#Xiao Chuhe & Xiao Chong
movielosophy · 1 year
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The Blood Of Youth | It’s my choice
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redstarfish-art · 1 year
Not me being in a mood to write romance and having a shiny new ship to write romance fics for, only to get COMPLETELY sidetracked by the brotherly bromance of Xiao Se and Xiao Chong.
Seriously, I swear I can’t help myself. Two guys who are bros that are no longer bros but then throughout the series slowly becoming bros again? It’s too delicious
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timotey · 1 year
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This scene was absolutely incredible, just father and son sitting and talking, about Chuhe's best friend, about the girl he liked, about their shared memories... it felt so peaceful - and the emperor's death then all the more heartbreaking.
I also loved that the camera here focused on their joined hands and not on their faces, their faces were out of focus, their hands sharper than anything else. That was such a sweet detail...
And that the emperor wrote two different names in the two decrees, naming Xiao Chong the emperor in Chuhe's, Xiao Chuhe in the other, knowing that the head eunuch would bring it to Chong'er, letting them decide what they would do with it - and they didn't disappoint him, they both showed integrity and trust and love for each other.
Wah, I love this drama so much!
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xiao-brothers · 1 year
The more I re-watch 少年歌行 the more convinced I am that it’s actually a really stupid show.
Lord Bai: I admire people like Xiao Chuhe. He’s pure.
Lord Bai: Unlike him, I have colour.
Lord Bai: But the only colour I can be is white.
Like, wtf Xiao Chong? What are you on about?!?!!?!? That’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard lol! Just because that’s your title omg rofl.
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Blood of Youth recap - episode 28
Xiao Se agrees with Ye Ruoyi that people will think them foolish for calling in favours and organising a grand banquet then turning it into a funeral.
Lord Chi gets back from the banquet and has a tantrum. He tells Longxie to send word to that person.
Zang Ming apologises to Lord Bai for not foreseeing the emperor’s attendance. He asks why they don’t see if Hua Jin can heal Lord Bai’s eyes.
Mu Chunfeng has a meeting with a group of merchants and says he’ll bankrupt them if they get in his way.
Hua Jin tells Xiao Se he’s healed. Mu Chunfeng arrives and asks her to teach him. He bribes her with the Autumn Cottage, the Mu family’s most important business, which has many rare herbs.
Lord Chi receives a hooded visitor. He says he going to kill anyone who allies with Xiao Chuhe.
Jiu Jiudao is murdered after being drugged. Tang Lian vows vengeance.
Lord Bai hears of Jiu Jiudao’s death and worries he’ll be blamed. Zang Ming says they could ally with Xiao Se.
Lord Chi asks who he needs to kill to create chaos.
Qianluo tells Xiao Se the people who supported him willingly are in the most danger.
The Grand Preceptor goes for a walk at night. Su Muyu meets him and recognises his bodyguard, Li Tian. Mu Yumo comes up behind the Grand Preceptor and Qianluo arrives to defend him.
Xiao Se tells Ye Ruoyi he thinks Xiao Chong was set up and isn’t working with Dark River, since he wouldn’t try to create chaos or kill the Grand Preceptor. Xiao receives a message from the palace. Marquis Lanyue received a message from Xiao Chong asking him to look into Dark River.
Mu Chunfeng visits with Hua Jin. She tells Xiao Se she thinks there’s another divine healer in the palace causing the emperor’s flare-ups. Xiao Se says there’s somewhere he needs to go.
Qianluo asks Ye Ruoyi how she met Xiao Se. They met as children.
Xiao Se and Lei Wujie go to meet the Iron Masks. One of them says Ji Ruofeng has been missing for a year and no longer controls Baixiao sect. Ji Xue unmasks herself and says he was injured defending Xiao Se. She shows the White Tiger token and says Xiao Se was injured by the Art of Detachment practised by the former Director Zhuoqing. Director Zhuoqing is dead and they don’t have any other leads.
Xiao Se has three requests for Ji Xue: find out what’s written in the scroll; identify any poison masters who have come to Tianqi; and find Wuxin.
Wuxin has apparently been staying with the Jade Deity and come to Tianqi to see his mother, Consort Xuan. He wants to know what she said to his father before he killed himself.
Lord Chi visits Yi Wenjun (Consort Xuan).
Hua Jin tells the emperor he doesn’t have good circulation. He says father and son should have an understanding.
Jinyu asks Hua Jin to treat Xiao Chong.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 8
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Anyone else is also watching this for the opening title? No matter how much I listen to it, it’s so good actually. That’s the main reason I keep on pressing the play button for the next episodes.
So back to the story. Chong Lin informs Dong Hua that his favorite pet fox has disappeared.  Seems like Dong Hua isn’t always an ice cube as he looks troubled by the news. He tells Chong Lin to look thoroughly for it and even asks that favour from other divinities, so they would search the celestial realm.
Zhe Yan takes Fengjiu to Nie Chuyin so she can get revenge for being tricked. So she outright fights him and here I am just sitting and wondering... Since when does she know how to wield a sword? She was even scolded in the first episode for not taking seriously enough her martial arts lessons. At least, they didn’t make her super powerful, she still needed Zhe Yan’s help to defeat Nie Chuyin. While he’s fighting, Zhe Yan notices that Chuyin changed some of his techniques, that would be because he’s now learning cultivation with his new master, Miao Luo.
Back to Qing Qiu, Zhe Yan tells Fengjiu to go ask for forgiveness to her grandfather and informs her he already sent Ah Li (Ah Li <3 Riceball is back, even though now he doesn’t really look like a riceball anymore since they changed the actor) to smooth talk Bai Zhi.  She still gets scolded for her actions and granddad just reminds her how much she is loved by everyone. I believe that’s not a bad thing for her too. Then Ah Li convinces granddad not to bother Fengjiu anymore.
Dong Hua is desperately looking for his little red fox, to the point it raises people awareness and they discuss about how crazy he is in his search. Cheng Yu right then comes by and hears about it. But then they negate this saying he’s probably looking for his bride. As he watch inside some kind of vision holes, he sees Feng Jiu running along with little Ah Li. There’s your little fox, but don’t think she will come back just to be your pet.
Ji Heng is still ill from the poison which worries Min Su. While Min Su uses her spiritual energy to heal the princess, Xu Yang comes right in: he finally found them. He wants his soldiers to kill Min Su but Ji Heng intervenes. It’s of no use, big bro is going to take his little sister back home no matter what and in the state she is, there’s no use for them to try to fight back, they will lose for sure. Okay, they still try anyways. So stupid. But Min Su is a really a bad ass. Oh wow, Ji Heng too is amazing, she freezes all of the soldiers by herself and also fights her brother. Xu Yang is so hurt. Poor him, his little baby sister is fighting against him. But honestly, at this point, she’s going to kill herself. She’s no match for her brother and since she caused so much trouble and that she doesn’t care about being alive, he’s about to kill her, but Min Su pleads to be held responsible of everything and when he’s denied, he kills himself. Ji Heng is desperate, she hates her brother, Xu Yang is probably thinking “wth just happened there, I just wanted to scare her a little so she would be obedient, why are people dying?” Then Min Su says he has something to tell the princess and she’s like, tell me everything, but don’t die, I will take you to Dong Hua blablabla. Good. She finally says that she’s a girl. Since she’s an orphan, she pretended to be a guy so nobody would bully her. She says let’s meet in our next life, thank you big bro for letting me become the princess’s bodyguard. Then she coughs some blood and pull down her hair and they are “Oh wow! She’s really a girl!” At this point I am just thinking... well that was obvious since the beginning. AND WHY THE HELL DO YOU PULL DOWN YOUR HAIR AS YOU ARE DYING? Is there anybody with some common sense in this drama? Because so far, I haven’t seen anyone... And she dies. Why does Xu Yang looks so distressed and looks like he’s hesitating to reach for her? Did he knew all along? I wish somebody knew. Xu Yang thinks back of Min Su and I guess he realizes she had feelings for him, not Ji Heng. Then Ji Heng takes Min Su’s corpse in her arms and jumps down the cliff. And now I am crying. This is so sad. I didn’t want Min Su to die.
Xu Yang goes to the celestial world to explain what happened. He hopes that would not affect the relationship between the two worlds and is willing to take full responsibility. Ji Heng fell down the cliff and they still haven’t found her back. Dong Hua is like since it’s like this, then let’s leave it at it. I like that Xu Yang guy, doing everything for peace. He will surely get killed in the future and that will break my heart. Can we focus more on him than the others? He’s way much more interesting.
Lian Song and Zhihe are called in to be punished for their crimes. Well, Lian Song didn’t do anything wrong. So when the Emperor gives him a really harsh punishment, Dong Hua pleads in his favour. Plead? No, he orders he doesn’t get so harshly punished. Zhi He gets angry because he doesn’t ask for her to get punished lightly which is unfair. But then Dong Hua is like, the Emperor already lightened your punishment when he looked at my face and since I let you off too many times in the past, it lead to this situation, so this time you should endure.
The Demons people finally found Ji Heng in the mortal realm. But when she wakes, she doesn’t remember Nie Chuyin, neither why she fell down the cliff. She’s going to get used. Poor girl.
Dong Hua notices again something abnormal with the seal on Miao Luo and he goes to reinforce it. However, he has still not fully recovered from his injuries and meanwhile coughs blood too which makes demon lady very happy. When he comes back, Dong Hua falls into a sleep of a hundred years due to his injuries. So Chong Lin and Lian Song asks another deity to create the shadow of Dong Hua. It’s getting a little complicated for me to explain exactly what it is and I am limited by my English skills. To sum it up very roughly, they want to make sure that even though he fell into slumber for a hundred years, Dong Hua’s presence is still there and the seal won’t break.
Back at Qing Qiu a lot of guys tries to have dates with Fengjiu, but she scares them away. Jing Wei tells her not to be so harsh, because her parents are indeed trying to get her married a little too early, but then if she keeps on going like this, the day she will want to find someone to spend her life with, she won’t be able.
Oh. This is the first time I actually listens to the ending theme. This is so good too! Good point of this drama: OST. And special effects. The plot is getting better, but still not the best to be honest.
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timotey · 1 year
I wonder if Xiao Chong and Xiao Chuhe will end up having a similar relationship to that of the current emperor and his youngest brother. As in Xiao Chong on the throne and Xiao Chuhe not wanting it at all, thank you very much, I will rather wander the world and simply drop by from time to time to meddle in your affairs when I feel like it, dear brother. Or, you know, when you need me.
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Blood of Youth recap - episode 17
Xiao Se tells Lei Wujie to be true to himself and wield his sword to protect others
Luo Mingxuan leaves them
Tang Lian tells Wuxin Lei Wujie is in love with Ye Ruoyi. Wuxin says he came back to Beili to help Xiao Se and Lei Wujie.
Minghou shows up and Wuxin says he’s gone insane. Another guy shows up and Minghou attacks him. Wuxin tells Tang Lian to take Ye Ruoyi to safety.
Wuxin and Minghou attack the new guy. He draws his sword and Wuxin recognises the sword of dominion and the Wrathful Sword Deity.
The Wrathful Sword Deity says he wants to kill Wuxin because he didn’t get to fight Ye Dingzhi. Wuxin and Minghou run away.
Mu Yumo comes to see the Tang Old Master. They’re waiting for Yan Zhantian (the Wrathful Sword Deity).
Lord Bai goes to see the Xie Qidao, who says his younger brother’s life is forfeit but they’ll spare him and that destroying the Lei clan to weaken Xueyue is good for Dark River.
Lei Wujie, Xiao Se and Qianluo arrive in Zhiyuan city. They see a notice offering a thousand taels for a healer.
Xiao Chong tells Xiao Jingxia he respects Xiao Chuhe but can’t be like him. They get a message from Shao Han saying the emperor is wondering they haven’t returned yet. Xiao Jingxia says Xiao Yu was only made Lord Chi because his mother is their father’s favourite.
The patient in Zhiyuan city is Ye Ruoyi, so Tang Lian is reunited with Lei Wujie, Xiao Se and Qianluo.
Tang Lian intends to go back to the Tang clan and try to prevent their attack. He tells the others he saw Wuxin. Xiao Se says the swordsman Tang Lian saw was Yan Zhantian.
Li Hanyi is confronted by Tang Yin, Tang Lie and Tang Yue, the strongest Tang disciples. Xie Qidao joins the fight with Su Muyu.
Zhao Yuzhen perceives their fight and plans to leave Mount Wangcheng. He says farewell to Feixuan and Li Fansong.
Xie Qidao says they set up an array to diminish Li Hanyi’s inner force. She strikes again is wounded; Zhao Yuzhen arrives. He says he’s usually a pacifist, but when he fights someone will die. Li Hanyi is wounded again in the fight and Zhao Yuzhen retreats with her. The State Preceptor arrives.
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Blood of Youth recap - episode 13
Lord Bai tells Sikong Changfeng he has a decree for someone. Sikong Changfeng says that person did not agree or disagree to be his disciple.
Qianluo thanks Xiao Se and says she’ll fight for him if he ever needs her.
Tang Lian says Sikong Changfeng was once the Vermilion Bird (one of the Four Guardians) so he’s allowed to half-kneel to the emperor and the prince. Qianluo says she doesn’t want to inherit the position since she doesn’t know the Sixth Prince. They ask Xiao Se why he didn’t kneel and he says he has weak knees.
Xiao Se says Lord Bai has been blind since he was poisoned.
Yin Luoxia comes and asks Xiao Se to go to Lord Bai.
Xiao Se greets his brother as Lord Bai. Lord Bai gives Xiao Se the decree and he rejects it. He says Yan Zhantian (Lord Bai’s teacher) was the one who attacked him. Lord Bai gives him three days to consider the decree.
Lord Bai tells Zang Ming he bears no grudge towards Xiao Chuhe, even though the poisoned cake was meant for him.
Li Hanyi offers to kick Lord Bai out of Xueyue City. Sikong Changfeng says Xiao Se wants Lord Langya to be pardoned, not himself. Ye Ruoyi stops to visit them, and Li Hanyi says she was eavesdropping.
Ye Ruoyi passes Lord Bai and she pretends not to have seen Xiao Chuhe. He tells her about the decree and three-day deadline.
The emperor tells General Ye Xiaoying he’s afraid he’s pushing Xiao Chuhe too hard.
In Hongqing Hall, Jinyu (Director of Record) tells the Jade Deity about the emperor’s decree. The Jade Deity says his choice is the one whose name is written in the Dragon Seal Scroll. Jinwei (Director of Sword) says nothing is written there. Jianyan (Director of Seal) says they can influence what is written there. The chief eunuch says they all should follow the emperors will. (The Jade Deity / Jinxuan favours Xiao Chuhe; the others favour Lord Bai or Lord Chi).
Xiao Se remembers Xiao Chong’s poisoning. Lei Wujie asks him to come with him to visit Ye Ruoyi.
Lord Bai visits Ye Ruoyi. She says Xiao Chuhe has become quiet and indolent. Lei Wujie barges in. Lord Bai realises Ye Ruoyi didn’t visit him and Xiao Se tries to cover for her.
Sikong Changfeng tried to figure out if Qianluo likes Xiao Se. He gives her the Vermilion Bird token and tells her about the guardians. She rejects the token and says she’ll only protect someone she likes.
Lord Bai leaves and Zang Ming gives Xiao Se the eye. Ye Ruoyi asks about Xiao Se’s divination. He says he asked about 'return' but realised he didn’t care about the answer.
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Blood of Youth recap - episode 12
Li Xinyue tells Lord Langya that Ye Xiaoying has gathered an army for him and asks for orders. Director Jinxuan says Li Xinyue can’t rescue Lord Langya alone but the State Preceptor says a sword deity’s sword can destroy 10,000 cities. Li Hanyi arrives and threatens the emperor. He says she has to choose between Lord Langya and her mother. Lord Langya calls the emperor gege and cuts his own throat.
Li Hanyi’s mother dies of her injuries shortly afterwards. From the royal family, only Xiao Chuhe defended Lord Langya, so he was demoted and exiled to Qingzhou. The emperor asked the Four Guardians to continue to protect the Sixth Prince.
Li Hanyi gives Lei Wujie the Azure Dragon’s jade token. He asks where he can find the Sixth Prince. She says he’ll be by the prince’s side when there is real danger.
Xiao Se hopes Li Hanyi didn’t give the jade token to Lei Wujie.
The emperor calls Xiao Chong (Lord Bai) his most reliable son but says he’s worried about his eyesight. They think Xiao Chuhe may be colluding with Ye Anshi. The emperor says he’ll reinstate Xiao Chuhe as the prince and Lord Yong’an if he comes back.
Lei Wujie meets Xiao Se at Xiaoqing Pavilion and tells him Qianluo is getting married. She’s trying to rig a tournament since the winner will marry her. Duan Xuanyi will compete.
Yin Luoxia tried to convince Luo Mingxuan to compete in the tournament. He’s afraid of Qianluo and says he’s already in unrequited love with someone. She offers to help him but he says it’s too early. She says he can compete in the tournament then throw the fight with Qianluo.
Lord Bai sends Sikong Changfeng a letter saying he’s visiting Xueyue City. His guard, Zang Ming, asks if Xueyue City will hide Xiao Chuhe. Zang Ming thinks Xiao Chuhe is trying to usurp the throne.
Tang Lian does a mock assassination attempt against Xiao Se.
Lord Bai arrives during the tournament.
Luo Mingxuan challenges Duan Xuanheng. Lei Wujie says he wants Xiao Se to marry Qianluo.
Luo Mingxuan wins and Duan Xuanyi challenges him. Luo Mingxuan succumbs to poison and Duan Xuanyi wins.
Xiao Se challenges Duan Xuanyi. Lord Bai listens to the fight, not knowing how badly Xiao Se was injured. Xiao Se uses Lei Wujie’s and Tang Lian’s weapons and wins.
Zang Ming worries about an alliance between Xueyue City and Xiao Se.
Qianluo challenges Xiao Se and he immediately concedes.
The Duan disciples complain about a rigged tournament and attack the Xueyue disciples. Zang Ming stops the fight.
Xiao Se is the only one who doesn’t kneel to Lord Bai.
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