#Wilbur Snowtop
Hey, I noticed that Ellie, Charles, Henry, basically everyone in the og game are very pale, almost white, while Zen's skin colour matches what a human's skin colour would be, but in the first flashback of Ellie's life, she had an identical skin colour to what Zen has, and in the second one, her skin started going paler. Does this insinuate that everyone in the og game looked like an average human, but grew paler over time until eventually they become what they looked like in the og game? Cause that would make a lot of sense if that happened.
Also, Ember and the Russian Ice Guy's (I forgot his name-) relationship is so perfect! Every time they pop into my dash, I freaking squeal every time! They're sooooooo perfect for each other!!!
Nah, I think I was experimenting with giving Ellie a different skin tone in that panel, but I didn’t like the super pale more than the white, so I only did it for that one. But yeah, a good majority of the characters from the og game have pure white skin tones, while a lot of OCs have actual skin colors. This is just a stylistic thing, really. Zen was originally pure white skinned, but at some point I knew I’d have to change my art style a bit for Dr. Watch specifically. He’s one of the main characters, but he doesn’t look right with pure white skin, since he’s a POC. So I wanted to ease everyone in a bit by changing Zen, also a main character, so have a more natural skin tone. Just so everyone could get used to seeing them :) Zen also wasn’t seen too much in direct light at that point, so it wasn’t too jarring for his skin tone to suddenly warm up a bit, I don’t think.
As for Ember and Wilbur, I’m glad you like them! ^^ They’re a fun little couple. Though I don’t think Wilbur was Russian?? I think he was supposed to be British?? Idk, it’s been a while, but I’m pretty sure he was British, since he got his name from Wilbur Soot, who is British I believe—-
-Mod Mello 💎
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sleepysoup04 · 3 years
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June 22 2021
Lemon boi :00
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July 14 2021
This was based on Act 2: Rescue from @ending-the-cycle-ask with Rupert carrying sleepy Dave out from the helicopter, ignore the skeleton-lookin hands lol.
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Augest 3 2021
Took a pic of that shirt I found at the thrift store and gave it to Ember since he would wear anything with fire on it.
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kellystar321 · 3 years
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whiteboard doodles for @ending-the-cycle-ask!! an ember and wilbur comic, henry and charles, and our lovely girl ellie <3
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lionsong448 · 3 years
The Language of a Rose Pt 1?
Short fan fic of the IcyHot couple from @ending-the-cycle-ask​
Want more side character action? Head over to @ending-the-side-characters
The ward is silent, as it should be at two in the morning, but one patient is awake, thinking to himself, ‘Go on a skiing trip they said, it will be FUN they said, relieve some of that stress. Not that things ever go to plan for poor ole Wilber.’
Wilber Snowtop, low ranking member of the notorious tophat clan, lays in a hospital bed late at night. His legs… no not his legs, his stumps.. where keeping him up again. He could still feel the pain he had up on the mountain as his legs had slowly turned black.
He’d lay in the snow for hours praying for rescue. Rescue had come, but too late for his legs. The helicopter had rushed him back down the mountain and thanks to his connection to the tophats, he was taken straight to the best surgeon within range. By that time Wilbur was very much unconscious. He’d woken up in the recovery room with no memory of how he got there and minus his legs. 
‘Maybe things will look better in the morning.’ he glances over at the glowing clock on his bedside table ‘I guess it's already morning…’
Thinking back on it now Wilbur sighs, at least the clan would be paying for his prosthetics. For all the crimes they committed the clan never left their people behind.
Giving up on sleeping he grabs the remote to raise the back of the bed and flicks on his small lamp. If he can't sleep he might as well read one of the many books the nurses had insisted they leave him. He settles on a romance that looks so cheesy it might just be funny.
Hours pass unnoticed, at about five he notices the light starting to creep in round the curtains. Wilbur puts down the book and leans back, stretching. ‘I wonder when they serve breakfast in this place’ he is about to hit the call button to ask a nurse when his curtain moves. In walks the last person Wilbur thought he would see. Shocked and holding flowers is none other than Ember Soot, fellow member of the tophat clan, and well known edge lord.
“I uh… thought you'd still be asleep. The nurse said I could just drop these off.” Ember wasn’t using his normal sullen edgy tone. The fact Wilbur was awake seems to have brought out Embers true voice, or at least his very nervous voice.
“I couldn't sleep.” Wilbur sits up again, very aware of the slight blush creeping into embers cheeks. “Thank you for the flowers. They’re very nice”
Blushing even harder Ember put them down on the side table hurriedly. “I um, I hope you get better soon”
with that he’s gone, and wilbur is trying to figure out what that was all about. He looks at the flowers a bit closer, red carnations with two large red tulips.
Authors note: This is my first attempt at anything close to a fluffy feel good fic. I'm not sure if I did it right but I am thinking of doing a part two.
I had to do a little research into victorian flower language, but I think I got the meanings right.  
tag list:  @theundertalehuman @owo-whats-bliss @saltherpgnerd 
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Language of a Rose Part 4(finalie)
Best Foot Forward Rehab center
Name: Wilber Snowtop
Age: 28
Condition: partial amputation of both right and left legs at the knee. In facility for rehab and fitting of prosthesis.
Insurance: THUHC
Progress notes: Patient under care of PT while adjusting to prosthetics. Recommend discharge to at home care.
The legs aren’t even there… how can this even hurt… and isn’t walking supposed to be built in?
It had been weeks since his accident, weeks of pain meds, of worry, of loneliness…. Ok maybe not so much loneliness. Ever since Ember had come that day things had been getting better. He was always there to lend a helping hand, or arm, or back, walking was hard ok? Either way, Ember had been there every hesitant half step at a time and for that Wilber cant help but feel some kind of feeling. He was still trying to figure out what that feeling was however. “Mister Snowtop?” the voice shakes wilber from his thoughts. They had been such nice thoughts too.. “Is it that time again?” he asks the nurse at his door. Already mentaly preparing himself to get up. It was getting easier but it was by no means pain free. He stops when the nurse shakes her head. “Actually sir i wanted to let you know you are being discharged soon. We are just setting up at home care and getting all the paperwork in order” Joyce smiled as her patient’s look of dread turns to one of excitement. “I get to go home! But.. I live alone. I won’t be able to get around by myself… Shouldn’t I stay here till I can actually walk?” excitement had turned to fear very quickly. The feeling of helplessness returning after so many days of being absent in this place where help is only a button press away. Joyce could see the change in mood and swoops in with the save. “Don’t worry sir, we have that all taken care of. You don’t think we would really let you go home without some help? The clan isn’t like that.” “I guess so…” his words fail him at this point. The anxiety taking over as he grips the blanket over what’s left of his legs. He’d just have to trust the clan. For now all he could do is wait for discharge.
------ A Few days later Stepping off the shuttle ramp on his crutches, Wilber sighs as he takes in the sight of home. It wasn’t much but at least it was one story. A little two bed one bath home out in the suburbs, looks like Flyod even kept his garden in order. Though it might have been the little clouds running towards the fence bleating a welcome home. “I think ive got it from here, thank you Joyce for giving me a ride” Wilber still wasn’t sure how he was going to manage life without a staff of nurses and doctors but joyce had just said ‘someone will be there to help’. She refused to elaborate. The answer becomes clear however when his front door opens and… “Ember?? You?” he nearly drops his crutches before the pain in his legs let him know that was a bad idea. “Surprised to see me icecube?” Ember walks down the path, pushing Frosty and his girls away from the gate so wilber could get in without getting mobbed. “Go on you lot, let your dad get back in.” he spoke softly to the herd, and they listened trotting off back to their grain. “I just… I wasn’t expecting…” that the person he had grown to care about had been sent to be his nurse? That those complex feelings where rising up in his chest again? Or that now he had an inkling of what they ment. “Can we go inside?” Ember helps him up the walkway to the door. “One step at a time, I’m right here if you slip.” One step at a time. One heartbeat at a time. Ember was so close, supporting him, being right there through it all. Melting his heart one layer at a time. “Thank you Ember, for everything. I don’t think I can do this on my own.” Metal hit the sidewalk as Wilber turns to embrace his friend, his best friend. “You aren’t alone, not anymore. I'm not planning on going anywhere.” The pair head inside, Ember now supporting Wilber fully. The crutches lay on the ground by a neatly trimmed rose bush. Deep green, and with little blooms popping through into the late spring air. Something else was blooming in the little house behind it. Something that would hold the pair together for much longer than rehab would take. What it is, only the roses know. They speak in their own language, red and white among the grazing sheep.
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plutollla · 4 years
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cute contrasting boys from @ending-the-cycle-ask
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crazy-pe3p · 3 years
Hot and Cold. Different but Great Together.
For @ending-the-cycle-ask, about the Icy Hot couple! Also the name for this thing is terrible h a h a-
Wilbur Snowtop. He was standing next to Ember Soot, his supposedly angsty-looking partner and acquaintance in the Toppat Clan, who was leaning on a post of a platform that leads to another room in the back of the Toppat airship. He breathed out some air, it being ice cold, while staring blankly.
"H-Hey Wilbur..."
He recognized the voice of his firey partner, which brought him back to Earth and got him to look at Ember.
"D-Do you maybe wanna go out sometime? Uh... F-Friday maybe?" Ember asked, looking really nervous. He was obviously blushing.
Wilbur smiled, a light pink on his face.
"Sure, sounds like fun~"
"G-GREAT!-" Ember stopped and cleared his throat quickly. "I can't wait!"
The two didn't realize that there was someone watching them. That person pulled out a tablet and disabled the lights. There was some sort of light that came from both Wilbur and Ember, but not the one who caused some sabotage.
Wilbur quickly went in front of Ember and put an arm in front of him to protect him and said, "Stay behind me. Something suspicious is going on here and I don't like it."
There were quiet footsteps, but were still loud enough to be able to hear them.
"Show yourself!" He said, trying to be able to see the man of sabotage, but it was too dark, and they moved quite quickly. Then, there came the sound of a vent opening and closing.
That's when the lights went back on.
Wilbur felt something right on his back. He turned his head back as much as he could, just to see Ember clinging onto him.
"Ember! Are you okay?" Wilbur turned around to hold Ember close. He lifted Ember's head with his finger on Ember's chin so he could answer, but all Ember could do was nod.
Ember was sort of having a Gay Panic because of Wilbur, but all he could say after was, "Thank you..."
Wilbur chuckled and let go of Ember after seeing his red face.
"I think we should go inform the boss and his Right Hand Man about what just happened, because I think they were some sorta imposter or government official or something. What do you think?" Wilbur asked, and Ember said that that was a good idea. So they went, hand in hand, like a pure couple.
"Boss! Right!"
Wilbur, with Ember, was running into Reginald's ofice, with Right and Reg in there.
"Ah. The icy hot couple. What's going on?" Reginald asked, standing up from his desk.
"There was an inci- wait whAT-"
"What Ember was going to say was that there's someone on the ship that sabotaged the lights in the back of the airship. We believe that there's some kind of orgainzation or the government trying to take us down." Wilbur said, interrupting Ember and his question about what their boss had called them.
"Alright, we'll keep an eye out and inform everyone. Thank you," Reginald said.
After leaving Reginald's office, Wilbur looked at Ember.
"Now, about that date..."
K, this was just a little what if thing that I made on the spot, but I hope this ain't bad haha-
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chubbletea · 3 years
Wilbur Snowtop and Ember Soot edit!
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These two lovely bois belong to @ending-the-cycle-ask!
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sleepysoup04 · 3 years
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@ending-the-cycle-ask roleswap au Ember Soot and Wilbur Snowtop
In this au, the roles of Ember and Wilbur has been swap, having Ember with fire power and Wilbur without any.
Ember lost both of his arms elbow down while he was rock climbing on a volcano that unexpectedly starts erupting. Rocks and boulders started falling and lands in his arms. At the end he had to have his arms removed and replaced with prosthetics.
He is bum out about losing his arms, but felt confident and cooler than ever wanting to show it off, even rolling his sleeves up for other Toppat members to see.
Still, he's still a fluster mess when it comes to Wilbur.
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sleepysoup04 · 3 years
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Another whiteboard collab with Mello aka @ending-the-cycle-ask with a cute Ember and Wilbur moments
This was made in Dec 4 2020 and forgot to post it-
I say it's the right time to post it since we'll not going see them for a pretty long time...
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sleepysoup04 · 4 years
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They're basically the equivalent of Hot N Cold
This was a angst thing me and @ending-the-cycle-ask did with them in the Whiteboard 2 days ago
Gif version:
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Full comic version:
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*looks at the icyhot couple* ... *screams into pillow cause they're fucking adorable* Seriously how did you make these two so cute together!? I'm sad we'll probably barely see em again causs fucking cute (also really cool designs)
I have no clue, honestly—- 😅 Ember was originally supposed to be accompanied by a Toppat who wore his hat upside down, actually, but then I remembered we made Wilbur, and the whole hot and cold thing seemed like a better combo. They weren’t originally going to be a couple, either, just two random guards who happened to be in the background, and they probably wouldn’t have gotten any lines. But, the Discord convinced me they’d be a cute couple, and like... damn, they were right—- I’m very glad they did, and I do wish we’d get to see more of them...
...Would this be a good time to formally request Embur/IcyHot fanfiction?? A member of the Discord got the idea into my head this morning, and just... I wanna see it, so so bad. Just some cute fluffy stuff, short or long, I don’t really have a preference either way, though, I do also wanna see what you writers could do with Wilbur’s backstory, too, with him losing his legs and all. Possible hurt/comfort material, there?? Idk, I don’t really know how to write them, but I love reading fanfics, which is why I’d like to see what you guys can do with these two. Who knows, may even make your stories canon, if I get some good ones~ 😌
-Mod Mello 💎
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sleepysoup04 · 3 years
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I recently got a new art tablet and a computer for my own, for my birthday and started drawing on different programs, but honestly MSPaint is something I'm more familiar with and I drew a bunch of stuff.
I drew a bunch of ship art of Wilbur and Ember, and other related stuff from @ending-the-cycle-ask. It's also my first time posting this on the computer, so a bunch of new stuff I can try out!!
Wilbur with his lil pet lamp Frosty!!
Wilbur's morning routine
Ember the flaming homosexual
Wilbur and Ember as lil lads
Ember's lil pet lizard, that is most likely named "Inferno" or something lol
a very touch starved Zen (gosh me too mann)
and an emotional Wilbur, when he cries his tears into ice
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Language Of A Rose Part 3
Best Foot Forward Rehab center
Name: Wilber Snowtop
Age: 28 
Condition: partial amputation of both right and left legs at the knee. In facility for rehab and fitting of prosthesis.
 Insurance: THUHC 
Progress notes: Patient has been settled into a private room as per POA request.
At least the room was comfortable, Wilbur lays back against the firm yet comfortable armchair the nurses had helped him into. Looking out of the window onto the facility grounds he sighs, ‘it could be worse. At least I have a window.’ The thought is a comforting one as his eyes scan the vast rolling hills that surround the campus. His eyes pause on one spot, not sure he was seeing what he thought he was. A man dressed in a distinct flame themed suit, and a small sheep.
“Nurse!” he calls out while also pressing the call button on the remote he had been given. Nurse Joyce soon answers the call, very quickly even by her standards.
“Yes sir? What can I do for you” she asks in her normal polite business like tone. Wilbur had been surprised at first to learn that Joyce was a tophat plant but he had gotten over it quickly.
“Can you see that man out on the grounds? The one with the small sheep” He points towards the man that can't possibly be Ember as Joyce peers through the window.
“Oh yes sir, I was coming to tell you about that.” She says with a smile “You have a visitor, Mister Soot requested we help you out into the garden to meet him. Would that be alright with you?”
Wilbur is shocked into silence_ ‘Ember coming to bring me flowers is one thing, but bringing Frosty? I'm going to skin Floyd alive for this when I get out of here.'_ He answers with only a hint of the confusion in his head. “Yeah, that would be great, thanks.”
A few minutes later Wilbur rounds the corner and is met with 70 pounds of very happy, very small sheep.
“Frosty!” The smile on wilburs face could melt any heart.
It certainly seems to be doing something to Ember, who stutters out “I uh… thought he might be uh… getting lonely” He sits down at a bench nearby, dropping Frosty’s leash as the nurse leaves to give the two some privacy.
Wilbur laughs as Frosty tries to clean his best friend's ears. “I mean, he does have the Ewe’s to keep him company” he’d missed his furry friend but has a guess that it was Ember that was lonely. To be honest he was feeling lonely himself so Ember’s visit was a welcome one.
“Yeah… that's true but uh...''The flustered look on embers face, missed by wilbur at first, only increases the blush on the red top hated man. “I... um also wanted to uh just see how you were doing…”
Wilbur sits up, giving frosty’s ears a scratch while the gentle hearted ram bah’s softy. “Im settling in, my room has a nice window and a comfortable armchair. Was a little surprised by the staff here but they are nice enough”
“That’s great!” Ember’s blush gains a smile that is mirrored by the normally stoic Wilbur. “The staff seem really competent, especially with Joyce here.” Ember decides not to mention the background checks he ran on all the staff as soon as he heard where his partner was going. “Have they uh… said anything about how long you’re going to be here?”
Wilburs smile fades slightly as he answers. “They aren't sure. The Doctor said it all depends on when my proestics come in.” He signals for frosty to jump up into his lap, thus gaining a fluffy lap sheep. “And they don't know when those are coming in. Seems work is ordering custom ones.”
Face brightening Embers blush almost fades away completely “I have good news then! They uh.. Sent me with the um.. Things'' happily he gets up and walks behind a nearby bush, coming back with a bundle. One that Wilbur can't really identify till Ember sits back down and reveals two prosthetics, made out of a pair of very familiar skis.
“Are… Are these…?” Wilbur picks one of the lightweight prosthetics, in shock at seeing what looks like his own skis. ** **“I.. I thought they might be a comfort...” Ember says timidly, not sure of Wilbur’s reaction. “You know like… having something familiar nearby and uh stuff... “ he trails off. Running his hands over the familiar curves of his old skis, the metal icing up even at the light touch. “They’re perfect Ember.” A few tears fall onto the chrome surface, freezing on contact. “Thank you”
Ember’s blush returns in force “Are you sure? I mean, are these tears happy or uh did I do something wrong?” he hesitates for a moment but puts a gentle arm round Wilburs shoulders, cold be damned.
“No.. no you didnt do anything wrong” Wilbur leans into the comforting embrace without thinking much of it. Frosty fluffing up against the cold radiating off his friend. “I'm glad you had the idea” 
The cold is slow to dissipate but soon the two are comfortably resting against each other. The tears dried and the conversation started about all the things they would do once Wilbur was used to his new legs. 
Authors note: Wooooo part 3! Thank you to both new and old followers! this blog has done better than I ever thought it would. Over 100 folowers! Language of a Rose has one more part then we will likely be moveing onto some different characters for a while. 
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Language of a Rose Pt 2
Laying in his bed Wilbur Snowtop sighs, turning with some difficulty to his side to once again stare at the flowers his coworker had brought for him. It wasn’t odd to get flowers when recovering at a hospital, quite normal really, it was the giver that made him think.
‘Why Ember though? I mean we’re friends but we aren’t flower friends… right?’ Wilbur’s thoughts turned to his coworker and friend. Ember Soot was…. well he did his best to act tough but Wilbur is pretty sure Ember was just a big softy underneath. Like the kind of guy to take a spider outside rather than kill it. ‘I'm probably just overthinking it. It’s been five days and he hasn’t visited again. If he really thought there was something between us he’d have come more, right?’
Turning back over onto his back Wilbur winces, the stumps of his legs still twinged a bit as the stitches healed. Maybe he’d see if the hospital had a phone he could use, his didn’t have a signal but he had Ember's number. Just a friendly call, a thank you for the flowers, yeah that’s all it was.
Spotting the nurse he calls out “Hey!! Uh, Nurse...?”
He can’t remember her name but she comes over anyway. “Anything I can help you with sir?”
“Yeah, do you have a phone I could use?” Nervously he flattens out the sheet, wait nervously? ‘Why am I nervous? It’s just a phone call… ‘
“Of course sir! Let me go track it down” leaving and returning just as Wilbur has the number up she hands the phone over with a smile, Wilbur notices her badge, Joyce.
“Thanks, could you please close the curtains?” His heart is pounding in his chest as Nurse Joyce obliges. ‘It’s just a phone call to a coworker, just a call.’
Wilbur dials the number and waits for Ember to pick up, hopefully he would, but he’s probably very busy, I mean the clan was outfiting a rocket of course Ember would be-
“Hello?” Ember's voice was back to his more sullen edgelord ways.“how did you get this number?”
“Ember it’s me, Wilbur. I uh… just wanted to see how you were doing.” Wilburs sure Ember must be able to hear his heart pounding. ‘See how you were doing? Could I be a bit more awkward?’
Ember seems taken aback “Oh! Hey Wilbur. I’m doing just fine, working hard as always. How are you doing? You looked really tired last time I saw you.”
Wilbur hadn’t realized how bad he must have looked after being up since two. “Yeah, I must have looked like crap. I’m doing better though. Doctor said I’m a good candidate for prosthetics, especially if I keep healing like I am” ‘how am I sharing all this so easily? It’s not like I ever shared this much before… but it’s so easy to talk to him’
“That’s great to hear, I was worri-, well I asked about it when I was there the other day… the nurse said you’d have to tell me” Ember sounds a bit embarrassed to be saying this. Wilbur finds it odd, but figures it’s one more thing to worry about later.
“I’ll be fine, should be back to work before too long.” Using his best reassuring tone Wilbur hopes it cheers up his friend.
It seems to work too as embers reply is quite cheery. “I’m glad to hear Wilbur, say uh… how are the flowers doing? I can bring more by if those are wilting”
Wilbur glances back at the flowers “well the tulips are looking a little sad but that’s ok, the other flowers are fine.” ‘It’s just some flowers. Not like I need them to recover.’ “You’d have to take time off from the site wouldn’t you? Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine”
“Oh, ok. Would it be ok if I came by the next time I do get off?” Ember masks his own disappointment, wait… disappointment? Ember? ‘I must be losing it, or it’s these pain meds, I’m hearing things’ Wilbur replies with his own much better false cheer.
“That sounds like a nice idea, just call the hospital so they can let me know. I should probably go though, it’s getting close to lunch and I’ve already kept you from work long enough.” With a goodbye and a promise to call from Ember, the call is ended and the phone returned to Nurse Joyce.
Wilbur lays back in his bed and sighs. That had to have been one of the weirdest calls he’d ever made, but at the same time, it had been nice to just chat with Ember. He turns his face to the flowers again, a small part of him wishing he’d asked for roses, they’d really help with the hospital stink.
Author's note: woooo boy part two is here! I actually did it! These two have been a joy to write and I look forward to keeping up their story. I’m not sure how many parts this will end up being, I’m just letting the story flow. But I do have an end goal in mind, just not sure how long the path will be.
Also thank you SO much to Mod Mello from @ending-the-cycle-ask for drawing the icon for this blog!
tag list:  @theundertalehuman @owo-whats-bliss @saltherpgnerd  (let me know if you want to be taken off/added to the tag list)
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Finally posting the icon in its full glory! Art by our wonderful arson god, ModMello from @ending-the-cycle-ask
Thank you so much for your support of this blog and for your continued work in EtC. Keep on rocking!
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