#Whisper the Treecko Hero
cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Title: Saying Goodbye
[Spoilers for what happens at the end of PMD Explorers]
It was over. After managing to defeat Dialga, and putting the Time Gears back in, it was over. The Treecko and Cyndaquil partner were heading back down the path to get to the Rainbow Stoneship.
Rusty felt so relieved and glad that everything was going to be back to normal—no more time troubles—even if Dialga mentioned that everything would take a little while. Whisper had to be too, right? Rusty assumed it was.
Frankly, after everything that had been going on recently, the Cyndaquil just wanted to head back to Treasure Town—head back to the Guild—and relax with their sibling for a just a little bit before continuing with things. That sounded nice. Rusty was tired.
He was just beginning to remember all of the things that they had told Whisper that they wanted to do later after everything was said and done—some of which the Treecko had agreed to doing with the Cyndaquil. But... when it had spoken, it almost seemed... sad. Maybe it had been Rusty’s imagination.
What was there to be sad about? Rusty frowned... well—there was Dusknoir, he guessed—and the Cyndaquil knew how Whisper had grown attached to the Ghost type—considering him a father. Frankly, Rusty had felt the same.
Rusty continued down the long path, trying not to accidentally trip over their long scarf on the way. While they liked the scarf—especially due to it being a gift from his sibling—tripping was a bit of a common thing. Maybe they could try to adjust the scarf later.
Neither of them were speaking yet—but it was clear to each that they were both exhausted from everything—who wouldn’t be, after all that? However, Rusty happened to notice something else about Whisper, after glancing back at it a couple of times.
Sure, Rusty was exhausted, but it looked as if the Treecko was far worse—and unless it was Rusty’s imagination, every step that it took was slower than Rusty’s—and he swore that it was getting slower—but for the moment, it was still managing to keep up.
The Cyndaquil tried not to worry—maybe it was nothing. If Whisper was just tired, then there was no need to worry—once the two of them got back to the Guild together, the Treecko would get some good rest—Rusty would make sure of it.
If it was having difficulty walking from how exhausted it was, Rusty wished that he could carry it—he wouldn’t be against carrying their sibling—but that might be incredibly difficult—the Cyndaquil didn’t think he was strong enough to do so.
In all honestly, if it was the case, then Rusty was surprised that Whisper wasn’t like this a lot—how had it never collapsed from exhaustion? He never saw Whisper sleep—the Treecko preferred to stay awake, carefully watching over and protecting the sleeping Cyndaquil from anything.
When he couldn’t hear the Treecko walking behind them anymore—only hearing their own footsteps—Rusty frowned, and started to slow down. And, when he noticed some kind of golden light from the corner of their eyes, that’s when they stopped, and finally turned.
Whisper was standing there, a few feet away from Rusty—eerily still, a frown on it’s face. It was focused on it’s little sibling in front of it, but the Treecko couldn’t help but glance at the pieces of light every now and then.
Rusty just... stared. W-What? What’s all that...? Why is it doing that...? “W-Whisp...?” The Cyndaquil hesitantly spoke up.
“Whisp, w-what’s going on? Are you okay??” Rusty rushed over to the still Whisper.
“...Rust. I-... I’m so sorry about this..” The Treecko’s voice was always gentle—but, this time, it’s voice felt different—they’d never heard Whisper with this much gentleness or sadness in it’s tone. In it’s expression.
Before this, Rusty figured that the saddest Whisper ever sounded—that it ever looked—was when they both discovered what Dusknoir was truly up to. This took that moment’s place.
Rusty’s frown grew. “S-Sorry? Whisp, what... are you talking about? What- what’s happening? What’s going to happen?”
“Da-... Dusknoir told me earlier, if the future were to be changed, then the Pokemon- anyone from the future, would then disappear.” Whisper glanced at itself—its entire body was beginning to glow in a bright golden light.
Yes—it was a bit of a terrifying thing to think of—and Whisper didn’t exactly want to leave it’s sibling... or anyone, for that matter—but it was what was going to happen—and the Treecko had somewhat peacefully accepted that fact.
“Rust...” Whisper wiped at its eyes, feeling tears beginning to form. “I’m going to have to disappear, too. We’ll... have to say goodbye.”
A part of it did wish that it would be more of a ‘see-you-later’ goodbye—one where you leave after a visit, but you know you’ll end up seeing the other after some time—even if that time would be long. But, this was a different kind.
“N-No, no, no!” Rusty could hear their voice breaking. They moved closer than they already were, and immediately hugged Whisper—almost tackling it—but the Treecko managed to keep them both up while returning the hug.
“I-... I don’t want you to go, Whisp!” The Cyndaquil whimpered, “W-We’ve had so much fun together, right? A-and... and what would I do without you...? Y-You aren’t just my friend, Whisp, you... you’re like my older sibling.”
For the longest time, besides just wanting a friend—but not knowing how to make any—and being anxious—Rusty thought it would be nice to have a sibling. He didn’t have either. But, when Whisper arrived, they managed to get both.
Rusty continued as the tears began to leak—and, at the same time, he noticed how Whisper was taking its bandana and bag off—and carefully putting it around them. “I-I don’t know what I’d do without you, Whisp...”
“I-I want you to stay... there’s s-still so much we haven’t done yet e-either. I-I just want you to stay. There-... There...” The Cyndaquil tried to find the right words, but they weren’t coming to him.
Whisper sadly sighed, but the frown started to disappear—and in it’s place, was the tiniest of smiles. “Rust... you’ll be okay, I promise,” It started, “I know it’ll be difficult... but trust me. Just... just keep being the amazing explorer you are, okay...? Don’t forget me.”
There was so much more that the Treecko wanted to say—so much more that the Cyndaquil wanted to say—but, sadly, neither would get that chance.
Whisper knew it didn’t have much longer, and there wouldn’t be enough time to tell Rusty everything else—even if it was what the poor Cyndaquil needed to hear.
“Rusty.” Whisper started up again, it’s smile began to grow—although it was more of a sad kind. “I lov-“
Rusty listened quietly—waiting for their sibling to finish—but it would never get the chance to do so. In the golden light, Whisper disappeared. It was gone. It was gone.
They stared, looking around with widened teary eyes. No more Whisper. Whisper wasn’t here anymore. His sibling was gone. It... wasn’t going to be around anymore.
The Cyndaquil broke.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Quick little thing with Whisper (Treecko Hero) & Rusty (Cyndaquil Partner): The two of them consider each-other siblings, with Whisper being like the older one. They do refer to eachother as such, when they’re around eachother, when they’re talking about the other one to somebody else, etc.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Now that I think about it, with the PMD related thing, the only thing that I haven’t thought of is Whisper & Rusty’s Exploration Team name- which, I guess isn’t much of an issue, it’ll come around eventually.
Other than that, there’s so much I wanna talk about with this. But, I have no idea where to even start, I know there’s a lot things on my mind- for both the characters, and some other little things.
Does anybody maybe have any questions?- maybe that would be easier to do-
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cyber-streak-2 · 2 years
Well- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon happened to me, and I got more interested in it again. I’m already making a little thing for it. But, for now, here’s the Hero & Partner:
Name: Whisper
Pokémon: Treecko
Pronouns: It/It’s/Itself.
Name: Rusty
Pokémon: Cyndaquil
Pronouns: He/Him/Himself, They/Them/Themself.
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