#Yandere ash graven
finalspaceyandere · 2 years
Can you do ash graven yandere? Just curious on how this will go
First of all I apologize for the delay, I've had a very heavy week, I love your idea, so here it is baby (^_-).
💜☠️Ash graven☠️💜
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Season 2.
Since her appearance, she displayed a very strange, possessive and dare I say even temperamental demeanor, as she has been shown to get angry very easily, such as when Gary reminds her of her prom.
try to find out why Ash has this behavior (this information will help us understand Ash's behavior and actions as a yandere), and well, I didn't find it but I have a little idea, maybe it's not such a huge reason, but from ash We don't really have much, I've done what I could.
They gave her as a sacrifice, not only her but also her younger sister, she couldn't help her, and in less than 2 seconds she killed her parents with powers she didn't know she had, she had to flee her planet, while they persecuted her they He stayed with 2 people he met, one he considered as a brother and the other as his… dad.
But that wouldn't take away from the fact that she didn't care about her sister, then she met a Ventrexian who became her best friend, and she met a woman who would later be her greatest mother figure, since hers caused the death of his sister and almost his own, he found that what he remembered of his sister was gone, only to see her die later.
She believed that her powers were to save her sister… And we realized that she was not like that.
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Season 3.
She confirms that she does not want the powers, after learning that Imvictus gave them to her, not only with that, she saw how she lost her brother, so that later they killed him in front of her, although he was already dead, but I'm not going to discuss that, only the little cat remains.
After learning that Avocato killed Lil Cato's parents, she exploded, she couldn't take it anymore, in her attempt to protect him, she left with Imvictus, she was so upset that she almost killed Gary and Avocato to protect Cato, she lost a lot and didn't I would lose him.
considering all this.
I can say with great certainty that ash would be in the first place of the most dangerous fs yan characters, beating avocato only because of his powers since these 2 really fight for first place, in my opinion she would be equal to or more dangerous than yuno gasai from the diary of the future, and if you know anime, that will already give you a great idea, this woman would not hesitate to take care of you or protect you.
but it wouldn't exactly be love if you make her mad, initially she'd have the idea to capture you, and at the least danger she can see, I assure you she'll have a nice special room for you, with everything you like, even the things you never You told her you liked them, she knows it, she knows everything about you.
she is both possessive and obsessive, and her hand would no longer tremble to kill someone for you, although very possibly you don't know it, she doesn't want to scare you, she doesn't want you to be afraid of her, she doesn't want you to get away from her, she would have you on a pedestal, so much so that I wouldn't consider other people to see you, they don't deserve to see you.
you, his escape, his light, his life, the only person for whom he has not yet lost all his madness, he loves you more than you think, and he would not hesitate to show it to you, but do not try to escape, although you will not be able to, you are resigned By her side, don't think you have a chance to escape from her, and if you try, holy shit, she won't kill you, but I promise you the punishment won't be pretty.
I feel like if she were allowed, she would destroy an entire dimension for you to be by her side.
💜💜💜💜she is your family now💜💜💜💜
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ALPHA ventrexion OMEGA human
Avocato and Gary dated in high school
Lil Cato was born when Avocato was a junior
Gary loved lil Cato like his own
Avocato was the son of a mafia boss
When Gary found out he transferred to a different school
He was pregnant with avocato's child
Years later Avocato finds Gary and he is furious that Gary ran off with their child no less
Alphas:Avocato Lil Cato John Goodspeed Aj biskit
Beta: tribore Jack Quinn ash
Omegas Gary Fox
Avocato has Gary's parents and friends kidnap
Avocato Wants Gary at his side and to help him raise a know 6 year old lil Cato
Gary just to raise his son in peace with nothing to do with Avocato and the mafia
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finalspaceyandere · 7 months
Don't do it baby, remember that you are still in tera com primre, outside of here you have nowhere to go, I already took care of that, here everyone is loyal to me, if you call the police I will know, here I am the authority, behave well and Maybe he won't punish you... at least not much.
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Yup I also illustrated that last scene, in my head it looks something like this
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finalspaceyandere · 7 months
Now thinking I was curious, how would your yandere version of Avocato react, if his beloved tried to kill himself due to falling succumbs to depression and devastation of always being pinned to one place with no rights but pure obsession of his delusional kind of love
How would Avocato deal with this kind behavior?
Would he be scared or become more possesive as well as obsessive?
Just curious
This had to be translated since my native language is not English, sorry for the spelling mistakes.
Very good question
For this extreme circumstance, first
This occurs before Avocato betrays the Lord Commander.
In your early days you would have yourself in a baby-friendly room, perhaps in a few months, when he gains trust in you and believes that you have overcome your tantrums (as he calls them) and have adapted to this new life. With him, he might consider letting you go a little, so as not to suffocate you, otherwise he will forcibly give you sleeping pills.
He is very considerate at first, he shows you his loving face and lets his guard down with you… Or maybe he is just pretending, you don't really know.
You thought it would be something that wouldn't get worse from that point or at least no more than it already was, or would go in a direction that not even you would recognize, you really knew little or nothing of how crazy, how bad he was. If you knew how you make him feel, just by being close to him, those tickles he feels in his crotch are only caused by you, you, you, you and only you.
And if he is not at home, almost all the time you will have a little orange Ventrexian behind you, who at times can be passive aggressive with you, but if he is in a good mood, he will be demanding your attention like a "father/mother", which gives him care and love your child, because you are his "mom/dad"… Isn't that right? You love him, right? There's a reason why my dad chose you… Isn't there? Well, whether you like it or not, now you're going to have to take care of this kid, and learn to tolerate him, because if you don't pay attention to him he might get you. Make things difficult and it won't end well. If you're lucky, he may just scream and pull at your clothes, tearing them a little with his little claws, or he may get angry and not want to leave his room, which will at least give you time to yourself for a few hours. . but when his dad comes… That's the problem, he will force you to apologize and not in a exactly sweet way, he will make you feel guilty, because he is just a child???, how can you be so cruel to a child who only wants love??
Only to end up forced to sleep with him at night.
Could your life be good? Did you have to get used to a child who wants your attention 24/7? And a man who will probably have to see a psychologist for his delusions and short temper?
If you don't do what he wants, he will destroy you mentally. Do you have family that works with Mr Commander? Perfect, they lost their job because you denied them a kiss, you didn't want to hug their son? Well, your privilege of sleeping in a bed is over and you will spend the night in the box (as he calls it, it's a place that stinks of damp, it's like a bad attempt at a basement, he had to fix it, but for now he uses it as punishment)
He uses very few physical punishments, he is more mental, and that is killing you, it is too much, he subjects you to a lot and demands more than he gives, body and soul attentive only to him and his son, he puts pressure. in you. to the point that if you behave like a dad/mom with his son, and he has tried a couple of ways to have a baby with you, the good thing is that he won't force you to do anything you don't want to do… that's the only thing that you really like about him. But there is nothing wrong with fantasizing.
But he wouldn't stop harassing and pressuring you, emphasizing what a “bad father figure” you are, not to mention that some days you didn't eat or didn't go out of your daily routine, your mental health began to be a problem. You wanted to escape with your mind, even creating a mini carsel for yourself, it crossed your mind a lot that maybe you had a minimal option to get out of this shit but you didn't want to go that far, but you liked to believe that he would get tired and leave you. . . only once in the 8 months you were there. You were putting up with this, because let's be honest, when you want to be a bitch to someone, it drives them crazy.
and one night… you had enough.
You took advantage of him staying late and as always, trying to get your attention, he was just an 8 year old boy and under other circumstances you would feel much worse about this, but not today.
He wanted you to play with his little plastic swords, so he asked his dad to buy him the same ones, just to play with you, he always walked them up and down so you could play with him, and on this particular day he did. you rejected it. . because supposedly your head hurt, he understood but he still wanted your attention or to be in it.
*mom / dad, can I fall asleep with you?
You cursed yourself a little, the problem was with his dad, not with this little one.
*mom / dad?
_Not today little one…
Normally you don't yell at him, maybe some days you don't respond and you pretend not to listen, but you never yell at him, sad and upset you ran to his room.
You waited exactly 10 minutes and carefully went into the avocato's room, you knew that he had one or another knife as a collection, since there were no knives in sight in the kitchen, because you could "get hurt"… But no You found nothing, just a bottle of pills, you assumed they were the sleeping pills he gave you… Without thinking, you just took them all… At least most of them, you didn't even see the name or anything about the medicine, you thought that at any moment avocato arrived home, you wanted to end everything once and for all, within minutes you began to have rapid palpitations, your chest felt bad, this was not what you were supposed to feel, you took a look at the bottle, "vitamin" it was what it said, but they were not for humans, but for Ventrexians.
Your hands trembling, your mind confused, you swore they smelled the same, they had the same shape as sleeping pills, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON! You didn't even manage to take one more step before falling to the ground, you couldn't move, you felt cold and without realizing it All this happened 10 minutes ago, if you wanted to die, intoxicated by sleeping pills, sleeping peacefully, not this, not lying on the floor with your forehead in a cold sweat.
You heard a familiar voice call you as you entered the house, you barely had the strength to be in the same position, at this point you lost consciousness but the last thing you remember was that they shouted your name.
When you woke up, you tried to adapt your eyes to the light of the place, although it was dim, just so that your eyes wouldn't hurt so much, you were… in a hospital? Wait, did you come out? You turned your head almost everywhere, To make sure and confirm that you were in a hospital, you felt bad, well, I was disgusted to be exact, so those sudden movements when you woke up took their toll on you, that's when you heard his voice.
You woke up, that means you're better.
His voice sounded conceited, happy but certainly angry, he stood up calmly from the corner where he was, at this point you already knew that expression on his face, you knew what would happen once you left this place, he walked to where you were, he had His eyes were really teary, his face, although angry, looked happy, he took your hand and kissed it.
Our son will be very happy, you can't imagine how much I cried when I found out that he would stone his mom, I hired him for some serum and something to eat that is not so heavy for you.
(I'm really sorry for taking so long, I really wanted this to be as good as possible, I'll be much more active I promise ^^)
He let go of your hand to dry the tears that were coming out of his eyes, before crossing the door, he turned his face a little to see you.
Don't do it baby, remember that you are still in tera com primre, outside of here you have nowhere to go, I already took care of that, here everyone is loyal to me, if you call the police I will know, here I am the authority, behave well and Maybe he won't punish you...at least not much.
At this point you no longer know what to do, will you give up?
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(I'm really sorry for taking so long, I really wanted this to be as good as possible, I'll be much more active I promise ^^)
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finalspaceyandere · 2 years
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According to Olan, Avocato is around 512 years old, from what I researched, the latter may or may not be true, but this time we'll take it as true.
Taking this into account, Avocato would have as much experience and skills to spare as you have already seen, and not counting the ones we don't know yet, what gives this man a plus is his knowledge as a surgeon (when he connected the robotic arm to the body of Gary) that fact adds a bit of darkness to this shit.
He is very intelligent, serious, stoic, strong, good liar (this is seen because he could lie to lil cato all his life, and trying to see him as an idiot will not be exactly easy, he has been in this world for a long time, so baby, he has a lot of experience to spare, and a very important fact about him, according to Lord Commander, Avocato is very unstable, that is, he can be a damn, obsessive and dangerous Russian roulette.
And like almost all the characters, a psychologist would not do him any harm, he could say that he is a bit selfish for not wanting to let go of his "son" in the sense of telling him the truth, instead, he hides everything . of him, if he did that to his son so she wouldn't leave, or maybe out of fear that she would hate him, imagine what he could do.
I feel like he would be 2 or 3 of the most dangerous yanderes in fs, because with all his knowledge and skills, they make him very, very dangerous.
This guy wouldn't notice you right away, but given enough time, fuck, I think he's not one to kidnap you, only if he sees no danger, although he's been seen to be very protective of his loved ones, so anything. That would be reason enough to keep you close.
Also, I don't know if it's me, but I feel like he has manipulative tendencies.
I feel like he could get his hands dirty, in fact, he killed his co-worker (terk, I think it's spelled like that) without any remorse, he even seemed a bit annoyed that he didn't die fast, although this would be to be at a crucial moment, where your life depended on it, oh maybe not? Maybe if he sees that you're interfering too much with his goal, the smothering guy, or maybe he's picking on you, that person would just disappear and you wouldn't realize how it happened.
And he would be both obsessive and possessive, more possessive, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous.
In conclusion, he enjoys what little you have left of your freedom ^ _ ^, and remember...
You look so cute when you think no one sees you.
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finalspaceyandere · 2 years
⚠️ this blog is preferably for adults, minors are warned⚠️.
but let's be honest, my warnings can go up your ass💖, so I only ask for discretion.
Hello, I introduce myself as the girl who apparently, like you, wanted to find fs yan content (just for fun), but not finding, at least not so many, she decided to create a blog.
If you find someone with my content, or want to post my stuff, please, I ask for credits, oh instead, don't steal my content.
💐thanks babies💐
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Chapters: 2/12 Fandom: Final Space (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Avocato/Gary Goodspeed, Gary Goodspeed & Little Cato, Avocato & Little Cato (Final Space), John Goodspeed/Lord Commander Characters: Gary Goodspeed, Avocato (Final Space), Biskit (Final Space), Little Cato (Final Space), Fox (Final Space), Lord Commander (Final Space), John Goodspeed, Tribore (Final Space), Quinn Ergon, Ash Graven Additional Tags: Dad Gary Goodspeed, Yandere, Kidnapping, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, Post Mpreg, Headcanon Summary:
headcanon and finale space au
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