renlyslittlerose · 1 year
Do you have any obikin (or just star wars) head canons that make their way into any of your fics? Who is your favorite star wars character?
Ah, thanks for the question, peach! 💗
I'm trying to think of any headcanons that I have, that I've snuck into my work. I guess one I do have is that in most universes I write Obi-Wan, I've made him vegetarian. It's not usually super explicit because I don't write about him eating a whole heck of a lot, but I wrote about it in one of my more recent fics, 'Not Your Average Masters'. And I know I'm not alone in the headcanon! (@kyberkenobi @unspuncreature 👋) On the topic of food: I think Anakin enjoys spicy foods, and is a pretty decent cook, having grown up learning from his mum . Obi-Wan's pallet has never been very good with spice, and the first time Anakin cooks for him Obi-Wan is completely caught off guard by the level of spiciness contained within just the first mouthful. After composing himself, he valiantly tries to get through the meal without dying, but has to quit about halfway through. After that, whenever Anakin cooks, Anakin makes sure to tone down the spice levels so Obi-Wan won't die. Also, while I like the idea of Obi-Wan cuddling Anakin and being the Big Spoon, I adore Octopus Monster Anakin, where he just sucks Obi-Wan into his vortex at night and Will Not Let Go. Obi-Wan has become accustomed to almost being strangled in his sleep, and prepares for the inevitable overheating he will experience by wearing minimal clothing - or just going to bed nude. But who can blame Anakin - Obi-Wan would make a wonderful teddy bear.
Finally, I was just talking to some friends about this, but: I like to add some humour into a lot of the smut scenes I write. Whether it's Obi-Wan's internal monologue getting away from him, or just something cute and funny happening that makes them both crack up, I just like adding a spot of familiarity and comfort in the middle of intimate scenes. These are two people who have grown up together, and who have spent so much time together, that I feel like their sex life would reflect that easy familiarity. And even if it's an AU where they've just met, I feel like these two would laugh a lot during sex. I love writing super intense, passionate smut scenes as much as anyone, but I also like sprinkling in these little bits of fun. Like, if there is a weird fart noise during sex, Obi-Wan's gonna laugh - I'm sorry I don't make the rules.
As for my favourite character: Anakin, through and through. He's been my baby girl since 2002; I can't shake him. I'm a sucker for Chosen One storylines - heroes who are defined by a destiny that they didn't pick, overcome by the challenges, and who faulter more than they thrive. Achilles, Anakin, Buffy (mostly in season 6) - love 'em.
But I also love Ahsoka, Padme, Obi-Wan, Zeb, and Luke 💗
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aragarna · 1 year
Character ask game meme!
And because I recently saw him on your dash and I love him….
Obi-wan Kenobi 👀
Orrrr if that’s too obscure dm me and I will send another!!! 🥰😎
Oh nothing too obscure about Obi-wan! I grew up with the prelogy. Saw all three of them in the theaters! Then even the postlogy. I have a pretty neutral opinion on Star Wars as a whole, but I am fairly knowledgeable (I've seen all the movies and almost all the live series). And while I'm not fannish about SW, I do like Ewan McGregor very much ;-)
one aspect about them i love
He looks like Ewan McGregor? LOL (for most of his life, as least) More seriously, he's kind, composed, good at heart. Also he looks so hot when he fights with a light saber (again, as Ewan. No offense to Alec Guiness)
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
I wish people were less hard on him. Did he make mistakes about Anakin? Yes. But he also genuinely did his best, with a kid that was dumped on him by his dying mentor. Said kid that grew up to become a rebellious and unbalanced teenager. Should the Jedi, and in particular his own master, have been more aware of Anakin's slide to the dark side? (like, you know, his tendency to slaughter desert people and all...) yes. But also, I feel like the "It's all Obi-wan's fault" is just Anakin's own narrative. But Anakin's fall is his own fault. And if you want to blame someone else, blame Palaptine.
(I've tried to keep this brief, but well, my BFF, with whom I've went to see episode II and episode III with, has always been Team Anakin, and I've always been Team Obi-wan, thus decades long discussions)
So anyway. I do believe Obi-wan did his best with that impossible kid.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
Damn, I can't come up with headcanons today, sorry. :-/
as well as
one character i love seeing them interact with
young Leia in the TV show. Those two really found each other, didn't they?
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Padme. I liked the few scenes they had together. Obi-wan was kind and compassionate with her. I liked that he figured she was pregnant with Anakin's kid(s) but wasn't judgemental about it.
Also Bail Organa, because I really like him.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
He kept in touch with Leia after the events of the Obi-wan series (even if that doesn't really fit with original trilogy canon). They were too good together to part ways and never see each other again.
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couldyouspeakmyname · 2 years
2. CBT
So, first off - CBT can stand for cognitive behavioural therapy, but it also stands for cock and ball torture. I'll give the anon asking it the benefit of the doubt.
So which male characters (really not helping yourself, anon...) would I send to therapy?
Short and not too serious answer, all of them. Long answer, Melon for sure, although at this point I think even Padme "married a child murderer" Amidala might say "I can't fix him."
Legoshi absolutely needs therapy, not just for the whole "putting himself down for herbivores" thing but also his mom dying and his whole deal with Gosha.
Gosha, for the whole "my daughter spiralled into depression culminating in taking her own life and now I blame myself for not being able to fix it" thing
Louis, for his severe daddy issues, and also the BAM auction house stuff - seriously, laser tattoo removal is an option you can explore, there's no need to have your himbo wolf bf eat your foot buddy. Also his inferiority complex regarding carnivores in general and wolves in particular.
Jack for his inferiority complex about his species, his need to be perfect and punishing himself when he falls short of that standard.
Juno for her minor stalker tendencies.
Haru for her borderline suicidal ideation that she was born to be prey - and I just realised I started psychoanalysing the girls too, let's get back on track.
Riz for the whole "going cold turkey is a perfect way to quit my meds" nonsense - seriously, honeybear, see a doctor before changing medication.
Pina for...I don't really know, but literally telling a murderer you know they're a murderer then going "oh well, see ya" is not something a mentally stable person does, ya dumbass.
Tao and Kibi can get couples therapy for the arm thing, and also because I think the idea of them getting sent to couples therapy specifically is funny.
Agata can get minor therapy in prison while he works on his GED. Somehow I don't see the others being too willing to go to therapy.
I think that's all the ones I can think of, but it's still basically half the cast of named characters. Paru, give them some therapy dammit!
Everyday we stray further and further from god…
thank you for the information but I miss when I didn’t know that RIP
but yeah, everyone needs therapy. Gouhin is going to be a busy bear
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
“You can enjoy the idea of Anakin and Padme raising Luke and Leia together and appreciate the Organas and Lars at the same time” haha HELL NO
Like, don't dare to put at same level:
Anakin “I will have a child who'll love me” Skywalker
and Padme “I don't want to live anymore because Anakin betrayed me, I don't care there's two babies that need me” Amidala
Bail “the baby girl will be love with us and I'll drag Obi Wan from his hidding to save my daughter” Organa
Breha “I risked my own live just for my unborn children to live and I would know if my daughter was dead” Organa
Owen “I'll fight an Inquisitor with my hands to defend my boy knowing she can kill me” Lars
Beru “I'll shot an Inquisitor to protect my son not carrying if that will kill me” Whitesun.
Padme and Anakin would have never been that good parents people in this fandom likes to idealize them.
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mulderscully · 5 years
i have shit to say and twitter character limit doesn't let me so ima have to vent here about it.
jj abrams is getting way too much shit for tros.
first off, while i loved the movie i am not gonna deny the movie has serious flaws. he fucked up majorly with rose and poe being a spice runner is so stupid and unnecessary i cannot even deal with it. that is something very valid to be angry about. but i get the sense that the people defending rian aren't actually mad about that.
i am so tired of seeing tweet after tweet praising rian johnson and acting like he is a #woke feminist king for the last jedi and like it was a cinematic masterpiece when that is not true. i'm not saying it's a bad movie. as this fandom forgets good and bad is a matter of personal opinion. but the last jedi is majorly racist, especially regarding finn. the last jedi also ROYALLY tainted luke's legacy and character and i'm not gonna let that be ignored.
star wars in general has racist history. padme's costumes in the prequels and their cultural appropriation make me wanna rip my hair out everytime. i wish they had done better this time, but to act like any star wars movie is devoid of it is bullshit.
one of my biggest issues is people shitting all over jj as if he didn't have a million obstacles between tfa and tros. originally this movie was going to be LEIA CENTERED and then carrie passed away so suddenly. they clearly had to change the plan. obviously kylo ren's redemption arc suffered because of this. she was always gonna bring him back from the edge and we would have seen that actually happen and make more sense. but imo him dying is not bad writing. i love vader/anakin and his death still makes sense to me so i don't understand this anger or surprise that "ben" died. all that he wanted was to be like anakin, and by sacrificing his life in order to do the right thing he finally completed anakin's legacy. sometimes death happens during redemption when a character has done so much harm to so many people. and whether or not he was even redeemed depends on who you ask. same with anakin.
i'm not even gonna get into the r*ylo stuff cause that is too many boxes of worms but i also have ZERO doubt disney made jj take things out and add things in.
the last jedi also messed with what tfa had set up so putting no blame on rian again makes no sense. the last jedi separated the trio and forced finn to the side. that is something to be angry about.
bringing back palpatine was a weird choice, and messes with past canon and i don't know how i feel about it but when it comes to how the skywalker story ended no one was ever going to agree. this fandom is too huge. never was EVERYONE gonna be happy. but i feel like people are totally missing the message of the final film.
i see people complaining that rey is palpatine and not connected to luke at all after all the foreshadowing. that's not true. y'all missed the point. rey is not a palpatine. she is a skywalker. rey rejected the "family" and legacy she had forced upon her and found HER OWN FAMILY and her own sense of belonging with luke and leia. she took their family name as her own with their blessing. found families and adoption are just as valid as blood family which luke himself tells rey. as maz said in tfa, "the belonging you seek is not behind you, it is ahead."
the message of this film is only YOU decide who you are and who your family is. your family is who sees you and also accepts you. so seeing people say tros has no central message is pissing me off too. rey was never going to be a nobody because star wars is and always has been the skywalker family saga and she is the protagonist of the sequels. she was always going to be a skywalker in some sense.
in the end she ends up with finn and poe. her new family. and they are heroes. all of them. because they chose to be.
i'm not even saying people can't hate the movie but you can hate it without endless blind praise for rian johnson. and tbh a lot the shit i am reading either makes no sense or shows bias or has little to no critical thinking going on. people just want to be mad.
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slightlysuspect · 2 years
Fate's Call III
The third installment in the fate's call story. If you find yourself confused, just continue reading. The first two parts are filler.
He is coming. Fate's Call beckons, refusing to be denied. I wasn't destined to live this long, and now my executioner knocks. But the visions did not come to pass, which means I am not so easily killed. I accept the challenge. I will put an end to this.
The door opens. The piercing yellow eyes are the first thing I notice. "Master Skywalker. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"My wife is dying in child birth at the moment." He says.
"My deepest condolences Master. Would you like to meditate on the issue?" I ask.
"I want you to fix it!" He insists.
"And what would you have me do?"
"You said you would ensure she survives! Now she's dying and she needs your help."
"Anakin I can't put a stopper on death. If it's her time then I will help you grieve."
"NO! You don't get to do nothing! You killed him! He could've saved her!"
"Anakin surely you realize now that Palpatine never cared about your wife."
"He didn't care. But he possessed the power. The power that I TOLD you I needed! Your actions have caused this."
He is intent on blaming me for his wife's illness. He's completely blind to the flaws in his logic. I don't think I can talk him down. "I'm sorry Anakin. I can't help you."
"Then you will die."
In an instant Skywalker strikes. I can sense the intensity of his anger, and I use his emotions to my advantage. He has adopted a new left-handed stance since the last time we fought, that he uses to strike from some tricky angles. His attack is relentless, but his spiraling emotions are making it hard for him to get the best of me. As long as he's off-balanced I will be too strong for him to defeat.
"Your tricks won't get the best of me this time Windu." Anakin announces.
"Oh but young Skywalker, they already have." I retaliate.
This sparks a fresh bout of rage, and that fuels my power to a climax. I see an opening to make a disarming move, and his lightsaber flies out of his hand. I point my blade at him.
"You are beaten. This ends now." I say.
He cracks a smirk. "Think you're the only one with tricks Master?" A blue flame erupts from his right hand, and I have to move quickly to avoid the heat. My maneuver throws me off balance for a moment, and Skywalker takes the opportunity to recover his blade and make his own disarming strike. Suddenly I find myself defenseless, staring into those venomous yellow eyes, with no more aces up my sleeve.
"Any last words?" He asks.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "I am at peace." I announce. "Take your kill, Darth Vader."
Author's Note
The epic conclusion! This is the theoretical end of whatever's currently happening here. I still have ample ideas that pertain to my current story, but I wouldn't say I intend to act upon them any time particularly soon. I have a lot of ideas for things I'd like to write, and I do consider this to be at a stopping point.
Obi-Wan sits in Padme's medical chamber with two unnamed children. They are waiting for a father who has yet to return, and a mother who has yet to wake.
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