#Yandere Krul Tepes x reader
Hi hi! I was wondering if you could do headcanons for a Yandere Krul Tepes? I am actually really happy to find another Seraph of the End fan like me :D Thank you!
Let's hope that someday we get Owari no seraph season 3.
Yandere Krul Tepes headcanon
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Krul would be a dominant and determined yandere.
She's really aware of her power (especially if you're human) and she really uses it.
Krul treats you like a pet.
You are definitely not equal in this relationship.
Krul might turn you into a vampire.
However, she would like to make sure that you are weaker than she.
Krul decides almost every thing in your life.
You have to be something special to get her attention.
Maybe you're not as greedy as other people.
Usually, Krul keeps you close.
Not that anyone would dare to hurt you.
But Krul doesn't want to take any chances.
If you are a vampire Krul wants you to drink only her blood.
She hates that you are so "intimate" with another person.
The punishments are usually perhaps humiliating and harsh.
Krul doesn't want you to question her authority.
If you behave well, she will be gentler.
You get a lot of gifts for good behavior.
Krul can make your life really enjoyable.
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
So you mentioned Krul as one who likes to dress up her darling but what if they had self image problems and were more reluctant to try dresses or similar things because they feel they wouldn’t look good in them and got self conscious?
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♡ Krul Tepes ♡
Krul is that kind of yandere that looks like she couldn't care less about her darlings opinion, while in reality she really does. At first she'll brush off her s/o's insecurities claiming that she knows what's best. But after a while Krul will notice that all of this attention really is bothering her s/o. They are constantly rejecting all of the pretty dresses and uniforms Krul ordered to be made just for them. She often catches her s/o just staring themselves in the mirror with sad expression on their face and frankly, this both saddens and angers Krul.
It saddens her because how can't s/o see just how much she cares for them? Can't s/o see just how amazing they are? It also angers her because, to her, it looks like s/o thinks that Krul has poor taste. She picked s/o for a reason, she picked them because they are the best, and they only deserve the best. She will eventually confront her s/o and she will force them to share all of their insecurities with her. She will probably sound a bit harsh, but it's her way of showing that she cares. Her s/o will have no choice but to tell her because she will not leave them alone, not even for a second. Once s/o tells her that they don't think that they aren't beautiful enough to wear all of those beautiful gowns, Krul will give them a sad look. She is quick to comfort her s/o, she will hug them tightly while she gently pets their head. She will pepper their neck and face with kisses while whispering sweet encouragements in to their ear. She will lead them in to a price room, ploop them right in front of a mirror and she will point out every little nook and cranny she adores.
By the end of it, her s/o will definitely feel much more confident and loved and Krul feels happy that this mess is behind them.
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ferids-despair · 2 years
Imagine running away from your Yandere …
Running away from them wasn’t the bests choice. If only you could just navigate through the woods. You wouldn’t be so fucking lost. You should have never met him, should have never wondered into that castle, should have never stumbled into his room. You wouldn’t be their darling.
You know that they’re looking for you. You knew running away was pointless,,, but the slightest chance of making it out of this hellhole was on your mind. You just wanted a sense of freedom again! Getting lost in the woods wasn’t what you wanted, being hunted down isn’t what you wanted!
Swish! Swish!
Where?! You know they are watching you from the trees. But, where?! Becoming a vampire is something you’ve always despised, but at this very moment, you wish you had night vision. “Please! I just want to go home!” Home? Where would that be? Your family? Dead. Friends? Dead. Home? No such thing. All you know is that castle, and that lonely boiler room in the basement. Always visited by your…lover..
“Hello, darling. Let’s go home.”
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
stay with me. - reverse! isekai! owari no seraph preview scenarios.
I'm writing the first chapter but some of you got so excited for this fic that I couldn't help but to give you a little glimpse of how I imagine some things would be. This right here is mostly just mindless fluff with a hint of something more... Regardless, I hope you like it!
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Ferid Bathory would become your university professor and he would immediately become an instant hit, but perhaps not necessarily for all the good reasons. Some are intrigued by him, others are charmed while the rest are just creeped out - he does and says the most random and craziest things anyone could ever think of, which really does beg the question of how he even got this job. You tried to get more details out of him but he is not budging so you give up, a smart decision really.
He would be intrigued by modern society and I can see him often debating online even if he has no idea what anyone is talking about. He doesn't really care if he wins his debates and petty arguments, he's just looking for ways to be entertained. The current politics are incredibly amusing to him and he wants to know it all. He adapts mostly well but since he has such an eccentric personality he still manages to look like a clown in public. Some people find that hot though, much to his delight and low key confusion. Humans are strange, he would think to himself.
As for the way he loves you, well, that's a complete ride of emotions. He says that it was "love at first sight" for him and be because of this he often bugs you of your whereabouts and with who you were with, and just to be extra™ he probably likes to leave random hickies all over you if he can grab you. He's acting like a proper lover ought to, yeah? They're supposed to be jealous, why are you getting so huffy with him?! Fine, he'll stop but not completely. All of your actions and reactions are very cute to him, there's nothing you could do that could turn him away from you. If someone were to ask what his favorite hobby was, he would probably say something like "I like to follow (y/n) around the city and annoy them!~"
He thrives off your attention, even if it's negative. Despite his constant teasing he understands that he's down bad for you once the two of you alone and how you treat him. He is annoying but you don't treat him like a pest and that's... sweet. Yes, that is very sweet of you. He's like child asking for candy, your words and touch start becoming something akin to a drug to him. He's curious to see what this new world has to offer but he's more curious to see whether or not you'd be willing to stick by his side no matter what.
Crowley Eusford feels a strange sense of nostalgia run through him as he walks around, especially if he comes by a church. He's often seen with a calm smile on his face and people are naturally attracted to him because of this. Small children probably want to play with him and chances are he will indulge their desires as he lets them use his big muscly arms like monkey bars. He laughs quietly to himself at the helplessness of these kids, they have no idea that he could tear them to shreds if he wanted to. In a split second this beautiful, sunny day could become grin if Crowley got a little bit too thirsty... But the warmth of your hand is more than enough to bring him back down to Earth.
He's not as needy as Ferid, but he does like to watch you. Again, he's not as obvious with it like that freak but he always notices even the most little things on you, always. He sees how sweet you are to the people around you, how hard you try to help him and the others and he appreciates that. He's a little angry with himself because sometimes he wonders how things would look like if he became a bit more greedy, just a little bit. He likes it when you hug him, he doesn't want to let you go.
It's almost like he's being brought back to life again.
Lest Karr and Krul Tepes are... interesting. Due to their tiny bodies they are either sent away to some sort of elementary school or are hiding away somewhere but for the sake of comedy let's just say they are forced to attend a regular public school and my oh my, does this cause some issues. Neither one of them wants to be put through this kind of humiliation but with one good, stern look from Urd they'll both keep their mouths shut. I imagine they break some furniture by complete accident because of how angry they get, maybe not even by accident now that I think about it. They'll play along after some time passes, hell, they will start competing with each other to see who can solve things faster! Cue them both running to you to see who was better but I imagine Lest would be a lot more vocal with his praises and complaints. Krul just sort of smugly says that such trivial and childish things are beneath her but you see the way she smiles whenever she bests Lest, it's impossible to hide.
As for their infatuation, this could be problematic. Lest doesn't seem to understand why you aren't attracted to him the same way he is to you. His mind has aged like fine wine but he is cursed to look like a young boy which causes him great distress. He probably binges a lot of romantic comedies in his free time but under the condition that he is alone. He doesn't necessarily enjoy them but he just wants to understand how human courting works.
Urd Geales is the first vampire out the bunch to get a real job and it'll probably be something really boring like an accountant. He'll get the title of employee of the month in the short span of 24 hours, everyone is in awe of his skills and intelligence. People pester him all the time and he may or may not help them out, it depends on the approach they have towards him and his own mood. He probably ends up buying a really nice apartment that is used like a base for the vampires.
I imagine he gets asked out a lot but he turns everyone down. "I already have someone in mind" is what he cooly says. It's you, you caught his eye the moment he saw you. He sees you as someone very intelligent and pointlessly kind. You're so weak and pathetic but he's into that. You're pathetic in a cute way. He probably keeps a picture of you on his desk and likes to steal glances at it from time to time. He is grateful for your assistance and wants to repay you in some way.
He also likes to stare but unlike Crowley, his stares feel a lot more cold. You think he hates you or just flat out wants to kill you right where you are standing which causes you to avoid him, much to his disappointment. He's a bit of a gentleman and he tries to spoil you with little gifts such as flowers and whatnot. You always turn him down though, always. You break his heart every time you do this.
Shinoa Hiragii is absolutely THRIVING. She became an internet sensation basically overnight and her main platform is TikTok. She posts the most random shit ever but it's so bizarre and scattered that it's hard to look away. She uses sex appeal and her cuteness to get away from the dumb stuff she does, probably has a ton of simps and white knights that defend her. She tries to include you in her activities but you're too scared to be seen by her pure monsters of so called fans.
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❤️ TAGS: @ocielismyadoptedson
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
i can’t really think of a prompt but if i may... a kouyou letter please?
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"Dear (y/n),
Tell me, how are you, my sweet little flower? It has been too long since we were together. I miss you, you know. I miss you my sweet little flower. I miss your sweet touch, I miss running my fingers through your soft hair... I miss dressing you up in my kimonos as well. Godness, I've ordered so many that I have no clue what to do with them. I don't have the heart to throw them all away, you would look too beautiful in all of them.
The very second you come back to Yokohama I'm never letting you go, ever. I... I have grown very fond of you, more so then I'd like to admit. You just give me this feeling of hope that no one ever has and I can't help but to resent you a bit because of that. Love was something that I never held in high regards. I have even stated numerous times that I have a strong distaste for such fickle emotions like hope and love... But, you are an exception. No matter how much I want to, I can't bring myself to hate you. I regret being so cold to you during your stay here but rest assured that I will make up for my mistakes.
Although, I hope you were behaving yourself my darling. I can't just let you run around and make a fool of yourself, no? You were meant to be mine, even if you are a flower that has grown up in the light. The darkness has always been much more comforting my dear. For most, it is impossible to transition from the light in to the dark but I'll make sure that you feel welcome in your new home. I happily await your arrival my dear.
Sending love, Kōyō."
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yandere-romanticaa · 5 years
May I request some affection hcs for Kouyou, Krul and Judal? Like how do they show affection to their s/o?
Affection. // Yandere! Headcanons
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♡ Kōyō Ozaki ♡
Kōyō isn't a very affectionate person, but she doesn't mind locking hands with her s/o while they walk down the street together. She can be either hot or cold, there is no inbetween, it all depends on her mood. On her colder moods she doesn't even want to look at s/o, but there are times when she can become really needy and she won't let her s/o leave her embrace.
We also need to remember that Kōyō is a lady, and she expects her s/o to be on their best behavior, especially when they are out in public. That means no surprise kisses and hugs (unless it's for a celebration of sorts), no speaking out of line, and definitely no shouting or God forbid cussing. But if they behave accordingly, Kōyō might just grace s/o with her presence and affection.
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♡ Krul Tepes ♡
In public, Krul isn't too touchy with her s/o but that doesn't mean that she doesn't keep her hands to herself. Her s/o will most likely be chained to her throne because she wants easy access to her s/o. She will often give them small kisses or pet their head. She gets a bit aggressive though if Ferid enters the room especially if he tries to touch her s/o. She then will most likely just pull her s/o by the neck and force them to sit on her lap. In private though she can get super affectionate and lovey dovey. She just loves to play with s/o's hair and she just loves giving them compliments and dressing them up. If she's feeling like it, she might even tease them a bit. She just loves seeing s/o's cheeks turn that beautiful shade of red, it brings her endless joy. She is also fond of various pet names, but she doesn't like it when s/o uses them on her.
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♡ Judal ♡
Judal is horribly possessive and he wants everybody to know that s/o is his. He won't shy away from any sort of PDA, and it is a bonus if he makes people feel uncomfortable. He will often hold s/o's hand waist, but what he loves the most is kissing them. He also likes to leave hickies on s/o's neck, but if s/o tries to hide them Judal will only get mad. He will only create larger and more painful hickies on places where s/o just can't hide them. He also likes to tease and mess with his s/o in public. Nothing makes him smile more then to see s/o's angry/flustered face. He just loves to mock them, it's cruel really. With Judal, s/o will never be alone. The two will basically glued by their hips, no one ever sees Judal without s/o by his side...
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