#Why is Modi silent
user1286 · 2 years
Gods of Disappointment: PART 3: Wound and Beast (1/2)
A/N:  Yo shoutout to my brother dawg, he helped me "choreograph" the fighting. (He's a For Honor nerd lmao)
Summary: Mystery ensues, Modi's hungry, and he irritates Thrud a little more.
With his brows furrowed, Magni loudly dropped his ax on the ground; the loud clanging echoing through the large cave everyone was sitting in.
“There’s no feed in this area. We need to move.” Everyone’s heads quickly turned towards Magni at the entrance. He then pulled a bag from his waist, ready to say more until Sif spoke.
“What?” Sitting on a log – like the two in front of her –, Sif raised an eyebrow.
“There’s nothing out there. It’s like all the creatures disappeared.” Magni explained. He then walked to his mother, placing the bag in her hands.
“What do you mean by ‘disappeared’?” Dumbfounded, Sif took the bag and looked into it — surprise and confusion took over her face —. “Where did you find these?” She looked up at Magni as she pulled vegetables and nuts from the bag. She noticed how fresh the carrot in her hand was and thought aloud,”We’re in Fimbulwinter, these shouldn’t even be alive…”
“There was a village.” Magni remarked.
“A what!?” Sif’s voice raised, as she continued. “You know we shouldn’t be in contact with mortals, if they hear a family of gods came to Midgard, word could reach Od-”
“I didn’t tell them anything!” Magni yelled back.
The silence echoed throughout the cave as Gulltoppr’s head rose, Thrud and Modi stared in shock, and all while Sif’s face formed into anger. She proceeded to get up from her log, and while being towered over by her own seven foot son, she looked up to his face, staring through his eyes, and quietly spoke.
“I’m sorry? Would you care to explain yourself?”
Stiff as stone, and with a quiet voice, Magni answered hesitantly.
“I… didn’t say anything. They didn’t sell meat, and I could only buy vegetation from them.”
Sif silently stayed put in front of Magni, practically squeezing out an apology from him. She then told him to sit down as she also slapped Modi’s hand away from the bag. 
Loosening up, Magni sat into Gulltoppr’s waist, who was to Thrud’s right. To her left, Modi, and In front of all was Sif,  who’s back was now to the entrance of the cave.
Magni then crossed his legs, and leaned back to rest. 
Sif inhaled and exhaled to calm down, then asking Magni,
“Why didn’t they sell meat?”
Magni began to pet the large cat as he answered her question. “They said the same thing was happening to them. No animals, all gone.”
Sif started to ration out the food to Thrud, Modi and herself.
“Did you eat already?”
Without opening his mouth, he replied with an affirming grunt.
The time spent eating the small meal was satisfying for Sif and Thrud. For Modi though, he felt different.
The two women went to talk outside, while Magni and Modi were both still in the cave, resting. One still in the same position, and the other with his back on the ground, three limbs sprouted, and one hand scratched at his head.
Modi’s stomach still growled and ached for more, annoying him, causing his mind to wonder. He turned his head to Magni, and asked his question in mind.
“So there really wasn’t anything at all?” He asked, breaking the silence between the two.
“Mm.” Magni didn’t open his eyes or move as he said so.
A tinge of doubt began to take over Modi’s tone. “Nothing?”
Modi paused, and gave his brother a look of suspicion. “You sure you didn’t forget a few steps to setting those traps?”
Magni opened his eyes and slowly turned his head to Modi. “If you’re so concerned about me forgetting, why didn’t you volunteer to hunt instead?”
“Did you not watch me get launched into a tree by an oversized cat yesterday?” Gulltoppr opened his eyes and loudly snorted at Modi’s face.
Trying not to laugh, Magni replied,”I mean, if I had a maybe~ 300 pound man sitting on my ass, constantly taunting me for trying to catch my breath after hours of walking non stop,-” Without uncrossing his arms, Magni leaned towards Modi and raised his voice continuing. ”-I would be so happy to launch him into a tree too.”
Thrud and Sif, still outside the cave, looked to Magni and Modi, with their attention turned towards them.
“We’re not fighting.” The two lied simultaneously, causing Thrud and her mother to continue their conversation.
Modi sat up, aggressively whispering and even pointing to Magni. “Listen, monkeyman, if I were to get out right now, and check on those traps, I bet I’d find them looking more fucked up than you.” 
Magni didn’t even bother to whisper, but instead, sarcastically remarked loud enough for Thrud and Sif outside to hear,”you think my traps were set wrong?!” 
Modi stopped pointing, and began to panic, frantically shaking his head, he whispered, ”No! No! No! I’m sorry, just shut up, please don’t do whatever you’re gonna do!”  
Magni continued to speak loudly, his voice echoing outside the cave,”You’d like to teach Thrud how to hunt while you check on them?! That’s a wonderful idea-“ Magni aggressively smacked Modi’s back, his fur coat barely cushioning the God of Strength’s large hand,”-brother!”
Modi scrunched his face and pursed his lips. He resisted the urge to yelp in pain, and instead loudly grunted through a closed mouth. Before getting the chance to object, Thrud turned her head to Modi with an eyebrow raised and spoke.
“Now, Modi?”
Again, before a sound left his mouth, his mother spoke instead. “That sounds like a good idea.” Sif then looked to and rested her hands on Thrud’s shoulders. “You two should get going before it gets dark. Your brother used to be very good at hunting when he was young, so I’m confident he’ll teach you well.”
“Uh Mom, I already know how to hunt tho-“
Sif’s back was already to Thrud’s face again, causing the girl to groan. Modi watched Sif enter the cave again, taking a sword and mace from the side, where a few other weapons were resting. 
She continued,”our weapons aren’t best suited for hunting, but we have to utilize their functions as best as we can.” She handed Thrud her weapons, and then turned to Modi, who was still sitting, desperately trying to rub his new bruise on his back. “Well? What are you waiting for?”
Modi paused for a second, with whatever sense of pride he had, beginning to bloom again.
“You know what? Nothing!” The man rose up to his feet, then looked down to Magni, whispering again. “If I bring some kind of meat by the time I come back, you’re bringing me twice the rations you brought us today.” 
Magni looked up at Modi, and without bothering to whisper again, he replied,”And if you come back with nothing, you’re coming with me to visit the village again. I think they might be able to offer us something worth our time…”
“Sounds like fair game…” Modi was about to give his hand to Magni for a shake, but was stopped when Thrud yelled into the cave.
“Hey tubby, are you almost done?”
“Augh, I’m coming, damn!” Forgetting what he was just about to do, Modi quickly grabbed a shield from the small collection of weapons and quickly asked Magni where the traps were set — finding that some were set along a river, and others near caves —. Modi and Thrud then bid their farewells, and then jogged off into the distance.
”Also stop calling me tubby, damn!” 
Thrud could only giggle in response.
The crunching of snow beneath Modi and Thrud’s feet accompanied the chattering between the two.
“I’m not into him!”
“Just admit it already, that bartender at the tavern always looked at you with hungry eyes!” Thrud bursted laughing,”I could tell he wanted to eat you like an animal!”
Modi playfully shoved Thrud with one hand, stopping her laughing when she landed face first into the snow.
Crouching over her, Modi mocked,”yeah~ who’s laughing now, tubby?!”
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Thrud lifted her head and shoved her hand on Modi’s face, pushing him over on his butt. She then stood up and bent over him; with still a smile, and through gritted teeth, she punched him on the shoulder. “I am!” 
“Aow!” Modi rubbed his shoulder, proceeding to chuckle and run to catch up to Thrud. “You know, you’ve gotten stronger over these years. You been working out extra before we came here?” He remarked, now walking by Thrud’s side.
“Ehh, not really. I guess dad’s strength is just kicking in…”
A moment of silence passed until Thrud recalled.
“Oh, wait, I did get to build up a lot of strength from all those times I had to drag your wasted ass out of the tavern, hehe.”
Modi’s eyes widened at the statement, startled, and then quickly turned his head and asked. “That was you who took me to my room?!”
“That explains so much…” Modi began to count his fingers,”Magni’s too much of a petty bitch to be that nice, Fath- actually I don’t even know where he even is when I was at the Tavern…” More realizations hit Modi as he tried to think of anyone else who would be able to carry him home; until the new information finally finished processing. ”I… saw that coming…” He lied.
“Sure.” Thrud scoffed and chuckled.
A few moments of silence passed between the two until Modi began to wonder,
“Why though?”
“Huh?” Thrud turned her head to look at Modi.
“Why did you bother? I’m sure I woulda’ been fine…”
“Uhh, because I care?” Thrud’s brow raised as she answered.
“Ehh, I just don’t understand…”
“Understand what?”
“Well, you’re- err, you would always get all pissy when you’d pick me and Mag up from whatever noise we might be causing, so, why would you bother anyway?”
Thrud’s brows pressed together and her mouth opened, appearing almost offended by Modi’s question. Before Thrud could say anything though, she heard yelling in the distance, proceeding to get pulled down behind a boulder, as Modi whispered,
“Piss, Raiders!”
“Yeah, I could tell!” Thrud whispered back, quickly whipping out her sword, ready to fight.
With Modi on all fours, and Thrud on her knees, he pointed a few meters ahead behind some trees and rocks.
“There!” He whispered, “I think four of ‘em.”
Sitting ahead were the raiders yelling and arguing about something.
Thrud couldn’t tell about what. She wanted to get closer, but Modi motioned her no. She then settled back down trying to listen, hearing “oversized beast” being mentioned in the conversation.
A thought then interrupted Thrud’s eavesdropping, causing her to ask Modi in a hushed voice,
“I thought you guys fought raiders before?”
“Not worried about that, just you.” Modi then turned his attention to Thrud. “Didn’t you fail that Helheim mission with that Loki freak?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I got my ass kicked.” She snapped back, with increased annoyance.
“Yeah, whatever, shut up real qui-”
An arrow swept through Thrud’s hair, narrowly missing her neck.
Modi looked above the four, finding that there was an archer in a tree, informing the rest about the two. The four raiders then grabbed their weapons and quickly charged over.
Thrud noticed the archer firing again, provoking her to quickly block an attack from a raider and manhandle him in front of the arrow. Another raider thrusted towards her, but she threw the body at him. She then jumped forward, and stabbed her sword through both bodies, finishing off the second raider. 
Modi – with a malicious smile on his face – pulled out his sword and shield, and leaped towards a raider. “Dumbass!” He sliced the raider's arm off, and bashed him into a tree. He then motioned his shield towards the next raider. The raider threw an overhead attack, resulting in Modi pushing his shield into the weapon, deflecting into the stomach. He then put the shield between the raider’s legs, throwing him over his shoulder, and smashing him into the ground; The sound of bones breaking caught Thrud’s attention for a second until she quickly looked back at the archer – ready to fire again –. 
Both the Archer and Thrud turned to look at Modi bashing in the face of the raider with the butt of his sword. The archer started aiming at Modi. Right as the arrow was shot, Thrud threw her mace at the branches, dropping the archer from the tree.
The arrow shot into the back of Modi’s shoulder, causing him to shout in pain.
“Modi!” Thrud called, as she ran over to check on him.
Modi stopped pounding at the raider’s face, gripping his shoulder. With his free hand, he stopped Thrud and told her through gritted teeth, “Get that fucker first!”
Thrud was quick to listen as she immediately turned around and ran to where the archer fell. The archer was already sprinting away.
“Thrud!” Modi yelled, and threw his shield to her. She then caught the shield and chucked it at the archer’s head; his body fell to the ground.
Again, Thrud turned and ran back to Modi.
“You got him?”
“Yeah.” Thrud replied as she knelt down to look at Modi’s wound. Observing the arrow, she sighed in relief finding it wasn’t too deep in his shoulder. Preparing herself, she blew a gust of air from her breath, gripped the arrow, and asked Modi,
“You ready?”
“Wh- NO!” Modi grabbed Thrud’s wrist and shoved it away from the arrow.
“We can’t just leave it in there!” Thrud tried to grab at the arrow again but Modi backed away, groaning from the sting in his wound.
Thrud then stood up over Modi as he kept backing away further, smacking at her hands as she persisted.
“Would you stop fighting- WOAH!” Out of nowhere, Modi grabbed Thrud’s ankle and yanked her down to the ground landing on her back. He then attempted to get up and run away, failing as Thrud yanked him by the legs dropping him on his belly. Proceeding to mount his back, she finally grasped the end of the arrow, and continued. “We just need that thing out!”
Having felt Thrud’s grip on the arrow – and desperately trying to escape – Modi yelled, “NO!” and moved what he could of his body, – unintentionally – finally tearing the arrow out. 
Both froze in a deafening silence. Modi quickly bit into the shoulder of his coat, and screamed for a few seconds. Meanwhile, Thrud held and looked at the arrow, thinking to herself, huh.
When the screaming stopped, she remembered there was still a wound in need of treatment. Tossing the arrow away, she looked at Modi with his knees tucked in and his head laying in the snow. Thrud snorted, and did only what she knew for a wound. Out of a pouch on her side, she took out a roll of a bandage and knelt down to Modi’s level again.
“Come on, you big baby, we haven’t even found the traps yet.”
Without moving, Modi groaned in an attempt to tell Thrud to go away.
Sighing, Thrud lifted the furry coat off Modi’s shoulder and began to unravel the bandage.
A/N: If you want an idea on how Modi fights, look up Warlord For Honor on youtube lol. Also yes, he and Magni have new weapons bc fuck you that's why. (The justification will be delved into in the story at some point lol). ALSO I redesigned the two bc I hate their actual designs, but also because four winters is one hell of a while, they had to change designs at some point lol. I plan on posting their redesigns soon, but If you don't find them, that means I either bitched out of shyness and embarrassment, or I decided to update them a little more fjdslajfjl.
also if anyone can answer rq, uhh should I keep posting my fics into the god of war tag idk if I'm being annoying or not with my fic bc I know hardly anyone cares abt magni and modi but idk idk bc I do keep finding like character x reader fan fics n such but  ?????? idk lol
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
(Coming out of the bushes): Hello, dearest. I came with another concept for Revna, our Mighty Bear in disguise!
It’s Kratos’s time to meet Revna. Do you think that he would see Revna as a mix of Björn and Faye? Would he be the first one to get sus of Revna?
Man I really imagine that Thor and his family are trying to pretend Revna isn’t Björn but they get so protective of her when Atreus and Kratos tries to approach her xD
How would Heimdall reacts when he discovers that Revna is Björn?
Broken Truth (Looks at you): What were you doing in the bushes? You know what, never mind. Not my business. Let's see what treat I have been giving this time. (Reads the ask and smirks) Kratos meeting Revna? That should be interesting. Now, let the words weave together.
"Listen, you two; I want you both to head to Midgard and get something for me - there is a rune stone that holds incredible power and I want it for a certain reason. Go there, get it, and bring it back to me; come back home in one piece." Odin said from the other side of the table as he wrote something down in his book, Thrud and Revna on the other side listening and nodding to his words; once he was done writing, he gave them a map and told them to be on their way.
"At once, All-Father," Revna said as she walked away from the table with Thrud behind her, they were silent before they looked at the map to examine the location. Thrud placed the tip of her index finger on the large 'X' on the map.
"This is where we're going to find the Rune Stone; doesn't look like there are any villages or settlements around.
"There is one." Revna placed her finger on a patch of trees and snow, a few clicks away from the Rune Stone. "This is the Cabin that belongs to the Ghost of Sparta and Loki."
"How do you know where the cabin is just by looking at a map? You haven't been there for almost a full year." Thrud asked as she raised an eyebrow.
"I used to travel with Magni and Modi along with Baldur sometimes, I know all about the area and where the cabin was if I ever wanted to find my way home or in this case, avoid it," Revna explained.
"Aren't you smart?" A voice came behind them, and they turned to see that Heimdall was behind them, tossing an apple up in the air and catching it in his hand. "I heard that the All-Father is sending you little birds on a mission of great importance and you are going near the Cabin of the Jotunn and the Ghost of Sparta. I would have been funny if Little Bear Björn went instead of you, Raven Girl."
"Lord Heimdall, it is a pleasure to see you again." Revna said as she turned to look at him and gave him a bow, but Thrud stopped her from bowing too deep, causing her to look at Thrud.
"Don't bow to him, you're just as important as he is, Revna." Thrud said as she glared at Heimdall, who just frowned at Thrud.
"Oh, and how is that possible?" He asked with a smile.
"With your all-seeing eye, you really can't see when something is right in front of you, Heimdall Haven't you noticed that Björn hasn't been around ever since Revna appeared in Asgard?" Thrud smirked at the sight of confusion on his face. "That's because Revna is Björn but a witch turned him into a female. The All-Father is working on a way to turn him back."
"What?!" Heimdall yelled as he looked at Revna, who nodded her head, "It's been you this whole time, Little Bear? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want to bother you, Lord Heimdall." Revna said with her gaze turned to the ground.
Heimdall looked between Thrud and revna before he turned on his heel and walked away with his mind on so many things; he may have tolerated Revna but he secretly liked Björn as a nephew. Thrud looked at Revna and pulled her away to the center of the ground before Revna activated her power and teleported to Midgard in a cyclone of unkindness.
[To Midgard]
The ravens dispelled and their vision began clear - they were surrounded by the trees and their feet were embedded in the snow and before them was a large closer of a dark purple stone with a lavender hue. Revna walked over to the stone and used her sword to break the chunk of the stone with one swing, causing it to fall to the ground with a light thud. Revna knelt to the ground and gathered the stone in her arms before placing it in her satchel and looking at Thrud with a smile and a thumbs up. She rose to her feet and walked over to Thrud to teleport again when the bushes began shaking and a man walked out.
A Large Man.
With ashy grey skin that was scarred and a red making on the left side of his body. A long brown beard with no hair on his head and dark golden eyes.
"What are you two doing in my lands?" The man asked.
"Ghost of Sparta," Thrud said as she pulled out her sword and stared at Kratos who pulled out his axe ready to defend himself but Revna got in between them and held her hands out.
"No! There is no need for this." Revna looked between Kratos and Thrud before turning to face the Ghost himself. "We are not here to fight, Ghost of Sparta, we are simply here for an object. We found it and now we are going to leave."
"You are from Asgard. Do you know my son - Björn?" Kratos asked Revna who shook her head.
"I've heard of Lord Björn but he has been rather busy while I have been working for the Thunder Family." Revna said but Kratos looked t her with narrowed eyes.
"Your eyes. They look like my son's. Are you certain you haven't seen him?" Kratos asked again as he put away his Axe and Thrud put away her sword. Revna opened her mouth to speak but Thrud placed a hand on Revna's shoulder and shook her head.
"Don't. We have what we came for. Let's get out of here, Revna." Thrud said and Revna nodded. She looked at Kratos again before she called her ravens again and they disappeared in a cyclone of unkindness. Leaving Kratos there alone.
"Faye...Why does that woman look like you and I? Why does she remind me of our son that left us? I must find out more about his Revna character, she might be the key to getting my son back." Kratos wounder before he turned and walked away from the site.
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riken-leather-co · 11 months
Bapzo Propaganda | Day 26 & 27 |
Just because people were knowledgeable of what not to do, didn’t mean they always followed along with it. A psychologist could have their own mental issues, a soldier could rush into battle knowing they shouldn’t, and a teacher could put on a movie instead of teaching their students. Sometimes they were left with no choice. Other times logic warred with emotions and emotions came out on top. People could be their own biggest hypocrites. It was a part of being human and that was okay.
Baptiste, and Mercy themselves, were very much guilty of it themselves. They knew the recommended hours of sleep people should receive based on their age. They were also aware of the effects of sleep deprivation. But, as for many other doctors, work piled up and it was work that couldn’t always be put off or ignored. Or, they didn’t think so, even if others didn’t share that sentiment. Which is why Baptiste was currently running off a few more coffees than he’d recommend to anyone else.
Mercy had been dragged away by Pharah long ago. Likely, Baptiste would’ve suffered the same fate if Hanzo and Cassidy weren’t both on a mission. As it was, he was alone. The only sound in the medical wing was quiet humming of a few machines. And his increasingly occasional yawns. There was a terrible ache in his lower back as he remained bent over some papers for hours on end. His body wasn’t quite following him, lagging a few seconds behind what he wanted to do. Fruitlessly, he stopped to stretch or blink the crust out his eyes.
The words on the paper had long since started blurring together as his eyes grew heavier. His brain was just barely understanding what he was reading, his notes on the side being little more than chicken scratch. Logically he knew he should just sleep. That this was less productive than productive. But, the papers concerned something dealing with Talon and he couldn’t let that stand. And, secretly, he didn’t like the idea of returning to a cold bed. When he shut his eyes and jolted awake ten minutes later, Baptiste finally stood up.
There were three things that helped Baptiste stay awake: scented candles, caffeine, and sugar. He didn’t fancy the idea of cavities on top of sleep deprivation, so he dismissed sweets. As nice as the idea sounded. Instead, he made his way over to the coffee machine that sat in the corner of the medical - terrible, he knows. Mercy complained frequently and yet he’d seen her use it on multiple occasions. Once he got some fresh coffee brewing he searched the drawers. This wasn’t the first time he’d found himself like this. So, of course he already had some candles on hand. Though it took him longer than it should’ve to find it.
He shuffled over to the desk, yawning in his hand. The candle felt far too heavy in his hand as he clumsily sat it down on the desk. Baptiste stared at the desk silently. Something was off but what was it…He blinked, realizing the candle was far too close to the papers and made to shift it over. Too far, as it fell to the ground and he winced as the sound assaulted his ears. Picking it up, he tried to be careful setting it back down. Too late he realized he didn’t have a lighter. For ten minutes he searched before finding an almost empty box of matches.
It took him an embarrassing amount of tries to light it. His fingers were clumsy in their attempt. And, once he finally lit one he only ended up burning himself and dropped it.
“Modi!” he cursed and sucked on his fingers, glaring down at the match. Another yawn threatened to come out and he swallowed it. Baptiste bent down, picked up the match, and tossed it in the trash. Then he tried again.
“Darlin’ what’re you doin’?”
Baptiste startled, knocked the candle over again, and turned around. Cassidy was leaning in the doorway. Behind him he could see Hanzo peering around the man - both looking a bit tired and ragged. He frowned, weren’t they supposed to be coming back in the morning?
“What time is it?” he muttered. Baptiste pat himself and looked around for his phone.
“It’s 6 in the morning,” Hanzo said. He stepped into the room and sent a distasteful look around the room. Specifically at the actively brewing coffee pot and the stack of papers on the desk. “Why are you still awake?”
“Yeah, we have the excuse of a mission, what’s yours?” Cassidy asked. He walked over to the coffee pot and turned it off, before promptly dumping the coffee down the sink. Not without longingly staring after it like he regretted not grabbing a coffee for himself.
“Do we need to speak about both of your caffeine addictions?”
“Only if we talk ‘bout your tea addiction sweetheart.”
“There are multiple health benefits to drinking tea,” Baptiste pointed out without thinking about it.
“Who’s side are you on?” Cassidy questioned while turning to Baptiste with an accusing gaze.
Baptiste smiled innocently. A smile that quickly dropped when Hanzo advanced on him. The archer took his papers, shoved them in a drawer, then took the matches out of Baptiste's hands. He grabbed Baptiste’s hands and looked at the burn. Hanzo clicked his tongue then looked at him. “When did you last sleep?”
“...When did you two leave on your mission?”
“You’re worse than me, and that’s sayin’ somethin’,” Cassidy drawled. The man yawned and then scowled. “That does it, we’re all gettin’ in bed right now.”
“Not before the two of us shower,” Hanzo said, shooting a pointed look at Cassidy. Baptiste chuckled quietly. There was a bit of hesitation in him - the paper work really did have to get completed soon. But, even if he objected, the two of them wouldn’t allow him to continue working. So, when Hanzo started pulling him out the door by his hand, he let himself be led away. As long as he had company in bed, Baptiste wouldn’t object.
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dhaneshramchandani · 5 months
Why is Election Commission silent on PM Modi's communal speech? | BJP RA...
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As you all must be aware about the recent Manipur Crisis. This dispute is continuing for an indefinite period now and should be a daily major headline for our news sources. But this is not the case sadly. This is something we could even talk later. But laying emphasis on today’s topic of silence of PM Modi on a communal clash between the tribal groups in Manipur.
What’s the Case
The story dates back to a judgment by the Manipur High Court to include Meitei group in ST caste to give them enough reservations. But on April 27, some groups of Kuki-Zomi ethnicity broke out violence in Churanchandpur district, some days before the CM had to arrive. Then on May 3, Tribal Solidarity March was conducted by the All Tribals Student Union of Manipur, which also resulted in violent clashes.
From that day till today, many people have sacrificed their lives in the communal clashes. Both the communities are involved in illegal trafficking of weapons across the states which help them in defending against each other. Many heart-touching stories come out daily that how men are defending their security camps by carrying weapons in their own hands.
Legal Action
On April 28, Section 144 was imposed in violence hit regions and internet have been shut down.
Many rounds of delegatory meetings have taken place both at the center and state too. Even Home Minister and one the most prominent leaders of NDA faction, Mr. Amit Shah also visited the state for his meetings with the officials and also visited the security camps to ensure every basic facility is provided to the survivors. But there is not everything white in this case. As per reports, there has not been any significant difference from the start even when HM visited the state.
Hemanta Biswa Sharma has been one the major leaders of BJP and the face of North East, was also active in the round tables and in some of his recent interviews he claimed that violence has been controlled during this week, but this is not the true as per the on ground news sources.
Where is PM
It is a big question that where is PM, when one of the biggest ethnic clashes is being observe in his regime.
Is he busy taking world round trips?
Why not any word about the Manipur by him?
Is it because Manipur is a north eastern state and not a northern one?
These are some of the biggest questions by critics all over the country. PM was on a state visit to US recently, where also he dealt with a question of treating minority in a democracy.
To which he answered beautifully by describing India as the home to democracy and we lead our country according to our constitution and even minorities are happy and secured in our country. Many of the protesters were lined up during his visit, but were scattered like pieces of cards.
PM has not conveyed his messages for Manipur, not even a message conveying his sympathy to families where they have lost their young blood, which became a debatable concern for our media houses. It is not the fact that he has not been active on the concerns of his home country, be it Balasore train accident, UCC implementation or celebrating 9 years of completion of his government. He has been indulging in many public gathering in the past couple of months, but is Manipur only which he does not target at.
He is very quick in responding to any concern around the globe and even in India, any of the achievements or other. But it has become one of the trends of ignoring to react or keep silent on the main problems and renouncing the unnecessary topics. We saw his same response in the ongoing wrestler’s protest. Whereas he is not behind supporting the sportsperson by the personally texting or calling them after their major wins or loses to give them sympathy. I think it may be due to lack in his own governance . BJP is lacking the moral rule of democracy which is ‘ It is rule of people, by the people, for the people’.
News and Statistics
In my research across multiple media sources that the official twitter handle of Manipur BJP is not concerned about the crisis in their state as they are busy criticizing the opposition on some previous topics, which I think is not favorable in this serious atmosphere.
They are busy circulating Mr. Modi’s praising around the world.
PM Modi’s official twitter handle also deals with quite same kind of content, with a lots of videos of his international trips to both US and Egypt. As he was welcomed in the Senet and gave an outstanding speech over there, so his handle is full of clips of him addressing the parliament, which is also necessary but not more than the domestic concerns.
This was his first state visit to US, where he was bestowed with mixed reactions but only a polished image was highlighted in his handle.
More than 115 people have been killed and 40,000 displaced from their homes due to ethnic violence in Manipur that began on May 3. Many irrecoverable loses have left the families with a deep scare in their hearts.
Leaders of 10 opposition parties, including one former chief ministers and two former speakers on 17th June sought an urgent audience with PM Modi on unabated ethnic violence before he departed to US on 20th June. But he didn’t bother to have a word with them and left for US not attending them.
I am not only opposing PM for his silence, I know that he might be quite busy in his work for a couple of month. But in my knowledge, concerns of the domestic territory should be the first priority for a national level leader and if he is PM Narendra Modi, who is considered a messiah by many, this kind of act does not justifies his indefinite contributions for the national well being. We all have seen him in a current meeting discussing about the Manipur crisis but it should be made public by them to console the hearts of the critics.
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sohanbir · 1 year
Manipur-2 women were paraded nude.
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Manipur Women Naked Parade:- Various political parties including Congress, AAP and TMC have strongly condemned the incident. Along with this, question marks have also been raised on the government.
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Manipur Violence picture. Image By-www.bhaskar.com Manipur Violence Updates:- The opposition is preparing to vigorously raise the issue of the shameful incident of two women being paraded naked in Manipur in Parliament on Thursday (July 20). The opposition has raised questions about the silence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Manipur violence many times before. Now after the latest video surfaced, the entire opposition has erupted and various political parties including Congress, AAP and TMC have strongly condemned the incident. same time, questions have been raised on the government as well. for all that, the Center is also ready to discuss this matter in the Parliament. Union Minister Smriti Irani has also termed the incident completely inhuman and has spoken to Chief Minister N. Biren Singh about it. The CM has assured that he will take strict action in this matter and punish the criminals. Opposition's attack on the government:- Congress leader Rahul Gandhi launched a scathing attack on the central government, saying that the 'Indian National Development Inclusive Alliance' (India), a coalition of opposition parties, will not remain silent when the concept of India is being attacked in this northeastern state. . Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has also condemned the incident and said that women and children have to bear the maximum brunt of violence in the society. He further questioned the government that why the central government, the Prime Minister are sitting blindly on the violent incidents in Manipur? Do such pictures and cruel incidents not upset them?
Demand for the resignation of Chief Minister N. Biren Singh:-
Opposition's attack on the government, demand for the resignation of Chief Minister N. Biren Singh is also being raised. After this incident, the opposition is demanding the resignation of Chief Minister N. Biren Singh. According to sources, both the government and the party are angry with the incident with women in Manipur, meanwhile the resignation of the Chief Minister can also be sought. At the same time, CM Biren Singh has also strongly condemned the incident and assured that strict action will be taken in this matter and strict action will be taken against those who were involved in it. Earlier on May 30, due to violent incidents in Manipur, the Chief Minister had announced his resignation, but his supporters prevented him from doing so. It is being told that the latest video is of May 4. Read the full article
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typoeastnews · 1 year
Manipur: Rahul takes chopper to reach Churachandpur after being stuck for hours at Bishnupur
The Congress leader was on his way to relief camps in Kuki-dominated Churachandpur along with K C Venugopal and other leaders when his convoy was halted at Bishnupur near Imphal.
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GUWAHATI/NEW DELHI: Violence hit Manipur on Thursday and witnessed high drama as the police blocked Rahul Gandhi’s convoy citing law and order issues, triggering a political slugfest between the Congress and the BJP.
The Congress leader was on his way to relief camps in Kuki-dominated Churachandpur along with K C Venugopal and other leaders when his convoy was halted at Bishnupur near Imphal. The local administration led by the district magistrate and the Superintendent of Police prevented them from proceeding further.
Later, when a large crowd gathered around the convoy and demonstrated both for and against the Congress team’s visit, the police fired tear gas shells to disperse the mob. Following this, Gandhi returned to Imphal and took a helicopter reportedly provided by the government to reach his destination.
Churachandpur is one of the worst affected towns in the ethnic rioting which broke out in the state two months ago. After meeting inmates at the relief camps, Gandhi said: “I came to understand what has happened and to try and bring back peace.”
He had lunch with children at one of the camps. Later, Gandhi met the leaders of civil society organisations and the families of victims. Meanwhile, a major political showdown erupted following the police action with the Congress accusing the BJP of trying to stop the party leader from talking to the victims of violence and the BJP blaming Gandhi for being irresponsible and proceeding with the road trip even after the local authorities requested him to use a chopper to visit the Kuki-dominated areas.
Targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge said: “PM Modi has not bothered to break his silence on Manipur. He has left the state to fend for itself. Now, his double-engine disastrous governments are using autocratic methods to stall a compassionate outreach by Rahul Gandhi.”
Echoing Kharge, Congress leader Jairam Ramesh said: “The PM may choose to remain silent or be inactive but why stop Rahul Gandhi’s efforts to listen to all sections of the Manipuri society and provide a healing touch?” BJP national spokesperson and Manipur in-charge Sambit Patra said the local administration had asked Gandhi to use a chopper but he stubbornly refused and hit the road.
Action based on Intelligence inputs: cops Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who is on a two-day visit to ethnic strife-torn Manipur, was stuck at Bishnupur near state capital Imphal for a few hours after his convoy of cars was stopped by the police and local administration. According to police sources, there were intelligence inputs that his convoy may come under attack
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himhks91 · 1 year
Watch "Arvind Kejriwal को CBI ने दिया Summon | Sanjay Singh ने Modi को Adani के Corruption की याद दिला दी" on YouTube
When it is getting evident day by day BJP does not believe in tolerating opposition then why the opposition does not melt itself into one party.
Opposition has no pan India ideology right now,but it should emerge, with clean,honest,and dedicated alternative to BJP. It should not be opposition but one party,till than you will not be allowed to stand.
Opposition has to go in public as one party .I remember VP Singh moving from district to district and ranting slogans of Bofors which was just 64 crore scandal.This is not sufficient now,politically for number of reasons .Third front has always failed in india so loose coalition will not be viable alternative in the eyes of public.There r allegation against Mr Kejriwal's government and court of law has not given bail and it raises doubt in the mind of public in general.Congress is involved in national Herald case.Lalu yadav has already been penalised. Bsp supremo Mayawati it appears has been silenced.Mamta Banerjee too has become silent and so on.
Opposition cannot form a viable alternative till they do not project a clean alternative routed in clear viable nationalist ideology.
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buzz-london · 2 years
Silent Attack of USA on India and Modi Begins | Anti-India Forces - 11th March 2023
How, WHY, does USA assume it can dictate the national policies of other countries! How, WHY, does an ambassador think he can dictate to a democracy several times the size of USA! 
Democrats have always been anti-India and continue to be so!
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tumbirus · 2 years
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Good Evening ,Indian ,any country people , goverments,Leaders and justce systems ,many years ago ,Indian country under religious fighting making to Hindutwa name many one's and Muslim name many one's ,why? political power ,money cheating and ego and jalous , commen people's are our own job ,family and families tensions also ,but country under religious fighting name rape ,murder and encounter and fake case under other party leaders and people are jail coustudy making one's Indian Inhumans are who?befor five years Univers own and 1000of secret dears are all India level adventure to this truth.befor 2years many such International agencies help joint country under crime making ones list ready to ours. Indian country under Muslim _Hindu enmity making ones list under Hindutwa RSS group is main , Narendra Modi name RSS Criminal many years country under underground system use uggly way many kind of leaders and officers are killing to India . Narendra Modi and Maharashtra Siva Sena leader name Criminal Bal Thakray and many Hindutwa or RSS Criminals are Babar Majid crack to India ,this issues under Muslim women's rape and men and children's mixer making to RSS Criminals and Narendra Modi joint Uttar Pradesh India under ,after chief minister of Gujarth making to Narendra Modi ,Gujarth under Muslim women's rape , children's life killing and terrorist name Muslim persons life killing ideolgy non proof starting to Modi and joint one Amit Shah name Criminal joint ,many cases came arrest to Modi and Shah life to police ,but officers and life threat calling to Modi Shah non proof Gujarth ,many years Gujarth under Hindu king making to Narendra Modi,after BJP kind of leader Atal Bihari Vajpoi's are threatening to Narendra Modi and Indian prime minister making ideolgy thinking to modi.aganist one BJP leaders are life threat joint silent making to Modi and shah.after aganist one Vajpoi's are non proof medicine impact after ahead making to Modi and Shah . Before 8years are Indian prime Minster name ruling goverment is running to Modi and Shah https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDlZlCvJ7v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maqsoodyamani · 2 years
فرقہ وارانہ تشددپرمودی خاموش کیوں ؟معاشرے میں خلیج کی کوشش کامیاب نہیں ہوگی تیرہ اپوزیشن جماعتوں نے مشترکہ بیان جاری کیا،سماج میں نفرت پرمشترکہ حملہ
فرقہ وارانہ تشددپرمودی خاموش کیوں ؟معاشرے میں خلیج کی کوشش کامیاب نہیں ہوگی تیرہ اپوزیشن جماعتوں نے مشترکہ بیان جاری کیا،سماج میں نفرت پرمشترکہ حملہ
فرقہ وارانہ تشددپرمودی خاموش کیوں ؟معاشرے میں خلیج کی کوشش کامیاب نہیں ہوگی تیرہ اپوزیشن جماعتوں نے مشترکہ بیان جاری کیا،سماج میں نفرت پرمشترکہ حملہ نئی دہلی16اپریل(آئی این ایس انڈیا) ملک میں مساجد میں حجاب، ملاقات، اذان پر جاری تنازعہ کے درمیان اپوزیشن پارٹیوں نے مرکزی حکومت پر سخت حملہ کیا ہے۔ ایک مشترکہ بیان (جس میں13 اپوزیشن جماعتیں شامل ہیں) کے ذریعے حکمراں جماعت کو نشانہ بناتے ہوئے 13…
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sohanbir · 1 year
Rahul Gandhi Convoy Stopped In Manipur
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Manipur Police stopped Rahul Gandhi's convoy due to fear of violence. Now the round of allegations and counter-allegations is going on between the Congress and the BJP regarding this.
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Rahul Gandhi Stopped in Manipur:
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had arrived on Thursday (June 29) to visit violence-hit Manipur. After reaching Imphal, he was going towards Churachandpur to visit the relief camps. Meanwhile, the police stopped his convoy and he was not allowed to go ahead. The Congress alleges that the BJP government stopped Rahul on the way by deploying the police. However, BJP has also countered these allegations.
People also raised 'Go Back' slogans against him
BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra said on Thursday (June 29), "When Rahul Gandhi landed in Imphal and even before that an appeal was made to him and his office that considering the sensitivity of the situation here, you should go ahead of the helicopter." Go but he did not agree. Many organizations also raised their voice against his visit. Rahul was opposed. The stubbornness with which he came is not right. One should go to sensitive places with awareness."
Student Union also protested- Sambit Patra
Ever since the news of his (Rahul's) tour is going on in the local news channel of Manipur, it is being opposed. The Student Union in Manipur also opposed it. He had appealed that Rahul should not come in this situation. Along with this, the Civil Society Organization was also against it. Tweeted from the official handle, "Rahul Gandhi was going to meet the victims of Manipur violence. The government stopped him on the way by the police. Rahul has gone to Manipur with a message of peace. Peace, love, brotherhood to those in power." Strong hatred. But they should remember that this country will run on the path of Gandhi, this country will run on the path of love." राहुल गांधी जी मणिपुर हिंसा के पीड़ितों से मिलने जा रहे थे। BJP सरकार ने पुलिस लगाकर उन्हें रास्ते में रोक दिया। राहुल जी शांति का संदेश लेकर मणिपुर गए हैं। सत्ता में बैठे लोगों को शांति, प्रेम, भाईचारे से सख्त नफरत है। लेकिन उन्हें याद रखना चाहिए... ये देश गांधी के रास्ते पर… pic.twitter.com/KEdwCoDxvg— Congress (@INCIndia) June 29, 2023
Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh also tweeted:-
It is very unfortunate that the Modi government is preventing Rahul Gandhi from visiting relief camps and interacting with people outside Imphal. His two-day visit to Manipur is in the spirit of Bharat Jodo Yatra." The Prime Minister can choose to remain silent or passive, but why stop Rahul Gandhi's efforts to hear and provide relief to all sections of Manipuri society? Read the full article
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buzz-london · 2 years
Recently, India's most well-known film script-writer Salim Khan (Salmaan Khan's father) has said to a senior journalist in an interview: "Does anyone remember who the chief minister of Maharashtra was during the Mumbai riots which were no less deadly than the Gujarat riots of 2002?" Does anyone recall the name of the chief minister of UP during Malliana and Meerut riots or that of the Bihar CM when the Bhagalpur or Jamshedpur riots under Congress regimes took place? Do we hear names of earlier chief ministers of Gujarat under whose charge, hundreds of riots took place in post-Independence India? Does anyone remember who was in-charge of Delhi's security when the 1984 massacre of Sikhs took place in the capital of India? How come Narendra Modi has been singled out as the Devil Incarnate as if he personally carried out all the killings during the riots of 2002?" No speck of doubt about what Salim Khan has said. The criminal brigade has always been silent on Godhra Carnage that led to 2002 riots. When one says Gujarat's agriculture growth is 10-11% since whole last decade The other says 2002 Riots! When one says he made the Asia's biggest solar plant, The other says 2002 Riots! When one says Gujarat is the only state in the whole of India to provide 24*7 and 365 days electricity to almost all of its 18,000 villages, The other says 2002 Riots! When one says - World Bank's statement of 2011 said, Gujarat roads are equivalent to international standards, The other says 2002 Riots! When one says Gujarat is the first State in country to have "high speed wireless Broadband service in its all 18,000 villages, The other says 2002 Riots! When one says Forbes Magazine rated Ahmadabad as the fastest growing city in India and 3rd in the world, The other says 2002 Riots! When one says Gujarat Tourism is growing faster than ever before, The other says 2002 Riots! When one says according to central govt's Labour Bureau's report, Gujarat has the lowest unemployment rate in country, The other says 2002 Riots! When Narendra Modi is being chosen as the best current Indian leader in almost all surveys & polls again and again The other says 2002 Riots! When one says 2003-2013 are the only 10 straight years in Gujarat history which are totally riot-free, The other STILL says 2002 Riots! But when we remind them about riots which occurred during Congress and in Communist Party rule : 1947 Bengal....5,000 to 10,000 dead ...CONGRESS RULE. 1948 Maharashtra....2000 + Chitpavans DEAD..........CONGRESS RULE. 1969 Ahmedabad...512 DEAD........CONGRESS RULE. 1980 Moradabad...2,000 DEAD...CONGRESS RULE. 1983 Nellie Assam.....5,000 DEAD...CONGRESS RULE. 1984 anti-Sikh Delhi...2,733 DEAD...CONGRESS RULE 1989 Bhagalpur......1,070 DEAD......CONGRESS RULE 1990 Hyderabad......300 PLUS DEAD....CONGRESS RULE 1992 Mumbai....2000 DEAD....CONGRESS RULE they become totally deaf ..................because they have only one answer - Gujarat riots of 2002! Congress and Opposition Parties are hypocrites. The youth of India says:............ We are not interested in 2002, We are only interested in 2022 and our future. That’s why Modi has won CM post 3 times and PM post twice already!
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maqsoodyamani · 2 years
گجرات بندرگاہ پر منشیات پکڑے جانے پر مودی-شاہ خاموش کیوں؟ کانگریس
گجرات بندرگاہ پر منشیات پکڑے جانے پر مودی-شاہ خاموش کیوں؟ کانگریس
گجرات بندرگاہ پر منشیات پکڑے جانے پر مودی-شاہ خاموش کیوں؟ کانگریس   نئی دہلی، 30 اپریل (آئی این ایس انڈیا)   کانگریس نے کہا ہے کہ گجرات کی بندرگاہوں پر منشیات کی کھیپ کا روزانہ پتہ چلنا تشویش کی بات ہے اور حکومت کو منشیات کی طرف نوجوانوں کو دھکیلنے کے کاروبار کو روکنے کے لئے اقدامات کرنے چاہئیں اور اس مسئلہ پر سپریم کورٹ کو ازخود نوٹس لینا چاہیے۔کانگریس کی ترجمان سپریہ سرینیت نے ہفتہ کو یہاں…
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meetdheeraj · 4 years
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, no less, once claimed that the existence of the elephant-headed god Ganesh proves the ancient Hindus had mastered the complex science of plastic surgery.
He also mentioned how Karna, a hero from epic Mahabharata, 'was not born from his mother’s womb. This means that genetic science was present at that time. That is why Karna could be born outside his mother’s womb.'
As CM of Gujarat, he has also claimed that Hindu God Rama flew the first aeroplane and that stem cell technology was known in ancient India.
The problem isn't just that the Prime Minister, of a republic whose constitution demands scientific temper from its citizens, believes and spreads this nonsense but its scientists and intellectuals forget ordinary citizens, remain silent. No Indian scientist, so far, has objected or challenged his nonsense.
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