#William Allain
politicaldilfs · 6 months
Mississippi Governor DILFs
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Phil Bryant, Ross Barnett, Thomas Bailey, Paul B. Johnson Jr., Cliff Finch, Ronnie Musgrove, Fielding L. Wright, Wiliam Winter, James P. Coleman, Haley Barbour, Henry L. Whitfield, Hugh L. White, John Bell Williams, Kirk Fordice, Ray Mabus, Tate Reeves, Paul B. Johnson Sr., William Allain, Bill Waller
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Près de 50 ans après la folie meurtrière de Leatherface en 1973, les jeunes entrepreneurs Melody et Dante, la sœur de Melody, Lyla, et la petite amie de Dante, Ruth, se rendent dans la ville abandonnée de Harlow, au Texas, pour vendre aux enchères de vieilles propriétés afin de créer un quartier branché et fortement embourgeoisé. En inspectant un orphelinat délabré, le groupe découvre qu’il est toujours occupé par une femme âgée appelée Mme Ginny McCumber. Lorsqu’elle prétend être en possession de papiers pour prouver qu’elle est toujours propriétaire des lieux, une dispute éclate, brièvement interrompue par un homme silencieux et de carrure imposante, les regardant depuis l'étage. Ginny s’effondre alors d’une crise cardiaque et est transportée d’urgence à l’hôpital, accompagnée de Ruth et de l’homme silencieux.
Un investisseur, Catherine, ainsi qu’un groupe d’acheteurs potentiels arrivent à Harlow dans un grand bus, distrayant Melody et Dante. Pendant ce temps, Lyla se lie d’amitié avec un mécanicien local, Richter, et révèle qu’elle était une survivante d’une fusillade dans une école, la laissant terrifiée par les armes à feu. Ginny meurt en route vers l’hôpital; Ruth envoie un texto à Melody avant que l’homme ne devienne fou et assassine brutalement les officiers qui conduisaient l’ambulance, la conduisant à s’écraser. Quand Ruth se réveille, elle voit l’homme, qui se révèle être Leatherface, couper le visage de Ginny pour le porter comme masque. Ruth parvient à demander de l’aide par radio avant d’être tuée par Leatherface, qui retourne ensuite à Harlow.
Lors d’une vente aux enchères, Melody lit les textes de Ruth et se prépare à partir avec Lyla. Richter les entend parler de la mort de Ginny et confisque leurs clés, acceptant de les rendre une fois qu’ils auront fourni la preuve qu’ils ont légitimement retiré Ginny de sa maison. Melody et Dante retournent à l’orphelinat pour les retrouver. Pendant ce temps, Sally Hardesty, la seule survivante de la précédente tuerie de Leatherface, et maintenant devenue une Ranger endurci au combat qui a attendu toute sa vie de pouvoir retrouver Leatherface, apprend l’attaque de Ruth et part enquêter. À l’orphelinat, Melody découvre les papiers et se rend compte que Ginny a été expulsée à tort. Leatherface arrive à l’orphelinat et attaque Dante, le mutilant. Melody se cache alors que Leatherface récupère sa tronçonneuse dans sa chambre.
Une tempête de pluie frappe Harlow à la tombée de la nuit, et Catherine et Lyla se mettent à l’abri dans le bus avec les acheteurs. Dante, agonisant et affreusement mutilé parvient alors à s'échapper hors de l’orphelinat où il est découvert par Richter avant de mourir. Richter entre dans l’orphelinat et est attaqué et tué par Leatherface. Melody récupère les clés de la voiture et du bus de son corps avant de s’enfuir de la maison, retrouvant Lyla. Ils montent dans le bus, poursuivis par Leatherface qui commence à y massacrer toutes les personnes à bord, y compris Catherine. Melody et Lila échappent au carnage et rencontrent Sally qui les enferme dans sa camionnette avant d’entrer dans l’orphelinat pour finalement affronter Leatherface. Elle le tient sous la menace d’une arme, exigeant qu’il se souvienne de la douleur qu’il lui a infligée, à elle et à ses amis, mais n’est accueillie que par le silence avant que Leatherface ne s’éloigne. Leatherface attaque alors les sœurs dans la voiture de Sally mais elles sont sauvées par Sally qui lui tire dessus. Sally donne à Melody les clés pour s’éloigner avant de poursuivre Leatherface.
Leatherface tend une embuscade et blesse mortellement Sally. Melody frappe Leatherface avec la voiture de Sally avant de s’écraser dans un bâtiment voisin. Melody est piégée mais ordonne à Lyla de s’enfuir. Lorsque Leatherface apparaît, Melody s’excuse pour ce qu’ils ont fait à Ginny. Alors qu’il s'apprête à l'attaquer, Lyla tente de lui tirer dessus, mais son arme est vide. Sally lui tire dessus à la place et le tueur s’enfuit. Avant de mourir, elle encourage Lyla à ne pas fuir car où qu'elle aille, où qu'elle se cache, elle sera à jamais hantée par lui. Lila prend alors le fusil de chasse de Sally et poursuit Leatherface dans un bâtiment abandonné où elle y est prise en embuscade et attaquée. Melody arrive et prend la tronçonneuse de Leatherface avant de l’utiliser pour l’uppercuter, le frappant dans une mare d’eau où il s’enfonce au fond. Les deux sœurs s’échappent et Lila trouve le chapeau de Sally qu'elle met sur la tête avant d'entamer le trajet pour renter chez elles...
Cependant, Leatherface, surgi, toujours en vie, et traîne Melody hors de la voiture avant de la décapiter avec sa tronçonneuse. Une Lyla horrifiée et en larmes regarde la voiture autonome la sortir de Harlow sans qu'elle puisse apparemment intervenir. Leatherface danse dans la rue avec sa tronçonneuse et la tête de Melody dans la main.
Une scène post-générique montre Leatherface se dirigeant, tronçonneuse à la main, vers la maison où son premier massacre a eu lieu, laissant présager une suite au film.
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Jessica R. Williams/Jessica Allain: February 17, 1997
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cultfaction · 9 months
The Exorcist: Believer (Special Edition Steelbook 4K Ultra HD Bluray)
50 years after the most terrifying horror film shocked the world, Blumhouse and director David Gordon Green bring a nightmarish new chapter, The Exorcist: Believer. Since his wife’s death, Victor has raised his daughter Angela alone. After Angela and her friend return from a three-day disappearance with missing memories, they begin displaying frightening behavior. Victor’s best hope is to find…
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rookie-critic · 2 years
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022, dir. David Blue Garcia) - review by Rookie-Critic
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Texas Chainsaw Massacre, not to be confused with 1974's The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, was about as unneeded a sequel as any of these new-age "requels" are (except for you, Scream, you're doing great. Just pay Neve Campbell more and get her back on board, like, c'mon guys), but I will admit to having a ton of fun on the back half of it. Discarding all other sequels & prequels and acting as a direct sequel to the first film, which I believe now puts us on timeline #4 for this franchise and perfectly mirroring the trajectory of the Halloween franchise, this edition of Texas Chainsaw sees a group of Gen Z entrepreneurs driving into a Texas ghost town where they're going to flip it for a profit and gentrify the living hell out of it, but, of course, we all know who's been hiding out there since the events of the '74 film.
Cameo by Alice Krige aside, the first half of the film doesn't have much to offer. The setup is pretty innocuous and the dialogue seems like it was written by someone who went on r/GenZ for no more than 30 minutes and said "yeah, I think I got this." Even the first few kills that Leatherface performs feel a little hollow. After my experience with 2017's Leatherface, I was already rolling my eyes and ready to write this off as another completely failed entry, and that's about the moment that a leg gets inverted with a sledgehammer. The kills in this movie are genuinely pretty sick, and I mean that in a genuine, complimentary way. There is, quite frankly, an amazing amount of "holy shit" moments in this, including one gonzo gnarly sequence involving a party bus. Sadly, that party bus sequence also happens to include what is possibly the worst piece of humor in the entire franchise, but we'll give it a slight pass because everything immediately following that atrocious joke is pure Chainsaw gold. There are a lot of examples of bad horror tropes being used even in the moments of this film that are good, including a gotcha moment that you can see coming from a mile away and a particular final girl-adjacent trope that I have always hated in horror sequels of the past. This is a frustrating one, because there is, undoubtedly, so much potential here for something that could have been good. If the writing had just been better (or a little bit worse, honestly), we could have had a Texas Chainsaw entry that was just a fun time, but instead we got an entry that is fun at times and hard to watch at most other times. While I did find myself having fun for a decent chunk of the film, I can't in good conscience give it a good score. Just know that if you're a genre fan, there is, at the very least, a little to latch onto here.
Score: 4/10
Currently streaming on Netflix.
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yougetsu · 5 months
Books & B-T
Books/stories that might have inspired B-T lyrics or albums:
Salome by Oscar Wilde Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare Hamlet by Shakespeare Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson Neuromancer by William Gibson Solaris by Stanisław Lem Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Lewis Carroll Season in Hell Arthur Rimbaud The Stranger by Albert Camus Fantomas by Marcel Allain & Pierre Souvestre Locus Solus by Raymond Roussel Les Enfants Terribles by Jean Cocteau The Fall of Icarus by Ovid Dada Manifesto by Hugo Ball The Surrealist Manifesto by André Breton The Rosicrucian manifestos The Story of Little Black Sambo by Helen Bannerman JoJo's Bizarre Adventure by Hirohiko Araki Hearts by Kumi Himeno The Soul of the Night by Chet Raymo Vita Mechanicalis by Inagaki Taruho Akira by Katsuhiro Otomo
Books mentioned by Acchan:
Villain by Shuichi Yoshida A Collection of Crime Stories by Shuichi Yoshida Ikari by Shuichi Yoshida Kokuhou by Shuichi Yoshida Kokoro by Natsume Soseki Audition by Ryu Murakami Coin Locker Babies by Ryu Murakami The World Five Minutes From Now by Ryu Murakami No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai The Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai Hakyoku by Tono Haruka Kairyou by Tono Haruka Neko Nari by Numata Mahokaru Shibireru by Numata Mahokaru Kugatsu ga Eien ni Tsuzukeba by Numata Mahokaru Yurigokoro by Numata Mahokaru On Decadence by Sakaguchi Ango Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima  Death Spirits by Yutaka Haniya Living Tips by Itsuki Hiroyuki Grotesque by Natsuo Kirino Shiki by Fuyumi Ono Bride of Deimos written by Etsuko Ikeda & illustrated by Yuho Ashibe The Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky Notes from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky Night on the Galactic Railroad by Kenji Miyazawa Gedou no uta by Daisuke Watanabe Tokkou no shima by Satō Shūhō
Other authors mentioned by Acchan:
Junji Ito Randi Taguchi Ryunosuke Akutagawa Yasunari Kawabata Natsuhiko Kyogoku Ayatsuji Yukito Sakuraba Kazuki Nobuyuki Fukumoto Hermann Hesse Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
nopperabou.net Jrockarchive This is not greatest site Buck-Tick Zone Vk BT group Book list gathered by fans (twt) FT bulletins Ongaku to hito interviews Kurumi chan no Heya (FM COCOLO) B-T profiles through the years I've saved Personal scans & magazines
Feel free to add more books/novels/mangas <3
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neshatriumphs · 2 years
Dark Skin Directory
I did one of these for my sideblog BlackFemmeCharacterDependency (BFCD) and... While it’ll take longer on this end to do because there are more prominent figures here than on that one, I thought it would be good to also have one for my main...
EDIT: Okay, so the one that I did for BFCD does not work, so I am posting this one to see if it works, and if not, they’ll both be WIPS until I have the time to repair them
For the purposes of this list and on this page, whenever I say “dark skinned,” I mean a traditional brown crayon or darker. I grew up around Black people, so the words “dark skinned” do not mean the same thing to me as it do to nonblacks.
Aaron Rose Philip | Abbey Mag | Adelayo Adedayo | Adepero Oduye | Adina Porter |  Aesha Ash | Afton Williamson | Aïssa Maïga | Aja Naomi King | Akiima | Alexandra Arboleda | Alfre Woodard | Alisha White | Allison Dean | Alysia Rogers | Amber Riley | Amber Ruffin | Andrea Bordeaux | Angel Haze | Angel Theory |  Angelica Joy | Angelica Ross | Angelique Noire | Angely Gaviria | Aniela Gumbs | Ann Ogbomo | Ann Wolfe | Anna Diop | Anne Amari | Antoinette Robertson | Ashleigh Morghan | Ashleigh Murray | Ashley Blaine Featherson | Asjha Cooper | Assa Sylla | Aube Jolicoeur | Aunjanue Ellis | Awar Mou | Aweng Chuol | Ayisha Issa | Ayo Edebiri
Betty Adewole | Beverly Osu | Bianca Brewton |  Biba Williams | Bintou Sillah | Bob the Drag Queen | Bonnie Mbuli | Brandy Norwood | Bre Scullark | Brittany Adebumola 
Camille Winbush | Caroline Chikezie | Ceval Omar | Charlayne Woodard | Charnele Brown | Chinenye Ezeudu | Christine Adams | Cicely Tyson | Coco Jones | Condola Rashad | Crystal Clarke
Da’Vine Joy Randolph | Damaris Lewis | Dana Davis | Danai Gurira | Danielle Deadwyler | Danielle Moné Truitt | Dawnn Lewis | Debbi Morgan | Deborah Ayorinde |  Debra Shaw | Debra Wilson | Denee Benton | Dewanda Wise | Diahann Carroll | Diany Samba-Bandza | Diarra Ndiaye | Dominique Jackson | Duckie Thot
Ebboney Wilson | Ebonee Noel | Ebony Obsidian | Ego Nwodim | Elle M. Chaman | Elise Neal | Emayatzy Corinealdi | Enuka Okuma | Erica Tazel | Erika Alexander | Ester Dean | Esther Rolle
Faith Alabi | Faith Omole | Faithe Herman | Fardosa | Felecia M. Bell | Femi Taylor | Florence Kasumba | Folake Olowofoyeku | Franchesca Ramsey
Gabrielle Graham | Gabrielle Union Wade | Gabourey Sidibe | Garcelle Beauvais | Geffri Maya | Genevieve Nnaji | Gina Torres | Gloria Hendry | Grace Jones
Halimotu Shokunbi | Hamamat | Harriett D Foy | Heather Headley | Heir of Glee | Helen Aluko
Iman | Imani Hakim | Imani Lewis | Ingrid Silva | Ireanna | Issa Rae
Jacqueline Moore | Jada Harris | Janelle James | Janelle Monae | Janeshia Adams Ginyard | Janet Hubert | Janet Jumbo | Javicia Leslie | Jayme Lawson | Jeante Godlock | Jemima Osunde | Jennifer Hudson | Jerrika Hinton | Jessica Allain | Jessieca Alford | Jill Marie Jones | Jo Marie Payton | Jobel Mokonzi | Jodie Turner Smith | Johnnie Hill | Joi Harris | Joie Lee | Jonica “Jojo” T. Gibbs | Josette Simon | Jwaundace Candece
Kabrina Adams | Karen Glave | Karen Obilom | Karidja Touré | Karimah Westbrook | Keeya King | Kellie Shanygne Williams | Kellita Smith | Kelly Rowland | Kenya Moore | Keshia Knight Pulliam | Kiara Pike | Kiki Layne | Kimberly Marable | Kirby Howell Baptiste
Laci Mosley | Lanei Chapman | Lashana Lynch | Laura Kariuki | Lauren Byfield | Lidya Jewett | Lisa Berry | Lisette Malidor | Lolly Adefope | Lorraine Pascale | Lorraine Toussaint | Loren Lott | Loretta Devine | LovelyOverdose | Lyric Ross
MaameYaa Boafo | Madison Curry | Mame Adjei | Marcia McBroom | Maria Borges | Mariah Iman Wilson | Marlene Clark | Marsai Martin | Mary Alice | Mary Oyaya | Mayowa Nicolas | Medina Senghore | Melodie Wakivuamina | Merrin Dungey | Michaela Coel | Miji Awakyr | Milauna Jackson | Miqueal-Symone Williams | Morgan Dawson | Moses Ingram | Moshidi Motshegwa | Mouna Fadiga | Mouna Traoré | Mumbi Maina | Musabey
Naomi Campbell | Naomi Ekperigin | Naomi WWE |  Naomie Harris |  Natalie Desselle Reid | N’Bushe Wright | Nia Jervier | Nia Long | Nichole Galicia | Nicki Micheaux | Nicole Beharie | Nicole Byer | Normani Kordei | Nyakim Gatwech | Nyanderi Deng | Nyaueth Riam | Nyla Lueeth | Nyma Tang |
Octavia Spencer | Ola Ray | Olunike Adeliyi | Olivia Sang | Omono Okojie | Oprah Winfrey | Oyin Oladejo | Ozioma Akagha
Patina Miller | Paulina Otylie Surys | Philomena Kwao | Phina Oruche | Phylicia Benn | Phylicia Rashad | Pippa Bennett Warner | Precious Adams | Precious Mustapha |
Queen Quet | Quiana Welch | Quinta Brunson | Quvenzhane Wallis
Raigan Harris | Reagan Gomez | Regina King | Regina Van Helvert | Renee Elise Goldsberry | Retta | Riele Downs | Ronke Adekoluejo | Rose Jackson | Ruth (IAmBabeRuth/BabeRuthTV) |  Rutina Wesley | Ryan Destiny
Saidah Arrika Ekulona | Samantha Liana Cole | Samantha Marie Ware | Sandra Dede sandramabelle | Saniyya Sidney | Sara Martins | Sasha Lambon | Sasheer Zamata | Sese Madaki Ali | Shahadi Wright Joseph | Shanice Williams | Shannon Thornton | Sharon Duncan Brewster | Sharon Ferguson | Sharon Pierre-Louis | Shea Couleé | Sheryl Lee Ralph | Shyko Amos | Sibongile Mlambo | Sierra McClain | Simbi Khali | Simona Brown | Simone Biles | Simone Missick | Sindi-Dlathu | Skai Jackson | Skye P. Marshall | Sokhna Cisse | Sonya Eddy | Stefanee Martin | Stella Okech | Subah Koj | Sufe Bradshaw | Susan Wokoma | Symphony Sanders
T’Nia Miller | Tamara Dobson | Tamara Lawrance | Tamera Mclaughlin  (Dwarfism Disability. Check PC before adding to that list) | Tanerélle | Tanedra Howard | Tanisha Scott | Tanya Moodie | Tanyell Waivers | Taral Hicks | Tarana Burke | Tempestt Bledsoe |  Tenika Davis | Teresa Graves | Terri J. Vaughn | Teshi Thomas | Teyonah Parris | Theresa Fractale | Thishiwe Ziqubu | Tichina Arnold | Tonya Pinkens | Tracey Ifeachor | Trina McGee | Trina Parks | Tyra Ferrell
Vanessa Bell Calloway | Vanessa Lee Chester | Vanessa Gyimah | Vanessa Nakat | Vanessa Estelle Williams | Vaneza Oliveira | Veronica S. Taylor | Viola Davis | Vivica Ifeoma
Wakeema Hollis | Whitney Houston | Whoopi Goldberg | Wunmi Mosaku
Xosha Roquemore
Yaani King | Yandeh Sallah | Yanna McIntosh | Yaya Dacosta | Yaz | Yetide Badaki | Yolonda Ross  | Yusra Warsama | Yvonne Okoro | Yvonne Orji
Zainab Johnson | Zelda Harris | Zenobia | Zethu Dlomo | Zhariah Hubbard | Ziwe Fumudoh | Zola Williams | Zozibini Tunzi
#to add to darkskin directory
Aliet Sarah
Tricia Akello
Sokhna Niane
Rashida Renée
Javonna Charde’
Ajak Deng
Edun Bola
Pretty Tye
Herieth Noela
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thriftstorerecords · 1 year
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Rossini: William Tell And Barber Of Seville Overtures Bizet: Carmen Prelude Austrian Symphony, Conducted by Kurt Woss Maggio Fiorentino, Conducted by Erasmo Ghiglia Paris Opera, Jean Allain Remington Records/USA (1951)
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biblioklept · 2 years
Last Friday (Books acquired, 30 Dec. 2022)
Last Friday (Books acquired, 30 Dec. 2022)
I picked up first edition hardbacks of The Box Man by Kobo Abe and Fantômas by Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre today at the used bookstore I like to wander around every other Friday afternoon (or, if I’ve had a bad week, maybe every Friday afternoon, or even a Monday, or Thursday). I wasn’t really looking for anything in particular (okay, I was looking for a physical copy of Joy Williams’…
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nicolerrichie · 5 months
Nicole Richie on the 20th Anniversary of ‘The Simple Life,’ Starring in ‘Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead’ Remake and Writing a Horror-Comedy [Variety Interview]
Nicole Richie has been a “diehard fan” of the 1991 cult comedy “Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead” for as long as she can remember.
“I’ve been quoting this movie my whole life,” she says.
And now, life has come full circle because the former “Simple Life” reality television icon stars in director Wade Allain-Marcus’ “Don’t Tell Mom” remake as fashion company boss Rose.
The new film stars Simone Joy Jones as Tanya, a 17-year-old whose summer plans are upended when her mom (“Ms. Pat” star Patricia Williams) checks herself into a health retreat. Things completely unravel when the babysitter, played by Oscar nominee June Squibb, hired to take care of Tanya and her siblings suddenly dies.
“When I heard it was going to be a remake, I was like, ‘What does this mean?’” she says. “So I jumped on a Zoom with Wade and he was like, ‘This is a reimagining of the movie.’ He had everything from color palettes, mood boards and a lot of music to give me an idea of what he wanted to do with it. Right after our first Zoom, I was like, ‘I’m ready to play Rose.’”
How nervous were you for a remake? Some remakes work and some are pretty awful. This is true, but I had the most fun doing it. I think it’s so funny. It’s very feel good, which is something that I don’t think you necessarily get all the time now. When I say feel good, I’m talking early ‘90s. It’s a family adventure comedy.
But one that pushes envelope. There’s a lot of weed in it. A lot more cursing than I expected. Well, it is rated R. I don’t think anyone was expecting an R rating. It’s been a running joke in our group chat.
You don’t act often. I read a lot of things, but I just want to make sure that it’s something that I can do a good job in and confidently pour my energy into and feel like I can do it. I think that this movie was a perfect example of that. I never imagined that I would ever play Rose. But now that I think about it, I’m like, “Oh, I’ve always felt spiritually connected to her.” So this was just waiting for me from day one, from 1991.
Do you remember your worst audition? I don’t know that I’ve necessarily had something where I’m like, that was so horrible. But auditions are so funny. When I auditioned for “Great News,” I auditioned at the end of the day. I walked in, I signed my name, and I was number like 32 for this role. I was like, I’m not gonna get this. I left and got on a flight to go on tour with my husband [Joel Madden]. But when I landed, I found out I got a call back. They told me I need to needed to fly back home and audition again.
Do you have a dream role you’d like to play? I am in the middle of writing a comedy horror movie right now that I am going to star in. This is a little more Kathleen Turner à la “Serial Mom.”
How often are being pitched a “Simple Life” reunion or reboot? It has happened a lot, but Paris [Hilton] and I have always felt that we don’t want to do something just to do it. But it is the 20-year anniversary this year, so we have been talking about different ways to celebrate this very cool show that we did. So we’ll see.
Paris’ memoir is being adapted as a TV series. Should I audition?
That was my next question: who should play you? Jack Black? [Laughs]
You made big headline news the other night at the “Don’t Tell Mom” premiere because your kids (daughter Harlow Madden, 16, and son Sparrow Madden, 14) made their red carpet debut. Was that a conscious decision, something you all talked about beforehand? Honestly, they were just going to come with me. It was not really something that we had necessarily talked about. We were there as a family. They’re old enough now. They understand what that is.
How often do they look at old footage of you or watch the “Simple Life”? “The Simple Life” is apparently having a big moment on TikTok, so they do tell me that they watch clips on TikTok. Their friends watch it. I get a lot of eye rolls in my house all the time. It’s right on brand with how they see me, in general.
Do they want to go into the business? I’m not sure. I highly doubt that my son does. My daughter might but she’s not banging down my door asking about it. She’s really living that 16-year-old life.
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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Tobias Berry Stamps “T.B.” (March 10, 1846 - November 24, 1898) was a politician, journalist, coroner, businessman, wealthy commission merchant, landowner, and community activist. He served the state of Louisiana as a State Senator. He was a native of Monticello, Mississippi.
He was a prominent man in politics in reconstruction days and served in the State Senate in the administrations of Warmoth and Kellog. He occupied positions in the Customs House. He was influential among Republicans in the Sixth and Seventh Districts in New Orleans. He was responsible for the act of incorporating the town of Kenner, Louisiana. He organized and was President of the Colored Bimetallic League and stumped Louisiana and neighboring states in support of the silver platform. Grand Sub-Club #1 supported a bid for him to run for Congress. He was considered to be a likely successor for Lt. Governor. The Democratic Free Silver Newspaper was run by him and J.W. White, with T.B. as the Editor.
He was the Coroner for Jefferson Parrish from 1868-1870.
The movement in Louisiana for an equal opportunity institution of higher learning was sponsored in the 1879 Louisiana State Constitutional Convention by delegates P.B.S. Pinchback, T.T. Allain, T.B. Stamps, and Henry Demas.
Their efforts resulted in the establishment of this institution for the education of persons of color in New Orleans. Southern University, chartered by Legislative Act 87 in April 1880, had a 12-member Board of Trustees. The act provided for the establishment of a faculty of “arts and letters” competent in “every branch of liberal education.”
He was the great-grandfather of California���s First African American Associate Chief Justice Wiley William Manual. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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spoilertv · 1 year
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Black Femme Character Dependency Dark Skin Directory: J
J: The Characters
Jack Starbright | Janai | Jane Amphibia | Jane Hayward | Janie Egins | Janine Teagues | Jasmine TD | Jasmine Davis | Jean Peterson | Jennifer Sisko | Jenny Jackson | Jenny Pizza | Jessica Crashing | Jessica Williams | Jill TUA | Jinna | Joana Coelho | Joanna Crawford | Jodie Landon | Jojo Williams | Jolene | Jonelle Abraham | Jordan Armstrong | Jordan Moore | Josie McCoy | Juanita Benson | Judith | Julia Freeman | Juniper Andromeda | Justine Dancer
J: The Entertainers
Jacqueline Moore | Jada Harris | Jade Eshete | Jaimi Gray | Janelle James |  Janelle Monae | Janeshia Adams Ginyard | Janet Hubert | Janet Jumbo |  Javicia Leslie | Javonna Charde’ | Jayden Rey | Jayme Lawson | Jeante Godlock | Jemima Osunde | Jennifer Hudson | Jerrika Hinton | Jessica Allain |  Jessieca Alford | Jill Marie Jones |  Jo Marie Payton |  Jobel Mokonzi | Jodie Turner Smith | Johnnie Hill | Joi Harris | Joie Lee | Jonica “Jojo” T. Gibbs |  Josette Simon | Jwaundace Candece
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cultfaction · 1 year
The Exorcist: Believer trailer released
Exactly 50 years ago this fall, the most terrifying horror film in history landed on screens, shocking audiences around the world. Now, on Friday, October 13th 2023, a new chapter begins. From Blumhouse and director David Gordon Green, who shattered the status quo with their resurrection of the Halloween franchise, comes The Exorcist: Believer. Since the death of his pregnant wife in a Haitian…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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BOOKS I READ IN 2022 Mostly academic books I read for research purposes or to expand my knowledge of a topic, though this year was much more scattershot then 2021 in terms of topic, and I read a lot less. Indeed, this year, while there was a lot of books I loved and luxuriated in, or am proud I finished, there were a bunch of very frustrating or not particularly appealing academic works I almost regret reading, such as the Cavel & Noakes volume! Also, far more fiction - I somehow read sections from almost every volume of Christopher Tolkien's History of Middle Earth series. Generally, I read the majority of the book - monographs or collections where I read a single chapter or introduction aren’t included. I also included a few of the best or most interesting articles I read, though there are dozens and dozens more. Books marked with a cross are ones I particularly recommend. The first two entries are books I started reading in 2021 and the last three I’m still reading!
Anne Guérin, Prisonniers en révolte: Quotidien carcéral, mutineries et politique pénitentiaire en France, 1970-1980  +
Larry Wolff, Venice and the Slavs: The Discovery of Dalmatia in the Age of Enlightenment
Murar Ergin, 'Is The Turk A White Man?': Race and Modernity in the Making of Turkish Identity
Douglas Hamilton and John McAleer, ed., Islands and the British Empire in the Age of Sail
Allain Millard, Communaute Des Egaux: Le Communisme Neo-Babouviste Dans La France Des Annees 1840 +
Blaise Cendrars, L'Homme foudroyé
Victor Serge, Notebooks, 1934-1947 +
Peter Cole, Ben Fletcher: The Life and Times of a Black Wobbly +
John Deak, Forging a Multinational State: State-Making in Imperial Austria from the Enlightenment to the First World War
Brock Millman, ed., Polarity, Patriotism, and Dissent in Great War Canada, 1914–1919
Elinor Barr, Silver Islet: Striking It Rich in Lake Superior
Gerry Boyce, Eldorado: Ontario's First Gold Rush
Nancy B. Bouchier & Ken Cruikshank, The People and the Bay: A Social and Environmental History of Hamilton Harbour
Franca Iacovetta, Roberto Perin & Angelo Principe, ed., Enemies Within: Italian and Other Internees in Canada and Abroad
Janice Cavell & Jeff Noakes, Acts of Occupation: Canada and Arctic Sovereignty, 1918-25
Élisabeth Vonarburg, The Maerlande Chronicles
J. R. R. Tolkien & Christopher Tolkien, Morgoth's Ring (and bits and pieces of the rest of the History of Middle Earth series)
Elizabeth Hand, Winterlight
Jonathan Haslam, The Spectre of War: International Communism and the Origins of World War II +
William Clare Roberts, Marx's Inferno: The Political Theory of Capital +
Ruth Bleasdale, Rough Work: Labourers on the Public Works of British North America and Canada, 1841-1882  +
Dale Gibson, Law, Life, and Government at Red River, Volume 1: Settlement and Governance, 1812-1872
Fabrice Grenard, Une légende du maquis: George Guingouin, du mythe à l'histoire
Jesper Vaczy Kragh, Lobotomy Nation: The History of Psychosurgery and Psychiatry in Denmark
Serge Chakotin, The Rape of the Masses: The Psychology of Totalitarian Political Propaganda (1940)
Select articles I read:
Matthew Pehl, “Between the Market and the State: The Problem of Prison Labor in the New Deal,”
Ernest Allen, “Waiting for Tojo: The Pro-Japan Vigil of Black Missourians, 1932-1943.”
Sarah Carter, “Two Acres and a Cow: 'Peasant’ Farming for the Indians of the Northwest, 1889-97.”
David Thompson, “Convalescent Comrades: The 1935 Siege of Winnipeg’s Deer Lodge Hospital.”
Benjamin D. Weber, “The Strange Career of the Convict Clause: US Prison Imperialism in the Panamá Canal Zone.”
Ernest Ming-Tak Leung, “The Japanese Factor in the Making of North Korean Socialism.”
Eugeny Morozov, “Critique of Techno-Feudal Reason.”
Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, “Fascist Spectacle.”
Tiziana Terranova and Ravi Sundaram, “Colonial Infrastructures and Techno-social Networks.”
Looking forward to reading in 2023:
Ruan O'Donnell, Special Category: The IRA in English Prisons, Vol. 1 & 2
Garrett Felber, Those Who Know Don't Say: The Nation of Islam, the Black Freedom Movement, and the Carceral State
Gavin Walker, ed. The Red Years: Theory, Politics and Aesthetics in the Japanese '68
Cheryl D. Hicks, Talk with You Like a Woman: African American Women, Justice, and Reform in New York, 1890-1935
Sebastein Elsbach, Eiserne Front: Abwehrbundnis Gegen Rechts, 1931 Bis 1933
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quiredaragoff · 2 years
La Masacre de Texas | República Cinéfila
La Masacre de Texas | República Cinéfila
La Masacre de Texas, la vuelta del asesino serial Leatherface y su letal motosierra exhibe las limitaciones de la franquicia, en un filme con algunos pasajes entretenidos, pero ciertamente descartable.   Como un filme de culto, muy citado -aunque quizás no tan visto- y altamente influyente en el cine de terror de los últimos cuarenta años, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre largometraje mejor conocido…
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