inexplicablymine · 3 months
Chrissy this is my beloved Halloween Huh Prompt that grew legs, arms, a brain of its own and then ran like Usain Bolt very far away from me into a seriously extreme long fic.
I present Mind Over Matter ~ or “MoM” haha
This is my take on a world where casual magic, and slightly enhanced abilities are a thing, think being able to heat tea up to the perfect temperature always, never falling, always hitting the green lights. It’s technically called your sixth sense and researchers have found the genome that makes those with “powers” more likely.
But the Claremont-Díaz’s could never be normal could they. An old legend meets new magic and Alex and his sister have the ability to hear thoughts passed directly to them. This isn’t just everyone’s thoughts though, but the thoughts of those most compatible with you.
Sometimes they are muddy, sometimes they are a little more clear like hearing someone talk through a stream of water, or a thunderstorm.
But Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor’s thoughts about Alex, in all their dirty concerning glory, are not only crystal clear, they are the loudest thoughts Alex has ever heard.
Canon divergence, canon fuckery but they are still in their same positions in life.
I have shared one single snippet from this work linked below ~ tis a doozy and the next long fic I am working on after I finish posting Little Drummerboy
If you would like to read an excerpt from Mind Over Matter
If you would like to ask about one of my badly explained WIP’s my inbox is open!!
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lottiesnotebook · 6 years
Listen I can't write a prompt to save my life but y'know the soulmate AUs with wrist tattoos? How about that except it's a matching symbol or crest representing the relationship of the soulmates. Maybe you can write this with Jacobi (lost his symbol when his arm burned off, Kepler's brand/contract is like replacement) and Eiffel in the SESD universe? I think that's be neat. I liked your end-of-world prompt response btw, cheers to the anon who sent that --'Kaleidoscope' :)
Send me a prompt! (Yes, still doing these)
You wanted SESD Jacoffel with Soulmates? Ask, and you shall receive! I asked the lovely @captainlovelxce to write this with me, so this is a product of both your SESD girls:
“What’s that?” Eiffel drew back from kissing him to graze a finger against the mark at the base of his ribs. “Weird shape for a birthmark.”
“It’s not a birthmark,” Jacobi said, like it was obvious, and tried to draw him back in again.
“Mm, what, then?”
“What, you’ve never seen someone else’s soul mark before? Not get out much?” Jacobi teased, slipping his hands under Eiffel’s shirt so they could be similarly disrobed.
“No, but- I thought yours was on your wrist?” He raised his arms, allowing Jacobi to pull his shirt off more easily, before catching the aforementioned arm in his hands. “Right there.” He flipped his wrist, revealing the mark there. “But if that’s your soulmark…”
“This?” Jacobi asked, sounding more confused by the second. “This is a sigil. What’s – why have we stopped kissing, again?”
“Because- why do you have- never mind, it’s not important. Shit.” He leant back a little, a hand knotting nervously in his hair.
Jacobi folded his arms over his chest, hunching over just slightly as he stepped away from Eiffel. “What’s wrong?”
“Itlookslikemine.” The words exploded out of him, tripping over each other into a dead silence. “It. It looks like mine. I think.”
“That’s not possible,” Jacobi said curtly, and a little too quickly.
“What do you mean, that’s not- look at it.” He turned away a little, pulling his hair back to reveal the mark at the base of his neck. “I haven’t exactly checked on it recently but I’m pretty sure I know what my own soul mark looks like!”
Jacobi’s arms closed a little tighter around himself. “No.”
“How are you so-” He cut himself off, closed his eyes, breathed, then said, flatly: “You’re freaking out as much as I am right now, aren’t you? Fuck.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Jacobi said plainly. He moved a hand to cover his own mark, and felt how warm it was, how it had reacted to his soulmate’s touch. His fingers itched to touch the mark on Eiffel’s neck, but he kept them still.
“You’re a horrible actor.” Eiffel’s hands curled around his elbows, drawing further back. “If I was wrong, you’d be using it against me right now.”
“If I don’t – If I don’t touch you - it - it doesn’t count. We’re not bonded.”
“What, so you’re just going to leave me hanging? Rude.” He rolled his eyes, mask of sarcasm slipping back into place. “It can’t exactly make things worse. Not now we already know.”
“One man controlling me is bad enough.” Jacobi loosened his arms just enough to be able to bend down and grab his discarded shirt. “I don’t need a soulmate. Never did.”
“You think I’d use it to control you? What would I do? I can’t even lie to you anymore! I’m…” He tailed off, turning away. “I’m even more of a liability than I was before.”
“I won’t ask you to tell me anything,” Jacobi told him, dressing. “But I’m not - I’m already bound, okay?”
“Well, now that makes two of us.” He could feel the bond, already hooked deep beneath his fingertips, but that didn’t mean he had to look at him. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t think you were coming.” Shirt on, he rolled up one sleeve slightly. “I told you. Sigil. His sigil.”
“Of course. I should’ve known better.” He gritted his teeth, turning away fully to pull on his own shirt. “He took my home. He took my family. Of course he took my fucking soulmate, it only makes sense-”
“He did you a favour,” Jacobi snapped. “Now you get a choice. You can find someone who’s actually worthy of you, your highness.”
He gave a sharp, bitter laugh. “Little late for that, don’t you think? The bond’s already setting in on my side. The only person you’re protecting is yourself.” He shook his fingers as if trying to flick the sensation away, but it was far too late.
“What if I just don’t want you?” Jacobi lied, because he still could.
“Like I said. Horrible actor. You can’t hide your feelings from yourself, let alone me now.”
He cursed, silently. “What do you expect me to do?”
“I don’t know. Not leave?” He still wasn’t looking at him, hair falling askew to partially reveal the mark.
He had never seen Jacobi look so helpless before. “And then what?”
“Just… stay. We can figure the rest out later.” When the bond wasn’t dragging at him like a current, like a thread beneath his skin. “Please.”
“He’ll know. The second he sees me. And then what happens to you? That’s a question, not a threat. I have no idea.”
He shrugged. “He can’t kill me, at least. You keep telling me he’s not that stupid. And he wouldn’t just know. He’s not a mindreader, even the fae can’t do that-”
“He can read me,” Jacobi cut across him, rolling his eyes.  
“And you think nobody’s going to notice I’m even more of a mess than before?”
“Then don’t be a mess! Can’t you just… ignore it?”
“Have you ever heard a story where that goes well and doesn’t end in insanity and buckets of blood all round? Because I haven’t.”
“You and your stories.”
“Yeah, well, you’re my soulmate, apparently, so stories are what we’ve got.”
Jacobi groaned into his hands. “Just stop talking. I – I need to talk to Maxwell. Even if I could just leave him, I won’t do it without her.”
“Because putting my life in the hands of Lady Dragonspeaker – yes, I know she’s your sister – sounds like such a safe plan.” He shuddered, arms curling tighter around himself.
“Oh, for fuck’s sa – here.” Jacobi strode forward, and in one quick movement, had pulled Eiffel towards him for a kiss. His fingers brushed the nape of his neck. “I’m not going to let you die,” he said a moment later, and they both knew he couldn’t lie anymore. “But I’m not throwing my life away either. Got it?”
“Got it,” he agreed, and kissed him again. “Not a fan of losing my soulmate now I’ve got him.”
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ernmark · 7 years
I love your fics so much! If your not too busy manybe you could do another superpowered soulmate au where peter notices how tired juno is whenever he gets back from a trip but juno tries to hide the fact that he cant sleep without peter around cause he doesnt want him to feel guilty
I may have started listening to The Bright Sessions a few days ago, so if I start channeling Caleb... well, they’ve got similar things to be insecure about.
Superpowered Soulmate AU | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (NSFW) | Part 5
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Positive. Peter, I’m fine.” 
I know I don’t look fine. I haven’t looked in a mirror in days, but Peter’s taking inventory in his head: the circles under my eyes are dark enough that they almost look like they’re tattooed on; my skin is oily and grimy from god-only-knows how many days I’ve gone without a shower; he can smell cheap whiskey on my skin and on my breath and on clothes that I probably should probably have washed before I put them back on. 
That part worries him. I don’t drink nearly as much as I used to-- for the most part. But then he leaves Hyperion City on his little business trips, and I can’t help it. Without him around, the other voices are too loud, too much. Booze is the only thing that dulls them enough that I can sleep.  
But he doesn’t need to know that. 
It’s bad enough as it is, feeling the waves of concern radiating off him. He’s worried if I’m sick. He’s wondering if something happened to send me on a one-way trip to the bottom of a bottle. He’s concerned that I didn’t say something to him, and concerned that maybe I couldn’t.
“Nothing happened,” I tell him. “This is just a... a thing. It happens sometimes. It’s nothing to get worked up over, really. I just didn’t get a chance to clean up before you got home, that’s all. I wasn’t expecting you back today.” 
“An opportunity presented itself, and I took it,” he says with more calm than he feels. His thoughts are anxious: Was he planning to hide it from me?
“It’s not like that,” I say hastily. “I’m just a slob sometimes when you’re not around. It’s not a big deal.”
It occurs to me a second too late that the more I insist it’s not a big deal, the more convinced he is that it really is. I should just drop it, and maybe he can stop worrying about me.
“Alright.” Abruptly the torrent of his thoughts dries up. He’s gotten better about clearing his mind in the past few months-- probably necessary when you’re in a relationship with a mindreader. The concern is still there, as persistant as the sounds of traffic from outside, but it’s not active in his thoughts anymore. As much as he wants to know what’s going on with me, he’s not going to push me. And I appreciate that. I can’t even tell him how much that means to me. “So tell me, have you eaten?”
“I-- no,” I say, and I glance at the fridge. I don’t think I’ve gotten groceries since before he left. “Do you want to go out?”
“That sounds nice.” 
I thought that a nice, normal dinner might calm him down, but it doesn’t. Right now I’m more tired than I am hungry, and the way I pick at my food is only making him suspicious-- and when I try to act normal, he gets even more suspicious. He’s not putting together theories about what might actually be wrong, but only because he keeps stopping himself before those thoughts can get very far. 
He’s really not going to be able to let this go, is he?
And I’d managed to keep him from finding out about it for so long. I should have known I’d screw it up eventually.
I keep the conversation going until we finish dinner, but it’s a struggle for both of us. Thinking through Peter’s worry is like trying to wade through high water. Still, I manage to keep my mouth shut until we get in the car.
“I’m not sick, okay?” I say the moment he’s behind the wheel.
“Yes, you did say so.” He crushes the thought as soon as it arises, but I still get the gist: he thinks I’m lying. 
“I’m not. I haven’t been sleeping.” I don’t even need to read his mind to know how much that sounds like an excuse. 
“No?” he says politely.
Goddammit. “It’s the mindreading. It makes it hard to sleep. It’s easier when I’m with you, but when you’re gone, it’s just...” I shake my head. “But that’s all it is. Just give me a couple days to sleep it off, and I’ll be back to normal.” 
Maybe I sounded a little more believable that time, because his mind is going in directions I don’t want it to go. “I take it this isn’t the first time this has happened.” 
“And the last time I left Hyperion City...” 
“Like I said, it’s fine. It’s nothing I can’t handle.” 
That answers that question. And then he starts putting together plans, and that’s the last thing I wanted. 
“Peter, don’t.”
“I haven’t done anything,” he says lightly.
“A little insomnia isn’t going to kill me. I don’t want you to stop leaving town because of me.” 
He raises an eyebrow. “I think that’s my decision to make.”
I’m scrambling. “It’s mine, too, isn’t it? If I’m fine with this, then that’s my right, isn’t it? It’s-- it’s bad enough that you’re stuck on this planet because of me-- I don’t want you to be trapped in this city, too.” 
I clamp my mouth shut. That wasn’t supposed to get out.
Peter frowns, and his brow furrows. “Juno, I don’t feel trapped.” 
“Not yet, maybe,” I mumble. “Listen, I can handle a few nights without sleep. What I can’t handle is putting you in a spot where you-- where you’re going to start resenting me.” I hate putting it into words. It feels like I’m planting the idea in his head.
“I’ll... keep that in mind,” he says, and there’s a pause as he parks the car. The inside of his head is a jumble as he tries to put his thoughts in order. When he looks up at me, though, he’s sure. “Juno, I like our life together. I wouldn’t give it up for anything.”
“Not even your freedom?” I ask, raw.
He gives me an odd look. “Oh, come now, Juno. If I wanted to be free of you, I’d have killed you already.” I’m pretty sure a normal person wouldn’t find that comforting, but I do-- even more so than the kiss he presses into my forehead. “ But I don’t want that. Your trouble sleeping might give me another factor or two to take into consideration while I make arrangements, but it’s nothing insurmountable. Perhaps I’ll bring you with me.”
Six months ago, I would have insisted I couldn’t spare the time. By now, though, I know I won’t be good for much of anything until he’s back, anyway. 
“Actually, that sounds pretty nice.”
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ausaplenty · 5 years
All for show
Gilbert Mead. Lilian Moros. Clairvoyant AU. - “Pretending to be your boyfriend is the easiest thing i’ve ever had to do” prompt
Gilbert was waiting, the pills appearing in his palm as if they were a coin he had ‘magicked’ there. She downed them as the thunderous applause grew louder, demanding an encore.
“You d-don’t have to,” the blond murmured, his stammer slowly working its way back into his speech. “I-I can satisfy them with something, you d-don’t have to go back.”
The telepath smiled wanly before she took a sip of bottled water.
In another act, an onlooker might assume the magician was trying to hog the stage. But not Gilbert.
“I have to deal with it anyways,” she answered as she set the water bottle down. “Might as well give the people what they want.”
He grabbed her hand and squeezed, fingers entwined as they went back on stage.
“Ladies and Gentleman, I’m sure you have a lot of questions for us,” Gilbert declared as the applause died down, the speech impediment carefully hidden away.
As much as she loved watching her partner be the confident man she knew he was, the preferred the stammer - It meant he was hiding nothing, as open and uncomplicated as the kind of life she craved but would never have.
“I know many of you want to know what it’s like having a mindreader for your partner.” Lilian’s smile was knowing. “Somebody who knows precisely what you’re thinking - at any given moment.”
Gilbert’s warm brown eyes twinkled, “Believe me, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.”
“But we’ll give you a glimpse into what it’s like,” the telepath declared as she retrieved a bag from the side table. “When you arrived, you were given a bag of jellybeans. We like to hand those out because they are one of Gilbert’s favorite candies.”
“Which means I understand if you ate them. I’m not the greatest at resisting temptation either,” the blond explained jovially. “But if you have any left, go ahead and eat one. Lily, would you please turn around?”
“Always trying to hide something from me,” the brunette joked as she made a show of covering her eyes with her hands and turning away.
Gilbert focused on a woman in the rear mezzanine - a section frequently overlooked and therefore more delighted when called on - and Lilian honed in on her, noting the burst of surprise as she realized it was pina colada. She smiled slightly as the woman ate another.
“The woman in the rear mezzanine, in the blue shirt and heart-shaped locket,” Lilian called out. “Would you stand up so the other audience members can see you?”
The telepath waited for a second to give the crowd a chance to react. “I’m not surprised you couldn’t stop at just one - Pina Colada is one of my favorite too, thought I’d rather have the actual drink.”
“How many jellybeans did you have, ma’am?” Gilbert asked as a stagehand gave the woman a microphone.
“Two,” she admitted.
“I admire your restraint,” the magician laughed.
“I would have had more, but the others look like black licorice.”
“Thank you very much for your honesty,” the blond man smiled at her before his eyes landed on a male in the center section, eight rows back. “And you sir? Did you enjoy the jellybeans?”
There was a small murmur as the man shook his head.
“Are you saving those for someone special?” Lilian asked, trying to keep the pain from her voice. “Since you didn’t even open the bag?”
There was a gasp as the telepath felt the man’s shock radiate.
“Would you hold up the bag, sir? So the audience can see what my partner is talking about?” Gilbert asked.
The room burst into applause.
“You’re too kind!” Lilian laughed as she turned around, a wide, fake smile plastered on her face.
Gilbert noticed. The way her smile tightened and the slight wobble in her step. He slid beside her, one arm wrapped around her waist to subtly steady her.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for a wonderful evening!” He called as the crowd roared. The smile remained on their faces as they disappeared behind the curtain.
Out of sight, he hurried her back to her dressing room and helped her to the settee. “Do you need more pills? A water?”
“I’ll be fine,” Lilian answered, closing her eyes. She felt his gaze on her before somebody knocked on the door.
Gilbert’s footsteps were muffled by the carpet as he left her side.
“Yes?” he asked the stagehand quietly.
“I just wanted to see if you needed anything,” the college student answered.
“Some waters would be nice and anything you can do to keep the noise down,” the magician replied. “We understand things get noisy, so if you can’t do the latter, it’s not a problem.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” Lilian could hear the smile in her voice. “I think it’s cute the way you look after her - I wish my boyfriend was like that.”
The telepath smiled weakly as he murmured his thanks and closed the door, his face pink with the praise.
“I should give her your number,” she teased.
“It’s harder to sell the soulmate angle when it’s a trio,” Gilbert answered as he sat beside her.
“Only if you’re dealing with close-minded people,” the telepath replied, studying his face.
He disliked it when she suggested he find an actual girlfriend, quick to assure her that this is what he wanted. But it didn’t stop Lilian’s guilt. Knowing that he loved her in a way she wasn’t sure she could return.
“We would survive the publicity if we ‘broke up,’” she told him. “You wouldn’t have to play the doting boyfriend and run to get me medicine and stuff. I know it’s a hassle, especially when we’re trying to get things set up for the show.”
“It’s not!” He protested as he grabbed her hand, squeezing gently. “Pretending to be your boyfriend is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
Lilian smiled at his sincerity.
He was content to play pretend, never pushing her too far and giving her space when she wanted it.
She didn’t deserve Gilbert Mead.
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