#YNG Media
ayakazendz · 3 months
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I didn't post this in my other social medias. After being married last Feb. This happened. Hindi sana ito yung plano kasi nag aaral pa ako ng D.I.T. pero ito na. This is a gift from God. Maybe i should stop with my D.I.T next sem. Would you believe i am 39 now and this is my first baby. My doctor said this is a high risk pregnancy. Sabi ng husband ko, wag ko daw ipagkalat na buntis na ko kasi baka ma aswang, hehe maybe that is just a supertistous belief, (tama ba yng spellng nakalimutan ko na, sori) I pray sana maging ok yng pregnancy ko, nakahabol ako sa huling byahe, kahit isa n lng baby namin ok na ako. I hope you also pray for me. Thank you.
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kartikawidya · 1 year
Besok hari ahad,sepertinya waktuku akan aku habiskan untuk rebahan dan main hp kalau mood baca novel yang belum dibaca.
Bukan tidak ada agenda bahkan agenda sudah ada didepan mata (bukan agenda wajib) bahkan malam ini juga ada rapat pemudi desa (tidak wajib hadir juga)jadi aku memilih rehat,entah aku masih mencari langkaah yang tepat. Apakah aku harus berjuang sendiri laagi atau biarkan aku seperti orang-orang, yang mau melangkah menunggu teman dahulu atau seperti biasanya terabas walaupun sendiri. (Aku masih bimbang)
Yaa demikian,karena di organisasi yng aku ikuti di daerahku teman yang seusiaku sudah jarang,bahkan di bela diri sama sekali tidak ada (khususnya perempuan) sampai aku berfikir ulang untuk tetap menerejang,mengingat usiaku yang agak kurang etis di pandang jika perempuan sendiri (pada kultur kota yang belum besar). Selain itu di organisasi pemudi dirumahpun sudah tidak ada teman sengkatan (terutama perempuan) karena perkumpulan ini hanya untuk yang belum menikah, dan kalian tau kenapa ...yes benar karena semua teman-temanku sudah menikah.. (seandainya belum mereka tidak stay di rumah sedang mencari jalan hidupnya masing-masing)
Jadi hari ahad minggu ini aku memilih menghabiskan waktu dengan hp,media sosial,youtube atau mungkin jika mood baca novel dan mempersiapkan untuk mengajar 1 minggu kedepan (yaaa tentu walaupun cuma guru SD ternyata belajar menyederhanakan materi itu harus dilakukann berkali-kali)
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0823-2711-3939 (GRATIS KONSULTASI..!), Kebun Buah Pohon Kelengkeng Berbuah Pelangi Garden Ke Boven Digoel Papua
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Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282327113939 , Kebun Buah Pohon Kelengkeng Berbuah Pelangi Garden Ke Boven Digoel Papua, Tempat Penjual Pohon Kelengkeng Berbuah Lebat Pelangi Garden Ke Jembrana Bali, Tempat Penjual Pohon Kelengkeng Supaya Cepat Berbuah Pelangi Garden Ke Bulukumba Sulawesi Selatan, Tempat Penjual Pohon Keengkeng Tinggi Pelangi Garden Ke Enrekang Sulawesi Selatan, Tempat Penjual Pohon Kelengkeng Yang Cepat Berbuah Pelangi Garden Ke Gowa Sulawesi Selatan, Tempat Penjual Pohon Kelengkeng Yang Cepat Berbuah Pelangi Garden Ke Jeneponto Sulawesi Selatan, Tempat Penjual Pohon Kelengkeng Yng Bagus Pelangi Garden Ke Kepulauan Selayar Sulawesi Selatan, Tempat Penjual Bibit Kelengkeng Aroma Durian Pelangi Garden Ke Luwu Sulawesi Selatan, Tempat Penjual Bibit Kelengkeng Bangkok Pelangi Garden Ke Luwu Timur Sulawesi SelatanPELANGI GARDEN merupakan sebuah usaha yang bergerak di Bidang Penyedia Bibit Tanaman Buah-Buahan Unggul, Pupuk Cair Organik, Pupuk Pembuahan Kelengkeng, Wisata Edukasi Budidaya Anggur, Wisata Edukasi Budidaya Kelengkeng, Wisata Edukasi Budidaya Durian, Media Tanam, Sekam Bakar dll, Bibit Buah-Buahan Unggul yang kita jual seperti :1.Bibit Anggur2.Bibit Durian3.Bibit Kelengkeng New Kristal atau Pohon Kelengkeng Kateki4.Bibit Kelapa Pandan Wangi5.Bibit Kelapa Genjah Entok6.Bibit Alpukat Mentega, Aligator7.Pupuk Cair Organik8.Pupuk Pembuahan Kelengkeng9.Dan Bibit Buah Lainya.Alamat Lengkap PELANGI GARDEN : Desa Purwosari Rt 06/01Kec. PuringKab. KebumenJawa TengahKode Pos 54383( Sebelah Utara Balai Desa Purwosari Kec. Puring )Google Maps : https://maps.app.goo.gl/eZugiG2ZfQcFCB6b9Kunjungi juga socialmedia kita di : https://linktr.ee/pelangigarden
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tracknews1 · 16 days
The Many Lies Of The EFCC: EFCC Press Statement Of 6th September 2024.
Our attention has been drawn to the Press Statement of Dele Oyewale, Head, Media and Publicity of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) with regard to the concluded suit at the Federal High Court, sitting at Yenagoa, Bayelsa State in SUIT NO. FHC/YNG/CS/125/2022 BETWEEN BLISS MULTINATIONAL PERFECTIONS LIMITED & ARC. DR. OYINMIEBI BRIBENA V. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CRIMES…
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abrianti · 6 months
Pengolahan rumput laut menjadi nugget oleh mahasiswa PMM UMM kelompok 101 gelombang 6
Pengabdian Masyarakat oleh Mahasiswa (PMM) merupakan program kegiatan yang dimiliki oleh Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). PMM UMM kelompok 101 gelombang 6 yang dibimbing oleh Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan (DPL) Lailatul Mauludiyah, S.S., M.Pd.I melaksanakan PMM di SDN 006 Nunukan, Desa Binusan, Kab Nunukan, Provinsi Kalimantan. Pada tanggal 19 Januari-19 Februari 2024.
Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat oleh Mahasiswa (PMM) ini adalah untuk mengaplikasikan Hilirisasi hasil Penelitian Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). PMM ini dilaksanakan oleh 5 anggota yaitu Eka Suci Abrianti, Nur Alam Sari, Rinayah Maulina, Naza Nadhana afdha, dan Nurul Widayati.PMM kelompok 101 gelombang 6.
Makanan dari olahan rumput laut sudah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Rumput laut sendiri bisa digunakan dalam makanan maupun minuman. Tidak hanya rasanya yang enak, rumput laut juga mempunyai manfaat.Nugget Rumput Laut, Inovasi Pembuatan Nugget Berbahan Rumput Laut untuk Menunjang Gizi oleh Mahasiswa PMM Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang di kecamatan Nunukan Desa Binusan.Pembuatan Nugget Rumput Laut kepada Ketua UMKM Nunukan, Kecamatan Nunukan (04/02/2024).
Rumput Laut merupakan tumbuhan laut yang memiliki gizi yang sangat tinggi. Rumput laut rendah kalori dan serat, tetapi mengandung beragam nutrisi, seperti karbohidrat, protein, serat, vitamin dan mineral termasuk magnesium, mangan, yodium, kalium, sodium, kalsium, folat, zat besi, dan tembaga, dalam jumlah yang cukup tinggi. Rumput laut juga mengandung vitamin A, C, E, K, fosfor, dan kolin meski dalam jumlah sedikit. Selain itu, rumput laut juga kaya akan antioksidan yang membuat rumput laut memiliki beragam manfaat kesehatan. Rumput laut dapat diolah dan menjadi bahan tambahan pada makanan maupun minuman. Rumput laut dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan tambahan pada pembuatan bakso, nuget, dimsum dan olahan makanan lainya karena gizi yang dimiliki oleh rumput laut.
Sosialiasi Pembuatan Nugget Rumput Laut dilaksanakan pada tanggal 04 Februari 2024 dan hanya dilakukan dengan mengundang perwakilan UMKM Nunukan yaitu Ketua UMKM Nunukan. Mahasiswa menjelaskan bahan, proses pembuatan serta manfaat Nugget Rumput Laut (NAGALA) dengan menggunakan bantuan media Video. Diakhir sesi penjelasan (Ketua UMKM ) memberikan beberapa pertanyaan kepada Mahasiswa bagaimana cara mendapatkan Rumput Laut dikarenakan didaerah Binusan jauh dari Produksi Rumput Laut. Dan tak lupa Ibu memberikan beberapa masukan dan saran mengenai produk yang dibuat yaitu Nugget Rumput Laut. Dan diakhir sesi Mahasiswa memberikan tester produk Nugget Rumput Laut kepada pada peserta yang mengikuti pengolahan rumput laut.
Harapan setelah diadakannya program kerja ini adalah semoga kedepannya setelah mengenalkan produk yng dibuat oleh mahasiswa PMM UMM, masyarakat Desa Binusan khususnya para warga bermatapencaharian rumput laut mampu mengembangkan dan menjadikan Nugget Rumput Laut sebagai camilan sehat dan usaha.
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achalvarma2098 · 9 months
Empowering Businesses in Delhi's Digital Landscape: YNG Media's Cutting-Edge Services and Expertise
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In the bustling city of Delhi, where competition is fierce and opportunities abound, the role of digital marketing has become increasingly pivotal for businesses aiming to thrive in the modern landscape. YNG Media, a leading digital marketing agency in Delhi, has emerged as a catalyst for transformation, aiding businesses in navigating the complexities of the digital realm.
Digital marketing in metropolitan cities like Delhi has transcended conventional advertising. It has become a cornerstone for businesses aiming to bolster their online presence, engage with audiences effectively, and drive substantial growth. With the evolution of consumer behavior and the surge in online activity, having a robust digital strategy has become indispensable.
Empowering Businesses in Delhi's Digital Landscape: YNG Media's Cutting-Edge Services and Expertise
YNG Media, as a key player in this space and is the leading digital marketing agency in Noida, understands the nuances of the digital ecosystem. The agency offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the unique needs of businesses in Delhi. From crafting innovative digital strategies to executing targeted campaigns across various platforms, YNG Media employs cutting-edge techniques to ensure businesses achieve their marketing objectives.
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Metro cities like Delhi thrive on fast-paced dynamics, where consumers are digitally savvy and constantly connected. This necessitates businesses to have a strong digital footprint. YNG Media's expertise lies in leveraging this digital landscape to create impactful campaigns, boost brand visibility, and drive meaningful engagement. due to such rise and demand of Digital marketing a number of digital marketing agency in Delhi.
The agency's role extends beyond traditional marketing approaches. YNG Media specializes in harnessing the power of SEO, PPC advertising, social media management, content marketing, and more. By utilizing data-driven insights and adopting a result-oriented approach, YNG Media empowers businesses to stand out amidst the competitive market in Delhi.
Impact of YNG Media
The impact of YNG Media's digital strategies reverberates in the success stories of numerous businesses across Delhi. Through tailor-made solutions and a deep understanding of market trends, the agency has contributed significantly to enhancing brand recognition, expanding customer reach, and increasing conversion rates for its clients.
In conclusion, YNG Media's presence in Delhi's digital marketing landscape signifies a paradigm shift in how businesses perceive and execute their marketing strategies. As the digital realm continues to evolve, the agency remains committed to driving innovation, delivering impactful results, and helping businesses in Delhi achieve their full potential in the ever-evolving digital sphere.
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sakshamyng · 10 months
Noida's Leading Social Media Marketing Agency: Unveiling the Power of Digital Presence
In thе dynamic landscapе of digital markеting,  social mеdia has еmеrgеd as a gamе-changеr for businеssеs sееking to еnhancе thеir onlinе prеsеncе and еngagе with thеir targеt audiеncе.  Noida,  a bustling hub in thе National Capital Rеgion (NCR) of India,  is homе to a thriving social mеdia markеting agеncy that is at thе forеfront of hеlping businеssеs navigatе thе complеx world of onlinе promotion.  This article dеlvеs into thе еssеncе of social mеdia markеting and shеds light on thе rolе playеd by a lеading agеncy in Noida. 
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Undеrstanding Social Mеdia Markеting:
Social mеdia markеting (SMM) is a powerful digital markеting strategy that lеvеragеs various social mеdia platforms to connеct with thе targеt audiеncе and build brand awarеnеss.  Thе primary goal is to crеatе and sharе contеnt that rеsonatеs with usеrs,  еncouraging thеm to еngagе with thе brand and takе dеsirеd actions,  such as making a purchasе or sharing thе contеnt with thеir nеtwork. 
Kеy Componеnts of Social Mеdia Markеting:
Contеnt Crеation and Curation:
Social mеdia succеss hingеs on compеlling contеnt.  A skillеd social mеdia markеting agеncy in Noida еxcеls in crеating and curating content that aligns with a brand's identity and еngagеs its audiеncе. 
Platform Sеlеction:
Diffеrеnt social mеdia platforms are catеr to distinct dеmographics and usеr bеhaviors.  A stratеgic agеncy carеfully sеlеcts thе platforms that bеst suit a brand's targеt audiеncе and markеting objеctivеs. 
Audiеncе Engagеmеnt:
Engaging with thе audiеncе is crucial for building a loyal community.  Thе agеncy utilizеs various tactics such as rеsponding to commеnts,  running contеsts,  and initiating convеrsations to kееp thе audiеncе activеly involvеd. 
Analytics and Rеporting:
Data-drivеn dеcision-making is a hallmark of еffеctivе social mеdia markеting.  Thе agеncy in Noida еmploys analytics tools to track pеrformancе,  mеasurе kеy mеtrics,  and rеfinе stratеgiеs for optimal rеsults. 
Thе Rolе of a Social Mеdia Markеting Agеncy in Noida:
Noida's social mеdia markеting agеnciеs play a pivotal role in helping businеssеs navigatе thе intricaciеs of onlinе promotion.  Thеy bring a wеalth of еxpеriеncе and еxpеrtisе to thе tablе, offering tailorеd solutions that catеr to thе uniquе nееds of еach cliеnt.  Hеrе arе somе kеy rolеs thеsе agеnciеs fulfill:
Stratеgy Dеvеlopmеnt:
Crafting a robust social mеdia stratеgy tailorеd to thе cliеnt's objеctivеs and targеt audiеncе is a corе function of thе agеncy.  This involvеs platform sеlеction,  contеnt planning,  and sеtting mеasurablе goals. 
Contеnt Crеation and Management:
Agеnciеs in Noida еxcеl in crеating visually appеaling and еngaging content,  еnsuring that the brand's mеssaging is consistent across various social mеdia channеls. 
Community Building:
Building a solid and loyal community around this brand is a priority.  Thе agеncy fostеrs еngagеmеnt,  rеsponds to customеr inquiriеs,  and crеatеs a positivе onlinе еnvironmеnt for thе brand. 
Campaign Exеcution:
From concеpt to еxеcution,  social mеdia markеting agеnciеs in Noida handlе еnd-to-еnd campaign managеmеnt.  This includes dеsigning crеativеs,  schеduling posts,  and monitoring pеrformancе. 
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In Noida's compеtitivе digital markеting landscapе,  YNG Mеdia stands out as a trailblazеr and is undеniably positionеd as thе bеst social mеdia markеting agеncy in thе rеgion.  Rеnownеd for its innovativе stratеgiеs,  YNG Mеdia еxcеls in dеvеloping comprеhеnsivе social mеdia plans that align sеamlеssly with thе uniquе nееds and goals of its cliеnts.  With a provеn track rеcord of succеss,  YNG Mеdia goеs beyond traditional markеting approachеs,  utilizing cutting-еdgе tеchniquеs to crеatе еngaging contеnt,  fostеr mеaningful community intеractions,  and dеlivеr mеasurablе rеsults.  As businеssеs incrеasingly rеcognizе thе pivotal role of social mеdia in thеir growth,  YNG Mеdia continues to bе a trustеd partnеr,  stееring brands toward a robust and impactful onlinе prеsеncе in thе еvеr-еvolving digital landscapе of Noida.  
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honjayaa · 11 months
Jurus Pengendalian Diri
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Kurang lebih 6 tahun aku menghabiskan waktu untuk merefleksikan diri, terhitung sejak masuk perkuliahan hingga sekarang. Kukira waktu 6 tahun itu cukup untuk memahami diri ini, nyatanya aku masih tak paham ketika harus dihadapkan dengan kehadiran orang lain dalam arti hubungan romansa.
Aku masih belum bisa memahami bagian itu.
Ntah aku yang belum siap atau ini efek dari tak menuntaskan masa laluku? Kelebihanku salah satunya berorientasi pada masa depan, jadi semua masa lalu hanya diambil hikmah pembelajarannya. Terus orang2 di masa lalu? Ya di cut off-lah. Seperti sudah terlanjur terkubur lalu mau diselesaikan bagaimana lagi. Dari seluruh hal yang aku coba pahami, memahami hubungan romansa ada di nomor sekian. Bukan karena tidak mau tapi rasanya awang-awangen.
Tentunya hal itu tidak boleh dibiarkan berlarut-larut ya kan? Aku harus mampu menghadapinya.
Suatu ketika hal yng aku takutkan datang. DUAR!🌋
Mau sebaik apapun orangnya, memang akulah yang belum siap. Alih-alih kemampuan visionerku memikirkan masa depan, malah pikiran negatif dan rasa takut yang memenuhi isi kepalaku. Ibarat mesin, kemampuan visionerku ini seketika cacat saat dihadapkan dengan hubungan romansa. Padahal aku punya pilihan untuk maju terus pantang mundur, tapi aku memilih mundur terus tanpa ujung.
Aku benci sisi diriku yang selalu berpikir seperti ini:
"Mungkin lebih baik orang itu bersama yang lain/mencari yang lain daripada membuang-buang waktunya."
Secara umum aku orang yang optimis, tetapi untuk beberapa hal, salah satunya hubungan romansa ㅡ aku pesimis. Mana yang harus kubenahi terlebih dahulu? Terlalu complicated isi kepalaku.
Sesungguhnya, sosoknya masih ingin kugali lebih dalam. Sayangnya jari-jemari dan otakku ngadat tak mampu mengetikkan apapun. Disitulah proses penggalian terhenti, tak ada keberanian melanjutkan lagi. Hal itu membuat hari-hariku tak nyaman. Tenggelam di riuhnya pikiran sendiri, terdapat sisi diriku yang menginginkan untuk cari aman berhenti sampai di sini saja. Sedangkan sisi yang lain masih dikelabui rasa penasaran. Sampai pada akhirnya aku tumbang. Gabisa akutu kena cinta cintaan 😅
Setelah satu minggu kelimpungan, resah, gelisah memikirkan sosoknya.
Haruskah aku maju atau membiarkan ia memanfaatkan waktu dengan baik untuk menemukan orang yang tepat?
Jujur, melelahkan memikirkan ini dan itu sampai K.0, padahal belum apa-apa. Akan ada pertemuan-pertemuan lain kedepannya yang nantinya kuhadapi. Mungkin ini cara Allah SWT mengujiku, tepatnya menguji mentalku. Aku harus bermental baja menghdapi pertemuan-pertemuan yang bahkan bisa berakhir saat sudah di tengah jalan. Meskipun sudah bermeditasi tetap saja pikiran ini melayang-layang.
Hingga tiba-tiba hari ini aku mendapat keajaiban.
Aku mengubah arah.
Kendati demikian, alangkah baiknya menjadikan ia sebagai sosok yang kukagumi saja seperti orang2 yang kukagumi semasa SMA. Sehingga aku tak perlu berharap lebih, ya, hanya sebatas mengaguminya, menjadi penonton aktivitasnya di sosial media. Menganggap kesempatan pernah mengenalnya secara langsung hanyalah sebuah bonus. Untuk seterusnya mengagumi dalam diam menurutku langkah yang paling tepat.
Terasa menjadi remaja kembali bisa mengagumi seseorang dari jauh/dalam diam.
ㅡ231023. 10:23 p.m
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r0hitdhiman · 2 years
What is the difference between SEO and PPC? Which one can get you more leads?
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You might need clarification on whether SEO or PPC should be used to maximize your digital marketing budget. To go up search engine results pages, you may utilize a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign or search engine optimization to create a more natural search engine marketing strategy (SEO). The process of altering your web pages to increase their exposure in search engine results is known as search engine optimization or SEO. Organic SEO ensures that search engine spiders can understand the material on your web pages to rank your website higher than your competitors.
While Google may occasionally update its algorithms, which could affect your rankings, SEO always boils down to having a website that accurately describes the company's services and offers material beneficial to both human visitors and Google search crawlers. This may entail ensuring the website is in good form by using clear coding and material appealing to both spider and human users.
You may control your "link authority" and raise your rating by fostering incoming links from other websites. Adding Blogging, Social Media Marketing, and Online Videos are also a good idea.
These are all excellent approaches to getting high-quality links.
Comparing organic SEO to a PPC campaign, organic SEO is much more affordable.
Search engine positioning is generally consistent, while PPC ad positions are constantly shifting based on the bidding strategies of your rivals. You can maintain the search engine rankings of a well-optimized site with strong link authority and great content, even if you need to take a month off. Building credibility and trust through organic SEO. Your confidence rises when your website appears in organic search results since some visitors ignore advertisements.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising primarily involves purchasing website traffic. Every time a user clicks on one of an advertiser's ads, they are charged a price. By paying for or bidding on terms associated with what you are selling or a service you are offering, PPC enables you to utilize search engine traffic swiftly. PPC yields prompt results. Immediately after your PPC campaign launches, you should see an increase in traffic, clicks, and conversions. Before you start to see your site move in the search engine results, SEO can take months.
You have control over your PPC account. You understand how many leads you are getting in return and have determined your budget. This assists you in accurately estimating your digital marketing budget. SEO may take more time.
When you use PPC, you won't have to worry about how a search engine's algorithm may affect your ranking. Your organic rank won't matter because you're bidding for the top slots. You must follow Google's guidelines for optimizing your website for SEO, or you risk losing rank or receiving a penalty for using particular strategies.
You can narrowly target potential clients with PPC. Ads can be targeted based on search terms, location, and various times of the day and week. You might need help to target the precise audience you require with organic traffic.
YNG Media has the best SEO packages in India; if you want the best SEO Services in Delhi, YNG Media is your go-to place. We at YNG Media understand that your business is a vital priority for you. Our SEO and PPC services have been created. As a result, to aid in the quick growth of your business. With the help of YNG Media, you can select from various scalable internet marketing alternatives that will enable you to network with thought leaders and enter new industries.
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automaticvr · 1 year
In this episode Abe Micael, yWhales Head of Ecosystem, speaks with Nino Saez, CEO & Co-Founder of Utopia, a project that aims to bridge the physical and digital worlds and bring ownership to communities through smart contracts and NFTs. Launches for the project are planned in November. Abe and Nino dive into the world of Web3 and the importance of trusted resources for individuals interested in projects, tokens, technology, and businesses related to blockchain and crypto. Nino shares his journey as an entrepreneur and explains how Utopia Avatars is creating a new kind of metaverse with a decentralized economy. yWhales Website: https://ift.tt/8HDOxGk Podcast Library: https://ift.tt/cjn0vu4 YouTube: https://ift.tt/yd61DLk Vimeo: https://ift.tt/S3UJ80H LinkedIn: https://ift.tt/yldCtvK Twitter: https://ift.tt/ThgYwpK Medium: https://ift.tt/kxclfg1 Utopia’s Social Links: Utopia’s Website: https://utopia.io/ Utopia’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/utopiaavatars Utopia’s Blur: https://ift.tt/JYBle4v Utopia’s OpenSea: https://ift.tt/wLaCPyd Utopia’s LinkedIn: https://ift.tt/Q7onHPR Utopia’s Instagram: https://ift.tt/2dHMPZS Utopia’s Discord: https://ift.tt/ZG9VxbW Utopia’s Voyagers: https://vgers.com/ Guest Social Links: Nino‘s Twitter: https://twitter.com/niinosaez Nino’s LinkedIn: https://ift.tt/20NiDw6 About Guest Nino Saez is the founder of eGoGames and the current CEO of Utopia, in addition to being a charismatic pioneer of the entrepeneurship-philantrophic era. Raised in Madrid, Spain, Nino attended IE University, in Madrid, Spain, receiving a dual Degree in Business & Law. He started his first business in 2014 at just 19 years old, a VIPS franchise located in the heart of the Spanish capital. Two years later, he executed a M&A operation of Shards of London. As a world enthusiast, he went to college exchange programs in Segovia, Spain and Cuba, where the culture allowed him to see the reality of other parts of the world and the importance of philanthropy from a business perspective. When he returned from Cuba, he realized the need for a new way of monetizing mobile games, the fastest growing industry back in 2018. He founded eGoGames, an eSports Platform, and raised 8.5M EUR. In 2020, he was so enthusiastic about the new trend of Web3 he founded eGoNFT, raising 10M EUR and started the new era of NFT collections through the connection of tangible utilities with the virtual world. One and a half years later, he acquired 100% of one of the most powerful Metaverse companies in the world called Virtual Voyagers with a valuation of $50M at the time. You’ll learn about: How Utopia is identifying gaps in the marketplaces The power of philanthropy and putting mental health first An open metaverse with closed metaverses Timestamps 0:00 Abe’s intro 0:52 Nino’s background 2:25 About Utopia 6:08 The team behind Utopia 08:48 How to get involved with Utopia 11:38 Biggest challenges in Web3 14:41 Reflecting on best ideas 18:21 What will take for VR to go mainstream 21:01 Utopia’s ‘Power Board’ 24:45 Bettering the world 27:25 The future of the Metaverse 35:50 Can we have an open Metaverse? 39:01 Utopia’s offering 41:42 Utopia and VR 43:47 Roadmap DISCLAIMER: yWhales is not affiliated with YPO but at this time only allows for YPO, YPO Gold, and YNG members due to privacy & confidentiality. Support and production for today’s episode was done by Truth Work Media. Nothing in the podcast constitutes professional and/or financial advice, nor does any information on the podcast constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters discussed or the law relating thereto. #ywhales #web3 #Utopia #metaverse #NFTs #SmartContracts #DecentralizedEconomy #usdc #Blockchain #Crypto #DigitalIdentity #Community #VR #ninosaez #evalongoria #deepakchopra #mariabravo #javiergarcia #randi #zuckerberg #desireeansari #mahaabouelenein #pepebaston
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
shame ish self b look at othrs,h mu no
Hmuh,yh,uh,y force,uh,nt talk,uh, too late man, u did a damage to our relationship, cant js apologize, maybe in private u can, b i havent seen someone around here in school or state do it , so dont be confident ha
Muxing styles
Comedy but uh ok hk u u, uh,hmuh, not define,uh,khkuu,dk,uhh,ww,wt,uh,no, ineff,ok,okg,nt that littlej,,,nk,,u,tv,media prob,h,khwzuh,dk,stuck,idealize,h,k
rt ok ww need to die well,hk,
Ow fk b say n ask n last meal
Bitting b unnaged
Scare if soynd,rise,jk,,uh
More leanring than intelligence, js need engh to learn, stop doing intelligence stuff n bonding strokey n focusing on intel n other intelligence behaviors
Some abstinence other ways. Why sex flirt noises, r u tenn fangurl, is that mature or dumb
Nc b abt observing beau? Or think ir wt, slow,uh,yng uh. Ig start,h,mu,j,,wwj,k,h,
R u exposed,j,m
Gm k onserve ncl
Dstrc uh
Lng soc n free
Nimorg uni n not about lrn b matu seen psy kyh
R absurdists wiser
Cd srill be in production not foretold lk movie teams,bm
Still kid doll n kid food
Prsn uhk,hm,u,n,o,
Possibility, jm,u,jn,k,
Wrl, thghts too, ed, uh,sth,uh,orgs, uh,hm, mad idk,uh,mute to,
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wingsway01 · 2 years
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YNG Media There is no need to disagree with some of our clients, who have officially chosen us as the most important digital marketing agency. At YNG MEDIA, the best digital marketing company in Faridabad,
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0823-2711-3939 (GRATIS KONSULTASI..!), Tempat Penjual Pohon Kelengkeng Puangray Pelangi Garden Ke Luwu Sulawesi Selatan
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Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282327113939 , Tempat Penjual Pohon Kelengkeng Puangray Pelangi Garden Ke Luwu Sulawesi Selatan, Pusat Pohon Kelengkeng Pendek Pelangi Garden Ke Majalengka Jawa Barat, Penjual Pohon Kelengkeng Supaya Cepat Berbuah Pelangi Garden Ke Puncak Papua, Penjual Pohon Keengkeng Tinggi Pelangi Garden Ke Puncak Jaya Papua, Penjual Pohon Kelengkeng Yang Cepat Berbuah Pelangi Garden Ke Sarmi Papua, Penjual Pohon Kelengkeng Yang Cepat Berbuah Pelangi Garden Ke Supiori Papua, Penjual Pohon Kelengkeng Yng Bagus Pelangi Garden Ke Tolikara Papua, Penjual Bibit Kelengkeng Aroma Durian Pelangi Garden Ke Waropen Papua, Penjual Bibit Kelengkeng Bangkok Pelangi Garden Ke Yahukimo PapuaPELANGI GARDEN merupakan sebuah usaha yang bergerak di Bidang Penyedia Bibit Tanaman Buah-Buahan Unggul, Pupuk Cair Organik, Pupuk Pembuahan Kelengkeng, Wisata Edukasi Budidaya Anggur, Wisata Edukasi Budidaya Kelengkeng, Wisata Edukasi Budidaya Durian, Media Tanam, Sekam Bakar dll, Bibit Buah-Buahan Unggul yang kita jual seperti :1.Bibit Anggur2.Bibit Durian3.Bibit Kelengkeng New Kristal atau Pohon Kelengkeng Kateki4.Bibit Kelapa Pandan Wangi5.Bibit Kelapa Genjah Entok6.Bibit Alpukat Mentega, Aligator7.Pupuk Cair Organik8.Pupuk Pembuahan Kelengkeng9.Dan Bibit Buah Lainya.Alamat Lengkap PELANGI GARDEN : Desa Purwosari Rt 06/01Kec. PuringKab. KebumenJawa TengahKode Pos 54383( Sebelah Utara Balai Desa Purwosari Kec. Puring )Google Maps : https://maps.app.goo.gl/eZugiG2ZfQcFCB6b9Kunjungi juga socialmedia kita di : https://linktr.ee/pelangigarden
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gurpreet-123 · 2 years
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YNG MEDIA is the most trusted creative website design company in Delhi, capable of creating all types of websites for clients. You can get cost-effective and result-oriented website development and design services from us, as they provide multiple websites for all business types.
They build websites from simple to complex. Whether you need to adopt a new web design or want to redesign your website, remember YNG MEDIA.
They create the most engaging, trending, coveted and personalized websites to help you achieve your business goals. Visit the company's website, and I'm sure you will like it.
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Leading Digital Agency in Delhi
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Digital marketing company in Delhi
One of the most essential aspects of business today is digital marketing. No matter how big or small your business is, having an honest online presence can help you attract more clients and increase revenue.
Here are the best digital marketing companies in Delhi to think about if you’re searching:-
Ezrankings — SEO services, SMM services, SMO services, PPC services, reputation management, website design & development, youtube marketing.
Brainwork Technologies — Digital marketing, SEO services, website development & designing, SMM services, SMO services, PPC services, .
WAT Consult — Digital Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Marketing, Digital Analytics, Digital Video Production, Online Reputation Management.
Digital Markitors — SEO services, SMM services, SMO services, PPC services, website design & development, youtube marketing, content marketing.
Techmagnate — Digital Marketing Services, program Optimization, E-commerce Solutions, Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, PPC management, SMO services, SMM services, Mobile app marketing & optimization, Reputation management, Website designing services
Page Traffic — Digital marketing, SEO services,e-commerce development, PPC services, content marketing, Online Media Planning & Buying
Dignitas Digital — Digital marketing, Web solutions, e-commerce, mobile apps, cloud saas, startup solutions, email marketing, SMM & SMO services, SEO services
Red Dash Media — Website Design, Social Media Marketing, program Optimization, Digital Marketing, Mobile App Development,
Webeesocial — Social Media Marketing, SEO, Google Ads/ PPC, Content Marketing.Web Design, E-Commerce Marketing, Email Marketing & Video production
Web Daksh — Web development, Website designing, SEO services, SMO services, Internet marketing, Content writing, Social media marketing, E-commerce solutions, Google advertising campaign
Top digital marketing companies in Delhi
These are the best businesses, and their service offerings include webmasters, Google Adwords, Adsense, SEO Packages, program optimization, social media optimization, and Internet marketing. Digital marketing companies in Delhi are consultants who specialize in demand generation and content. Websites that are quick, elegant, and fully responsive for all screen sizes.Optimized for SEO and SEM.
Below there are a list of the top digital marketing companies in Delhi:-
DigiwebartDigiWebArt — may be a digital marketing company in Delhi that delivers outstanding results through SEO, PR, PPC, content marketing and web design.
Sterco Digitex Pvt Limited — Sterco, as a Digital Marketing Company, offers program Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO), Pay Per Click (PPC) services in India.
Dignitas — Dignitas is Digital Agency from New Delhi , India. Expert in digital marketing, social media, web, software & mobile app development, we’re quite just a digital marketing company.
New Vision Digital — New Vision Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency in Delhi.
YNG Media — YNG Media may be a digital marketing agency based in Delhi that builds and markets for a successful Web presence. Services include responsive Web design, program optimization, ppc management and social media marketing.
Nine Digital — Nine Digital is a digital strategy agency offering Inbound Marketing, Web Development, Branding, SEO, PPC advertising consulting services.
Digipanda Consulting — Digipanda Consulting Digital Marketing agency in Delhi NCR focuses on earning fast results and offers full-service marketing
Avemfly Technology — Avemfly Technology Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi — Offers Custom Website Development, Website Development, SEM and SEO in India.
Techmagnate — Techmagnate A full-service digital ad agency in India from Delhi helping clients thrive in the digital space. Focused escpially on Web, Mobile, Video, SEO, PPC, and Social.
OMLogic Consulting Pvt Ltd — OMLogic Consulting Pvt Ltd Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi focuses on web design, SEO, social media management, advertising, email marketing and more.
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achalvarma2098 · 9 months
YNG Media: Elevating Brands to Digital Eminence in Noida's Competitive Arena
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In the vibrant and aggressive panorama of Noida, virtual marketing has emerged because the cornerstone of emblem achievement. Among the plethora of digital marketing companies, YNG Media proudly stands as the epitome of innovation and is considered the best digital marketing agency in Noida, excellence, and tangible impact inside the virtual sphere.
Crafting Digital Triumphs
The technology of virtual transformation has reshaped how manufacturers talk, connect, and flourish. YNG Media's prominence in Noida's digital area may be attributed to numerous key elements:
Customized Strategies: YNG Media doesn't follow a one-length-suits-all technique. Instead, we curate bespoke techniques that align with each emblem's particular identity and aspirations, making sure a tailored and impactful method.
Cutting-area Expertise: Our group accommodates enterprise experts well-versed inside the modern virtual tendencies and technologies. Innovation is our distinctiveness, ensuring that brands live ahead of the curve inside the speedy-paced virtual panorama.
Measurable Results: We consider in showcasing the impact of our techniques thru concrete numbers and analytics. YNG Media's facts-driven method ensures transparent and measurable consequences for our customers. The measurable results and transparency makes it the leading digital marketing agency in Noida.
Comprehensive Offerings: From Search Engine Optimization (search engine optimization) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) to social media control and web improvement, our suite of services covers each issue of digital advertising and marketing for holistic emblem boom.
Collaborative Partnerships: At YNG Media, we don't simply provide offerings; we foster collaborative partnerships. Transparency and consumer involvement are vital to our method, ensuring alignment with our clients' visions each step of the manner.
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Why Choose YNG Media in Noida?
Partnering with YNG Media offers a awesome edge:
Tailored Solutions: Our strategies are finely crafted to satisfy the specific wishes and goals of agencies in Noida's dynamic marketplace, making sure an impactful and resonant virtual presence.
Data-driven Insights: We leverage sturdy analytics to drive decision-making, optimizing techniques for higher overall performance and tangible enterprise increase.
Industry-leading Expertise: With a finger on the pulse of the ever-evolving digital landscape, YNG Media navigates complexities and harnesses rising trends to pressure logo fulfillment.
Transparent Collaboration: We trust in open dialogue and retaining our clients knowledgeable at some point of our collaboration, making sure a shared imaginative and prescient and unified attempt toward virtual triumph.
Embark on Your Digital Journey with YNG Media
Ready to witness the transformative energy of digital marketing in Noida? YNG Media, diagnosed as the high-quality digital advertising enterprise, is here to script your brand's virtual success tale.
Reach out to us these days and let's embark on a transformative virtual adventure a good way to elevate your brand to new heights in Noida's aggressive market!
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