literali1110 · 1 year
Some more canon-Chenford thoughts...
So whether or not it seemed like Tim and Lucy deciding to take the next step was too fast, or too slow, or was missing some steps, I think it's worth realizing that they really are only at the beginning of their journey as a couple.
What we got in the winter finale, essentially, was them admitting that everything up until now, all these moments - which we also saw and read into - were indeed real and true feelings that they were developing for one another. (Yay!) But it still left a lot of open questions.
I've been thinking a lot about my previous OTP Olicity (I know there is some overlap in the fandoms and if not you can skip the next bit but I think you'll be able to follow). 4x22/5x01 for Chenford was 2x23 for Olicity. We have the pretending to be a couple/in love, except it's not actually pretend and is the catalyst for more. And then 5x08/5x09 parallels 3x01 for Olicity, when Oliver asks Felicity out on a date. I wasn't watching Arrow live at the time but thinking back on it, that also seemed kind of out of the blue. We knew Felicity had feelings/a crush and we suspected that Oliver did too - but nothing had been confirmed out loud. (So kind of a reversed Tim and Lucy situation.)
The date was when we finally got to hear them speak out loud about how they felt and when they started feeling that way. But Olicity's first date went horribly wrong. They didn't have their explosive, life or death, all-in moment (and first time) until much later in the season. And it was a few episodes after that (following circumstances that kept them apart) before they could ride off into the sunset.
And even later on once they were together, there were still challenges and obstacles they had to overcome which only strengthened their relationship. (I won't discuss the whole break up and getting back together because I honestly think that with Chenford taking 5 seasons to get together, we luckily won't have to suffer through that.)
Anyway, I guess that Tim and Lucy taking that next step didn't happen quite how I pictured it, but on the other hand it hasn't completely happened yet and I'm hopeful that we have many more moments to look forward to, now that we know the show has committed to them:
I want that first awkward date where they don't know what to talk about because they've spent hours and hours riding together and talking about everything. I want them to clear the air about all the miscommunications that caused them to think that the other one wasn't interested. I want them to admit when they first started thinking of the other in a romantic way. Hopefully we get their first "real" kiss (c'mon Tim!).
Maybe the date doesn't end well, or maybe it ends very well.
But regardless, I think (hope) there will be a key moment in a later episode when they realize just how much is on the line for them career wise if they truly want to be together. Maybe Tim takes a step back for her own good and Lucy gets mad at him for making decisions for her. Here's where I can picture a huge explosive fight turning into their all-in love confession /explosive first time!
And they'll have to decide what to do at work and if they keep their relationship a secret. Then there's the whole issue of Lucy's UC career and how Tim feels about that. And then they'll have to navigate just normal couple things, like how they build their lives together despite their differences in personality, how they see their futures...down the line, discussing moving in together, marriage, kids. I think there can be some really rich story lines for them even once they are officially dating.
This got long! But I think, bottom-line, we are really only at the beginning of their story and I think there is some great potential for all the things we want and were hoping for in their journey to still happen, not to mention some pleasant surprises we may not see coming.
And as always there is A03 to turn for when we're looking for more (just in this post alone there are a few ideas for fics I have)! Thoughts are always welcome :)
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msbeccieboo · 5 years
Arrow 7x15 brain dump
Oh my gosh this episode was an absolute gift!!  Especially after the news we got last week, this fluffy beast of an episode could not have come at a better time (for me, at least)!  I’m not sure if part of the reason I enjoyed it so much was that we didn’t really see it coming?  I thought it would be sort of a filler episode that we typically get around this point in a season, that the OTA snippets we saw in the trailer would be about it, but boy was I wrong hahaha!!  I am still a mess!  There is so much to unpack here, I can’t form fully cohesive thoughts still, and this is shaping up to be another whopper, sorry 😬😬😬….
Fresh off the pregnancy reveal to Oliver from last week, our ship is still a-sailing!! The heart eyes are back, the eye contact full-stop is back, the supportiveness (”We’re a team, too” “Always”😭😭😭) , the united front.  The little touches are getting there (we’re working up to that sex scene, I can feel it 🤞🤞🤞).  Oliver even looks better in this episode!!  Now, this could be the SCPD-issue tight t-shirt (it’s certainly not the hair), or just his more all-round peaceful demeanour that he seems to have achieved through baby/Felicity joy.
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Continued below the cut.
We got so much Olicity this week!  Multiple times! Olicity, all the time!  The first proper Olicity scene, has Oliver being all Zen-like over the SCPD set-up, meanwhile, Felicity already knows it’s gonna be a shit show.  Our girl is a genius, what more needs to be said? Turns out Oliver is so gung-ho with the SCPD because he wants to do everything he can to make their city a safe place for “our baby” (complete with little adorable smile) HCOJIDNFJKDNVJBDBV!!! This scene also has Oliver offering to make food for our starving/nauseous pregnant Felicity (squeeeee) and a DOUBLE KISS!!!!
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Source: oliverxfelicity
Then we got a scene with an increasingly-frustrated Oliver (the Zen didn’t last too long) over the aforementioned inevitable SCPD shit show.  Where Felicity got to give a pep-talk resulting in this delightful exchange:
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Source: oliverxfelicity
We got the eyes, the compliments, THE MINT CHIP!!  Scenes out of fanfic have arrived people!!  We see that Felicity has been busy getting the Arrow Cave back up and running, and we get some quality Green Arrow/Overwatch comms action too!!
Then, we get the absolute heart-warming/breaking scene at the end of the episode, which again the fandom could have written for us!!  Felicity is adorably checking out her non-existent bump, asking Oliver if she’s showing, to which he wisely says no 😂  Then they talk about baby names!!  Who would have thought this day would come??!?!!  Oliver is adorable in offering up the name Mia, as many predicted, in tribute to Moira.  I loved how Felicity had a far-away look in her eye, describing the name as “sweet and fiery” (well we got fiery, and a little bit of sweet haha).  Oliver just made me weep in his earnestness and sincerity here; all he wants is to make his children’s lives better than his has been. 
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Then they lament how the children will “always have each other and they’ll always have us”.  Well if that didn’t shoot me straight in the gut!!  Because we have seen the future and 😭😭😭 *ugly sobbing ensues*.
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Flash Forwards
These just keep getting better and better.  I know they’re still a bit divisive, but I’m seeing more and more people squeeing along with the likes of me at them haha!!  This week focused entirely on William and Mia (YAAAASSSS), and sees them at the Star City Bazaar doing a spot of Antique shopping, namely looking for a cassette player to play their “old tape from the 80s” 😂😂😂. Wow, way to make me feel ancient lol.  Will being the naïve cupcake that he is, bungles the transaction leaving Mia to go and beat up the vendor.  I loved seeing William hold her back, hilarious!  SO MUCH OLIVER!!  This is something Will tells her after, and it absolutely devastated me (and Mia, by the looks of her reaction) that she didn’t know the iconic “You have failed this city” line.  How is this not a thing of legend in Star City???  The answer to that hurts me too much so I will skip over for now!
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Source: oliverxfelicity
Anyway, thanks to William’s techy genius (“like, literally” 😍 he is such a mini Felicity), they manage to cause a distraction, allowing Mia to knock out the vendor and for William to get the tape player.  That’s team work, guys!  Bonus lolz to Will’s saccharine “thank you” as he walks off 😂  Back at Mia’s base they eventually decide to play Felicity’s tape (“What are you waiting for?” “I dunno, what are you waiting for?” I STAN THESE SIBLINGS SO HARD)  And then here is where I died.  Firstly, Will’s nerves at hearing Felicity’s voice after 20 years 😭, Mia’s reassurance that they will listen together, and then Felicity’s message itself.  
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Felicity is alive bitches!!  After a delightful Felicity-ramble, she apologies to them both for keeping them apart, stating that “We did it because we love you” WE!!! Present tense!!!  Oliver lives too!!!  This is my happy place and I am staying here for as.long.as.I.possibly.can.  
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She then directs them to give the team some coordinates then get the hell outta Star City.  I loved how there was no deliberation at all from the siblings, “So we’re ignoring her?” “Definitely”.  And they’re off to The Glades...duh duh duuuuuhhhhh!!!
OTA is well and truly back this episode, following Dig’s apology last week.  There wasn’t masses of Diggle in this episode, and that is one thing I would have liked to have seen from this episode, but to be fair we have been so well fed that I will not complain!!
They told dig!!!!!!
Dig can tell that there is something Olicity aren’t telling him, and the kind of bashful joy on Oliver’s face is just so beautiful and heart-warming! 
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Dig is so pleased for them!!  I love Uncle Dig!  And as always Uncy John has some sage advice for our OTP.  He tells them that in order to clean up the city for their family, without sending Oliver back to the Big House, that they have to find another way.  This is a motto that Arrow lives and dies by, but it felt all the more poignant here for some reason, maybe because OTA were finally coming back together?  Maybe because we’re aware now that the team as we know it is soon going to drastically change?  Maybe because the fracking show is ending soon HFDOVHUIERGBVSDVIFDVJDSHVODNVKODW!!!  Anyway, I had feelings about this whole scene (cue Beccie in floods of tears, again).  *whispers I would’ve really liked a hug here ok*
As if that beautiful OTA scene wasn’t fabulous enough, we got bonus Delicity!! I think this was so needed, given their particular distance so far this the season. Dig is still kissing arse a little bit (rightfully so), and not only offers felicity some sweets to help her morning sickness 😍 but offers her some reassurance that she’s got this.  “You were absolutely amazing out there, your tech was phenomenal”.  My Delicity heart is soaring!!  He goes on to point out just how brilliant her security system is (extra kudos for Felicity shading Curtis lol), and that it could be the basis for something much bigger….Smoak Technologies anyone??
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Team Arrow/SCPD storyline
The training montage at the start of the episode was everything!!  Felicity’s in particular facial expressions were absolutely hilarious; the utter horror of not being able to hack, and using outdated computer systems were just delightful! Even Wild Dog got a quality quip in there about having their own uniforms.  
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I really wasn’t looking forward to this aspect of the episode, as I just find the whole SCPD angle annoying and ridiculous this season.  Luckily, this episode was a means to an end, and finally addressed the problematic nature of mixing the Police with the Vigilantes in this way.
The SCPD didn’t seem to want to learn anything from Team Arrow.  Where is the sense in having these people join the force if they aren’t going to provide some unique skills and training?  And the first thing they do is strip them of their weapons and their suits (ahh, if only literally….*ahem*).  They do have a point when it comes to gathering evidence legally, not using coercive ‘interview’ techniques and so on, but presumably, by some kind of TV magic, they were able to successfully convict plenty of criminals caught by Team Arrow previously…so what has changed?  
The evil little Mayor keeps popping up this season, trying to undermine the Team. Oliver never seemed to have this much clout with the SCPD when he was Mayor Handsome.  So why does Mayor Tiny spend so much time there?  Clear off!  Her interference, and the apparent loss of Dinah’s cry, leads to Dinah having a crisis of confidence, briefly picking the SCPD over the Team.  Wild Dog gets all up in her face with a sense-making motivational speech, which he seems to be doing a lot of this season…who knew he had it in him??  Anyhow, Dinah eventually comes to terms with losing her cry, and decides to continue being the Black Canary.  This plot point seemed superfluous to me.  Sara nor Laurel had a meta-cry, and they turned out alright as Canaries…..wait….never mind.  If only they had some friends with medical and meta-human expert knowledge and technology (looking at you Larry)?!?!
Anyway, I enjoyed the twist that Team Arrow had actually been working with the SCPD during the final mission scene, following Dig’s advice that they needed to become ‘something else’.  DD blackmailed dirty Mayor tiny into giving Team Arrow free-rein under the SCPD umbrella still, and repealing the anti-vigilante law.  Yay team Arrow!!  No more SCPD storyline!  All’s well that ends well!
Black Siren/Emiko
I think they took up an acceptably small portion of the episode, and it was just about enough for my liking.  This reaffirmed that I only really care about BS when she’s in scenes with Felicity, but it was nice seeing her try to do the right thing with solving Diaz’s murder.  As many predicted, Emiko killed Lizard Boy, as she is working for Dante.  Even doing this didn’t endear me to Emiko any more I’m afraid.  I just don’t care about her, sorry.  The showdown between BS and Emiko has potential to be interesting, and could lead to conflict between BS/Felicity/Oliver/Emiko in coming episodes, but my babies don’t need any more conflict, just let them be pleeeaaaase!!
The surprise that no one saw coming (I didn’t see anyone call it; well done Boss Beth!), was the appearance of baby Bronze Tiger, Connor ‘Hawke’ Turner.  Connor Hawke from the FFs is Bronze Tiger’s son, adopted by Dig and Lyla?!?!?!  Fab idea, writers!  This likely means that Ben Turner is going to die imminently, which is such a shame because he had so much potential in the prison arc!!  I loved seeing him again in this episode!
Looking ahead
THAT TRAILER GUYS!!!!!  MSDOI;’#GFHGSD;VNSD’K[GSDJVANVNFDK!!!!!!! I was not ready.  None of us were ready it seems!!!  We’re gonna see Mia’s birth this season!!!!  Oliver will be there!!  There’s a photo of Olicity and baby Mia!!!!  AAAAAAAAAGHGHAGHAGHAGHA!!!
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The Team is back!!  But now we see this joint ‘black ops’ type scenario joining Team Arrow and the SCPD together, along with the repealing of the Anti-Vigilante law, the landscape isn’t tying in with the FFs. How do we get to the point where Vigilantes are utterly outlawed and hated by society, when they have done so much to help the city over the years?  What changes?  Is this why Oliver is ‘gone’?  Why Felicity appears to have to give birth to Mia in some abandoned farmhouse somewhere? Where Mia has to be kept hidden? Where Mia and William can’t know of each other’s existence, or be spoken of in the same sentence (seriously….the TEARS!!)?  Where Mia can’t even go by the name Queen for her own safety?  I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!  I think Emiko could be at the bottom of this somehow.  She’s literally doing nothing else interesting.
Either Oliver and Felicity, or Rene and Dinah must be on the outs from the Team soon, to explain the latter’s unawareness of Mia.  Could this be this why only Rene and Dinah have been set up in the FFs so far, because this is the only place we will see them next season? (Assuming they are coming back for S9).
I am so unbelievably excited for next week now.  It’s gonna be dark, I know, but I’m hoping we get a decent amount of questions answered, and see Future Felicity and Diggle!!  (I’d love to see future Oliver, but not holding out hope for that just yet).  I was looking forward to the all-future episode anyway, as I’m living for Mia and William right now, but now???  Bring.it.on!
As always, huge thanks to the amazingly talented gif-makers in our fandom. Kisses and jazzy-hugs all round 😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗
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maevelin · 5 years
Hey Maevelin I've read a lot of your KC metas being KC fan and I think youre spot on with your authentic criticism. I like youre neutrality too and I wanted to ask you do think that KC was sort of random or in the beginning was it properly executed? Thank you
Hey back! 
You got me in a KC mood so this may end up long as per usual with me. Sorry in advance for my ramblings but here we go.
There is a difference between something coming out as random due to lack of quality writing when it comes to nuances and introductions and more so when it comes to handling the secondary characters and plot stories with care or lack of it and another thing all together of something coming out as random because it was unplanned.
One things that I am known for is my good memory. Back in S3 of TVD everyone thought that Klaroline was unplanned and later on the writers and especially JP tried to make it seem so especially when we were nearing the spin-off and afterwards when the KC fandom and the writers went in direct confrontation. As if either way that was meant to matter and the fans were meant to be grateful for and not criticize anything because the writers had done to the fandom a favor we didn’t deserve when it was the other way around. The spin-off’s creation owed a big part of its creation to Klaroline and the KC fandom the writers got advantage of over and over again while treating it with disrespect; a story that kept repeating itself for as long as TO lasted and even for the new show that was created out of it based on the media attention that KC kept providing and still provides occasionally with all the bait and switch JP is known for.
Getting back on KC though. One of the things JP hated was that she didn’t create it. She let it in Caroline Dries’ hands because she didn’t care and honestly she didn’t care much for the Originals either way. At least not in the way the fans did. This was why when the time came to create the spin-off you had only but a few Originals in. Kol was killed for no reason because somehow he was deemed too dark for the dark mature show. And to add insult to injury in the episode of his death they also had him referencing NOLA when they never meant to make him part of that show because what a crime for the fans to support something the writers don’t approve or want when everything are things THEY created in the first place (the nonsense and immaturity of it all makes my head spin). Rebekah was barely in the backdoor pilot and that as an afterthought. Finn, Esther, Mikael all dead. Stories retconned. The writers that got hired for that show did not belong to the genre (check gossip girl etc) and worse of it some of them that had no experience in writing shows hated Klaus’ character with a passion (and were hired for Klaus’ show). And all of the sudden a show about the Originals that was gained and built on the fans’ love for Klaus (born from Klaus, Joseph Morgan, the TVD Originals AND YES Klaroline too as JP had admitted in one of her interviews “KC gained Klaus his show”) became a show about a hated and rejected character like Hayley was and diapers that demanded the mythology and lore to be demolished and everything to become OOC.
Let us backtrack it a bit and connect all the pieces for anyone that is not too bored doing it and reading me speaking about it. Back in S3 of TVD Joseph Morgan who played Klaus loved Klaus and also let us face it loved having a job. He knew his character was gaining traction and he also knew the show and the writers in question and most of all the network he was working in. To exist in CW you need to be part of a popular ship. We can pretend as much as we like but we are talking about light entertainment and trash shows that thrive on media attention born from shipping. The most successful shows in the CW are those that have successful flagships. The characters that survive are those that are part of successful ships. Ships like Delena, Olicity and so on secure a show’s longevity and success.
Joseph Morgan back then knew that they would kill his character in the end. There was only one way for him to stay afloat in the universe and keep his job and the character standing. A ship. So he kept nagging and insisting for one. JP had humorously said so too back then. And granted I am a cynic but I will also give it to the guy that he also wanted, and for good reason, to give more layers to his character and expand his acting and make it more challenging and a love story could add more layers to his story, his characterization, etc. Nothing wrong with that. 
And then one day JP gets all excited (so to get him off her back? lol) and tells him YAY! We have a GREAT idea you won’t believe but you are going to love! We will give you the love interest you have been begging us (and annoying us) for. And there you go enter Klaroline. Which they added -admittedly- a bit bluntly/awkwardly but on the other hand there was the barest of hints in 3x09 with the camera zooming up and down Caroline as Klaus called her Tyler’s “Pretty little girlfriend”. Directing when it comes to intentions is always important in the CW shows. Of course for an audience like the one in TVD that expects everything to be spelled out even in the foreshadowing and given the exposition the TVD writers were known for anything unexpected comes out as WTF moment and given how much hated a character or a ship is or how much another character and another ship may be this results in rejection or adoration and certainly in ship wars.
So we got 3x11 and Klaroline. And it really was no surprise given the situation that the first thing Morgan did was get in twitter and start promoting KC as much as he could. Just moments after 3x11 aired.
Did KC start a bit randomly? Maybe. It is not as if I’d expect anything better or a more intricate writing from these characters.
Did it happen fast as a story? I don’t think so. Not in TVD given the fact that as a show it was built on Stefan and Elena that they start their epic love story in the pilot, share their first kiss in the very second episode of the show, declare their love in the speed of light and have their first sex scene in the tenth episode of the show.
How about Klaroline being unplanned though? Of course it was not planned in the way Stelena and Delena ever were. Let us get that out of the way. But what of Caroline’s ships?
Let me remember that after 3x11 aired just a few days later the promotional pictures for 3x14 came out. Which meant that by the time 3x11 had aired and before people got interested in Klaroline 3x14 was being filmed or was already filmed but for sure the scripts were already written for it. Scripts that had Klaus saying to Caroline that he fancied her and there was flirting and building up a ship. So you tell me how the writers didn’t plan Klaroline from the start. When 3x14 was meant to be the original pitch for the spin-off in the network. There was a certain hype in the internal promotion of that episode in the network. That was the first taste they gave the network and basically said watch this is what we can do. 3x14 is still considered one of the most important episodes of TVD (to which there had been a lot of preparation for) and one of the most successful and popular that was basically the untitled backdoor pilot for what the Originals were meant to be (as a collective for building a show on them) and what TVD was all about. From the way the Originals reunited, to their infamous shot in the stairs, to the intrigue, the warfare. Right down to the romance (Klaroline, Rebekah and Matt (which no one spoke of how unexpected that was btw) etc), the magic, Esther as the villain, Finn as the antagonist, the blood tree with the Viking names, with how the TVD triangle was presented, the dance, right down to the hints they had given for Damon and Kol but later took back. For such an important episode nothing is left to chance trust me. And episode they were planning before 3x11. Klaroline was a big part of that episode that was set in motion before 3x11 aired. So let us get the fake pretenses out of the way because I am tired of them. (Also let me point out here that for an episode that was meant to be one of the signature episodes of TVD we saw exactly what JP was all about…her racism was showing big time…Bonnie was suddenly missing in an episode where a witch like her should be in her gown in the front and center but you see the trademark episode of TVD was whitewashed down to the last moment of it. Shocking right?…said no one ever…)
Anyway do I believe that Klaroline as it ended up being was planned? No. I think they meant it as a fluke. Something to fill air time for when Trevino due to his contract would be gone. Since Forwood had being doing relatively well back then. You know KC was meant to serve as an obstacle no one would particularly bother with aside from it being a fleeting thing. And a way to give more attention to Klaus and the spotlight to the Originals too. I think it was meant to do its short circle and if the network would not be interested in the Originals for Klaus to die by the end of S3. Something that Joseph Morgan and Claire Holt were fighting against as they were the ones that fought for getting a show for the Originals. They fought for the spin off and we all saw what happened with it and especially with Claire. And who ended up signing first even before Joseph. Goes to show how much JP had the Originals’ best interest in mind (Yes, that is sarcasm.)
But plans and what not Klaroline took them by storm. They hadn’t expected such popularity. Something to rival even Delena. Something from secondary characters that did not want to bother that much with and something that JP didn’t create. If KC was her baby I assure you her treatment of it and of the fans would have been much better. Especially since later on she tried to copy paste it and replicate it but couldn’t make anything work.
So if I think Klaroline was well executed. Tricky question LOL...I am always defending Klaroline. Subjectively and objectively to a degree but that does not change that Klaroline was still part of a certain work that lacked certain things.
In the midst of chaos that TVD was I’d say yeah for the most part but that doesn’t say much.
Let me be honest here. Klaroline never reached the potential it could have had. i used to be bitter about it. And I felt that I was cheated out of something awesome but later on I realized it was just as awesome exactly because it was left unfinished in the way it did. Given the alternatives as we saw them later on. 
I think one of the reasons that Klaroline was saved -somewhat- quality wise (relatively) was because Klaus in TVD was straightforwardly the villain (no sugarcoating and bullshit to suddenly justify his crap in the expense of the plot and the other characters and even his own character) and both Klaus and Caroline were secondary characters. The focus thankfully was not on them. That meant that the usual crap Julie threw to the characters (especially female ones) and the ships she works with were not thrown in to Klaroline. There was not much screen time for JP to mess the ship up and most of the control for it was left in Caroline Dries’ hands. Of course the chemistry Joseph and Candice had was spectacular and that always helps but it was like catching lightning in a bottles. KC was more or less a ship that served its purpose as a characterization piece for both Klaus and Caroline when it came to them as a ship and their individual characters. Klaroline did not affect the plot that much -if at all- but did wonders for the character development of Klaus and Caroline. We saw more layers, depths, nuances and things that belonged to the particular vampire genre that were missing from the show in certain ways. Everything just clicked. And there were also controversial scenes given to them that they would never dare give to anyone else that added to the complicated web of everything that Klaroline was. It was raw and demanded a more intellectual approach to fill in the blanks. What I loved about Klaroline was that it was not brimming with exposition. Not everything had to be spelled out. Which is always good. More is less in many cases. Some may feel that less is undeveloped. And I’d agree up to a point that Klaroline’s development was cut in half because of reasons that had nothing to do with Klaroline and the writing to pander to those reasons lack consistence, respect and logic. Otherwise up to the point Klaroline was worked with I’d say that things were generally executed decently. Of course even back then JP kept KC for the sweeps and the promotion so the pace was jarring many times with KC being absent even for up to six months until the KC fandom was needed for the ratings and the media circulation. But I am also a believer that good things come to those that wait and quantity does not necessarily mean quality. Klaroline in the end had substance, something that TVD was known for lacking but I am also honest enough to admit that a lot of that when it came to Klaroline was created by the potential it had as a ship. What could have been and would have been ended up being the pillars that kept the KC fandom going and was better that what was in the end which is something that applied to everything TVD ever did. And by everything I mean...everything. Not a single thing excluded. 
So overall if I take a step back I think that Klaroline was the ship of dreams in the way that dreams made it float. Klaroline was all for the potential. Of what it was promised to be. Of what it could be, what it could have been. The kind of ship that in the hands of capable writers would have left history but in when it came to the TVD writers we unfortunately were left with wasted potential but even so it still held on to shreds of quality that many things from TVD were missing. Because in comparison I believe that despite the wasted potential Klaroline as it was was still far better than most of the things TVD ever worked with. And that speaks volumes. (I am not even including TO in because that’s just a joke at this point.)
Klaroline was built on interesting tropes and subverted certain tropes too. While Delena for example was based on the bad boy/antihero - good girl trope Klaroline was based on the enemies to lovers trope with one part of it being the villain and the other part being the kind of female character that didn’t regress but found agency in the ship something that was denied from every other female character TVD had. The fact that Klaroline also belonged to the golden writing age of TVD before the quality went to shit was a blessing in disguise as was the fact that they dropped the ship when they did.
I honestly believe that we dodged a bullet. As weird as it may sound. Given the mess TO proved to be, given what JP did with TVD once Kevin was completely out. I’d say that even though they cut Klaroline in mid development given what followed then we were particularly lucky. Better wounded and saved than completely and utterly destroyed in the core.
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callistawolf · 6 years
my thoughts on Arrow 6x22
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Hoo... that was a good one, wasn’t it? I mean... the sheer volume of OLICITY in that episode, plus we had Dyla being such a solid couple and even LYLA AND FELICITY scenes... I want to roll around in it and pretend this was the sum total of season 6 right here. 😂
Ugh I forgot about the stupid Quadrant. SMEH.
EGGS. COOKING TOGETHER. I LOVE THAT. Look how domestic this is.
CHEZ QUEEN. Did Oliver JUST call their apartment CHEZ QUEEN? I’m gonna die.  
“Salt me please, Felicity” lol
Aww she’s still worried. And I love when he reassures her. THIS IS SO CUTE.
Kiss kiss kiss I love that. OMG grab her boi.
I love breakfast for dinner. Just fyi.
Felicity protecting William and getting him safe while Oliver beats up thugs is my aesthetic.
Oh man he’s so scared about his family possibly getting hurt MY HEART.
Did no one warn Rene? LOL
Or Dinah.
“Diaz isn’t going to attack the mayor” OH FELICITY. You aren’t this naive are you, bb?
She is NOT gonna let him sideline her again. YOU GO GIRL.
Your bunker has NEVER been secure, lbr.
Aww but they have to watch Diaz’s dudes trash the bunker. SO SAD.
Whatevs, Felicity fixed up the foundry and improved it in the hiatus between 1 & 2 so I feel certain she could do the same thing here. 
Don’t hate me but I like the teams working together again. I know they’re not officially back together or anything but joining forces makes the most sense right now.
Look at my boy looking and sounding like a leader. I’m so proud. *Sniff*
Am I supposed to feel bad that Curtis got stabbed?
Cuz I don’t.
I KNEW DIAZ DIDNT TRUST ANATOLY. Okay so it wasn’t a trap but he is onto my boy here. STAY SAFE.
OH Nice play there Anatoly. Shift suspicion onto Quadrant lady. Casamento. Vento? Mento? I STILL DONT KNOW.
SNIFFERIFIC. She’s so damn cute.
He’s so worried. I love him.
Marital advice lololol oh god I love this so much.
Yeah Felicity doesn’t wanna get divorced tho. So…. Scratch that.
Felicity wyd baby. Oliver is gonna be so mad at you.
HE MAD. OH GURL. Time to bat your eyelashes.
TELL HIM GIRLFRIEND. YAS. “There is no alone for us anymore.”
DINAH LEARNED. That’s promising.
Felicity and Dig talking about Oliver and then Dig talking to Oliver about Felicity…. FEELS LIKE OLD TIMES.
No more going into the field okay honey lets see how well that works for you. Felicity should take that news SUPER WELL. GOOD FUCKING LORD, Oliver.
I love when Diggle yoda’s Oliver. Its when I know all is right with the world.
She is stressing Oliver the frick out with needing to stay behind.
Lyla and Dig are such a great example of a couple that fights well together.
William needs US.
I love when my babies do stunts together!!
So there goes that lair/bunker/hideout. THEY HAVE NO MORE PLACES.
Yeah no chance Diaz is dead. Its not the finale.
UGH so it was for nothing.
I love a heart to heart. He needs to trust her and him and them. BLESS. My boy leveled up.
Kissing his shoulder. That’s her thing.
Oh god he has an idea. His ideas are always awful. I feel like Felicity told him this after the scene cut. Let me have my dream. 
Its not a Quadrant if there’s only two people, amirite?
Honestly, going to Samanda and the FBI for help makes the most sense right now. I know I bagged his ideas, but... this one is not bad. 
“I am the Green Arrow” DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE.
What’s the second thing tho.
It’s prison isn’t it? The second thing is prison. 😭
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So this was so good. I don’t think there’s much about the finale we don’t already know but I’m always ready for the show to shock the heck out of me. I expect Quentin to die because of Diaz. I expect Siren to get very upset about that and to fight Diaz. I expect Diaz to be taken down. I expect Oliver to get taken into custody. These are the facts. 
I haven’t said much about it the last couple of weeks but I’ve been moving further and further from the “Felicity is pregnant” spec. I left a door open before last night’s ep... I thought if there were some good clues and/or sexy times, then MAYBE. But there wasn’t, not by my estimation at least. I just don’t think it’s gonna happen. But it WILL happen eventually. Just might not be a thing till next season or whatever. I can be patient. I just don’t think it’s gonna happen in the finale. 
Which is a bummer cuz I feel like the timing with Oliver going to prison is PERFECT. That is fantastic angst. And I’m not even worried that he’d not be out/free/whatever before the baby would be born cuz obviously he would be. There’s plenty of time. BUT. Oh well. Someone will just have to fic it for us this summer. Cuz its too beautiful to just let go. 
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thenerddess · 7 years
Maggie Says Stuff: Arrow 6x04
This is one of the best episodes of Arrow we’ve been given. Season six as a whole is killing it and this episode is a perfect example that when Arrow gets it right, this show is incredible on every level. Here are my highlights and a few predictions as always at the end:
➴ Date, Dessert and Role Reversals (Oh my!)
Let’s be real, the majority of this is going to be me gushing over Oliver and Felicity. And there is so much to gush over and unpack. Let’s do it!
Sitting through three seasons of of angst, hurt and lies, it was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when it came to Olicity. But I am so happy I hung in there because we have come full circle and it is a masterpiece to watch it unfold like this. This feels earned and it’s given a depth to their relationship that wouldn’t have been there had they not been through all they have endured. Oliver and Felicity have both grown so much and this episode encompassed all of that growth and character development beautifully.
We open the episode with Oliver and Felicity on a date and get an open honest discussion about their past (including the infamous first date) and the acknowledgement from Oliver that he wasn’t ready three years ago, not like he is now. Felicity still wants to take it slowly and do it right and Oliver is all for it. Their date is cut short when Felicity is called away by Team Arrow which Oliver humorously acknowledges what it must be like to be Felicity all those years when Oliver was called away on GA business. 
After Team Arrow business is handled, Felicity heads back to her apartment, calling Oliver to come over for “dessert”. Uh-la-la! But an intruder interrupts Felicity night in the form of Alena, Felicity hacktivist ex-friend from Helix, who needs Felicity’s help to stop Cayden James from destroying the internet. I think. Felicity is reluctant to trust her but feels obligated to stop Cayden James since she helped free him. They come up with a plan but are held up by a dessert seeking Oliver who immediately wants to help Felicity. But Felicity has got this and tells Oliver as much. 
Of course old habits die hard and Oliver follows Felicity and Alena to an underground club where they are trying to acquire a piece of tech that can help them stop Cayden. Oliver busts in taking out a room full of muscle and almost jeopardising Felicity’s mini mission. Here we get a heated discussion between Oliver and Felicity. Both trying to protect the other. Oliver is throwing his body on the line to protect Felicity, as always there is no choice to make. And Felicity is trying to protect Oliver from himself and the FBI who have Oliver on 24/7 surveillance. 
After Felicity and Alena’s plan is thwarted by Cayden James himself (hello Michael Emerson), Team Arrow comes to the rescue and saves the day. But Alena is shot in the scuffle and Felicity is left feeling hopeless and guilty. Oliver shows up and gives her an incredible Felicity Smoak-esk pep talk. Felicity questions how Oliver managed being the Green Arrow, Mayor, boyfriend and brother for all those years. Oliver sweetly tells her that it was because she was always in his ear, figuratively and literally, telling him never to give up. Oliver just wants to do the same for Felicity and he does an incredible job. Even when Felicity is called away again on TA business, Oliver tells Felicity how proud he is of her. You can see it means the world to Felicity to hear that from Oliver, especially when in the past Felicity felt like Oliver didn’t trust her and wasn’t there to back her plays. It’s such a sweet yet incredibly important moment for these two.
Felicity and the team head out into the field to stop Cayden James from unfolding his evil plan. As Team Arrow holds off Cayden James’ minions, it is left to Felicity to save the internet. At least, I think that’s what was happening *shrugs* Felicity has to make her way solo through a building of baddies but never fear because Abs Watch is here! In the most perfect and amusing role reversal to date, Oliver takes over comms and guides Felicity to the server room. There are a few bumps along the way but Oliver does a pretty good job and Felicity is able to make it to the room and stop Cayden’s programme from attacking. We even get an iconic Olicity callback when Oliver tells Felicity that she can stop James and that he believes in her. At which point I was on the floor. It’s everything that is right and that works when it comes to Olicity and I was thoroughly delighted.
There were a few Olicity kisses this episode. We got the adorable apologetic goodbye/apology kiss when Felicity has to leave their date early, kissing Oliver all over the face. Awwwww! We got a sweet, heartfelt kiss after Oliver’s pep talk. And then we got dessert. Kind of. Oliver finally makes to to Felicity’s for “dessert” where we have Oliver pushing Felicity up against the loft wall and Felicity trying to climb Oliver like a tree using his tie as leverage. It’s incredibly hot and intense and we were all living our best Olicity lives in that moment. They make it as far as the couch when Oliver phone interrupts them. It’s Slade who needs Oliver help. Of course he does! 
➴ Stray Arrows
- Michael Emerson is so good as Cayden James. There is this quiet menacing creepy vibe about him. He seems in control but also at any point he could snap. I love it! 
- I was weary of Alena at first but it seems like she’s okay. I was happy that she pointed out to Felicity that mass producing the chip in her spin should be the first project for her and Curtis tech start up. Thank you! Helix Dynamics is no Smoak Tech but it will do. For now. Queen Inc here we come :)
- Rene continues to bring the humor and delight me. I seriously love his character this season. As I’ve said before, I really like the way they are using the newbies this season. They are back up and there to serve Oliver, Felicity and Diggle’s story. I’m sure we’ll probably get an episode or two centred on one or more of them at some point but I really don’t mind if we do. 
- MVP holy trinity = 1. The woman at the restaurant who was excited about Oliver and Felicity being back together and is voting against the anti-vigilante bill. Me af! 2. Curtis the self proclaimed biggest Olicity shipper. Oliver and Diggle will fight you, Curtis. :) 3. Alena who is happy they are back together. She’s a fan!
- Dear Oliver and Felicity, When you are travelling to the Island of Multiple Orgasms, for the love of google, put your phone on airplane mode or turn it off completely. Love, The entire Olicity fandom.
- Black Mold is epically underwhelming. I know her fans are here for a redemption arc but I think it’s too far gone. She snapped the neck of a dude begging for his life on behalf of his kids. I know Slade killed Moira but at least he had the mirakuru as an excuse for his murderous crazy pants. I think the most her fans can hope for is a frenemy relationship much like Malcolm had with Team Arrow. 
➴ Predictions
- Cayden James tricked Felicity into leaving her signature on the hack he forced her to stop. Agent Watson is going to be all over this and I’m pretty sure Felicity is going to be in big trouble at some point. Probably around the mid season finale.
- We know Cayden James and Black Mold are working together. I think Richard Dragon is also working with them but we’ll won’t find that out for a few more episodes.
➴ Final Thoughts
This was honestly my favorite episode in a long time. It’s top five material. Oliver and Felicity were perfect. This is what we’ve always wanted for them and we are finally here. I am excited about Slade coming back next episode and Felicity is going to be on the Flash next week. Yay! I’m so happy to be super excited about Arrow again. What a delight! 
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wanderingmmries · 7 years
I’m back to writing so promotion time
So, last week I finally updated my fic Wait For Me To Come Home but I did it on the one day I didn’t have internet and ended up posting from the library (yay for free public internet!) 
I thought I’d shared my story here too. For those who have read good news! new chapter! but for those who don’t know about it let me tell you:
Wait For Me To Come Home is a story about what if Oliver and Felicity had already known each other and been in a relationship before he went got on the Gambit but wait! there’s more! What if they also had a child together.  The story follows season 1 with a couple of twist that are going to show up. 
For those who are already aware of the story here’s the link to the latest chapter: Auction
For those of you that are new to the story here’s an excerpt of the first chapter that you can continue read on Ao3:
Hello, Goodbye
“Stop pouting, you’ll be back before you know it.” She had told him as she brushed his hair away from his forehead.
“I don’t pout. I’m Oliver Queen. Oliver Queen doesn’t pout.” Oliver said to her as he lowered his head and gently rubbed his nose against hers.
“You really need to stop that third person thing you do,” She told him wrinkling her nose at him.
“Who would've had thought that Oliver Queen would be trying to be an adult before the age of thirty?” He told her as he went in for another hug. He had said he wouldn’t be getting any for a few weeks and he was trying to get as many as he could before he left.
“You’re hopeless, you know that right?” She had told him pressing her face into his chest.
“I am hopeless, hopelessly in love with you.”
“You’re such a sap,” She had said to him before giving him a small kiss.
“But I’m your sap.” He told her giving her what felt like the millionth kiss of the day.
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Tagging people because shamelessly promoting myself:
@nalla-madness @almondblossomme @hope-for-olicity @coal000 @felicityollies @miriam1779 @wherethereissmoak @vaelisamaza @greenconverses @aussieforgood @green-arrows-of-karamel @walkerandbartowski @felicityssoliver @felicitybitchwithwifi @smoakandarrow @smkkbert
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msbeccieboo · 5 years
Arrow 7x19 Brain Dump
I didn’t really dig this episode to be honest (see what I did there?! Such lolz 😂). It wasn’t that it was bad, it was just misplaced within the season, and maybe also it just seemed to fall a bit flat after last week? Meh…perfectly watchable though, and I love one John Thomas Diggle, so it was great to see him take centre(ish) stage again! 
John Diggle
Oh Diggle…I love Diggle…I miss Diggle…yay to all the Diggle! We finally got to meet another relative of John’s after 34627 years, and it was no other that Winston from Ghostbusters! Dig and Oliver approach General Roy Stewart, who turns out to be Dig’s estranged stepfather, for intel on a flash drive from the Ninth Circle. That he was Dig’s stepdad is news to both Oliver and Felicity, which I think was a real shame; in all these years spent together he’d never mentioned his parents?
Anyway, plot happens, and Dig and the General are kidnapped by Dante, which gave the men an opportunity to work together and to demonstrate the love and the respect they have for each other, which was just lovely! Never in my life did I imagine I’d see Duncan MacLeod electrocuting Winston from Ghostbusters 😂!
The backstory with Dig and his stepfather was actually really poignant. Where Dig had believed the General to be at fault for his father’s death, then promptly swooping into his mother’s and their lives, he actually had been protecting Dig’s father’s legacy for all these years. The General hid the fact that Bio-Papa Dig actually died due to his own negligence, also causing the death of two other Marines, but had allowed Dig and Andy to believe the worst about himself, keeping their father’s memory a brave and heroic one. This is what being a parent is, and Dig is finally able to see him for the good man, and strong father-figure he really was for all these years. The general tells Dig “Every child deserves to believe that his father is a hero, and believing it, you became one.” This is the legacy he has left for John. I did get a bit choked up at this, especially John’s line “If I’m a hero, it’s all because of you, Sir”...my John Diggle heart 😭😭!!
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Continued under the cut
David is such a wonderful actor, and if this episode did anything at all, it was showcase this. He gave an interview saying that the story with his Stepfather continues from here…so will we see Winston again? I hope so! Or this may just mean the continued theme of non-blood family i.e. Dig’s eventual adoption of Connor.
There were some sweet moments between Oliver and Dig, with Dig opening up about his step-father and real father. Oliver was there for him, as both a sympathetic ear, and to give some advice. It’s nice to be reminded, and shown, that Oliver and Dig will always have each others’ backs (Dig’s personality transplant in 7a notwithstanding).
However…where was my Delicity???  There was ample opportunity, just wasted…Felicity was right there, she discovered the truth about Dig’s father! Delicity for the taking!! But no 😡 Where was Dyla??? For fucks sake, we have a Diggle-centric episode and Lyla doesn’t’ even get a look-in? Barely a name drop? Or JJ (in the present)?? COME ON PEOPLE!!
My main gripe with the episode was, we could and should have had this storyline for Dig at any other point in this season, or at any point with in the entire series. Imagine this going off in S4 when Dig was also dealing with learning of Andy’s true past as well, or S5 when he was dealing with his guilt over Andy’s death and coming out of the Army again! The story wasn’t fitting for the final run of episodes of the last full season of the show, and also squeezing in end-of-season plot points to Dig’s hard-earned solo storyline was a disservice to his character; he deserved a true standalone episode with no distractions. Also, where the hell was the spartan logo in the credits??? RUDE!   
Although not as explicitly as last week, Felicity was still a focal point in this episode, hurtling her story towards the end of the season, for Emily’s final episodes 😭😭. I loved seeing badass Felicity (since always😉), pulling a gun on the random Irish Ninth Circle dude! She was so brave, if not a bit reckless, but this is the hero Felicity Smoak has grown into over the past 7 years, and I love her all the more for it! Alena brandishing a keyboard was a hilarious bonus!
Perhaps Felicity’s most heroic act in the episode is destroying her ‘legacy’, Archer (who she refers to as ‘her’…so adorable!!), in order to stop the Ninth Circle from using it to target anyone else. She has a bit of a eureka!moment, when she realises just how dangerous her creation could be in the wrong hands, despite her best intentions for creating it.
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Source: smoakmonster
I loved her drawing a parallel between herself and her father (although unfairly, I believe), knowing that in the future she literally pretends to the whole world that she becomes The Calculator, again in the pursuit of saving the city. In the face of this, she says she still wants to leave something behind that is from Felicity Smoak, not Overwatch. My love for this character knows no bounds!
So by the end of the episode we realise that Archer won’t be the basis for Smoak Tech. Seeing Felicity talking Smoak Tech business with Alena was awesome, and I can’t wait to find out what she creates to launch her company, as we know how successful it becomes in the future! I also loved seeing Alena’s faith and encouragement of Felicity.
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Source: arrowdaily
Ah Alena…I knew this was too good to be true! Despite her clear love and faith in Felicity, it looks like Alena is not ready to give up on Archer, and will likely rebuild (albeit with good intentions, I still believe). But it looks like Alena will be the one responsible for the Archer program ultimately ending up back in the hands of the bad guys, be it the Ninth Circle, or ultimately Galaxy One. Felicity is undeterred by losing Archer, and knows she has more to give, to create in this world, as she simply says about her legacy “I guess I’ll just have to build a new one” 😍😍
All of Felicity’s helmet-talk in this episode made me giggle! (I’m immature, ok!!)
“John’s helmet just came back online”, and “Madame Helmet” in the flash forwards 😂😂😂 
The Olicity moments were definitely far more subtle in this episode, as they arguably should be in a Diggle centric episode, but I still would have liked mooooore...I’m a greedy Olicity whore, sue me 😂😂
We got some little hand holding moments, which will just never not make me swoon 😍
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Along with the Felicity-patented chest rub 😍
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Source: lucyyh 💗
Finishing each other’s sentences 😍
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Source: 1-crazy-dreamer 💗
Then just Olicity being a badass vigilante team, saving John, and hacking/breaking into classified government sites 😍
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Source: smoakmonster
I would have liked to see more of Oliver’s reaction to Felicity and Alena’s attack; he showed such restraint when checking she’s ok!!
Flash Forwards
I am a big fan of the flash forwards, and I loved them in this episode!! Still missing my boy William though…please come back soon!! The plot was pushed forwards, we got some nice character backstory for Connor, and some quality SmoaknHawke moments. Nice to see the writers can still do some things concisely and effectively!
We opened with Felicity working on the Galaxy One Helmet that Laurel gave to Mia last episode. I adore that despite the many changes to Felicity in the future, she still exclaims “frack”!! In order to get data from the helmet, Mia and Connor need to go in search of a power module. This leads them to the Deathstroke Gang (!!!), where their leader, JJ, is referenced!! JJ DIGGLE GUYS!!!! I can’t believe he ended up one of the bad guys…baby Sara would never!!
Connor opens up to Mia about JJ being his adoptive brother, and former best friend 😭, though they have lost touch ever since JJ went dark after becoming overwhelmed with the expectations he felt pushed on him by Dig and Lyla….whaaaaat???! I can’t wait to meet future Dyla and JJ!  I’m so into this family drama already haha!! I loved seeing this talk, and mutual understanding between Mia and Connor, I ship them so hard already! I also liked seeing the softer side of Mia again, she definitely has a gooey centre like her parents…just buried deep 😂
As they are chased out by JJ’s goons we get an epic almost-kiss that had me squealing KISS HER!!!!!
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At the end of the episode, Felicity finally discovers that the helmet is one of many that are all interconnected and running the weaponised version of Archer. As they come to realise the implications of this we see the army of Galaxy One soldiers lining up, super chilling! I love where this story is heading, and look forward to seeing these parts of the episode every week!
Oliver/Emiko/Ninth Circle
While Oliver’s love and faith in his family is generally one of his most endearing qualities, Oliver….honey….give it up, Emiko is EVIL. I am so utterly bored of Emiko now. She is a waste of screen time, an unnecessary distraction for Oliver and a drain on my patience 😡
Oliver tells Emiko that Dante killed her mother, that he misled her, that he doesn’t care about her, but that Oliver still does. Oh Oliver 😭😭
By the end of the episode Emiko decides to kill Dante (bye then!), and continue her path as head of the Ninth Circle, now that they are in possession of the experimental bioweapon. So that’s another villain offed this season. Beth and Steven said pre/early S7 in interviews that there wouldn’t necessarily be a big bad this year, which I guess is what they’re going for by killing every attempt at one. Emiko certainly isn’t big bad material herself. The writers seem to be using this season to wrap up Felicity’s story, launch the flash forwards, and set up season 8 (and possibly the crossover?). But in trying to do all of this they are sacrificing this season’s storylines, which is annoying me slightly. At this point in the season we normally have an idea of the trajectory of the final few episodes, but it’s still not really clear. Given that this is the final season for Arrow as we know it, this is super frustrating.
Hmm, for a bit of a meh episode, this still got long…oops!
Thank you to all the wonderful gif makers, as always. You guys rock!! 💗💗
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artreider · 6 years
Arrow Rewatch S3E17
Yay Dyla wedding.
Felicity and Oliver cant help but check each other out.
Felicity should've officiated the wedding.
Quiet dreams you keep to yourself - olicity at the wedding
Aww how cute is baby Sara (forever bitter about this)
Yes Felicity caught the bouquet
Oliver telling Felicity he just wants her to be happy.
Oliver like your boyfriend is coming for me.
Oliver sending Dyla to their honeymoon. I love it.
Felicity how is that workout not distracting you.
Cutter you crazy.
Way to give cutter a new motto Lawton.
There is so much hoing on in this episode.
Soldiers returning from war need more help on their mental well being.
Damn imposters.
Ray you got more than you bargained for.
Dont be hard on Felicity, she knows Oliver better than anyone. Listen to what she's telling you Ray. Haha yes she has feelings for him, anyone could see this.
She already has a partner Ray.
Lawton you are so messed up, your poor family and yourself.
Oliver feels so betrayed but dont take it out on Felicity.
Roy you are right its cool though Oliver already feels betrayed.
See arrow knew photos could be faked. Laurel wouldnt have allowed oliver to go to prison.
Oliver shouldve sued Ray lol just for the money.
Floyd now she's infatuated with you
Oliver i love you, because you are you and because you went to Ray
I wonder what legends Ray would say to this version of himself if he could.
Ray you are out of your league stand down.
Cutter dont be gross in this beautiful moment.
Felicity comparing the man you love and your boyfriend is not okay.
This confrontation is not okay.
Felicity deserves happiness with who she loves amd is happy with.
You are too jaded to see the truth Oliver.
Rude Ray what did Roy/arsenal ever do to you. Yea sorry you deserved to have your suit messed up. Ray dont presume to know who Oliver/arrow is.
Is that a bit of growth im seeing Oliver?
Still not over them killing deadshot. I liked will smiths version but i loved the arrow version.
Yes you do owe her an apology Ray.
Felicity girl it isnt fair for either of you to continue on.
Aww Baby Sara.
Lyla and Dig trying to leave the jobs only to realize they cant.
Pretty smelling flowers left in the lair to remind oljver felicity is next.
I love this cheek kiss and their short conversation.
Diggle honoring Lawton is important.
Quentin back off.
Dont even play that youll shoot Felicity
0 notes
felicityollies · 7 years
I know prompts are closed but you said to throw a happy idea at you so: Oliver and Felicity telling their kids about the time they kicked the mean reporter ladies ass
I indeed did so thank you! this little mini drabble has references to this fic from yesterday. 
“Yeah?” he looked up from his newspaper.
“Why do you do all the bad guy punching and not mom?”
He looked from his daughter to Felicity, who was now eyeing him from behind her tablet, and back to his daughter again.
“Mom prefers her computers to beating up the bad guys.”
“Oh,” she deflated.
“But,” he continued quickly, “I do have a story about your mom taking down a bad lady.”
The little seven year old perked right up. He didn’t know if he should be telling this story to her since she was so young, but she seemed so eager. And it was always good to make sure that his little one knew that she could kick butt in more than one way.
Felicity set down her tablet and looked at him expectantly. He motioned for Chloe to come up and sit in his lap. She always sat in his lap for story time.
“This story starts with a very mean lady. She hurt your Auntie Thea’s feelings,” he said.
She gasped loudly.
“But I thought I would give her a chance.”
“Everyone deserves a chance to be good,” the seven year old said.
He nodded and continued, “Everyone does deserve the chance, but she was not good at all. She hurt my feelings too and tried to do some bad things to stop me from being mayor.”
It was long past his days of being Mayor, but Chloe enjoyed looking at pictures and newspaper clippings from his time in office. She always giggled at the Mayor Handsome headlines. Chloe didn’t understand that the nickname was meant to be mean, but that was okay. She looked up to him. Her dad was the Green Arrow, he was like one of the handsome heroes in her story books.
“How did you stop her?!” Chloe looked to her mother.
“Let your father tell the story, sweetie,” she giggled.
She pressed her lips together and looked back to him.
“One day she came to my office, but she never made it inside,” Chloe’s eyes went wide, “Your mom walked right out of the office to go get lunch for us and ran into her in the hallway,” he kept going, “She punched the bad lady right in the schnozz,” he pointed at his own partially crooked nose.
Chloe looked from him to Felicity, “Wow!”
“I came out to see what was happening and I saw her on the floor….while your mom was foaming at the mouth with rage.”
Felicity smacked him on the arm, “I was not!”
He laughed.
“What happened next?” Chloe climbed over to Felicity.
“I told her if she ever tried to hurt your daddy again that she was going to be very sorry, but I was going to use my computer to hurt her instead.”
Chloe’s eyes sparkled every time Felicity spoke about her computer and the things she could do. If Oliver was he handsome hero then Felicity was the magical wizard, who often helped the hero get the villains.
“I wanna be just like you,” she said with such excitement.
“Let me tell you a little secret,” Felicity said, “You already are.”
He gave a fake offended huff.
“But you’re also a lot like your dad.”
“Yay!” Chloe squealed.
“Now I think that’s enough stories for now,” he said.
“Awww,” she whined.
“Don’t you have homework to do?” he raised a brow.
“Maybe,” she got down off the couch.
“Go on,” he waved her towards her room.
When she was gone, he shook his head.
“That was a good story,” his wife said.
He smiled, “My favorite.”
She chuckled and leaned into kiss his lips. “You still should have let me drain her bank account and donate everything to the glades.”
“You already got her fired and dragged her name through the mud,” he kissed her again.
“Are you telling me that ruining her career should have been good enough?”
“Maybe,” he mumbled.
“Have I told you lately how sexy you are?”
She smirked and leaned in to give him another kiss, “Keep talking.”
@yellowflicker09011996 @blackcanarydinah@queensoverwatch@releaseurinhibitions@honorthedeadbyfighting @cosimalison @missafairy@multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl @mymusiclove101@nessafra @pottercastleminds  @arrowsalways @emilybuttrickards@ontheolicityship@almondblossomme @smolsmoak  @decieving-nightmares@vicky-vale @garrickjay@maryhn@pleasantfanandstudent  @pidanka @bandanab310 @floydharley@bazingagubicorn @oliverfel4@rockylita@kebarr @iheartarrow @miriam1779 @hope-for-olicity@somewhatinvisible@olicitylovemaking@bisexualfelicity @tjmartinez98 @felicity-said--yes @stygian-omada-fan @steelrigged-blog @emmaamelia95@coal000 @leagueofolicity17 @bwangangelic @olicity-in-the-heart
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