xitemo · 5 months
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Art I commissioned from the artist years ago and just recently refound- https://www.deviantart.com/wen-m Pictured here: Xitemo Raizel
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im still pissed off at how @xitemo treated jews that I care about and respect as if they were worthless internet trolls whose contributions are worth nothing. which is entirely false in case that isnt obvious.
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"protect your jewish friends" my ass
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you claim to "protect jewish people" yet stop showing that support the second you realize that we have our own lives, our own communities, our own ideals, etc. you say you wouldn't raise your hand in anger to people who don't want these horrific events in palestine to happen any more than you do, yet you continue to do just that. its pretty fucking clear you give zero fucks about the jewish community.
why is it that you no longer believe those jewish people are deserving of protection when we express beliefs that do not perfectly align with your own? I mean, the vast majority of jews are zionists because we believe israel deserves to exist and remain a homeland for jewish people.
im sick and fucking tired of antisemites like you going after my friends and family in the guise of peace and hurling disgusting shit at them while hiding behind a shield of "but but I care about my jewish friends!!" when that clearly isn't the case. you respect the actions of a man who was mentally ill and suffering more than the actions of alive, coherent, and knowledgeable jews.
im not usually into starting shit like this and I thought about blocking and leaving it alone, but I cant sit around and let people mistreat other jews. our strength comes from our ability to have so, so many different perspectives and I dont want a single jewish person to think their opinion doesn't matter. every jew present in the thread i pulled the screenshots is amazing, and I dont want them to internalize bullshit like that. I also dont want other jewish people to internalize the idea that their opinions are worthless. yall are not trolls, you're not cowards, you're not scum. you're brave as fuck for surviving and being jewish and speaking out against antisemitism.
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feheroestips · 7 years
I'm toying around with the idea of a Rogue Dagger+ tank style Jakob. With all the new Seals plus Weapons forge, do you think he has a real chance now perhaps?
in general I think dagger units are now worse off than healers, but he’s better than before but he won’t be killing people focus on making him a support and he’ll do fine for the most part, 30 defence is pretty nice when rouge is active.
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chiosavince · 7 years
How about Sandslash?
I’m perfectly neutral on sandslash honestly, I don’t love him or even so much as dislike him either.
I can’t say I’ve used him on any teams either, but I did think he was really cool back when I was a kid!
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dndhoard · 7 years
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Because Tumblr Mobile hates me I have to do it like this 🙄 But I love, love, LOVE this concept!!! It’s amazing @xitemo
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dangerqueer · 10 years
xitemo replied to your photoset “i got more gems yesterday and 2 geodes!! we’ve only managed to crack...”
Where did you get them? o:
there was this neat antique market we went to yesterday, its called Kudzu, and one of the booths were only selling all these really beautiful gems!
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xitemo · 9 years
"Every day I'm here I'm slowly dying, my embers slowly fading and sputtering like the stars in the sky...but you know what else? Every night when I lay my head to sleep, I have LIVED. Brilliantly and incessantly, like the blazing sun above our heads. Even my dimmest day is as furious and bright as a supernova. So is yours." -- Robert 'Xitemo' Raizel
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aska-ray · 12 years
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Thief of Mind
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xitemo · 9 years
"I'm over a thousand years old, I have what...five DIFFERENT names? Hell! I've seen the birth of an entire new reality with my own eye! Guess what? I still don't have a clue what I'm doing even when I've done it before! Each day is totally new from the one before. Nothing repeats. So you and I? We're the pioneers. We are the ones shaping the future with our pasts. So you are going to get back on your feet and you are going to do whatever you have to in order to get through today, and that's all there is to it. So come on. We have all the time in the world to live how we want, but none to waste. Let's go."
-- Robert "Xitemo" Raizel
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xitemo · 9 years
So something amazing happened Sunday. I got my first -ever- Pentakill!!! Four years of playing League of Legends, and seemingly countless assists... I've done it. I know not all of you will understand this, but this is a huge deal for me. I am on cloud nine, and I only hope life has more just like this in store for me :D
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xitemo · 9 years
That feel when you realize your OC is a living unstable Thermo-nuclear weapon that could go off and destroy everything he cares about at any moment without warning, but also cannot stand living alone and is incapable of ending his own life without causing previously stated scenario. It's oddly thrilling.
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xitemo · 10 years
I just wanted everyone to know I finally solo'd Chaos Zakum today in Maplestory. I'm pretty excited.
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general-winky · 10 years
xitemo replied to your photo “Sometimes I Snapchat at work”
Truly a photographic masterpiece
thankyou my good sir
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general-winky · 10 years
5. 11. 37. 44.
5.What does your URL mean?
i was talking to someone one time about a group of dudes i really hated and said i was gonna falcon punch their winkys and they were like plz make that your url so for a long time my url was falcon_punch_to_the_winky but i changed it for christmas and when i went to change it back it was taken so i was like w/e and made it general-winky which is admittedly a lot easier to type
11.Soup or salad?
salad jfc i love salad
37.Do you believe in ghosts?
nah its a nice thought to entertain though on occasion
 44.Can you curl your tongue?
yeah i can tie cherry stems in knots with my tongue too
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