#YUM (respectfully) 😭
boba-beom · 8 months
kang taehyun WHAT 🫠🫠🫠 beomgyu the loml help me?!???
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erasermist · 1 year
One Piece Live Action Season 1 Stream of Consciousness (Spoilers):
This will be a suuuuper long post and will literally be a random string of thoughts and will probably make no sense as a lot will be without context. Maybe just random lines that I enjoy and random gifs that just showcase the random points I like but enjoy
Episode 1
I love this. I love that they didn’t make it the exact same. And having watched the anime, it just makes the subtle hints amazing and when they mention something that wasn’t brought up till later *chefs kiss*. Like they showed Zoro being recruited by Baroque Works when they didn’t even mention that till they were in the grand line I think.
And all of the small hints to the characters like when you saw Cabaji in the scene before he was actually introduced. That’s one of my favorite types of foreshadowing.
Luffy supporting Koby’s dream will always be awesome. And Luffy comforting Koby after see the bad marines is so kind of him. I love him.
The casting is perfect. Luffy. Zoro. Nami.
Nami is me. Everything goes wrong “This is fine.”
OH MY GOD!! Buggy!!
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Episode 2
Buggy is just a great performer!
This is gonna get repetitive I know, but they are all such amazing actors and actresses!!
“Cut you down to size.” 😂😂
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Episode 3
“Stupid clown” Zoro’s hate of Buggy is hilarious
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Already the crew (“not a crew”) are supporting Luffy’s whims haha
“Fans have gotten so toxic” I love this characterization of Buggy
I’m liking how this is a little darker than the anime was. And I love how they are introducing bounty characters. It’s so cool!
Zoro gets thrown in the well 😂😂 And Koby popping up at the end like that was very cool. Love the music they play throughout everything. It’s really making the show better
Episode 4
Zoro is my favorite. He already was in the anime, but it’s definitely true for the live action as well 🥰
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Zoro’s lack of direction sense has finally been shown!
The grandpa revel being much earlier in this version 😂😂😂
Episode 5
“You just call that guy grandpa?” Oh Zoro, just wait for it 😭😭 and then his “talk” with Luffy after the fight.
Luffy sniffing his way to the good!!
Omg! This Sanji has so much class and the immediate jokes the rest pull on Nami after he leaves 😂 I feel bad for those who haven’t watched the anime. They are gonna think Sanji is this slick cool character (and he is) but they are gonna realize he isn’t that… smooth. But look at him… I forgive him and support all his decisions
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Mihawk is just so bored. “You woke me from my nap”
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Koby is playing a much bigger part than I thought he was gonna. And standing up to Garp like that.
Mihawk “though I do like your hat” 😍 I love this man!
Episode 6
Luffy just wants Zoro to get better 😌
Poor baby Sanji screaming for the ship
And again with the foreshadowing with the story of Mont Blanc Noland
They really have changed the way this goes. Arming came to them and Don Krieg died by Mihawk earlier. Not too mad about it though. I think it flows better with the way they made the show. Like I said it’s a little darker and I’m liking it. It’s different but a good different.
Also yum! lookie! Very respectfully of course but still
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And there Zoro is being a great first mate vowing to stand by Luffy’s side!!! Done differently but still so beautiful! Tears!!!
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Zoro: “Why are we bringing the waiter?” Usopp: “Cause we can’t boil water” 😂😂 Zoro so much happened while you were asleep
Luffy just pulls out Buggy’s head for a bag!!
Episode 7
The chains in Nani’s map room… this is gonna be sad
Nami is trying so hard to mean all the mean things. I’m gonna cry just like when I watch the anime. I just know it.
Zoro’s constant side eye of Sanji is awesome and very in character
Oh lovely. I somehow didn’t realize I would have to watch all the sad things in another format. It didn’t really connect that
And Zoro being first mate again. That’s always gonna be my favorite thing. Even when it’s for sad moments
Nami’s screams… that was so real and heart wrenching and that “help me” scene was so on point. The one scene that was practically the same and it was the one that causes tears 🥲
Episode 8
The blood and chains and pain little Nami had to go through
“Finally I get to cut something” Zoro is so done with emotions 😂 he just wants to do what he does best
So I’ve thought this from the first time I watched Arlong, but why would he think a revolution started from the “weakest” sea have any traction. I get “plot” reasons, but still….
“Round Two, Arlong.” Yes Luffy! Go!
Buggy! That was so funny! I love this Buggy!!
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And Zoro’s immediate response “Fucking clown” 😂😂😂😂 I love this so much y’all
Go Usopp!!! “No one’s around to see it. It’s okay. They’ll believe me” loved it the first time I saw it, love it now too.
Sanji gets kicked backwards and Zoro just casually walks out of the way and around him. I’m so glad they are still the same Zoro and Sanji as ever 😭
Sanji says that all the best fighters call out their finishing moves and Zoro immediately gets flashbacks to Luffy saying the exact same thing!!
The Garp and Luffy confrontation!!!
“Be a good Marine.” “Be a good Pirate.” Love them.
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The barrel scene!!! Yes!!!
And the sneak peak at Smoker!!
I absolutely loved this!!! I need a full adaptation of the entire show and I need them to keep the same cast for them all!!
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mianmimi · 2 years
I hate MoM, but *woof* it gave us some fine as hell Stephen variants. My current DADDY™©® ranking is: Sinister Strange (I, like Mordo, have a thing for bad boys), 838 Stephen (but I also like the men that respectfully bring me home by 8), Melvyn Strange (I SAID WHAT I SAID), MCU 616 Stephen (he's still Daddy™, but all the shitty writing in MoM made me hate l him for a lil bit ngl), Defender Strange (that rat tail is not it, baby, but I do want long-haired Stephen). What's your ranking? 👀
Ahhh dearest Nonny this is so yum! Hmmmmmm for me, order of preference from worst to best would be….
4) Defender Strange. The rat tail is not it. They should have just had him with long, flowy hair and the fanart of him all seem to agree 🤣
3) Sinister Strange. His goth vibes are sexy. However he also looks like he needs fresh clothes and a nice bath 😭 He was so unkempt! Tsk tsk. But he still looks better than most people at their very best.
2) 616 Strange. He was absolutely stunning in Infinity War/Endgame. I don’t know why but during that era he was so fucking GORGEOUS. Not sure why MoM didn’t really carry that aura. 🤷🏻‍♀️
1) 838 Strange. My sorcerer supreme 🤤 I wish we could have seen him when he’s all clean and put together. Cause baby if he was looking THAT FINE all busted up from fighting Thanos he would have been absolutely divine to see in his prime
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xxgothchatonxx · 2 years
You enjoy your dinner & I’ll enjoy my bed.
I’m a bit sleepy, but I really wanna get into this. Give us some plot, baby!
* “He comes in the guise of a mentor, but it’s distressed that excites him.” “I’m not in distress.“ SWOON WORTHY WRITING!
* I see what you mean about this bullshit lighting. It’s really giving some Netflix level shit.
* “Do you see yourself killing him over and over?“ “No. I see you.“ BECAUSE HE’S BECOMING HANNIBALLLLLL AHHHHHH
* Pause. Gotta turn the light off so I can actually see something.
* We are back to the scary sound mixing. Very yucky. Do not approve.
* With that being said: absolutely fucking delicious. That is also the only way I can describe this scene. I’ve also seen it in gifed many times and I’m very happy to finally see it in context. Even if it is just ego and escargot.
* Bedelia keeps bringing up the ex-boyfriend. “Almost anything can be trained to resist its instinct.” Amazing.
* Bedelia is just out here being smart and hot and that’s what she deserves.
* I feel so sad seeing Jack walking around Florence. I LITERALLY CRIED “Not her ashes” FUCK YOU! “CAIO, BELLA” FUUUUUUUCK YOU😭😭😭😭 Not the ring not the ring not the ring not the ring not the ring noooooooo😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
* To Bella😭🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷
* Yummy Alana is yummy. Water is very wet.
* Please mention the wine and the white truffles, please mention the wine and the white truffles!🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽
* We have a fucking fig, bitch! We’ve won!
* Pobrecita Chiyoh😢
* One thing that I like about her in her acting somewhat of a foil to whale is how distinct and specific and controlling she is of her own emotions and how aware she is of her physicality and so purposeful and what she presents. Will I feel like has done less of that as the seasons go on, but I think that’s just because he’s masking a little bit less?? Idk, tell me what you think.
* “If you don’t kill him, you are afraid you’re going to become him.” SHE GETS IT!!!!!
* Oh Hanni Boy, you’ve been caught.
* Don’t you love history lesson? I know I do.
* I hate this fucking theremin so much.
* But I hate this I wanted poster for Hannibal just a little bit more. The picture just melting into the rest of the screen, the image itself just being some cut out Papp pic. Stellar.
* Pazzi Bounty Hunter Edition!
* WE HAVE A HARPSICHORD, BITCHESSSSSSS YESSSSSSSS (we know I love harpsichord. It just brings me back to those two or three classes I had with that really cool music professor. Shout out to you, ******)
* I’m sorry, is he saying that the “liveliness“ of the harpsichord is because it lacks memory? I mean I get the fullness of it, especially because it’s very easy to tell when it’s out of tune, but to say that it doesn’t possess this quality of memory like a piano does, that just seems… Interesting. I think that’s just because conceptually the harpsichord feels like something that would hold a lot of memory because it is such an ancient instrument. (God, where was this energy when I was writing these papers?)
* Bedelia is delicious.
* Hannibal being OK with the bounty is such a great fun for me.
* Not CHIYOH & ANTLERS!!!! Haven’t had antlers in a while.
* Respectfully, please stop.
* I wanted you to stop kissing him, not throw him off the caboose!
* Spider-Man Fan: “DO A FLIP!”
* I love this zoom meeting.
* Alana in RED!!!!!!!!! Ugh, magnificent.
* Do we have another dinner date? We have Italian sacrilege, meats and cheeses together, and a waltz. Quite a decision, Hannibal.
* And he’s eating a pear with a knife like the bastard he is. Yum.
* I. Jesus. I don’t wanna see this man’s intestines just hanging about. And yet, I feel it near.
* But we’re going to have to cut to commercial before we can get there, of course.
* I appreciate Pazzi’s honesty.
* & Hanni’s humor in it all. “Just for fun.”
* OH NO NOT ALANA!!!! Awkward moment, Indeed! Alana is, as always, just minutes behind.
* I vote out. I love the theatrics.
* & an audience. Such fun!
* Jack is fast.
* Ugh this is amazinggg! When you open with a dead wife, and a man filled to the brim with revenge after that shit you put in that wine cellar, you really should’ve been on your game, Hanni. Vacation hasn’t really done that well for you.
* I do like the waltz in the background, that part is very fun.
* Am I going to come across a message of you saying that this is like the one in season two where they felt young but then old the next day? Or did they learn their lesson?
* Instead we just have a green screen after green screen. And a limping a little Lithuanian cannibal.
So, I think I get what you mean with comparing Chiyoh to Will in terms of controlling their emotions. I think that Will's at that stage where he just doesn't care anymore. Ok, not "doesn't care" but compare him in season 3 to when he was in season 1... poor guy was constantly on the edge of having a complete breakdown. But here he's more... I don't want to say "relaxed" but more at peace with how he is now? But yeah, I do think he is masking a lot less here.
That scene of Jack with Bella's ashes will never cease making me tear up. God, that was so beautiful- honestly that entire arc (Bella got cancer in Silence and by the novel Hannibal she had died) was so well adapted from the novels... ok let's lighten the mood, THAT FUCKING FIGHT SCENE IS AMAZING! It's just Laurence Fishburne kicking the shit out of Hannibal (and a very well-deserved ass-kicking, I think we can all agree) with fucking Rossini blaring in the background 😂
Inspector Pazzi... yeah, I keep forgetting he's in the show. Which is weird because yeah he is kind of forgettable in the Hannibal novel but is honestly more interesting than Clarice in the film (which is REALLY fucked up when you think about it!) but then he's back to being "oh yeah... this guy was here" in the show. Also that phone call was pretty much verbatim from the film (Alana is saying Clarice's dialogue) which I really appreciated.
Now onto the next episode which- oh... OHHH i'm really curious to read your reaction to a certain.. let's say iconic queer moment (ok there's two in this one but there's one REALLY big one!) in the Hannibal canon :D
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raysofcrosby · 3 years
Chocolate covered raisins slap 😤
respectfully i am going to disagree ✋🏻😭 but chocolate covered almonds? yum 😋
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