#Yandere Giorno x Reader
ataraxiaspainting · 1 month
Dreams Come True.
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Yan Giorno x F Reader.
Synopsis: Giorno likes to hold you close sometimes in his dreams… and in his dreams alone, because the real you doesn’t let him. It’s fine though, he tells himself.
Warnings: Yandere themes, manipulation, and kidnapping.
Word Count: 1.5k.
There is a small door hidden behind Giorno’s vanity.
He does not reside in the master bedroom anymore–as he willingly chose to accommodate you with the privileges he no longer possesses. You’d make better use of it than he ever did, he thought. The once bare walls now have bookshelves all around, antiques sitting prettily up high on unreachable shelves, and there are soft piano sounds coming from the radio he gave you. Though if you ever wanted to learn piano yourself he would gladly hire a tutor for you, albeit one who has sworn a blood oath and has been a trusted staff member of his for years.
Giorno’s new bedroom is as empty as the last, with only writing utensils and piles upon piles of paper stacked on his sole desk, the trash can underneath be full of torn letters Giorno will have someone burn later. He has only dared to send you perhaps two letters, both of which were instantly sent back to whence they came. One of the letters was sent when you had first arrived here, being placed underneath the tiny slit between the floor and the door. It was past dinner time then, and since the guards stationed outside your quarters had heard no movement from inside your room, they had told the nearest butler that you were most likely asleep and would not be reading the letter until the morning.
Giorno had some second thoughts once he had heard the news, and nearly instantly wanted the letter to be rewritten, seeing it as an opportunity to fix mistakes visible to only him. That very butler opened the door with his assigned key and then saw you huddled in the corner covered by a blanket. The butler had asked if you had seen the letter on the floor, and you said you did not want to read it.
Very well, Miss [First].
The butler locked the door when he was done with his task, escorting the letter gently in his gloved palms like it was an esteemed guest.
Giorno tore the paper to shreds, throwing it into the trash can like the many others that had come before it. Dozens of them all written within a week, even though you hadn’t been here for nearly a day. Some are more eloquent than others. Some are just mere scribbles, signs of Giorno’s frustration at himself. If he could, he would have torn himself to shreds too. However, something in the back of his mind said that that was the coward’s way out, and if he were not here who else would be able to protect you?
No one. You’ll be all alone. A baby bird waiting for its mother to come back with worms. You’d chirp and chirp, desperate, but no one would help you. He can hear it now.
The second letter was sent just now, with the very same butler holding it gently in his hands. Giorno can hear the small heels of his shoes as he walks down the hall to the master bedroom. He looks at the vanity, choosing to ignore all of the clutter on it and instead pushing it toward the far right corner of the room. There the door was. It was dustier than when Giorno had seen it last, but he did not mind it in the slightest. 
The key to it was inside a copy of one of your favorite books. Chapter VIII, page 93. This part had one of your favorite quotes. Giorno knows it all too well, he spent day and night reading this novel again and again after all. 
“Oh yes,” said the other mother. “I put her in there myself. And when I found her trying to crawl out, I put her back.”
A rather grim quote you chose, but Giorno does not judge your interests.
The key is colder than the one used to open the door to your bedroom. It’s heavier and darker too. But it goes into the lock just as smoothly with a thunk.
The hallway beyond is dark. There is dust floating in the air, and a stinky, musty smell. 
Tucking his feet beneath him as he crawls, Giorno closes the door behind him. He doesn’t lock it, however. No one has ever seen where this corridor leads, and Giorno would rather die than have someone destroy his paradise.
Perhaps one day it will be yours too.
“I don’t want it.”
“Miss [First], while I do understand this situation has been less than acceptable for you, you must at least try to understand that the master has been attempting to be accommodating for you.” Giorno hears the butler say.
“I agree with Franz.” The head maid adds.
“I don’t care what you think,” You reply. Giorno can practically hear you gripping the skirt of your dress. “I don’t care. I don’t care. I don’t care. All of you can just go to hell.”
When Giorno places his right ear on the other side of the tiny corridor, he hears a slight squeak. It seems your vanity was not placed correctly, something he will have a servant remedy soon. Its purpose is supposed to be the same as Giorno’s; to keep this sacred place hidden from you until it is time.
“That isn’t very kind. If you really cannot read this letter at the moment, it shall be placed on your writing desk, and you will read it by tomorrow night. Is this a fair arrangement?”
“Just what part of that is fair?”
Someone sighed then. Giorno is unsure as to who made the sound. The butler and you? You and the head maid? There are infinite possibilities for that very question. It lingers at the back of his mind, yearning to be scratched.
He hears your door close, and that is the very signal he needs. He crawls back through the tunnel to his bedroom and locks the entrance with the very same key. The key retreats to page 93 once again. Giorno then places it on the highest shelf. His mission is accomplished.
“Did you hear everything, Master?” The butler asks through Giorno’s bedroom door. “I can catch you up on details if that is not the case if that is alright with you.”
“Yes, I did. Grazie.”
He hears the butler’s shoes clacking as he leaves this part of the mansion.
He, in turn, sighs.
“Master,” A high-pitched voice calls, accompanied by a soft knock. “I brought you your dinner.”
Giorno does not respond. Instead, he sits on the chair beside his writing desk. His eyes meet the ceiling. There are images of clouds, rainbows, and most importantly cherubs, their bright red cheeks and happy smiles stirring something from within him. 
He wants what they have. Pure joy.
But because of that, Giorno considers hiring someone to repaint the ceiling.
Giorno closes his eyes, not wanting to see the bleak reality anymore.
“Master?” A male voice asks, knocking on the door louder than the woman. “Master? Are you alright? Clervie brought you your supper. It is your favorite. Spaghetti al nero di seppia.”
Giorno lets his imagination run free within the depths of his mind. He sees you kissing his cheek, and him kissing yours. He sees you two huddling by the fireplace during the winter months with hot cups of tea. He sees you looking outside the dining room’s largest window to see the stars and moon. He sees himself watching you, not willing to break the peaceful image.
He is truly unworthy of you, that much is true. But if he is unworthy of you, everyone else is just more unworthy than he is.
“Master? Are you alright? Do you want Clervie to come back later?”
Giorno speaks up, slouching forward in his seat. “I’m sorry, but I am just not hungry at the moment.”
The butler hums. “Alright… then have a good night, Master.”
“You too, Franz.” He answers. “And… you too, Clervie.”
When they leave, Giorno relaxes once more in his chair. Little by little, the surrounding sounds vanish. They are replaced with auras fading from black to blue to pink and then to teal. He starts snoring a few moments later. Absolute bliss for someone who has been stressed out for weeks on end.
The last thing he sensed from the real world was the candle on his desk, smelling like a warm day on the beach.
It isn’t an easy time going back into consciousness. Those same auras Giorno saw with his eyes closed are still there when he arises from his slumber. Black. Blue. Pink. Teal. If it had been a pleasant dream, perhaps Giorno would have even found it beautiful.
He rubs his eyes. “Ugh…”
The first thing he recognizes in his vision is the pictures of you on the vanity, still out of place from hours before. He remembers nothing of his dream, as always. That is, aside from one thing. Your voice, for once soft and focused on him.
I love you.
“Hm…” He grumbles. 
“Master?” The second thing he recognizes is Franz’s signature knock. “It’s urgent. [First] has–”
With the sound of your name, Giorno rises quicker than someone coming back from the dead.
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ophelian-darling · 9 months
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𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬.
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna and Jolyne Cujoh - gn reader.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : There's more than a way to say I love you, yet there are many too ways to say I hate you.
TW : Obsession, delusional thoughts, verbal abuse.
enjoy ♡
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𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫:
♡ : Thank you for everything you do for me, JoJo.
It fills him with blessing to know how much his words and actions are something with great meaning in your eyes. Faithful servant when in love- except that everything he does sources from the warmest atoms of his soul and from the deepest corners of his heart. Jonathan fights the world to see you happy, and rests with a smile when he earns the slightest curve of your lips; to him, it's the ultimate gift he can ever receive- your Love.
- You mean nothing to me.
Tears- everything that would wash him with agony strikes at once. the sensation of tearing the flesh of a heart open accompanies your words; deeply cutting and painful, causing all of his insecurities to float : Am I being useless again darling? Am I being a burden? Have you grown tired of me? He can't help it when he sheds these tears: He had lost all of your affection and care. the only source of warmth he had, now doused in the cruelest way possible. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 :
♡ : I like you , you're awesome!
Just imagine it, that ghost of a blush coffined beneath a confident smirk and a glinting wink! Joseph catches a love fever once you state that his presence around you is enjoyable. He feels that he already aimed at the moon by gaining your trust and company- it meant that you were besotted with him in return, regardless of whatever you said about considering him as a mere brother or a dear friend. JoJo sees the colors of your eyes soften as you say so, it is surely, undoubtedly love!
- We're done.
a swift of a cut that it doesn't elicit any pain at first, then it's repeated again, slightly stinging, then it rolls down your tongue, fully sinking in his soul. How could you?! Was the thing in the middle of your chest a hard stone to not see or feel a fraction of his love towards you?! a heavy realization of being used falls on his head like a heavy anvil: the blood in his veins floats just right under his skin, painting anger as red, yet the pale dread underneath can't be helped. Why? He would scream at you, but the reasons were nothing of an importance, you just toyed harshly with his feelings. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐊𝐮𝐣𝐨 :
♡ : I'm always by your side. 
It ignites a pleasant warmth within his heart and shines through his eyes; it confesses his undying love and loyalty for you, regardless of whatever mean words he utter. No force on earth can banish him from you: From the depths of Inferno to the ends of earth and above in the heavens, He would remain with you forever, his lineaments engraved under your eyelids and in the darkest curtains of your vision. JoJo doesn't show it, but he's on cloud nine to know that you're staying as well- that he finally earned your love. 
- Nobody loves you, not even me.
He's already aware. Half of people fear him, the other hates him, and there were you, probably feeling something negative swirl inside you towards him, now confirming it with each spiteful letter you let out. Couldn't you just shut the fuck up and swallow it instead of saying it out loud? He spits, the words of you reiterating louder and louder in his mind that now he can't unhear. You've just ruined everything for him, he had peacefully thought that everything went well, that your protests and complaints were just a childish fit- but now, it's all so grotesquely real: you truly hated him, and for the first time ever, he has no idea what he should do. 
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𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐚 :
♡ : You're cute! I like your hair!
Nobody can stop him, the boy with a heart of diamond and eyes of warm seas! Everything in his eyes glints with beauty; especially you: everything about you is a well crafted detail, say your eyes, your smile or the contours of your face. The subject of his daydreams- they were made of spring rain drops and cotton candy, the enchanting human whom he had a silly intense crush on called him cute! Was there even a better time to be alive? to be praised by someone you adored was the epitome of being coddled beyond any wishes of a young man madly in love!
- Look at you, pathetic and ugly.
It's all that he can think of as a response. Your words take a slow effect on him; as if he was trying to process it in another different light, in a gentle way that didn't convey the clear in them. At first, He's at sixes and sevens for a few minutes: people who are in love together were supposed to have each other's back, to boost each other's confidence and accept them whatever and whoever they were- so why were you saying this to him now? obviously it wasn't a joke, your voice was too cold to warm the words into a playful comment, he would have accepted them if you were just a tad above expressful, not a doll that just stares back eerily. He should be angry, but it just melts in tears, all of his hidden insecurities emerge into existence, and not even Crazy Diamond is able to fix the shatters of his heart. 
𝐆𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐆𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 :
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♡ : You mean the world to me.
Galatea to Pygmalion, Juliet to Romeo, Layla to Qays- You to Giorno. Romanticism wasn't something he was versed in, but in a blink of an eye, the world fell into a pink blur, filling everything with such amour a human never had in a little heart. GioGio ponders to himself that you were an Angel, a poor pure plumed creature that tripped and fell into the land of the stained; worth to be kept in a vitrine till the sun burns away. The smile that dances on his lips when he hears your gratitude, the joy he feels when his efforts of shielding you are finally noticed by you equate the flow of sweetness he tasted for the first time he saw you: Love.
- You're a monster. 
The gray flicker in his eyes blends with the greens of his irises; it doesn't reflect on your face that you just hurt him, while having the audacity to brand him as a monster. His patience contained all of your attitudes, he bottled up every evil word you threw at him and continued to offer more than he should for the sake of winning back some or little of your affection, but to no avail. The mayhem under his skin is concealed by force, consuming whatever left of his patience as he makes you toe the line. You're selfish- you always were, yet he can't help his love for you. 
𝐉𝐨𝐥𝐲𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐣𝐨𝐡 :
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♡ : Good Girl! 
Valentine, Friends and dates- High school sweethearts and kisses! Her world is a ridiculously colored picture of a sunny day; her imagination paints a world where she is with you and nothing could ever go wrong. How much would she offer to just touch the tips of your fingers with her hands? nothing less than what she is able to count! JoJo wanders around you in the excitement of a puppy around its master, waiting for a treat or a word of praise for pleasing them. She wants you to say it again, over and over again, to no end! A Good girl was a girl in Love! 
- How annoying you are. 
She had heard someone she loved before say this, but who were they? 
Remorse falls heavily on her like a dark curtain- She'd just ruined the best thing she ever had in life. She blames herself for being too clingy, too needy and too desperate- she carries the shame and burden like weights on her shoulders, staggering as the remains of her confidence seep through the fractures. Your sweet words and praises were brightening her existence; was she to be something if you didn't adore her? The talkative, open and daring Jolyne is now nothing but a silent, gloomy and wounded little girl, asking for a little of love and receiving none no matter how much she gave. 
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Waning Moon.
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Yan Giorno x F Reader. Commissioned piece.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, religions symbolism and codependency (???). Word count: 3k.
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You don’t remember it being this difficult to stay up late. 
As a child, the concept was so novel that the excitement alone sustained you. Streetlamps illuminated a world that fell into stasis until the sun poked its head over in the east, all creation held its breath in anticipation. You’d settle into this valley between loneliness and the closest you’d ever get to peace. 
There was only you and that was frightening. 
There was only you and that was comforting. 
As an adult, staying up late requires intentionality, willpower, and caffeine. Lots of caffeine. 
The allure of courting a silent relationship with the moon might not be as mystifying, but the charm isn’t entirely lost with age. It has remained constant while you endured an upheaval you never expected. Constants become anchors in an otherwise restless sea. Come what may, you know this for certain — the moon will rise every night over a villa whose doors don’t unlock at your behest. 
Sighing, you shut the book in your hands and rub your eyes. You haven’t been able to retain any of the words on the pages. It reminds you of those late nights spent hunched over at your desk, diligently studying for the esame di stato. Whenever you began to doze off, you’d chastise yourself; this pertained to your future, after all. Never could you have fathomed your life would unravel the way it did. 
It’s this bitter sentiment that makes you question what exactly you’re trying to accomplish here. 
Is it boredom that’s encouraged this desire to stick your nose in Giorno’s affairs? Spite? You cannot say for certain. 
For a week now (you presume, at least, keeping track of the days has lost its luster), the individual who uprooted your life has been notably absent. No matter how tumultuous his affairs were, he made it a point to at least join you for breakfast or dinner, if not both. Such is his wish to lend an air of normalcy to this dubious union. Lately, you’ve only seen him in passing, as if he were a specter haunting the hall and not the man who holds the deed. 
What remained consistent, however, is his return to your shared bedroom to sleep. Physiological needs are the great equalizer. You don’t know how, but he can slip into bed without waking you. Had it not been for the wrinkled bed sheets and the lingering aroma of cologne come morning, you never would’ve known he’d been there. 
You thought if you stayed up long enough, you might entertain a conversation that lasted longer than a few minutes. Morbid curiosity is a surprisingly strong motivator. 
Unfortunately, reality rarely aligns with your hopes. It’s currently three in the morning and there’s been no sign of Giorno. You refasten your silk robe upon standing, appraising the master suite for some means to preoccupy yourself. It’s when your weary eyes land on the canopy bed that your resolve is tested. Really, what is it you’re trying to do? Have a heart-to-heart with the man who controls the country from the shadows? Get in a few more sarcastic quips before calling it a day? 
It’s this challenge to your original design that has you walking over to your side of the bed. 
That is, until your name is spoken by the door. 
You freeze where you stand, feeling akin to a child caught with one hand in the cookie jar. You never gave much thought to if you’re breaking some unspoken rule by dilly-dallying all night. At the very least, Giorno wouldn’t appreciate the damage to your health. He’s never harsh with his chastising — if you can even call it that — but you’re in uncharted territory. A week of sleeping three to four hours could make a sinner of the most steadfast saint. 
He repeats your name, likely assuming you didn’t hear him the first time, and you swallow thickly. 
“I, um…” you trail off, playing with the ends of your hair, “I just felt like… walking around…?” 
It occurs to you then that he never asked what you were doing, he simply said your name. This unprompted confession paired with your conspicuous body language paints you in a guilty light. 
Silence hangs in the room. 
You count the seconds as they trudge by — seven, eight, nine — each addition feeling as if they’re intensifying gravity. Threatened by the prospect of being crushed beneath this force, you pivot, forcing yourself to face him and better gauge your situation. A mannequin that’d just been brought to life would move far more naturally than you. 
Turquoise eyes stare back. They’re inquisitive, maybe, but not scrutinizing. You visibly relax. 
“So I didn’t wake you?”
You shake your head. 
“Was there something you needed, then?” 
You’re about to shake your head again when the clouds outside part. 
Silvery shades flood the room and envelop Giorno’s side profile. It illuminates his countenance, from the soft curls of his golden hair to his rosy lips and sharp jawline. You’ve become familiar with his features throughout the years. That’s why the slightest deviation catches your attention, as if you were an antiquarian charged with determining if a piece of art were fake or genuine. His complexion is duller and bags are forming beneath his eyes. 
“You look exhausted,” you remark. 
“Isn’t that considered a rude thing to say to someone?” is his reply. 
You frown at his lighthearted tone. He’s still wearing a suit, which means whatever he came back from was business related. From this distance, you feel there are details you’re still missing, so you close the gap. It’s unusual to be near Giorno — especially of your own volition — yet this burning need to make sense of things spurs you on. Standing before him, you narrow your eyes. He finds your behavior far too perplexing to speak. 
You’ve always felt Giorno possesses an otherworldly quality that sets him apart from the common rabble, yourself included. This quiet magnetism, steadfast determination, and insightfulness forged from a life of having the odds stacked against him. Consequently, the fact he’s made of flesh and blood often eludes you. So ingrained in your mind is this concept of him being on a pedestal, high and untouchable as Michelangelo’s David. The present predicament is at odds with this lofty image. 
His skin is warm when you take his hand in yours. So he isn’t made of Carrara marble, then. 
Giorno does nothing to challenge your uncharacteristic boldness when you lead him to your destination. By your prompting, he sits on the bed’s edge, utterly transfixed on the link that connects your bodies. It’s like the simple contact placed a spell over him. You take a seat by his side, retrieving your hand while you do so. He almost reaches to take it back before thinking better of it. 
“There must be something pretty serious going on,” you point out. “What is it?” 
“It’s… a heavy subject matter. I wouldn’t want to unnecessarily burden you.” 
You hold up your left hand for him. In doing so, the diamond on your wedding ring catches the moonlight and gleams. “Is this just for show, then? Marriage is about sharing burdens.” 
He chuckles softly, though there’s a certain melancholy to the sound. “I thought you didn’t like to consider me your husband.” 
“The Catholic Church frowns on divorce. Now, enough with trying to change the subject,” you maintain unwavering eye contact. “There are a lot of people who rely on Passione, and you, by extension. You keep the worst of things in check. I might have my… reservations about the specifics, but even I can’t deny that.”
Taking a deep breath, you add, “So, if talking might help you, then… talk. There’s too much at stake to get caught up in petty feelings.” 
For a moment, he closes his eyes, contemplating. He’s always been one to indulge you whenever he can, especially since you rarely ask for anything. 
“Alright. I’ll tell you on one condition, although I must insist on not getting into the details.” 
You squirm in your seat. “And said condition is…?” 
There’s a mischievous tint to his eyes when he reopens them. “Have you been waiting for me all night? Answer truthfully.” 
“I haven’t—!” 
“Truthfully, [First].” 
You huff and cross your arms over your chest. “... Yes.” 
Instead of teasing you, as he enjoys doing, he gives you a gentle smile. The kind he reserves solely for you. He squeezes your hand but doesn’t allow his touch to overstay its welcome. He could take so much more from you and still, he exercises restraint. Is it because it’d shatter the illusion that he was doing all of this to ‘keep you safe’ if he acted on carnality? His commitment to the farce is almost enough to convince you. 
“Thank you, regardless of whatever the reason for it may have been,” Giorno’s sincerity is undeniably stirring. This is the Don of Passione — a man who can win over the undying loyalty of others within a single conversation. Falling into his rhythm is as easy as breathing, he sets such an enticing tempo. 
“You aren’t going back on your word, are you?” You challenge, wanting to distract yourself from this budding feeling in your chest. Whether it be resentment or apathy, he’s capable of chipping away at the walls you form before you realize what’s happening. It should be simple, in theory. Loathing the man who took your freedom and never plans to give it back. It should be very simple. 
But when he looks at you as he does now, like he’d reach into his chest and tear out his heart if only you asked, you’re at a loss. 
“Giorno? What is it?” 
His pupils dilate when his name leaves your lips. This spacing out is unlike him, he’s the keenest person you’ve ever met. It’s the reason why you’ve never been able to get one over him. You’re about to snap your fingers in front of his face when he clears his throat. 
“Ah, it’s nothing, just… well… every time I look at you, every time you speak,” he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear, “I learn what it’s like to fall in love all over again.” 
Heat rises to your cheeks and stays there. Exhaustion must be lowering his inhibitions, you can’t fathom him saying this otherwise. The sentiment is always there, playing softly in the background, but now it’s at a volume you can’t drown out. You shiver all over. This is a man who’d make an enemy of the world if it meant winning your favor. Such intensity, such raw attachment, bewilders and leaves you unable to form words. 
Seeing the goosebumps on your forearm, he shrugs his wool blazer off and drapes it over your shoulders. His body heat consumes you. 
“And of course I won’t go back on my word — not with you. Some setbacks that we thought were coincidences are occurring too frequently to be written off. The natural conclusion is that there’s a mole somewhere in the upper ranks. This betrayal… or the beginnings of one… resurfaces some memories. I intend to see to it quickly.” 
As he warned, you’re receiving a sanitized version of the events, but it’s enough to dispel your curiosity. You jump on the chance to move past his unexpected confession. The tender words threatened to give new life to emotions that are better off dead. 
“Be as that may, you’ll be no good to anyone if you don’t get enough sleep.” 
“I’ve been taking naps when the time allows.” 
“That isn’t good enough,” you protest. “You might have youth on your side, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work yourself into an early grave. Properly caring for yourself is a part of the job.” 
Giorno seems to find your insistence amusing. He covers a smile with his hand, laughing lightly to himself. It’s during these displays of boyish charm that his many daunting titles melt away. You’re forcefully drawn back into the rose-colored days of your fledgling love, when his true identity remained a secret, and you saw only what he wanted you to see. What you wouldn’t give to rewind time and relive it again. Long walks on the beach with the Tyrrhenian Sea’s mist kissing your cheeks, morning dates at your favorite caffé where you’d tease him for always ordering the same drink… it was paradise in more ways than one. 
Alas, once you’ve been forcefully ejected from the Garden of Eden, the gate to return is shut for eternity. 
When Giorno recomposes himself, he breaks the silence. 
“I’m truly grateful that you haven’t changed.” 
You tilt your head. That wistful expression of his punctures your heart, no matter how hard you try to turn the organ to stone. 
“I was prepared for anything. For you to curse me, hate me. I anticipated and accepted the possibility. What I feared most, though, was the thought of you losing what makes you… well, you. It’d be understandable, given the circumstances, but… the warmth you radiate is as strong as ever. I’m glad.” 
Unable to withstand the weight of his gaze, you avert your attention to your lap, head hanging low. 
“That’s a selfish thing to want, considering everything.” 
If it hurts you to say it, you can only imagine how it makes him feel.
He inhales sharply. “I know. I’m plenty selfish when it comes to you.”
This admission takes you aback. Never has he been so forthcoming about his motivation, not without interweaving sugary sentiments to make the sour truth more palatable. There was always a convenient excuse. That your romantic relationship with him puts you in danger, how this arrangement is to ensure your safety, on and on the list of sickeningly sweet platitudes would go. The puzzle pieces he provided never fit properly. 
The word ‘selfish’ completes the otherwise unfinished picture. 
“You were right. Talking to you does help,” Giorno admits. By the way he says it, you’d think you had just magically solved every problem and tied it up in a bow. 
“Honestly, I don’t think I did much of anything.” 
He sighs at that. You could insult him at the top of your lungs and he wouldn’t flinch, but the moment you’re the least bit critical of yourself, he takes it as a personal offense. 
“Not many people are willing to scold me for not taking care of myself. In fact… you might be the only one,” he muses. 
Your heart sinks and you curl your hands into fists. The nails digging into your palm may hurt, but it’s nothing compared to the ache of your soul. For all he knows about you, Giorno Giovanna is almost an enigma, as far as you’re concerned. The most minuscule acts of kindness stuck out to him like glittering treasures. When you made him home-cooked meals, called him to ask about his day, picked up on the changes in his mood; there’d be this aura of reverence about him. 
How must a person grow up to be in awe of what you’ve always considered to be the bare minimum? 
“On the topic of being selfish, there is something else I want.” 
Perhaps in your sentimentality, you’ve been spoiling him too much. 
“What do you— eek!” 
Strong arms secure themselves around your form and pull you in close. Your eyes widen, lips parting to release protests that never form. Giorno’s body may seem lithe, but he has no issues maneuvering your body as if you were a ragdoll. Still, he treats you with the utmost care, rubbing his hands over your back in a soothing motion. You’re certain if you made a fuss, he’d let you go. You can’t find the motivation to do so. The two of you are exhausted, for reasons that differ and overlap. 
While you don’t reciprocate his embrace, you don’t try to wriggle out of it. This is reason enough for him to tighten his grip. 
… Indeed, he is acting rather spoiled. 
“Are you fed up with me?” He asks. 
“I’m slowly getting there.” 
You feel his chest rumble when he chuckles. “Bear with me just a while longer, then.” 
His lips brush over your forehead in a daring kiss. Your muscles go taut and your heart hammers hard enough that you can hear it. He allows himself to linger there a while longer, though he makes no attempts to repeat the act. Instead, he soaks in your presence, each second worth its weight in gold. 
He hums, showing you have his rapt attention. 
“About what you said earlier,” there’s a tremble in your voice you can’t hide, owing to the tightness in your throat, “I haven’t ever hated you. I… I don’t think I can.” 
His breath hitches. 
“But… I do know I can’t love you the way I used to either.” 
“Do you want to?”  
“And that scares you, doesn’t it?” 
“... Yes.” 
Giorno knows you from the inside out. Everything you consist of, from your best to your worst qualities, he’s seen it all. If you ever broke, he could rebuild you again from memory alone. That’s why despite everything, being vulnerable around him comes naturally. Caring about him too, no matter how you try to twist your reasoning to make yourself feel better. Once you’ve given someone your heart, taking it back in its entirety is impossible, some pieces will remain in their possession. 
“It’s alright, no matter what conclusion you arrive at,” he decides. He buries his nose in the crown of your head. “So long as you’re alive and well, I can accept anything.” 
Much to his surprise, you rest your head against his chest, the strength to hold yourself upright steadily draining. He readjusts his hold to ensure you’re as comfortable as you can be. 
“It must be sad, thinking the way you do.” 
From how little a reaction he gives, you almost think he didn’t hear you. 
“A little,” he admits after a thoughtful pause. “Being without you, though… that’d be far, far worse.” 
If reentry to the Garden is denied, then he’ll replicate its beauty to give the impression you never left. 
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lliminall · 1 year
libera me, dies irae, requiem aeternam
[yandere!GER x reader x yandere!giorno]
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word count: 1.8k
tags: fem reader, yandere, ignoring canon to make my silly little stories cooler, read a bunch of those poetry tiktok slideshows beforehand and now I think I can write like richard siken or something
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In the dream, you wake up in the void. It’s the only dream there is, ever since he brought you here. The dream always begins the same.
There is nothing in the void. Not a body for you to kick and flail with, not a voice for you to call out. There is only you, floating, and the prickling sensation of something watching you all the while.
You learn to accept it. The emptiness. You learn to tell yourself that you’re only dreaming, that it will pass as it does every other time, that you can simply ignore the clawing, gnawing feeling that you are being watched with the intensity of a predator stalking the sole object of it’s attention. It works, even as you begin to hear echoing whispers of words you can’t quite make out.
The voice is distantly familiar, the smooth tenor being one that you hear nearly every day, since he brought you here. If it would just come closer, speak a bit more clearly, maybe you could finally make out the words it speaks to you. Maybe they would be familiar, too.
You learn to manage, in the void of the dream that’s always the same, until the night it changes.
When you wake in the dream, you are in his bed, in the room he brought you to. It’s quiet, dark, and when you turn to face the other side of the bed, he isn’t there (you don’t like to say his name). You think you’re awake, really awake, until you glance out the window and see that it’s black outside. Not black with the night. Not black in the absence of light. Black in the absence of anything.
Your skin prickles. You are being watched.
You roll back onto your side quickly and the sound of rustling sheets is the only noise in a room far too quiet. There is something in the room with you, a shape in the shadows at the far end, rigid and unmoving. Your eyes strain to adjust to the darkness. At the top of its form, where its head must be, two eyes stare back at you, wide and unblinking and nearly glowing. Blood rushes through your ears. Your body is frozen, and you cannot look away. The eyes pin you where you lay.
“You are always afraid,” it begins in the familiar voice, “when we meet.”
Your tongue is heavy in your throat. You couldn’t respond even if you knew what to say. The figure begins to move, the eyes and the blurry shape of its body stalking slowly along the lines of the wall. It’s stays within the darkest throws of shadow, approaching you as if you would bolt at the slightest startling movement. Maybe you would, if there was anywhere to go. If you could feel your fear-stricken legs under the sheets.
“You have no need to fear me,” it says. It’s mechanical voice seems to soften. “I could never harm you, as my user could never bear to cause you harm.”
White-knuckled fingers clutch the sheets to your chest, and you take a long steadying breath as you command your body to move, speak, anything.
“Wh-who-“ your halting voice begins. “Who are you?”
The figure comes to a stop across from your bed. It regards you quietly for a moment, it’s unblinking eyes flitting over your body, your fists, your face. How helpless you must look below it.
“I will never harm you,” it says, it’s voice hardened and determined. It’s making a promise to you. A vow. “I will never leave you. My devotion to you will never wane.”
It takes a step toward you and your fingers lock again. It stops before you by the bed.
“There is nothing and no one that can take you from me, or from my user.”
It leans over your body and in the dim light of the room you can finally make out its face. Its smooth, hardened features. The crown of its head. The arrow shape pressed into its brow and its piercing, doll-like eyes. A mimicry of a human being. Something only half-way there.
There is no heat coming from its skin, you realize as it nearly cages you in. There is no warmth, no coldness, as if it occupies no space at all.
“In every eventuality, in all of life’s diverging paths, I will keep my promises to you.” It raises a pale hand to your face, and you realize that you’re crying at it wipes a tear from your cheek with a single finger. Not warm. Not cold. Not quite there.
“You will understand,” it says, in a voice that’s softer somehow. “In time, you’ll come to understand why we do what we must. I’ll see to it.”
A trembling breath rattles through your chest. It raises its hand in front of your face and you see that there’s a flower between its fingers, small and delicate. It tucks the bloom into the folds of your hair.
“I will see to it. No matter how many times it takes.”
The tea in your cup is getting cold. The china has been switched out today for something more colorful and ornate. To match the coming spring season, you suppose. He always is attentive like that (you don’t like to say his name).
“Should I have another drink brought out for you?” he asks. His voice registers somewhere in the back of your mind. Smooth tenor. Not mechanic. Familiar, in more ways than one now.
You take a steadying breath. You remember waking up in his bed this morning. You remember feeling the residual warmth of his body on the sheets he had just left. You remember the sunlight filtering through the curtains and onto your skin.
You remember picking flower petals out of your hair and gagging over the sink. You’re awake. Not asleep. Not in the dream. Awake.
His hand slides into your peripheral and you hear the soft clinking of a knife as he spreads jam onto a pastry for you.
“Did you sleep well?” he asks.
The sunlight is warm on your skin. The scent of his coffee is light in the air. His hand dips into your view again to set the pastry onto your plate. You’re awake. You’re awake. You’re awake.
In the back of your mind you register his sigh. His hand comes to rest tentatively over yours, and you finally give him the eye contact he wants (you don’t like to look at him. You don’t like to speak to him or be touched by him or sit in the parlor and have breakfast with him either, but he doesn’t always give you the choice).
“You can tell me if you’re having trouble sleeping,” he says. “You know I’ll help in any way that I can.”
His blonde hair sits in perfect curls against his face. He’s trying, you can tell, to school his expression into something relaxed and amicable, but you can also tell it’s taking more of a strain than he would like you to see. You are driving him mad with worry. You know, because his face is beginning to look a lot like yours. Sunken, dark-eyed, bleak.
“I’m fine,” you say, and move your hand to take the biscuit from your plate. You begin to eat, finally, and his shoulders seem to relax a bit.
“I’ll bring home a supplement for you. Some melatonin, perhaps,” he says. “And you can tell me if there’s anything else you need.”
His voice is too familiar. But his hand was warm on top of yours and there’s sunlight in the windows and food in your mouth. Awake, awake, awake.
“Thank you,” you say, and raise the beautiful cup to your mouth. Your tea has gone cold.
Giorno wakes late into the night with a tug on his soul. His stand is out, and up to something.
He rolls to his side to see the stand crouched low, eyes locked on his, it’s face close to yours and it’s fingers threaded through your hair. It isn’t the first time he’s caught it like this.
The stand pets your hair in long, affectionate strokes, and you don’t stir under its ministrations. You had been so good for him that evening, sitting quietly at the dinner table as he sorted through paperwork, tucking yourself into bed and accepting the melatonin gummies he handed to you without fuss. He knows you’re only being so cooperative because you don’t have the energy to put on a stubborn face anymore. You haven’t been sleeping well since he brought you here.
The medicine seems to have done it’s work and then some. Giorno can see lines imprinted in the skin where your cheek was pressed into your pillow. Your hair is splayed around your head in a mess of a halo, and you don’t stir as he props himself up an elbow to better look at you.
They sit in silence, he and his stand, watching your peaceful visage. It isn’t an expression they often have the privileging of seeing any other time.
Giorno is often struck with the sense that are things going on beyond his awareness. That his stand, powerful and intelligent in ways he doesn’t yet comprehend, is pulling strings he cannot see. Often, he is struck with the sense that his ultimate weapon is not as well under his control as it allows him to believe.
The stand removes its hand from your hair and looks at him. The hand trails lightly across the length of your body, curving over the lines of your shoulder, your waist, ruffling the fabric at your hip. It watches him expectantly, and Giorno’s fingers twitch.
The stand removes its hand and Giorno raises his own, guilty like a child reaching out for what’s been forbidden. He starts at your shoulder, smoothing the sleeve of your shirt and feeling emboldened when you don’t so much as breath in response. He flattens his hand against your warm skin, brushing down the dip of your waist, the hard line of your hips, the soft flesh of your belly. There are inches between his chest and your body. It’s the closest he’s ever been to holding you.
His heart swells with adoration, every little interaction a blessing that renews his devotion to you. He looks at his stand that has not broken its line of sight with him, and wordlessly they come to their constant understanding.
More than anything, he wants to keep you safe. More than anything, he wants you to understand that he loves you, and selfishly he wants your love in return.
Giorno lays down beside you, his arm draped over your form. He thumbs at the sliver of skin where your shirt has ridden up over your belly, and trusts that whatever his stand may be doing, whatever hidden things lie outside of his control for the time being, it’s all being done for their sake. It’s all being done for your sake.
He closes his eyes and leaves you under the watch of his unblinking Requiem.
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thornybubbles · 2 years
JJBA Yandere Scenario: Jealousy (The JoJos: Josuke, Giorno, and Johnny)
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Jealous Josuke is an emotional wreck. He’s rage and paranoia personified.  He wants to be a good boyfriend. He really does, but every time he sees you with that guy, he feels like he’s going to lose his mind. He’s in constant flux between flying into a rage and having a full on panic attack. You love him, right? So why hang all over that guy so much? Are you cheating on him? You wouldn’t do that to him, would you? He sure hopes not because he doesn’t know what he’d do if that was true. He’s pretty sure he’d go insane though. Every moment you two aren’t together he’s wondering if you’re with that guy or not. His imagination goes wild, taking his thoughts to places he doesn’t want them to go. 
Are you in love with that guy? 
Are you going to leave him? 
Are you cheating on him? 
Are you cheating on him right now? 
Are you cheating? 
Are you cheating? 
Are you cheating on him?!!!
It was lunch break. Josuke had left the classroom to roam the mostly empty halls. He couldn’t sit in the classroom with Okuyasu constantly asking him what was wrong. He needed to be alone to think. He needed to decide what to do. He just needed to calm down first. It was proving very difficult to do so, though, as thoughts of you in the track star’s arms kept popping into his thoughts. He rubbed his temples, trying to ease the headache that was forming. HIs hair was a mess and for once, he didn’t even care. 
He was startled by the feeling of a hand touching his shoulder. He whirled around and his bloodshot eyes locked onto the form of Yukako. 
“Koichi is worried about you.” She said with a stern tone, almost as if she was accusing him of something. 
It took a few moments for her words to sink in for Josuke. 
“Huh? Worried? Why?” Josuke asked. 
Yukako ran her fingers through her long black locks in a casual manner before she answered. 
“You’ve been acting like you’re on the verge of a mental breakdown for days now. I’ve noticed it as well.” she said. “What’s going on, Josuke?” 
Josuke sighed. First Okuyasu, now both Koichi and Yukako? He guessed he wasn’t really hiding his feelings very well. Well, he wasn’t really trying to.
“I think she might be cheating on me.” he blurted out before he could stop himself. He gritted his teeth and his hands began to tremble. Just saying it out loud made him want to go on a rampage. 
Yukako noticed the way his fingers twitched and the way his jaw tightened. She knew that level of fury all too well. She sighed and crossed her arms across her chest. 
“You mean your girlfriend? Cheating with who? With that muscle head from the track team? The one with the terrible bleached hair? The one I always see her talking with when you aren’t around?” she said, bracing herself for what she suspected would come next. 
Sure enough at the mention of the hated rival, Josuke’s rage exploded like a volcano. He slammed a fist into a nearby locker, caving the door in to the point that it popped off of the hinges. He stood there panting heavily for a moment before summoning Crazy Diamond to fix the door. He didn’t know whose locker it belonged to, but he figured that a random student shouldn’t have to pay for his tantrum. 
Yukako felt a drop of cold sweat run down the back of her neck. She wondered if her own tantrums had that same effect on those around her. Poor Koichi. She waited for Josuke to look calm enough for it to be safe to speak to him again. 
“I’m not the type to interfere in the problems of other couples, but seeing you like this upsets my Koichi, so I’ll give you some advice…” she began. 
Josuke thought Yukako was the last person to have any business giving anyone advice on romance, but he listened to what she had to say anyway. It wasn’t like he was coming up with any solutions on his own. 
“Kick his ass.” she said simply.
Well, he should’ve seen that coming. 
“Let me rephrase that… Give him a warning. One warning. Tell him to stay away from what’s yours, and if he can’t follow that one, simple request… kick his ass.” she said, her eyes and voice taking on a steely edge.
Josuke mulled over what she said. It was such a simple answer, he wondered why he hadn’t thought of it. Of course he couldn’t just beat some dude up for no reason… but he did have a reason, didn’t he? That lowlife spent way too much time with his babe for his liking. Always stealing her time from him… giving him a warning first made things fair… Surprisingly, Yukako’s advice made perfect sense.
“Don’t just think about it, Josuke. You need to confront him. Tell him to back off and enforce it if you need to.” 
Yukako turned and started to walk back to the classroom before turning back to him and adding, 
“And then you need to talk to her. Remind her of who she belongs to. If you don’t set her straight… you’ll lose her.” 
Those last three words chilled Josuke to his very core. He stared after Yukako as she walked away from him. Putting the jock in his place made sense, but was Yukako implying that he needed to… “get rough” with you? Josuke wasn’t sure that he would, or could, take things that far. He did plan to talk to you about it though. He was going to have to explain to you how you made him feel whenever you spent too much time around other guys. More than that, he had to make sure that all these fears of you cheating on him were just in his head and not a terrible reality. 
Josuke made up his mind. He was going to take Yukako’s advice. He’d find out where that bleach tipped jock hung out and confront him after school. He’d have to be careful, though. If he ended up having to pulverize him, he didn’t want word of that getting back to you. You were understanding, kind, and open minded, but he didn’t think you’d be happy to hear that he’d beaten one of your friends to a pulp. Why were you friends with that guy anyway? Wasn’t he enough? 
Josuke shook his head furiously. No, he couldn’t go thinking like that again. He’d work himself back into a frenzy. He needed to think clearly. He was going to have to be patient and wait. He’d feel a lot better once he’d made sure that scumbag left you alone for good. He was going to hate it, but he needed to avoid you until then. As much as he needed to bury himself into your embrace, he wouldn’t be able to control himself around you. He was still angry and the last thing he wanted to do was blow up in your face, blaming you for doing something he still wasn’t sure you were guilty of yet. He just didn’t know what he’d do if he found out anything funny went on between you and that piece of shit. He would go insane. He’d go insane and it would be all your fault. 
He spent the rest of the school day twitching with barely restrained fury. 
Finally the end of the school day came and Josuke couldn’t get out of the classroom fast enough. He spotted you briefly but was careful enough to stay out of your range of sight. He spotted his true target talking to a group of boys coming out of the gym. That was him! The guy you were (might) be leaving him for. There wasn’t anything special about him. Sure he was a bit on the buff side, but Josuke’s muscles were just as good! Besides, it didn’t matter whose muscles were bigger, Josuke could still win in a real fight. All this guy could do was run. What could a mere high school athlete do against someone who fought with the most dangerous people in the world on a daily basis? What could he do against someone with a Stand like Crazy Diamond? Nothing! That’s what! And Josuke was going to prove it! Tonight! He waited for the other boys to leave before he made his move. 
“Hey, you!” Josuke called to the track star. 
The boy cast a confused look at Josuke, not understanding the cause of the hostile tone he was being given. Josuke told him to meet him at sunset out in the rice fields, describing the same one where Jotaro had taken him to hunt the rats, explaining that he had something important to talk about. Those fields were far from prying eyes. No one ever went out there except the farmers during harvest and planting season. There wouldn’t be any witnesses to what Josuke was going to do to the chump… if he had to. (He really hoped he would have to.) The boy agreed to meet Josuke, already feeling that the delinquent was challenging him to a fight for some unknown reason. The boy rose to the challenge eagerly, refusing to be intimidated by Josuke. 
Josuke stood in the middle of the field, staring out at the horizon as the sky changed colors. The sun had fully dipped behind the treetops, but its light still hung in the sky, not wanting to give up the fight against the nighttime so easily. Just like him. He wasn’t about to let some lunkhead steal you away from him. And he wasn’t letting you go for anyone else either. He wouldn’t give up. He wouldn’t give you up to anyone!
“What’s this about, Higashikata?” 
Josuke looked over his shoulder at the boy, his expression a cold look of contempt. 
“I want you to stay away from my girl. Don’t hang around her. Don’t talk to her. Don’t even look at her.” Josuke said simply.
What he did next would depend on how the boy responded. If he agreed, there wouldn’t be any problem. If he didn’t, well…
The boy gave Josuke a confused, disgusted look before letting out a sharp bark of a laugh. 
“Oh my God.” He said. “I never pegged you to be one of those types of boyfriends!” 
Josuke turned to face the boy fully. 
“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” he demanded, his anger starting to simmer to a boil. 
“It means that you’re an asshole, obviously.” the boy scoffed with an obnoxious roll of his eyes. 
“What kind of boyfriend I am isn’t any of your concern. I told you to stay away from her. So what’s it gonna be? Are you gonna leave her alone, or am I gonna have to get my point across in a different way?” Josuke said in a warning tone. 
“I won’t have to leave her alone.” the boy said with another scoff. “If you’re this pathetic and clingy, she’ll end up leaving you anyway.” 
Josuke felt something inside of his mind give way and a flood of the most horrible thoughts and feelings rushed forth like a tidal wave. None of it showed on his face though. Only a slight look of disdain as he raised his chin slightly to look down his nose at the subhuman pile of dogshit in front of him. 
The boy fell to his side as his right leg snapped like a dry twig. The lower shin bone jutted out of the flesh of his leg gruesomely. The boy screamed, clutching his ruined leg and writhing in pain. Crazy Diamond hovered over the boy waiting for the mental order to break his other leg. 
Josuke sighed, closing his eyes in mock frustration. 
“Man, you really know how to say the wrong thing, don’t you?” he said, ignoring the boy’s screams. 
He was answered with more screaming. Josuke just stared at the boy, his blue eyes empty and cold. Normally, he wouldn’t be able to handle the sight or sounds before him. He didn’t like watching people suffer. This was different though. This wasn’t a person in front of him. It was a thing. A nasty, squealing thing that was trying to take his happiness away from him. It was a worthless speck of filth that wanted to dirty up his world. He wanted it to hurt and scream and bleed and DIE!!
“All you had to do was say that you’d leave my girl alone. That’s it. I don’t think that was really too much to ask, was it?” Josuke said, his voice as expressionless as his face. 
“But I’m feeling a little bit lenient today, so I’ll give you a chance. I’ll let you go if you can outrun me, but the trick is that you have to do it on that broken leg. I’ll even give you two chances, but only two, because you don’t really deserve three. If you fall over, or I catch up to you, then you lose and I punish you. Strike one, I break your other leg. Strike two, though, I break your spine. So you better be able to get away from me or you’re gonna permanently lose your title of track star.” 
The boy stared up at Josuke through terrified, tear-filled eyes, unable to process the madness of what he’d just been told. 
“On your mark…” Josuke said. 
The boy braced himself in a stance as best he could on his shattered leg. This was insane! He knew he couldn’t get away, but he had to try. 
“Get set…” 
The boy wobbled dangerously, his leg throbbing with pain and bleeding everywhere. He felt like he would throw up any moment.
The boy flopped over, unable to even stand on his ruined leg. 
Josuke shook his head. 
“Didn’t even make it past the starting line. I thought you were supposed to be good at this.” He mocked. 
The boy tried to crawl away as Josuke loomed over him. His left leg arched upward in a grisly way as Crazy Diamond stomped down on his kneecap, reducing it to powder. Another round of tortured screaming issued forth from the boy. Josuke just looked on with an uninterested gaze. 
“Ready for round two?” Josuke asked. 
The boy stopped screaming and began to shout at Josuke. 
“You insane fuck!” He cried. “You psychopathic piece of shit!” 
The boy didn’t have any clue just how Josuke was putting him through this torment. He was just standing there! How could he hurt him without even touching him? 
Josuke raised an eyebrow. 
“Hey, I’m giving you a chance here and now you’re gonna swear at me? Not sure if you deserve a second chance. Maybe I should just break your spine anyway?” 
“Go ahead if you think it will do anything!” the boy screamed at him in a moment of defiance. “Paralyze me if you think it matters, but when I’m lying on a hospital bed, I’ll make sure everybody knows that it was you that did this to me! Everybody will know what a fucked up monster you are, including that girl of yours. She’ll hate you! She’ll be so sick of you for what you did that she’ll leave you and--” 
He was cut off by Josuke’s fist slamming into his jaw, cracking it. 
“YOU JUST DON’T KNOW WHEN TO SHUT THE HELL UP, DO YOU?” Josuke thundered, his face contorted with so much rage that he looked downright demonic. “LET’S SEE IF YOU CAN KEEP RUNNING YOUR MOUTH THROUGH A BROKEN JAW! HUH?! YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY NOW?! YOU SACK OF SHIT!!!” 
What did this guy know? You weren’t going to leave him! You wouldn’t! You couldn’t! This loser didn’t know what he was talking about!!
He wanted to keep hitting him. He wanted to pummel his stupid face until there was nothing left of it but scraps of meat and bits of bone. He wanted to splatter his brains all over the ground and soak the dirt with his blood. But he didn’t. Somehow he managed to reign in his anger. He knew that if he kept hitting him, he would kill him. Not that he cared about the punk’s worthless life, but his reputation (especially with you) would be in shambles. His friends would never forgive him. His mother… he didn’t even want to think about how she’d react. You, though. You would hate him and fear him. He couldn’t live with that. 
So instead, Josuke had Crazy Diamond methodically torture his rival. His spine was broken, as promised, but so were his ribs, his arms, the tiny bones in his hands and feet, his fingers, his toes… each bone was slowly and methodically shattered, until the boy was begging for it to end. That’s all Josuke needed to hear. 
He allowed Crazy Diamond to heal the boy and the Stand did so, though reluctantly. The boy was stunned. Taking full advantage of his now healed legs, the boy clamored to his feet and started to run. He was grabbed by Crazy Diamond. 
“Ah! What is this?” He cried. “What’s happening?! Something’s got me!” 
He struggled to break free from the invisible hold, but it was too strong. He shrank in on himself as Josuke approached him. 
“Y-You were breaking my bones without touching me… Then suddenly I’m healed and now I feel like I’ve been grabbed by something I can’t see! How are you doing this? W-what the hell are you?” he said with a whimper of terror. 
Josuke glared at him. He was afraid. Good. Maybe now he’ll finally listen to reason. 
“Doesn’t matter.” Josuke answered. “All that matters is whether or not you plan to keep pressing your luck. Are you going to leave my girl alone or do I have to give you another round of pain?” 
“I-I’ll l-leave her alone. I’ll do what y-you say. Just… please… l-let me g-go…” he stammered, exhaustion evident in his voice. 
Crazy Diamond released the boy, and he dropped to his knees. He looked up as Josuke stood in front of him. 
“Now, you’re gonna go about your life pretending that this little encounter didn’t happen.” Josuke warned. “If word of what happened today gets out, I’m not gonna be happy with you. Especially if my girl finds out about it. If I find out that you talked, I’ll find you. And you won’t like what happens when I do. Do I make myself clear?” 
The boy nodded. 
“I won’t tell. I w-won’t tell anyone.” he stammered. 
Josuke’s expression suddenly brightened. His lips stretched into a deceptively friendly smile. 
“Good! Now run home, and forget all about this.” 
The track star did just that, putting his well trained (and now unbroken) legs to good use. He ran the entire way home.  
Things had been very strange for you for the last few days. First of all, Josuke seemed as though he was actively avoiding you lately. When you spoke to him, he always seemed to have a manic look in his eyes, as well as a need to rush through the conversation in order to get away from you as soon as possible. Okuyasu told you that Josuke was acting like that around him and Koichi, too. Today was really strange, though. You hadn’t seen Josuke all day and for the last half of the day, Yukako kept giving you suspicious looks. You had no idea what you had done to have her keep looking at you that way, but you made it a point to stay out of her way for the rest of the day. For all you knew, you probably accidentally gave Koichi too many compliments or something. You were more worried about your boyfriend and what you could have done to make him act like he wanted nothing to do with you. You were going to have to talk to him about it. You had a terrible feeling that he might be planning to break up with you. 
Imagine your surprise, when Josuke showed up at your window later that night. He looked disheveled and had a wild look in his eye. His precious pompadour was in a disarray, long, loose, strands had broken free and dangled in his face. Curious, you let him into your room. Once he climbed all the way into your room, he was all over you. He grabbed you up in a tight embrace and planted a desperate, needy kiss on your lips. When that kiss ended, he kissed you again, and again, and again. 
“I missed you.” he whispered. 
“I can tell.” You quipped. “Here I was, thinking you were sick of me.” 
Josuke let go of you. 
“You thought I was sick of you?” he asked, sounding surprised. 
“You’ve been avoiding me for days now.” You explained to him. “Every time I talked to you, you acted like you wanted to be anywhere else but near me. You stopped calling me and you wouldn’t pick up the phone when I tried to call you. Your Mom would answer and tell me you were busy. Then, today I didn’t see you at all. Is there something going on, Josuke?” 
Josuke gave you such a desperate look just then. He grabbed you by the shoulders and led you to the bed where he made you sit. He sat down next to you and grasped your hands. 
“I need you to be honest with me.” Josuke said. 
You gave him a concerned look but nodded your head. 
“Sure, Josuke.” You said, growing worried. 
“Would you ever leave me for someone else?” He blurted out, not even hesitating to confess his worst fear to you. “Would you cheat on me?” 
You stared at him in disbelief. That was why he’d been avoiding you? Did he suspect you’d found someone else? Had he truly lost his ability to trust you? What on earth had happened to make him feel this way?
“Josuke…” you began.
“Just tell me the truth!” He shouted, a frightened, anguished tone to his voice. “Please, babe! I need to hear you say the words!!” 
You sighed. He needed confirmation of your loyalty. It hurt your heart to think that he felt that you would do something so deplorable as cheat on him, but that miserable look on his face made it impossible to hold it against him. For someone that seemed to be as tough as diamond, his heart could shatter so easily. 
“Josuke, I love you to pieces.” You say plainly. “I don’t know what I could have done to make you lose your trust in me, but I’m sorry. I would never do something like that to you. I’d never even dream of it.” 
Josuke seemed to deflate like a balloon and collapsed against you. You almost fell over from the sudden weight. You put your arms around him and held him close. His chest was heaving and you could hear his breath hitch. He was crying. 
“Jojo?” You asked, using his nickname for once. Sensitive as Josuke was, he hardly ever cried. It took something really bad to make him like this. It must have been bothering him a lot. 
“Thank God.” he sobbed. “I thought… I just don’t want to lose you. You’re the only thing in the world that makes me feel sane anymore. When I’m with you, I can feel normal. I don’t have to think about how it feels like my life’s gone to shit. I get so tired of how crazy everything is now. I just want to feel like a normal human being again!” 
His words caused a thrill of discomfort to shoot through your very soul. That sounded… well… not very healthy. You opened your mouth to say something to him but you found yourself suddenly staring up into his tear streaked face. He wore a manic expression that chilled you to the bone. 
“Promise me that you’ll stay with me forever!” he said. It was a demand. There was no option to deny him. 
“I-I promise, Josuke.” You stammered, shocked at how unhinged he was behaving and beginning to fear for your safety. 
“You’ll promise what?” Josuke ground out, his voice taking on a threatening tone that caused goosebumps to break out across your skin. 
“I-I promise to s-stay with you forever, Josuke!” You said. 
He sighed in relief and closed his eyes tightly, before crushing you to his chest. 
“I knew. I knew you wouldn’t betray me like that.” he said. “I just had to hear you say it. I had to be sure. I knew you’d tell me the truth. I knew you’d never lie to me, would you, babe?” 
“Of c-course not…” you said, terrified of what he’d do if he didn’t like your response. 
“Of course you wouldn’t.” He said, holding you so close that it was starting to hurt. 
“If you did… if you lied to me… or tried to leave me… I’d lose my damn mind.” he said, his voice shaking and sounding completely unhinged. 
“Then… I just don’t know what I’d do.” 
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Jealous Giorno is going to do anything he can to bring your attention back to him. He’ll be like a peacock spreading his feathers in a not-so-subtle attempt to earn your affections. He’s had his eye on you since he became Don, and seeing you always hanging around that lowly con man set his blood on fire. He made it a point to use whatever methods were at his disposal to find out exactly what kind of men you found attractive. You liked men with long hair? He stopped wearing his hair in a braid, letting the long, blonde locks flow over his shoulders. When he found out what your favorite color was, he had all of his new suits tailored to be in various shades of that color. After a while, he noticed, to his delight, that his efforts were having an effect on you. 
“I see you started wearing your hair down, sir.” you said, feeling awkward about starting a casual conversation with the most powerful man in Italy. 
Giorno turned to you with soft eyes and a gentle smile. You were actually speaking to him! Though, he didn’t care for your formal tone. 
“You may call me Giorno, if you like.” He said. “Do you like it? My hair, I mean.” 
“Uh, yes… it looks very nice.” You stammered, trying to keep your composure but failing miserably. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire. You were embarrassing yourself in front of a very dangerous man and you hated yourself for it. 
Giorno felt like his heart had sprouted wings. Your shyness was very unbecoming of someone in your profession, but to him, it was the most precious thing he’d ever seen. 
“No need to be so shy.” He said, teasingly. “You don’t have to be so stiff and formal when you speak to me.” 
He motioned for you to sit, waving to the ornate chair in front of his desk. 
“Here, sit. Would you like some tea?” 
You timidly took a seat as you were told. 
“Yes. Thank you.” You answered. 
This went on for a while, with Giorno making subtle changes to himself in order to gain your favor. But he was becoming frustrated. No matter what he did, you still stubbornly stayed by the con man’s side. Why? What was he missing? What else did he need to do? You couldn’t actually be in love with that low life, could you? What could a man like that possibly give you that he couldn’t? What could possibly be keeping you by his side?
A little more research into your life and he found the answer. Ah. So you were the con man’s bodyguard. And… you were a Stand user. How interesting. Once he found that out, GER seemed very interested in meeting your Stand. Giorno realized he wasn’t the only one with a crush. 
Giorno decided to get in touch with your current employer to see about discussing an exchange. Money solved most problems, didn’t it? It shouldn’t be too hard to convince your boss to relinquish your services to him. 
Once Giorno had the con man in front of him, it took so much effort and all of his sense of professionalism to keep from scowling at him. He was a wormy, greasy snotball of a human being with a cowardly disposition. His nervous eyes flicked around the room to where Mista and a few other gangsters in Giorno’s employ stood up against the walls, staring back at him menacingly. 
A suitcase was placed on Giorno’s desk in front of the con man. He eyed it suspiciously but made no move to open it. He looked up at Giorno with worry in his eyes. 
“If I give you my bodyguard, then I won’t have anyone watching my back” the con man whined “I’ve scammed a lot of people in my day and some of those guys are dangerous. Dangerous and pissed off at me. I can’t afford…” 
“Why don’t you actually look at what I’m offering you before you complain about what you can’t afford?” Giorno interrupted, trying his best to quell his growing irritation. 
The con man glanced from Giorno down to the suitcase. Timidly, warily, he loosened the latches and slowly opened the suitcase. His eyes lit up like the New York skyline. 
“You can have her.” he said, digging his hands into the cash. He pulled out stacks of bills and looked at them like they were rare works of art. Giorno’s eyes darkened at how easily swayed the man was. He was just another greed driven criminal that viewed human lives as nothing more than tools or products to be bought and sold. Of course, Giorno was no better. He was the one buying you after all. Still, to think of you working under such a man made his skin crawl. 
“Then I suppose we have no more business together. You may take your leave.” Giorno said, wanting the speck of living filth out of his sight as soon as possible.
The con man put the bills back in the suitcase and slammed it closed. He snatched it up and grinned at Giorno.
“With this much cash I won’t need a bodyguard anyway! I’ve got enough money to buy my own personal army now! It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Giovanna!” he chirped happily.
“The pleasure is all yours, I assure you.” Giorno muttered under his breath. 
If the con man heard him, he didn’t acknowledge it. He held the suitcase under his arm and started for the door. 
“Don’t know why you want to spend so much money on her anyway. She’s a great bodyguard, but not good for much else.” the con man said over his shoulder.
“What do you mean by that?” Giorno said. His eyes narrowed dangerously. 
“Bit of a prude. Not interested in having any fun, if you know what I mean.” Said the con man while making a lewd gesture with his hands. 
Girono felt his teeth grind against each other. 
“Yes I think I know exactly what you mean.” he growled. “I believe you were on your way out.” 
The con man cast him another grin and left. 
Giorno snapped his head in the direction of his second in command. 
“Mista,” he said. 
The gunman gave a nod and headed for the door. 
“What? Really?!” came a cry of surprise by one of the other gangsters. “But he took the money!” 
He was a rookie in the group, but he should still know better than to speak out of turn. Giorno affixed him with a glare that had him snapping his jaw closed and staring at the floor. The two thugs on either side of him sidled a few inches away from him. The rookie seemed like he was trying to become one with the wall, but he didn’t say anymore. 
Giorno turned away from him. He would discipline that fool later. 
A day passes, and you get the word that your boss has been murdered. It’s assumed that one of his past victims finally caught up with him. It wasn’t long after that that you were contacted by Giorno. Now, you found yourself sitting in front of Giorno as he offered you a small smile. His eyes were alight with something that resembled glee. You couldn’t imagine why he seemed so happy and you weren’t about to ask. 
“It’s come to my attention that you are in need of a job,” he said. “I’ve decided to offer you a place by my side… as my bodyguard!” he said, adding the last part rather quickly. 
You looked up at him and he had such a calm, placid look on his face. His eyes though, had a strange urgent look to them. It was almost as if he was trying to mentally will you to say yes. You thought for a moment, weighing your options. The thing was, you really didn’t have any options. Your original boss was out of the picture, and as much as you didn’t like the man, he paid well. And strangely, nobody else had been willing to hire you within the organization. They kept saying things like, “You don’t have the credentials” or “You don’t have enough experience”. Lies. Not only that, but they all seemed very nervous about your presence. They all seemed like they just wanted to get rid of you. You don’t know what could have happened to cause your reputation to plummet so severely that no one would hire you, but it put you in a very bad position. You owed people money. You owed very dangerous people a lot of money. You looked back up at Giorno. 
“When do you want me to start, Mr. Giovana?” you asked. 
It seemed like the entire room sighed with relief, even though only you and Giorno were in the room. 
“I’m very glad to hear it, though I believe I told you to call me Giorno,” he said. His smile was friendly enough, but there was a slight edge to his voice that made you feel that the request was actually an order. 
“I’m sorry, Giorno.” You said, correcting yourself. 
His smile brightened. 
Once you were actually in his employ, your life suddenly took a turn for the better. Everyone you owed money to, suddenly dropped any obligations you had to them. Your bills were paid, and even your groceries were bought for you and delivered to your door. You were provided with expensive and opulent jewelry, clothing, and anything else you could possibly want or need. No one else that you worked for ever went this far for you. And as much as you appreciated what he was doing for you, you were starting to feel a little suffocated. 
There was another problem with your new job. As time passed, you could feel yourself developing feelings for Giorno that went well past what was professional. You stifled it as best as you could but with every moment you spent by Giorno’s side, it became more and more difficult. Developing feelings in a job like this was dangerous. Love dulled a person’s sense of reasoning, and you couldn’t afford to lose focus. It could cost you your life. Not only that, but there was always the risk of losing the one you loved. You didn’t think you could handle losing someone you were really in love with. Furthermore, you didn’t want to die and leave a grieving loved one behind.
Giorno seemed adamant about developing a friendship with you though. You thought it odd. He wasn’t like anyone you’d ever worked for. When he asked your opinion on something he seemed genuinely interested in your thoughts. Sometimes he would even make changes based on your opinions alone. 
Giorno seemed to have three sides to him. One was the cold, business like persona he presented to his underlings. The second was the persona of the old friend that he showed only to his closest and most trusted allies. The third was the persona he showed only to you. This side of him was the strangest. He would only reveal this side of himself when it was just the two of you and on days where there were no pressing matters to deal with. He would talk with you for hours about all kinds of things. Eventually, these conversations between the two of you began to get more revealing. 
One night, when the two of you were alone, Giorno opened up to you about something he had never shared with anyone. He told you about his neglectful mother and his abusive stepfather. He told you about wanting to find out who his real father was and even showed you the picture he had in his wallet. The image of the mysterious man gave you shuddering chills that resembled the one you got whenever Giorno gave someone that certain glare that he had. After being told something so intimately private, you found yourself opening up to him as well. You told him about your own lack of a father and your drug addicted mother. You told him about how as a small child you would scream and beg for her to feed you only for her to stare you dead in the eyes while she wordlessly jabbed another needle in her arm. You told him about how you came close to starving to death many times. You told him about how you found your mother dead from an overdose one day and had to live on the streets. Then one day, you got so sick you thought you were going to die, only to miraculously recover and find that you had developed your Stand. From there, you began using your Stand to do odd jobs to keep yourself fed and rent an apartment. You eventually got swept up into mob business and the rest is history. 
You never told anyone else that story, not because you didn’t want anyone to know about your past, but because you didn’t think anyone else would care. Giorno cared. He told you about how he got involved with the mafia in the first place. He told you of how he met Bruno Bucciarati, and how he planned to rid the streets of illegal drugs. He vowed to you then and there that he would make sure that no other child would have to endure what you went through due to your mother’s addiction. 
From there, the relationship you had with Giorno became less and less professional. Of course the two of you maintained a respectable distance from each other when around others that weren’t a part of Girono’s inner circle but, behind closed doors, when it was only the two of you, Giorno seemed to revert to being a needy child. He started making more and more physical contact with you, and for once, you allowed it. It wasn’t the first time a boss of yours tried to get physical with you, but their touches disgusted you and you refused them everytime. Giorno’s touches were so innocent and timid. It was almost as if he was afraid you would strike him if he got too close. He never did anything to make you uncomfortable and his touches were always gentle. He would only ever touch your hand, or hug onto your arm in the beginning. Eventually he got bolder and would embrace you in full hugs or lean up against you, resting his head on your shoulder where he would end up falling asleep. The level of trust he put into you if he was willing to fall asleep in your presence was touching. In this line of work, trust was something you didn’t sneeze at. 
Giorno never attempted to cross the line with you. So when he ever felt the need to initiate physical contact, you would freeze up and let him do so at his own pace. You treated it as if you were being sniffed by a deer or rabbit or any other skittish and easily frightened animal. Giorno was certainly frightened. He feared rejection. Your rejection. So you made it a point to never push him away. And for his part, he never gave you a reason to. It was safe to say that your feelings for him had fully developed past a simple crush. 
Apparently you weren’t the only one who felt that way. One night, you entered Giorno’s office to find that the lights had been dimmed and there were candles everywhere. Giorno’s desk and the other furniture  had been rearranged to make room for a table and chairs. On the table was a lavish meal with wine and even dessert. Giorno sat in one of the chairs, looking at you expectantly. He wore an opulent version of his usual suit (in your favorite color) and his hair was impeccable. It framed his face beautifully. The ringlets that usually adorned his forehead had been loosened and hung in curly strands against his face. You blushed at the sight of him. 
He proposed to you that night. You were surprised, but you didn’t hesitate to say yes. That’s how you found yourself on a yacht headed out to a private island with him for your honeymoon. Little did you know that once you got to the beautiful and sprawling villa he had set up there, you would not be leaving. Now that Giorno finally had you, he decided that he no longer wanted you putting yourself in harm’s way for him. You were his bodyguard no longer. You were his wife and he wanted you to live in luxury and safety. So he would clip your wings and put you in your gilded cage. You would be cared for and provided for and have nothing but the best of everything at your fingertips… but you would never know freedom again. 
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Jealous Johnny is hostile and passive aggressive. 
“What the hell is he doing here?” Johnny spits as you bring your friend to the camp. 
Since you joined up with Johnny and Gyro in the Steel Ball Run race, Johnny’s mood has improved greatly. You’ve given him a new lease on life and make him feel like he’s actually got something to live for again. It helps that you talk to him as a person and not just treat him like a helpless invalid. 
So when that rancher starts showing up at all the races and taking all your attention, it gives him such an uncomfortable, sour feeling in his belly. Don’t you know that guy isn’t just a fan? His crush on you is so painfully obvious it’s sickening! Why can’t you see how he’s manipulating you? Always buying you expensive dinners and clothes and things! You’re in a race through wilderness and rugged plains, for Christ’s sake! What do you need a velvet shawl for? All that jewelry will make you a target for bandits! It’s so obvious to Johnny that the rancher is trying to steal you away from him!
Johnny doesn’t know how to handle his jealousy. He becomes moody whenever you aren’t around and Gyro worries that he’ll go back into a depressive state. Johnny’s demeanor always brightens when you’re back with them though. Of course, when you keep talking about your fancy fanboy, Johnny starts getting snappy. 
“Do you ever stop talking about that guy?” He grumbles. “Why don’t you marry him already, since you like him so much?” 
“He’s already asked me to.” You say. Johnny almost falls off of Slow Dancer, while you and Gyro laugh your asses off. 
Johnny doesn’t think it’s so funny. Once he gets himself back in the saddle correctly, he sends a glare your way. 
“Tell him no!” He all but screams at you.
Both you and Gyro stop laughing to give him looks of shock. Johnny takes a few minutes to compose himself before he explains. 
“At least… at least wait until the race is over…” he said, not making eye contact with either of you. 
“Well… that was the plan.” you responded, giving Gyro a confused look. The Italian just shrugged and returned your expression. 
“Besides, I don’t even know what I’m going to tell him. I’m not even sure I feel that way about him.” 
Johnny didn’t respond. He stared straight ahead at the road over the top of Slow Dancer’s head. Her ears flicked nervously, as if she could sense her rider’s feelings. Johnny’s mind was churning with all manner of unpleasant things. The thought of what you would do after the race was always on the forethought of his mind. Gyro would go back to Italy, that much he knew. There was always that part of him that didn’t want Gyro to go, but Johnny didn’t really feel it was his place to keep his mentor away from his previous obligations. You were a different story. You were in the same boat as Johnny, disowned by your parents and all alone. You didn’t have a reason to leave once the race was over. Where would you even go anyway? 
The rancher was a problem. If you decided to marry him, you’d have a reason to leave. You’d run off with your rich fanboy… and he’d never see you again. He’d be all alone… just like always. Johnny felt his heart clench. For the rest of the day he’s unable to even look at you. 
When you had the gall to bring your rancher friend to the camp, Johnny was not happy. When you suggested that the rancher join up with the group for the duration of the race, it took all of Johnny’s self restraint to keep from shooting both you and your rancher fanboy. Fortunately, Gyro seemed skeptical about the idea as well. The Italian pointed out that they didn’t need an extra party member. Not only that, but they had no reason to trust the rancher. Gyro thought it very suspicious that he was always in every town they went to. He thought that the idea of the rancher being merely a fan of yours was too convenient of an excuse. 
Good ol’ Gyro, always coming through! Johnny thought. 
But the rancher pulled Gyro aside and had a long conversation with the Spin user. The longer Gyro spent talking to the man, the less of a suspicious scowl he bore. By the time they were done talking, Gyro was smiling. In a matter of moments, Gyro was loudly welcoming the newcomer to the group. Johnny made no attempt to protest. He just fumed in silence. 
Dammit, Gyro! He thought. You were supposed to be on my side!
Johnny’s insides felt like they had turned to lava. His stomach and chest burned and this time it wasn’t due to Gyro’s cooking. It had been a few days since the rancher had joined the group and it seemed that both you and Gyro had been won over by his charms. Johnny was forced to watch as you and Gyro trailed along beside the rancher, hanging on his every word. Johnny rolled his eyes at the sight. You both looked so pathetic following him around like puppies. What’s worse is that he seemed to be the only one doing any work anymore. 
“Sure, I’ll put up the tents all by myself!” he yelled, bitterness very clear in his voice. “You guys can just have your little chat. Just let the guy in the wheelchair do all the work. That’s fine.” 
You and Gyro seemed to break out of your trance, realizing just how long you both have been neglecting your chores. Gyro went about setting things up for the nightly meal while you started gathering firewood. Johnny sighed to himself, satisfied that things were starting to go back to normal. That’s when the rancher took it upon himself to walk over and start helping Johnny with the tents. 
“You know, I get the feeling you don’t like me very much, Mr. Joestar.” he said in an irritatingly good natured tone. 
“Oh, you noticed. Here I thought I was hiding it.” Johnny said sarcastically. 
The rancher had the nerve to laugh at his response. Johnny scowled and turned away from him. 
The rancher began to ramble on about things Johnny didn’t care about, but at some point, the conversation turned to you. 
“I guess I haven’t been hiding my crush on your friend too well.” He said. “I know how you must feel, but I assure you I have no ulterior motives.” 
Johnny stopped what he was doing to glare at him. The rancher just beamed at him with the biggest smile he’d ever seen. 
After a moment, Johnny’s glare faded and he sighed. 
“Can you blame me for worrying though?” Johnny said, all hostility gone from his voice. Fine. He’d play along. Just until he knew what this guy really wanted. 
They talked for another hour or so until Gyro called them to come to dinner. Johnny sat, slowly sipping at his stew. The rancher turned out to not be the kind of person he thought he was. His motives were genuine. Wouldn’t you know it? He was actually a decent person. He was probably one of the nicest people Johnny had ever met. He had begun to understand why you and Gyro liked him so much. 
And Johnny still despised him. 
Nice as he was, the rancher still planned to get you to marry him. He still planned to take you away. Johnny would never forgive him for that. If not for that, Johnny may have been willing to forget about his plans to get rid of him. Ever since the rancher joined the group, a dark plan had been forming in Johnny’s mind. He wasn’t sure how he would pull it off without alerting the suspicions of either you or Gyro, but he was sure that by the end of the week, he’d have something figured out. 
His plan came to fruition when you found yourselves traveling down a trail that bordered a rather steep cliff. It wasn’t an especially long fall… but it would do the trick. Johnny had to be careful though. He could use Spin or his Stand and you wouldn’t notice, but Gyro had far more experience in using both. He would notice… well he would if it weren’t for the fact that Johnny had been practicing and perfecting his own Spin technique and testing it to see if Gyro would detect it. At first Gyro noticed every single time and wanted to know what Johnny was trying to do, but Johnny would always have a convincing excuse. Eventually Gyro stopped noticing. Even when Johnny was trying to get him to see, Gyro never did. The technique was subtle. Just a slight tipping that would cause whatever was affected by it to go slightly off balance. All it took was to affect the hooves of the rancher’s horse. The man was a decent rider, but not to the level of the three of you. His horse wasn’t as disciplined as a race horse normally was, either. It wouldn’t raise any suspicions if his horse suddenly got a little clumsy. 
“Whoa, boy!” The rancher “Steady now!” 
Johnny turned back to look at him, making an effort to feign concern. You and Gyro turn around, too, just in time to see the rancher lose control of his horse as it stumbles over its own feet. Both horse and rider plummet over the side of the cliff. 
You scream. 
Gyro swears. 
Johnny doesn’t make a sound. He doesn’t even blink.
He remembers people would always talk about traumatic events happening in slow motion. That didn’t happen here. One second the rancher and his horse were there, then they weren’t. It happened so fast that no one could have done much to stop it. Exactly how Johnny planned it. 
The three of you ride up to the edge of the cliff. You start crying. Gyro mutters something in Italian. Johnny just stares impassively upon the body of the man he just murdered. He should feel sick and horrified by what he’d done, but he doesn’t. He feels justified. Accomplished. Satisfied. It isn’t until he sees you dismount your horse to run from the scene that he feels anything that could be considered guilt. 
Gyro places a hand on his shoulder. 
“Go to her, Johnny.” He says solemnly. “I’ll… I’ll take care of things here.” 
Johnny looks into his mentor’s face seeing no trace of suspicion or accusation. He only sees the slightest hint of grief. He couldn’t imagine why. Gyro hadn’t even known the rancher that long. He supposed that it was just sadness at the situation that Gyro felt. Regardless, the only thing Johnny cared about was that Gyro didn’t suspect a thing.  
He steers Slow Dancer in the direction you ran to. He finds you sobbing into your hands while leaning against a tree. He rides up on Slow Dancer and slides off of her to plop onto the ground next to you. 
He doesn’t get a chance to say anything before you’ve flung your arms around him and are soaking his shirt with your tears. He pulls you closer, trying his best to not grin. He missed this. You and him being close. 
“I’m sorry,” he says. 
Johnny doesn’t know why he said that. He isn’t at all sorry for what he did, and he isn’t sorry for your loss either. He’s glad your annoying fanboy is gone. Though, “sorry” is what you’re supposed to say in situations like this, right? Though the longer you cry and wail, the more annoyed with it he gets. It isn’t your crying that bothers him so much as the reason you’re crying. Why were you shedding tears over that guy? You’ve known Johnny much longer. He should mean more to you than that guy ever did. Why are you carrying on like this for a guy that was little more than an acquaintance? 
It wasn’t that Johnny didn’t care about your feelings, he just wanted you to remember your feelings for him. You did have feelings for him, didn’t you? Maybe that was the problem? Maybe you needed to be reminded of just how important Johnny was to your life? Maybe he needed to show you just how much you needed him? 
Yes, Johnny knew how selfish and awful he was being, but he didn’t care. He’s always been selfish for as far back as he can remember. It’s probably part of the reason people kept abandoning him. You would never be allowed to leave him though. Even if you didn’t love him… even if you hated him… Johnny would make sure you never abandoned him like everyone else. The dark determination within him had never burned brighter.
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yanderes-galore · 7 days
can you do a yandere giorno giovanna concept if you don't mind?
I love Giorno so yes. This takes place maybe a few years after Part 5 where he's been the boss for a while.
Yandere! Giorno Giovanna Concept
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Stalking, Violence, Blood, Murder, Possessive behavior, Implied kidnapping, Condescending behavior, Delusional behavior, Isolation, Emotional manipulation, Implied attempted mind break, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Giorno could've met you as an adult or maybe even knew you during the events of Part 5.
However, his obsession wouldn't start until after Part 5's events either way.
Giorno, by this point, has already grown into his role of being The Boss of Passione.
With Diavolo gone he's managed to make the streets a little cleaner of drugs.
Giorno's character is described as "your friendly neighborhood gangster".
He wants to help people, even if his role is intimidating.
He and Diavolo are complete opposites in everything, including how they act as Boss.
Giorno is often serious and calm.
Since a young age he's been taught to read people and often puts on masks around people.
He's charismatic and often gets along with people, even as The Boss.
My favorite idea for a yandere Giorno plot is the idea of befriending the mafia boss in some way, only for him to fall for you.
Giorno is a good ally to have, especially when he has power.
Unlike Diavolo he actually cares about you, often checking in once he's befriended you.
I like to think he was inspired by Bruno Bucciarati befriending those around him.
So, once he took over, he wanted others to know he's here to aid them.
Including you.
Maybe you need help from him for something.
A debt, you're a target for something, any sort of problem that would get you involved with the mafia.
Giorno, having a kind heart, offers you such aid.
Maybe he even sends Mista as a bodyguard just in case there is any danger after you.
Giorno is a yandere who's calm and tranquil, not much sets him off.
Even if something did he doesn't show it.
He's really good at hiding how he feels... yet reading how others feel.
You can't hide anything from Giorno.
He seems like he'd often invite you to private chats, considering you a friend.
Plus, he likes to keep an eye on you.
If something was bothering you, like a new controlling partner or some other issue, Giorno can tell.
You can't lie in front of him.
Giorno is adamant on letting you know he cares.
He doesn't want any harm coming to you.
As a Don, he can make that happen.
At first, having Giorno as a friend isn't too bad.
His words often bring you comfort and your presence brings him comfort.
Being involved in the mafia can be a dangerous game, yet Giorno tells you not to worry too much about it.
I feel Giorno could be really subtle about his obsession.
Even if he begins to feel romantic feelings, he waits until you're ready... usually.
Although, he'd influence your mind with his words and gifts.
Giorno has traits from Jonathan and DIO, one of my favorite aspects of his character.
Giorno often echoes aspects from Jonathan when it comes to you.
He lives for your happiness and would do anything to protect you.
He echoes DIO when he feels he has to get rid of those around you.
If Giorno found out someone hurt you, he's cruel.
They'd be gone immediately, be that by Mista or Giorno himself.
He'll make it graphic but hide the whole scene from you.
Then he carefully cleans the blood off himself before returning to you with a smile.
Giorno doesn't want to be a monster in your eyes... despite his heritage.
He's always comforting and welcoming.
He lets you into his home and base of operations willingly... just to see your face.
He just likes knowing you're okay.
Once he has you trust enough, Giorno would start trying to nudge you in the direction of letting him treat you.
He keeps a close eye on you so much he's found himself falling for you.
He's gone many nights thinking about you, worrying about if you're okay or not.
Being friends with him is both beneficial yet dangerous.
He can protect you... but what about when he's not there?
I can see Giorno sending other members to watch over you if he can't do it himself.
You've caught his eye and the last thing he needs is you getting hurt.
Giorno is definitely one to spoil his beloved.
He has the money and he wants to spend it on buying you things.
It doesn't matter if you aren't dating yet, he's adamant on giving you the prettiest items.
Giorno probably gets jealous but has learned to hide it.
Oh... you found someone to date...
They get caught up in a shootout, one of Giorno's ways to get rid of them while also driving you into his arms.
He seems so nice and kind.
But he's also manipulative.
He knows how to get what he wants, hiding it just enough to make you not suspect anything.
Why wouldn't you want to date him?
He is patient, waiting for you as long as he has to.
Although, the moment he wins you over, he smothers you.
Gifts, affection, anything you could ever ask for...
As long as you never leave his sight.
He can protect you, love you, sacrifice anything for you...
Yet you're locked away in a private shared home.
Giorno never likes to show you his more ruthless behavior.
He tells you he keeps you in your shared home because he loves you.
Dealing with gangs can be dangerous and while he can patch wounds... he can't resurrect the dead.
Giorno is paranoid behind his calm facade.
He may even be delusional when you have your inevitable fights.
You'll learn he's doing this for your own good, won't you?
He's primarily protective, like Jonathan.
Yet when he holds or kisses you, possessive behavior like DIO shows itself.
Giorno wants to be patient, however he also likes to know you're his.
He's not quite as bad as DIO, but isn't as harmless as Jonathan.
He isn't fully like them, either, he's his own character.
He's addicted to your warmth and voice, clinging to you whenever you're near.
This behavior is most likely due to his childhood and the events of Part 5.
He hates being lonely... He hates losing those close to him....
As a result, Giorno becomes what he is now.
Under his stoic facade, he's scared.
He's scared to lose you...
So locking you away with him feels like the best way to soothe himself.
While Giorno is often kind and patient with you.
Although if you don't listen to him, I imagine he gets irritated.
He is shown to hate repeating himself.
So I can see him losing his patience if you ignore his advice, orders, or rules... Giorno would feel he'd have to discipline you.
Giorno would never hurt you physically... he seems like he'd go for messing with you mentally.
For example, locking you in your room if you're fighting with him.
It starts with just hours, but soon it may escalate to days... weeks.
He feeds you but withholds affection.
His punishments aim to break you down, to drive you back into his arms.
Giorno wants you to need him... to rely on him...
Once you realize that, then he's won, and he has you all to himself.
"I do everything to protect you, my love...."
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bygiornogiovanna · 1 year
Back to what we were
a small yandere! giorno one shot because I love this man so much
actually, it isn't small at all oopsie. I got carried away.
warnings: implied yandere themes, implied stalking, giorno still considers you are together, manipulating
also, i don't know if my previous post was seen, but my requests have been opened again. send me your ideas!
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Everything went quiet.
The chatter stopped the moment he opened the door.
You felt your knees getting weak when you saw his tall figure. It felt like time stopped the second he stepped inside the room.
With his blonde locks resting gracefully on his shoulders and his head held high, he exuded a superior air. The power he gave off was intoxicating.
His presence was overwhelming.
Every pair of eyes was laid on the influential man walking across the room. Even you couldn't break away from his spell over the public.
You, who weren't supposed to be there.
Actually, he wasn't supposed to be there. Because you worked there and he didn't.
You and Giorno broke things off a long time ago. At least, that's what it felt like.
In reality, only a few months passed. And, during those months, you couldn't say you were the happiest without him. You missed him much, but your pride kept you from returning to him. Especially since you were the one that broke the relationship.
Your gaze dropped as soon as he stared around the meeting room as if searching for something. His vigilant eyes quickly caught your figure, but he kept up the show.
"Is L/N Y/N here?" His voice rang through the room, pretending to not know exactly where you were, hiding behind your documents.
Your best friend leaned to you, his gaze moving between you and the blonde. He whispered- "Why is our new boss searching for you?"
Wait what? New boss? How?
Even though that would explain what he was doing here.
"New boss?" you whispered back, almost inaudible. Your heart was pounding so hard inside your chest that you were afraid it would get out.
"Yeah, how didn't you know? Mr. Giovanna became our boss a few weeks ago. It's said he bought the company from Diavolo." Before your friend could say anything else, Giorno's suave voice was heard again.
"I'm not aware of how the last boss let you treat him, but when I ask something, I expect answers. Immediately. I also hate repeating myself."
You rolled your eyes at his remark, but you remained quiet. You didn't want to speak with him. You preferred him being mad at everyone in the room, rather than seeing him for the first time in so long.
However, your plans were ruined by one of your coworkers, who almost yelled - "Yes, they're right there!" while pointing to you. You shot a deadly glare across the room, from where your coworker sat.
"Y/N, stand up, please. I can't see you." Giorno said, but the words sounded more like an order. Not wanting to make a scene, you sighed deeply and got up from your seat. "Good. Thank you for telling me, miss Hannah. You, come with me."
You shot another glare in Hannah's direction and got your things. "I'll be back." you murmured to your best friend and followed Giorno outside the meeting room.
Not a word could be heard until you got into what you supposed was his office now, and even then, he didn't say anything. He sat down in his chair, his emerald eyes eating you up.
"Okay. What the hell is happening here? Why are you here? How did you get this position? Why don't you leave me alone?" you said, trying to sound like you were mad at him. Honestly, you were just confused.
The corner of his lips rose, forming half an arrogant smile. You felt your heart flutter, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
"That's no way of speaking to your boss, is it now?" he said calmly, but your head was spinning with the need to know, not giving a damn about his role now.
"Cut the bullshit! I didn't even know you were my boss until like, what, five minutes ago?" you kept your attitude while Giorno just extended his lips into a full smile. However, his eyes weren't smiling back at you.
"I suggest you lower that tone of yours and change your attitude, sweetheart. If you are not aware, I'm the one who is in charge now. I could fire you any second. Perhaps, I should." The coldness hidden in his calm voice sent shivers down your spine.
You roll your eyes, annoyed, and he signals you to sit down. He was right. He did have the power to do it, given his new position. "Fine, I apologize for my behavior. I'm just...confused, to say the least. You were okay with us breaking up, and now you are in my life again. As my boss, but still. I thought that's where our paths diverged. Why are you here?"
"Well, I think you know my dream is to make Italy a better place. Meaning I need to absolutely get rid of drugs. And I'm pretty sure I never agreed on our break up"
"What does that mean? I asked you if you are okay with us parting ways and you said yes!" Probably the combination of shock and confusion that was displayed on your face right now was more than funny, considering the giggle that left his pretty lips.
What am I thinking?!
"Oh, my silly little bunny...You are so funny sometimes."
You raised your brow at his remark.
"What do you mean? I'm pretty sure you did agree." After he realized you were serious, his smile dropped. You felt shivers running down your spine and it suddenly felt like the temperature went down.
"I told you I'm only giving you a break. You really thought I'll let you leave forever?"
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thecw-unicorn · 1 year
Yandere! Giorno Drabble
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The lovely, beautiful, stunning, and amazing @mrsgiovanna is hosting a Giorno month for his birthday in April, and as soon as I saw those yandere prompts I just HAD to write something so here’s my contribution!!!
TW: toxic behavior/relationship
He had given you another gift.
It was too much. The way he’d look at you. The way he’d talk to you. So loving, so sickening.
As if he wasn’t responsible for the panic attacks, the endless hours of weeping, begging to be let go. It was a vicious cycle, seemingly incapable of being broken.
You often cycled between sadness and anger most days, often accompanied by helplessness. Every day was a battle to find the will to even get out of bed.
The locket sits in front of you. “Do you like it?” He asks, intent on an answer. “…it’s lovely.” You answer. It was the truth. A rose shaped locket, with delicate moonstones as the leaves surrounding it. It was beautiful, and yet you couldn’t stand to look at it. “I really don’t need it, Giorno. This is too much.” You were surprised at how fast the words came out. As if the barrier holding you back had suddenly burst. Giorno chuckles slightly, leaning forward and gently grasping your hand, as if you were made of the most delicate porcelain. “I just want you to have the loveliest things, amore.” He mumbles. He gives you a sweet smile, and raises your hand up, and places a small kiss on it.
“Would you like me to put it on?” He asks. “Umm..sure” you quietly reply. He smiles, then steps behind you, taking great care to gently sweep your hair over your shoulder. He takes his time to place the necklace around your neck, and clicks the button in place, straightening it up one last time, and smoothing out your soft hair. He pauses for a moment, taking a moment to admire it. He’s always loved your hair, and frequently insisted on styling it for you, opting to braid it most of the time, with specific flowers threaded throughout. His action causes heat to spread across your face, silently thankful he was behind you.
He never failed to make you blush, much to your annoyance. He could cause your anguish and deep bottomless pit of despair, and yet would be the only one to comfort you. He’d give you the most beautiful and unique flowers. He’d hold you in his arms on the worst nights. You hated it. You hated how good it felt. You hated how he would cause you to retreat to your room, trapping you with nothing but your emotions (most prominently your sadness and anger), and how after a few days, he’d lure you out with sweet and cooed words without fail. You hated the confusion of it all.
“Is everything all right, cara? You seem distracted.” Giorno asks, jolting you from your thoughts. He’d already sat back down in front of you. He could always tell. Know every single thing about you in that one moment. It made you feel hopeless, or like a glass statue, made to be seen through. “I just miss my family.” You said, doing your best to seem as sad as possible. He always got overwhelmed by your tears. That was the one thing you felt you had over you. He may have just about all of Italy in the palm of his hand, but you held his heart. At least, that’s what he told you. It was hard to believe, with the extreme isolation from anybody that wasn’t him, or his immediate close friends. He’s always treated you gently, almost loving. Despite this, you didn’t trust him. Physically, he can do anything to you whenever he wanted, although he vehemently swore to never ever raise a hand to you, and that promise has remained truth in your time with him. But still, his muscular and tall, imposing figure still kept that fear alive.
You heard him exhale sharply, and can see the clenching of his chin. Whether it was from your sad tone, or the mention of your family, you weren’t sure. You knew how much he didn’t like it when you brought up your past, especially your family and friends. “Amore, we’ve been through this.” The annoyance was clear in his voice and face. You could feel your blood running cold. Would this be it? The final straw? He hated repeating himself, he told you, and you’ve mentioned your family a few times. How much more of this talk would he handle? You shudder to think what he would do if you had pushed them too far. He sighs. “They have their own lives. And we have ours here together.” He says after a tense and uncomfortable silence. He sees the impact on your face, the way your shoulder crumbles in defeat. He didn’t hate your family, not truly anyways. He merely wished you would stop concerning yourself with them. It’d only cause more heartache.
“Can’t I just see them? One last time, to say goodbye. Then I won’t mention them ever again. I promise. Please.” You emphasized, tears forming in your eyes. You couldn’t help them, but you knew they would affect Giorno even more so. He closes his eyes and turns away, not able to stand the sight of you crying as you suspected. He hated it when you begged. It reminded him of all the other people who would come to him, begging for his assistance with whatever task. How they’d go on their knees, particularly sobbing and swearing to do whatever for him. Seeing you begging like the others made his stomach churn. You were different, you were special. The others most of the time were by no means decent. You were, and so much more. You shouldn’t have to grovel the way the others did for his attention and aid. You are so much more special than the others, and you couldn’t even realize it most of the time.
“Cara…” he starts. “You know I would give you anything and everything your heart desires. But that is too dangerous.” You shouldn’t have been surprised. Anytime you asked about your friends or family, or going outside the villa, you were always denied on the basis of the danger. Not once have you ever seen or heard of these so-called dangers he feared so greatly would come upon you. “You are my wife. I vowed to keep you safe, and I will do anything to achieve that.”
You cringed, feeling your stomach turn. You detested when he referred to you as that. You didn’t consent to this life, to this mockery of a marriage between the both of you. You remember that day. Or specifically, that night. You were dreading the idea of getting intimate with him, and could hardly eat any of the finely prepared food that was served to you that day. That night, the both of you retreated to your luxurious hotel room, Giorno had attempted, (for a lack of a better word) to consummate the marriage. He’d kissed you gently, several times, patiently waiting and seeing if you gave consent, and attempted to rouse you, slowly sliding your dress off. You couldn’t remember what happened next, everything being an emotional blur. Whether he said something, or the reality of it all came crashing down, you were then sobbing, retreating to the bathroom, and spent the rest of the night hiding. You could barely face him the next morning. After that, Giorno hadn’t tried to be any more intimate than a kiss.
“And yet, there’s been no threats. Ever.” You said, it coming out much more spiteful than intended. “That you know of.” Giorno adds. “I may not tell you much, but believe me, there is much more happening than you realize.”
Of course there was. You thought. Of course, there’s some big bad guy out there who wants to do nothing more than to hurt me.
“I don’t want you worrying about those things. You don’t need to know. You tell others I’m nothing more than a monster, when all I do is try to protect you!” He said, desperate to get you to understand his point. He had one final gambit for your understanding.
“Just today. There was an intruder in the gardens.” He quietly revealed. “He had pictures. Of you. He obviously had help and there are others…but the goal is clear. He is just the first.”
You were stunned. Is this true? Surely, it couldn’t be. As if reading your mind, he pulls a folder from the drawer of his desk. Inside, you quickly identify photos of…you. He wasn’t lying to keep you here. He wasn’t exaggerating to make you frightened of the big, bad, scary outside world. You could see the various angles of you. In the garden, mostly. Reading, looking at the flowers, or just staring off in the distance. The images of you were brief, mostly obscured by the surrounded area, as whoever took the photos did their best to remain hidden and unidentified. You could feel the fear creeping in. You really were in danger. There really was people out there who wanted to hurt you for no reason other than to hurt Giorno.
Speaking of, he immediately picks up on your change in demeanor. You couldn’t remember what happened next, only that his warmth enveloped you, keeping you upright so as to not let you fall. His cologne filled your senses, now more comforting and familiar than ever. He gently strokes your soft hair, inhaling it’s scent. The action is awkward, as if he could barely keep his own hand from shaking while attempting to comfort you. “Don’t worry;” he cooed, “I won’t let them hurt you. I swear to it”. You could feel the tension easing from your shoulders, giving into him. The tears that fell from you had buried into his clothing. Was he always this way? You wondered. Have I been so blind in my hate and despair? His presence now comforting, as opposed to irritating and overwhelming like before. Maybe he was right. Maybe he is the only one meant to take care of me…
Giorno quietly opened the bedroom door, not wanting to awaken you. He had spent the better deal of the remaining evening and night dealing with the trespasser who intended to take you from him. He couldn’t help it. Couldn’t hold back on someone who wanted nothing more than to hurt you. You, an innocent, a bystander who’s done nothing to nobody to warrant any kind of harm. The thought of others out there still watching made him enraged and sicken to his gut. He didn’t want to rest, not now, not when there’s others who know of your existence.
You roll over, mumbling slightly in your sleep. He’s spent many a night watching you sleep, often when sleep can’t and won’t find him. He watches as your chest slowly moves up and down, making sure nothing is amiss. You were almost at peace, save for the information he told you earlier, far away from his mental anguish and turmoil at this situation. It hurt him, truly, to see you so frightened and upset, but it was the only way for you to understand. You’d be frightened before, when you first arrived, fearful he’d take your body, your life from you just for the sick pleasure of it. Caging you wasn’t for the sake of keeping you to himself, but for you to be safe from his world of deception, lies, and backstabbing. One he couldn’t have you coming into at any cost necessary. It took time to build some wavering form of trust between both of you. While Giorno would’ve preferred it to happen sooner, knowing you were here and safe made him content enough.
But even now, you weren’t safe. Not in the one place he thought you could be. Not when it was the sole reason he’d brought you here. The knowledge cut deep, to his core nearly. He swore to you, to himself, and the universe he’d do whatever it takes to keep you safe and healthy. No matter what. He couldn’t help be recall the song he’d once overhear you listening too.
May I…stand unshaken amid amidst a clash of worlds
May I…stand unshaken amid amidst a clash of worlds
May I…stand unshaken amid amidst a clash of worlds…
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abbacchiosbelt · 2 years
Aghhhh almost missed it. Can I request Giorno from Jojo for ijqy? Tysm!
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Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Giorno is a meticulous planner - he’s always several steps ahead of everyone around him. This fact does not change when his darling is involved. Giorno has a meticulous plan in mind the moment his darling comes to be under his thumb. Human nature tells him that his plans won’t always work down to the minute details he’s created, but he pushes his thoughts about his darling’s future on them regardless.
Giorno yearns for something traditional and stable. He never had it growing up and craves that normalcy he missed out on. Though his role as the Don of Passione keeps him busy the majority of the time, he dreams of having the ability to come home and put on the role of doting husband. To that end, though, he expects his darling to be just as devoted to him. Giorno will mold his darling into the perfect house spouse, even if they protest. He wants them as far away from Passione as possible - it’s far, far too dangerous for them. And he thinks, too, that he deserves something special for himself. That something special being another human being held under lock & key is not something he spends time dwelling on the morality of.
Of course, being Giorno’s darling comes with perks - he does want them to be a stay at home spouse, but they won’t have to lift a finger. There will be a heavily vetted and selected staff to attend to his darling’s whims when he’s not there - and it’s likely that Giorno will go as far as to have one of his most trusted personal guards stationed there to keep an eye on things. 
Giorno doesn’t see how his darling could be anything but grateful for the life he provides them. All he asks is that they obey him… and is that really so hard?
[ Continued under the cut. . .]
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes. Nothing has ever stopped Giorno from getting what he wants, and his darling is no exception. He’s possessive of them - he wants to keep them pristine and free from the horrors of the world. Giorno is logical, though, and knows that his jealous streak is irrational. Still, it’s hard to tamp down the anger that flares up when he sees his darling interact with someone else, even if it is one of his trusted confidants. He wants his darling’s smile to be only for him. Giorno gives so much of himself in his role as the Don - it’s only natural that he wants something solely for himself.
Giorno, however, is self-aware enough not to place his feelings on his darling. There are other things he may unfairly punish them for, but his own feelings aren’t one of them. He copes by using his position to get away with anything he thinks will tamp down his jealousy. Killing isn’t out of the question. Of course, he’d never kill his trusted friends, but he may send them on far-away missions. Those closest to him, like Fugo and Shelia E., are well aware of Giorno’s raging jealousy issues and are careful to behave accordingly around his darling.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If they die… Yes. Giorno is more than used to loss and considers it a regular part of his life. When you’re in Passione, you live every die as if you might die - even when you’re the Boss. He’d be likely to bottle up his emotions, only letting his tears fall in private at nighttime when he holds his darling’s clothing to his face, their lingering scent making his heart yearn. He will never be able to replace them, but he won’t let his duties falter. 
If they leave or escape? No, absolutely not. No one defies him and gets away with it. Giorno is careful and calculating - it may be days, months, or years before he makes a move. The anger that Giorno expresses is cool and collected. He wants his darling to think they got away with it. The shock and fear they’ll feel when he finally reveals he’s known where they are the whole time is something Giorno looks forward to immensely. 
His darling would do well to remember how Giorno became the Don of Passione. Giorno’s ruthlessness is one of his defining features, and his darling is going to witness firsthand if they ever betray him.
He won’t kill them, though. Giorno still loves them, but he knows he has to punish his darling for their own good.
They’ll never want to run away again.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Quite a long time… Giorno, despite everything, still has some gentlemanly qualities. He’s even a bit shy due to the fact that he has little experience with romantic relationships. He’s aware he could just… take his darling any time, but he wants to try and do things the ‘right’ way first. For all his power and strength, it takes him a long time to approach them with romantic intent. Giorno strikes up a friendship first, keeping his identity a secret. (Unless, of course, they work for Passione somehow… If that’s the case, he’ll hire them to be his personal assistant while in reality giving them menial duties so he can chat with them frequently.) Despite his lack of experience, he does know how to be charming. Creating a flower with Gold Experience and tucking it into his darling’s hair is his signature move, and even he knows that it’s a good move to fluster someone.
Eventually, though, he grows impatient with himself and reveals his feelings to his darling. How they respond influences everything else: how fast he advances the romantic relationship, how soon he kidnaps them, how soon he asks them to move in, how soon he starts to show his yandere tendencies… There are many possibilities.
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Yandere Giorno Giovanna headcanon
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Giorno is a determined, clingy and overprotective yandere.
There are not many people who have loved him in his lifetime.
So when he finally finds one Giorno is happy.
Starts innocently but quickly turns dark.
Lots of cute pet names.
Even if you don't notice it.
Giorno is part of the mafia.
He is afraid that something bad might happen to you because of it.
And he couldn't live with himself if that was true.
An abduction would be very likely at an early stage.
That would be the best way to make sure you are safe 24/7.
Of course, Girono warns that you might not "appreciate" it right away.
But he's sure you'll understand eventually.
Escape would be difficult.
At least two people are watching you every single second.
So it doesn't really work out.
But if you managed to escape Giorno would find you quickly.
he's a "I'm really disappointed in you" kind of yandere.
Giorno would not be above punishment.
But he hates them.
He hates that you are sad because of him.
Maybe just taking the luxuries away.
If he has to hurt you physically Giorno would be sorry.
He might heal you faster if you behave well.
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mrsgiovanna · 1 year
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These are the prompts I've put together for Giorno month🐞, have a look through, add whatever you'd like, request, draw, write, whatever you'd like to. From March 16th until April 16th, I'd like to cover most of these prompts and scenarios.
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If you'd like to contribute using these or any other idea, you can use the tags giorno month 2023 and @ me so I can share it. If the content you create has triggering aspects, kindly tag accordingly. Hoping this generates even more content of our Golden Don, it's what we all deserve. Love you all🐞💗💫
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weatherreportstan · 2 years
Yandere! Giorno Headcanon/Dabble
So, Reader manages to escape the villa Yandere! Giorno has them locked up in. Reader, has no money, no identification. Desperate, they head into the police station. A gamble. The officer they speak to is so nice, and lets you know they are here to help. They take your statement, and tell you not to worry, they contacted your family already. Your family! You hadn’t seen them in forever. The officer leaves the room and comes back, and Giorno is standing there. The officer has a smile on their face and is like, “We called your husband. You’re safe now.” Apparently, Giorno had already planned for this scenario, and let the police know his spouse is very sick, tends to wander off and make up elaborate stories. He’s just standing there smirking like “Let’s get you home, love, you must be tired!” To make a long story short, you learn not to ask for help again.
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ophelian-darling · 1 year
hiiii!! can you write something with giorno with prompts 46 and 63? in which giorno lets darling out after months to meet up with some old friends (of course he has to be there too) and one of them (either girl or boy, it's up to you) is wayyyy too touchy with darling? and he gets jealous and possessive, wanting to go home as soon as possible.
and darling tries to calm him down, telling him that she only loves him and they cuddle & kiss aajahhaaha
you can also do it with gn reader, but i would like female. how you are more comfortable with!! much love <3
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"I don't like them, don't ask me to be nice"
"A friend ? you call them a friend when they have their hands and eyes all over your body ?"
TW: Jealousy, Obsession, Possessiveness, Implied emotional manipulation.
enjoy ♡
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The room basked in a warm shade of morning sun; casting its joy through the air to your smiling face as you stood in front of the vanity mirror, admiring your dolled reflection with glinting eyes. Giorno blessed your morning with good tidings: you were finally allowed to go out- not exactly what he told you, but it meant having some gentle breeze and sunshine caresses nonetheless.
Your Sweetheart said that he had an important matter to attend to, and it would be nice if you accompanied him (There was no way you'd refuse, memorizing the corners of the Villa exhausted your mind) and you gladly accepted. He mentioned the presence of his most trusted subordinates and close friends, and you couldn't be happier, a sweet excitement blinking in your eyes.
"Aren't you the prettiest?" it fell from his tongue, sugary in words and adoring in tone. Everything he says casted a certain magic on you that made you forget how intolerable he was with his jealousy and strict with his instructions concerning you: from your clothing, choice of words and comportment. Blamed be anything that pulled on the strings of his head whenever it was about you: other people's stares, pricks of the tiniest thorn or could be even a drift of air; to him, you were something that meant to be put on a pedestal, more of a porcelain marionette that its sob was a shatter. 
A shy smile toned your lips while a heat bloomed on your cheeks. These simple words felt like a pink cloud; soft and loving in a way so special another human couldn't know how to offer. Despite all of his thorns, Giorno carried a constant love for you, for all your flaws and each speck of dust you stepped on, for every breath you took and word you uttered. His tiring Jealousy was dark, but a side to the brightness of his affection's moon; none of it was out of pure malice.
He plastered a quick kiss to your cheek "We're not going to take long, just five minutes and we will come back home again. If you're a good girl, I'll consider taking you somewhere nice" 
You nodded. the same dreamy smile contouring your face with warmth. 
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"Buongiorno, Don Giovanna!" a brunette greeted, with a soft voice of a spring rain. as you both stepped into the small orchard, her appearance welcomed you next.
Lovely. She was lovely, in every letter of the word and in every meaning of a tongue. 
Her skin, tan as a cloud's shadow, glowed under the morning's sun, refined as fine silk and smooth as fair sand. Her eyes sang for most of her loveliness- sorrel shade of brown, one of a rosewood or an orchid flower. you couldn't help but to stare. she smiled at you, revealing a row of pearls in her mouth.
"Welcome, Signora Giovanna, it's a pleasure to see you at last!" she swan gracefully, showing her full front; up from her amphora-shaped neck, middling to her tender cleavage and down to her hips that wrapped felinely under a pencil skirt.
Your shy smile must have conveyed something else for her. as she extended her hand for you, you took it a little stronger than you intended, causing her to pull you a little bit closer as to ease your nerves with a friendly gesture. Now looking at her through a distance she deserved to be beheld at, you noticed how a dark mole complimented under her left eye, as if it was a speck of black pearl's dust.
"Nice to see you Belladonna" 
"T-thank you" you gave her another grateful smile. 
"You're as pretty as I heard. no wonder that the Don is being such a genie" she chuckled, pulling on your heartstrings even more "He has quite a fair treasure. you're really something yourself, Signora" 
A laugh was all that you had to offer, words on your tongue weren't enough to mirror her flattery, one that kissed heat on your cheeks. She was just so sweet. 
"Tesorina?" It jumped to your attention now that her hand was still on yours. 
You glanced at your side, where Giorno stood up: his face twisted into sullen lineaments, green eyes darkened just a tad under. you conned all of his expressions as much as you remembered the palm of your hand; your heart sank at how a pleasant walk outside was bound to be ruined from the very first minutes, all thanks to a woman you barely knew. 
He pursed his lips in one tight line. as he ushered with his head to his side, you caught the drift and walked up to him.
"We're going home, now" 
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"You do seem eager to gloat yourself in other people's attention, as if I don't give you enough already" 
"She was just being nice! none of what you're thinking was actually happening!" 
"Now having the audacity to lie in my face and deny what I've seen?!" 
"Nothing actually happened!" your hands flew around your head, while you did your best to compose your tone to be still. While he maintained his own anger at times you argued, he didn't want to hear your voice get louder at him in return. experiencing quarrels with him many times before, you knew that you were able to pacify things from your side by not fighting back, and saying what he wanted to hear the most.
"Gio…" you drew a meek smile "I don't have eyes on her at all. in fact, I don't see anyone else aside from you" 
His face remained still, clearly unimpressed by your words. you had to try better than this, and taking a step closer to him would start it.
"I'm really sorry if you've seen something you didn't like, but please believe me when I say that she didn't do anything direct to me, nor did I like her in any sense. She was just acting like a friend" 
He quirked an eyebrow "A friend? you call her a friend when she has her hands and eyes all over your body? you can't be this naive"
You felt a flutter in your heart. surely his paranoia was concerning ; yet you couldn't help but to feel a pang of guilt at letting him think that you weren't interested in him anymore. The idea of you preferring someone else over him was still carved in his head, and probably will never be erased unless you manage to prove your true loyalty to him. 
"Did she? I didn't notice at all. but can you please be a little nicer next time in front of others? it was rude to treat someone like that" you rested your palms on his shoulders, now looking straight through his eyes.
"Don't ask me to be nice, everyone knows who you are and who I am. I don't like how she expects you to simply speak to her as if you aren't my wife" 
"Aww!" you just laughed, planting a kiss in hopes of softening his rigid face. He is handsome- a smile on his lips meant a heaven full of stars to you.
Warmly, he enveloped you in a tender embrace, thumbs cosseting the sides of your cheek. You let yourself melt in his form, feeling his lulling pulse and kneading lips on your ribs and face, never feeling so revered than ever. 
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The description of the female character included in this piece was inspired from this oc.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 months
as far as taking care of you too much, i feel Giorno would be up there too, maybe only escaping the list by being able to hold himself back to give you a little space if needed
giorno was actually one of the first names that came to mind when i was reading that ask!!
yan giorno's attentiveness has this genuine quality that has you struggling to fully demonize him. it's a frustrating realization. after everything he's taken from you, he's inadvertently denied you your unadulterated fury as well. it wouldn't have been much, but it would've been yours; a flame he'd find himself burnt by whenever he saw the wrath in your eyes. this supposed righteous anger waned instead of burning true.
should you admonish him, he accepts it with a solemn air, almost like a martyr you'd find depicted in the sistine chapel. his tender care for you never falters. it's a looming shadow that you once feared yet have since grown used to. a routine sets in, but never ennui, because of course he would think of that too. he doesn't stop at maintaining your physical well-being, that's where he begins.
giorno's deeply in tune to your emotions. he somehow just always understands. regardless of if you want to acknowledge it or not, the bond born from being known so intimately soothes an ache every human endures. he's somehow the bane of your existence and your second half. you'll open up to him without even realizing it then agonize over the fact later, only to kickstart the cycle anew.
he's walking proof that it's possible to love someone too much.
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lliminall · 1 year
ok but what about yandere giorno who gets jealous super easily to the point where he gets jealous of everything and everyone that has his darling's attention for more than a minute
and when they are meeting up with some of his friends one of them, i don't know, let's say fugo or a random character that you can create, is too touchy for his liking (let's say hugs darling too much or tries to be near them).
how do you think he will react? what will he do?
I live for jealous yans
tags: gn reader, yandere, possessive behavior
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You are late coming into the cafe this morning. Or rather, you are a few minutes behind your usual routine, because you haven’t actually agreed to meet Giorno at the little table by the window you love to sit at each morning. It shouldn’t matter. It’s only a few minutes. But this is the only time he’s able to speak with you, and Giorno has already been deprived of your presence for the last week.
It’s a shame that Passione business often keeps him away for such stretches of time, and a greater shame still that you don’t realize just how out of his way he’s gone to align his morning routine with yours. The warm mug of mocha in his hands is adequate at best. The coffee isn’t the reason he comes to this place.
Another glance at his watch, another minute you’ve yet to arrive, and he really doesn’t have much time this morning before he must get back to work. He thumbs at the tube of chapstick in his pocket. Your favorite scent, the label peeling from its time spent in the pockets of your purse. He could imbue it with life, follow it straight to you, find out exactly what’s happened to keep you away-
Ah. There you are.
Meandering distractedly down the street, deep in conversation with an individual he doesn’t recognize. A man who tugs you to the side of the walkway to lean in close and show you something on his phone. You lean in as well, angling to see the screen, and your face is close to his. Too close.
It’s a position Giorno has found himself in once before. Standing in line beside you as you wave him in to look at the newest pictures in your phone’s gallery. He remembers the soft scent of your perfume, the warmth radiating from your skin, his arm nudging yours.
He knows exactly what this man is doing. It’s what Giorno himself does every time he finds a way into your presence. The need to be near you.
You’re laughing at whatever this man has shown you. The energy of it sends you curling into yourself, further into the space of this…intruder. The man doesn’t look away from you for even a second as you straighten and settle down, distracted again by whatever video is playing in front of you. Giorno knows the look in this man’s eyes. He knows, as well, that you’re as oblivious to it on him as you are of it on Giorno.
There is something cold settling into the core of Giorno’s chest. Frigid. Tight. Bitter. You look up at the man to chatter at him animatedly, and he leans against the wall behind him to gaze down at you with something not unlike infatuation. He settles into your space and his thigh touches yours. You don’t seem to notice. You don’t pull away.
Giorno stands and brushes smoothly past the doorway.
“Ah, signorina,” he greets you as he crosses the street. “I was beginning to think you’d slept in again. And here I was thinking you wouldn’t get to enjoy the croissant I saved for you.”
“Oh my god. You did not,” you say, but your face betrays your excitement. For all your insistence against him paying for your morning meals, you’ve never once turned down food from him.
“It was the last one and I thought you might appreciate it,” he says. Giorno looks briefly at the man standing beside you, who straightens and casts Giorno a perturbed look. It’s quickly wiped away as you turn to face him.
“Carlo, this is my friend Giorno. We both come to this cafe a lot,” you say.
Carlo gives Giorno a short smile.
“Good to meet you,” he says. “I’m a high school friend of theirs. (Y/n) and I got into a lot of trouble together, right?”
You roll your eyes at him. “Whatever. You got into trouble, I saved your ass before your parents could find out.”
Carlo gives you a genuine smile, and that tightness in Giorno’s chest returns.
“(Y/n) does seem to have a knack for doing charity work,” Giorno says. “I often have to remind them to pick their battles. Sometimes it isn’t worth the effort.”
His friendly expression belies the barb in his words. Carlo looks at Giorno for a hard second, as if deciding whether or not he’s been insulted, and whether or not he should do something about it. Giorno takes the opportunity to turn to you again.
“Should I finish off your croissant myself?” he says. “I would hate for it to go to waste.”
“What? No!” you say, and pull away from Carlo with a laugh. “It was nice catching up with you,” you tell your friend as you motion for Giorno to follow you. “I’m starving. But we should finish talking another time!”
Carlo nods and waves you goodbye with a look on his face that hasn’t quite processed what just happened. In the span of a few seconds Giorno has snatched you up again, sparing one last glance at your interloper before turning on his heel and offering you his arm to cross the road.
Giorno holds the door open as you slip inside, falling straight into your usual seat at your usual table and digging happily into the food he left for you. He settles in with his mocha again, feeling the bitterness fade into a subtle thrum beneath his skin.
“I know what you were doing back there,” you say in between bites of food. “If I was feeling bold today, I’d say you were acting a little…” you place your finger to your chin in faux contemplation, fixing him with a stare that’s chastising, but playful enough that he knows he gotten away with it. “Jealous?”
Giorno hides his smile behind his mug.
“Can you blame me?” he asks. “It’s been far too long since I had the pleasure of your company. And your food was getting cold.”
You level him with an unimpressed stare as you chew your cold croissant.
“Giorno Giovanna. You’re lucky I let you bribe me with food.”
He watches you, content, as you finish off your breakfast.
“And lucky that I let you run other men off when you haven’t even asked me out yourself,” you add knowingly.
Giorno pauses with his cup midway to his mouth. His pulse skips, and for the first time he feels as if he’s the one under the weight of your analyzing stare. It’s a nice feeling, to be held under the microscope of your undivided attention. He clears his throat.
“Well. In that case, you’ll have to let me buy you dinner next. So you can tell them you have a boyfriend, and run them off yourself.”
You take a long sip of your coffee and smile at him. “I guess I will.”
The bitterness under his skin thrums quietly, but Giorno presses it down to bask fully in the light of your (finally, finally) shared affection.
There’s a phone in his pocket with a number that can take care of your interloping friend in minutes. There are any number of ways he can excise this miserable emotion from himself. A threat, an accident, a well-placed accusation of wrongdoing on your annoying new friend. Giorno supposes it will depend on his mood once he leaves you here.
But for now, he will let you ramble to him about the work day you have coming up, your plans for the weekend, your new favorite show. He’ll let you lean in close to him to show him that funny video, and he’ll lay his hand over yours to steady the phone as you dip into his space.
There’ll be time to figure out how to deal with this blight, after he’s satiated himself with the knowledge that you’re his, his, his.
The video ends and you curl your fingers into his, entwining your hands on the table.
Lucky, indeed.
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thornybubbles · 1 year
Yandere JoJo Headcanons: What Makes Them Dangerous (Giorno Giovanna)
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There are many, many things that make Giorno a dangerous yandere. From the personality traits he gets from his father to him being the leader of Italy’s mafia, Giorno is set up to be a threat no matter what. Once Giorno has set his heart on making you his, there’s not much you can do. If you run, he’ll track you down and use his criminal ties to prevent you from leaving the country. You might evade him for a while, but you won’t get far. 
Is it a previous relationship that keeps you from him? He’ll take care of that, too. Paying a shady pharmacist off to tamper with your lover’s medication should do the trick. Or he could simply have them disappear. He’s had lots of people that cross him "disappear" in the past. He’s become an expert in that sort of thing over the years. And don’t bother going to the police. He owns them too. 
It’s far easier to just give into his charm and let him lock you away to live in luxury for the rest of your life. It’s not so bad. You have a whole island all to yourself. You won’t be lonely either. Even if Giorno is working, Polnareff is there. Poor man may be stuck as a turtle, but he can still be there to listen to you if you want to talk. Trish and Mista will come by to check on you and hang out if you need that. Though, don’t think that you’ll be able to convince any of them to help you escape. Giorno has told them that it isn’t safe for you anywhere else and they are nothing if not loyal to him. This goes double for any of the guards and staff at the villa that serves as your gilded cage. Not only are they loyal to Giorno, but they have a healthy fear of him as well. They know full well what will happen to them if they help you escape. They aren’t risking it for you, no matter how much you beg, plead, threaten, or bargain.  With yandere Giorno after you, you’re trapped with no chance of returning to your old way of life. But there’s pesto shrimp and wine for supper! Or anything else that you want. Fine dining, jewelry, designer clothing, top notch electronics (heavily monitored and with limited range, of course) are at your fingertips. Just snap your fingers, and Giorno will have the whole world at your feet if you want that. So do you really want to leave?
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