narilovesnanoha · 1 year
Good news everyone, Discotek is releasing Reflection on Blu-ray!
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animebw · 2 years
You would not believe how happy I am that you’re enjoying Nanoha StrikerS so far. Most of the fandom puts A’s on a pedestal since they like the Wolkenritter and the big final battle against the kaiju, but StrikerS was always my favorite season, and for mainly the same reasons you’ve been pointing out: Nanoha and Fate got so much more interesting as adults (to the point that their adult versions are still some of my all time favorite anime characters), and SubaTia are fantastic new additions to the cast.
I'm honestly surprised A's is so highly regarded. Compared to the strength of Fate's arc in the first season and all the good stuff about StrikerS so far, its deficiencies are only becoming more obvious to me.
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gierosajie · 5 days
Thinking about drawing Signum in Jing Yuan's outfit (because Wolkenritter → Cloud Knights, and also they're both generals with the little ribbon in their hair) but I fear seeing it would simply kill me on the spot haha
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miyanagateru · 11 months
also when the wolkenritters shit is like (in german) explosion. tthis is like. the hyypest shit
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I dunno how many people following me have read my older random musings, but way back when I blathered on about the crossover potential between Valdemar and the Lyrical Nanoha franchises. Link here if you haven’t and are curious. Well, I gotta do something while getting my daily walk in (involving a whole lot of pacing around the house because I am NOT going out in 100+ degree weather), so here’s some more thoughts on that for the fanfics I am obviously never going to write.
One thing that was brought up on a forum I talked about this with was that TSAB mages would be extremely tempting targets for any Blood Path mages that might be lurking around on Velgarth. Especially if the time of the crossover would be after Second Cataclysm. Because while the magic systems of Nanoha and Valdemar might actually have the odd connection of being mathematically calculable (and really that right there alone is a great excuse to say Valdemar could fit into the wider Nanoha setting) the way the mages interact with magical energy is different. Velgarthian mages mostly work with environmental magic. There are other ways of amassing power, such as contracts with various spirits or going stabby, but the point is that they don’t produce and store that much internally. So to them a TSAB mage would seem absolutely absurd. Yeah, the lower level ones would mostly be distinguished by the way they use it, but the higher level ones? Your Nanohas and your Fates, and especially somebody like Hayate? They’re practically walking nodes, if not outright Heartstones! How could they possibly hold that much power inside of themselves at all times without getting flash fried?! How can they actually produce so much magic just by themselves?! Are we sure these people are actually humans?
But then, least this seems like a way of saying how much better one side is, while I can’t say I have as much evidence for it I’d like to think that a Velgarthian mage would seem just as crazy to a Midchildian. “Excuse me, how do they cast their spells?! Oh yes, I’m feeling a bit winded, let me grab these live wires! Dear Sankt Kaiser, don’t let them on board. Who knows what they’ll do to the engine!” Because yeah, the TSAB might have far stronger internal stores, but they only use those or external stores they create themselves like the cartridges, and even those are fed through a Device and not handled directly. The only exceptions I can think of thus far are the Wolkenritter gathering magic for the Book of Darkness, which is basically Blood Path magic and not a direct display of capability as Velgarth knows it, and Nanoha’s Starlight Breaker. And even that doesn’t necessarily exceed anything beyond Journeyman level by handling loose bits of environmental magic that hasn’t naturally condensed into a ley line yet. All of those other impressive mages with their insane feats, well technically speaking, by the standards of Velgarth they’re just Apprentice level or hedge mages. I don’t know if they can even see the flow of environmental magic without relying on tech the way a Valgarthian mage can.
The TSAB might even suspect somebody was experimenting with genetic engineering on this planet with odd magical capabilities like that. In the case of the Tayledras, they’d even be right. Even in their high tech, openly magical worlds they don’t have a 100% mage population. Granted most of them are very minor mages, but they’re still technically mages. And then there’s all of the created and uplifted species on Velgarth, the gryphons, the hertasi, the kyree, etc. We might see individual animals made into familiars, or the occasional special magical being like Caro’s dragons, but entire non-human species? I admit I’m not past StrikerS yet, but I don’t recall seeing anything like that. Even without the worrisome potential world-ender that Urtho created, his species creation would probably warrant in-depth investigation and research in and of itself. And as for villain potential, well, we’ve seen from the example of Agito that not everyone in Midchildian society carries out research on magical beings in an... "ethical" fashion. That and the previously mentioned Blood Mages looking to capture some of those juicy walking nodes, either for one heck of a quick power boost sacrifice or a long-term torture/feeding subject. Horrific kidnappings on both sides!
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werewolfcave · 3 years
Thinking about how Signum is the Knight of the Sword and Shamal is the Knight of the Lake
The Lady of the Lake and her Sword <3
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isagrimorie · 6 years
Thing I noticed re-watching Nanoha Reflections:
Fate’s already taller than most of her peers!
Nanoha and Fate are damned strong to carry their friends! So magic + increase physical strength?
I love that Nanoha doesn’t forget her friends and are actually brought into the magical group, and Arisa and Suzuka’s parents were also invited in.
Team Mother got to relax and have coffee while Arisa’s dad took care of the kids.
Magical shields are effective against bullets. Take That people who are determined to show Grim Dark military easily winning against TSAB.
It was really awesome to watch Hayate fight and use magic and use it without using her barrier jacket.
Amitie is awesome.
Are is in mini mode, she’s really trying to conserve magical energy for Fate and that makes me want to hug her so much.
Um, how do they know who Hayate, Fate, and Nanoha are? Even down to Fate’s backstory? I doubt that was advertised -—wait, are they from a future????
I can’t get over how Hayate kept listing all of Amitie’s traffic violations! Something worthy of a future Special Branch Investigator and Future Commander.
Kyrie did a lot of terrible things and all for nothing. In the Nanohaverse, Ends Justify the Means never ever works out.
Nanoha (the character) must really hate ‘The End Justify the Means’ mentality because in her experience all that ever does is lead to more heartache with zero results.
Shooting poor Rein was just terrible!
Hayate calling the Tome of the Night Sky her treasure, shades of her fully embracing the Master of the Book role.
Maria says that Bardiche in particular is very hard to upgrade, possibly implying Bardiche’s design is unusual? After all Linith (who possibly had Precia’s knowledge in engineering) designed it. And as mentioned Precia was a genius, of a whole other level.
Arisa noticing Nanoha’s pensive look and thinking that with Nanoha, it’s not far off to think she might go somewhere she can’t follow. And knowing Nanoha’s future, it’s true, Nanoha moves to Midchilda. It’s very bittersweet.
It’s that look and her determination that had me questioning why Nanoha shifted to Combat Instructor, and on a Watsonian level I know it might have to do with Nanoha’s injury.
Fate has a long way to go becoming the Enforcer we saw in StrikerS, she still gets startled by appeals to her good nature, but her determination to help people like her, who was so determined to do anything to help the people they loved and unwilling to listen to anyone else might be the jumping point for Fate choosing to become an Enforcer.
Haha! Nanoha’s response to, ‘But why would Amita choose Fate as her interviewer?’ was a confident, ‘Maybe because she looks gentle?’ It’s like Nanoha is 100% startled when people don’t think that of Fate. I fully believe Nanoha goes around saying stuff like that to the point that Vita gets annoyed.
I am a bit confused about stealing the Tome of the Night Sky, I thought the Book was connected to Hayate’s linker core?
I honestly love that it’s Fate asking witness questions with Lindy on hand to supervise, it feels like a step for Fate becoming an Enforcer.
Hee. Fate unknowing using her charm to get Amita’s promise they’ll work together, and Amita getting more and more flustered at Fate’s enthusiasm and positivity.
Hah! Vita’s face learning that Amita chose Fate as an interview because of her ‘gentle face’ and Nanoha’s happy ‘validated!’ reaction is everything.
And then Fate insightfully zero-ing on an important detail that could help with their case/mission, Iris.
If you really think about it, Shamal’s powers are terrifying, she can reach in to get someone’s linker core, computer core, heart, if she so chooses. Good thing she’s on the side of good people.
Honestly Nanoha’s will power is something else, she doesn’t believe in half measures, she’ll lay everything on the table and the some more. Giving it her full 200% is always her life’s motto— which contributed to her injury in the future. And the reason why Nanoha’s learned to play things smartly, doesn’t mean she’ll stop giving everything her 200% when it comes down to it.
Nanoha’s fight with Stern showcases once again what an inventive fighter Nanoha is, most bombardment mages just stay where they are in a fight. Not Nanoha, she uses the Beam War as cover and momentum no move forward and make the fight a close quarters fight. When Nanoha tells Fate in StrikerS that she was sturdy, she wasn’t kidding. Kid’s tougher than a diamond. And a willpower that’s a thousand times tougher.
Fate’s first instinct this time around is to talk to her opponents, she internalized Nanoha’s method very well, but with her own twist, in that she’s initially not willing to give a fight her 100% until she’s certain. Nanoha’s technique is, talk to the opponent, get their motivations but if repeated reaching out is spurned. Make them listen through superior fire power.
Lindy saving Fate tho! Fate calling Lindy mom! Fate realizing all the people she lost is in her and she has more family because of it!
Hmmm… it seems like Bardiche is more connected to Fate. The moment Fate became more certain of what she wants, Bardiche became better (season/movie 1 and 2). The moment Fate became certain of her family, Bardiche activated (Reflections). Raging Heart (raging is so much better than raising heart! fight me!) seems to work with Fate as a true AI partner, the Book is a utensil to Hayate and Rein is a really cute true living constructed device. But just like Arf, Bardiche seems to be a part of Fate, he doesn’t need to vocalize his thoughts because he already knows Fate’s thoughts. They can work in sync without talking.
Body horror! BODY HORROR!!!
Is Iris the second villain in (animated) Nanohaverse who doesn’t have good motives beneath their terrible actions?
‘Goodbye, Stranger.’ Ouch. That is the harshest thing Iris could ever say to Kyrie, and this is the harshest wake-up call of all too. Again proving, in Nanohaverse, the End doesn’t justify the Means.
‘I’ve had enough of regretting because I gave up, causing someone to be sad. That is the purpose of my magic.’ Nanoha, you’re a fifth grader! You are 10! (or 11!).
I wonder why the Wolkenritter didn’t recognize Levi, Stern, and the King? I would’ve thought he was the previous owner of the Book?
I love that when Nanoha and Fate aren’t partnered, Fate is usually partnered with Signum. They complete each other very well, and I would like to think Signum taught Fate more sword techniques. Fighting wise, Fate’s style is very diverse.
Although, I’m not keen at how often the Wolkenritter, especially Signum, are defeated in this movie.
I will always love how hungry Nanoha and Raging Heart to update their systems in order to level the playing field against an enemy.
Fighting wise, Fate has a diverse set of it. But Nanoha? Nanoha’s magitech capabilities are a hybrid of everything she can see a use for, there’s no limit to what Nanoha can and will incorporate to help her win a fight for a happy outcome.
‘A magician helping a crying child’ once again, this fits so well with what I think Fate’s Enforcer work in the future, that now it’s strange to me they’re not working for the same branch as partners.
Also, this is why Nanoha is the Ace of Aces.
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kurayamineko · 7 years
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Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection Official Trailer - Nanoha, Fate, Hayate, Wolkenritter (Vita, Signum, Shamal, Zafira)
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lanliingwang · 4 years
I....kind of want Nanoha A’s redone in like. CLAMP style
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coe-lilium · 6 years
aphnoregs ha risposto al tuo post : [whispers I just noticed you were (are?) into...
(I do feel like, on a personal level, Force could have been written better without shafting the female leads or the male leads. But that’s just me seeing lost potential didndkodjdkd) Also, ty for answering! I hope it hasn’t been too weird for me to ask these questions out of the blue aaa
That would’ve 100% potentially increased Force’s writing (and also made it not suffer that much -?- of imho deserved fan backslash).
Imho Force also set, more strongly than previous entries, an annoying precedent, which is established characters “jobbing” in front of the new enemy, so the whole conflict can be set up as “underdog good guys vs overwhelming bad guys... until our heroes get a cool shiny upgrade” (from what I remember Strikers didn’t suffer from this -or not as badly-, but the movies do and it’s really frustrating). 
As I said, I love Force weapons designs but loathe what’s behind them, the Hucklesomething-I-can’t-be-bothered family ability/virus negating magic, basically rendering devices useless and reducing fights as shiny gun vs edgy gun or sword, when techno-magic was a staple of the franchise. 
Also, pls don’t apologize, the ask option is there for this precise reason :D
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taperwolf · 3 years
Genya Nakajima is the best dad in anime.
He and his wife Quint adopt and give a loving home to two little girls who'd been experimented on and turned into cyborgs by a rogue military black project. (They only later find out that Ginga and Subaru were cloned from Quint; that wasn't a motivating factor in the adoption.) When Quint dies in further investigation, he raises them alone, which can be a big deal anywhere, but which is particularly difficult when a) they are mages, and he's not, and b) them being able to grow up at all requires periodic adjustment and maintenance of their cyborg parts.
From all accounts, he doesn't pressure them into military service, and is actually a little regretful that they both joined up, worrying about their COs seeing them as tools more than people.
After the events of Strikers, when faced with four more teenaged combat cyborgs — one of them another clone of Quint, one who was in the force that killed his wife, and a full three of them involved in the maiming and abduction of Ginga during the incident — he adopts them, to try to give them a stable and happy home. We never see their family as anything less than warm and caring. (You get the sense that he would also have adopted Sein, Otto, and Deed if they hadn't instead taken up with the Saint Church.)
Even in a series as adoption-happy as Nanoha — off the top of my head, the adopted characters include Fate, Erio, Caro, Vivio, arguably the whole of the Wolkenritter, possibly Yuuno (raised by his clan), and Rinne if we're counting as far as Vivid Strike — Genya stands out as going above and beyond.
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narilovesnanoha · 4 years
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Nanoha’s severe injury from Vita’s point of view in the StrikerS manga
I highly recommend reading the StrikerS manga alongside watching StrikerS, it really helps out
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zero-aurion · 3 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika | Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha | Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Yuuno Scrya/Miki Sayaka Characters: Yuuno Scrya, Miki Sayaka, Shizuki Hitomi Additional Tags: Fluff, Ice Cream, Established Relationship, Crossover Pairings, Sayaka has Raising Heart, Mid-Childa characters are the same, part of a story I have yet to write, No more Soul Gems, plenty of witches though, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fifty sentence prompt, Casual references to shenanigans, this is primarily gonna focus on Yuuno and a Sayaka’s relationship, Other couples will get separate stories Summary:
A few one shots from a story I have yet to write, it's all fluff here. Basically, Sayaka got Raising Heart at 13 and has dealt with the Jewel Seeds, Walpurgisnacht and the Wolkenritter at this point. Hitomi's a mage with the TSAB as well. Verismo is the Italian term for a style of Opera's based around everyday life.
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gierosajie · 18 days
Thinking about the Wolkenritter again,,,the found family,,,
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viviotakamachi-old · 5 years
Fate T. Harlaown is a fundamentally important and iconic magical girl.
Not only as basically the perfect Dark Magical Girl, but as someone who suffered a lot at a young age, but took that pain and sadness and turned it into love, hope, and kindness.
This is a girl who had a mother who violently abused her and used her for her own ends, who had the woman who raised her vanish on her, who holds the memories of her dead sister close to her heart... And who completely turned it all around for herself. She met people who showed her genuine kindness and love- her new adoptive family, who took her in at her lowest point, Nanoha and her friends, who accepted her into their friend group immediately, Signum and the Wolkenritter, who acted somewhat as mentors for her.
She took their kindness in and amplified it, spreading it on to everyone else whose life she touches. She's out there taking in kids who've felt similar pain to her, always lending a hand to those in need, never able to see a child cry without doing something to fix it...
She's a brilliant character, and one of the best magical girls there is. She holds some of the most important traits of the genre: she is empowerment, and kindness, and love for the people around you. She's the kind of character every magical girl series should strive to have.
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princesshalfdemon · 4 years
Hayate Yagami for the character ask thing.
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual Gender Headcanon: Trans F A ship I have with said character: poly with nanofate!!! A BROTP I have with said character: ok you know i’m probably gonna have more when i watch more and get more familiar with the TSAB characters but for now i’ll say with the Wolkenritter! A NOTP I have with said character: the Wolkenritter for Obvious Reasons A random headcanon: Hayate also pursued college on Earth despite living in Midchlida just in the event that something went wrong in Midchlida General Opinion over said character: STAN HAYATE
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