sunsrefuge · 1 year
So Liifa...Eliana? 👀 (That's it. That's the question)
He immediately squints at you, his left ear pinning slightly back. A venomous “Why?” is the first thing out of his mouth. You get the impression that people with bad intentions have asked him about her before.
It takes a moment, but he sighs, straightening his posture and crossing his arms. “She’s… very forgiving,” his suspicious look falters, becoming softer. “Maybe too forgiving, but it’s what she does nonetheless.” His gaze drifts away in his thinking, a subtle tilt to his head as his expression softens further.
“Eliana’s always been kind to me, to everyone,” his ears pin back, “And it’s gotten her hurt on numerous occasions.” Liifa's eyes return to you, his suspicious squint renewed with vigor. “Don’t get any ideas about hurting her, or you’ll be dealing with me. And that is not going to be something you want.”
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Okay, rewatching 06×02 today! Let's go!
(future me here: this episode is 52 minutes long, why the fuck did I take ≈1h30 to write all of this. ;-;)
1) Hospital
Holy shit, I forgot how intense that whole scene is.
My poor baby's dying here. :((
2) Dustin and Steve
They're so awkward lol--
Feels weird to watch them like that after two and a half season of them being beasties, plus the whole fandom "mama Steve" thing.
Dustin: How do I know it's not a lizard? Because it's face opened up and it ate my cat.
THE WAY STEVE NODDED LIKE "yeah, fair enough" I CAN'T
I like how Steve middely belived Dustin about Dart tho, it shows how his character development is starting to actually happen but isn't really advanced yet. Idk.
3) Hospital
(the way Mike is just next to Will and watching at him like he's going to disappear if he stops looking makes me so happy TuT)
Joyce is such a badass protective mother I love her.
These damn scientist better be scared.
4) Nancy, Jonathan, and Murray
Badass detectives and journalists ✨
Love how Jancy got Murray'd. His talk is just SO iconic, I love it so much. 😌
5) Nancy and Jonathan
Oh my gosh just kiss already.
(kiss scene happens)
(I actually forgot that they did, in fact, kiss here, and I was NOT prepared help me)
6) Lucas a Dustin (+Erica and Steve)
Love Erica's sassy self, but as an older sibling myself I would NOT like to have her as my sister. She's nosy as fuck.
Anyway, love how Lucas immediately apologize and how Dustin explain the situation so clearly. Love my boys. :)
7) Hopper and the scientists
Hopper: Why aren't you burning it?
Owens: There's been a complication.
Uh. That's one way to put it I guess.
8) Joyce and Bob (+ Will and Mike)
Love how Bob is still hella confused, but is trying to be supportive of Joyce. He would've been such a great dad and husband... Just, not the the Byers. :(
(Mike sleeping in the chair next to Will's bed and waking up right after him ToT💕💕)
Will is already forgetting things, my poor baby. :((
9) Nancy, Jonathan, and Murray
The breakfast scene is so funny help me--
Poor Jonathan has no idea what's going to happen once he gets back home. :(
Murray is so "weird oncle that you see once every ten years and has no idea what he's up to the rest of the time" coded lmao
10) Lucas and Max (+ Billy(ew))
I'm still mad at Billy for breaking Max's skateboard by the way this guy's a grade A asshole.
Anyway, I like how Lucas immediately went to bring Max with him, it's pretty cute. Tho, it's definitely the raison for many other problems after that so, maybe not his best idea. :(
Love that Max is hiding Lucas from Billy, she knows his racist ass would beat the shit out of him.
11) Will and the others
("That' my friend. Mike." MIKE'S TINNY SMILE AAAAAHHHH!!! TOT💕💕)
The fuck is wrong with that guy?? He told you he could feel it, why did you have to actually burn this God damn vine thing??? What is wrong with him???? That's literally just torture!! And toward a child!!! I hate them so much.
My poor son. :((
12) Joyce, Hopper, Owens
That was honestly pretty interesting.
13) Dustin and Steve
Honestly Steve's love advices are pretty... Uh. Mid. Honestly. But I guess it works for him because he's hot and popular or something. (Well used to work, but yk)
But I love this line in particular:
Steve: She's only gonna break your heart, and you're way too young for that shit.
He's speaking from experience here. He's talking about Nancy.
You know, he was saying how she's "different than other girls" (probably because he actually fell in love with her a little), and Dustin started saying that Max's different too. And Steve was like: "Wait. You're not falling in love with this girl right?" And when Dustin told him that he isn't, he says "Good. Don't." A d then this ligne that I highlighted earlier. Because Steve is going through a heartbreak, and he doesn't want Dustin to feel like he does.
Which is actually pretty sweet if you think about it! :)
Anyway, the hair advice is also just so sweet, it's adorable how Steve's trying to help Dustin with girls, I love them they're so siblings. TuT💕
14) Hopper and "Eleven"
That whole scene was just so :(((
He's going to have such a bad breakdown when he'll be back :((
15) the scientists
I am calm. I am very calm. I am absolutely not rooting for the death of these assholes. I. Am. Calm. Relaxed. Chilling. Breathing. 🙂
16) Joyce, Bob (+Will)
We love a (trying to be) supportive boyfriend..! Yay. :')
(Honestly Noah did such an amazing job in this whole season, the way Will is just blankly starting at the celling without blinking is so unsettling and impressive)
17) Will and Mike
But seriously, you can see the difference between how Bob and Mike handle this whole situation so clearly it's crazy.
Bob is trying to comfort Joyce by giving her a possibility to be "normal" once all this is done, which is clearly not helping much and is also involuntarily dismissive of her fears.
Meanwhile, Mike is helping Will by trying to understand what he's experiencing, and he is never dismissing him. He uses the terms that Will put on what he sees. And, especially, he is not scared of him. He's treating him like he normally would, just with a bit more worry in his eyes and caution is his mouvements, but that's it. And that's exactly what Will needs. I love them so much.
18) Dustin and Lucas (+ Steve and Max)
(Dustin and Steve are so siblings kskdjqldkbdb I love them sm)
Love that they talk about stuff and how Lucas extend his hand first because he "drew first blood". It's sweet. :)
19) Jonathan and Nancy
Our favorite detective/journalists couple are on the way!!
20) Will (+others)
(the way Mike is almost always the closest person to Will jdkdodksj ToT💕)
You know, I kinda like Dr Owens. He's the most decent out of all these assholes scientists.
21.1) Scientists
Random scientist: Alright, let's see if this kid's a wizard of a schizo.
This line has no right to be this damn funny. >:(
21.2) the vehicle graveyard (or smt)
Whoa, they're doing all that so fucking fast :0
It's pretty cool!!
22) Steve, Dustin, Max
Rip Dustin's crush, it was fun while it lasted 🫡
23) Lumax
Anyway, sorry. But seriously, lumax is my second favorite couple/ship of ST and I love them so much. This scene is definitely on of my favorites!! :)
Lucas: I like talking with you, Mad Max.
Max: And I like talking with you, stalker.
24) The vehicle graveyard
Love how Dustin thinks that Steve's awesome, it's cute. :)
And Lumax hold handing! :3
Honestly the actors did an absolutely crazy amazing job here, I can't even imagine the scene without the demodogs, and they had to act without them?? Super impressive.
25.1) The scientists + Hopper
That scene is so cool. Love how Hopper immediately recognize the "graveyard" lol--
25.2) Will, Mike, Joyce (+Bob ig)
The way Mike almost immediately understood what Will was saying is crazy. And then assholes are calling him stupid, istg. *eyes roll*
Anyway, my poor baby Will is GOING THROUGH IT, once again. :((
Also, I've said this before and I'll say it again, but Noah's acting is absolutely amazing here. He gave me literal chills!
And Finn too!! The way you can immediately see the exact moment were the realization hits Mike is absolutely incredible.
Loves these guys.
Annnnnddd, here comes the end of this episode. That was a rollercoaster.
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bambyeol · 7 years
Unlocked (part 1)
pairing/s: park jihoon x oc genre : fluff, domestic characters: Park Jihoon, OC (Bae Riseul), Kang Daniel, Ong Seongwoo, Park Woojin, Lai Guanlin
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I’m back with this second fic !  (≧▽≦)/  Pairing is the same, but I promise that I’ll expand the pairings as time goes  . I’m still swamped with school works, and it’s EXAM SEASON   (ಥ﹏ಥ) (and I really shouldn’t be writing honestly but lol) , but once it’s Christmas break, I’ll be fully devoting my break to writing wanna one imagines, so please bear with me for a while  (。•́︿•̀。) 
disclaimer: pictures used for the moodboard aren’t mine // I’m not the best fluff writer (I live and breath angst) , hopefully this fic meets your fluff standards  __φ(..) .... 
Lastly, Unlocked will be a TWO PART fic so I hope you support this baby. 
masterlist for other fanfics  
prompt: your apartment is next to mine and I can hear you and your partner dancing and singing and the bed moving and you two laughing and talking in hushed tones and it won’t let me sleep so I bitch about it to you 24/7 and one day it stops. One day turns to one week and then months, and I haven’t seen you smile in forever.. please let me in, I’ve been knocking for ten minutes now. (credit goes to: au prompts list)
song inspiration: 갖고 싶어 (I Wanna Have) by Wanna One
Park Jihoon probably remembers her as the snarky, bitchy neighbor considering that all their communications included her trying to cut his throat with threats, but to Bae Riseul’s defense, Park Jihoon is not exactly the best neighbor.
He is pretty rude  . Scratch that, more like hella rude.
Because who even sings karaoke at 1 a.m with the music blaring through the walls and though she appreciates his melodic low voice, it doesn’t make up for his failure in belting (which he unfailingly does every time he tries karaoke), and then Jihoon and his girlfriend’s laughter would reverberate in the apartment, drowning in the mishaps and blunder.
Because who even decides to dance their asses off at 10 p.m. and incorporate a lot of feet movements. The vibration generated by their stomping, rustling and sweeping flowed through her apartment.
She sighed when she heard the remarkable shrill of their voice reaching the depths of her apartment again. She is used to this. Riseul even developed her sense of observation through the sounds and movement. This time, the sound that entered her apartment went by Pew pew !
Riseul sees the wall protrude a little – the nerf bullet grazing it. Enough is enough. She headed to the apartment next door.
“Mr. Park,” she breathes viciously when the tall figure of Jihoon emerged. He is holding a nerf gun and strapped on his eyes were protective glasses. “I’ve already told you.. for a millionth time that there is a right time for everything and playing nerf gun at this godly hour is not where RIGHT belongs!”
“Jihoonie !” a sweet, high-pitched voice perks, and Jihoon and shifts a little to the right. Everything blurred because there was a sudden sensation of rubber against her forehead. “Oh my,” eyes bugging out and mouth wide with shock.
Riseul closes her eyes tightly to contain the annoyance from spilling further and reopens it only to watch Jihoon stifle his laughter.
“Is there something funny?” Riseul’s eyes narrows down to Jihoon who immediately straightens up like he was being scolded by his boss. “No, ma’am. I’m sorry about our noise,” but she could still see his lips quivering and one end tugging upward.
“Look, I get it. This is a pretty cheap apartment, and I don’t want and I never will file a complaint to the landlord because that’s just going to make this more complicated, so let’s all be adults and try to settle this by ourselves,”  Riseul crosses her arms, and looks at him straight in the eye before she turns back and slams the door.
The noise from Jihoon’s apartment fades away, proceeding to the bathroom for a facial but is greeted by a large red dot on her forehead. “PARK JIHOON !” Riseul cries out, rage unmodulated, and she hears from across the other room, “We’re sorry !!”
She forgives them though when they sent some baked pastries, but maybe it was also a disclaimer that they would return to their usual activities because not less than a week since that incident, Riseul hears the moving of furniture, and the uncontrollable giggling and hushed tones (Jihoon sucked at it because she still heard him saying, “Let’s make some fort with the bed.”) .
So for the next hour, she tolerated the wood scratching, toe stubs, and bickering on how to build the fort.
She likes them – despite their antics and her frequent episodes of raging into their apartment. Bae Riseul has a soft spot for them because she was the witness of their relationship, so she was always quick to forgive. Maybe they knew about it, so they keep on looping back into their childishness. Not that it matters.
They are good people who looks out for her in their own way. One time, Jihoon’s girlfriend barraged the doorbell to check Riseul’s health when she was down with a bad case of flu. Afterwards, she prepared a bowl of porridge and even prepared the medicine because she didn’t have any energy to cook nor even move from her bed.
But one day, all the noises dissolved from Park Jihoon’s apartment, and Riseul was given a proper night of rest. There were some rattling from time to time but Riseul knew that it was just clanking of metal. Park Jihoon was just cooking. There weren’t any wasted movements, no high-pitched squeal and laughter. She shrugged it off at first, and enjoyed the freedom from the disturbance, but one day turned to one week. A week turned to month, or months, and Riseul didn’t know what excuse to come up with to brush away her worries.  
So, without thinking of a plan, she heads out to Jihoon’s apartment, her knocking continuous (for about 10 minutes now).. Riseul stood there freezing, and knocking and mentally debating whether to head back to her apartment, but she has already invested 10 minutes of her time and she was too prideful to call this a failed attempt.
Park Jihoon opens the door, and she breathes with relief. He scrutinizes her from head to toe before turning back to her face, “Is there any problem?” he asks with a polite smile - a smile Riseul is not accustomed with. Gone was the smile that annoyed Riseul, but puzzlingly, she misses the goofy grin that withstood whatever dose of bitchiness she threw at him. “Oh, uhm,” realizing that she didn’t plan for this after all. Riseul bites her lip with reluctance, “Would you mind having dinner with me?”
She mentally slaps herself because it was the poorest excuse she could even muster, and who would even agree to suddenly act all chummy and have dinner with the neighbor who used to tear him down?  But his stare means that he is considering it, and he looks back at his own kitchen where Riseul sees a glimpse of plates dumped in the washer, unattended for a few days now (he was tidy when she was still there..) and he contemplates for a few seconds as if he was seeing someone who wasn’t there and asking for her permission.
Park Jihoon turns back, eyes a little glazed with same fake polite smile.
“Sure, I’d love some company,”
The kimchi stew boiled, and Jihoon turns off the fire while Riseul chopped the onions, minced the garlic, sliced the vegetables and marinated the meat in a way that would put professional cooks to shame. She didn’t know what he liked, and he wasn’t disclosing anything about him when she asked what he wanted for dinner.
“Anything’s fine,” he tells her, so she went with the basics – kimchi stew , chicken and bibimbap.
It is the first time she entered his apartment, but the design of his room that is akin to hers made her feel less nervous. He excuses himself, and begins decluttering the kitchen from the unwashed dishes and pointed towards the refrigerator to just get whatever she needed. She ties her hair and goes to work.
He sets up the table in silence, and sits, staring at her back while she hummed and twirled the chopsticks to the beat (Riseul forgot that she wasn’t in her apartment) . “Do you need some help?” She shakes her head before bringing the bowl along with the chicken and bibimbap.
Riseul watched Jihoon with expectant eyes because she was aware of her cooking prowess. He leans, grabs a morsel of every dish. Nervousness seeps in when she realized that this is the first time she ever cooked for another person.
And why are they not even weirded out by the turn of events?
He takes a small bite, chews for a while before his eyes lightened up. “This is good,” he affirms, fishing out more food from the serving bowls. Riseul fist pumps under the table.
“You’re not going to eat?” His eyebrows creasing with concern. Riseul raises her hands defensively. “Oh. I will eat now. Don’t worry about me,” hastily and stiffly picking up food leading to losing grip on some food. Jihoon laughs softly, and covers his mouth upon realizing.
“I’m sorry,” he tried to hide his growing smile. “It’s just. I can’t take this heavy atmosphere any more like we’re going to battle over dinner,” he places his chopsticks back on the table and let out a laugh like the one he makes whenever he was with her.
She blushes deeply when Jihoon points out her stiffness, but enjoyed how he was reverting to his old self. “Mr. Park, no elbows on the table,” she reprimands as a joke which he understood when he immediately took it off and placed his hands in a salute. “Yes, ma’am.”
They talked over the dinner and she realized that Park Jihoon is more mature despite his seeming childishness. Soon, dinner is over, and she helped clean before leading herself out of his apartment.
“Ms. Bae?” Jihoon calls out, his movements wavering, and voice marked with reluctance. She turns, her hand still on the doorknob.
“Would you mind if you continued having dinner with me?”
Riseul blinks a couple of times. Jihoon looks at her expectantly, and maybe she can sense his loneliness that built up over the past months. She shakes her head with a kind smile. “I don’t mind. Then, I’ll see you again tomorrow, Mr. Park,”
What started as one day of having dinner turned to one week, then month and finally to months. They began having rotations on the cooking, and apartment even if there really wasn’t that much difference in their apartments.
“No. That’s not how you cook it,” pushing Jihoon away from the sizzling cauldron, and she looks to her side, “Oh my God! Don’t put that!” but she is too late, and fire lit up from the pan. Riseul rushes for the baking soda and pours it all over the burning pan.
“Jihoon-ssi” She breathes calmly but menacingly. Jihoon gulps nervously, adam’s apple bobbing, and a single thread of sweat trickles down from his forehead. “What did I say again yesterday?” Riseul smiles as she raises the burnt pan.
“That I should not copy your techniques, ma’am,” Jihoon stands straight, hands tucked behind. Riseul places the pan back to the stove, “It’s okay,” and Riseul breaks into laughter. “You really thought I’d get angry ?” smacking Jihoon’s tense shoulders.
“Oh please, you’re always angry,” Jihoon retorts and Riseul feigns fake anger. “Now, I’m angry.” Jihoon reverts to his worried phase, forehead slowly showing its crease. “Anddddd. I got you, again.”
Jihoon slumps to the floor, and looks at her with shimmering eyes and pouting lips. “Please stop confusing me.” She sticks out her tongue, trying to remain unaffected with his cutesy act. For the past few months, they discovered so much about each other, and now there is growing affection inside her.  
She might possibly have a crush on Park Jihoon….   How else could she explain why she finds his unbearable personality as endearing?
Park Jihoon is a Gemini because one second he’s the most inspiring, wise and mature man she has ever known, and then the next, he would point his prized nerf gun to Riseul, blackmailing her to surrender her chips in the pantry. “Riseul-ssi . You remember how red your forehead was for 3 days when the nerf bullet hit you in the forehead, right?” Riseul would glance at him before admitting her defeat by giving him the key to the chips cabinet.
Park Jihoon is a huge softie. He works at the local veterinary as assistant veterinarian even though he is the most sensitive when it came to animals. One night, Jihoon knocked at her apartment pleading that they watch a documentary about hedgehogs. Midway through the documentary, he was bawling his eyes out.
“I’m sorry, they’re just. One hedgehog died awhile ago and I just remembered Marty.” Riseul looked at him with questioning eyes. “So… You disturbed my precious day-off to bear with this 2 hour documentary just so you could open up about Marty?”
She kicked him out of her apartment, but to make up for it, she sent him cute pictures of animals to cheer him up.
Why is she so tolerating towards him again ?
“You’re grinning on your phone,” Daniel raises his eyebrows when he caught Jihoon. “And I bet you’re not realizing it.” Jihoon rotates his chair and places the phone facedown. “What were you saying?” Seongwoo peeks from the doorway, eyes growing larger with fascination. “I told you so!”  Seongwoo shouts to Daniel. Jihoon looks at them, tilting his head unable to understand what the two have betted on this time. Daniel leaves the room to tend to the store, eyes crinkling, too amused. Jihoon rolls his eyes, and scrolls through his phone again.
“Chicken and beer?” Riseul texted. “Your treat? (✧ω✧)”   “What? No. (‡▼益▼)” “Who poured one whole pack of chili pepper again to the dinner and messed with my stomach as a prank? (」°ロ°)」” “Ok. Fine, wink boy. My treat later, but you’ll still be coming home crying and drunk,” “At least my wallet wouldn’t be empty and crying, [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] ”
The bell attached on the front door jiggled and Jihoon leaves the room next to the store to attend to the new customer. Upon arriving, he finds Seongwoo silent and Daniel tapping the shoulder of the black-haired man, leading him out of the store. Jihoon raises his eyebrow, and gets a better view of the guest.
“Jihoon-ah,” she smiles softly. “May I have some of your time?” Jihoon finds himself nodding.
Riseul enters the restaurant and reserves for the table near the cashier. Jihoon and Riseul are frequent customers of the restaurant just 5 minutes away from the train station that boasts of delicious braised ribs, chicken feet and blood sausage, but more than that, their liquor is cheap, and for Jihoon and Riseul who agreed to hold their Friday dinner as a liquor day, the restaurant was perfect.
“Gonna order now. Hurry up, I’m hungry (」°ロ°)」” “Coming soon, mad dragon 🐲 “ “Childish piglet ヽ( ˋ(00)´ )ノ” “How dare you !  Σ(□_□) (°ㅂ°╬)ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙ Fite me.”
She catches herself grinning, and mentally scolds herself for it. Park Jihoon’s childishness doesn’t equate to affection. It is natural for him to act that way to everyone (though she isn’t exactly sure of that because she hasn’t seen him interact with others apart from her…) …
It has been an hour since he texted her, and Riseul tapped the table impatiently. The table has already been laden with the food, and hungry is an understatement. She is famished. She is about to text Jihoon another text when she notices him breezing in the entrance.
She waves to him, and motions him to walk faster, and he smiles back and mouths off, “I’m sorry, I’m late.” Riseul’s stomach does a double flip. All her immunity to Park Jihoon has been chipped off.
“Hard day at work?” she rests her head on top of her knuckles standing on the table.  
He pauses for a moment and scratches his neck “Got sidetracked a bit.”  He pulls a chair in front of her and sits. “Let’s eat now?”
Riseul sips on the 6th bottle of soju, and notices Jihoon wobbling, eyes fluttering messily in what seems to be an attempt to keep his consciousness. She sets down the bottle deciding that it was time to go back before he even starts to become a sobbing mess (which is Riseul’s frequent predicament when she drinks with Jihoon)
“Let’s go home?” she bends her knees as she talked with Jihoon like that of an adult talking to a child. Jihoon stretches his arms wide, and shakes his head, eyes closed.
“Carry me?” he pleads, and Riseul wanted to spit the soju she just drank because of how ridiculous the situation is.
“I can’t do that. I’ll hold your arm instead,” she tries to speak with an understanding tone. Jihoon pouts but accepts her suggestion. They walk out of the restaurant and begin the long trek towards the apartment.
“Riiiiseeeulll – sssii,” Jihoon stops, and turns to her while tilting his head as if he was in deep thought. “Whyyyy are youu so uptight?” he peers, pointing accusingly as he slurred.
She shakes her head, used to the situation she found herself in. Park Jihoon is an annoying drunk because he always makes fun of her, of her voice, her attitude, her inability to become intoxicated. Everything in general. She knows, Jihoon means no harm with his words, so she tolerates it every time.
“You’re drunk, Jihoon-ssi.”
Jihoon breaks free from Riseul’s hold, and walks a few steps back laughing as he falls to the ground. “Seeeee. Youu are uptighttt. Iff you weerren’t, thenn youu’d be calling meee Jihoon-ahh or Jihooniee.”
“Heyyyy, callll my nameee… Jihoooniieee” he tugs her clothes when she approaches him, but she steels herself to not fall further.
“I don’t see why I should,” but of course that’s a lie. She wants to call him like that- filled with affection, but one-sided emotions aren’t ideal and she’ll just hurt herself in the process.
“Youu like me though,” he pouts and her heart thunderously beats. “I’mmm perfecttt afterrr all!” he shouts his proclamation. Two, Park Jihoon is a narcissistic drunk. He laughs, but tears were forming on his eyes. It is starting. The most annoying phase of Jihoon’s intoxication.
“Why are you so uptight?” he sobs. “And you’re always angry,” he hiccups. “Call mee Jihooonieee already so I can call you Riseullll,” he wails like a petulant child.
Between controlling the heat that spread across her cheeks and managing Jihoon’s drunken stupor, Riseul didn’t know what weighed more because all the butterflies in her stomach were flying and her face as red as Jihoon’s flush from the alcohol.
She tries to make him stand but he doesn’t stop his tantrum. “Call me Jihoonie.” He looks at her straight in the eyes.
How can a drunk man look so ? ? ?
“Jihoonie,” she breathes out and she was afraid that maybe Jihoon could hear the beating of her heart, but Jihoon smiles and inches closer. She stays there frozen. “Risseuulll.” He lets out and he was about to reach for her face.
“I… think I’mmm gonna throw up..” making his hand retreat and cover his mouth instead. Riseul didn’t know if what she felt was relieved or regret.
They were in front of Jihoon’s apartment and he scrummaged to find his apartment keys inside his bag. When he finally finds it, he notices two dangling keys, and he looks at Riseul, untangling the other key.
“Oppeen your hands,” he instructs her, and Riseul follows unaware of what he was going to give her. She feels the coldness from the metal, and furrows her eyebrow confused.
She thought that maybe Jihoon was asking her to open his apartment for him, but when she tries to unlock the door using the key, he stamps the floor. “No! ! ! The keyyy. Keep itt,”
She stands dumbfounded. “Why should I?”
“Soo.. So you could just go inside mine?” he grins and laughs softly, running his hand across his hair.
“My apartment is literally next to yours. Keep it. You need this more than me,”
“I already have one,” he waves his key in front of her as-a-matter-of-fact. “Theree’s no use to have two keyssss for one person, youu knowww.” He pokes her cheeks playfully. “Sooo. Keep it, and good night. Riseeul-ssi,” and he pecks her cheeks, unlocks his door and closes it.
Meanwhile, Riseul stood there – still registering everything that happened, appreciating the coldness coming from the key because everything was burning.
The next day, she stood in front of his apartment door. There are bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep. Park Jihoon was drunk, then. She thought to herself as she clutched the key hardly, its shape being imprinted into her palm. She needs to return the key, but when Park Jihoon emerged from the hallway carrying a few paper bags because he went to the market and smiled like he didn’t do anything that threw her off, all her courage of returning the key vanished.
Slowly, she slipped the key into the pocket of her coat.
“What are you standing there for? Let’s go in,” and he unlocks the apartment.
She remembered the fourth thing that makes Park Jihoon an annoying drunk.
Park Jihoon forgets all the shit he pulls.
And that’s a cut there ( I really should be learning how to write shorter fics because this is a whole lot draining that I first thought it would be but I’m happy writing this (☆_@)  ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡ ). I’ll be posting the final part tomorrow or on a Sunday  ^O^ .  Thank you for reading and I’ll be very happy to talk with you  ヾ(・ω・)メ(・ω・)ノ
update:So that you wouldn’t scroll back up.. Here’s the link for the Final part 
Unlocked Final
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