#maggie says stuff
m-aremagnum · 30 days
Maggie Rogers ft. Florence Welch, “Light On” live at O2 Brixton, 2019
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hopetorun · 1 month
Hi! Any 'hockey but Something's Different' recs that you have?
obviously as soon as i saw this question i forgot everything i've ever read in my life. anyway, jess @bropunzeling is really good at this imo, and i've really enjoyed all of her contributions to the genre (supernatural elements, omegaverse, women in the nhl, werewolves, soulbonds)
anyway having perused my bookmarks and crowdsourced with some friends, in no particular order:
jeff/mike where jeff is a demon
ovi + nicky + werewolves
leon + michael dal colle + vampires
pk + carey + daemons
pk + carey + fae
roman + shea + talking animals
usntdp mutants (the fic is jack/nico)
mason mct + connor b + women in the nhl
matthew + leon + animal transformation
there's tons more i'm sure but i reached a point in my bookmarks where i simply could not look at things i saved in 2014 and wonder why i was ever even compelled by those two people together any more. so i stopped. please feel free to share your own contributions!
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agathabridgerton · 22 days
"bridgerton is bad but that's okay bc we need bad tv shows in the ecosystem" i'm afraid y'all have no idea what actually makes a tv show bad. a tv show's a plot being romance doesn't mean there's no depth to it. bridgerton is in fact a deep dive into the very human experience of romance and what it means to love someone romantically. it's not a show about romance for the sake of artistic sex scenes, the sex scenes are in service to the exploration of romance that the show does. what makes a tv show bad is when you watch it and have no idea what it's saying. the writers can even go "this is what we're saying" but that doesn't necessarily matter. the actual content of the show has to say it. and that's what bridgerton does. like i have to laugh so i don't get too angry bc ppl who say bridgerton is bad like it's an objective fact are just assuming, bc of internalized misogyny, that anything with romance as its a plot is automatically not prestige tv or whatever. fuck that.
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cryscendo · 8 months
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kurt hummel in every performance
5x19 - Old Dog, New Tricks
Take Me Home Tonight - Artie Abrams, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Mercedes Jones, Sam Evans, Santana Lopez, and Maggie Banks
“Thank you for all your support, but Rachel isn't giving herself enough credit. I mean, this is a true collaboration, and we're just happy to be giving back.”
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tortoisesshells · 6 months
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seduction techniques of Collinsport, ME (85 + 87)
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nero-neptune · 11 months
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“It’s just what I dreamed of when I was at Columbia, that I’d be practicing medicine in a room where I can’t feel my fingers!”
NORTHERN EXPOSURE 2.01 “Goodbye to All That”
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throughalleternity · 11 months
If Lucy goes on T do you think Maggie and Alex would accept all of the changes that would come with it, or only certain aspects of it? Like for example they would be ok with their voice deepening but not with facial hair/musky body odour/bottom growth etc., or vice versa? And would one of them be more accepting of certain things than the other? And which changes would Lucy look most forward to?
I don’t think they have issues with Lucy’s changes on T, and they certainly accept all of them (especially because what does not accepting them even look like? Alex and Maggie won’t try to control Leon’s decisions—those are 100% his to make, especially when it comes to his body. They could break up or change the nature of their relationships if he goes on T, but I don’t headcanon that).
(An aside: sex is a related topic but any boundaries around that are about gender and sexuality, not physical changes on T.)
There are things that they found attractive in Lucy that change with T, like her voice. But for them, they find that the new change is also attractive (and some things that they don't expect to find attractive end up being so on Lucy/Leon bc it's her/him), or that even if a certain change isn’t particularly attractive, there are other changes that are. Leon being more comfortable/happy and them getting to be a part of that is what’s most important to them, and their love doesn’t go away. (Also, some changes revert or somewhat revert for a Leon that goes off of T eventually.) Their attraction is more about who Lucy/Leon is as a person.
I think with Maggie’s experience dating within the queer community and dating aliens, it's easier for her to adapt and feel confident that she'll stay attracted to Lucy. Alex is a little more worried about how she'll feel, but she reads about the experiences of other people in relationships with genderfluid people and talks about it with Lucy and Maggie. And kinda like I alluded to in the previous ask, she realizes that an amazing part of loving people is loving and supporting them while they change and grow into themselves, which makes this seem less scary. And they've all been uncertain about relationship things at some point—entering a polyamorous relationship and not knowing how they'd handle dating and their feelings was kinda scary! But they talked about things and were intentional with their actions and things ended up fine for them. And tbh as far as their specific feelings about specific changes on T, I don't really have many headcanons? It's mostly just the broad thoughts I outlined above, since I'm flexible with headcanons.
Voice is a big change Leon looks forward to. I know fat redistribution is often a big one, but it's actually height and build that bother Leon more, which doesn't change much for him on T. I don't think Leon necessarily stays on T long enough to develop a lot of facial or body hair, but he likes what he gets, and likes the ritual of shaving.
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digirainebow · 10 months
listen as the local jacoblover i do have to address the charlie thing at some point. especially now that i've seen it uninterrupted and at its worst. like, i am relieved he really was never planning on hitting him, OBVIOUSLY. but he still pushed him. and calling a child a mistake is one of the most fucked up things you can possibly do in this life let alone to charlie's face. i have not forgiven jacob summers for his crimes believe me. like you are a full adult man jesus christ. doghouse for one thousand years
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gatalentan · 1 year
A reading of my favourite part of the Barbara/Melissa fic "One Bed" by @cdyssey. She could say any of these three things but doesn’t; it was clearly a rhetorical question; she can see in Melissa’s darkly lashed eyes that she is willing to accept every wayward epithet if this is the price, if this is the blood sacrifice of their communion. They can be monsters with each other; they can be so totally in love.
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kazz-brekker · 10 months
once again the heartstopper soundtrack is literally just my spotify on repeat
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bijouzen · 8 months
god. Unknown / Nth is SO fucking ineffable husbands
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amphiptere · 8 months
I really need a scorpio races movie, ok
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thebindingofpillo · 1 year
Talk about your babygirl (Judas) more, a treat from me to you (~ uwu)~
Judas my babygirl the blorbo supreme, thank you for asking about him because I have SO MUCH to say about the man. I’ve already talked about him (at length) in a different post some time ago, and while it’s a bit old, most of it still kinda holds up. Anyway here’s even more stuff about him (AND A WARNING! MENTIONS OF SUICIDE BELOW!!) (this is gonna be very scattered too, I’m just gonna write stream-of-consciousness style)
Judas (or at least Judas in this current life) comes from a British family of middle-lower class. Both his parents died in a car accident when he was too young to really remember them, and he’s been living with his grandmother ever since. He’s always got a pretty terrible relationship with her. She was always the first to point out any flaws in him (perceived or otherwise) while being absolutely unbearable herself, never putting in the effort to ask for help while still expecting her grandson to drop everything and come to her every call and not speaking to him for days if he failed to do so. Suffice to say, they’re not really close as of right now.
Judas grew up an unbearable kid, considering basically everyone to be beneath him while at the same time being incredibly insecure. He found himself in middle school without a single friend, but he convinced himself that he didn’t need them anyway, so he buried his nose in every book he could find and patiently waited to school in general to be over. This is around the time he met Isaac and Magdalene, who apparently weren’t intimidated by his abrasive attitude and the three quickly became inseparable, with Judas even managing to grow up and not be a prick anymore. The trio stayed strong throughout highschool and college (when Azazel also came into the picture, but I’m not gonna delve into all of his relationships now). He’s currently working on his archeology degree, but kinda put his studies on hold to work so he could support Maggy’s writing. He’s a librarian.
Personality wise he’s… polite. Distant, even. He grew out of being a prick, but he still has a condescending aura about himself, like the whole world is bothering him on his lunch break. This is not true to his partners tho, who have first hand experience of the more chaotic and passionate sides of his personality. He’s also a pretty witty person, and oozes sarcasm from every pore, but doesn’t really like talking to people he doesn’t know, so only his close friends have seen him crack jokes and actually smile. With that being said, Judas would lay down his life for the people he loves, and the fact that in his first life on Earth he had a hand in the murder of his best friend eats at him immensely. So much so, that he usually cannot bear the guilt and usually ends his life before due time. Every single time. In the roughly 2000 years his soul has roamed the Earth, Judas has never reached old age. Belial is also a major factor in his suicides every time, and you can read more about him here bc this is getting long enough already lol.
Speaking of Belial, while not being overtly religious, Judas had a passing interest in the occult that kinda morphed into a quasi-hobby. He likes to collect weird artefacts, ancient tomes and the like, that he stashes in his studio, right next to his school books and dissertations. This interest of his actually meshes pretty well with his passion for ancient history, and he has written quite a few essays about the portrayal of demons, angles and God throughout the ages. He might have tried to use a Ouija board when he was a kid, but it never went beyond that. The only true dangerous artefact in his possession is the Book of Belial, a magical tome that seems to find its way to Judas every single life. He doesn’t even remember where he found it this time, maybe he’s always had it.
More stuff that I didn’t know where to put so you get it here lmao
He sounds incredibly posh when he talks. Dear old grandma thought his accent was too lower-class (and by extension, hers too, but she would never admit it) so she was quick to point it out every time he spoke and ridicule him. With time, she managed to beat it out of him, but his accent still comes out when he’s very stressed or angry. He hates it.
He is also freakishly strong, but as durable as a wet paper bag. He could easily punch a hole in a wall, but would shatter all of his bones in the process. Couple this with a sour attitude and a complete disregard for his own safety and safe to say he’s been in quite a few fights. He’s won some of them, even if he woke back up at the hospital a couple of times.
His hair loss is supernatural in nature, due to the influence of the BoB (and tied to his body being weaker and more fragile that a normal person’s). His hair started to fall out around highschoo, but it’s not a case of simple alopecia like Isaac’s, Judas is completely hairless, doesn’t even have eyelashes.
Cannot stand to have anything around his neck. He even stopped buttoning his shirts all the way up because it was too uncomfortable. Just the lightest touch on the neck is enough to trigger horrible flashbacks and send him into panic
Despite knowing both God and Jesus exist (and the devil too) he considers himself more of an agnostic. For him, knowing God exists and having faith are two completely separate things. This goes the other way too, he doesn’t really believe in Satan either. And if Azazel is to be believed, the guy sucks and isn’t really worth praise anyway.
Tea is also one of his interests. He could talk for hours about the right temperature for brewing and the like, and has to be physically stopped from filling the cupboard with nothing but tea.
Isaac is his best friend, he loves him like a brother. Seeing how things are going with Magdalene, they might even become brothers-in-law too.
Speaking of Maggy, the two of them started dating after highschool and are still going strong. They seem to gravitate towards eachother in every single life. Judas is convinced it’s because they lived in the same period, Maggy prefers to think it’s destiny and stuff like that.
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Valid and all but also what an incredibly specific dni
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bossymarmalade · 2 years
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x-ladydisdain-x · 1 year
If I get to gatekeep ANYONE I get to gatekeep Maggie Lindemann. In like 2018/2019 I was literally obsessed with her, she was one of my favorite artists of all time, literally my favorite song ever was Would I. To this day I still get Friends Go and Obsessed stuck in my head. She was also literally mine, no one knew who she was and I had just these 9 songs that I loved more than anything in the world. Now she’s gay and emo(er) and has two whole albums and is on every spotify playlist and it feels like I watched her grow up
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