#Willi Haag
skogskyrkogardar · 4 years
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Klockstapel Lilla klockan Vikt 230 kg Inskription: Jag ringer till avsked och jag bär bud om nytt liv och vila och glädje hos Gud. Biskop Erik Aurelius Stora klockan Vikt 350 kg Inskription: År 2006 då Erik Aurelius var biskop i Skara, Lars Åkesson kontraktsprost i Kåkind och Willy Haag kyrkoherde i Tibro blev denna klocka gjuten i Ystad av Ohlsson klockgjuteri bekostad genom medel ur fonden Sven Hammar Flottebo Klockstapeln invigd av Biskop Erik Aurelius 2006-11-03 Kyrkefalla Nya Kyrkogård ~ Skogskyrkogård i Tibro Pastorat 📷 Svenska #Skogskyrkogårdar.se #Skogskyrkogården #Kyrkefalla #Tibro #Skaraborg #Västergötland #Sweden  #Skogskyrkogård #LetsGuide #Nature #Graveyard #Cemetery  #WoodlandCemetery #ForestCemetery  🐜 #SvenskaSkogskyrkogårdar 🌿 #Graveyard_dead #igw_sepulcrum #ig_eurasia #ig_europe #ig_sweden #fotografheryerde #NordicChannel #igphotoworld #grave_gallery #r_a_d #ig_dynamic  #igglobalclubhdr #AwesomeSweden #kings_hdr #Sweden_by_us (på/i Kyrkogård Tibro) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7E0HA7jXAo/?igshid=1k77o0nlgl0sf
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johnfkennedyjunior · 5 years
Favorite Son
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It was madness, even by Bloomingdale’s standards. The customers that late-November lunchtime were possessed by an urgency that transcended mere pre-Christmas shopping lust. Suddenly, TV lights came on and cameras started snapping like piranhas as the day’s hottest item, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr., the son of America’s thirty-fifth president, stepped onto a platform. Women screamed.
“It was mass hysteria,” one store worker says. “Poor man. I don’t think he had any idea.” Kennedy looked amazed and none too happy. “Oh, dear,” he said as he joined cousins Ted Kennedy Jr. and Willie Smith, Willie’s mother, Jean Kennedy Smith, and Lauren Bacall on the store’s loge level.
Very Special Arts, a Kennedy charity, was behind this sale of boxed Christmas ornaments produced by the retarded in Third World countries. But the TV crews and the screaming women and the pushing paparazzi didn’t care about that. They didn’t care about Betty Bacall, either, or the other Kennedy cousins — all associate trustees of the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation who had funded the program. Says the Bloomingdale’s employee, “They wanted John.”
Kennedy took the microphone. “I hope you’ll all buy a few boxes,” he said. “I’m here to sell boxes, and that’s what I want to get to do.” Of course, by doing that-or, more precisely, by autographing boxes for a few minutes-he got the ornaments mentioned on seven local news shows and Entertainment Tonight. Jill Rapaport, a perky Channel 2 News reporter, even got a brief interview. “It’s really the boxes they should be coming for, not us,” Kennedy told her. Then he got boxed in himself as Rapaport asked how it felt to be one of the world’s most eligible bachelors. “C’mon,” Kennedy pleaded, eyes and hands turning upward. “1 dunno.” He glanced away from the microphone hopelessly. Finally, visibly embarrassed, he said, “It feels okay.” Cut to Rapaport happy-talking in the studio later. “Kinda cute, huh?” she said to the camera.
Although Bloomingdale’s sold almost $50,000 worth of ornaments that day, John Kennedy, 28, considered the appearance disappointing. “We didn’t want it to turn out the way it did,” says Kathy Walther, a Very Special Arts executive. “It was very obnoxious from the second he walked in. John hoped it would be more substantive.”
Unfortunately, substance isn’t ‘the first thing that comes to mind when most people think about John F. Kennedy Jr. First, of course, comes the awful, indelible memory of the little boy in a blue coat and short pants, saluting his father’s bronze coffin.
That image alternates with others not so sober: Kennedy pumped-up and shirtless as People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive.” Kennedy linked in the columns with an enviable parade-Brooke Shields, Madonna, Daryl Hannah, Molly Ringwald, Princess Stephanie of Monaco.
Those images melded at his political coming-out party, last summer’s Democratic Convention-where John F. Kennedy Jr., tabloid celebrity, was transformed into the living embodiment of a nation’s not-quite-impossible dream: that it will wake up one morning with another JFK in the White House. Uncle Ted Kennedy passed the torch himself when he had John introduce him to the delegates, and though the nephew’s speech didn’t rattle the rafters, there was a surge of emotion in the hall. This was the first time John had ever acted the part of “a Kennedy” on a national stage. And the moment suggested that he could become the ultimate postmodern politician-a blank canvas for fantasies of national destiny.
* * *
The boy in the blue coat is grown up now, and, whether he likes it or not, people still have their eyes on him. He doesn’t like it at all, and friends insist that his life is a quest for anonymity and normality. He may never find privacy (“He’s never known life any different,” says a friend), but he’s won the battle to be normal. Aggressively normal. “Disgustingly normal,” says a friend.
He is also understandably reluctant to give anything away, having already given so much. Kennedy “is trying to have an open life,” says Faith Stevelman, who met him on their second day of law school, in 1986. “He sure turned out to be completely different than I expected. The press makes him out to be a narcissistic celebrity brat, but he’s not. People want to see him that way, because of his father, because of his name, because he’s handsome, but-praise to him-he has a life that’s much more real than that. He likes being in the world.”
He doesn’t like publicity, though. “It curtails his freedom,” Stevelman says.
So, aside from lending his name to good causes, he’s done nothing to attract attention to himself. He’s given only one print interview in his life, to the New York Times, and it wasn’t particularly revealing. Not speaking to reporters “has always been a habit,” says his aunt Lee Radziwill. “We’re not going to start now.”
One former family intimate describes the Kennedy attitude as “a conspiracy of silence, mandated from above. But when they want to get the message out, they do.” John Kennedy declined to be interviewed for this story. But there’s a message his friends want to get out, so many of them cooperated, as did former coworkers and bosses and a few Kennedy-family members.
They are setting the stage for what a Kennedy Foundation executive describes as “John emerging into the public sphere.” After having worked for New York City, a nonprofit developer, the Reagan Justice Department, and apolitically connected Los Angeles law firm, the man who is perhaps the most famous presidential child of the century is about to become one of about 400 assistant district attorneys in the office of Manhattan prosecutor Robert Morgenthau.
Like a favored candidate’s spin doctors before a big debate, Kennedy’s friends are trying to lower expectations. “The most extraordinary thing about him is that he’s extraordinarily ordinary,” says one.
Public appearances to the contrary, friends seem convinced, and want to convince others, that John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. — JFK II — doesn’t really exist. “He wants to be perceived as his own man,” says Peter Allen, a friend since grade school. Says Stevelman heatedly, “He’s not John F. Kennedy Jr. He is himself. It’s `Hi, I’m John.’ ” Just John.
John doesn’t share the problems of some of the other Kennedy cousins of his generation. “Monsters,” the former family friend calls them. A friend of John’s agrees: “They might as well have the name emblazoned on their sleeves.” John does share many traits with his father, though-and people want to believe he shares even more. Just like his father, he is bound up with his immediate family. “All of our lives, there’s just been the three of us — Mommy, Caroline, and I,” John said at his sister’s wedding. Besides them, he’s got a coterie of intensely loyal friends-some of whom go back through prep school just like his father’s. At Brown University, where John earned a bachelor’s degree in history in 1983, his friends literally surrounded him, shielding him from the 14,500 spectators during their mile-long graduation processional. John’s also got his father’s charisma. “Even if he wasn’t John Kennedy,” says his cousin Cecil Auchincloss, “people would notice him at a party. Even as a kid.” Though he seems to disdain Kennedy competitiveness (when he was a child, the cousins called him “Mama’s Boy”), John shares his father’s love of athletics. An active outdoorsman, he skis; rafts, snorkels, hikes, and goes camping. “He’s an overenergetic, can’t-sit-still type,” a friend reports.
Also like his father (and like his mother’s father, Black Jack Bouvier, who had an affair on his honeymoon), John’s got serious sex appeal. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” says a young woman who knows him. “Girls come and go.”
In fact, only with women does John act as if he wanted to be noticed. “It’s no wonder rumors start,” says one woman he’s flirted with. Adds another who encountered him on the street, “He was begging for attention.”
He doesn’t always have to beg. Madonna, this generation’s self-styled Marilyn Monroe, set her cap for John. “He and Madonna were good friends,” says a fast-crowd friend of the Kennedy cousins. “She was obviously the aggressor.”
Friends of John’s also believe that their contacts were all initiated by Madonna. “I think they met when [John's cousin] Bobby Shriver made his Special Olympics album,” says one pal. “Then Madonna invited John to her concert at Madison Square Garden. She also works out with the same trainer. I don’t think that’s chance.” Though some insist that John has had “dates” with Madonna between rounds in her marital bout with Sean Penn, a close friend of the singer’s sighed when I asked her if the duo’s rumored relationship was real. “If only,” she said.
Many of John’s supposed assignations turn out to be fictions. Another Kennedy “date,” identified in some papers as Molly Ringwald, was actually John’s steady girlfriend of four years, actress Christina Haag. “A good thing,” a friend jokes. “Christina would have believed it.”
Haag, the daughter of a retired businessman, grew up in Manhattan. She is not the blue blood she’s sometimes made out to be; she’s an actress struggling to make ends meet. A graduate of Juilliard, she has played Ophelia at Center Stage in Baltimore, acted in A Matter of Degrees, an independent film about college students, and played the public-relations woman for a hospital in The Littlest Victim, an upcoming TV movie about a doctor who treats children with AIDS. Between jobs, she has checked coats at Elio’s and worked as an assistant to Seventh Avenue designer Christine Thomson.
Luckily, both John and Christina know Daryl Hannah and knew it wasn’t true when, late last year, Suzy said he’d proposed to the star. Says a Kennedy friend, “They’ve all known each other for years.” A gossip item once appeared saying that Hannah, the daughter of a Chicago real-estate magnate, had followed college-age John down a beach on St. Martin. “They were twelve at the time,” says the friend, “and I bet he followed her. If she’d been following him, he would have stopped.”
Then there are the models. Kennedy has met some through Richard Wiese, a Phi Psi fraternity brother at Brown who is now a Ford model. Audra Avizienis, a Click face, told People she had dated John. Now she claims the magazine misquoted her. People’s reporter denies it. So has she gone out with him? “That’s beside the point,” Avizienis snaps.
An older friend of the family considers this all par for the course. “Kennedys love beautiful people, winners,” she says. “They like movie stars, like everyone else. But everybody else isn’t moving in those circles all the time. Kennedy men are intensely, highly sexed. There’s a lot of activity. But the women they marry are solid gold. They need both and they get it. Why not have the cream of the crop?”
There are two other traits Kennedy shares with his father: wit and a penchant for pranks. While working for the city after he graduated from Brown, he kidnapped a secretary’s beloved teddy bears, sent her a ransom note (“We have the bears”), and then executed them in a mock mass hanging. He also sent a stripper to meet with a co-worker who was interviewing prospective secretaries. “I thought she was a good candidate,” the co-worker says. “More articulate than most.”
* * *
Carried to extremes, pranks can reflect an underlying carelessness. But “there’s an incredible amount expected of John,” a friend points out. “He has to sacrifice what a lot of us would consider routine.”
John has had several minor run-ins with the law. Last year, he paid $2,300 in parking tickets. “I later learned the reason [he paid them],” says J. Bertram Shair, the administrative judge who heard Kennedy’s case. “He has to clear himself of all judgments in order to qualify for the D.A.’s office. I don’t think he enjoyed writing the check. He said in view of all the tickets, perhaps he ought to get free parking in the future.” Shair gave him “a gratuitous little lecture. I told him he’s going places. He should take care how he’s perceived.”
The blackest mark on Kennedy’s record is one that will be understood by anyone with a passing knowledge of the habits of 24-year-old men. Between 1984 and 1986, he and a friend sublet a co-op apartment on West 86th Street. According to someone close to the deal, Kennedy was often late with his rent checks and could never remember his keys. “He rang everyone’s buzzer,” the source says. “He drove the super crazy. He had a water bed, which was against the rules. The board was within inches of evicting them.”
Finally, their sublease ran out and the owner returned. “It looked like a herd of yaks had lived there,” the source says. “Somebody had clearly put their fist through the wall. The carpet looked like they’d had cookouts on it. Every surface had to be sanded, spackled, and patched.”
The current president of the building’s co-op board is forgiving, though. “People tend to be tougher on personalities than on the rest of us,” he says.
An older and presumably wiser Kennedy now lives alone in a two-bedroom apartment in the West Nineties. He keeps his keys tied to his belt. Though his new apartment has been “nicely done” with his mother’s decorating help, a friend says it is often “kind of messy.” Christina Haag lives nearby. Kennedy often has breakfast at a health-food restaurant on Columbus Avenue. Then he bicycles 90 or so blocks south to the Village, where he spends his days completing his third and final year at the New York University School of Law. He also works in Brooklyn Family Court, where, as a member of NYU’s Juvenile Rights Clinic, he defends minors accused of felonies.
Late last year, after a series of interviews, he got the $29,000-a-year A.D.A. job, which friends say he coveted. Morgenthau’s office will not confirm Kennedy’s appointment, but friends say he will start work in August.
John and his sister seem to be remarkably solid young people, given the circumstances of their lives, and everyone directs the credit to their mother, Jacqueline Onassis. Under unbearable scrutiny, she raised them amazingly well.
John was known at the three private schools he attended as bright but more rebellious and troubled than Caroline. His most embarrassing teenage moment involved drinking. He and Caroline celebrated their birthdays (his eighteenth, her twenty-first) with a bash at Le Club, arranged by their mother. At five in the morning, as the party broke up, Kennedy and his school friends fought with a National Enquirer photographer. “I opened the door and John was lying in the gutter,” says Patrick Shields, the club’s director, who dusted Kennedy off and deposited him in a taxi. “Jackie’s comment to me the next morning was `I’m walking on a cloud.’ ” Adds Shields, “I don’t think she’d seen the paper yet.”
* * *
John Kennedy has been a public curiosity since he was conceived. He gave out a “lusty cry” at birth, according to the obstetrician who delivered him by cesarean section on November 25, 1960. Seventeen days before, his father had been elected president. As the first White House baby since 1893, John Jr. made front pages around the world. After his christening, his 31-year-old mother imposed a press blackout. The publicity-conscious president fought it with mixed success by sneaking photographers and the kids into the Oval Office when Jackie was out of town, but still, no photos of John were released for a year.
Tidbits about him did leak out, though. In May 1963, he sucked his thumb while meeting astronaut Gordon Cooper but took it out long enough to say “Cooper, Cooper.” And in November 1963, at a Veterans Day program at Arlington National Cemetery, John-John, as he was called, upstaged the troops by performing acrobatics while dangling from the hands of his father and an aide. A few weeks later, the president boarded a helicopter at the White House for a flight to Andrews Air Force Base and then to Dallas. It was the last time he saw the young son Jackie said was “his real kin spirit.”
As a child, John would talk about his father proudly. “He was fascinated,” says a family friend, “and he enjoyed hearing how people responded to that little boy.”
Friends say that now, though John rarely brings up his father, he is gracious when others do. Nevertheless, awkward moments do occur. “One time he was hanging out in somebody’s room,” recalls a fraternity brother, “and they were playing the Stones’ `Sympathy for the Devil’ ” (which contains the lyric “I shouted out, `Who killed the Kennedys?’ / When after all / it was you and me”). “Everyone realized, `Uh-oh.’ But at some point, he’d just walked out and then he walked back in again. He just avoided the situation.”
Friends are careful with him. “It’s never come up and I wouldn’t bring it up,” says Stevelman. “It can’t be an easy thing. During the week of the [twenty-fifth] anniversary [of JFK's assassination], I was worried for him. Who wants to be exposed to that? But he’s incredibly together about it. I’m sure it moves him. How could it not? But he’s integrating it into a sane life.”
“I think he’s very proud of what his father did,” adds another,
Aristotle Onassis died in Paris on March 15, 1975. Jackie’s $26-million settlement with his estate, negotiated with Christina Onassis, added to established Kennedy trust funds and left the children without financial worries.
During the mid-seventies, John was listed in the Social Register, regularly saw a psychiatrist, and changed schools again, transferring to Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. After being held back a year, he finally graduated in 1979. “He certainly wasn’t at the top of his class,” says a longtime friend.
John also. spent some time at Xenon, the club owned by Howard Stein, who calls himself a “disco uncle” to the Kennedy cousins. They were treated like kings by Stein’s partner, Peppo Vanini, who considered them “the closest thing to royals in America,” Stein says, “and made overtures to induce them into our world.”
Robert Kennedy’s children became Xenon regulars, but “John-John was special,” Stein says. “He was less a disco baby. He was shier, ingenuous. He didn’t leverage his name off the way kids of the famous do in my world. He had star quality. So every time he was there, he got his picture in the papers. It took a scandal for the other Kennedy kids to be photographed.”
* * *
In the next half-dozen years, John would be photographed often in discos with a steady girlfriend, Sally Munro, who was in the class ahead of his at Brown. Kennedy, ever the prankster, identified her to photographers as “Lisa, my fiance.”
Nightlife wasn’t the only temptation. Girls slept outside the door of his dorm room when he was a freshman. He later moved into the Phi Psi house and then into a house off campus that he shared with several students, including Christina Haag. Kennedy was also attracted to the stage, appearing in campus productions of Volpone, Short Eyes, and In the Boom Boom Room. Producer Robert Stigwood even offered John a part in a film, as his father. He was interested. His mother, reportedly, was upset.
The professional offers kept coming after he left Brown “bad things, because of who he was,” says Peter Allen. “He thought it would be fun, but he didn’t want to trade on his name.”
Show business remained alluring, though, and in the summer of 1985, Kennedy finally appeared on a Manhattan stage, starring in six invitation-only performances of Winners at the 75seat Irish Arts Center. The show was a workshop mounted by friends from the drama set at Brown. Christina Haag was a costar.
Kennedy and Haag played star-crossed lovers in Northern Ireland. Leaving the theater one night, John told a reporter, “This is not a professional acting debut. It’s just a hobby.” And reports vary on his talent. A Brown critic once took exception to his “prep-school voice.”
Sometime after the short run of Winners, John’s relationship with Sally Munro ended amicably and Christina Haag stepped into the role of girlfriend. “John had had a secret crush on her since he was five,” says a friend. “Actually, I don’t think it was secret. He asked her out every week and she said no every time.”
Friends say Haag is whimsical, stylish, and quite serious about her career-and that her relationship with John has not always helped it. She never trades on him, they say. Indeed, she avoids publicity that might help her. “They make her sound like a hanger-on,” a friend says. “The fact is, her boyfriend takes away from her craft.”
Friends admit that John and Christina have had some rough sledding. For a while after college, John “was playing around a lot,” says a former co-worker. “He got along well with girls. He enjoyed it, like anyone would.” But now, according to friends of Christina’s, the relationship is strong. Haag even refers to herself as his “law widow.”
* * *
Until now, no one has asked much of John Kennedy. But quietly, off the gossip pages, he has built an impressive resume for a young man just starting his career. The summer before he went off to college, he attended National Outdoor Leadership School with students from the United States and Africa, studying mountaineering and environmental issues at 17,000 feet on Mount Kenya. The next summer, he met government and student leaders in Zimbabwe, and worked briefly for a mining company in Johannesburg. Maurice Tempelsman — Jackie’s diamond merchant companion-probably had a hand in planning the trip.
After his sophomore year, he worked for Ted Van Dyk at the Center for Democratic Policy, a Washington-based liberal think tank. Again, Tempelsman suggested that John apply for the student internship. Living with the Shrivers, Kennedy immersed himself in political organizing, advance work, research, and working the room on a fund-raising trip to Hollywood. That summer, he saw for the first time the power he had. “He began to realize he was a celebrity,” says Van Dyk. “He had his first contact with clutchers and grabbers. He handled it.” John even talked back to Norman Lear, who, says Van Dyk, “went on about what close friends he was with the president,” then said he was saving his money for his own lobbying group, People for the American Way. “You’d be better served giving the money to us,” Kennedy said.
John was “genuinely undecided” about his future, and Van Dyk was sympathetic. “You get a churning stomach thinking about all those Kennedy kids in politics,” he says. “You’re pleased to see them respond as several have, yet relieved when any of them decides to do something else. An expectation hangs over them. I don’t think John feels compelled.” Still, back at Brown, John worked for the University Conference for Democratic Policy, which sponsored disarmament forums on northeastern college campuses.
The summer after his junior year, Kennedy and his cousin Tim Shriver tutored underprivileged children in English as part of a University of Connecticut program. Finally, after he graduated, he stopped for some fun, signing on as first mate on the Vast Explorer, searching for the pirate treasure ship Whidah in the waters off Cape Cod.
Following the 1984 Democratic Convention in San Francisco, where he helped Van Dyk raise more money, Kennedy came home and took a job with the city. In his $20,000-a-year position in the Office of Business Development, he worked to attract and keep business in New York. “His references were extraordinary,” says his boss, Larry Kieves. “He worked in the same crummy cubbyhole as everybody else. I heaped on the work and was always pleased.”
John “wasn’t overly sophisticated,” a co-worker adds. “He was one of the few young people there who acted his age.” She fondly recalls how he would change from his bicycle clothes into a suit in the office, but often leave his shirttails hanging out. (Though he still sometimes dresses that way, he was named to the International Best Dressed List this year.)
In 1986, Kennedy switched jobs, moving to the 42nd Street Development Corporation as acting deputy executive director, conducting negotiations with developers and city agencies. Jackie was on the nonprofit company’s board. “John was an intelligent bargain,” says Fred Papert, the corporation’s president. “Salary was not of grave concern to him. He knew his way around the city. He’s unpredictable in a good way. He was both orderly and passionate-a rare combination.”
Kennedy entered law school that fall. The following summer, he worked for William Bradford Reynolds, the Reagan Justice Department’s civil-rights chief, making $358 a week as one of seven interns. Last summer, his salary improved when he became a $1,100-a-week summer associate at Manatt, Phelps, Rothenberg & Phillips, a Los Angeles law firm with strong connections to the Democrats, and worked for his uncle Ted’s lawschool roommate, Charlie Manatt.
* * *
At last summer’s Democratic Convention, major speakers chose the people who would introduce them. Ted Kennedy asked, and John was delighted. So was a party that was “trying to reach out to the younger boomer crowd,” according to a Democratic National Committee official. Backstage, John “was nervous as hell,” reports an observer. He needn’t have worried. “Stars are born at conventions,” the official says. “He certainly came out as a Democrat everyone will be watching for a long time.”
Does John want that? Friends and former employers say that he seems committed to some kind of public service. “He has a great way with people,” says Andrew Cuomo. “He’s as comfortable with homeless kids in a playground as he is at the Democratic Convention, and that’s truly a gift.” In between law classes, he works with Cuomo’s HELP program, the Fresh Air Fund, the Kennedy Library, and the Kennedy Foundation’s associate trustees. The foundation is behind his latest project: working with the City University of New York on a plan to assist the mentally handicapped. “He’s not doing it to get recognition,” says Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, who is working with John. “He’s a real mensch.”
His enthusiasm falters, it seems, only in academia. One of his NYU professors judged him “unremarkable. Given the opportunities offered someone so blessed, one would have wanted him to give more evidence of ambition, drive, and vision. But maybe my course didn’t inspire him.”
Kennedy has apparently found something to inspire him in criminal law. And it isn’t really surprising that a man whose father and uncle were both murdered should choose to become a prosecutor. The A.D.A.’s job is “tough work,” says his law school friend Stevelman. “It takes someone who really wants to get down and deal with real people’s needs. I don’t think John likes things easy or false.”
“His interest in criminal law is marketable and useful,” adds a fellow law student. “He’s not doing it for money reasons. He’s very curious. He’s interested and open. He’s much more comfortable with black people, for instance, than your average kid of his world.”
Before John ever appeared at the Brooklyn Family Court as a student lawyer, Joseph A. Esquirol Jr., the supervising judge, worried that the court would come to a stop. He recalls thinking that “every woman will leave her desk to come see him. “I couldn’t have that,” Esquirol says, so he called his court staff together. “Don’t make it any worse for him,” he told them. “Try not to drool till he’s gone. I want to give the young man a chance to grow in his profession. He has a right to that.”
* * *
Drooling stenographers aren’t the only obstacle Kennedy faces. “How would you feel, if you were a thirteen-year-old arrested for a chain-snatch, if the son of a president was your lawyer?” asks Esquirol, who has presided over three designated-felony cases in which Kennedy appeared. Says a fellow law student, “[Who he is] comes up all the time. John presses it away and goes on.”
NYU officials and teachers will not discuss Kennedy’s grades, but Esquirol gives him high marks. “I don’t know that he’s the best or the worst,” the judge says. “I don’t envy him one minute. I think he can cut it if he’s allowed to practice without pressure. He’s got the innate common sense, ability, anti presence. He knew what he was doing and why he was doing it.” Esquirol pauses. “If I was a father, I wouldn’t be disappointed to have him as a son.”
John’s work with the underprivileged and disabled, his experience bridging the public and private sectors, his inquisitive mind, sense of obligation, and determination to avoid the obvious, a quick run for elective office, reveal a commendable sense of purpose. “He makes good decisions, not facile ones,” says Stevelman. “He makes a point not to make broad decisions about life.” It’s not that he won’t want our votes eventually. He just doesn’t want them now, when all he would be is JFK II. But John F. Kennedy Jr. will always be America’s son, and that’s a hurdle he’ll face for the rest of his life. “I honestly think,” says one friend, “in 100 years, they’ll say that whatever he did, he succeeded not because he was John F. Kennedy Jr. but in spite of it.”.
By Michael Gross Originally published in the March 20, 1989 issue of New York Magazine
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sirisastensomeren · 4 years
Jordy Carerro in SIRIS-VerzoekExpress
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Zanger Jordy Carerro uit Den Haag is op maandag 23 november te gast in het SIRIS-radioprogramma VerzoekExpress van Piet en Willy Berkers.
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mazdak31 · 6 years
Shared route From Amsterdam to Brussels via A1 and A27. 1 d 1 hr (2333 km) 1 d 2 hr in current traffic 1. Head west on Sint Agnietenstraat towards Oudezijds Voorburgwal 2. Turn right onto Oudezijds Voorburgwal 3. Turn right onto Bet van Beerenbrug/Korte Niezel 4. Turn left onto Geldersekade 5. Turn right onto De Ruijterkade/s100 6. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto s114 7. Use the right 2 lanes to take the A10 slip road to Ring/s113/Amersfoort/Utrecht 8. Merge onto A10 9. At the Watergraafsmeer junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A1/E231 towards Almere/Amersfoort 10. Keep left to continue on A1 11. Take the A1/E231 exit towards Hengelo/Zwolle/Amersfoort 12. Keep left to continue towards A1/E231 13. At the Hilversum-Knooppunt Eemnes junction, Use the right lane to follow signs for A27 towards Hilversum/Utrecht 14. Keep left, follow signs for Hilversum/A27/Utrecht 15. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A27/Hilversum/Utrecht 16. Take exit 30 towards Centrum/De Bilt 17. Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Biltse Rading (signs for Centrum/Veemarkt) 18. At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto Sartreweg 19. Exit the roundabout onto Sartreweg 20. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit 21. Exit the roundabout 22. At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto Maliebaan 23. Turn left onto Herenbrug 24. Sharp right onto Hieronymusplantsoen 25. Turn right onto Kromme Nieuwegracht 26. Turn left onto Korte Jansstraat 27. Arrive at location: Utrecht 28. Head north on Domstraat towards Oudkerkhof 29. Turn left onto Maliebaan 30. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Museumlaan 31. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Waterlinieweg 32. Turn left onto A28 33. Take the E30 exit towards A27/Ring Utrecht (zuid)/Arnhem/Den Haag/Breda 34. At the Knooppunt Lunetten junction, Use the 2nd from the right lane to follow signs for E35/A12 35. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Arnhem/A12/E35 36. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for E35/Arnhem/A12 37. Keep left at the fork to continue on A12 38. Continue onto A3 39. Take the A2 exit towards A3/Hannover/Dortmund/Köln/Düsseldorf/Duisburg 40. At the 16-Kreuz Breitscheid junction, Use the right lane to follow signs for A52 towards Düsseldorf 41. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Düsseldorf/A52 42. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A52/Düsseldorf 43. Take the exit towards D'dorf/Flughafen 44. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A44/Mönchengladbach/Flughafen Düsseldorf 45. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A44/Mönchengladbach/Flughafen Düsseldorf 46. Take exit 30-Düsseldorf-Stockum towards Düsseldorf/D-Zentrum/D-Kaiserswerth/Duisburg/B8/D-Stockum 47. Use the 2nd from the left lane to turn left towards Danziger Str./B8 48. Use the right 2 lanes to take the slip road to D-Zentrum 49. Merge onto Danziger Str./B8 50. Keep left to continue on Danziger Str./Kennedydamm 51. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Fritz-Roeber-Straße 52. Turn right onto Ratinger Str. 53. Arrive at location: Düsseldorf 54. Head south on Liefergasse towards Josef-Wimmer-Gasse 55. Turn left onto Mühlenstraße 56. Turn left onto Heinrich-Heine-Allee 57. Slight right onto Oederallee 58. Turn right onto Joseph-Beuys-Ufer/B1 59. Use the right 2 lanes to turn slightly right onto Cecilienallee/Homberger Str./B1 60. Keep left to continue on Kennedydamm 61. Merge onto Danziger Str./B8 62. At the 9-Kreuz Duisburg junction, Use the right lane to follow signs for A40 towards Essen 63. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A40/Essen 64. At the 14-Kreuz Kaiserberg junction, Use the 2nd from the right lane to follow signs for A3 towards Hannover/Arnheim 65. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A3/Arnheim/Hannover 66. Keep left to continue on A2 67. Take exit 5-Essen/Gladbeck for B224 towards Gladbeck/Marl 68. Keep left, follow signs for B224/Gladbeck/Marl 69. Keep right, follow signs for B224/Marl/Gladbeck 70. Keep left to continue on A52, follow signs for Gelsenkirchen-Scholven/B224/Marl Dorsten 71. Take the A43 exit towards Münster 72. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A43/Münster 73. At the 2-Kreuz Münster-Süd junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A1 towards Bremen/Münster-Nord/Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück 74. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A1/Bremen/Münster-Nord/Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück 75. Keep left to stay on A1 76. Keep left at the fork to continue on A255, follow signs for HH-Centrum/HH-Veddel/HH-Georgswerder 77. Continue onto Veddeler Brückenstraße/B4/B75 78. Slight left onto B4 79. Slight right onto Amsinckstraße 80. Use any lane to turn right onto Klosterwall 81. Slight left onto Klosterwall/Ring 1 82. Turn left onto Ballindamm 83. Turn left to stay on Ballindamm 84. Turn right onto Hermannstraße 85. Turn right onto Rathausmarkt 86. Arrive at location: Hamburg 87. Head north-east on Plan towards Bergstraße 88. Turn right onto Bergstraße 89. Turn left onto Willy-Brandt-Straße/B4 90. Use the 2nd from the left lane to stay on Willy-Brandt-Straße/B4 91. Keep right to continue on Nordkanalbrücke 92. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Anckelmannspl./B75 93. Turn right onto Bürgerweide (signs for Horn) 94. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto A24 heading to Berlin/Schwerin/Lübeck/Bremen 95. Exit the roundabout onto A24 heading to Berlin/Schwerin/Lübeck/Bremen 96. Keep right to stay on A24 97. At the 20-Dreieck Wittstock/Dosse junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A24 towards Berlin/Potsdam 98. Keep left to continue on E26 99. At the 35-Dreieck Pankow junction, Use the right lane to follow signs for A114 towards Berlin-Zentrum/Berlin-Pankow 100. Continue onto B109 101. Arrive at location: Berlin 102. Head north on Spandauer Str. towards Spandauer Str. 103. Make a U-turn at Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 104. Turn right onto Molkenmarkt/Mühlendamm/B1 105. Continue straight onto Spittelmarkt/B1 106. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Axel-Springer-Straße 107. Turn right onto Blücherstraße 108. Turn left onto Mehringdamm/B96 109. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto the A100 slip road to Dresden/Neukölln/Flughafen Schönefeld 110. Merge onto A 100 111. Keep left to continue on A113 112. At the 10-Dreieck Spreewald junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A13 towards Chemnitz/Dresden 113. Keep right to stay on A13 114. Merge onto A4 115. Take exit 81a-Dresden-Hellerau for B170 towards Dresden-Hellerau/Dresden-Zentrum 116. Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Radeburger Str./B170 117. Use any lane to turn left onto Große Meißner Str./B170 118. Turn right onto Carolapl./B170 119. Turn right onto Wilsdruffer Str. 120. Arrive at location: Dresden 121. Head west on Wilsdruffer Str. towards Postpl. 122. Turn right onto Hertha-Lindner-Straße 123. Turn left onto Schweriner Str. 124. Use the right 2 lanes to merge onto Hamburger Str./B6 125. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left 126. Use any lane to take the A4 slip road to Chemnitz/Leipzig 127. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A4/Chemnitz/Leipzig/Prag/Praha 128. Merge onto A4 129. Keep left at the fork to stay on A4 130. Keep left to stay on A4 131. Use the left 2 lanes to take the A7 exit 132. Keep left to stay on E40, follow signs for A7/Frankfurt/Fulda/Gießen/Würzburg 133. Merge onto A7/E40 134. Keep left at the fork to continue on A5, follow signs for Basel/Frankfurt/Wiesbaden/Gießen 135. Keep left at the fork to stay on A5 136. At the 17-Bad Homburger Kreuz junction, Use the 2nd from the right lane to follow signs for A661 towards Offenbach 137. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A661/Offenbach 138. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A661/Offenbach 139. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A661/Würzburg/Offenbach/Frankfurt-Ost/F-Nieder-Eschbach 140. Use the right lane to take exit 9-Frankfurt-Friedberger Landstraße for B3/B521 towards Frankfurt/Frankfurt-Bergen-Enkheim/Frankfurt-Seckbach/Stadtmitte 141. Keep right at the fork to continue towards Friedberger Landstraße/B3/B521 142. Merge onto Friedberger Landstraße/B3/B521 143. Continue straight to stay on Friedberger Landstraße/B3 144. Turn right onto Battonnstraße 145. Turn left onto Domstraße 146. Turn right onto Braubachstraße 147. Arrive at location: Frankfurt 148. Head west on Braubachstraße towards Römerberg 149. Turn right onto Kornmarkt 150. Turn left towards Berliner Str./Theatertunnel 151. Slight left onto Berliner Str./Theatertunnel 152. Continue straight to stay on Gutleutstraße 153. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Baseler Str./B44 154. Turn right onto Theodor-Stern-Kai 155. Use the left 2 lanes to turn slightly left towards A5 156. Use any lane to take the A5 slip road to Frankf. Kreuz/Basel/Flughafen 157. Merge onto A5 158. Keep left to continue on A67, follow signs for Stuttgart/Mannheim/Saarbrücken 159. Merge onto A6 160. Keep left to stay on A6 161. At the 31-Kreuz Walldorf junction, Use the right lane to follow signs for A5 towards Basel/Karlsruhe 162. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A5/Basel/Karlsruhe 163. At the 46-Dreieck Karlsruhe junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A8 towards München/Stuttgart/Pforzheim 164. At the 49-Dreieck Leonberg junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A81 towards Würzburg/Heilbronn/S-Feuerbach/Leonberg-Ost 165. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Leonberg-Ost 166. Use the right lane to keep right at the fork and follow signs for Leonberg 167. Keep right to continue on Exits 50-Leonberg-Ost 168. Turn right onto L1187 169. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Magstadter Str. 170. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto B14 heading to S-Zentrum 171. Exit the roundabout onto B14 heading to S-Zentrum 172. Continue straight onto Hauptstätter Str./B14 173. Keep left to stay on B14 174. Arrive at location: Stuttgart 175. Head north-east on Charlottenpl./B14 towards Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 176. Continue straight onto Konrad-Adenauer-Straße/B14 177. Use the 2nd from the right lane to turn slightly right onto Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 178. Make a U-turn 179. Keep left to continue on Charlottenpl./B14 180. Keep left to continue on B14 181. Keep right to stay on B14 182. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Magstadter Str. 183. Exit the roundabout onto Magstadter Str. 184. At the roundabout, continue straight onto Mahdentalstraße 185. Turn left onto the A8 ramp to Karlsruhe 186. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A8/Basel/Karlsruhe/Leonberg-West 187. At the 41-Dreieck junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A5 towards Frankfurt/Mannheim/Landau (Pfalz)/Karlsruhe 188. Take exit 45-Karlsruhe-Mitte towards Landau (Pfalz)/Karlsruhe 189. Keep left, follow signs for KA-Mitte/Karlsruhe/Landau (Pfalz) 190. Take exit 15-Landau-Nord for B10 towards Landau-Nord/Pirmasens/Annweiler 191. Take the A62 exit towards Trier/Kaiserslautern/Landstuhl/A6 192. Merge onto A1/E422 193. At the 130-Dreieck Moseltal junction, Use the right lane to follow signs for A602 towards Luxembourg/Trier 194. Keep left, follow signs for A602/Luxembourg/Trier 195. Continue onto B49 196. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Südallee 197. Turn left to stay on Südallee 198. Arrive at location: Trier 199. Head north on Südallee towards Kaiserstraße 200. Turn left onto Kaiserstraße 201. Turn right onto St.-Barbara-Ufer/B49 202. Turn left onto Kaiser-Wilhelm-Brücke 203. Turn right onto Bitburger Str./B51 204. Take the A60 exit towards Prüm/Lüttich/Liège/Aachen/Köln 205. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A60/Lüttich/Liège/Aachen/Prüm/Köln 206. Merge onto A60 207. Continue onto E42 208. Use the left 2 lanes to take the E40 exit towards Bruxelles/Maastricht/Liège 209. Keep right at the fork to continue on E40, follow signs for Bruxelles/Louvain 210. Keep left at the fork to continue on A3/E40 211. Keep left to continue on E40 212. Use the right 2 lanes to take the exit towards Centrum/Centre 213. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Centre-Centrum/Meiser 214. Continue onto N23 215. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat/N23/N3a 216. Exit the roundabout onto Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat/N23/N3a 217. Turn right onto Rue de la Chancellerie/Kanselarijstraat 218. Turn left onto Place Sainte-Gudule/Sinter-Goedeleplein 219. Turn left onto Collegialestraat/Rue de la Collégiale 220. Turn left onto Rue du Fossé aux Loups/Wolvengracht 221. Turn left onto Rue de Laeken/Lakensestraat 222. Turn left onto Bisschopsstraat/Rue de l'Evêque 223. Arrive at location: Brussels For the best route in current traffic visit
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2017 General Elections
Elections in Monroe County 2017 COUNTY
Family Court Judge
Term : 10 Years Salary : $159,000 Currently held by : Joseph G Nesser (R-I-C) Candidates : Joseph G Nesser (R, C, WF, I, Ref)
Monroe County Sheriff Term : 4 Years Salary : $136,700 Currently held by : Patrick M O'Flynn (R-C-I) Candidates :
Todd Baxter (D) Patrick M O'Flynn (R, C, I, Ref)
County Legislator, 10th District (Pittsford, East Rochester, Brighton) Term : 4 Years Salary : $18,000 + committee bonuses Currently held by : Anthony J Daniele (R-C-I-RF) (Retiring) Candidates : Howard Maffucci (D, WF) Jason Rosenberg (R, C, I, Ref)
Mayor Term : 4 Years Salary : $140,861 Currently held by : Lovely A Warren (D) Candidates : Lovely A Warren (D, WE) Tony MIcciche (R, C, Ref) James M Sheppard (WF, I) NOT ACTIVELY RUNNING Alex White (G) Lori Thomas (The People’s Party)
City Court Judge (1 seat) Term : 10 Years Salary : $113,900 Currently Held by : Charles Crimi
Candidates : Charles Crimi (D, WF, I)
Rochester City Council At-Large (All 5 Seats) Term  : 4 years Salary : $35,566 Currently held by : Loretta C Scott, President (D-I) Matt P Haag (D-W-I) Carolee A Conklin (D-I) Dana K Miller, Vice President (D-I) Jacklyn Ortiz (D-W-I) Candidates : Mitch Gruber (D) Malik Evans (D, WF) Jackie Ortiz (D, WF, I, WE) Willie Lightfoot (D) Loretta C Scott (D, WE) Mary Lupien (WF) No Longer Actively Running per interview on WXXI Shawn Dunwoody (WF) Pam Davis (WF) Andrew Hollister (R, C, Ref, Libertarian) Anthony Giordano (G) Ronald Ring (G) Chris Edes (Ref, Libertarian)
Commissioner of Schools (3 Seats) Term : 4 Years Salary : $26,675 Currently held by : Van Henri White , President (D-W-I) Cynthia A Elliott , Vice President (D) Jose A Cruz (D-W-I) Candidates : Van Henri White (D, WF) Natalie Sheppard (D, WF, WE) Cynthia Elliott (D) Beatriz Lebron (WF, I)
Supervisor Term : 2 Years Salary : $99,089 Currently held by : William W Moehle (D-W-I)
Candidates : Bill Moehle (D, WF, I) Unopposed
Term : 2 Years Salary : $54,723 Currently held by : Daniel E Aman (D-W-I)
Candidates : Daniel E Aman (D-W-I) Unopposed
Council (2 Seats)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $22,608 Currently held by : Louise Novros (D-I) James R Vogel (D-I)
Candidates : Robin Wilt (D, WF, I, WE) James Vogel (D, WF, I) Unopposed
Term : 2 Years Salary : $91,571 Currently held by : David J Dunning (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Chris McCullough (D, WF) David Dunning (R, C, I, Ref)
Clerk Term : 2 Years Salary : $46,239 Currently held by : Virginia L Ignatowski (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Virginia Ignatowski (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Justice (1 seat) Term : 4 Years Salary : $37,233 Currently held by : Ronald G. Evangelista (R-C-W-I)
Candidates : Ronald Evangelista (R, C, WF, I, Ref) Unopposed
Town Council (2 seats) Term : 4 Years Salary : $17,715 Currently held by : Mary C Sperr (R-C-I) Mark L DeCory Appointed 1-4-16
Candidates : Mark DeCory (R, C, I, Ref) Mary Sperr (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Supervisor Term : 2 Years Salary : $22,150 Currently held by : Paul M Kimball (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Gerald Underwood (D, Common Ground) Paul Kimball (R, C, I, Ref)
Justice (1 seat) Term : 4 Years Salary : $15,237 Currently held by : Allyn S Hammel (R-C-I) (Retiring)
Candidates : Peter Selig (D, WF, Common Ground) Ian Penders (R, C, I, Ref)
Council (2 seats) Term : 4 Years Salary : $7,651 Currently held by : Patrick M Didas (R-C-I) Allan T Hoy (R-C-I)
Candidates : Samantha Golden (D, WF, Common Ground) Theresa Alano (D, Common Ground) Allan Hoy (R, C, I, Ref) Patrick Didas (R, C, I, Ref)
Superintendent Highways Term : 4 Years Salary : $88,775 Currently held by : Robert M Viscardi (R-C-I)
Candidates : Robert Viscardi (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Supervisor (appoints Clerk for 2 yr term) Term : 2 Years Salary : $85,982 Currently held by : Mark W Assini (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : James Maher (D, WF) No Web Presence Mark Assini (R, C, I, Ref)
Justice (2 seats) Term : 4 Years Salary : $34,578 Currently held by : Peter P Pupatelli (R-C-I) Frank Cassara (R, C, I, Ref)
Candidates : Peter Pupatelli (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence Frank Cassara (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence Unopposed
Council (2 seats) Term : 4 Years Salary : $15,439 Currently held by : Larry A Cordero (R-C-I) David R Di Caro Appointed 1-4-16 (leaving)
Candidates : Tim Guillemete (D) Kesha Carter (D, WF, WE) Andrew Loughlin (R, C, I, Ref) Lee Codero (R, C, I, Ref)
Supervisor  (appoints Clerk 4 yr) Term : 4 Years Salary : $124,070 Currently held by : William D Reilich (R-C-I)
Candidates : James Leary (D, WF) Bill Reilich (R, C, I, Ref)
Justice (4 seats) Term : 4 Years Salary : $??? Currently held by : Vincent B Campbell (R-C-I) Gino M Nitti (R, C, I) David M Barry Sr (R-C) Shannon O'Keefe-Pero (R, C, I, Ref)
Candidates : Gino Nitti (D) David Barry (R, C, I, Ref) Brett Granville (R, C, I, Ref) Vincent Campbell (R, C, I, Ref) Shannon O'Keefe-Pero (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence
Council Ward 1 Term : 2 Years Salary : $12,500 Currently held by : David M Barry Jr (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Mike Barry (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Council Ward 2 Term : 2 Years Salary : $12,500 Currently held by : Brett C Granville (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Rumella Cameron (D) Bill Murphy (R, C, I, Ref)
Council Ward 3 Term : 2 Years Salary : $12,500 Currently held by : Andrew J Conlon (R-C-I-RF) (Running for Receiver of Taxes)
Candidates : Josh Jensen (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Council Ward 4 Term : 2 Years Salary : $12,500 Currently held by : Diana M Christodaro (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Diana Christodaro (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Receiver of Taxes Term : 4 Years Salary : $??? Currently held by : Richard Antelli (R-C-I) (Retiring)
Candidates : Ryan Dell (D, WF, WE) Andrew Conlon (R, C, I, Ref)
Supervisor Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Eric G Peters (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Eric Peters, (R, C, I) Unopposed
Justice (1 seat) Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Richard W Moffett (R-C-I)
Candidates : Richard Moffett (R, C, I) Unopposed
Council (2 seats) Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Jason M Baxter (R-C-I) Jennifer M Voelkl (R-C-I)
Candidates : Jason Baxter (R, C, I) Jennifer Voelkl (R, C, I) No Web Presence Unopposed
Superintendent of Highways Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Steven J Baase (R-C-I)
Candidates : Steven Baase (R, C, I) No Web Presence Unopposed
Supervisor (appoints clerk) Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : John “Jack” W Moore (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Stephen Schultz (D, WF) Jack Moore (R, C, I, Ref) Jeffrey Kueppers (Bright Future PP)
Council (2 seats)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Kenneth H Breese (R-C-I) Janet B Zinck (R-I) Retiring
Candidates : Michael Stafford (D, WF) Rob Barley (D, WF) John Howland (R, C, I, Ref) Kristine Demo-Vasquez (R, C, I, Ref) William Wu (Bright Future PP) No Web Presence
Supervisor (appoints clerk) Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : David A Seeley (D-C-W-I)
Candidates : David Seeley (D, C, WF, I) Christopher Burns (R, Ref)
Justice (2 seats) Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Joseph J Valentino (D-C-W-I) Joseph T Genier (D-C-I)
Candidates : Joseph Valentino (D, C, WF, I) No Web Presence Joseph Genier (D, C, I) Unopposed
Council (2 seats)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Peter Wehner Lorie Barnum (D-W-I)
Candidates : Peter Wehner (D, C, WF, I) Kimie Romeo (D, WF, I, WE) Gregory Devlin (R, Ref) William Morse (R, Ref)
Supervisor Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : John D Moffitt (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : John Moffitt (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Clerk Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : James P Merzke (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : James Merzke (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence Unopposed
Justice (1 seat) Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Cara M Briggs (R-C-I)
Candidates : Cara Briggs (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence Unopposed
Council (2 seats)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Cynthia M Carroll (R-C-I) John L Hagreen (R-RF)
Candidates : Erin Kehaley-Corr (D, Mendon Conservation) Terry Daniele (D, WF, Mendon Conservation) John Hagreen (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence Cynthia Carroll (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence
Superintendent of Highways Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : William E Smith (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : William Smith (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence Unopposed
Supervisor Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Gay H Lenhard (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Gay Leonard (R, C, I) Unopposed
Justice (1 seat)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : David A Murante (R-C-I)
Candidates : David Murante (R, C, I) No Web Presence Unopposed
Council (2 seats)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Thomas J Uschold (R-C-I) Thomas J Cole (R-C-I)
Candidates : Thomas Uschold (R, C, I) No Web Presence Thomas Cole (R, C, I) No Web Presence Unopposed
Superintendent of Highways Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : David H Widger (R-C-I)
Candidates : David Widger (R, C, I) No Web Presence Unopposed
Supervisor Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : James M Smith (R-C-I-RF) retiring
Candidates : Jack Barton (R, C, I) No Web Presence Unopposed
Clerk Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Donna K Curry (R-C-I) Retiring
Candidates : Carrie Webster (R, C, I) No Web Presence Unopposed
Council (2 seats) Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : James Roose (R-C-I) Daniel W Barlow Appointed 12-30-15
Candidates : Daniel Barlow (R, C, I) No Web Presence James Roose (R, C, I) No Web Presence Unopposed
Council 2 year term Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Richard Wilt
Candidates : Richard Wilt (R, C, I) No Web Presence Unopposed
Superintendent of Highways Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Brian F Speer (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Brian Speer (R, C, I) No Web Presence Unopposed
Supervisor Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : R. Anthony LaFountain (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Tony LaFountain (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Clerk Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Amy M Steklof (R-C-I)
Candidates : Amy Steklof (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Justice (1 seat)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : James P. Mulley Jr.  (R-C-I)
Candidates : Jim Mulley (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Council (2 seats) Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Paula C. Metzler (R-C-I) Andrew G. Moore (R-C-I)
Candidates : Paula Metzler (R, C, I, Ref) Andy Moore (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Supervisor Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Michael “Mike” G Barker (R-C-I)
Candidates : Mike Barker (R, C, I) Unopposed
Clerk Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Jennifer A West (R-C-I)
Candidates : Nora Tuthill-Glueck (D, WF, WE) Jennifer West (R, C, I)
Justice (1 seat)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Michael H Arnold (R-C-I)
Candidates : Michael Arnold (R, C, I) No Web Presence Unopposed
Council (2 seats) Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Margaret S Havens (R-C-I) Ciaran T Hanna (R-C-I)
Candidates : Matthew Brown (D, WF, WE) Josh Foldare (D, WF, WE) Ciaran Hanna (R, C, I) Peg Havens (R, C, I)
Supervisor (appoints clerk) Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : William A Smith Jr (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : William Smith (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Justice (2 seats)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : John E Bernacki Jr (R-C-W-I)
Candidates : John Bernacki (R, C, WF, I, Ref) No Web Presence Unopposed
Council (2 seats) Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Hon Mary G Doyle (R-C-I) Hon Jared C Lusk (R-C-I)
Candidates : Stephanie Townsend (D, WF, WE) Kevin Beckford (D, WF, WE) Mary Doyle (R, C, I, Ref) Jared Lusk (R, C, I, Ref)
Supervisor Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Brad O'Brocta (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Brad O'Brocta (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence Unopposed
Clerk Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Kimberly A Pape (D-OL)
Candidates : Kimberly Pape (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence Unopposed
Council (2 seats)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : James M Fodge (R-C-I) Deborah S Campanella (R-C-I)
Candidates : Stan Main (D, WF) Deborah Campanella (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence James Fodge (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence
Superintendent of Highways Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : David L Smith (R-C-I)
Candidates : David Smith (R, C, I) No Web Presence Unopposed
Supervisor Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Cathleen M Frank (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Cathleen Frank (R, C, I) Unopposed
Council (2 seats)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Rita D McCarthy (R-C) Gerald W Kusse (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Gerald Kusse (R, C, I) Rita McCarthy (R, C, I) Unopposed
Supervisor Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Robert A Carges (R-C-I-RF) Retiring
Candidates : Kevin Johnson (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Clerk Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Karen M Sweeting (R-C-I)
Candidates : Karen Sweeting (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence Unopposed
Justice (1 seat)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Kevin G Johnson (R-C-I) Running for Superisor
Candidates : Anthony Perry (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Council (2 seats)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Robert L Muesebeck (R-C-I) Danielle L Windus-Cook (R-C-I)Leaving
Candidates : Walter Borowiec (D) No Web Presence Susan Smith (D, WF) No Web Presence Robert Muesebeck (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence Patricia Hayes (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence
Supervisor (appoints Clerk) Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Ronald W Nesbitt (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : John Hutchings (D, WF) Ronald Nesbitt (R, C, I, Ref)
Justice (1 seat)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Thomas J DiSalvo (R-C-I)
Candidates : Thomas DiSalvo (R, C, I, Ref) Unopposed
Council (2 seats)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Patricia T Cataldi (R-C-I) Barry A Deane (R-C-I)
Candidates : Megan Thompson (D, WE) Patricia Cataldi (R, C, I, Ref) Barry Deane (R, C, I, Ref)
Supervisor (appoints Clerk) Term : 2 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Linda M Dobson (R-C-I-RF)
Candidates : Linda Dobson (R, C, I) Unopposed
Justice (1 seat)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Nicole E Bayly-Henshaw (R-C-I)
Candidates : Nicole Bayly-Henshaw (R, C, WF, I) Unopposed
Council (2 seats)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Edward Shero (R-C-I) Hon Lisa J Wasson (R-C-I)
Candidates : Edward Shero (R, C, I) Lisa Wasson (R, C, I) Unopposed
Superintendent of Highways Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Howard C Hazelton (R-C-I)
Candidates : Howard Hazelton (R, C, I) Unopposed
East Rochester
Justice (1 seat)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : David Bonacchi
Candidates : David Bonacchi (R, C, WF, I Ref) Unopposed
Village Trustee (2 seats)
Term : 4 Years Salary : $ Currently held by : Amy Monachino retiring Ted Connors
Candidates : Mark McDermott (D, G, WF) No Web Presence Katherine Steely Hennelly (D, WF) Kelley Swagler (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence Ted Connors (R, C, I, Ref) No Web Presence
3 notes · View notes
matzwart · 5 years
Tumblr media
Had maximum fun photoshopping our royal family into a bonafide partyteam 🧡 Celebrate kingsnight @paard_denhaag april 26 with the greatest hits from the 80s 90s 00s! • • • #matzwart #matzwartwerk #rotterdam #concept #illustration #graphicdesign #illustrator #graphicdesigner #holland #artwork #partyteam #photoshop #outfit #oranje #koningsdag #koning #inspiration #clothing #apparel #print #party #festival #street #drawing #sketch #kingsnight #kingsday #royalfamily #willie #maxima (bij Den haag) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwZlzSqFgag/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10z4gyas9acb
0 notes
gattsbay-blog · 6 years
Nach Gruppen-Vergewaltigung durch Muslime:
Nach Gruppen-Vergewaltigung durch Muslime:
PVV-Politikerin nimmt sich das Leben Willlie Dille (Bild: Screenshot) Die niederländische PVV-Politikerin Willie Dille wurde nach eigenen Angaben von einer Gruppe Muslime wegen ihrer islamkritischen Haltung vergewaltigt. Als Folge dieser Tat hat sich die Politikerin jetzt das Leben genommen. Kurz vor ihrem Tod warf sie einem islamischen Politiker vor, die Tat initiiert zu haben. Am Mittwoch…
View On WordPress
0 notes
chimericalwall · 5 years
Den Haag ‘Van het gas af’
Den Haag wil in 2030 een klimaatneutrale stad zijn en van het gas af. Met Moerwijk als 1 van de eerste wijken. Dit betekent dat we onze CO2-uitstoot vanaf nu drastisch moeten verminderen. Ongeveer 40% van de CO2-uitstoot in Den Haag komt voor rekening van de 250.000 Haagse woningen en gebouwen. We koken op gas en verwarmen onze huizen met een cv-ketel op aardgas. Daarmee pompen we een grote hoeveelheid CO2 de lucht in. Willen we Den Haag boven de zeespiegel houden en de doelstelling van klimaatneutraal in 2030 halen, dan moeten we stoppen met het gebruiken van aardgas in woningen en grootschalig overstappen op een alternatief. Van het gas af dus
En de vraag is niet of we van het gas afgaan, de echte vraag is of bewoners hun kans gaan grijpen om actief richting te geven aan de toekomstige energievoorziening in hun huis én hun buurt. Het alternatief is afwachten en het lot bepalen voor commerciële partijen op afstand en de overheid.
Maar deze energietransitie, wat betekent dat nou voor jou? En waarom zou je jezelf er nu al druk over moeten maken? In deze korte film geven we je het antwoord op deze vraag:
Met dank aan: Helga de Kok, Saskia Vermeulen, René l’Herminez, Neo de Bono, Aytekin Kurnaz, Heleen Weening, Martijntje Smits, Nadia et Talhoui, Darinio Grent, Willie Berentsen, Wim Schutten, Haiwan Padarath, Piet Driest, Joeri Oudshoorn, Hans van der Broek, Nol Witte, Anne Laros, Ariane Lelieveld en Fatiha Chokoud.
Productie in samenwerking met: Studio Wonder Wonder
Check www.duurzaamdenhaag.nl voor meer informatie
Den Haag van het gas af en klimaatneutraal Den Haag wil een gezonde, schone en leefbare stad zijn, die klaar is voor de toekomst. Daarom is de gemeente op zoek naar nieuwe manieren om onze woningen te verwarmen, te koken en te douchen. Samen met bewoners, bedrijven en andere partners onderzoekt de gemeente manieren om over te gaan op schone energie. Deze energietransitie moet voor iedereen haalbaar en betaalbaar zijn.
Den Haag ontwikkelt nieuwe bronnen, netwerken en opslagruimte voor schone energie. Daarnaast bespaart de gemeente op het gebruik van energie en maakt zij het aanbod ervan steeds duurzamer. Het doel is de komende jaren 25.000 tot 30.000 bestaande huizen van duurzame energie te voorzien of hierop voor te bereiden. 10 ‘Groene Energiewijken’ zijn voorloper.
Dit zijn:
Moerwijk-Oost  met begeleiding van Duurzaam Den Haag
Mariahoeve met begeleiding van de gemeente
Bouwlust/Vrederust met begeleiding van de gemeente
Binckhorst/CID met begeleiding van de gemeente
Koningsplein en omgeving(externe link) met begeleiding van Duurzaam Den Haag
Molenwijk/Noordpolderbuurt(externe link) met begeleiding van Duurzaam Den Haag
Vruchtenbuurt(externe link) door Warm in de Wijk
Vogelwijk (externe link)door Vogelwijk Energiek
Ypenburg(externe link) door Hernieuwbare Warmte Ypenburg
Statenkwartier(externe link) door Statenwarmte
Samenwerken De gemeente maakt samen met bewoners en andere partners, waaronder Duurzaam Den Haag, woningcorporaties en (energie)bedrijven, zogenoemde wijkenergieplannen. Daarin staan welke toekomstige energievoorziening beschikbaar is en hoe de wijk kan overstappen en op een zo prettig mogelijke manier van het gas af kan.
Stedelijk Energietransitieplan Voor 2021 komt er een stedelijk Energietransitieplan voor de overgang naar schone energie. Het nieuwe energiesysteem, de wijkenergieplannen en de financiering komen hierin samen.
Planning Er is nog geen planning wanneer en hoe wijken van het aardgas afgaan. Per wijk bepalen gemeente, inwoners en bedrijven samen welke energievorm voor het aardgas in de plaats komt. De overstap naar schone energie, de ‘Energietransitie’, is veel werk en biedt daardoor ook kansen op nieuwe banen bij bedrijven in de energie- en installatiebranche. Zo
Wat kunt u nu al zelf doen? Er zijn veel dingen die u zelf kunt doen om minder aardgas te verbruiken of zelfs helemaal aardgasvrij te wonen of te werken. Kijk voor meer informatie op de pagina van Hou van je huis. Bent u lid van een Vereniging van Eigenaren, dan kunt u terecht bij de VvE-balie. Bent u ondernemer? Dan kunt voor advies en ondersteuning terecht bij Hou van je zaak.
Bekijk de subsidiemogelijkheden van de gemeente
Een overzicht van alle subsidieregelingen (gemeente, provincie en rijk) en leningen vindt u op www.energiesubsidiewijzer.nl(externe link)
Vragen over duurzame energie in Moerwijk? Heeft u vragen over de overgang naar duurzame energie? Stuur dan een e-mail naar [email protected] en/of [email protected]
The post Den Haag ‘Van het gas af’ appeared first on Moerwijk Coöperatie.
source https://moerwijkcooperatie.nl/2019/12/den-haag-van-het-gas-af/ source https://daintlyskinny.tumblr.com/post/189493325582
0 notes
acciofariya · 5 years
Den Haag ‘Van het gas af’
Den Haag wil in 2030 een klimaatneutrale stad zijn en van het gas af. Met Moerwijk als 1 van de eerste wijken. Dit betekent dat we onze CO2-uitstoot vanaf nu drastisch moeten verminderen. Ongeveer 40% van de CO2-uitstoot in Den Haag komt voor rekening van de 250.000 Haagse woningen en gebouwen. We koken op gas en verwarmen onze huizen met een cv-ketel op aardgas. Daarmee pompen we een grote hoeveelheid CO2 de lucht in. Willen we Den Haag boven de zeespiegel houden en de doelstelling van klimaatneutraal in 2030 halen, dan moeten we stoppen met het gebruiken van aardgas in woningen en grootschalig overstappen op een alternatief. Van het gas af dus
En de vraag is niet of we van het gas afgaan, de echte vraag is of bewoners hun kans gaan grijpen om actief richting te geven aan de toekomstige energievoorziening in hun huis én hun buurt. Het alternatief is afwachten en het lot bepalen voor commerciële partijen op afstand en de overheid.
Maar deze energietransitie, wat betekent dat nou voor jou? En waarom zou je jezelf er nu al druk over moeten maken? In deze korte film geven we je het antwoord op deze vraag:
Met dank aan: Helga de Kok, Saskia Vermeulen, René l’Herminez, Neo de Bono, Aytekin Kurnaz, Heleen Weening, Martijntje Smits, Nadia et Talhoui, Darinio Grent, Willie Berentsen, Wim Schutten, Haiwan Padarath, Piet Driest, Joeri Oudshoorn, Hans van der Broek, Nol Witte, Anne Laros, Ariane Lelieveld en Fatiha Chokoud.
Productie in samenwerking met: Studio Wonder Wonder
Check www.duurzaamdenhaag.nl voor meer informatie
Den Haag van het gas af en klimaatneutraal Den Haag wil een gezonde, schone en leefbare stad zijn, die klaar is voor de toekomst. Daarom is de gemeente op zoek naar nieuwe manieren om onze woningen te verwarmen, te koken en te douchen. Samen met bewoners, bedrijven en andere partners onderzoekt de gemeente manieren om over te gaan op schone energie. Deze energietransitie moet voor iedereen haalbaar en betaalbaar zijn.
Den Haag ontwikkelt nieuwe bronnen, netwerken en opslagruimte voor schone energie. Daarnaast bespaart de gemeente op het gebruik van energie en maakt zij het aanbod ervan steeds duurzamer. Het doel is de komende jaren 25.000 tot 30.000 bestaande huizen van duurzame energie te voorzien of hierop voor te bereiden. 10 ‘Groene Energiewijken’ zijn voorloper.
Dit zijn:
Moerwijk-Oost  met begeleiding van Duurzaam Den Haag
Mariahoeve met begeleiding van de gemeente
Bouwlust/Vrederust met begeleiding van de gemeente
Binckhorst/CID met begeleiding van de gemeente
Koningsplein en omgeving(externe link) met begeleiding van Duurzaam Den Haag
Molenwijk/Noordpolderbuurt(externe link) met begeleiding van Duurzaam Den Haag
Vruchtenbuurt(externe link) door Warm in de Wijk
Vogelwijk (externe link)door Vogelwijk Energiek
Ypenburg(externe link) door Hernieuwbare Warmte Ypenburg
Statenkwartier(externe link) door Statenwarmte
Samenwerken De gemeente maakt samen met bewoners en andere partners, waaronder Duurzaam Den Haag, woningcorporaties en (energie)bedrijven, zogenoemde wijkenergieplannen. Daarin staan welke toekomstige energievoorziening beschikbaar is en hoe de wijk kan overstappen en op een zo prettig mogelijke manier van het gas af kan.
Stedelijk Energietransitieplan Voor 2021 komt er een stedelijk Energietransitieplan voor de overgang naar schone energie. Het nieuwe energiesysteem, de wijkenergieplannen en de financiering komen hierin samen.
Planning Er is nog geen planning wanneer en hoe wijken van het aardgas afgaan. Per wijk bepalen gemeente, inwoners en bedrijven samen welke energievorm voor het aardgas in de plaats komt. De overstap naar schone energie, de ‘Energietransitie’, is veel werk en biedt daardoor ook kansen op nieuwe banen bij bedrijven in de energie- en installatiebranche. Zo
Wat kunt u nu al zelf doen? Er zijn veel dingen die u zelf kunt doen om minder aardgas te verbruiken of zelfs helemaal aardgasvrij te wonen of te werken. Kijk voor meer informatie op de pagina van Hou van je huis. Bent u lid van een Vereniging van Eigenaren, dan kunt u terecht bij de VvE-balie. Bent u ondernemer? Dan kunt voor advies en ondersteuning terecht bij Hou van je zaak.
Bekijk de subsidiemogelijkheden van de gemeente
Een overzicht van alle subsidieregelingen (gemeente, provincie en rijk) en leningen vindt u op www.energiesubsidiewijzer.nl(externe link)
Vragen over duurzame energie in Moerwijk? Heeft u vragen over de overgang naar duurzame energie? Stuur dan een e-mail naar [email protected] en/of [email protected]
The post Den Haag ‘Van het gas af’ appeared first on Moerwijk Coöperatie.
source https://moerwijkcooperatie.nl/2019/12/den-haag-van-het-gas-af/ source https://moerwijkcooperatie.blogspot.com/2019/12/den-haag-van-het-gas-af.html
0 notes
serpentinesorigin · 5 years
Den Haag ‘Van het gas af’
Den Haag wil in 2030 een klimaatneutrale stad zijn en van het gas af. Met Moerwijk als 1 van de eerste wijken. Dit betekent dat we onze CO2-uitstoot vanaf nu drastisch moeten verminderen. Ongeveer 40% van de CO2-uitstoot in Den Haag komt voor rekening van de 250.000 Haagse woningen en gebouwen. We koken op gas en verwarmen onze huizen met een cv-ketel op aardgas. Daarmee pompen we een grote hoeveelheid CO2 de lucht in. Willen we Den Haag boven de zeespiegel houden en de doelstelling van klimaatneutraal in 2030 halen, dan moeten we stoppen met het gebruiken van aardgas in woningen en grootschalig overstappen op een alternatief. Van het gas af dus
En de vraag is niet of we van het gas afgaan, de echte vraag is of bewoners hun kans gaan grijpen om actief richting te geven aan de toekomstige energievoorziening in hun huis én hun buurt. Het alternatief is afwachten en het lot bepalen voor commerciële partijen op afstand en de overheid.
Maar deze energietransitie, wat betekent dat nou voor jou? En waarom zou je jezelf er nu al druk over moeten maken? In deze korte film geven we je het antwoord op deze vraag:
Met dank aan: Helga de Kok, Saskia Vermeulen, René l’Herminez, Neo de Bono, Aytekin Kurnaz, Heleen Weening, Martijntje Smits, Nadia et Talhoui, Darinio Grent, Willie Berentsen, Wim Schutten, Haiwan Padarath, Piet Driest, Joeri Oudshoorn, Hans van der Broek, Nol Witte, Anne Laros, Ariane Lelieveld en Fatiha Chokoud.
Productie in samenwerking met: Studio Wonder Wonder
Check www.duurzaamdenhaag.nl voor meer informatie
Den Haag van het gas af en klimaatneutraal Den Haag wil een gezonde, schone en leefbare stad zijn, die klaar is voor de toekomst. Daarom is de gemeente op zoek naar nieuwe manieren om onze woningen te verwarmen, te koken en te douchen. Samen met bewoners, bedrijven en andere partners onderzoekt de gemeente manieren om over te gaan op schone energie. Deze energietransitie moet voor iedereen haalbaar en betaalbaar zijn.
Den Haag ontwikkelt nieuwe bronnen, netwerken en opslagruimte voor schone energie. Daarnaast bespaart de gemeente op het gebruik van energie en maakt zij het aanbod ervan steeds duurzamer. Het doel is de komende jaren 25.000 tot 30.000 bestaande huizen van duurzame energie te voorzien of hierop voor te bereiden. 10 ‘Groene Energiewijken’ zijn voorloper.
Dit zijn:
Moerwijk-Oost  met begeleiding van Duurzaam Den Haag
Mariahoeve met begeleiding van de gemeente
Bouwlust/Vrederust met begeleiding van de gemeente
Binckhorst/CID met begeleiding van de gemeente
Koningsplein en omgeving(externe link) met begeleiding van Duurzaam Den Haag
Molenwijk/Noordpolderbuurt(externe link) met begeleiding van Duurzaam Den Haag
Vruchtenbuurt(externe link) door Warm in de Wijk
Vogelwijk (externe link)door Vogelwijk Energiek
Ypenburg(externe link) door Hernieuwbare Warmte Ypenburg
Statenkwartier(externe link) door Statenwarmte
Samenwerken De gemeente maakt samen met bewoners en andere partners, waaronder Duurzaam Den Haag, woningcorporaties en (energie)bedrijven, zogenoemde wijkenergieplannen. Daarin staan welke toekomstige energievoorziening beschikbaar is en hoe de wijk kan overstappen en op een zo prettig mogelijke manier van het gas af kan.
Stedelijk Energietransitieplan Voor 2021 komt er een stedelijk Energietransitieplan voor de overgang naar schone energie. Het nieuwe energiesysteem, de wijkenergieplannen en de financiering komen hierin samen.
Planning Er is nog geen planning wanneer en hoe wijken van het aardgas afgaan. Per wijk bepalen gemeente, inwoners en bedrijven samen welke energievorm voor het aardgas in de plaats komt. De overstap naar schone energie, de ‘Energietransitie’, is veel werk en biedt daardoor ook kansen op nieuwe banen bij bedrijven in de energie- en installatiebranche. Zo
Wat kunt u nu al zelf doen? Er zijn veel dingen die u zelf kunt doen om minder aardgas te verbruiken of zelfs helemaal aardgasvrij te wonen of te werken. Kijk voor meer informatie op de pagina van Hou van je huis. Bent u lid van een Vereniging van Eigenaren, dan kunt u terecht bij de VvE-balie. Bent u ondernemer? Dan kunt voor advies en ondersteuning terecht bij Hou van je zaak.
Bekijk de subsidiemogelijkheden van de gemeente
Een overzicht van alle subsidieregelingen (gemeente, provincie en rijk) en leningen vindt u op www.energiesubsidiewijzer.nl(externe link)
Vragen over duurzame energie in Moerwijk? Heeft u vragen over de overgang naar duurzame energie? Stuur dan een e-mail naar [email protected] en/of [email protected]
The post Den Haag ‘Van het gas af’ appeared first on Moerwijk Coöperatie.
source https://moerwijkcooperatie.nl/2019/12/den-haag-van-het-gas-af/ source https://daintlyskinny.tumblr.com/post/189493325582
0 notes
daintlyskinny · 5 years
Den Haag ‘Van het gas af’
Den Haag wil in 2030 een klimaatneutrale stad zijn en van het gas af. Met Moerwijk als 1 van de eerste wijken. Dit betekent dat we onze CO2-uitstoot vanaf nu drastisch moeten verminderen. Ongeveer 40% van de CO2-uitstoot in Den Haag komt voor rekening van de 250.000 Haagse woningen en gebouwen. We koken op gas en verwarmen onze huizen met een cv-ketel op aardgas. Daarmee pompen we een grote hoeveelheid CO2 de lucht in. Willen we Den Haag boven de zeespiegel houden en de doelstelling van klimaatneutraal in 2030 halen, dan moeten we stoppen met het gebruiken van aardgas in woningen en grootschalig overstappen op een alternatief. Van het gas af dus
En de vraag is niet of we van het gas afgaan, de echte vraag is of bewoners hun kans gaan grijpen om actief richting te geven aan de toekomstige energievoorziening in hun huis én hun buurt. Het alternatief is afwachten en het lot bepalen voor commerciële partijen op afstand en de overheid.
Maar deze energietransitie, wat betekent dat nou voor jou? En waarom zou je jezelf er nu al druk over moeten maken? In deze korte film geven we je het antwoord op deze vraag:
Met dank aan: Helga de Kok, Saskia Vermeulen, René l’Herminez, Neo de Bono, Aytekin Kurnaz, Heleen Weening, Martijntje Smits, Nadia et Talhoui, Darinio Grent, Willie Berentsen, Wim Schutten, Haiwan Padarath, Piet Driest, Joeri Oudshoorn, Hans van der Broek, Nol Witte, Anne Laros, Ariane Lelieveld en Fatiha Chokoud.
Productie in samenwerking met: Studio Wonder Wonder
Check www.duurzaamdenhaag.nl voor meer informatie
Den Haag van het gas af en klimaatneutraal Den Haag wil een gezonde, schone en leefbare stad zijn, die klaar is voor de toekomst. Daarom is de gemeente op zoek naar nieuwe manieren om onze woningen te verwarmen, te koken en te douchen. Samen met bewoners, bedrijven en andere partners onderzoekt de gemeente manieren om over te gaan op schone energie. Deze energietransitie moet voor iedereen haalbaar en betaalbaar zijn.
Den Haag ontwikkelt nieuwe bronnen, netwerken en opslagruimte voor schone energie. Daarnaast bespaart de gemeente op het gebruik van energie en maakt zij het aanbod ervan steeds duurzamer. Het doel is de komende jaren 25.000 tot 30.000 bestaande huizen van duurzame energie te voorzien of hierop voor te bereiden. 10 ‘Groene Energiewijken’ zijn voorloper.
Dit zijn:
Moerwijk-Oost  met begeleiding van Duurzaam Den Haag
Mariahoeve met begeleiding van de gemeente
Bouwlust/Vrederust met begeleiding van de gemeente
Binckhorst/CID met begeleiding van de gemeente
Koningsplein en omgeving(externe link) met begeleiding van Duurzaam Den Haag
Molenwijk/Noordpolderbuurt(externe link) met begeleiding van Duurzaam Den Haag
Vruchtenbuurt(externe link) door Warm in de Wijk
Vogelwijk (externe link)door Vogelwijk Energiek
Ypenburg(externe link) door Hernieuwbare Warmte Ypenburg
Statenkwartier(externe link) door Statenwarmte
Samenwerken De gemeente maakt samen met bewoners en andere partners, waaronder Duurzaam Den Haag, woningcorporaties en (energie)bedrijven, zogenoemde wijkenergieplannen. Daarin staan welke toekomstige energievoorziening beschikbaar is en hoe de wijk kan overstappen en op een zo prettig mogelijke manier van het gas af kan.
Stedelijk Energietransitieplan Voor 2021 komt er een stedelijk Energietransitieplan voor de overgang naar schone energie. Het nieuwe energiesysteem, de wijkenergieplannen en de financiering komen hierin samen.
Planning Er is nog geen planning wanneer en hoe wijken van het aardgas afgaan. Per wijk bepalen gemeente, inwoners en bedrijven samen welke energievorm voor het aardgas in de plaats komt. De overstap naar schone energie, de ‘Energietransitie’, is veel werk en biedt daardoor ook kansen op nieuwe banen bij bedrijven in de energie- en installatiebranche. Zo
Wat kunt u nu al zelf doen? Er zijn veel dingen die u zelf kunt doen om minder aardgas te verbruiken of zelfs helemaal aardgasvrij te wonen of te werken. Kijk voor meer informatie op de pagina van Hou van je huis. Bent u lid van een Vereniging van Eigenaren, dan kunt u terecht bij de VvE-balie. Bent u ondernemer? Dan kunt voor advies en ondersteuning terecht bij Hou van je zaak.
Bekijk de subsidiemogelijkheden van de gemeente
Een overzicht van alle subsidieregelingen (gemeente, provincie en rijk) en leningen vindt u op www.energiesubsidiewijzer.nl(externe link)
Vragen over duurzame energie in Moerwijk? Heeft u vragen over de overgang naar duurzame energie? Stuur dan een e-mail naar [email protected] en/of [email protected]
The post Den Haag ‘Van het gas af’ appeared first on Moerwijk Coöperatie.
source https://moerwijkcooperatie.nl/2019/12/den-haag-van-het-gas-af/
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winzerimnetz · 5 years
Weingut Willi Haag
Name: Weingut Willi Haag
Anbaugebiet: Mosel
Web: www.willi-haag.de
Marcus Haag
Burgfriedenspfad 5
54472 Brauneberg
Text: Hier könnten Sie Ihr Weingut vorstellen.
Wollen Sie Ihre Visitenkarte bei Winzer im Netz vervollständigen? Dann senden Sie uns Ihre autorisierten Informationen unter: www.winzerimnetz.de/jetzt-mitmachen
"Winzer im Netz" ist ein Projekt von schulzundtebbe
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winenoodle · 5 years
Willi Haag, Brauneberger Juffer Riesling Kabinett Mosel 1998
Willi Haag, Brauneberger Juffer Riesling Kabinett Mosel 1998
Billington Imports, Springfield, VA.
Twenty years on.
This is AP#3.
Yellow-green.   Melodic and blossoming and as buoyant as a walk on the ocean blue.  Canned peach and coconut cream and a resin-y viridescence.  Finishes with one sublime chord, perfectly played.  Now – 2022.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 6 years
Danganronpa except it’s all talents and ETN characters
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ORPus0
by Canyoufeelanything
Words: 717, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Video Blogging RPF, Escape the Night (Web Series), Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Matthew Patrick, MatPat, Nikita Dragun, Manny MUA, Manny Gutierrez, Rosanna Pansino, Roi Fabito, Teala Dunn, Safiya Nygaard, Justin caylen, Jc Caylen, Colleen Ballinger, Shane Dawson, Sierra Furtado, Eva Gutowski, Lele Pons, Oli White, Matt Haag, Andrea Brooks, Tim Chantarangsu, Timothy DeLaGhetto, GloZell Green, Justine Ezarik, Lauren Riihimaki, Alex Burriss, Alex Wassabi, Liza Koshy, DeStorm Power, Tana Mongeau, Gabbie Hanna, Tyler Oakley, Andrea Russet, Jesse Wellens, Joey Graceffa, Wilmer Jones (Escape The Night), Veronica (Escape The Night), Cindy (Escape The Night), Benjamin (Escape The Night), Sandra (Escape The Night), Debra (Escape The Night), Belle (Escape The Night), Lucy (Escape The Night), Mortimer (Escape the Night), Calliope (Escape the Night), Original Female Character(s), Willy (Escape The Night), Twin Dolls (Escape The Night), Maria (Escape The Night), Sam (Escape The Night’, Jetpack Girl (Escape The Night), Riley (Escape The Night)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ORPus0
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LORAIN - Debut Album „Through Frames“ VÖ: 25.9.
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LORAIN sind der Liedermacher Erik Emanuelson und Sängerin Robin Emanuelson, die sich durch Ihre ganz eigene Art des Americana auszeichnen. Erics Gesang erweckt dabei Erinnerung an Dylans Nashville Skyline und kreiert in Harmonie mit Robins Stimme schummrige aber gleichzeitig groovende musikalische Bilder. Das am 25. September erscheinende und von Zak Kimball (Haley Heynderickx) produzierte Debut Album „Through Frames“ reflektiert Isolation geboren aus einer mehr und mehr bevölkerten und verbunden Welt. (Vorabsingle Rose Window) TOUR: 16.10. Minna Thiel | München (DE) 17.10. tba München (DE) 18.10. Zauberberg | Passau (DE) 20.10. Anziehbar | Dornbirn w/ GO BY OCEAN (AT) 21.10. Gleis Süd | Horb Am Neckar (DE) 22.10. Live Club | Bamberg (DE) 23.10. Cube | Düsseldorf (DE) 25.10. Shakespear Pub | Herdecke (DE) 26.10. Lichtung | Köln (DE) 27.10. Mobile Blues Club | Hamburg (DE) 29.10. Tonfink | Lübeck (DE) 30.10. Green Island Pub | Zeitz (DE) 31.10. Ä | Berlin (DE) 01.11. Prinz Willy | Kiel (DE) 02.11. KaffeeSatz | Chemnitz (DE) 03.11. Q | Marburg (DE) 04.11. Hafen 2 | Offenbach (DE) 06.11. Sound und Sandwich | Bern (CH) 07.11. Dorett | Mainz (DE) 08.11. Alte Mälzerei | Regensburg (DE) 09.11. Lendhafen Cafe | Klagenfurt (AT) 10.11. Neruda | Wien (AT) 11.11. Böllerbauer | Haag (AT) rolamusic Read the full article
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kepoinus · 6 years
Politisi Belanda Bunuh Diri usai Mengklaim Diperkosa...
Politisi Belanda Bunuh Diri usai Mengklaim Diperkosa…
DEN HAAG – Seorang anggota dewan kota di Den Haag, Belanda, dan anggota Partai Kebebasan yang terkenal anti-imigran tewas bunuh diri. Dia tewas dua hari setelah mengklaim telah diperkosa geng pria Muslim.
Klaim itu muncul dalam posting video di Facebook. Politisi perempuan bernama Willie Dille, 53, ditemukan tewas pada hari Rabu, dua hari setelah video pengakuan menjadi korban…
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