird, stop being weird. This wasn’t like you? Was it? Well yes and no, you had had crushes before, but they had been people you had gotten to know, or knew a little, not some random, beautiful woman at a tea shop. You wondered what she sounded like? You should go back and talk to her. 
‘No, it would be weird now.’ You told yourself. You kept yourself walking home, today had just been so bad and weird, but the good news was you saw a beautiful woman. You got to the end of the street to your home, before you felt something was off, the air changed and you got that odd feeling again, like you were in danger. There was a sudden warmth spreading and everything felt like it was happening so fast. 
The explosion from the building in front of you, flames licked from your building, something had flown from the explosion, you couldn’t focus on it because you felt arms around your waist pulling you back against a petite body, the distinct smell of some perfume that was more expensive than your flat, something sweet, and something you couldn’t explain. 
“Run.” The voice was a deep purr in your ear and long fingers were wrapped around your wrist as she was pulling you with her. You barely got your footing as she pulled you with surprising strength. 
Your mind was flooded, did your building just explode, why the fuck would it do that? What the fuck was that silver thing that flew from the explosion?
“You’re so loud.” The woman said simply, “Shut up.” she said quickly, pulling you with her faster, as she looked around like she was searching for something. 
“I didn’t say–” you tried but the look she gave you caused you to close your mouth, you hadn’t said anything. What was this woman going on about, being so loud?
“Your thoughts poppet.” she said, “I am trying to focus, so if you could just, I don’t know do as your species does and just stop thinking for a few moments,” she said sharply. 
You are left looking at her like she is insane. Thoughts? What did she mean, thoughts? It was your luck the beautiful woman you saw was absolutely bonkers. Before you could react she had moved down an alley, your body being thrown against the wall roughly, her body being pressed against yours tightly, as she hid her face against yours a bit, there was a ‘swoosh’ sound that darted past the alley. 
Your eyes widened a bit, and your breath picked up a bit as her hands held your hips against the wall, keeping you pinned for a few minutes before she pulled away like nothing had happened, she walked to the mouth of the alley looking out of it for a moment. 
“Good, come along.” She said calmly, as she motioned for you to follow her. 
“W-what?” you spoke softly, in disbelief that this woman wanted you to follow her. Your mind was still reeling from the feeling of her body against yours even if it had been so brief, she had been cold, and you could have sworn you had felt two heartbeats when her chest was pressed against yours. 
“Come,” she said, her voice had a sort of hypnotic quality, and your eyes sort of glazed for a moment, as you could hear her voice in your head, telling you to listen. You tried to pull back from it, your mind felt hazy, but her voice repeated the command. ‘Come’ and you nodded softly following after her. 
You were silent as you followed her, her hand wrapping around your wrist again as if you would wander away if she didn’t. “Where are we going?” You asked after a few moments. 
“Shh.” She hushed you quickly as she walked faster, leading you for what felt like forever. 
“No but…” You tried.
“Don’t make me shut you up.” She said, her tone held an edge of annoyance and danger. 
There was a moment where you smirked a bit, usually, you would say ‘Make me’ and usually that would lead to heavy sexual tension and playful banter, but the way she tugged your arm and glared at you told you to be silent. 
“You won’t like it if I make you shut up,” she warned. 
“Stop reading my mind…what do you even mean my thoughts are loud?” You blurted out trying to finally pull your arm away from her, but her nails dug into your wrist keeping it held. 
“How does he do this?” You heard her grumble, before she dragged you up the stairs of a Cathedral, St Paul’s. You tried to protest once more, but she yanked your arm hard and pushed you in before her. “We should be safe here….” she said allowing you a moment to gather yourself. 
You looked around the dark gloomy area, this was NOT St. Paul’s cathedral, there were giant tanks, with skeletons in them, and your body felt colder than before. 
“Oh just ignore them, they aren’t your concern….Yet.” She said walking past you with a sort of self-satisfied chuckle at what appeared to be a joke, “come.” she ordered again and your body followed, she led you through the vast halls, there were so many tanks, you tried to count them as she walked you towards a large door. 
“Ninty one….but don’t worry about that pet, you need to worry about a few other things first..that comes later…and is not for you….mostly,” she said calmly. “You may be collateral damage, but that is a risk I am willing to take.” She grinned with a short nod. 
“The fuck do you mean?” You muttered out.
“That was your flat right, the one that exploded?” she asked leading you through a door and into a large room that held some sort of control panel in the middle. 
“Yes…wh-where are we I’m sorry?” You asked looking around at the interior of where you were, it was sleek, gold, and black. There was a low humming sound that you hadn’t heard outside, and this was certainly too big to be a room. 
“We don’t have time for you to freak out…now listen dear.” she started. “They targeted you but were after me, I wonder why,” she said tapping her finger against her lower lip as she looked at you. 
“Who?” you couldn’t help but ask. 
“The assassins,” she said like it was the simplest thing, and she couldn’t believe you hadn’t figured it out. 
“Assassins blew up my flat? But they were after you? Why the fuck?” You sounded exhausted already. 
“Dunno, I suppose we will find out though….I should use you as bait…catch one, ask some questions.” she mused as she walked around the console, you were reeling still, and she really didn’t explain anything. That would become a constant, but you didn’t know that yet. 
“Why…now listen….no,” you said trying to sound firm, but took a small breath when she looked at you over the console with those eyes, you stammered and tried to regain your thoughts. “Wouldn’t they just kill me from a distance, if they were assassins I am sure they wouldn’t get close enough for you to catch…” You paused. “Who are you… wait,” you said looking at her. 
“Oh, right I suppose…The Mistress,” she said calmly watching your reaction.
“Oh…no…no thanks.” You said shaking your head. “I’m not…into…” you said lightly, trying to step back towards the door you came in.
The woman tilted her head. “You will refer to me as The Mistress.” She said firmly. “Stay,” she ordered, and your body tensed a bit. 
You shifted a bit, what exactly had you gotten yourself into? “Sure.” you voiced and looked down away from her. “Okay, yeah The Mistress…yeah…cool…” You nodded unsure. 
“And as of now, you are my companion.” She smirked a bit, you had a feeling that companion was not as nice as it sounded. 
“Your companion?” You asked softly, but she cut you off.
“I don’t care what your name is, I doubt you will be alive long enough for it to matter. I am just going to keep you until I understand why they attacked you, if their target was me, what is your place in all of this I wonder.” 
Today had been a shit day. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. The universe had given you a proverbial ‘fuck you’, your flat was blown up, assassins were after you, the pretty woman from the tea shop was insane, and now you were pretty sure you were kidnapped, by someone calling themselves ‘The Mistress’. The shitty situation you had thought was bad earlier, had just turned into a different kind of situation, and all you could do was hold on for the ride. 
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whimsyvixen · 2 years
Are you also getting sex bot followers atleast five times a day this past month?
I don't even know, man. There was a spike of new followers recently but I haven't checked them.
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anthurak · 2 years
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“He looks a lot older than I remember from the book.”
So we’re already getting implications that it has been sometime since the events of The Girl Who Fell Through the World.
Despite how we see Alyx washing up on the beach in the OP.
Methinks there could be some time-whimy shenanigans in the future...
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I’m coming dangerously close to writing a Mr Bonzo hate rant so your pinned post scared the shit out of me
how could anyone possibly hate mr bonzo he's got such whimys in his eyes
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