#YTTD Theory
yttdblog · 2 months
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Meister and Sara's dad
originally written July 26 2024 @ 4:56PM
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i know people already got it but i think that Meister is either a replica of Sara's dad, a doppelgänger of Sara's dad or he is Sara's dad. at least there is some sort of relation between Sara's dad and Meister that's for sure. i would say that it's mainly because they do have the same sprites. just like Shin and his shadow during the first part of the game.
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the two of them look seriously similar to one another that it's really not mistaking that they are almost identical.
other than that we don't know much about Meister. but there is a point where he does seems to not want Sara to be picked as the challenger during the Russian Roulette: Banquet Edition.
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could it be because he wanted Sara to being safe? just thinking story-wise about how this might work and all that. because being outside is a guarantee that she'll be safe. the "glad you've survived" part is curious to say the least but i don't know much about that though.
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another point of interest being Kurumada's hint that he gave to Sara and the group.
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that does rings that it got to do something with this. because if Meister is not Sara's dad he could be a doppelgänger. it haven't came up yet. but i think it'll be used sometime during the final chapter because why point that out to the Sara (and to the player).
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sksfjlkasnaflkna-blog · 5 months
here's my supporting evidence: (see images)
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midorihiyori · 1 year
u said ur not a proshipper and stuff but isnt soushin a proship tho.... abuser x victim>???? and shin saw midori like the older brother he didnt have../??? /gen
Originally I wasn't going to respond to this, I thought it was funny so I giggled at it with my friends and I thought that would be it. But I realized this is a wonderful opportunity to write a really long post disproving these theories that this fandom insists are canon. I’ll start by debunking some common arguments. I put a lot of effort into this and am actually using proper grammar IM SERIOUS GUYS!!! This is really long by the way
“Shin saw Midori like an older brother”
I’ll get this argument out of the way first because it’s weak, it’s a common trope in media where relationships are described as familial to show the closeness of the relationship. Even so, Shin probably said that because he looks up to Midori and respects him. If you just want to see them as having a brotherly relationship, that’s fine, but this argument doesn’t stand for calling Soushin proship.
“Midori groomed Shin”
I honestly have no idea where this theory even came from. Some people say that Midori preyed on Shin and that he was much older, while it’s more likely they are both in the same age range. Shin is canonically 21-22 years old while Midori’s age isn’t stated, but since they were in highschool together it can be assumed he wasn’t all that much older than him. Not saying you can’t headcanon that they aren’t, but you shouldn’t push your headcanons as canon to insist Soushin is proship. Midori changed to Shin’s school so that he could get his signature but he also became his friend in order to make the Shin AI. He could have easily just been a highschooler himself. Midori is an Asu-Naro agent and from what we know about them they have used underaged people for labor (eg. Kai, Sei, Hinako). If the common theory that the silhouette in Kai’s mini episode being Midori’s mom is true, it’s probable that he grew up similarly to Kai and Sei, being made to do Asu-Naro’s bidding as children. It’s not like you need the credentials of an adult to give out contracts. You could also make the argument that Midori must be older because he worked as a nurse and school counselor while trying to get participant signatures, but one could argue Asu-Naro has the connections to get him in such a position without schooling or even have higher levels of schooling to get the education in a shorter timespan. But I’m getting off topic. Many people who say Midori groomed Shin say that he groomed him into believing he had to leave himself behind and that is why he took on Midori’s persona in the death game when it’s clearly not the case in canon. It was Midori who wanted Shin to be the best version of himself.
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“And you… should become the person you want to be, so you can meet them proudly.”
This dialogue is part of Shin’s lost memory, where they are talking about Shin’s wish to meet his lost sibling. It’s one of the only shown scenes of Shin and Midori pre-canon, and he’s clearly being supportive and wanting Shin to be happy with himself.
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Here ‘???’ is the shadow version of himself, he is having an inner conflict of interest. Commonly referred to as Shadsou, is the actual reason Shin took on Midori’s persona. What Shadsou is exactly is ambiguous but generally it’s the personification of Shin’s devil's advocate. People often assume that Shadsou is another consequence of Midori’s impact on Shin, as if he isn’t his own character who can make his own decisions. This fandom often waters down his character and infantilizes him like this.
“Midori is Shin’s abuser”
Again, another headcanon people insist is canon. The reality is that Midori and Shin’s relationship is ambiguous and it hasn’t been explored much in canon. Soushin can be explored in many different ways because of how vague their relationship is. Saying that Midori abused Shin is an unsubstantiated claim so it’s just a headcanon, not saying you can’t have that but again, you can’t be claiming it’s fact.
This is the one cg we have of Midori and Shin pregame btw:
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This is the cg where Midori is encouraging Shin to be someone he’s proud of. Not very abusive guys.
“But it’s implied to be abusive”
This is usually the evidence they use for the implication:
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“He’s… a scary friend of mine…” 
Midori’s mannerisms are scary. It isn’t just Shin who thinks that he is, he’s one of the main antagonists of the game. Shin finding Midori to be scary doesn’t mean he abused him.
“Though I learned a lot of things at his house…”
It’s insane to me that people use this as evidence but, this is clearly about Midori teaching him how to code. People claim that it has deeper meaning but really it comes down to how you want to interpret it.
There are multiple points where Midori is shown to feel affection in strange ways. It’s possible he didn’t understand ordinary forms of affection, similarly to Kai who was deprived of affection growing up as an agent. Midori’s odd mannerisms towards Shin could just be how he shows his love. awww. isnt that so sad
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Many people call Midori Shin’s abuser and claim Soushin is proship without proper canonical proof. A lot of people who kin Shin project onto their relationship and insist that it’s abusive because their bias rooted from their own trauma and experiences clouds their perception of Shin. This happens along with people infantilizing Shin and excusing all of his actions by blaming the supposed ‘grooming’ or ‘abuse’ he experienced from Midori. This is just a common problem with mischaracterization of Shin and Midori by the fandom. It’s gotten to the point where people like this dear anon believe these things to be true!
Then there's the people who ARE proshippers and insist that Soushin is abusive or pedophilic because they want it to be and are looking at them with that lens of thinking. These people greatly help spread the idea that Soushin is a proship, making it much harder to discern canon from fanon when much of the Soushin content is by these people, specifically outspoken adult western fans that praise proship and advocate out for Soushin being problematic, that's what the general fandom now sees it as even though it’s just not canonically happening.
At the time of posting this, Shin’s minisode has yet to come out. I’m sure that once it does it will give a much clearer view of their relationship, maybe I’ll have more to say then! For now, that is all I’ve got for you tumblr.
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yourturntofnaf · 7 months
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just to throw a prediction out there, perhaps these two are route-specific.
the rubble behind the first one is very reminiscent to that of the fake exit at the end of the victory stairs. at the end of only the kanna route 3-1b we are back at the top of those stairs in the victory room talking to Mr. Chidouin.
the knife is very reminiscent of the dream where shin gets stabbed by sara, and the only way this can be fully referenced again would have to be in the route where shin's alive.
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prodigal-explorer · 9 months
i have a theory about keiji from yttd
i think that he's so "obsessed" (for lack of a better word) with sara because somehow, some way, whether it's just plain intuition or some sort of inside knowledge, he knows how important sara is to the game. he knows that somehow, it all revolves around her, and i think keiji is sort of using her as armor.
keiji knows that sara probably won't die, especially after seeing how high her survival percentage is. maybe he thinks that if sara stands in front of everything, there's a higher chance of everyone coming out safe.
idk, it's just a theory. to me, it's just strange that despite keiji being like at least 10 years older than sara and being a lot bigger and stronger than her, he still allows and even ENCOURAGES her to go into danger head on. it makes me wonder if he understands that to some extent, she's protected in the death game by asu-naro compared to the other players.
what do you guys think?
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frenchgremlim1808 · 11 months
We already know the ending of the game, at least one out of all them.
So for once i'll write an actual full analysis instead of blabbering about greenbling for the 900 time
One thing that i always thought when playing ytts was what is the purpose of that game in game. Because in reality this game was created to expand upon the characters of the game we lost early and give them a time to shine. But what is the in game reason for ytts ?
If you didn't play it please do because this game is pretty good and the interaction are either hilarious or very sad. Especially if you are a kai or mishima fan this thing is gold for you. But also play it before this because i think that ytts gives us not only one give us blatantly one the endings of the game in front of our eyes, but also give us vital info for the rest of the game.
okay got it then let's start.
The game is a simulation full of ai of the characters. There said it. we can see this in the tested one ending and the sunnies ending. In the tested ones ending we see this
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This isn't Sara, at least not the current one. This is a Sara who won the death game and became the leader of asunaro. The scientists in the room fear and respect her like a leader. This is the "perfect Sara", ultimate sara, the one that asunaro gro*med into becoming after the entire death game. It doesn't make sense for her to be a past Sara. This simulation goal isn't to make the percentage, no, it's for sara to watch the cast all together and happy. And compared to what people say her expressions and words do not strike me as an "evillllll" sara that much, more like a broken one.
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All of this screams that sara knows that watching this hurts her, but, she still wants to see them again and again, even if it breaks her heart, again and again. That's the ending she wanted, her dream ending. But this isn't reality. Also her expressions doesn't scream evil but more so pain
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Look a her eyebrows, her eyes despite the fact that there is nothing inside, you see the pain. If she smiled or something then yes evil sara, but no she's in pain.
So what does this says for the future of Sara and the game itself:
-In at least one of the endings ( probably one of the endings for logic routes), sara will be the sole survivor and asunaro will win. Le'ts call this ending the asunaro ending. Sara will become the leader of asunaro and continue on the organisation.
-But this also tells us that the manipulation that asunaro did on sara since she was a child to make her this unloving killing machine capable of doing anything for survival didn't work. Because she still misses and wishes for a different reality where they could have all survived together and happy away from all of this.
My favorite part about this is that technicaly even in the ending where asunaro wins they still lose which is great because fuck them so hard
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dostyaak · 5 months
[YTTD Spoilers/Theory] So a few days ago I was in a Discord call with my friend, and we started doing a "YTTD Character Tier List", and we got stuck on Megumi for a few minutes
We were discussing whether she was a good person or a bad person based on the little to no information there is about her
I mean, of course she is a bad person, with the whole thing about being avoidant when talking about "Why Mr. Redhead Policeman was fired?" and the "background deal", but we were discussing if she did that beacause she wanted to or if someone forced her to it, if she had ill intentions or not
Now this is where the fun begins, my friend's theory below:
He shared a theory he have about Megumi's wish and how that's directly connected to Redhead officer's death, the theory being that: Megumi's wish was to kill him.
He explained that maybe when Redhead discovered "the secret dark side of pollice", Megumi didn't like that and promptly fired him, but getting him out of the force wasn't enough since he could still somehow find more information about said "dark side", which led Megumi to make a deal with Midori, to kill Redhead with the Asunaro vow (I guess some could argue that we're making a bit of a stretch with a theory like that, but still what isn't a stretch in a game with almost no information)
Supposing we're right, this part of Megumi's victim video could mean 2 things:
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She was following the demands of another higher up, leading to her wish with the Asunaru vow being to kill Redhead, which means that the isn't that bad
She was straight up lying in hopes that if pretending to be a victim herself, Keiji would give in and save her, which means she was a bad person all along
My thoughts? I'll go with 2, I like the ideia of her just being an asshole, we need more mean women in this game! /j
Jokes aside, it's the idea of "Good cop/Bad cop" and "The only good cops are fired cops", good cops are those who aren't on duty anymore (Keiji) and bad cops are those who are still on duty (Megumi), since she's already a bad cop for still being on the force even after knowing about the "dark secrets", why not commit to the fullest and be a bad person too?
Everyone (And by "everyone" I mean the participants) in this game is "an asshole but with somewhat good intentions", I think it would be cool to have a change, to have a character who was a dick with ill intentions all along
Anyway, I would love to know what you guys think about my friend's theory! All kinds of comments are welcome, I'm eager to know if you agree or disagree and why! :D
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snailpreacher · 5 months
Theory: Sara yttd is a robot
I always felt something was very wrong with Sara chidouin, but I have discovered PROOF that Sara is a robot. For example, when you fail the one minigame in the locker room, you get this Cg:
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Obviously, we are meant to assume that this is Sara being hung from the ceiling, however, this is odd, as the ceiling was shown to be fairly high beforehand, and her feet are close to the ground. Despite her clearly being freakishly tall in this cg, her height is listed as 5’5. “But how the fuck does this play into her being a robot you fucking dumbass?!” I hear you shouting, well my theory is that, like the steam hands, Sara was built with legs she can lengthen at will. After the mini game was failed, she then began lengthening her legs to save herself, but failed. This is obvious proof that Sara is a robot and stuff like that.
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Why emotion route is a betrayal to Sou
Will keep this short and straight to the point. Also I will be calling shin “Sou” because that’s what a lot of people call him and to not cause confusion.
during the final vote you choose between Nao, Kanna, and Sou.
Kanna is supposedly the emotion choice and Sou is the logical. The reason why I disagree with this is because the game isn’t black and white. A lot of people in the fandom associate emotion route as the good path and logic route as the evil route when that is far from the truth. Saving Sou is not a logical choice and saving Kanna is not an emotional choice. In the end you are still letting someone weaker than you(Sara) die. One of them just happens to know about computers and even then Sou couldn’t do much.
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Sara and Sou bond. They have a mutual understanding and want to work together. To say that Sara only saves Sou because he is useful is just plain wrong.
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Even when you choose the option to say you are not sure if you can save Sou he still encourages Sara because he trusts her even when Sara shows weakness.
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Also Sara can literally feel his heart lmao
then when you vote for Kanna in order to save a precious ally the game treats it as if Sara needed a tool to escape.
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Earlier Sara was fighting for Sou’s trust. Was happened now? Was it a lie to use Sou? Sara is not a cruel person she means it when she calls Sou an ally.
then when you vote for Sou this happens
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I don’t get why she says all this after gaining Sou’s trust.
then when Sou is dying he says this:
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Sou concludes that if he believed in everyone he could’ve had a chance to continue living. In logic route Sou is still in time to trust everyone. In the CG of this image Sou is crying because he’s dying. Even when he protected Kanna, the person he cared about the most, he still wants to live. Because despite everything Sou is not ready to die and when you choose emotion route you take that away from him.
remember when Sou has a nightmare of Sara? That’s because he fears the strong. In the nightmare it’s implied that Sou dies because he is weak and that’s why Sara hates him. When you choose to save a Kanna that’s what exactly happens. Sara states she hates him and Sou dies a lonely death. Yeah he plays that Joe AI for Sara and we get a nice reunion but Sou is still being used here. Sou just becomes another pebble for Sara’s growth.
“thank you Joe……and Sou” those are Sara’s words after her reunion with Joe AI. The first she thanks is Joe, she pauses and then thanks Sou without even using his real name. And in chapter 3 he is barely awknoleged for his sacrifice. Even Kanna still uses his fake name.
Sou yeah thanks for reading <3
this isn’t me saying that emotion route is bad but I am saying that emotion route is just as a betrayal to Sou as the logic route. Neither route is “good” or “bad” in the end it’s just a matter of saving who YOU like. And I just happened to like shin (sou) more than the rest of the characters <3
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77ngiez-archive · 11 months
admittedly almost all of these are completely baseless
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esxvspy · 7 months
My updated theory on the Kai is alive theory except it’s mostly speculation 🔥🔥
So I’m assuming everyone knows about the Kai being alive theory, but in case you don’t know, I’ll summarize rq. (If you know already skip the next paragraph)
Basically, the theory goes that’s when Kai died in the first main game, that he slit his wrists in a particular way that would just make him pass out or go into a coma, and not die. (He was raised as an assassin who was trained in the ways of combat, if anyone was to know how to fake a suicide, it would probably be him.) After this, the theory states that Miley is keeping him alive on life support in the back of her room. This is because we see someone back there on life support but Sara can’t make them out.
Now that you’re caught up, I’ll begin.
So, after we see that Miley is back - thanks to the promo pics - I’m confident that she is the traitor/inside man that keiji proposed Kai had. This would explain why she goes out of her way to help Sara and co in chapter 2, by giving them the 4 papers, exposing gashu’s transgression, leaving her room open and the victim videos to find, openly talking to the mysterious person about rangers chip knowing their could be people listening, keeping gin alive, etc.
Now, while I don’t believe that Kai and Miley were working together at first, I do believe at some point between Mishima’s death and the bar scene with Joe where we see he has the sacrifice, that Miley talked with Kai about the game and they devised a plan to get Kai the sage card and get him the majority vote so that he could fake his death and help Sara from behind the scenes. However to achieve this plan they would need the sage card, and I don’t believe that Kai just picked it up, I believe that Joe had it first, and Kai persuaded him to giving it to him, and this could possibly explain the conversation we see Joe and Kai having on the security cams.
I assume it would go something like this - Kai going up to Joe saying he has a plan to save Sara, Joe being skeptical, probably asking why he should believe her stalker, Kai would explain the situation he was in with the organization, and inevitably ask if he can have the sage card. Because in theory, if Joe managed to drive the votes towards himself and win as the sacrifice then Sara would live with her best friend, but I’d he failed and the votes were drawn to Kai, then Sara would still live on, either way she would be safe. And i assume based on how things played out, that Joe agreed.
After this Kai’s plan would be put into action.
Once he woke up, Kai would be about to destroy the organization from the inside alongside Miley.
Anyways that’s just a theory… A YTTD THEORY!!
aaaaaaand cut.
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yttdblog · 1 month
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who's in the thing in Miley's room?
originally written July 28 2024 @ 3:29 PM
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let's see what we already know of this (based on what the game have given us):
this is Miley's room on the first floor behind the heart-shaped vent
there are tools that are supposedly similar to the collars
someone is there sleeping
it looks like a life support system of some sort
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it could either be Joe, Mishima, Kai or a mystery person who we never met before. if it "appears to be sleeping" it can't be Mishima since he's like dead and his head is still missing so let's rule him off the list of potential suspects. Joe would probably not be sleeping in this context unless that's a thing to add the lost blood back into his body. i would be more inclined to say that it could be Kai. mainly because i don't think he's like dead. i think i saw somewhere that his thing doesn't suggest the muscle tension thing but also Kai doesn't get an 'expired' text. but i don't really see why Miley would actually do that since Miley and Kai probably doesn't have that good of a thing for her to even consider to do that sort of thing. i mean Kai did manage to whacked her on the head with his frying pan. it could be someone who's dead and we never get to see their face but the thing is that Miley can't tamper with anything that would ruin the results of the Death Game that "Midori" refers to as a "holy event". so it could be someone that we know.
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blueebobby · 7 months
okay so, ik i already talked about strawberry woman possibly being saras mom or sara and meister possibly being memorandum guy, which would make Mr chidouin him as well but.. lemme explains some of my thinking
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so, if meister IS the memorandum man (their similar suits and just idk its just a guess), then we can also assume that mr. chidouin would be the memorandum man since everyone assumes meister and mr chidouin are connected, if not the same, then that would mean all of the chidouins are closely connected to asunaro (duh), but what about mrs chidouin?
mrs chidouin, even if we don't know much about her, probably is MOSTLY uninvolved with asunaro, due to being unconscious when sara got home. there's no reason for this happen unless she was uninvolved or on the opposite side of asunaro. of course, this doesn't mean strawberry CANT be her, or not ACTUALLY her.
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we know that asunaro isn't against creating dolls of people, duh. (literally everyone has a doll version of themself) but also they aren't against using these dolls for their own gain/for bad intent, such as ranger/sei and all of the dummies' goal being to kill their partners to escape, so why would they not make a copy of saras mom as a floor master? but also, i think its more likely to be sara, whether it be a future version of her, a doll of her, or more specifically a doll version of her within her simulations. it could also be a doll version of how the girl from the memorandum (or moreso what memorandum man thinks she would be in the future)
this is just a silly theory :33 there's really no backing to it but i find it fun to think abt things like this.. i would love to hear what you guys think abt this and correct any mistakes i made cause i haven't played the games for DECADESSS (months). pls follow me cus I'm super cool sorry this is super long... i also wrote this up differently but it was way too long so i just rewrote it shorter and a little better explained (i hope)
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ozlices · 1 year
having Thoughts abt the gin is miley's son theory i wanna talk abt,,
my apologies in advance if anything we say has been said numerous times already. this game is super complex w a Lot of content we are still working our way through, both from the actual game and within the fandom, so! bare with us please lol
anyway, so.
one of the most compelling things for me wrt the theory is that gin is targeted in pretty much every chapter by a trap. lots of things seem to be set up specifically so he, as a young child with a very pure heart, would be targeted. like the twist about the tokens in chapter 2, for example. which could be a thing because they're aware of miley's intentions and want to get rid of him to stop her.
i feel like,,, if the theory is true, miley's intention was to join the games as a floormaster so she could have power in it to ensure gin's safety. even if he's not on her floor, she has still shown to be manipulating things to ensure he makes it out, like with gashu, making sure everyone knew of his transgressions so they had an out if it was needed.
i feel like her goal would be ensuring that he wins so they can take down the games from the inside, since it's pretty universally accepted that the reward for winning is to most likely become the new asunaro leader.
and, easily, her motive could be tons of resentment for driving her lover mad and making him an alcoholic, and also resentment for forcing her son to participate in something like this.
it would also make sense for her seeming to hate sara and trying to target her. i'm sure the floormasters know what everyone's role is meant to be, including that sara is meant to be the winner. she probably holds resentment towards her for that, but. sara is also very clearly probably the most precious person to gin in the games.
he fully sees her as a big sister figure, to a point where she's the person he runs to first when he needs to be consoled and held during a breakdown.
if it came down to just gin and one other person, the others would protect him sure, but sara is the only one that miley would be able to confidently believe would do whatever it took to protect him. she has had that exact notion tested numerous times, and never falters on that desire, even if it comes with a brutal cost.
i just think this theory adds so many interesting angles to so many dynamics within the games. if gin is miley's son, perhaps she knew he'd get attached to sara, so she agreed to help ensure sara's victory because she knew she'd protect him and ensure his victory as well.
after all, maple confirms it is possible for two winners to win since a majority vote cannot be held with just two people. if miley can assure that sara wins, and sara had to come down to picking anyone over gin, sara would undoubtedly pick gin. the only person she might've picked over him is joe, and he's gone, so.
idk! i truly do not know but this is the theory i've seen that i've thought about the most and that compels me the most and i really cannot wait to see whether or not it comes to fruition in the finale, and How it comes to fruition if it is true cause it's. so good.
edit cause i just realized smth else: this would also explain what gin was doing when he went back down to the first floor and why he was safe. he was visiting his mom, and was unable to let the others know. it also makes sense as to why he's able to endure so much trauma and hardship at such a young age. he knows he has not just sara, but his mother watching over him and looking out for him as well.
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yourturntofnaf · 9 months
taking a shot at working through this deleted scene... 
Our research has finally taken shape and borne fruit. / The artificial intelligences created by humans thus far have mostly excelled in their learning capabilities and been developed to support humans. / AI is anticipated to achieve growth and efficiency far beyond humans. But at the same time, something is being discarded there. / Emotions. / Emotions, which one would think have an inseparable connection to the formation of intelligence, have been treated as a nuisance. / Yet AI development that prioritizes emotions is a difficult prospect in this country. / They are unwilling to fund researchers who do "romantic" research with no clear profit. So it is extremely difficult. / Under normal circumstances, that is. / We gave the researchers the best possible environment for their work. And at last, they achieved things they could not have in the world above. / No need for growth or learning. / It's an artificial intelligence that simply has "a human heart." / An absurdly fascinating... and absurdly pointless... artificial intelligence. / I want you to imagine it. The family member, the lover, the friend you adored will stay unchanging on a screen. / Your parents when they were young and lively. Your innocent girlfriend from when you first met. Your friend who would talk with you untiringly. / If you wish it, you can have it, anytime. / ~The Green and Gentle Peace Committee~
first, I would like to point out the use of the word "discarded" which is also used by Safalin during the Liazer scene.
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this dialog also says emotions have been viewed as a nuisance which I feel corresponds to Gashu's view of positive emotions. he saw them as a problem, a burden getting in the way of the perfect Asu-naro candidate.
less relevant to the point, but I took notice of the note of the "best possible environment", which seems to tie into Michiru's recruitment file which stated she could be drawn in with the ideal work. if this is about Namida, this may be placing her recruitment on the timeline around a similar time to Ranger's development. 
now, I want to make note that this is not exclusively about Ranger and there's a clear issue as to why: they describe that they created an AI with a human heart. this is something that is specifically stated to not be given to Ranger until the Laizer scene. I don't think this dialog is about only him, and I'll get into who else I think may be involved soon.
While we are here though, I would like to throw out a possibility that the Ranger with a heart, aka Laizer, was the original creation. As I mentioned Safalin says the emotions were discarded, not that they were never present. I could see a world where Ranger was created in full replica of Sei and Gashu, likely very early in Ranger's existence, decided that was not good enough and made Michiru change it. This could have happened before Ranger was even fully conscious, or something akin to being shut down and remodeled occurred. this could be similar to dying, and Ranger himself told us the AIs could not be programmed to handle memories of their deaths. At the same time though, it's extremely possible this was about Sei, and she was explaining that what he was originally modeled off of possessed these emotions that were discarded from his creation. 
anyways, back to the point at hand.
rather than being about one specific AI, I think it's a declaration of the radical development of Asu-naro. it's a statement of their ability to perfectly replicate a human using artificial intelligence. 
so, now for the more speculative part. the examples they give of the purpose of this intelligence can line up with some actual creations we have seen. 
the family member would be Ranger being created in Sei's vision. the lover could be Emiri's fiancée (that one is a big stretch, but I'll explain why this came to mind for me). finally, the friend could be the Shin AI, created for Midori who "adored" him, for better or worse. 
the section following this could be the corresponding human who would request the creation of these AIs. 
"Your parents when they were young and lively" referring to Gashu, references back to when he was more alive in the times before Sei was killed.
"Your innocent girlfriend from when you first met" would be Emiri/Miley. this specific line is what made me connect the lover to her fiancé. the word innocent fits into her before asu-naro, back from when they first met at their workplace before she would have been lured into asu-naro, the company that took innocence out of her. 
"Your friend who would talk with you untiringly" loosely fits Shin and Sou's dynamic. this line differs from the others by not giving a positive descriptor of the other such as lively or innocent, rathee simply describes what the other benefited from their bond. in my eyes, this fits how Hiyori seems to perceive relations with others. 
in support of these lines referring to the requesting human, we can safely say Hiyori selfishly made the Shin AI. I think it is likely Gashu was the original requester of creating Ranger, which might have been hinted at when Sara recognized the importance of Ranger by thinking he may exist in the placement of a son Gashu has missed having. 
so, what does my interpretation mean to me? 
1. this brings up the possibility of Emiri's fiancée returning through the means of AI, if he hasn't already. we could tie this in with the theory of Hayasaka being her partner who we have already seen returned in AI existence. 
2. this could give context to what Emiri and Michiru were recruited for, and what their role in the company was pre death game. this dialog could point to them being brought into the ideal environment, something Michiru specifically desired, to model these new AIs. I think this recruitment context could also be evidenced by another deleted scene describing researchers coming together to "build a human: 
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these two obviously don't line up directly with Michiru and Emiri going off of the given names, but I wanted to point out this example of a dialog that once again describes researchers coming together to create a human-like AI. now I will say it's interesting both of these scenes are deleted, so perhaps this concept may have been scrapped anyways.
3. it's interesting to see that Nankidai has had Ranger and Sei's story planned out this whole time. looking back at chapter 2 it feels so obvious. the previously mentioned Sara line about Ranger being a stand-in for Gashu's son was picked up as being about Kai at the time, but now clearly fits Sei. the way Safalin explains Ranger's existence to him feels like she was boarding telling him about Sei; saying that he isn't complete, that he lost what he once had, and that Ranger isn't his true name. even the surrounding setting of Ranger's death, dying next to a Yabusame being comforted by their sibling hurts so much more thinking about Kai being with Sei when he was killed. it all makes me appreciate Nankidai's planning and execution. 
thank you for reading if you made it this far! just want to say this is only my interpretation and I'm sure it's not fully accurate to whatever the original intentions were. also, this scene is deleted so even if any of this is correct it may now be totally irrelevant.
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asulain · 2 years
This is just some analysis but the logic route is infact the canon route or the memorandum route.
If we look back to the memorandum, all of the deaths line up perfectly.
The bestfriend that died in the first main game was joe.
Now for the man whose views most aligned with her is Nao. Hear me out on this. Throughout the game, both sara and nao are very close. Nao always protects and agrees with sara. They both have lost someone special to them and they both tried escaping death (Nao stealing alices/Rekos tokens and sara trying to do the same thing) They are both similar characters which is why I believe she is meant to represent the man whose views aligned with her the most.
Then the young boy who dies would be kanna as she was young.
I believe in logic route, sara will die in the 3rd main game. The only reasoning I have is that in emotion route, at the end of the chapter, we see Mr chidouin congratulating sara for surviving. However in logic, this never happens which means sara doesn't win.
We can also say that shin resembles the memorandum guy because of the similarities there. Even though the game is rigged in Sara's favour, choosing logic, will have her die just like in the memorandum.
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