#Wukong who can transform into anything XD
siixkiing · 1 year
You Are A Ten But...
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“It’s a legitimate question.”
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 month
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The young monk
Unexpected combo meal!
The lovely Tang Monk and his starting party - literally useless in battle.
A little Munna from the monastery I feel he was gifted after he managed to meditate for a super long time. These little guys are prized cus they can release different incenses based on their diets.
Munna gets concerned when her human hasn't been sleeping right, and bumps him with her snout when she wants him to take a rest. If he resists, she busts out the Yawn move. Is the first of the other Pilgrims' pokemon to befriend Wukong - Munnas are also tapir-pokemon who eat nightmares, and the Monkey King is a fretful sleeper.
The Eevee! A present from the Tang Emperor - the Evolution pokemon is heavily prized for it's ability to transform into many forms. Though it's most often owned by magic users and religious figures (ex. The Kimono Girls in Johto) since it's wide elemental ability make it invaluable in certain rituals. Tripitaka's Eevee starts out as a royal, spoilt pet who much rather cuddle with their new human than do anything priest-related. Eevee eventually discovers their talent as a therapy animal - learning to ground their target and calm them down from a panic attack (a must with Tripitaka). Some years on they evolve into an Espeon out of adoration for their master, and their desire to use their psychic abilities to help others.
And his first ever Pokemon; Psyduck! Technically she caught *him* when she found his baby-self floating down the river Jiang. The wild duck pokemon helped steer the baby to the shore where some monks were gathering water, and was allowed stay at the Vihara as reward for her heroic act. She's an older duck now, but refuses to evolve - just a big fluffy mama duck. She demanded to come along with her weird river human on the Journey - something Tripitaka was very grateful for.
Psyduck might be a bit rusty in battle, but she's quick to correct her human-duckling for misbehavior. First time Tripitaka activates the Headache Sutra on Wukong...
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Tripitaka, bump on head forming: "Ow!"
Psyduck: "Psy psy duck!" ("Don't you know how much that move hurts the poor boy?! I thought I raised you right!")
Wukong, relieved and amused: "I like her."
She also acts as a pokemon-to-human translator, so she's aware of all the gossip. Whether or not she shares it with her human is her choice XD
I love the little Eevee nuzzling against Tripitaka's leg. This monk is so underleved for the Journey ahead.
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⭐Wukong headcannons for the reborn primordial ⭐
1. He tries hard convincing Kito to come "home" and often comes to the "rescue" when Kito doesn't need rescuing
The context for this is that Kito one day decides to run away from FFM after being grounded for so long(also rescues Red son from Macaque that same day and received their first physical scar which was an accident), Grounded for trying to free DBK but also accidentally killing a few of the monkeys in the mountain
Wukong was stuck on what to do about Kito during that time and out of anger and grief of the death of the monkeys that were killed accidentally (along with tripitaka in the background complaining about the killing), Kito was thrown into a barrier bubble created by both Tripitaka and Wukong to make sure something like that would never happen again
Kito obviously hurt greatly by this ends up shutting down due to dissociation disorder kicking in and basically not talking to Tripitaka, Zhu Bajie and Wukong
The only ones who tried defending Kito were Bai Long Ma and Sha Wujing but ya know how that goes, 3 against 2 = no use
2. Wukong goes on being buddy buddy with Kito when the two are present in the lmk gang, Kito obviously showing discomfort during the affection but that's what happens when you have a touch starved king lmao
Swk points out nearly ALL THE TIME how adorable his cub is which leads to Kito having to explain that they are Wukong's kid, Adding that they are not proud of it nor want to receive such affection from Wukong
(And Wukong knows that Kito doesn't want anything to do with him but has a VERY hard time letting go)
This later on leads with Wukong trying to stop Kito from fighting or engaging in dangerous situations which causes Kito's tolerance to decline to the point Kito bursts in frustration and rage shouting "I DON'T NEED YOU!"
You can imagine the stunned silence on Wukong's face and Kito only having a little bit of regret saying "...I didn't want to have to say that but you forced my paw..."
3. He's anxious when it comes to Kito but covers it up with his usual "cheerful and strong" self
Kito for a long time didn't want to believe the bone demon's whispers of "...Everyone's afraid of the monster you are, Even that old king..."
Manipulation and more self esteem issues go brrrr
4. He stalks Kito while being transformed into animals and is aware that Kito KNOWS he's watching
He gets a bit frustrated when Kito decides to evade him to the point he can't find the walking blueberry bush lmao, Especially since Kito ends up being a trouble magnet and dad just wants to protect his cub
Kito Deadass tolerated Wukong for over 400 years. . .
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dorkshadows · 8 years
@earl-of-221b your tags XD: #I....have a lot of things to say about this. #like it did not even occur to me that the adaption omit things that are too hard to adapt #Because I had no idea this happened omfg #Wukong's always just...not transforming and not trying to escape from his chains #as if chains could really hold him omg #Are there significant differences from the book to tv/cartoon adaptions???? #Is there anything else like this omitted??? #I WILL BE FOREVER GRATEFUL TO KNOW #Also #where can I see this gratuitous fanrt and fan fiction?? #lmao you know if wukong got stabbed like that I'll be the one hyping it up and making it a generally big deal #BUT this fills a huge hole as to why Wukong doesn't just....escape the Punishment Stake in heavenit was because he honestly couldn't transform or use magic #(even though he remained indestructible ehehehehe) #Who the heck are these 7 sages?? #Does erlang and xiao tian quad and laojun apprehend wukong and then they're like 'yep you guys can stab him now :)' #journey to the west #in all honestly this is very fun tell me more
Yeah, this is one detail that gets omitted a lot (I mean, I can understand in kid friendly versions why we wouldn’t want to show Wukong getting stabbed through the back LOL). I think it’s difficult to do on stage in the case of Peking operas and something people are too lazy to do in film/TV when it’s easier to just tie him up and get to the next scene. 
But it does explain why he doesn’t try to escape asap better, because he physically can’t lol. I think the stabbing thing is important because it actually fills a plot hole and shows us that 1) heaven does not fuck around 2) Wukong’s been through some hardcore shit. I think this is the most significant omission, but other things adaptations tend to change really aren’t as important imo (Ex. sometimes the narrative has things that feel “morally wrong” but we don’t live in the 16th c. anymore, so that stuff’s bound to change anyway and it doesn’t really change the plot either way). 
The 7 sages are Erlang Shen and his 6 sworn bros. And usually Erlang gets the credit for stabbing him even though it never says he’s the one lol. Another thing that almost always gets cut, following the stabbing thing, is Erlang burning down Flower Fruit Mountain. Another prime source of angst for our little monkey XD
The fanart for the pipa bone scene tends to be... nsfw or guro lol (mostly of 15). A lot of it is Erlang/Wukong art, and some of it might be uncomfortable to look at, so unless you don’t mind, I wouldn’t recommend looking for it. Here are some “safer” examples I have for you ;)
99! guro art (Wukong’s expression tho LMAO)
Kenny Lin’s scarred bod B)
And an example of fanfic (again, Erlang/Wukong). Short, but perfectly embodies the angst (author couldn’t resist giving them a happy ending though lol): http://bcy.net/novel/detail/3425/314225
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