dmclemblems · 2 years
he’s so paranoid... ;o; bby... bby boy... it’s okay i will never let those meanie assassins hurt you... ;o;
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avungerthatgotaway · 4 years
The Soldier of the Night
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heyyyy guys!! this is my first ever request fic and im so excited to do iiiit. please tell me what you think of it in the comments🥰
it's made for this request
summary: y/n finally takes matters into her own hands and escapes hydra. but it won't be as easy as she tought...
warnings: mentions of blood and child neglect
pairings: avengers x teen!reader (platonic)
genre: angst-ish, fluff at the end
Sorry for grammar mistakes.
If you have request feel free to ask🥰
Y/N Y/LN, but no one calls you by that name. To the world you are known as The Soldier of the Night, the merciless murderer. Mothers all over the world use you to teach their kids about most dreadful dangers. People gather around campfire in woods and share scary stories of your cold heart and homicides you don't feel guilty about. You are the biggest fear of each and every government there is in world.
And you always wonder what all those people would say if they knew how old you were. Or that you never kill willingly. Or that you silently pray every night for the victims you harmed or killed in your brainwashed state.
Or that hydra has no control over you anymore. You are currently running, without exact destination, just to get as far from hydra as you can. They are probably alerted of your absence by this point, but you are already in New York, so you can maybe find a hiding spot before they find you.
-Avengers pov
Nick Fury hurried to the avengers tower, where he called a sudden meeting this morning.
When he came in Steve and Sam were sweaty, probably just came from their morning jog. Bucky was still fighting sleep in his pyjamas, hair sticking out in different directions. Wanda was starring daggers at him for waking her up so early. Tony and Bruce were in lab coats, probably didn't sleep at all. All other avengers were at their respective missions.
"I called this meeting because my resources told me infamous Soldier of the Night is out of hydra HQ. We don't know why, but it's probably another killing mission for hydra. He is currently laying low, somewhere around south entrance to the city. Your mission is to stop him from harming anyone and bring him here. Alive if possible, it would benefit us to know what are hydra's plans at the moment." he finished.
"Alright." said Steve dutifully. "Any information we can get on him before we go?"
"Not much. Only that he is dangerous, and doesn't spare anyone. He is a ghost story. We don't even know if it's a he, that's just a guess."
"Very well. Everyone suit up, I expect you in front of tower in 10." Steve said and left, other avengers following behind.
They came back that evening, exhausted of their unsuccessful search. There was no trace of the soldier. But they had to keep looking as long as there's hope to get rid of the monster.
-2nd person pov
Your heart was racing a hundred miles. You were well aware of the possibility of hydra finding you. But you didn't expect it to be this soon. You were in hiding for only 2 months and they already tracked you down.
Windows broke on your left side and hydra agents started piling in. At the same time on your right side the door broke down revealing whole avengers team, with few additions. You faintly remember one of them as The Winter Soldier, but what was he doing with avengers? Your toughts were cut short by a punch in your face delivered by one of hydra agents.
That's when it snapped: you had to fight for your life. And you probably had to fight both sides.
You started fighting hydra agents, harming them as much as you can without killing.
The avengers stand at the doorstep, and you faintly hear one of them saying "What the actual fuck?". They seemed belivered.
But they soon join the fight knocking out hydra agents. A fist connected with the back of your head, knocking you out into pool of darkness.
Light clacking of bottles was the first thing you hear when you wake up. You squint your eyes open, panic finnaly kicking in to where you are. Your first tought was that you were back in hydra HQ, but the room was way too light for that, and hydra wanted you dead.
You started panicking and franatically got out of the bed, trying to escape. Whoever this is, they nean no good. Even avengers want to kill you. But as soon as you got up, black dots invaded your vision, causing you to fall. But before you hit the groung a pair of arms caught you, leading you to sit back in bed.
"Hey, hey sweetie calm down. No one will harm you here. Don't make any sudden movements, your head is still not completely healed." a man told you.
You just layed back and watched him bandage your wrist.
"I am Bruce Banner, by the way. What is your name?" he asked kindly.
"Y/N Y/LN" you whispered, almost inaudibly but he heard it.
"Alright, Y/N. I think I bandaged all your bruises. Rest of the team is waiting out, do you maybe want to meet them?"
By 'team' he probably meant rest of the avengers. You saw a big 'A' painted on the wasll, so that had to be it, right? You immediately shook your head no, eyes widening in fear. You still weren't sure they won't harm you, and meeting them seemed overwhelming in your current state.
"It's okay, calm down. You can meet them later. I will stay with you a little. We could talk if you want?"
You just shrugged your shoulders, not particularly fond of talking with anyone, but not wanting to seem rude because he did help you.
"Okay. How old are you Y/N?" he asked slowly.
"(your age)" you quietly said.
"Dear lord, you really are just a kid. I'm so sorry for everything you've gone through."
You just zoned out, thinking about everything that happened, when something poped up in your mind.
"Mr. Banner?" you asked shyly.
"Call me Bruce kiddo. What is it?"
"I tought I saw The Winter Soldier at the door when you guys came to get me?"
"Oh yes. Bucky. He was also in hydra, as you probably know. He was brainwashed. I suppose you were too?"
"I was, every time I killed somebody. Sometimes I went to missions with other agents and they didn't brainwash me, but I never killed anyone when I was in my senses." You started thinking about your victims as teers pooled in your eyes.
"We supposed so. Do you want me to bring Bucky in a little? Maybe he can help you feel better, because he knows what you're going through."
You slowly nodded, not wanting to reject meeting avengers the second time.
"Alright, he'll be here in a minute." Bruce gave you a gentle smile and patted your shoulder.
A minute after he exited, in came Bucky. He looked better than when you saw him last, but you doubted he's seen you. You were sneaking out, tryna find some food, when you heard and saw agents torturing him. That's about only memory you have of him, along with stories you've heard from other people.
"Hello there doll. How are you? Bruce told me you remember me." he said gently, sitting at the edge of your bed.
"I-I am alright, i guess. Th-thanks. And yes, I do. A little. I was passing by door, when I saw them torturing y-yo-you." you started sobbing a little, the memory bringing back others. Memories of them torturing you. And you torturing other people in your brainwashed state.
"Hey don't cry. It's okay, shhh. Come here." he opened his arms, and you hesitantly scooted closer, not exactly sure what he wanted. He circled his arms around you, and you flinched, thinking he's gonna attack you. But he just gently kept his arms wrapped around you, soothingly rubbing you back. after some time you wraoed your arms around his middle, still not sure what's going on.
But it was a nice feeling. You never felt something like it before. You felt so safe, like nothing could harm you as long as you two stay like that. You wanted to know what was all this about.
"Wha-at are you do-oing?" you asked after you stopped sobbing, but still hiccuping a little.
"Oh, I'm hugging you. Are you uncomfortable? I will stop if you are. Sorry." he said starting to draw back.
"No!" you quickly said, clutching onto him like koala. You were afraid the sense of comfort will leave you as soon as he withdraws from you.
"Shhh, doll. I won't let go. Never. Nothing will ever harm you here kiddo. We will take care of you. You can live normal life, like all other kids. Maybe go to school after you adapt to your surroundings. Here is a kid Peter he is about your age. You can make friends your age. And of course we will be your friends. For as long as you want it."
"Wait, I can live here? I'm not a burden?"
"No, of course not. Don't ever think that, please."
"B-Bu-Bru" you struggled to remember what Bruce told you his name was.
"Bucky. Or James, whichever you prefer kid."
"Oh okay. What are hugs Bucky?"
"Well I'm hugging you right now. You hug people ti show your emotions. Like comfort, thankfulness, happiness, love. It's what friends do."
"Wait wait wait. You never had a hug before?? Like ever????" a new voice boomed. It sounded genuine but way too loud. You flinched instinctively and hid your face in Bucky's shoulder. He tightened his hold on you for comfort.
"Can you be any louder Thor? And no she was practically raised in hydra, they don't exactly hug around." Bucky said.
"I am sorry, lady Y/N. For frightening you, and for my inappropriate question. I am Thor Odinson." he said coming closer to you.
"It's okay Mr. Thor. I'm Y/N Y/LN, nice to meet you." you said shyly.
"Oh it's lovely meeting you too. I came here because brother Stark asked me to ask you if our presence is wished upon now."
"Huh, what do you think, doll? Ready to meet 'em now? No pressure." Bucky quietly asked, only for you to hear.
You tought about it for a second, but if everyone is nice as three you already met, you'd like to meet them all. And with quiet "okay", Bucky nodded to Thor and he left to call the others in.
That night you layed in your bed, thinking of that day's events. You met everyone, since no one had missions assigned. They were all really nice to you. Even Loki, which surprised every avenger. You were not sure why tho, Loki was nice, and his voice was comforting. The Maximoff twins were really funny, and Tony already started making you your own room! Everyone else you've met was aweosme: Natasha, Clint, Steve, Sam and Rhodey. Peter was shy but nice, he promised to show you some good movies and he was belivered when you said you don't know what those are.
Bucky was still you favorite. He stayed the longest, promising to come and visit you first thing in the morning. You hoped he'll hug you again, you were quite fond of hugs now.
Few months passed since avengers saved you. Life couldn't be better at this point. You were home schooling, or rather preparing to go to real school next year. Peter already introduced you to his friends from school you are going to attend. You were training to become an avenger, and it was so exciting.
You were currently having breakfast tho, sitting in between Sam and Bucky who were bickering about one thing or other. Tony was dancing funnily while making pancakes, while Nat was trying to throw as many blueberries as possible at him. You heard Clint somewhere in wents above you, probably setting up a prank. You smiled to yourself. Even though you never knew love, or had a family until two months prior, avengers accepted you. They were slowly becoming your family, and you couldn't imagine your life without them. ;)
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kalinawtokilig · 4 years
S/O who gets into fights
Pair(s) : Sugawara Koushi x Reader, Yaku Morisuke x Reader, Akaashi Keiji x Reader, Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader, Semi Eita x Reader 
Ohoh, boi good luck. 
It’s not uncommon for you to get into a fight, as you don’t look nor act the type. You don’t ask to get into a fight nor provoke, you simply attract trouble, (Oh, a problem child,,) But if this person (or people) are talking smack about you, you bet your bum that you’re gonna sit down and let them. Nah, you put’em up. Warning? You ARE the WARNING. 
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Sugawara Koushi x Reader
((I love and pimp him. Pimp pimp pimp)) 
He hears it from Yachi. More like, the team does and Nishinoya and Tanaka are ready to throw some hands.
During practice, Yachi, the sweet girl, poor her; she sees you having an intense argument with two other third years when she comes to refill on water bottles. 
She knows you, talking to you a couple of times. You were always a sweet upperclassman, kind and soft to her and the team, even Kageyama and Tsukishima showed you respect in your presence. 
But when one of them swung the first punch to your face, you bet she dropped everything and hauled ass to the gym to call over your boyfriend. 
Sugawara. Ah, yes, the duality of this man. I would say unpredictable, cause some say he’s the responsible type to stop the fight by finding a teacher and others say he’ll unleash Tanaka and Nishinoya. 
I say, he’s the type to KNOW who you are and WHAT you are capable of. Yes, he can join in the fight, but last time he saw you fight someone he was unaware and baffled that you are able to land solid one punch (( WANNA BE SAIKYU HEROOO)) and knock’em out. Nah, he’s the type to collect the aftermath and try to bury the evidence ((What a sweet boyfie <3 )) 
“Suga-san! (Y/N)-san i-is in a fight a-and I think they need help!” She screeches, catching the attention of the team members. 
“Ah, I’ll be back. Gotta collect the corpses.” 
Asahi, Hinata, and Yachi nearly pass out when he says that. “Corpses? (Y/N)-san killed them that quick? And Sugawara is the accessory???” 
When he finally reaches you, though he knows you’re capable of standing your ground, he can’t help but worry the bruises and cuts on you. You may be able to keep standing, but that doesn’t mean you can avoid ALL their hits. 
When he sees your figure, his fingers dig deep into his palms. “(Y/N)?” He calls out to you. You’re huffing and you straighten your back, turning to face him you smile lovingly to him. “Yes, Darling?” 
He may simp for you but that doesn’t mean he can’t lecture you. 
Sighing, he crouches to the two fools who decided to provoke you and talks to them in that tone where you can’t speak because you’re scared of what they’re capable of. He says that he’ll be watching them closely and that if they mention their S/O beating them up, not only will they all get suspended but Sugawara will make sure they’ll never face pride or regain their HONOR back. (ayye zuko wassup ?) 
Standing up, he looks to you and holds your hands as gingerly as possibly, observing the irritated redness on your knuckles and the splotches of small red bloody dots. His nose scrunches cutely as one hand lets go of yours to cup your face carefully because of the now forming bruise on your pretty face. 
Sighing, he smiles, brows furrowed, “Sugar, next time, go easy on them. I don’t want your pretty hands to be so messed up. I love you and I don’t mind bandaging them up and kissing them to make you feel better, but I feel the more you punch the more your hands’ll fall off. Then who am I supposed to hold hands with?”
You can’t help but crack a joke, “Ah yes, losing Daichi and me in the same year, my poor Darling~!” You coo to him. 
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” 
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Yaku Morisuke x Reader
((Babie,, cat babie ,,, dangerous babiee,,)) 
While the fiery, third-year, libero of Nekoma dislikes Lev, you absolutely cherish the tall boy and found him cute.
Kuroo makes fun of Yaku saying you should date Lev instead
then you retorted to the rooster head saying that it’ll be weird cause Lev is basically a little brother you’ve always wanted.
One day, after school, while your boyfie was at practice, you were on cleaning duty and overheard some students talking about your two favorite people.
They made fun Lev and then Yaku. They absolutely insulted him for his height and his plays while they made fun of Lev’s intelligence and lack of plays. 
And they chose D E A T H 
“Hah? Whatcha say?!” 
Commence a brawl 
You could’ve used the broomstick by breaking it in half and shanking them but you wanted them to know not to die JUST yet.
You were able to leave satisfied yet still pissed. The other students didn’t speak a peep, as to know not to mess with your temper and if they were a snitch, well, snitches get popped. 
for the ones who talked smack, you both came to the conclusion to say that you guys were playing too rough with the cleaning supplies 
When practice was over, you waited by the gate for your boyfie 
Seeing him, you smiled at him and he came up to you, flicking your jaw
“Ow! Love, what was that for? You’re not give your soldier a loving and tender hug for defending you and our child’s honor?” You pouted cutely to him. 
His eyes widened a bit,  a pink blush on his face until he squinted his eyes at you. “You got into a fight, again.”
“All in good nature, babe!” You stuck out your tongue to him, surprisingly he stuck out his tongue, to lick you with his own. 
“As much as I love you, you’re lucky that I wasn’t there or I would’ve killed you too to get rid of the evidence.”
“...Aw! You love me so much that you’ll clean my messes, I love you too, Morisuke!” 
“...I love you too, you frickin idiot.” 
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Akaashi Keiji x Reader
(Ayyeee back at it again, Akaashi-kun, how ya doin?) 
Akaashi may be a patient man, but this man can hold his patience with a sharp knife and cut it instantly 
It was your movie date and while you waited for Akaashi to get popcorn and snacks, your saw one of your best friends. 
You went up to say hi until you heard them talk bad about you, saying how Akaashi is only dating you to keep an eye on you or how you’re too naive that they obviously don’t want you cause you’re too clingy
with the cold, freezing, slushie, you ‘accidentally’ trip and spill it all over your now ex-bestie
like your bestie, that two-faced bih doesn’t go down without a fight
so basically this was your break-up fight
As he bandages your hands, you were too nervous to speak to him
You weren’t afraid of anything, not failing, not teachers or authority, nor suspencion
Though, you were very afraid of Akaashi’s silent temper
“Ah, Love-”
Pretty boy looks at you so quick you flinch for the upcoming lecture yet he says nothing which makes it even more scary for what he’ll say
“Are you mad at me?” You ask cutely, pouting and looking through your lashes while your head is down in shame
After a couple of minutes waiting for his answer, he sighs
“Blossom, you know how concerned I get when you get into fights. It...” He looks away, “hurts me to see you hurt...I love you a lot that I’m mad at myself that I wasn’t there to help you.” He confesses with a red tint spreading to the tips of his ears. 
Oh dear LORD this man continues to speak heavenly got ME swooning- 
“I should’ve known that friend of yours wasn’t true to you...I’m sorry I couldn’t see that. If you want, we can have Kenma pirate the movie and send us the link. Better than going out, right?” 
Your eyes sparkle and you launch to hug him, he lets out s strangled yelp as he falls back onto the bed 
Though easy to get into fights, you were easy to cry, as you were emotional to these kinds of things
Chuckling, he buries his head into the crook of your neck, one hand on your side and the other petting your hair
“I love you too, blossom” 
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Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader
What a cactus. Don’t we stan? 
I stan. I totally stan. 
When you get into a fight this man KNOWS he’s most likely gonna watch to see if there is any bih to try to hit you while you’re busy fUCKING UP WITH OTHERS WHO MESSED WITH YA
Iwaizumi is literally the chillest ngl 
Will probably join if some CUNT ASS BIH  decides to pull ya hair or pick up some petty stick to beat you with it
((the more i write at 4:30 AM, the more my mind expands to more fight scenarios ohohhhh get ready my friends)) 
Literally the toughest couple
no cap, no one will mess with you unless they’re tryna get f’d in the a in the most unpleasurable way (omg that rhymes) 
Oikawa makes funny and teasing jokes about how you both look so intimidating that you’ll get wrinkles on your faces
“Keep barking, Oikawa, cause I can make sure my kicks can knock off that bitchy attitude <3″
“Why are you and Iwa-chan like this.” 
“Lmao get wrecked Trashykawa.”
Sometimes you act like Oikawa’s guard too, the fans know of your rep around school, so they don’t bother Oikawa as much which means Iwaizumi doesn’t have to spike volleyballs at his head so they can head to practice without any distractions ((Though Iwa still does it when Oikawa gets too flirty when thanking you)) 
Omg I can go forever with Iwa holleeeeemolleee 
I feel,, that when he’s bandaging up your face, your cleaning the cuts on his....chest.... n’ biceps,,,oof to be you... 
I feel like getting into fights can also count as a date
how fun would that be
talking about your fight date with him in front of other ppl who don’t really know you
I imagine you and iwa-babes talking and you’re like, staring so lovingly at his face and reach to touch the cut above his lip and you’re reminiscing 
“Babes, remember when we fought those two losers at the parking lot of a Target?”
“Oh yeah, I remember that. That dickbag got his ass handed to you, nice right hook by the way.”
Then the strangers RUDELY overhearing are like ‘Wth??? is this?? real?? did they actually fight two people?’
You did.
Oikawa posted it.
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Semi Eita x Reader
((Grey haired babes hit different, y’know?)) 
he’ll just be >:|
I can’t say he’ll be mad at you, but more like, concerned that his face looks mad
The same with Akaashi, you’re waiting for him to lecture you, but he’s quiet when he’s...worried,,concerned
You got into a fight because some BIHS from another sports team talked shit about the volleyball team, SPECIFICALLY your boyfie (how convenient for the plot) 
You may be smol but you have HELLFIRE
Long story short,,, you may have won the battle, but you are unsure if the war will reign supreme, by war I mean you’re preparing for Semi’s scolding
Waiting in his dorm room, you played the soundtrack he made for you and patiently waited until he came back from practice
When HE DOES come from practice, he opened the door to see you sleeping on the floor, back against his bed and when he was going to quietly coo at how cute you look, he gets a closer look at the split lip and bruised knuckles
...You have...a tampon shoved up your nose? 
“Muse. Bubs.” He cups your cheek, then patting it gently. 
When you wake up, you jump back
“BUBs, beh, listen, I, may have done something to someone out of provocation and insults whereas I also defended not only myself-” You wince at he narrows his lovely eyes at you, peering for you to go on (omg you frickin simp)
“I have protected you and your team from their,, falsehoods”
(Why are you talking like that lmao)
He blinks once. twice. going to his bathroom, he gets the first aid kid he ALWAYS had to restock because his babes CANT STOP GETTING INTO FIGHTS so he can patch you up 
“I love you, but we can take their idiocy, it’s just your idiocy I’m worried about...” He continues on, then he starts to listen to the music you’re playing
you’re playing one of his playlists he made for you
specifically, “When I’m with You <3″
He becomes flustered and you wonder if HE’S okay 
“Sh-Shut up, stupid! Stop getting into fights!” 
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aristccrvcy · 5 years
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( gavin leatherwood, trans male, he/him, fire emblem: three houses ) * &. i know it must be scary for you, ferdinand von aegir, after surviving the takeover. to turn into someone like aeric-ferdinand “ferdie” vittori, a twenty-four year-old actor at castle town centre of theatre & dance, right here in castle town. just remember that you are as sincere as you are opinionated, and to be wary, be safe, be true to who you are : neutral through and through. ( hylia )
         i could never drop him i just. i could Not. i rly couldn’t but i DID ..... want to revamp him a bit so here’s take two on ferdie !! politics, war, death, & divorce tw under the cut !!
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So alright. Chances are , if you’ve heard of Ferdinand , it’s because you’ve heard the infamous ‘ I am Ferdinand von Aegir ! ’ quote goin’ around which . . . attributes from. Him introducing himself every time you select him on the battlefield in FE3H. Don’t believe me ?? WATCH. 
...u don’t need to watch that whole thing I’m just tryna get the meme out of the way before I talk abt everything else.
BC ALL JOKES ASIDE I HONESTLY LOVE FERDINAND SOOO MUCH n I promise I’ll take him seriously bc holy fucking shit this character is my babyyyy.
So for STARTERS. Ferdinand is the legitimate son of House Aegir in the Adrestian Empire , which is the house that produces the Empire’s Prime Ministers. Now , here’s the thing ; Ferdinand himself isn’t involved in any of this , but thanks to the Adrestian nobles pretty much stripping the Emperor of their power in the past . . . the Aegir house ( much like the other houses , but Duke Aegir’s implied to have like , spearheaded it ) is pretty damn corrupt.
NOT FERDINAND , THOUGH , considering Ferdinand is actually someone who has very opposing views to his father. Ferdinand , in a nutshell , is basically the snobby noble trope you’re expecting turned upside down crossed over with a Disney prince. That’s the best way i can describe him.
Ferdinand is very aware of his noble status , but he is very steadfast in his opinion of what is truly means to be a noble. He’s well-aware of the difference between nobles & commoners , but where you’d expect him to use that to degrade people of lesser status , he . . . doesn’t. 
Ferdinand strongly believes the duties of a noble constitute of protecting & helping the common people , and that is why they’re so high in status - they’re there to assist and make things better , and not to make things worse , and it absolutely sickens him to his core when there are corrupt nobles who very clearly use their power for selfish & malicious gain. 
Like , he’s confident - he’s very confident and sure of himself , but he isn’t a dick ( in that sense ; he can be kind of a dick , don’t get me wrong ) about it. He’s actually extremely polite & respectful , very kind & genuine - like I really don’t think lying is something that this boy is capable of doing , I really don’t. But he’s humble in the sense that he isn’t afraid to admit when he did something wrong , or that he needs to apologize - IN FACT , a lot of his supports have him apologize for approaching someone wrongly or when he’s accused of something.
One example , he has a support with Dorothea where she tells him that she hates him , and instead of fighting her on it , what he does is he tries to figure out why she hates him so he can better himself and fix something he did wrong. 
Another example , his B-support with Bernadetta has him apologize for spooking her , and he respects her comfort levels by speaking to her on the other side of the door to her room because now he understands that Bernadetta feels extremely scared & uncomfortable during confrontation.
LIKE . . . okay , in the simplest of words , Ferdinand is just good. He’s a good person and he tries his hardest to be better if someone brings it to his attention that he’s doing something wrong.
BUT ALSO . . . the thing is , Ferdinand is also extremely opinionated to the point where he’ll share his thoughts even if not asked ; and sometimes , it comes out. Dickish. Like , really , he’ll criticize anyone if he believes he should because he hates the idea of someone who doesn’t - exemplified in the beginning of his supports with Hubert , where he condemns Hubert for not openly criticizing Edelgard but Ferdinand’s criticism can come out . . . harsh. Like , he’s respectful still , but he’s harsh. And that is because Ferdinand firmly believes in speaking his mind.
His determination also makes him stubborn & extremely competitive to a point where it becomes damn near annoying and this is , because again , he always strives to better himself - even going as far as to declare Edelgard his rival when she . . . really doesn’t think of him as one , and then he gets his ass kicked and runs with his tail between his legs because he lost. He’s. He’s competitive. I will not lie to you. Like he’s great but aLSO... this guy doesn’t. Know. When to let go.
Bt yeah in a nutshell - Ferdinand is a rich guy who criticizes other rich guys for being jerks and not caring abt other people , and he can come off as a dick but ultimately he means well & he is a LOT better than some of these other assholes out there. Ferdinand’s.... he’s just GOOD. 
Bt now that I have the basis of his character out of the way , I want to mention that a major change about him is that I’m changing what route I’m pulling him from - originally , I pulled him from Azure Moon , where if you don’t recruit him you have to kill him at the Great Bridge of Myrddin. So instead , now , I’ll be pulling him from Crimson Flower , where he’s still sided with Edelgard but now she has Byleth & she’s triumphant and everything’s okay on the Empire’s end. But - in other routes - while he’s still with Edelgard , he unfortunately doesn’t make it so if u have AM or VW muses . . . Ferdie didn’t make it.
BUT THAT’S WHAT MAKES THESE THINGS INTERESTINGGGGG and I love it so for that reason ,,, shoves. Ferdinand. In everyone’s direction.
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AFTER THE SNAP.  /  A E R I C - F E R D I N A N D  “ F E R D I E ”  V I T T O R I
So the more major changes from his pre-revamp portrayal lie in his CT life - his name’s changed , his occupation’s changed , and almost his entire whole past has changed.
Aeric-Ferdinand Vittori was the only child of a film actor & stage actress , pretty famous people , and he was born with the spotlight on him immediately given that he scored his first role as a child at six years old. Since then , he never really had much of an easy time.
His big break was as a teenager in a teen drama that lasted from when he was fourteen to when he was nineteen , the co-star of a vampire television drama in where his character was a fan-favorite. He ultimately left the show and his character was killed off , and he had some starring roles in other movies & the like before he ultimately moved to Broadway. And in that , he had a bit of an easier time , but he would still often feel like he was about to crack under pressure since all eyes were still on him. He was known as a talented young man with a beautiful singing voice , and unfortunately , everyone wants something to do with you when you have something like that.
His parents were also always in the spotlight because of their very public divorce , and it started to bleed into Ferdinand’s career & public image as well with many people poking their nose into his life and asking his opinion on it. Multiple scandals came out claiming that he leaned one way or the other during it and ultimately , that ruined his relationship with his parents. So at twenty-three , he left the Broadway spotlight , and decided to step out of any light in general for a while.
Settling down in Castle Town , a place where nobody bothered to look , was a good start.
He still loved performing , so he worked as an actor at the local theatre on stage - trying his hardest not to get the big roles and take those up , because he was still a relatively big name & when you’re a big name , people lean into their biases.
And then . . . at this point was where he “woke up”. Because his whole past was fake - but there’s always a point where you realize it is.
He had a girlfriend in Castle Town beforehand that he broke up with due to his paranoia that she’d get caught up in the publicity that he did - Nerissa. And he had parents that he didn’t even talk to anymore , and it threw him for a loop because he was reminded of his father back in Adrestia. And suddenly , he’s no longer a soldier or a noble , but with his celebrity status , he’s basically the closest there is to modern nobility at this point.
So . . . Ferdinand feels. Strange. He always loved the opera & he always loved performances but he never thought of himself as someone who would actually do so. It’s strange , but he likes it.
So now , he’s trying to figure out exactly what the hell happened and how he got here and he’s grown pretty used to people not remembering who he is , but it still . . . hurts.
And THAT is where I end this !! I’m gonna go back 2 my plotting DMs and message more ppl but if this gives u some ideas pls do hit me up bc I love Ferdie SOOOO MUCH and I’m excited for his revamp !!
Also if ur curious ab his old intro still I’ll link it here bc there’s probably some pre-snap stuff I forgot in here that’s in there so !! yes. i’ll b around n will probs try n get an open up soon !!
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aslimyartist · 4 years
Welcome to Camp! Part 1
It was the first day of summer as we see a young hedgehog get ready to leave for her summer camp as she had got dressed in her usual burgundy sweater and her skirt she had been waiting forever to leave her house for the summer and now she will finally get to leave as she rushed down stairs to eat breakfast much to her surprise she seen her parents weren't there just a note saying.
Dear Hedgehog, Sorry something urgent came up at work so we had to come handle it but don't worry we asked  mr.Leroy to take you the docs today just make sure to be prep and dominant break their fucking will with your gaze make sure none try to push you over and don't make friends make business deals and partners as well and since you're gonna be gone for a while I guess try making one friend as well and only one.
P.S. We Acknowledge your feelings with our regards Enjoy your summer honey
                                                                                                                                         Love Mom & Dad.
(Hedgehog POV)
Well at least they left me a note I guess I'll just eat some breakfast before mr.Leroy gets here then
What shall I make tho Pancakes,Waffles,Toast,Eggs,French Toast does sound good. Mann they're all good I know I'll make a bowl of cereal because I don't know how to cook well now where's the bowls again ah hah here we go now for the cereal and it's bland as hell bleeeehh but it's something so let's eat.
8:00 a.m.
Argh where is mr.Leroy the boat leaves in 30 minutes I now I can make it if I run but that's a long way
But I refuse to stay home for another summer let's go....yahhooooo.
I made it sorry mr.Le-
*Ring Ring*
*Ring Ring*
*Ring Ring*
did she pick up?
Oh thank god!
Anyway Hedgehog we just wanted to call you before you left remember wh-
Wha- The Not- Said-
Mom I have to go the boats are coming and plus there's a bunch static for some reason
Oh ok remember make acquaintances and be dominant
Yeah love you too! Mom
I acknowledge your feelings as well hedgehog.
Phone hangs up
As I got on the boat I seen that most kids were with their parents looking around and some were sitting down enjoying the ocean smell.As I looked at the city it looked so small from that distance and I might as well take a good little nap till we get to our destination but I'm still a little curious why summer camp is so far *shrugs shoulders * I'm just glad not to be home this summer.
But before I could close my eyes I seen a flash next thing I know I was knocked out.
(End of Hedgehog's POV)
As the boat was sailing through the sea to the island with all its passengers knocked unconscious as three girls flew on the boat and took control of it making sure everything went according to plan and as they put small tablets in the parents mouth.
???-are you sure this is right I mean won't they want to know their parents and where they came from as well.
???-oh you worry to much besides I already have taken that to mind as soon they get back on the boat. (snicker).
???-oh yeah that snickering is so not suspicious at all
???- uhh guys the boats is in the islands view I think it's time to go now.
???-Alright! That's all of them let's go.Hold on why are their two adult elephants where's their child...hmmm...oh well don't care to much anyway.
And with that they flew to the island getting the preparations completed.
                                                    ————On The boat————
As everybody woke up to the sound of the whistle or horn on the boat telling them there here. As soon as they docked all of the kids ran out onto the beach and as hedgehog was leaving she seen two very concerned elephants looking for their child
?!-Don't worry I'm sure he's just down there with all the others having a good time making new friends that's all.
Sue-I guess.
?!-why don't you go give him his hoodie I'll wait for ya because I know how you two will just be there forever with the goodbyes.
Sue playfully elbows him in the gut.
Sue- Alright I'll be quick.
As The Elephant walked towards one of the counselors.
Oh hello there my name is Susie I'm one of the counselors here
Sue- oh wow my name is Sue! I'm just here to give you my special little guy's hoodie you know this is his first time being far from home try to help with his anxiety if ya can.
Oh what's his name?
Sue-It's Oscar Peltzer!
Oh well thank you then I'll make sure he gets it then have a safe trip back
And as she left and got back on the boat she started to feel light headed and sat down with her husband so as they sailed off her light headness became worse as blood started to come from her nose  and as her husband tried to help her up he started to feel it himself he started to vomit As he looked at the other parents were screaming in pain most of them were wailing in their own blood while from the island view it sounded like they were saying goodbye but they're crying because they know that this will be the last time that they will see their children. As sue got up and said (WE ALL GOTTA LEAVE SOMEDAY ITS ALLRIGHT TO CRY SOMETIM-) more blood is coming out of her nose as starts to lose consciousness she uses the strength to crawl to her husband as they locked their hands and closed their eyes for the final time. Every adult on board has passed away
(Oscar we love you so much enjoy your summer make friends okay!)
As the boat sailed off into the distance the three counselors knew what they had done and agreed to never say anything till the time comes as they transformed back into their witch clothing and as the inhabitants of the island revealed themselves.
Alright babies you thought you were coming to a normal camp you are sorely mistaken this is a magical camp for beings that are magic themselves and though were your counselors don't come crying to me about your dumb little baby problems especially that mommy's little boy.
Susie this speech gets scary every time I hear it don't scare them now
Told ya!
As she took the kids to their new homes hedgehog stay behind to take it all in that were she is right now and since she calm now she's gonna to her new cabin inside it was a bunch of cool stuff she had a tv, and a bookshelf, her bed was so soft that she felt like she would sleep for two days straight as she started to unpack a small hand grabbed her foot it was transparent monster
Don't be dramatic darling I'm only here to tell that this room is mine and I will not give up easy.
And just so you know under the bed is my space and only my space if you come under here I will kill you and leave your bones to dry.
Gee I get it you don't have to be a jerk I'll just put my shoes by the door then
That's what I thought
2 hours later
Finally done it took me two hours but I'm finished
Attention all campers since it's the first night of camp we want you all on the beach for a little get together now hurry it up.
Well might as well I need to make some friends my age anyway( i might even get a summertime love.) I can't wait
Oh honey you need too.
Shut up you
As she left her cabin the monster went and read her diary
How dare she I'm gonna read her diary just for that...oh...my I'm just like my father aren't I.
As he looks at one of the accessories they nodded at him
Yur father did not I repeat did not respect secrets at all.
Oh...well at least he was a good man thanks grandma
Yur welcome child
Back to Hedgehog as she got closer she started to see more kids come out of there cabins but she waited and just waved at most of them as she was walking one kid named Max came up to talk with her since they were going to the same place anyway.
Hi I'm max
Oh hi I'm Hedgehog
(He's kinda cute)
Is this your first time coming to a summer camp
*Gasp* How did you know
She laughed at him as if anyone could have super powers as they got closer to the beach they seen the whole camp all dancing and enjoying their time together even the counselors were getting into it as well I started to run so I can get in there and do the same and the little d.j. Put on a song that caused everyone to go crazy.
I do not own this bitch I'm a fanfic writer Fuck! Enjoy Bitches
33 by Polo G
Yo, ayo
High off ecstasy and that codeine what I'm sippin' (What I'm sippin')
This new Glock got .33, Scottie Pippen (Scottie Pippen)
Bitch, all of my niggas bangin' C's
Like we Crippin' (Like we Crippin')
Girl, you got what I need, what I been missing (What I'm missing)
Let's take that chance, want you to see that I'm different (Oh)
Back then, tryna find myself
I couldn't believe how I was trippin' (Oh)
No neighbors in the mountains, palm trees
That's how I'm living (That's how I'm living)
Every time that I pop out
Bustdown VVs, designer drippin' (Designer drippin')
Bitch, I'm from Chiraq, when it get hot, they bring them TECs out
Better watch your back or you'll be on that corner stretched out
Quick to change a nigga standin' tall with his chest out
And they like headshots, it won't make sense to bring a vest out
Shit be devastatin', you find out your homie checked out
Parents lose control, don't know her daughter havin' sex now
Niggas hatin', I'm gettin' paper, that's what they pressed 'bout
Went down the wrong path, switched it up and chose the best route
I ain't used to have it all, I used to feel left out
'Member I was broke, ain't have a dollar, I was stressed out
Now I'm tryna get richer, like Blast, let's bring the jets out
Bitch, I need like ten bathrooms up in my next house
High off ecstasy and that codeine what I'm sippin'
This new Glock got .33, Scottie Pippen
Bitch, all of my niggas bangin' C's like we Crippin'
Girl, you got what I need, what I been missing
Let's take that chance, want you to see that I'm different
Back then, tryna find myself, I couldn't believe how I was trippin'
No neighbors in the mountains, palm trees, that's how I'm living
Every time that I pop out, bustdown VVs, designer drippin'
Got a baby .40 with a new extended clip inside
For any problem, bitch, it's .22 up in this clip of mine
My peoples lookin' up to me, so no, I can't be victimized
I got so much pent-up anger, I just wish a nigga tried
You gon' die before you blink, yeah, that's gon' be a quick demise
The world be so fucked up, that shit'll have you sick and tired
1 1/2 hour later...
We were all sitting round the camp fire telling stories , making s'mores, and I'm pretty sure the younger ones are probably asleep already it felt right and good this is what I've been missing all my life this is amazing...no exhlirating I've never had so much fun in my life and this is only the first night.
Susie- Alright babies listen up it's getting dark so return to your cabins for the night. Tomorrow you lots will be introducing each other got it.
(All): Awwww c'mon
That's Unfair
Yeah why do we gotta go to bed
It makes no since
*yawn*I guess but still not cool tho.
Susie- Oh Shut Up!
They all had shut up
Susie- Betsy! Alice! Can you take care of them I have some business to take care of. (Summons her broom)
With that she flew off on her broom with something blue like in her hand as hedgehog wondered what it was she was magically picked up and being taken to her cabin just like everyone else just as she was in front of her cabin the magic poofed away making her fall on her tush.
Hedgehog-Oww that hurt couldn't you be any gentler maybe.
???-hey are you alright.
Hedgehog-huh oh yeah just a little mark but I'll be fine.
???-oh well see ya.
Hedgehog- w-wa..wait I don't know your name
???-oh well I'll tell you tomorrow then but right now I'm very sleepy so yeah uh goodnight.
As the girl left hedgehog just shrugged and went in her cabin to sleep and when she went in she had seen a box and a letter in a envelope it said
Dear Hedgehog,
My apologies I have been informed to tell you this but due to a terrible accident happening at a workplace environment it has taken the lives of your parents. We are terribly sorry please forgive us we understand if you want to sue us once you return you have our regards.
Hedgehog-T..Th..this c-can't...be h-h-appe...nni...nng  please god this has to be a nightmare please just let me  *hic* w..wa..wake..*cough* up...please.
Oh Hedgehog dear I'm so sorry I'll just let you have sometime to grieve honey.
And with that he left and never came back
She wasn't the only one either everyone has gotten one as well but different deaths
Hit and Run
0 notes
Hell was boring
Should send u a bill fir my time you wasted
Rip out his ego with your fresh nails
Art is the stored honey of the human soul
Ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space
I killed a part of me to keep you alive
If someone does not want me it is not the end of the world but if I do not want me the world is nothing but endings
Nayyirah Waheed
You do not have to/be good
You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert/repenting
You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves
“There are many ways to talk about loss;
it is like a body walking next to you in the night, ghost
of the lost one keeping you
company, or only your own grief stumbling
beside you in the darkness.”
Birdy wings
Oops I did it again
Passive with the things you say
I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life
Sit down be humble
I'm 19 and I'm on fire. When we're dancing I'm alright
Just another graceless night
We're lost enough, have another drink get lost in us
Just might've tapped into your mind and soul, you can't be sure
I like when you sleep for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it
Meet me in the hallway
Higher than a mother fucker dreaming of you as my lover
Martha sways
Muzzy c
Where is the love
Tryna be a Good girl but falling for a bad boy
“I’m in an abusive relationship. Not physically but mentally, verbally. He calls me names and breaks me down yet I’m so afraid to tell anyone because they’ll make me leave him but I love him. I love him, I’m trapped in this small box of caged Privileges and orders, they’re like laws and if I break one he leaves. He calls me beautiful and showers me with love but his temper terrifies me to the point of tears. You wonder why someone would stay in a relationship like this you would just leave I said the same thing until I was in the position. You love them with everything you have despite they’re temper, because they have a heart of gold. You want to leave the pain and caged box but you want to stay with the person you love so deeply. You don’t understand until you are here, how hard it is to leave
“When we killed what we were to become what we are, what did we do with the bodies? We did what most people do; buried them under the floorboards and got used to the smell. I’ve lived my life like a serial killer; finish with one part, strangle it and move on to the next. Life in neat little boxes is life in neat little coffins, the dead bodies of the past laid out side by side. I am discovering, now, in the late afternoon of the day, that the dead still speak.”
Jeanette winterson ?
All these drugs and I want to do you
* So we kissed goodbye and swore we wouldnt hurt anyone as bad as we hurt eachother
If you were born with the weakness to fall in love you were born with the strength to rise
Wannabe luv'd
Cracking open a cold and broken hallelujah
I'm a slut for reassurance
Lighting up a fat one with the girls
The rumours are true; I'm soft and want to be loved
Anyone who can talk to me for longer than a week deserves an award
I am so gentle and kindhearted and stupid
I'm crying my best
What, with all due respect, the absolute fuck
Once you learn that you deserve the best, losing people doesnt
“Sometimes I think I have felt everything I’m ever gonna feel. And from here on out, I’m not gonna feel anything new. Just lesser versions of what I’ve already felt.
Since it's impossible to know which part of my life is the middle, I've decided to have an ongoing crisis
Don't need to be perfect just happy
Give me the popcorn and free my soul I wanna get lost in the popcorn bowl and drift away
gimme the soup boys and free my soul , i wanna eat soup out a little bowl , and drift away…
Beauty is a strange place - Warsan Shire
You are entirely up to you
What ocean will bear witness to our sighs?
Here I lie disturbed, crushed and buried by this cruel world
I've been dancing with th devil I love that he pretends to care
Be of good heart
You are all the colours at once at full brightness
The observer is not seperate from the object observed
Driving off the bridge and wishing you was in the car 2
She shatters the earth with her own core
She is always moving, always singing with the wind.
Her eyes tell stories of how to enter and exit the universe
Come over. I don’t really mind whether we talk for hours, get blind drunk, or sit in silence and look up to the stars. Sometimes, the world down here just gets a bit much, and I need to lose myself in someone’s company for a little while
Beau taplin
I wasn't born to be soft and quiet I was born to make the world shatter and shake at my fingertips
Maybe all we need is someone to make us forget about growing up, someone who makes our inner child happy
We've made it this far kid
We'll survive by telling lies we've rationed well
Blood + honey, push + pull
Manifest wisely
Would call you a cunt but you don't have the depth or the warmth
You want smooth sailing? I've always been a tsunami
Poetry beauty romance love, these are what we stay alive for
You are still growing on the days you feel empty
Healing is when you become something else, something better, and not something you were before
Vacation town
Hey man I love you but no fucking way
I dwell in possibility
Am I coming out of left field?
Is there a god at the bottom of the bottle?
Yes offense I don’t give 2 bitches and a flying cooch 😘
Turn the lights down low I found me an angel I can see it in your halo
And I know it’s coming save it till morning say what’s on your mind cause I’ve been here a thousand times
Tell me smooth
Ice age
Is young love still stupid if we have old souls
You look good
Why chase you when I’m the catch?
Call me au, cause I’m gold when I’m in my element✨
Do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you
Meet Virginia
Side effects
The joker
“Some people survive and talk about it. Some people survive and go silent. Some people survive and create. Everyone deals with unimaginable pain in their own way, and everyone is entitled to that, without judgement. So the next time you look at someone’s life covetously, remember…you may not want to endure what they are enduring right now, at this moment, whilst they sit so quietly before you, looking like a calm ocean on a sunny day. Remember how vast the ocean’s boundaries are. Whilst somewhere the water is calm, in another place in the very same ocean, there is a colossal storm.” —Nikita Gill, People Survive in Different Ways
If I have to fight for your attention, fuck your attention
Maybe you can afford to wait. Maybe for you there’s a tomorrow. Maybe for you there’s one thousand tomorrows, or three thousand, or ten, so much time you can bathe in it, roll around it, let it slide like coins through you fingers. So much time you can waste it. But for some of us there’s only today. And the truth is, you never really know
Hope they serve sangria in Hell 🍷
In my brain drawin. Up everything I want to say but I’m still one number away
Somebody must have really done you wrong
Jared smith
We tried the world, good god it wasn’t for us
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