#Wilma Archer
als0als0 · 2 years
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biscuitlion · 2 years
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cheddar-baby · 9 months
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New years chart 🥰 (titles under cut)
Jeff Rosenstock - HELLMODE Yoni Mayraz - Dybbuk Tse! TEKE::TEKE - Hagata Magdalena Bay - Mercurial World Sufjan Stevens - Javelin Dorian Electra - Fanfare Sampha - Lahai Magdalena Bay - mini mix vol. 3 Magdalena Bay - A Little Rhythm and a Wicked Feeling Tears for Fears - Songs from the Big Chair Yoni Mayraz - Rough Cuts Tears for Fears - The Hurting Kate Bush - Never for Ever (2018 Remaster) Magdalena Bay - mini mix vol. 2 CMAT - Crazymad, For Me Doja Cat - Scarlet JPEGMAFIA - SCARING THE HOES Rina Sawayama - SAWAYAMA Chloe x Halle - Ungodly Hour Comanavago - Heart Failure George Clanton - Ooh Rap I Ya Jacaszek - KWIATY Wilma Archer - A Western Circular Andy Shauf - Norm Feist - Multitudes Matthew Halsall - An Ever Changing View Billy Woods - Maps Chini.png - El día libre de Polux death's dynamic shroud - After Angel Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia Jessie Ware - That! Feels Good! Klô Pelgag - Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs Le Cri du Caire - Le Cri du Caire Liv.e - Girl In The Half Pearl Madeline Kenney - Night Night At The First Landing SLAUSON MALONE 1 - EXCELSIOR Speakers Corner Quartet - Further Out Than The Edge yeule - softscars Allie X - Cape God Armand Hammer - We Buy Diabetic Test Strips
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 years
Another continuation of EAH names, but this time, it's the children of Robin Hood's Merry Men.
Warning, puns abound. Enjoy!
First, Robin Hood and Maid Marian son's Sparrow Hood. You already know him so I'll skip the introduction and just drop his picture down below.
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Next the son of Little John, John Little, Jr. (also called "Johnny" or "Junior" by friends and family). Like his father, he's tall. Like, really tall. He's the same age as Sparrow, but is a few months older. He's been handling Sparrow's ego from a young age and is the only one who can really get him off of his high horse and back to the real world. He also acts as the band's roadie/manager.
Now we have a semi-familiar face, Tucker Friar (also called "Tuck" by his friends and family), the son of Friar Tuck. He was only mentioned in the books and is one of two Merry Men we see in the webisodes, but everyone has pretty much dubbed this one (pictured here) Tucker Friar. He's like John in that he can bring Sparrow down from one of his ego trips. He either plays the bass or guitar in Sparrow's band.
Now, the only other Merry Man we were shown in the webisodes, the one with green hair, I have dubbed as the son of Reynold Greenleaf, Ray Greenleaf. He either plays the bass or guitar in Sparrow's band.
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Another one you might recognize is the Orange Haired backgrounder. As previously stated, she could be the daughter of Alan-a-Dale or Will Scarlet. As Alanna Dale, she could be a skilled musician, like her father, with a harp or a lute. If she is Wilma Scarlet, she could not only be a skilled musician, but also a skilled swordsman, like her father. The two could often be mistaken for each other, even among the Merry Men, because they have the same hair color.
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Next, we have the daughter of George-a-Greene, Georgia Greene. She has a lot of animals that are actually strays or lost pets that her family keeps impounded on their family property. She is also a great watchman like her father, keeping watch over their family property and Sherwood Forest.
Now, the child of Gamble Gold, Gable Gold. Like all the other Merry Men, they are skilled in combat, like archery, swords, and quarter staff.
Much the Miller's Son has a son of his own, Michael Miller. Not only can he mill, but he can also use a bow and arrow and is very skilled with a knife as well.
Gilbert Whitehand (or Gilbert with the White Hand) has a son named Robert Whitehand. Like his father, and the rest of the Merry Men, he is skilled in archery and swordsmanship.
Swaney the Scot's son is named Wayne Scot. Like the rest of the Merry Men, he is skilled in archery, swords, horseback riding, and has other skills that a Merry Man would need.
Will Stutely has a son named Bill Stutely. He has the skills a Merry Man would need, but he is also a spy for Robin Hood, gathering information on the Sheriff and his plans.
David of Doncaster's son is named Daniel Doncaster. He has the skills of a Merry Man, but he can also use a quarter staff and is a skilled wrestler as well. As such, he's a bit larger than the average man.
Lastly, we have Arthur a Bland's son, Archer Bland. Despite his name, Archer is a skilled tanner and fighter, along with the other Merry Men. He grew up together with Sparrow and the other Merry Men's children.
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votava-records · 2 years
First FT of the year is here, and we have to start with a mini homage to the Super Villain, MF DOOM.
Beats, Soul, Jazz, Reggae, Dub, Afrobeat, Disco, House and everything in between on the menu for this edition.
RIP MF Doom, Phil Asher, K-Maxx, Double K…
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masssann · 2 years
Album of The Year 2022(HipHop R&B)
自分でも何書いてるのかよく分からない拙い文章ですが、2022年のBest Album HipHop R&B編です。ケンドリックとか、ドレイクは無い。
10."Jazz Codes" by Moor Mother
フィラデルフィアの詩人/ラッパーMoor Mother。Noise,Electronic,AmbientとJazzとHipHopを融合させた実験的傑作。アヴァンギャルドになり過ぎず、かといってポピュラーでもないちょうど良い絶妙な立ち位置。
Best song:MEDITATION RAG feat.Aquiles Navarro & Alya Al Sultani
9."Alone" by OMSB
日本のHipHopクルーSIMI LABに所属するラッパーOMSB。初期の挑発的で危険な雰囲気を纏った彼も好きですが...弱い部分や苦悩を超えた、日常の幸せを歌う等身大のOMSBが素敵です。2022年日本語RAPの中で一番感動した作品でした。
Best song:波の歌(Album mix)
8. "RUFFS" by Kenny Mason
アトランタ出身で、JIDとも頻繁に交わっている今年28歳のラッパーKenny Mason。Nirvana,My Bloody Valentineなどを愛聴している彼らしく、TrapBeatを中心にRockやMetalを取り入てDreamvilleなどメジャーに近い音にまとめる感覚が凄い。激しさとエモさ両方感じるRapもかっこいい。
Best song:NOSEDIVE feat.Jean Dawson
7."No Liquor Before 12" by Mickey Diamond
Griseldaと並んで、Undergroundで勢いに乗るHipHop集団The Umbrella Collectiveに所属するデトロイト出身のRappr Mickey Diamond。アルバムの背景にあるのは、Bangkok Dangerous3の制作過程で陥った自身のアルコール中毒の体験、人間誰しもが持っている内側に潜む悪の表現。タイトルも朝から飲んでいたことを示唆してますね(多分)。多作な彼の作品の中でも、群を抜いた完成度の高さでした。フィジカル再発しろ。
Best song:Happy Hour
6."PARASAiL-18" by The Growth Eternal
ロサンゼルスのJazzベーシスト、ソングライターであるThe Growth Eternal。電子音楽レーベルLeaving RecordsからリリースされたElectronic R&B作品。全編ボコーダーを通した歌声と、輪郭の薄い電子音で特別な浮遊感があるアルバムです。世の中の重圧からの解放を表すPARASAiL。
Best song:Huntress
5."Intros, Outros & Interludes" by Domo Genesis
Odd FutureのメンバーでもあるロサンゼルスのラッパーDomo Genesisと、ベテラン(みんな大好き)Evidenceが4年ぶりに帰ってきましたね。Evidenceの作るどこかサイケデリックさを感じるLoopはDomo Genesisのラップと相性良くて、英語何言ってるのか分からないけどホッコリしながら何回も聞いてました。中毒性高い。
Best song:Trust the Process
4."Fair Exchange No Robbery" by Nicholas Craven, Boldy James
今年一番過労が心配された(?)ラッパーBoldy Jamesと、Nicholas Cravenのタッグということで...悪いわけがないですね。4小節で繰り返されるミニマルなトラックだけで、音風景をはっきり感じるNicholasのビートは最近のベストワークかと。ジャケも良い。
Best song:Scrabble
3."Working Title For the Album Secret Waters" by Cities Aviv
JEPEGMAFIAとは逆ベクトルでHIPHOPの枠を広げ続ける素晴らしいアーティストCities Aviv。曲自体はオーセンティックなsampling musicですが加工され、さらに本人の不気味なrapが乗ることで、異形な状態に(今作は控えめですが)。スリリングでサイケデリックな危ないSoul Music。
Best song:Chozen / The Prevalence of Issues
2."Grotto" by Wilma Vritra, Wilma Archer
聞くたびに感じる消化不良を解消するために、気がつけば繰り返し聴いていた中毒性MaxのAlbum。陽気だがどこかメランコリックな雰囲気があるトラックと、曲に寄り添うようなPyramid VritraのRapが素晴らしい。全編チェロやバイオリンなどの楽器も取り入れていて、Cities Avivとは対照的で計算された変態性を感じます。
Best song:If Possible
1."But could the moments in between" by Manana
南アフリカのJazz Piano Player/SingerであるManana。Jazz/NeosoulグループのSeba KaapstadのVocalの人でもあります。Jazzyでアコースティックなサウンドを中心に、陽光の温かさと、多幸感に満たされた素晴らしいアルバム(EP)。ファルセットの効いたMananaの柔らかい歌声を聴いただけで心揺さぶられる感じです。もっと日本での知名度上がって欲しいですね。
Best song:Patiently
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whatsonmedia · 11 days
Music Monday: The Latest Releases and Revisited Classics
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In the ever-evolving world of music, there's always something new to discover and appreciate. From the release of a captivating single to the revisiting of timeless dance anthems, this music roundup offers a glimpse into the diverse and vibrant landscape of contemporary music. Joshua Thew releases sublime new single 'Reveal'! I have heard a fair bit of Joshua's music so was interested in Reveal, and I wasn't disappointed. It's a soft ballad and they can be emotionally charged depending on the artist. Joshua just takes his time with this which makes it more enjoyable. Listen - Reveal  https://open.spotify.com/track/2N7xCvkztRIEnuLUvemOIC?si=a0566d42d9f24114 Watch - Reveal  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7Bl3Yjgazs https://open.spotify.com/artist/3oWGQhQ0FqlwJWwguF7asT?si=_QC8zGUHQD2Uw7CRBondBQ Bandcamp Get tickets for Joshua Thew live at The Lower Third on 23rd September here: Get tickets now here Rui da Silva ft Cassandra, Axel V & Armando Fernández Revisited Remix - Touch Me Originally released in 2000 this dance classic is still as great to listen to now as it was back then. Cassandra raspy voice not only fits in effortlessly, it adds that little extra to the song and you can hear the desire in her vocals. I can't get bored of this  Watch https://youtu.be/_lOEJ1uU0VM?si=Dra7bw78H_xzz3Pk Foals - In Degrees  Foals have yet to make a record that isn't Top 10 worthy. The deep vocals that Yannis can do cuts right through with zero effort on In Deep. Walter and Jimmy on backing vocals gives more depth to the music. Degrees is addictive listening for me  Watch  https://youtu.be/SND8xV_YFsw?si=bqnu22Cpbp8bUuBr Charli XCX - Boom Clap (The Fault in Our Stars OST) Released in 2014 and served as part of the main theme song for Teen Flick, The Fault in Our Stars, Boom Clap is about the feelings we experience when in romance. Charli's voice is deep and soft and glides itself over the music. Though I've not seen the film the song's a guilty pleasure  Watch https://youtu.be/AOPMlIIg_38?si=u9Vhak7--ryb2jQQ Mura Masa ft Slowthai - Deal Wiv it From the 90's to the 00's grime outfit, The Streets, made memorable songs about urban life. Fast forward to 2018 Mura Masa and Slowthai have done something similar, but they've gone a little grittier. One thing I admire about it is the honest no nonsense lyrics, saying it as it is. Watch https://youtu.be/F0uvt97Xn20?si=gdRMchnYtQSV2uR1 Deadletter's 'Hysterical Strength': Post-Punk Mastery in Contradictions In their debut album 'Hysterical Strength', the Yorkshire-bred post-punk band Deadletter revel in life's contradictions, striking a delicate balance between the foreboding and the fun. The album's title alone sets the tone, as the group embraces the crossroads where beauty meets brutality, showcasing a ferocious strength while also reveling in the hysteria. Drawing inspiration from genre forefathers like Magazine and Gang of Four, as well as contemporary acts such as Black Midi and Squid, Deadletter have crafted a sound that is both familiar and refreshingly unique. Brooding, crunching guitars may be the foundation, but the band understands the value of letting the light in, creating a dynamic and multifaceted listening experience. https://youtu.be/yE86eXOdi-Q?si=R_aFdTSNtswdGDV4 Nilüfer Yanya's 'My Method Actor': Carefully Considered, Creative Songwriting On her third album 'My Method Actor', London singer-songwriter Nilüfer Yanya continues to demonstrate her exceptional talent for crafting absorbing, genre-bending compositions. Opting to work exclusively with longtime collaborator Wilma Archer, Yanya has created a record that is the culmination of her carefully considered, creative songwriting process. Building upon the foundations laid by her acclaimed debut 'Miss Universe' and its follow-up 'Painless', 'My Method Actor' sees Yanya further exploring her eclectic musical palette, seamlessly blending elements of grunge, post-punk, and lush vocal melodies. By keeping the team small and focused, Yanya has managed to avoid any dilution of her artistic vision, resulting in her most compelling and absorbing listen yet. https://youtu.be/mWdIFrDUWOs?si=CvIJUi8YLzp9bTx5 For more music updates visit WhatsOn Joshua Thew releases sublime new single 'Reveal'! Rui da Silva ft Cassandra, Axel V & Armando Fernández Revisited Remix - Touch Me Foals - In Degrees  Charli XCX - Boom Clap (The Fault in Our Stars OST) Mura Masa ft Slowthai - Deal Wiv it Deadletter's 'Hysterical Strength': Post-Punk Mastery in Contradictions Nilüfer Yanya's 'My Method Actor': Carefully Considered, Creative Songwriting Read the full article
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ghettoorion · 1 month
Nilüfer Yanya - My Method Actor
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#nilüferyanya #vinyl #vinylrecords  Nilüfer Yanya's third studio album, My Method Actor, is a poignant reflection of her journey through a period of intense change and self-discovery. Building on the subtlety and introspection of her previous work, PAINLESS, Yanya delves into the concept of method acting as a metaphor for the emotional and mental toll of her transitional phase. This album, created in collaboration with her long-time writing partner Wilma Archer, unfolds like a cinematic experience, blending Yanya's signature indie rock sound with avant-garde elements that elevate her music to new heights. (...) Read the full article
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asolle · 6 months
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Click on the link to download or stream Music Music Music spring 24 episode 8: https://app.box.com/s/ykdtloj587pd528rglurxnw9t8gu80yt
Crumb - AMAMA The Rentals - Friends of P. Chet Faker - Low Kacey Musgraves - Deeper Well Chic - Le Freak Daft Punk - Lose Yourself to Dance The Rockyts - Another One Like You Spoon - The Way We Get By/I Turn My Camera On TEKE::TEKE - Hoppe Elvis Costello - Less Than Zero Elvis Costello and the Roots - Walk Us Uptown Slow Hollows - Idle Hands God Help The Girl - God Help The Girl Revival Season - Pump Deerhoof - The Eyebright Bugler Mad Caddies - Palm Trees and Pines FEET - Petty Thieving Coke Weed - Shortest Night Man Man - Iguana RJD2 - Final Frontier Norah Jones - Staring at the Wall Wilma Archer - The Boon Radiohead - Knives Out Jenny Lewis - Do Si Do Charlotte Gainsbourg - Voyage Stephen Malkmus - Forever 28 Thurston Moore - Benediction
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musiqspirit · 9 months
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kalamity-jayne · 10 months
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hmgn3 · 10 months
23-December 散財記録
01(fri) ・BRAZIL / 理想 (2023, CD) 03(sun) ・Tsukasa Takahashi & Hiroyuki Ura / Recorded at Ex-Kobundo (2023, CD-R) 04(mon) ・山二つ & yukifurukawa/ 近道 (2023, CD-R) 07(thu) ・Flunk / Blue Monday Remixes (2002, used 12inch) ・Birdsongs of the Mesozoic / Birdsongs of the Mesozoic EP (1983, used 12inch) 09(sat) ・People Skills / Gunshots at Crestridge (2016, used LP) ・Animal Collective / Honeycomb (2012, used 7inch) ・しだ / 01 (2003, CD-R) ・Prefuse73 / Estrocaro EP (2000, used 12inch) ・Andrew Coleman / Blame It On Adam (1999, used 12inch) ・Where The Buffalo Roam (The Original Movie Soundtrack) (1980, used LP) 10(sun) ・Kamitani / From Victoria (2009, CD-R) ・シャイガンティ / 得てして (?, CD-R) 11(mon) ・THE ACT WE ACT / フ​リ​ッ​カ​ー -Flicker- (2023, LP) ・WARCHILDREN / WARCHILDREN EP (2013, 7inch) ・No Empathy & Lunkhead / Split (1994, 7inch) 13(wed) ・Kyle Kidd / Soothsayer (2022, used LP) ・Charlie Haden / Folk Songs (1981, used LP) ・Ralph MacDonald / The Path (1978, used LP) 14(thu) ・Johnny Otis & Co. / Gee Baby (1987, used LP) 15(fri) ・Wilma Archer / A Western Circular (2020, used LP) ・From the Other Side / From the Other Side (1989, used LP) 16(sat) ・Nardeydey / Nardeydey (2019, used 12inch) ・Manual / Until Tomorrow (2001, used LP) 19(tue) ・Jolanda Moletta / Nine Spells (2022, used LP) ・The Witch / Erotic Delight (2021, used 7inch) ・Plush / Three-Quarters Blind Eyes (1994, used 7inch) 20(wed) ・Hi,how are you? / ?LDK (2014, 10inch) 21(thu) ・Arvo Pärt / Für Alina (2017, LP) 30(sat) ・Li Song, Zhao Cong & Zhu Wenbo / 2023 South China Tour Live Recording Selections (2023, cassette) 31(sun) ・Banksia Trio / MASKS (2023, used LP) ・Likwid Continual Space Motion / EP1 (2019, used 12inch) ・Form A Log / The Two Benji's (2013, used LP) ・Hausmeister / Solo (2003, used LP) ・Nobukazu Takemura / Sign (2000, used LP) ・The Carla Bley Band / European Tour 1977 (1978, used LP)
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Events 10.19 (after 1940)
1943 – The cargo vessel Sinfra is attacked by Allied aircraft at Crete and sunk. Two thousand and ninety-eight Italian prisoners of war drown with it. 1943 – Streptomycin, the first antibiotic remedy for tuberculosis, is isolated by researchers at Rutgers University. 1944 – United States forces land in the Philippines. 1944 – A coup is launched against Juan Federico Ponce Vaides, beginning the ten-year Guatemalan Revolution. 1950 – China defeats the Tibetan Army at Chambo. 1950 – Korean War: The Battle of Pyongyang ends in a United Nations victory. Hours later, the Chinese Army begins crossing the border into Korea. 1950 – Iran becomes the first country to accept technical assistance from the United States under the Point Four Program. 1955 – The General Assembly of the European Broadcasting Union approves the staging of the first Eurovision Song Contest. 1956 – The Soviet Union and Japan sign a Joint Declaration, officially ending the state of war between the two countries that had existed since August 1945. 1960 – The United States imposes a near-total trade embargo against Cuba. 1973 – President Nixon rejects an Appeals Court decision that he turn over the Watergate tapes. 1974 – Niue becomes a self-governing colony of New Zealand. 1984 – A Roman Catholic priest, Jerzy Popiełuszko, associated with the Solidarity Union, is killed by three agents of the Polish Communist internal intelligence agency. 1986 – The president of Mozambique and a prominent leader of FRELIMO, along with 33 others, die when their aircraft crashes into the Lebombo Mountains. 1987 – The United States Navy conducts Operation Nimble Archer, an attack on two Iranian oil platforms in the Persian Gulf. 1987 – Black Monday: The Dow Jones Industrial Average falls by 22%, 508 points. 1988 – The British government imposes a broadcasting ban on television and radio interviews with members of Sinn Féin and eleven Irish republican and Ulster loyalist paramilitary groups. 1989 – The convictions of the Guildford Four are quashed by the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, after they had spent 15 years in prison. 2001 – SIEV X, an Indonesian fishing boat en route to Christmas Island, carrying over 400 migrants, sinks in international waters with the loss of 353 people. 2003 – Mother Teresa is beatified by Pope John Paul II. 2004 – Thirteen people are killed when Corporate Airlines Flight 5966 crashes in Adair County, Missouri, whilst on approach to Kirksville Regional Airport. 2005 – Saddam Hussein goes on trial in Baghdad for crimes against humanity. 2005 – Hurricane Wilma becomes the most intense Atlantic hurricane on record with a minimum pressure of 882 mb. 2012 – A bomb explosion kills eight people and injures 110 more in Lebanon. 2013 – One hundred and five people are injured in a train crash in Buenos Aires. 2019 – Members of Parliament met at the House of Lords to discuss the United Kingdom's Brexit deal, this was the first Saturday sitting in Parliament since 3 April 1982 during the Falklands War.
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danieljfhsh · 1 year
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robyn-goodfellowe · 2 years
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blogworldstandard · 2 years
🟢World Standard ✳︎ World Standard
🟢 LAUFEY ✳︎Everything I Know About Love
🟢MILES DAVIS ✳︎Kind of Blue
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