lonely--seeker · 8 months
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Una pena lejana que llega a mí alma y se hace cariño
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Vive solo y necesita amor
Como el aire, necesita verme
Cómo al sol, lo necesito yo
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Ha encontrado al fin una razón
Para hacer que su mirada ría
Con mis besos y mí gran amor ❤️
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q-starhalo · 9 months
q!Bad songs + their lyrics ★-
-`.✎ Ver. 1
˖◛⁺˖ | Hello and welcome to this list of q!Bad songs (including ones that remind me of Bad and Dapper or other eggs)!! Before we get to the songs, I do want to say that many songs contain triggering content. I have tagged most of them but if there's any I have missed, please do let me know! Other then that, each list will contain 25 songs so the posts won't be long then they already are! If you want to ask me anything about the songs, feel free! Now enjoy :D
Portrait of a Blank Slate - Lovejoy:
★ "I feel at some point I broke my mind"
★ "How do you all make it look so easy? You open your hearts up so quickly it scares me "
★ "If only you knew just how better things could be"
★ "Another week of action. Another hypoglycemic reaction"
★ "I'm sorry it's all so predictable"
El Muchacho de los Ojos Tristes - Jeanette:
★ "Ni una simple sonrisa, ni un poco de luz en sus ojos profundos" | "Not a single smile, not a bit of light in his deep eyes"
★ "Ni siquiera reflejo de algún pensamiento que alegre su mundo" | "Not even a reflection of some thought that brightens his world"
★ "Hay tristeza en sus ojos" | "There is sadness in his eyes"
★ "El muchacho de los ojos tristes, vive solo y necesita amor. Como el aire, necesita verme. Como el sol, lo necesito yo" | "The guy with sad eyes lives alone and needs love. Like the air, he needs to see me. Like the sun, I need him"
★ "El muchacho de los ojos tristes ha encontrado al fin una razón para hacer que su mirada ría, con mis besos y mi gran amor" | "The guy with sad eyes has finally found a reason to make his eyes smile with my kisses and my great love"
★ "Yo pretendo saber porqué extraña razón hoy sus ojos no ríen. Yo pretendo lograr con ternura y amor ver sus ojos felices" | "I pretend to know the strange reason for why his eyes don't smile today. I intend to achieve with tenderness and love to see his happy eyes" (?)
Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens:
★ "The evil it spread like a fever ahead. It was night when you died, my firefly"
★ "Did you get enough love, my little dove, why do you cry?"
★ "And I'm sorry I left but it was for best, though it never felt right"
★ "Shall we look at the moon, my little lon, why do you cry?"
★ "Make most of your life while it is rife, while it is light"
Come Little Children - Kate Covington/Hocus Pocus:
★ "Come little children, I'll take thee away into a land of enchantment"
★ "Come little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of shadows"
★ "Follow sweet children, I'll show thee the way, through all the pain and the sorrows"
★ "Weep not, poor children, for life is this way. Murdering beauty and passions"
★ "Rest now my children, for soon we'll away into the calm and the quiet"
★ "Come little children, the time's come to play, here in my garden of shadows"
Problems - Mother Mother:
★ "You and me, we're not the same. I am a sinner, you are a saint"
★ "When we get to the pearly gates, you'll get the green light. I'll get the old door in the face"
★ "I'm a loser, a disgrace"
★ "I've found love in the strangest place. Tied up and branded, locked in a cage."
★ "You're a beauty- a luminary, in my face"
★ "I got a lot, and not a lot, I got a lot less than a lot // I've got problems, not just the ones that are little"
★ "Some go to baseball, some go debase a face they can't seem to save"
Rises the Moon - Liana Flores:
★ "Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end. Sun digs it's heels to taunt you."
★ "But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same. Rises the moon."
★ "Days fade into a watercolor blur. Memories swim and haunt you."
★ "Oh close your weary eyes. I promise you that soon the autumn comes to darken fading summer skies"
★ "Breathe, breathe, breathe"
★ "Days pull you down just like a sinking ship. Floating is getting harder. But tread the water, child, and know that meanwhile rises the moon"
★ "Days pull you up just like a daffodil. Uprooted from it's garden."
★ "They'll tell you what you owe, but know even so. Rises the moon"
I am the Very Model of a Cartoon Individual - Animaniacs:
★ "I am the very model of a cartoon individual! My animation's comical, unusual and whimsical!"
★ "I'm quite adept at funny gags, comedic theory I have read. From wicked puns and stupid jokes to anvils that drop on your head."
★ "I'm very good at fancy dances, I can even pirouette! Then smack the villain with a fish; I know my cartoon etiquette."
★ "To suit my mood, I can call forth a lot of different sceneries, like outer space and desert scapes and Himalayan eateries."
★ "From this bag here, why, I can pull most anything imaginable."
★ "You see in matters comical, unusual and whimsical, we are the very model of cartoon individuals!"
Burning Pile - Mother Mother:
★ "All I tried to save my face"
★ "All my guts try to spill"
★ "It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile, all lit up and I start to smile. If I catch fire then I change my aim, throw my troubles at the pearly gates"
★ "All your woe begones be gone"
★ "Throw my troubles at the world again"
★ "It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile, all lit up and I start to smile. If I catch fire then I'll take my turn to burn and burn and burn"
dumb dumb - mazie
★ "Disappointment takes us by surprise"
★ "Even though by now I think we should have realized. Everyone is dumb"
★ "There must be something in the corn flakes, making it hard for us to think straight"
★ "It's waking up inside of the dream; you don't know what to believe"
★ "Maybe that's why disappointment takes us by surprise"
Everything at Once - Lenka:
★ "As sly as a fox"
★ "As fast as a hare"
★ "As sharp as a tooth"
★ "As dark as the night"
★ "As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong"
★ "Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be"
★ "As warm as the sun, as silly as fun"
★ "As scary as the sea"
★ "As hot as fire, cold as ice"
★ "Sweet as sugar and everything nice"
★ "As old as time"
★ "As buzzed as a bee"
★ "As stealth as a tiger"
★ Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be"
Vibrant Eyes - CG5:
★ "I'm not the one to trust when I've lost everything that I've touched"
★ "Don't tell them what you've done, tell them what you've done. The war's already won, why do we go on?"
★ "Don't tell them what you've done, tell them what you've done, tell them what you've done, tell them what you've done"
★ "Scared of the memories that make me insane"
★ "I'll cover these vibrant eyes and forget the pain"
★ "Little voice ruining my sanity, evil dreams haunting me. Don't you ever look my way."
★ "Little voice ruining my consciousness, nothing left to reminisce"
★ "All this pain will make me suffocate"
★ "All my thoughts ever strange, free me from the mental cage"
Crucified - Army Of Lovers:
★ "I'm crucified, crucified like my savoir"
★ "Saintlike behavior, a lifetime I prayed"
★ "I'm crucified for the holy dimension"
★ "Godlike ascension, heavens away"
★ "I've seen the deepest darkness and wrestled with Gods"
★ "Where thorns are a teaser, I've played a double jeux"
★ "I cry, I pray, mon Dieu! I cry, I pray, mon Dieu!"
★ "Prophets I've been reading, stories I enjoy been told; before I end my breathing, I travel in the soul"
★ "Adieu, mon Dieu!"
Coffee - Jack Stauber's Microphone:
★ "Do I need it? (Mocha) Am I under control?"
★ "Can I beat it? (Wake up!) If it swallowed me whole?"
★ "(I can make you feel alive) I know, but do I need you to survive?"
★ "I can't believe this happened"
★ "French vanilla, I think I should sit this one out (no, no, no)"
★ "Maybe a cup of self control would be the route. (But it's the flavor, it's the flavor you want!) Maybe so, but it feels better to check than to reflect (Just a sip!)"
Chiquitita (Spanish Version) - ABBA:
! You can look at the English version for translation !
★ "Chiquitita, dime por qué tu dolor hoy te encadena? En tus ojos hay una sombra de gran pena"
★ "No quisiera verte así. Aunque quieras disimularlo"
★ "Si es que tan tristes estas, para que quieres callarlo?"
★ "Chiquitita, sabes muy bien que las penas vienen y van y desaparecen"
★ "Otra vez vas a bailar y seras feliz como flores que florecen"
★ "Chiquitita, no hay que llorar. Las estrellas brillan por ti haya en lo alto"
★ "Quiero verte sonreír para compartir tu alegría, chiquitita"
Normal People Things - Lovejoy:
★ "The background hum for cerebellum"
★ "Oh, what a blessing to meet someone like you, with eyes as dead as mine. It's fine. It's normal people things just to lie here in silence"
★ "Spending days in self-medicating. Lost too much weight, unpleasant aftertaste."
★ "We think the same, play different games"
★ "I'll make it worth the wait"
★ "Yes, it's probably a razor thing but honestly it's harmless and I refuse to let the sensitive skin win"
★ "So, we lie here in silence. Yes, we lie here in silence. This is normal people things just to lie here in silence!"
Welcome Home - Radical Face:
★ "And the days blur into one"
★ "Sheets are swaying from an old clothesline like a row of captured ghosts over old dead grass"
★ "Welcome home"
★ "Ships are launching from my chest. Some have names but most do not. If you find one, please let me know what piece I've lost"
★ "I've come home"
★ "Now my head's splitting at the seams and I don't know if I can."
Point Of No Return - STARSET:
★ "I am hypnotized as I fantasize, forgetting lies and pain, but I can't go back"
★ "The ashes call my name"
★ "Pouring the fuel, fanning the flames, breaking the habit and melting the chains"
★ "The bridges are burning, the heat's on my face"
★ "Making the past an unreachable place"
★ "There's something sinister about the way it hurts when I watch it burn because I can't go back"
★ "This is the point of no return"
Cradles - Sub Urban:
★ "I live inside my own world of make-believe"
★ "I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach"
★ "Fire's spreading all around my room"
★ "Tape my eyes open to force reality"
★ "Sometimes I can't tell if my body belongs to me"
★ "I wanna taste your content"
★ "Devils hide behind redemption"
★ "Just tripping on daydreams"
★ "Might as well just rot around the nursery and count sheep"
Murders - Miracle Musical:
★ "He was in the forest looking to see the trees but none were there"
★ "In the light leaves broke above. Then fell down"
★ "Wearying of the hate me, hate me not. Wait, they forgot. Woe, oh, the rot."
★ "Deeper in they crept, oblivious of the bears and darker terrors. Or none were there. How did they dare?"
★ "Shadow of nobody there. Murders of murderers living in fear of it"
★ "All for nothing at all"
No Wind Resistance! - Kinnerent:
★ "I don't know how it ends, I can't see it in the distance"
★ "But can you ever reach the end of a timeless existence?"
★ "Just imagine being human, hating your confusion, denying 'til it's proven, laughing at illusion"
★ "Imagine reducing yourself to your name"
★ "You've suck all your consciousness inside of your brain"
★ "So go ahead and find your meaning with your methamphetamine"
★ "And once you can see that you've trapped all your grace, maybe you'll join me and girl we can race"
★ "Off-beat heartbeats"
★ "I've been here sixty years and I'm still not bored"
★ "And I've found that almost everything is made of cardboard"
★ "And there's absolutely nothing I can't sing with weird cords"
Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People) - Will Wood:
★ "Have you ever died in a nightmare? Woke up surprised you hadn't earned your fate?"
★ "Have you ever felt like Atlas, threw your back out on the axis and collapsed and threw away from planet away?"
★ "Everyone's just blood in an ice tray"
★ "A vampire picking flowers out in the sun"
★ "Ooh, could you take a look at me? (It's the norm for animals, it's the norm for chemicals)"
★ "If you were in my shoes, you'd walk the same d★mn miles I do"
★ "It doesn't take a killer to murder. It only takes a reason to kill"
★ "The difference twist fate and free will is whether you're singing"
★ "(You could break an angel's fall, and ignore the Devil's call. Still foresaken shoulders fall silent now)
★ "(Man no more than animal is made of moral chemicals)"
As It Was - Harry Styles:
★ "Holdin' me back. Gravity's holdin' me back"
★ "In this world, it's just us. You know it's not the same as it was"
★ "Answer the phone. 'Harry, you're no good alone. Why are you sitting at home on the floor? What kind of pills are you on?'"
★ "I don't wanna talk about the way that it was"
★ "As it was"
Saint Bernard - Lincoln:
★ "Hung up pictures of patron saints up on my wall to remind me that I am a fool"
★ "When I am dead, I won't join their ranks 'cause they are both holy and free"
★ "And I'm in Ohio, satanic and chained up. And until the end, that's how it'll be"
★ "Don't make me a liar, 'cause I swear to God when I said it, I thought it was true"
★ "There's really just one thing that we have in common. Neither of us will be missed"
★ "Isn't your family looking for you?"
★ "We'll uncover every lie, and I promise you'll survive"
★ "Well done, superstar!"
★ "Shine a light, we're fighting the dark"
★ "I'll never ever leave you behind"
★ "Lights are off and your life's in jeopardy"
★ "If I'm undone, put me back together soon"
★ "What's your choice? In the end, I'll always be your friend"
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths:
★ "You're scaring us and all of us, some of us love you, Achilles. It's not much but there's proof"
★ "Redemption lies plainly in truth"
★ "Je vois que beaucoup de gens meurent, parce qu'ils estiment que la vie ne vaut pas la peine d'être vécue. J'en vois d'autres, qui se font paradoxalement tuer pour des idées, pour des illusions, qui let's donnent une raison de vivre (ce, qu'on appelle une raison de vivre est en même temps une eccellente raison de morir)" | "I witness that a lot of people are dying because they consider that life is not worth living. Paradoxically, I witness other people who are being killed for their ideas, their illusions, which give their existence a sense. What we call a reason to live is also an excellent reason to die"
★ "The self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken"
★ "Remember the pact of our youth. Where you go, I'm going. So jump and I'm jumping. Since there is no me without you."
★ "Today, of all days, see how the most dangerous thing is to love"
★ "It's a pointless resistance for you."
★ "Achilles, Achilles, just put down the bottle. Don't listen to what you've consumed. It's chaos, confusion, and wholly unworthy"
★ "And there may not be meaning, so find one and seize it"
★ "Hear those bells ring deep in the soul, chiming away for a moment"
★ "Les souvenirs d'une patrie perdue, l'espoir d'une terre promise" | "Memories of a lost homeland, the hope for a promised land"
★ "But be real and just jump, you dense motherf★cker (You're worth more, Achilles)"
★ "Be done with this now and jump off the roof (Be done with this now and get off the roof)"
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final-credits · 10 months
Yo pretendo lograr, con ternura y amor, ver sus ojos felices.
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ararexic · 2 years
Ni una simple sonrisa, ni un poco de luz en sus ojos profundos
Ni siquiera reflejo de algún pensamiento que alegre su mundo
Hay tristeza en sus ojos, hablando y callando, y bailando conmigo
Una pena lejana que llega a mi alma y se hace cariño
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Vive solo y necesita amor
Como el aire, necesita verme
Como al sol, lo necesito yo
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Ha encontrado al fin una razón
Para hacer que su mirada ría
Con mis besos y mi gran amor
Ni su nombre conozco y ya quiero volver a encontrármelo a solas
Y en sus ojos de otoño dormir poco a poco, olvidando las horas
Yo pretendo saber, por qué extraña razón
Hoy sus ojos no ríen
Yo pretendo lograr con ternura y amor
Ver sus ojos felices
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Vive solo y necesita amor
Como el aire, necesita verme
Como al sol, lo necesito yo
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Ha encontrado al fin una razón
Para hacer que su mirada ría
Con mis besos y mi gran amor
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Vive solo y necesita amor
Como el aire, necesita verme
Como al sol, lo necesito...
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anyaeu · 4 years
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                             TASK TWO: CHARACTER PLAYLIST
                         ❴ sweet as whole ❵  - 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘭
oo1. SWETT AS WHOLE ⥽ sara bareilles ☀ oo2. MOMENTS ⥽ tove lo ☀ oo3. LOVE AGAIN ⥽ dua lipa ☀ oo4. DANGEROUS WOMAN⥽ ariana grande ☀ oo5. MAN (ACOUSTIC) ⥽ jojo ☀ oo6. FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY BROKEN HEART ⥽ britney spears ☀ oo7. OK ON YOUR OWN ⥽ mxmtoon ft carly rae jepsen ☀ oo8. BUTTERFLIES ⥽ kacey musgraves ☀ oo9. CRIER TOUT BAS⥽ cœur de pirate ☀ o10. ONLY YOU⥽ zara larsson ☀ o11. TRY⥽ colbie caillat ☀ o12. ONE OF THOSE DAYS⥽ gabrielle aplin ☀ o13. ISSUES (ACOUSTIC)⥽ julia michaels ☀ o14. ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING⥽ regina spektor ☀ o15. LE MATINS⥽ angèle ☀ o16. EL MUCHACHO DE LOS OJOS TRISTES⥽ jeanette ☀ o17. 26⥽ paramore ☀ o18. SI⥽ maëlle ☀ o19. THE LAKES⥽ taylor swift ☀ o20. THE CHANGE⥽ jojo
oo1. like most creatures down here on the ground i'm composed of the elements moving around and I grow and change and I shift and I switch and it turns out I'm actually kind of a BITCH
oo2. i can't be the PERFECT one but I'll make you come and i'm locked in your mind
oo3. show me that heaven's right here, baby touch me so I know i'm not CRAZY. never have I ever met somebody like you
oo4. all girls wanna be like that BAD girls underneath, like that you know how I'm feeling inside
oo5. i've been getting comfortable on my own and shit LOVING it, i can handle it. so if I'm gonna love someone, well, damn
oo6. you didn't hear all my joy through my tears, all my HOPES through my fears
oo7. thought that i'd feel EMPTY i just want a hand to hold, but now that it's all over my life isn't so cold
oo8. kiss full of color, makes me wonder where you've always been i was hiding in doubt, 'til you brought me out of my chrysalis
oo9. et si la terre est sombre, et si la pluie te noie, raconte-moi, qu’on puisse trembler ENSEMBLE || if the earth is dark, if the rain is drowning you, tell me just so we can shiver together 
o10. i can't love nobody like i love MYSELF... like i love myself
o11. why should you care, what they think of you when you're all alone, by yourself, do you like YOU?
o12. i think I know why i can't let go i'm still caught up in the AFTERGLOW time moves slow, and you lose control
o13. got hands like an OCEAN, push you out, pull you back in
o14. your stitches are all out, but your scars are healing WRONG
o15. c'est les matins comme ça qui m'font pleurer, leur vérité me tue car la nuit a su me faire OUBLIER || It's mornings like this that make me cry Their truth is killing me For the night has made me forget
o16. @euiker​ yo pretendo saber, por qué extraña razón hoy sus ojos no ríen. yo pretendo lograr con ternura y amor ver sus ojos felices. || I seek to know the strange reason why his eyes do not laugh today I seek to succeed, with tenderness and love, in seeing his eyes happy 
o17. and they say that DREAMING is free but i wouldn't care what it cost me
o18. si l'on m'avait raconté ma vie. si, si quelque part tout était écrit. si j'avais su que tu m'attendrais ici. dis, je n'aurai pas eu si PEUR d'être qui je suis || if someone had told me my life story. if somewhere it was all written down. if I'd known you'd be waiting for me here. say, I wouldn't have been so afraid to be who I am. 
o19. i want AURORAS and sad prose i want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet 'cause I haven't moved in years
o20. i'm gonna be the change, i'm gonna start with my heart, i'm gonna be the light, be that light, my own LIGHT
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joplinspiderz · 3 years
Ni una simple sonrisa, ni un poco de luz en sus ojos profundos
Ni siquiera reflejo de algún pensamiento que alegre su mundo
Hay tristeza en sus ojos, hablando y callando, y bailando conmigo
Una pena lejana que llega a mi alma y se hace cariño
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Vive solo y necesita amor
Como el aire, necesita verme
Como al sol, lo necesito yo
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Ha encontrado al fin una razón
Para hacer que su mirada ría
Con mis besos y mi gran amor
Ni su nombre conozco y ya quiero volver a encontrármelo a solas
Y en sus ojos de otoño dormir poco a poco, olvidando las horas
Yo pretendo saber, por qué extraña razón
Hoy sus ojos no ríen
Yo pretendo lograr con ternura y amor
Ver sus ojos felices
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Vive solo y necesita amor
Como el aire, necesita verme
Como al sol, lo necesito yo
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Ha encontrado al fin una razón
Para hacer que su mirada ría
Con mis besos y mi gran amor
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Vive solo y necesita amor
Como el aire, necesita verme
Como al sol, lo necesito...
i do not think i understand
0 notes
korikafez · 4 years
El Muchacho de los Ojos Tristes
Not even a simple smile not a bit of light in his deep eyes, not even a reflection of some thought that cheers his world.
There is sadness in his eyes talking and quieting and dancing with me, a distant pity that reaches my soul and turns itself into tenderness.
The boy with the sad eyes he lives alone and needs love, like the air needs to see me, as I need the sun, I need him.
The boy with the sad eyes has finally found a reason, to make his gaze laugh with my kisses and my great love.
I don't even know his name and I already want to meet him alone again, and in his autumn eyes sleep little by little, forgetting the hours. I pretend to know for what strange reason today his eyes do not laugh, I pretend to achieve with tenderness and love see his happy eyes.
The boy with the sad eyes he lives alone and needs love, like the air needs to see me, as I need the sun, I need him.
The boy with the sad eyes has finally found a reason, to make his gaze laugh with my kisses and my great love.
Ni una simple sonrisa ni un poco de luz en sus ojos profundos, ni siquiera el reflejo de algún pensamiento que alegre su mundo.
Hay tristeza en sus ojos hablando y callando y bailando conmigo, una pena lejana que llega a mi alma y se hace cariño.
El muchacho de los ojos tristes vive solo y necesita amor, como el aire necesita verme, como al sol lo necesito yo.
El muchacho de los ojos tristes ha encontrado al fin una razón, para hacer que su mirada ría con mis besos y mi gran amor.
Ni su nombre conozco y ya quiero volver a encontrármelo a solas, y en sus ojos de otoño dormir poco a poco, olvidando las horas. Yo pretendo saber por qué extraña razón hoy sus ojos no ríen, yo prentendo lograr con ternura y amor ver sus ojos felices.
El muchacho de los ojos tristes vive solo y necesita amor, como el aire necesita verme, como al sol lo necesito yo.
El muchacho de los ojos tristes ha encontrado al fin una razón, para hacer que su mirada ría con mis besos y mi gran amor.
0 notes
locarreon · 4 years
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a-l-v-v-a-y-s · 5 years
Yo pretendo saber porqué extraña razón hoy sus ojos no rien... Yo prentendo lograr con ternura y amor ver sus ojos felices.
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S Y N <3
Ni una simple sonrisa, ni un poco de luz en sus ojos profundos, ni siquiera el reflejo de algún pensamiento que alegre su mundo. Hay tristeza en sus ojos hablando y callando y bailando conmigo, una pena lejana que llega a mi alma y se hace cariño. El muchacho de los ojos tristes vive solo y necesita amor como al aire necesita verme como al sol lo necesito yo. El muchacho de los ojos tristes ha encontrado al fin una razón para hacer que su mirada ría con mis besos y mi gran amor. Ni su nombre conozco y ya quiero volver a encontrármelo a solas y en sus ojos de otoño dormir poco a poco olvidando las horas, yo pretendo saber por qué extraña razón hoy sus ojos no ríen, yo prentendo lograr con ternura y amor ver sus ojos felices.
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