#Rusty the Cyndaquil Partner
cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Title: Saying Goodbye
[Spoilers for what happens at the end of PMD Explorers]
It was over. After managing to defeat Dialga, and putting the Time Gears back in, it was over. The Treecko and Cyndaquil partner were heading back down the path to get to the Rainbow Stoneship.
Rusty felt so relieved and glad that everything was going to be back to normal—no more time troubles—even if Dialga mentioned that everything would take a little while. Whisper had to be too, right? Rusty assumed it was.
Frankly, after everything that had been going on recently, the Cyndaquil just wanted to head back to Treasure Town—head back to the Guild—and relax with their sibling for a just a little bit before continuing with things. That sounded nice. Rusty was tired.
He was just beginning to remember all of the things that they had told Whisper that they wanted to do later after everything was said and done—some of which the Treecko had agreed to doing with the Cyndaquil. But... when it had spoken, it almost seemed... sad. Maybe it had been Rusty’s imagination.
What was there to be sad about? Rusty frowned... well—there was Dusknoir, he guessed—and the Cyndaquil knew how Whisper had grown attached to the Ghost type—considering him a father. Frankly, Rusty had felt the same.
Rusty continued down the long path, trying not to accidentally trip over their long scarf on the way. While they liked the scarf—especially due to it being a gift from his sibling—tripping was a bit of a common thing. Maybe they could try to adjust the scarf later.
Neither of them were speaking yet—but it was clear to each that they were both exhausted from everything—who wouldn’t be, after all that? However, Rusty happened to notice something else about Whisper, after glancing back at it a couple of times.
Sure, Rusty was exhausted, but it looked as if the Treecko was far worse—and unless it was Rusty’s imagination, every step that it took was slower than Rusty’s—and he swore that it was getting slower—but for the moment, it was still managing to keep up.
The Cyndaquil tried not to worry—maybe it was nothing. If Whisper was just tired, then there was no need to worry—once the two of them got back to the Guild together, the Treecko would get some good rest—Rusty would make sure of it.
If it was having difficulty walking from how exhausted it was, Rusty wished that he could carry it—he wouldn’t be against carrying their sibling—but that might be incredibly difficult—the Cyndaquil didn’t think he was strong enough to do so.
In all honestly, if it was the case, then Rusty was surprised that Whisper wasn’t like this a lot—how had it never collapsed from exhaustion? He never saw Whisper sleep—the Treecko preferred to stay awake, carefully watching over and protecting the sleeping Cyndaquil from anything.
When he couldn’t hear the Treecko walking behind them anymore—only hearing their own footsteps—Rusty frowned, and started to slow down. And, when he noticed some kind of golden light from the corner of their eyes, that’s when they stopped, and finally turned.
Whisper was standing there, a few feet away from Rusty—eerily still, a frown on it’s face. It was focused on it’s little sibling in front of it, but the Treecko couldn’t help but glance at the pieces of light every now and then.
Rusty just... stared. W-What? What’s all that...? Why is it doing that...? “W-Whisp...?” The Cyndaquil hesitantly spoke up.
“Whisp, w-what’s going on? Are you okay??” Rusty rushed over to the still Whisper.
“...Rust. I-... I’m so sorry about this..” The Treecko’s voice was always gentle—but, this time, it’s voice felt different—they’d never heard Whisper with this much gentleness or sadness in it’s tone. In it’s expression.
Before this, Rusty figured that the saddest Whisper ever sounded—that it ever looked—was when they both discovered what Dusknoir was truly up to. This took that moment’s place.
Rusty’s frown grew. “S-Sorry? Whisp, what... are you talking about? What- what’s happening? What’s going to happen?”
“Da-... Dusknoir told me earlier, if the future were to be changed, then the Pokemon- anyone from the future, would then disappear.” Whisper glanced at itself—its entire body was beginning to glow in a bright golden light.
Yes—it was a bit of a terrifying thing to think of—and Whisper didn’t exactly want to leave it’s sibling... or anyone, for that matter—but it was what was going to happen—and the Treecko had somewhat peacefully accepted that fact.
“Rust...” Whisper wiped at its eyes, feeling tears beginning to form. “I’m going to have to disappear, too. We’ll... have to say goodbye.”
A part of it did wish that it would be more of a ‘see-you-later’ goodbye—one where you leave after a visit, but you know you’ll end up seeing the other after some time—even if that time would be long. But, this was a different kind.
“N-No, no, no!” Rusty could hear their voice breaking. They moved closer than they already were, and immediately hugged Whisper—almost tackling it—but the Treecko managed to keep them both up while returning the hug.
“I-... I don’t want you to go, Whisp!” The Cyndaquil whimpered, “W-We’ve had so much fun together, right? A-and... and what would I do without you...? Y-You aren’t just my friend, Whisp, you... you’re like my older sibling.”
For the longest time, besides just wanting a friend—but not knowing how to make any—and being anxious—Rusty thought it would be nice to have a sibling. He didn’t have either. But, when Whisper arrived, they managed to get both.
Rusty continued as the tears began to leak—and, at the same time, he noticed how Whisper was taking its bandana and bag off—and carefully putting it around them. “I-I don’t know what I’d do without you, Whisp...”
“I-I want you to stay... there’s s-still so much we haven’t done yet e-either. I-I just want you to stay. There-... There...” The Cyndaquil tried to find the right words, but they weren’t coming to him.
Whisper sadly sighed, but the frown started to disappear—and in it’s place, was the tiniest of smiles. “Rust... you’ll be okay, I promise,” It started, “I know it’ll be difficult... but trust me. Just... just keep being the amazing explorer you are, okay...? Don’t forget me.”
There was so much more that the Treecko wanted to say—so much more that the Cyndaquil wanted to say—but, sadly, neither would get that chance.
Whisper knew it didn’t have much longer, and there wouldn’t be enough time to tell Rusty everything else—even if it was what the poor Cyndaquil needed to hear.
“Rusty.” Whisper started up again, it’s smile began to grow—although it was more of a sad kind. “I lov-“
Rusty listened quietly—waiting for their sibling to finish—but it would never get the chance to do so. In the golden light, Whisper disappeared. It was gone. It was gone.
They stared, looking around with widened teary eyes. No more Whisper. Whisper wasn’t here anymore. His sibling was gone. It... wasn’t going to be around anymore.
The Cyndaquil broke.
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Alternate Next Gen (Main Cast): Chetari Ketchum
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Chetari is the adopted daughter of Ash and Anabel and is Lazarus’ younger sister. Chetari doesn’t remember this, but she used to be a Cyndaquil and was partners with a Totodile named Draco, out of desperation of being forgotten again he had killed Chetari in hopes of keeping her from forgetting him, Arceus had seen what happened and transferred Chetari to a different universe and gave her a soul bond with Ash as he was the Chosen One of the other universe. Ash had officially adopted Chetari after feeling that bond with her. Chetari fit in with the Ketchum family very well, to the point where no one could tell she was adopted. While Chetari is a kind person, she can be very sassy when someone mistreats a Pokemon, another point in which she fits into the Ketchum family. Chetari enjoys taking care of Pokemon and often studies about medicine and Pokemon health. She’s a capable battler but she has no interest in becoming a Frontier Brain like her family, she mostly cares for the Pokemon that Ash and Anabel raised, as well as the Pokemon that Jewel caught and often looks for potential trainers for all the Pokemon Jewel catches for research. Chetari has a huge interest in singing and wishes to be a singer, so far she’s been singing for Pokemon and her family but she hasn’t gone into singing officially yet, she does sing for special events.
Chetari is a shape shifter, it’s for that reason she can understand Pokemon like her family can. She has a Key Stone that’s attached to a necklace that Ash gave her after he adopted her.
Her Pokemon:
Loki the Zorua- Loki was the first Pokemon Chetari had met before she was adopted by Ash. Loki had sneaked into the orphanage and used his illusion ability to pretend to be a child, he played the role of a shy child and chose to name himself Loki so that no one would suspect he was a Pokemon. No one else would talk to him, at least until he met Chetari and the two became close. When Chetari was about to be adopted, he revealed his true self to Chetari and Ash, which surprised Chetari as she never knew he was a Zorua. Feeling the bond Loki had with Chetari, Ash let Chetari keep Loki and even gave her a Pokeball so she could catch him. Loki is a very cheerful Pokemon, he loves playing with others when he gets the chance to. He’s also a bit of a prankster and enjoys using his illusions to turn into a child as Zorua are very rare in the Kanto region, he will use his illusion to play pranks on anyone who happens to be causing trouble and he’ll make himself look as cute as possible so no one suspects that he did it. Loki has no desire to evolve and he mostly stays out of his Pokeball.
Caught in a Pokeball.
Ability is Illusion.
Moves are Fake Tears, Night Daze, Foul Play, Hone Claws, Dark Pulse, Sucker Punch, Burning Jealousy, Lash Out, Copycat and Dig.
Kiibo the off color Gallade- Chetari had found Kiibo injured in the Kanto Safari Zone, after he had recovered thanks to Chetari healing him, he had agreed to be on her team and serve as her knight because of how she saved him. One day after training, Kiibo had spotted a Dawn stone in a store and wanted Chetari to buy it so he could evolve into Gallade. After the purchase, Kiibo took the Dawn stone and evolved. Kiibo was always on the run due to how he was an off color Pokemon, being silver, grey and having icy blue eyes and black marks over his eyes that also run down his cheeks. Kiibo was distrustful of Chetari due to how many poachers and trainers had tried to catch him due to him being an off color Pokemon instead of a normal Kirlia’s color and a shiny Pokemon. Kiibo is very loyal to Chetari, vowing to protect her after she had helped him when he was injured from a group of poachers. Kiibo is polite and loyal to Chetari, being one of her stronger Pokemon. He had received his Mega stone after he evolved and had it fitted into a necklace that matches Chetari’s. Kiibo gets along with Lazarus’ Lucario and the two always spar and train with each other.
Caught in an Safari Ball.
Ability is Steadfast, changes to Inner Focus when Mega Evolved.
Held Item is Galladite.
Moves are Focus Punch, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Brick Break, Drain Punch, Thunder Punch, Zen Headbutt, Aura Sphere, Poison Jab and Swords Dance.
Vaporeon- Chetari caught her Vaporeon after she was abandoned by her former trainer for evolving into a Vaporeon instead of a Flareon like he wanted, Vaporeon had wandered around for a place to stay at when she had heard Chetari singing and quickly joined in as she loved singing. After spending a lot of time with Chetari, she was caught by her and quickly made herself in with the team. Vaporeon really loves music, especially back when she was an Eevee. Vaporeon would always spend her spare time singing with whatever she remembered hearing last. After evolving, that love for singing never ended and she still loves singing. Joining Chetari, she would always sing with Chetari, Jigglypuff and Swablu while Nuzleaf would play his leaf to their singing. When she’s not singing, Vaporeon loves swimming with the other Water type Pokemon in Ash’s yard. Vaporeon is a very friendly Pokemon, she’s also very good at battling thanks to her previous trainer and she still trains herself so she doesn’t get rusty.
Caught in a Dive Ball.
Ability is Water Absorb.
Moves are Water Gun, Water Pulse, Muddy Water, Aqua Ring, Ice Beam, Scald, Round, Brine, Rain Dance and Hyper Voice.
Jigglypuff- Jigglypuff was caught by Chetari a while after he left his mom, he wanted to find a trainer that liked to sing so he could practice singing and get better at it, he enjoys being with Chetari due to how she teaches him how to sing and he’s glad he doesn’t have to be afraid of putting someone to sleep accidentally by singing a lullaby. Jigglypuff is a nice Pokemon, he enjoys nothing more than to sing for others and to sing with Chetari, Vaporeon and Swablu. Jigglypuff is able to adapt himself to sing any kind of genera of music he knows, which is one reason why he’s able to fit so well with Chetari and the others. He gets along with Swablu and doesn’t mind how strange he may be and he happily raps with Swablu. Jigglypuff gets really annoyed when someone assumes that he’s a female due to the gender ratio of the Jigglypuff family being 3/4th female to male, so he had himself look more like a male to stop the assumptions. 
Caught in a Moon Ball.
Ability is Cute Charm.
Moves are Echoed Voice, Round, Disarming Voice, Hyper Voice, Draining Kiss, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Tri Attack, Gyro Ball and Attract.
Swablu- Swablu was caught by Chetari after he had plopped himself on her head like a hat, Chetari didn’t mind and started singing with Jigglypuff and Vaporeon, Swablu had joined in, much to the surprise of Chetari, Swablu started rapping. Finding it funny, she caught him and was glad he joined her team. Swablu is very friendly and isn’t afraid of being near humans but he does have a slight fear of Ash’s Pokemon due to how big they are compared to him. Swablu has a habit of landing on someone’s head, which amuses anyone who he lands on. Swablu is also very playful, he’s happy to fly around while rapping which often surprises anyone who happens to hear Swablu, thinking it’s strange to hear a Swablu rap. Chetari doesn’t mind as she thinks it’s funny and a little cute. She still allows Swablu to join in on their singing sessions often adding onto the song with his raps when the others are singing, the Ketchum family, being used to Pokemon that aren’t like their species, have no problems with Swablu rapping and enjoy his raps, even if not all of them can understand him. Swablu is always the happiest when someone doesn’t comment on how he likes rapping and when someone genuinely enjoys his raps.
Caught in a Great Ball.
Ability is Natural Cure.
Moves are Air Cutter, Sky Attack, Echoed Voice, Round, Hyper Voice, Duel Wingbeat, Dragon Pulse, Steel Wing, Cotton Guard and Double Team.
Nuzleaf- Nuzleaf had wandering onto Ash’s yard one day and had seen Chetari, he immediately went to Chetari and wanted to join her team, Chetari allowed it and was happy to have Nuzleaf with her. Chetari doesn’t know this, but that Nuzleaf is the same Nuzleaf that was her guardian back when she was in the Pokemon only world, Nuzleaf doesn’t want to tell her on the account that he may cause her confusion and he was told by Mew and Arceus that no matter what he can’t tell her that he’s her adopted father. Nuzleaf accepted that so long as he could stay with Chetari. Nuzleaf isn’t as much as a prankster as other Nuzleafs but he does enjoy playing the leaf on his head as a flute for Chetari to sing to once he learned she wanted to be a singer. Nuzleaf is supportive of Chetari and respects that she’s happy with her new family, he also gets along with the Ketchum family and their Pokemon, often acting as a father figure to the younger Pokemon and enjoying talking with Ash’s and Anabel’s Pokemon. Despite how he isn’t much of a prankster, he does still set up traps around the outside of Ash’s yard in case anyone tries anything funny, he finds it a lot easier to set up traps than when he was in the other world.
Caught in a Pokeball.
Ability is Chlorophyll.
Moves are Sunny Day, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Leaf Blade, Sucker Punch, Solar Blade, Rock Slide, Beat Up, Foul Play and Night Slash.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Quick little thing with Whisper (Treecko Hero) & Rusty (Cyndaquil Partner): The two of them consider each-other siblings, with Whisper being like the older one. They do refer to eachother as such, when they’re around eachother, when they’re talking about the other one to somebody else, etc.
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cyber-streak-2 · 2 years
Now that I think about it, with the PMD related thing, the only thing that I haven’t thought of is Whisper & Rusty’s Exploration Team name- which, I guess isn’t much of an issue, it’ll come around eventually.
Other than that, there’s so much I wanna talk about with this. But, I have no idea where to even start, I know there’s a lot things on my mind- for both the characters, and some other little things.
Does anybody maybe have any questions?- maybe that would be easier to do-
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cyber-streak-2 · 2 years
Well- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon happened to me, and I got more interested in it again. I’m already making a little thing for it. But, for now, here’s the Hero & Partner:
Name: Whisper
Pokémon: Treecko
Pronouns: It/It’s/Itself.
Name: Rusty
Pokémon: Cyndaquil
Pronouns: He/Him/Himself, They/Them/Themself.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Title: Grief
Description: Rusty deals with the aftermath of losing their sibling.
‘I lov...’ Rusty didn’t need to be a genius to know what his sibling had been trying to tell them. He loved it, too—he wanted to say those words back—but, they would just be speaking to air—Whisper was gone. Rusty stayed silent.
He didn’t remember most of the way back to the Guild—too caught up in his thoughts and what had happened to Whisper. The Cyndaquil just remembered stepping onto the Rainbow Stoneship, and now, they were approaching the Guild itself.
If it weren’t for all the sudden noise as the entrance opened—causing Rusty to jump back a little bit—as everyone from the Guild exited, then the Cyndaquil really wouldn’t have noticed anything or paid much attention.
The only thing he did was simply stare as everyone came out—at least until Wigglytuff arrived outside with everybody else. Still crying, the little Cyndaquil approached the other Pokemon, and hugged him tightly, shaking.
—Three days later—
Shortly after returning to the Guild, Rusty hadn’t been able to explain anything to anybody—they were too difficult to understand through the sobbing—even with others trying to comfort and calm them down.
The Cyndaquil had returned to his room—his room that he typically shared with the Treecko—but the Treecko was gone—it felt like something so important was missing from the room—and that was correct.
A worried Bidoof had followed Rusty inside. Rusty remembered the Pokémon trying his best to comfort them—and to just be there for the Cyndaquil. He had been the one to calm the Cyndaquil down enough for Rusty to give an explanation for everything.
After Rusty had requested that he leave—which Bidoof did after some hesitation—Rusty fell asleep from all the crying they had done since Whisper first disappeared.
—One Week Later—
Rusty’s only been staying in his empty room. The only thing’s he’s done in there is check over Whisper’s bandana—remembering when they had first given the item to it—and sleep.
Though, at the same time, Rusty didn’t exactly want to sleep. The Cyndaquil’s been having nightmares ever since they returned—most of which they don’t exactly remember after waking up—but some they vaguely do.
Some include Whisper—he sees it disappear over and over—in rare instances, something else is happening to the Treecko other than disappearing—some of those instances Rusty would consider those far worse than what really happened.
When he wakes up from the horrible nightmares, Rusty keeps looking around—keeps glancing towards the empty bed beside him—hoping to see Whisper there—but they’re quick to remember, and stop aimlessly looking around.
Before his sibling went away, it always preferred to stay awake, watching over the Cyndaquil. If he were to have a nightmare—which surprisingly happened a lot—the Treecko would hop into action—beginning to comfort Rusty. Mainly by singing a song.
The last two nightmares that they’ve had, Rusty barely remembers how it exactly goes, but they decide to try and hum the song to themselves, hoping that it will do something. It doesn’t.
—Two Weeks Later—
If Rusty were able to be granted one wish, the Cyndaquil knew what it would be. They’d wish that Whisper remained, while he disappeared, instead. He wished that was what truly happened to begin with.
—Three Weeks Later—
After much more nightmares—which all seem to be getting worse every time—Rusty simply decided to try and force himself to not sleep. So far, he’s been successful.
He’s still been in his room the whole time. There’s only two instances that the Cyndaquil can remember when they weren’t. Dinner, about a week ago—Chatot had dragged them out to eat with everybody else.
Before and after that dinner, though, Rusty continued to remain in their room. When they would eat—which the Cyndaquil realized that they’d been forgetting to do so frequently—others, mainly Bidoof, would bring some dinner to Rusty.
Rusty hadn’t been feeling all that hungry, either. But, they’d at least take a couple of bites to please the other Guild members.
The only other time was yesterday—or was it the day before? Bidoof, Loudred, and Sunflora had decided to take Rusty out. Not just out of his room and somewhere inside of the Guild, like to dinner, but outside of the Guild itself.
The entire time out, Rusty tried not to think about the Beach—he didn’t want to end up going there, either. But, thankfully, the group only stayed in the town for a while before eventually returning.
—One Month Later—
Despite not wanting to—despite still trying to stay awake—Rusty’s starting to fail, they’re starting to fall asleep again a lot. They aren’t surprised with the fact that the nightmares have started back up.
Something he is surprised by, however, is with the rare dreams that aren’t nightmares—the dreams that are so nice, and that they wish were true. These always include Whisper—he sees it beside him—Whisper is back—but then they wake up, and know the truth.
There’s a few other instances that have been quite surprising, too. Sometimes it happens right after they wake up. He sees Whisper beside him, or even in front of them. But in a matter of seconds—typically after they blink, or they look away—or they try to approach, the Treecko disappears.
The Cyndaquil knows that it’s just their imagination, but they wish it wasn’t. He wants his sibling back. He wants Whisper back. Why did Whisper have to go away?
—Two Months Later—
There was somewhere that the Cyndaquil finally decided to go back to—it had been a long time since they last went—but Rusty had made their decision the night before.
Rusty passed by everybody, not saying a single word, as he left the Guild. As he continued, he passed by a returning Bidoof—the Cyndaquil remembered him leaving to go help with something.
The Cyndaquil could vaguely hear Bidoof talking—he had to be talking to them—but still, Rusty didn’t say anything. They at least gave him a quick wave—one that was barely noticeable—before continuing on his way.
It was time to go back to the Beach.
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