dear-indies · 2 years
Hello! Hope you're well today 😊 I would love some fc suggestions! I'm looking for an artist's muse type character, aphrodite sort of vibes. She's fat and I've be struggling to find many fcs... been using Bree Kish previously and also considering Jari Jones, but keen to look at some more options. Thanks so much for your time!
Chrissy Metz (1980)
Beth Ditto (1981) - is queer.
Gabourey Sidibe (1983) Senegalese / African-American.
Da'Vine Joy Randolph (1983) African-American.
Vivian Kim (1986) Korean.
Danielle Brooks (1989) African-American.
La’Tecia Thomas (1991) Indian / Unspecified Australian.
Brianna Marquez (1992) Mexican, Unspecified Native American, German.
Charlotte Kuhrt (1992)
Simone Recasner (1992) African-American / Unspecified.
Shygirl / Blane Muise (1993) Afro-Grenadian / White.
Emily Walden (1993)
Bronwyn James (1994) - is queer.
Kate Wasley (1994)
Aliss Bonython (1995)
Riley Hemson (1996)
Nao Seychelles (1996) Seychelloise.
Yumi Nu (1996) Japanese / Dutch.
Belle / bambifairy (1998) - is trans.
Kenna Sharp (1999)
Bolded those with resources! I also have a masterlist of fat/plus size faceclaims HERE which I'm constantly updating too!
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bakugohoex · 3 years
And after you read the fic, don't forget about your review. I mean, what do you think about Yakuza! Or Mafia! Daiki. Does it suit him? Bet, he is. He'll gonna be the famous athlete, who has the popularity and fucking rich. So, buying springs are not a burden lol. Haha, my mum is always scolding me why I spent my money to buy dumplings or sweets. Can't help it, I think i'm getting fat now. But I don't care, at least i'm happy with my life 😂 Sends you a lot of luck and pray for your happiness. Luv luvv ❤ -🐵 anon
yess the review will be in the tags once i reblog it lmao, i’m watching love island rn and i just posed a smau cause i wanted to try one out, they’re really fun to do i might do a smau series after i’ve finished everything, any mafia related fics are always my fave like i wish i found more for any character but there’s barely i’ve ever read, nah hed spoil his s/o so much like he’s obsessed with his s/o so much omff same my mum literally shouted at me for spending £50 on a night out and i was like ya lucky it’s only £50, no please same i’ve gotten so chubby from eating so much food, love love love ya too baby ❤️🥰
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stimmypaw · 4 years
stimmypaw reads Thunder & Shadow, another blog post
much like the first time, I am continuing to read A Vision of Shadows for the first time and sharing my thoughts as I go! This post of course has a bunch of spoilers for Thunder and Shadow. It’s all in the read more, have fun!
I'm so glad echosong is okay but what will she do??? Where will she go??? I'm so worried
I don't like it that Briarlight is stuck in the medicine den all day, love to see her playing with kits and showing her strength tho she's so sweet and good she deserves better
Now littlecloud is sick too???? Fuck!!!!
Also seems Needlepaw and Alderpaw haven't managed to get along better yet, maybe Alderpaw can talk to her through Leafpool since she's going to Shadowclan?
Also graystripe is awful as always and I love him 2 bits
I love Rowanstar's character too, he's so stupidly proud. Shadowclan has a fun trend of having a long line of mediocre to awful leaders and I feel bad for Tawnypelt, Shadowclans braincell who should be leader.
Jayfeather is gonna miss his friends
Twigkit lifting her front paws im 💖💖💖💖 AAAAA BABY
Graystripe :] he's silly
Omg feather time
If something bad happens to this feather ill fraud my taxes I will commit many crimes this delivery must happen safely and if anyone takes it from violetkit I will Kill
Omg sleekpaw don't be so mean poor littlecloud :c medicine cats are important!!
I see alderpaw leaving his feather behind alderpaw get it to violetkit Now
Oh God imagine being puddlekit, shadowclan needs to get its shit together real fast
Leafpool is just that picture (i do not see) while trying to process the mess they got her in
OKAY SO I'm glad he's getting along with needlepaw and that he can finally give violetkit her feather but LITTLECLOUD GUYS??? LITTLECLOUD?????????
My heart melted with violetkit, this was so sweet, why are the queens so mean to her??? She's just an autistic icon bro!! Like every cat I like in these books.
Alderpaw: hey I have an idea, why don't we commit crimes?
Last time this happened the character immediately died tho
I am suffering for violetkit
i wish violetkit would spend more time with leafpool im sure she’d be caring maybe?? maybe im just desperate for violetkit to be loved
no one here knows how to treat a kit
im so sad
aaaaa i hope needlepaw treats violetkit better from now on, this is hearbreaking.
Fuck I knew it, the rogues are coming for them aren’t they? And where’s Skyclan now????? fuck fuck fuck
ok I have no clue who Fernsong is but he’s funny already why is he like this what is happening why is he blocking them from looking at Honeykit while talking about how worried he is about her?? Absolutely misterious I love him
  Jayfeather 🤝 Yellowfang
 “I don’t want kits around me”
oh the girls are fighting
oh the girls ARE fighting
furzepelt had a cool name im sorry to hear he only existed to die immediately :c
onestar also is very proud, im glad he accepted help this time tho
i forgot bumblestripe was a cat and i was wondering if it was just a typo for bramble
also what’s up with dove and tiger??? i forgot everything about their relationship in the previous books because i don’t care about it and the erins tend to write some pretty boring straight couples
the way they’re described makes me feel like needlepaw and sleekpaw are just differently colored versions of each other at times, are they related?? they don’t seem to be.
and here’s the bit that’s previewed, oh boy, it must have been seriously scary being violetkit, but i hope they don’t convince her the clans hate her :c thunderclan likes her shadowclan just sucks
What do these background cats want from Twigkit???? To shoot lasers out of her eyes?? I guess she isn’t magical or anything but also she’s just a kit??? Firepaw was also just a kittypet and he’s a big deal :/// y’all just don’t get it, I hope Twigkit doesn’t get Dovepaw’s protagonist anxiety
I know Twigkit is being scolded but this scene is just so cute like Jayfeather is just tucking her in a moss bed while being mad at her for leaving camp
Thats another one I need to draw i love them
SPARKPELT YESSSSS YESS SYE SYES YES 🎊🎉🎉🎉🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈💖💖💖💖💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💕
Mothwing ableist????? That's cringe
Omg poor kestrelflight
Jayfeather misses Leafpool so bad, Puddlepaw must feel awful though
This apprentice rebellion is Nuts its so good oh fuck!!! I'm loving whats happening here its awful and perfect
Violetkit is getting bitter :c she needs 2 be embraced and loved stat
She is also clearly getting some bad dependency and abandonment issues, desperate to do anything to please so she won't be left alone again :c
Kitnapping, this is bad
Oh, very interesting
These apprentices and rogues are so smart god this is a perfect plan
Twigkit absolutely is the sunshine
I love her interactions with Alderpaw, I wish she had gotten to see her sister
In comparison Violetkit looking around camp desperate for attention is awful
Oh fuck bribing
Oh fuck ou fuck the 4chan kids are angry
I'm angy
Oh no
Something bad happened :c
Bramblestar: good day!
Rowanstar: Oh Is it??? You could say that while starving in winter, cringe ass
Mistystar: its not winter tho
Onestar: well you're fat
God rowanstar must be obliterated
Hey where's the rowanstars maps use idk loon on a lake or something this man has angst!!!
I appreciate Ivypool is her mentor, at least Someone is honest about whats going on and hey they can both relate on the fear of not being special! Ivypool can be very good to Twigpaw im counting on her
Oh fuck
Violetpaw sounds like she's in trouble with the rogues :c aa
Violetpaw don't be mean about your sister :C she misses you so bad
Sleekwhisker is like that dad that let his kid starve until she learned to open a bean can she didn't want
Holy fuck
Aaaa violetpaw D:
Jesus christ that was awful
That was so intense I was so nervous for Violetpaw, I'm really happy for her now aaaa
Another gathering already? Wowie
I hope Shadowclan gets those herbs soon :c
I see he appeal in FernIvy and I appreciate it
Violetpaw and Twigpaw sharing a den my heart......this is IT
Jayfeather: I want to steal
I'm listening to Burn Pygmalion! and "viscious kin" is very fitting for this series ehhehe
I love violetpaw and twigpaw btw
Tumblr media
I cant believe Alderpaw is an all lives matter kinda guy
Yesss rebel get those herbs alreadyyy
Starclan has agreed to let kestrelflight kill onestar, goodbye onestar /j
Epic I love you harespring
Alderpaw being confused at Jayfeather saying he is proud is the Best
What an ending! Terrifying and hopeful at the same time, I am very excited to see the hijinks Bramblestar and Rowanstar will get into and how they will go searching for Skyclan, it was PAINFUL to have that prologue talking about them with 0 hope of them showing up again Nothing Nada Zilch, feels like that and the ending were just 2 remind us that that was still the major plot point hahaha, I appreciate it I guess. I'm glad Violetpaw and Twigpaw are on uh good terms despite it all, not very ideal and they're both upset but they still consider each other siblings and know they care about each other :'0 Alderheart getting his name is epic too!!! I was hoping he would soon. I loved everything about his interactions with Jayfeather here, loved all the characterizations really it was just top notch, Onestar being a bastard, Needletail, OH AND SHADOWCLAN JOINING THE ROGUES, top notch!!!! The ancap apprentices were a riot.
This was a good book!!! Flowed very nicely and smoothly, reading in shadowclan's point of view for more than around 3 chapters was great. I can barely wait for the rest!!! Will Violetpaw find belonging in this new era of Shadowclan??? Or will she leave again??? Will Alderheart somehow figure out where Skyclan is and get them together at the lake??? Will Twigpaw get all the spicy details of Dovewing's secret romance with Tigerheart??? Who knows!! But I am very excited to find out what happens next :D
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kelandry5 · 5 years
Tag Game
YAY! I haven’t been tagged in anything in forever!! OMG YESS!! Thank you @zografa
Rules: Answer these 20 questions tag others
Name: Kelandry
Nicknames: Peanut, kitten, kel, probably more I can’t think of
Zodiac: Leo 
Height: 5′3
Languages: English is the only thing I’m fluent in
Nationality: American
Favourite seasons: Fall/winter
Favourite Flower(s): Glads I guess
Favourite Scent: Lavender, brown sugar vanilla
Favourite Colour(s): Black and purple
Favourite Animal(s): Giraffes, Elephants, cats, bunnys, butterflies, dogs
Favourite Fictional Character(s) (cuz I can't choose just one): Fuck.. Haikyuu: Kenma, Bokuto, Kuroo, Aone, Kyoutani. Knb: Kuroko, Akaashi, Hanamiya. Black Lagoon: Revy and Babalaika. Every animal and most demons in everything. Durarara: Izaya. Hakuouki: Heisuke, Souji, Shinpachi. Black Butler: Sebastian, Undertaker. Code Geass: Lelouche. Junjou: Misaki Psycho pass: Shinya. Wolfs Rain: Toboe, Tsume. Inuyasha: Sesshoumaru, Shippo, Inuyasha.... probably a lot more
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Tea But coffee is good too
Average Sleep: Between 0 and 10 hours depending on what my sleep cycle has changed to at the moment. 
Dog or Cat Person: I guess cat
Number of Blankets: Three
Dream trip: Idk. Germany or Japan if I could go out of the country. But also... Two weeks in a cabin in the woods with fireplaces and fluffy blankets. Snow blanketing the forest outside. Like one or two feet of snow. A river nearby partly frozen on the edges with banks of snow I can build forts and snowmen on. Shovels and buckets to help build. Still have wifi so I can text pictures to my friends when I feel like it and listen to music. And not so far away from society that we can’t order food because I want to spend all my energy in the snow and books, not cooking my food. Ten kinds of tea and low fat or low sugar hot chocolate. A big warm beautiful bathroom with a roomy bath that fits two people. That’s what I want right now. Snow and not a bunch of people. Just my bf. 
Blog established: Uh I made this one January 2017 back when I started writing fanfiction
Followers: 263 and they are all amazing
Random Fact: I have no teeth.
Tagging: @misslorable @fantasmical-fantasy @coocoocatchoo @fandomprincess20 I don’t have enough friends on here so anyone who wants to do this!!!! tag me and have fun please!!!!
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imtoobiforyou · 6 years
100 Things to Love in the newest Horror Game vid
Camden is an amazing editor!!! I love the new little edits!!!!
Horror. Which is... horrible for me 
Like all through the intro Thomas tries to be his usual confident quirky self but *nervous laughter* *nervous laughter*
The squeaky door effects for Joan&Talyn’s introductions
“You can never hurt me.” (I think Camcam ships Joan&Thomas guys)
“I think I smell good.” *synchronized sniffing* *synchronized “Yeah!”*
Camden on the CamCAM!!!!
Thomas: Are you going to be a voiceless character for this particular video? Camden: *starts to speak* Thomas: *cuts in* Alright you’re gonna be a voiceless character- I’m just kidding *giggles*
This sounds terrible but Thomas being nervous for the whole video. Like he’s adorable daaammit
Like the editing overall is so extra and good
“Yeah, that one’s a dorrito.” Have I mentioned I love Talyn
“I like to look at that little tush, dude” Have I mentioned I love Joan
“It’s a jar of marmalade.” “It’s a jar of crofters!”
Oh hai mark.
Bats are cute little puppy baby bat fly fly baby dogs
You and your friends are dead. *laughter*
Omg this whole interaction(Camcam definitely ships Joan&Thomas guys)
Talyn shaking their head is gold (we feel you Talyn we feel you)
Guys we have an official Thomas blush edit (gif-able even)
Our next gay- *cough*
*Camden made up this location*
I may be wrong but I’m pretty sure Joan, Talyn, and Thomas all recorded their own scream sound effects for their scare-o-meters that is the best thing ever
I left a bathroom for humans only to find a bathroom for dogs. Joan I love you and your Ravenclaw brain
someone’s GrOping aROunD inside my SKULL
Thomas gets scared so easily.... awwww
It’s steamy ;)
Meep Meep Motherf***er
I think this video tops any of Thomas’ in terms of foul language
Excluding the blooper videos of course
Yay Shel Silverstein!
Scoob I think I saw a hell spawn
I just love Thomas narrating all the game character’s lines
Joan’s hatred for the thing
Thomas saying Joan shouldn’t hurt the poison-spewing mutated crawling monster too much
no never mind it’s just a drunk party girl dancin’
Joan enjoys themselves so much
You’re my little friend, Talyn. Aw......You’re my slightly bigger friend. I’m fat, is what you’re saying. Nooo you’re not!
I didn’t know Talyn sweared this much and I’m actually loving it
Thomas staring into the camera in fear that Joan will never listen to him again (Awww)
I’ll say this again the little graphics edit for the game introductions is funny and adorable A+++ Camcam!!
Omg the scare-o-meters for this round
Talyn’s OHmygod.
Joan’s OH jeez.
Where’s the move to call the firefighters? (Everyone protect Thomas at all costs)
Thomas’ scared face Lv1
“My worst nightmare, a desk job.” me too, Joan. Me too.
It’s a CAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeals alongside Talyn*
Thomas being already so scared and the two teasing him lol love it
Thomas’ face whenever something gory/scary appears.. honey...
Thomas’ scared face Lv2
Aw Thomas playing the game for his friends even when he’s not really having a good time...
Thomas’ scared face Lv3
Thomas is like genuinely afraid and anxious and why is it adorable why am I enjoying seeing this I feel like such a bad person
“My anxiety is so through the roof I’m getting physically sick.” Thomas..... also I need to draw Virgil in that situation
Joan omg Joan Look at Thomas he’s so nervous rn goodness gracious 
Thomas’ scared face Lv4 also he literally turns around in the game to make sure there’s nothing behind him oh honey
Thomas’ scared face Lv5 (ooOOHHHHH!!!!)
The other two are laughing while Thomas is freaking out this shouldn’t be this entertaining jesus christ
*squeaky voice* why are you looking backwards??
*softly* I’m a brave little boy....?
Thomas whimpering, turning around in a perfectly fine elevator
“and we go and see what will be seen in this dark dark- woOOAAHH!”
Thomas is so nervous oh my god look at him
I’m not... I’m not... I’m not okay. I’m.. I’m not okay with this imagery.
Talyn just running through the bodies without giving a single fuck
Thomas’ scared face Lv6 Also I was genuinely scared here
Oh my god just... Thomas from now on like.. his face. His screaming.
I can’t’ describe this see for yourself
Also he swears like several times that’s how scared he is
The other two are just laughing while Thomas screams his lungs out this doesn’t have the right to be this hilarious jeeesus
Oh Thomas...
That was a genuine scream. Do you UNDERSTAND THAT?
Thomas the big, broad man between two smaller beans and being more scared than the other two combined
*pointing at fallen water bottle* EUGH!!
Thomas singing to deal with the anxiety
Here-we go- Ooohhh- pass the boxes on the right- AAAAH SHE’S MAKING NOISE
HAAAA!!!!!! *triumphant music*
He’s a mean ol’ one! (Thomas, referring to the man who appeared and stabbed the player in the chest)
Yay they made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :D :D :D Good job Thomas you got through that I’m so proud of you
I don’t know what exclamation that is Talyn but I love it
Same for you Joan (they must’ve had so much fun recording that lol)
Thomas’ guttural, lung-vomiting scream for his 10
Also side comment but that confetti stock footage is the same one I always use :D
Aww friend goals.
“Oh I would.”
I did enjoy them, Thomas. and I am not ashamed to admit it.
Hey CamCAM!!!! Welcome to the squad!! We already love you!!!!
“Say something, Camden.” “Hi.”
“Thank you guys, thank you for giving me a new experience. And also... screw you at the same time.” (what my friends always tell me btw)
Thomas’ villain voice doing the outro YES!
gaygaydonabusi? what? I don’t even JOAN
Like.. these three. They’re so....like.... extra. I love them.
Thank you for another amazing video Thomas!!!!!!!!!
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Okay, short fic about the stuff I was mentioned earlier today.
For those of you who didn’ t see the posts, stuffed, burpy Duke gets spanked by Mal for being disrespectful (and eating his bread lol).  Also featuring some extravagant descriptions of the Duke’s beautiful booty, teasing and whimpering, and Mal playing with the Duke’s feet a bit at the end because sucking on and playing with toes is so cute to me. 
And yeah, it’s all consensual and they talked it over beforehand, it just isn’t shown.  No hard feelings between the two.  They feel kind of ooc here but oh well. Writing this was really fun though ;P
This is my first time writing anything like this so some stuff might not be realistic or otherwise kind of off, I haven’t really read many fics about this stuff before since the characters in them tend not to be my type and I can be very picky. 
The Duke burped and groaned, falling back against the cushions as he tried to get comfortable.  
"Ugh, Mallard, it hurts so much."
He rubbed his bloated stomach, giving him a pleading glance.  He shot a cold one back at him.
"Serves you right for eating all that."
"But I was so hungry..."
"Psht, you're one of the most efficient engines in the country!  You don't need to eat that much like that pig Scotsman."
"I-I don't know what's wrong with me.   Maybe I'm slipping back into my old ways or something..."
Mallard sighed in exasperation and crawled over him, tugging his shirt up and taking a squeeze at his hot, bulging middle.
"What on earth did you get into? I didn't think we even had much food laying around."
"I cleaned out the fridge... and the freezer.  Had whatever we had lying around- some leftover brownies and cake and a loaf of frozen brea-"
"You took MY BREAD?"
"I-It was all there was left!"
"Why didn't you fucking ask permission?"
He slapped at the side of his belly, forcing a yelp out of him.  The Duke sat for a second looking a him but avoiding eye contact, face flushed  in embarassment and trying to cover his mouth.
"Such a greedy little en-"
He interrupted him mid-sentence by with a deep, pent-up belch and accompanying gurgle.  
"And so vulgar too.  Say 'excuse me'"
"E-Excuse me...UUURP"
He tried to hide his face with his hands as it got redder with shame.
"Oh, dear me, I'm so sorry about that, Mal."
Mallard glared at him and tugged his limp form onto his lap, muttering into his ear.
"It's Mallard."
"S-Sorry Mallard."
"You know what you do to rude engines like you?"
He grabbed him again, pulling him across his knees, glaring at him as his eyes grew wide in terror as he knew what was coming next.
"God, quit crying you coward, I haven't even touched you yet."
The pressure against his belly was agonizing.  He felt a another sickening gurgle and let out a deep burp into Mallard's face.  He hissed at him and swatted his rear before tugging his pants down, exposing his backside.  It was a wonderful sight.  Well-muscled, yet full and plump.  A nicely rounded rump that had been filling out his pants a bit too well lately, that had a nice jiggle when smacked but reassuring power behind it.  Preservation had been kind to the Duke's figure.  
He whispered in his ear.
"Don't we all known that disrespectful, vulgar, gluttonous engines like you get punished?"
Th Duke  gave him a weak nod, teeth and eyelids clenched in anticipation as he felt the first slap, tightening up more as he felt the sting.  
"Ugh, Mallard, harder, please!"
He yelled as he hit him again.
"That wasn't any harder."
"Shut up, you little twit!"
This time was enough to make him flinch, making Mallard give him another good spank.
"Ugh, Mallard, it hurts.."
"It had better."
The Duke sniffled, trying to find some comfort while both his belly and backside were throbbing in pain.  Something about the inescapability of it was so.. pleasurable to him.  He sighed.
"Does my bum feel nice?"
Mallard paused for a moment, a bit confused, but snapped back into it and gave him a sharp glare as he groped his rear and spanked it again.
"Fat little thing you are, Duke.  Perhaps your behavior earlier has something to do with it?  I bet all that extra cake has been going to your tender little behind. I'm sure you'll appreciate the extra padding when Im done with you."
The Duke squirmed and fumbled with one of the pillows that had fallen on the floor, squeezing his fingers into it as he took several more hits.  
"Was that bread worth this pain?"
His eyes were getting wet and his voice was unsteady.
"N-No, Mallard."
"Don't you ever touch it again."
He gave him a last firm smack and came to a stop, posture relaxing.  
"Good job, babe, how was that?"
The Duke slowly edged himself off his lap and pulled his pants back up, wincing a bit from the pain.
"Wonderful.  Though you could have gone a little harder."
"I'm not that strong in this state, err, sorry...  But could you stay in that position for a bit?"
He paused, letting Mal look at his reddened rump.  
"Mmm, that's damn nice.  It's kind of cute when it looks like this.  Almost like it's also blushing."
The Duke resumed messing with his pants, getting them as far up as he could with his bloated middle pushing them down, and flopped down next to Mallard  
He handed him a bag of frozen peas, drawing a puzzled look.
"Look, I love frozen peas.. don't even ask.   And I had a bunch of them around for some reason and didn't have an ice pack.  Hopefully that should help with the soreness a bit."
The Duke laughed, snuggling up around a pillow as he iced his butt. Mallard spoke up again.
"Say, there's something else I've kind of liked to try on you..."
"Oh, what is it?"
He nudged his legs so he was in the fetal position, batting at his feet so they curled up before grabbing the little toe of his left foot and flopping it around a bit, giggling to himself.  He crawled closer to it and nuzzled its arch, making the Duke squirm from the tickling and sending shocks of pleasure through both of them.  
"Ahahha, yess.  Please, more, Mal!"
He lapped at the soft, somewhat sensitive skin there as he squirmed and laughed some more, kneading his other foot with his free hands.   His mouth trailed upwards and he took a few toes in his mouth, running his hot tongue over them, sucking on them, and smiling as he giggled and squirmed more and more, continuing to rub the other foot.  One by one he slowly released them, and the two relaxed again.
"You sure enjoyed that, didn't you?"
"Oh, yeeah!"
"We can do that some more another time, but I'm getting tired."
"Me too.  Food comas and such, you know."
Mallard wormed his way in front of him again and lightly pressed his arms to his soft chest as they both settled off to sleep.  
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