#Yandere johnathan ohnn
yanderes-stuff · 8 months
Yandere Johnathan Ohnn x reader 
3k words
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(credits to my friend Spooky aka ghosttown) 
At first… Things seemed so pleasant, and healthy.
You met Johnathan at college, it was a biology class you both required. He seemed rather charming in an awkward way. Always rather jumpy and hunched over in his own world. You couldn't help but admire him from afar at first; sometimes he'd notice and avoid eye contact as soon as his eyes met yours. 
Then your professor decided to put you in a group for a project. You exchanged numbers and ended up doing the projects together instead of as a group… They didn't want to bother with it, which was something Johnathan said he's used to by now. But he had to admit, he felt a lot more at ease working with you.
Over time you got to know more about each other, which was pleasant when you were both starting to feel burnt out from classes.
When break rolled around you ended up unwinding at his dorm, his room was covered in those science posters only dorks decorated with. It was a bit cute how passionate he was about science, he'd ramble to you while you sat and nodded. Barely understand anything he's saying. 
You didn't even realize you were starting to lean on each other for support. However, with college stress, it was clear he wanted somebody he could spend time with outside of classes. You gladly obliged, wanting the same.
There were places like the theater, the aquarium, and libraries where you two just enjoyed each other's presence. At this point, you started to suspect maybe you loved Johnathan as more than a friend.
You kept those feelings to yourself until there was a note slipped under your dorm room.
 My dearest Y/N,
I hope this letter finds you well. As a college student, I often feel awkward and uncertain in social situations, but you make me feel a sense of calm and comfort that is unlike anything else. From the moment I first saw you, I knew that you were special, and I have been drawn to you ever since.
I remember the time we spent together in Biology, and I felt like I was in a dream. Your laughter and smile light up the entire room, and I can't help but feel mesmerized by your presence. Your voice is like music to my ears, and your personality is so unique and special.
I know that I may come across as awkward and shy at times, but you bring out the best in me. I feel like I can be myself around you without fear of judgment or rejection. You make me feel accepted and loved in ways that nobody else ever has, and I am grateful for every moment that we spend together.
As a college student, life can often feel overwhelming and confusing, but you make it all seem worth it. You give me the strength and motivation to keep pushing forward, even on the toughest days. You are my source of inspiration and my reason for living.
I know that our time together may be short-lived, as college tends to be a transitional period in our lives. But I want you to know that you have made a lasting impact on me, and I will never forget the way you made me feel.
I hope that we can continue to spend time together, and maybe even build something more meaningful out of our friendship. No matter what the future holds, I want you to know that I will always cherish the memories and experiences we shared, and I will always have a special place in my heart for you.
So will you date me?
With love and affection,
~ Johnathan Ohnn
You were surprised reading it, using notes to ask seemed a little… unique but oddly fitting for him. You grabbed your phone, your heartbeat quickening. You told him about the letter and that you accepted his offer.
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Ohnn, sat at his desk, messy papers laid about as he smiled at his phone, laying it on his chest as he stared at the wall. He never felt love until now, of course, he had little crushes here and there but never an actual chance at something genuine.
He started daydreaming about you, sweet little thoughts. Giving you flowers, eating lunch in the cafeteria together. Maybe you'd like it if he made you lunch? The gears in his mind began to turn, he was never good with romance. But he knew that people usually appreciated small acts of kindness; he wanted to show you his sweeter side. Something he's been longing to show somebody for years. 
His mind decided and he made your favorite and packed it in a brown paper bag. Nothing too fancy but he hoped you'd appreciate it, He stored it somewhere safe before he decided to get some rest.
He stretched while standing, yawning as he slowly crawled into bed, he took his medication. His bed was a mess of sheets and blankets, but he tried to wrap himself comfortably while his mind wandered to his potential lover. 
Tossing and turning. His eyes were heavy, his mind would soon let him sleep. Thus began a long night of his imagination,  His romantic fantasies only brought him comfort from his otherwise paranoid mind. 
The morning came and sunlight peeked through his windows, For once he felt energized. It was Saturday thankfully, he messaged you asking if you'd like to go to a science museum. And of course, you said yes.
After getting dressed you met at the location he provided you, to him you looked so beautiful. Your eyes were soft and your lips looked just as delicate, you admired the museum in front of you. 
Your eyes followed his hand as he stretched his lanky hand out for you to hold. His hand enclosed yours entirely, and he stood tall over you; Smiling as he walked into the building.
Johnathan spoke up first "I've been here before, I-I think you'll like it. All the fossils here are so fascinating."
You looked at his gaze, his expression was that of joy. A man exploring his passion. "You seem very knowledgeable on these things, it's cute y'know"
He blushed a deep crimson, twirling his hair with his other hand nervously. "T-thank you! Nobody's ever called me that before…" 
It was the truth, all his colleagues found him to be strange. His awkward mannerisms were more unsettling to them, but you found them endearing. 
You began to walk towards a large fossil, it was a brontosaurus.
You stared in awe, it was about twenty-eight feet tall, and it took up the entire room. He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked up at the fossil. There was a plaque that read.
One of the most famous and complete skeletons of a brontosaurus was uncovered in the late 19th century and is now on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The brontosaurus is an important and iconic species that has been represented in popular culture, including the classic children's book "The Land Before Time" and the Jurassic Park films.
You took his arm and held it against your body gently. Eyeing other fossils in the room, you guided him towards whatever caught your attention; there was a variety of fossils. Sea creatures, land creatures, impression fossils, trace fossils, and replacement fossils.
The museum was very large as you both explored the building, it was a very clean place with bright white lighting on the high ceilings. Jonathan held your hand tightly as you weaved through people, it was almost like he was afraid to lose you. 
He led you to the museum café, pulling a wooden chair for you at a lonesome round table. He took off his gray backpack, zipped it open, and took out two brown bags. He smiled warmly at you. “I thought that maybe you’d like to have something homemade… I-I made your favorite food, the café menu looked quite expensive… I hope you don’t mind.” He stammered as he blushed, he knew that you both were on a college budget. But he recognized his cooking skills, which his mom taught him since he was a kid; and he used it to his advantage– in truth, it was a passion, a nice coping for the stress of college, he enjoyed his dishes greatly and this was the first time he got to share.
You looked surprised “Oh! You didn’t have to do that Johnathan… Thank Your cheeks turned red as you looked in the bag, gently grabbing the food from within.
His eyes watched you take the first bite and your eyes widened. It tasted amazing, like a comforting meal made with delight. You could feel a rush of serotonin through your mind. 
You swallowed and smiled, “I haven’t had a homemade meal in a long time, this tastes much better than what I’m used to.” You smiled and enjoyed the lingering flavor on your tastebuds. Then you realized he was staring at you, he had a look of fondness on his face. But… there was something off about it, you just brushed it off and paid no mind to it. 
The two of you ate your food together while speaking of your passions and memories, you learned a bit about him in that time. You learned that he had a very small friend group due to his social awkwardness, he barely even spent time with his friends so he didn’t mind. 
You finished your lunches, you disposed of his trash for him. The both of you chatted as you exited the building, he radiated with elation as he spoke about his scientific passions on your way back to campus- It was simply adorable.
Now you wished you didn't fall for his intelligence.
Stepping foot into his familiar dorm, you sat on his bed and relaxed. He followed and placed himself next to you, turning on the TV in front of the bed. He grabbed your waist gently and kissed your hair.
He avoided eye contact "wou-would you like to cuddle with me?" the hand on your side rubbed you soothingly.
"I wouldn't mind~" you said back, kissing his cheek to reassure him you wanted his affection. He laid down and held your body against his, he rubbed your hair before returning his attention to the television. 
It quickly became late. You could barely move from his body intertwining with yours; he was very clingy. But maybe that's because he's still new to relationships. 
He kissed your neck as both his hands were on your stomach, he took off his glasses and for the first time, you saw how sunken his eyes were. They had dark purple circles underneath as well, like he hadn't slept in days.
He dipped his head lower so his head was snuggled against your nape. He sighed and smiled. "Pleeeeease stay the night, I'd love to cuddle with you longer…" 
You paused, leaving him tense before nodding. You felt his legs wrap around yours even more as he pulled you closer in. Peppering your neck and shoulders with kisses as a reward for your compliance.
His body felt so… warm, it was hard not to fall into a cozy sleep. And his rhythmic breathing felt so soothing, you quickly fell into his trance.
He didn't even need his medication that night, for once he was okay with being awake. Feeling you unconsciously nuzzle into him; for once he felt loved.
He wasn't going to let that feeling go.
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Johnathan tilted his head, looming over you almost threateningly. "What's so special about him that makes you love him more than me…?" 
You felt so small under his gaze. He looked hurt but angry at the same time. "I told you before, he's just a friend, please let me have friends…" 
You felt pathetic begging him, but this was becoming a problem. He wouldn't let you live in peace, anytime you talked to anybody be it a boy or girl he felt threatened. And he made that known to you.
Your circle was slowly becoming smaller and smaller thanks to Johnathan constantly guilt-tripping you (and some other measures he took.)
Johnathan gripped your arm, it was tight, pleading but not tight enough to hurt.
"I'm sorry honey, I-I just want you to be safe. What if they take you from me? I don't know what I would do if I couldn't have you." 
He wiped away the tears you didn't realize fell, stroking your cheek as his gaze softened. "I feel more comfortable when you're with me, this is for your safety. You'll see." 
He kissed your temple, his grip unwavering. 
"I know you feel lonely, but you have me, you'll always have me. Isn't th- that enough? I don't need friends, but I need you."
You didn't know what to say, your mind was still spinning a cohesive response. It was hard not to panic, Johnathan was bigger than you, he may not be strong but he was definitely smarter than you. He made it clear that if you tried to leave, he'd find a way to bring you back.
He rubbed your cheek again. "Even if you're not used to having nobody, I'll make it okay, I'm doing this for us." 
It seemed like he was trying to soothe his paranoia as equally as he tried to soothe your suffering. He pulled you in a hug as you choked back sobs, remembering the distant memories of your friends. His hands crept through your hair as his breathing became more labored like he was trying to keep an anxiety attack from happening.
"You're all mine now, can you tell me you're mine?"
He spoke so gently, like he was trying to comfort you still by asking you to give into his insanity.
You looked at him, you saw through his glass lenses a look of genuine love and obsession, he genuinely thought this was what was best for you…
He was shoved away, his look twisting into one of surprise and confusion. "Johnathan, I can't do this, you can't just take my social life away from me! You need mental help…"
His posture faltered for a moment before shifting. He gave you a melancholy look, a tear dropping from his eye. He took a deep breath and sighed.
"I don't need mental help, I just need you. Please, you're the only one who ever cared for me. Don't you love me? There are horrible people out there. I'd know, I've experienced it. Is it so bad I don't want you to risk that?" 
You felt a pang of guilt, his intentions were good but he was showing it in all the wrong ways.
"I love you Johnathan but maybe we should have a break…" 
Maybe this would help him collect himself, and have him have enough time to reflect on why this was all wrong.
His face went pale and his calming smile twitched into a look of nervousness, his chest heaved even greater.
"No, no no NO! Breaks lead to breakups. I can make you happy, I can keep you safe! I'd do anything you ask-"
"Then let's have a break." 
You tried to stand straight and look stern even if your nerves showed through, he seemed to be heaving now. Like he couldn't breathe. 
He grabbed something you couldn't see off the kitchen table and stepped towards you and kicked the back of your legs, your body making an impact with the floorboards. Your head hurt, but he instantly saw his chance and straddled you. 
"I-I've been keeping you safe, what else could you want? I spent so much time protecting you, providing for you, loving you. And I'm not letting you go, I'm not letting you leave because you're too irrational to realize this is my way of love."
You couldn't move your arms, you struggled to try to free yourself. This only seemed to make him more upset as he shifted to keep you in place.
"I don't want to do this, but I'm not afraid to." 
He spoke in a tone you never heard before, he was calmly threatening you now. Taking a knife and showing you it's glint. It had… blood on it?
"I had to hurt people to make you mine, I admit it. And if you don't want anybody else getting hurt then you'll stay, right?" 
His chest was still heaving but he returned back to his calm, almost smug expression.
You nodded, you didn't know what he could mean by 'hurt' but you didn't want to risk him killing somebody out of lovesick insanity.
"I'll stay, I'll stay, I'll stay just… stop it stop it… stop" you repeat yourself, squirming absentmindedly. His smile returned again. 
"That's more like it, I wish I didn't have to show you this side of me. But if it keeps you with me I reckon it's only necessary for us. The sooner you accept my kind of love, the better."
He smiled a sickeningly sweet smile, watching your face look at him with fear. As he let your wrist go.
"Don't be afraid my love, everything will be okay." 
His grin only widened at your vulnerable position.
"You're all mine now~" 
He put the knife on the ground and chuckled with a layer of insanity present. He rubbed your arms affectionately.
At least nobody would be harmed now...
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chickenpizza420 · 11 months
hhrhrhrhr do you think you could write something with Johnathon and the reader being roommates in college and he’s creepy around them but the reader is lowkey into it and ends up fucking him or something GAH I fucking love the way you write him 😭
TW: dub//n 😈 VERY MUCH NS//FW
Word count: 2855
Jonathan is a creep. He’s the reason why all dorms should be divided by gender, but for some reason yours isn’t. You can’t stand him. He always has to talk to you for some reason and he is beyond annoying. You can’t bring anyone over because of him, he will talk up a storm until you guys excuse yourselves. That’s not even the worst part…
The worst part? The way he stares at you. The way you can’t even change a jacket without him gazing pervertedly at your exposed flesh. The way your underwear and sock drawer seem more unkempt than the way you left it before class, but you can’t prove anything.
Jonathan isn’t always so bad. He’s better now. It took months for you to get comfortable with him, and a lot of aggression from you to force him to act right. Well, not exactly comfortable, but you can tolerate him.
It’s not like you had a choice. You’ve been waiting forever to change dorms but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen any time soon. It’s either force comfort, or go through hell.
At least he hasn’t touched you at any time, not that you know of. You two are civil.
Tonight you’re going out with your girls, getting wasted, and having the time of your life. You study most of the time and have rarely gotten the chance to go out this semester, or even dressed in something other than casual clothes.
You leave the dorm to shower and get ready. You look almost like a different person and for once people can actually see what your body looks like. You take a deep breath before entering. You know damn well Jonathan’s weird ass is going to do or say something strange.
You carefully open the door before walking in and grabbing the hem of your tiny dress before shimmying to pull it down as much as you can.
Jonathan is sitting down at his desk, on his computer, as usual. As soon as you step foot in the door his eyes are glued to you, almost star-struck. You roll your eyes in annoyance. His reaction is expected.
"O-oh!" His eyes are open wide excitedly and turns his gaming chair towards you. "You look great!" He gives you a sheepish grin, a light blush spreading across his cheeks. He rubs the back of his neck almost nervously. "Are- are you going out tonight?" His eyes dart down to your thighs, his smile falters, a bit unusual from him.
"Am I going out?" You raise an eyebrow, put your hands on your hips and bend down to get at his eye level. "What do you think, Jonathan?"
You can hear him audibly gulp. He looks away from you, he almost looks sweaty. "Um... Y-you... you're not dressed very... um... you shouldn't be out like that... it's dangerous," he stammered, his eyes flickering nervously.
This pisses you off beyond words. You poke him hard in the chest with your finger. "Don't ever tell me what to wear again..." You back away from him then walk over to your desk to get your purse. You can feel his eyes burning into the back of your thighs.
As you hook your purse over your shoulder you glance back at him with narrow eyes. “I’ll be back late, if I even come back.”
You turn your head away and head for the door, refusing to look back at him. In your peripheral vision you can see that Jonathan’s face has a different expression than usual, could he be frowning? You’ve seen him upset before of course, but not like this. The vibe felt different as you were leaving, you feel your shoulders getting heavy. It feels like… he’s jealous?
“Have fun! Be… be safe!” Jonathan blurts out just seconds before the door shuts completely.
You swallow, hard. You feel bad leaving him there. It doesn’t seem like he gets out much and your relationship with him has improved greatly over the last few months. Should you have invited him? A wave of guilt hits you until your friend calls, thankfully.
You answer and she wants you there ASAP. You scurry off to the party and shake off any bad thoughts you have. Hours pass by, you are wasted beyond comprehension and are practically dragging your feet across the hall. You didn’t even get to kiss anyone tonight but you had a great time with your friends and are so fucked up you don’t even think you can wash your face.
You even struggle to get your keys out of your purse and drop them on the floor. You have to slide down the door in order to avoid falling flat on the ground. As you pick up your keys you press yourself against the door to use it once again as an aid for standing. You hear various sounds, like music, talking, shuffling of feet. Hopefully it’s just remnants of the loud booming music from the party. It’s almost 4AM for crying out loud. He always sleeps late, but not this late.
You pray to god he’s knocked out cold. You press your keys inside slowly and twist the door knob anxiously. You feel a slight bit of anger as you push the door open realizing that-
“No. Fucking. Way.” You think.
He's still up in the dark glaring at his computer screen, worst timing ever.
“Oh! Hey!” Jonathan waves to you excitedly. “I didn’t think you’d be coming home!”
You sigh and walk inside. You toss your purse to the floor and slam the door shut behind you. He doesn’t even jump. You step out of your shoes and leave them by the door before walking to your bed and diving face first into it.
“You know I was just!-“ He still keeps rambling to you, not getting the hint that you want him to shut the fuck up. You try tuning him out as much as you can but he’s about to give you a headache.
"You know what Jonathan?" You interrupt. A loud sigh escapes your lips and you rub your temples in annoyance. You can’t take another word from him right now. Sleeping was a top priority. "I was really counting on you being asleep right now."
“Huh? O-oh!” He sheepishly smiles and rubs the back of his neck again. “I just… I just didn’t think you’d come back tonight! I was just up thinking… and I wanted to play some games to distract myself!”
You sit up from the bed and tilt your head to the side. "I wanted to sleep... to have peace and quiet for once… and maybe even get rid of some stress!" You grin, the alcohol still hitting. A thought crosses your mind. It would be funny to play with this pathetic man's feelings for once. He always makes you uncomfortable, why not make him? "Maybe I wanted to play with myself for once..." You smile at him and look him up and down.
“W-what!?” He stammers. Jonathan’s face is beet red, you can see his embarrassed expression from the computer’s light reflecting on his face. He’s speechless.
“What do you mean what?” You put your hands on your knees and lean forward towards him. “Maybe I wanted to touch myself Jonathan. You know I didn’t even get to kiss anyone tonight?” You can see his hands trembling in his lap, his thighs are pressed tightly together. He’s very rigid, almost like when you two first met.
“That’s- that’s… too bad! Haha…” He lets out a small awkward laugh and moves his chair slightly to the side.
“Yeah… I really need to relieve my stress.” You lie back down onto your side, still facing him. You bring your knees closer to your chest and put a hand in between your thighs teasingly. “I could just do it here while you’re awake though.” You cover your smile with one of your hands.
Jonathan has no words. He just stares at your body. His eyes resting on your lower half. Your dress is riding up your body sloppily and he can’t help but look. He licks his lips feeling desire surging through his body as his mind races.
“Look at me Jonathan…” You begin to rub your folds teasingly through your panties while glancing at him to see his reaction. You rock your hips against your hand and fake a small moan to see what he’ll do. To your disappointment it seems like he has no reaction, he’s still in place biting his lips together.
That’s embarrassing… A blush spreads across your cheeks. Immediately you regret your actions. You slowly remove your hand from in between your legs and turn your back towards him then scoot towards the wall, making room on the bed. You keep your mouth shut in shame.
You close your eyes shut in an attempt to go to sleep and hope that he’ll forget everything you did in the morning, or even better, that you’d forget. You can hear the sound of him getting up from his chair and bite your lips anxiously waiting for him to go to his bed.
“You… You’re so beautiful.” He whispers out to you. He sounds close. You can feel his body weight shifting onto your bed. You’re too anxious to turn your head towards him. His hand lingers in the air above your thighs, hesitantly, before deciding to give into his impulses and gently touch your thigh. He brings his body close to yours, his chest pressed tightly against your back and his hardness pressed into your backside.
Your heart has never beat this fast for him. It’s about to pound out of your chest. The liquor combined with his hard manhood pressing against you turns you on like crazy. You tremble against his body. He’s much taller than you thought, he feels huge next to you. He grinds his hardness against you and trails his fingers along your soft skin to lift your dress up above your hips.
You grab his wrist. “I-I don’t know John-“
“Please.” He interrupts. “Please let me show you how much I want you.” His lips graze against your neck. His fingers begin to trail upwards and in between your thighs, his touch becoming more insistent as you squirm against his body. He brushes two fingers against your warmth and presses lightly, rubbing up and down softly.
“I want you… I need you…” He plants passionate kisses along your neck. His fingers continue stroking you, pressing harder, more forcefully. “Do you like this?” His breath hot against your ear as he continues to kiss you. He rubs circles sweetly around your clit and you can’t help but moan. It fuels his desire to take you even more. It isn’t long before your panties are dampened with your wetness.
Without permission Jonathan’s hand makes its way underneath your panties and allows his fingers to explore your wetness with unapologetic force. He plunges one of his fingers inside of you, as deep as he can.
“Ah!” You yelp out. You didn’t expect him to force his finger inside without asking. “Wait Jonathan!” You grab his wrist in an attempt to pull it out of you but your desperate tone and panting only heighten his own pleasure.
“No. Let me do this for you…” He forces another finger in and begins to pump them in and out quickly. “You’re so wet…” He begins to grind his hardness against your ass again. “It’s because of me… because of how I’m touching you…” He begins to suck on your neck, ready to leave hickeys on you and mark you for the next few days.
“Mmph!” You try to hold in your moans. You’re ashamed that you’re so wet from this pervert assaulting your pussy, but it feels unbelievably good. Your pussy tightens around his fingers and you wrap your thighs around his hand and grind against it.
Jonathan backs his crotch away from you for a moment. Using his free hand to reach into his sweats and pull his cock out. He presses his body against yours again even tighter, sandwiching you in between his own arousal and his fingers relentlessly plunging into your wetness. Your panties are slipping off from all of the friction rubbing against you.
Once again with his free hand he reaches down to yank your panties down to your knees. Your glistening sex and ass fully exposed to him. “Feel how much I want you.” He slips his cock in between your thighs and begins to fuck them. You whimper pathetically as he continues his assault, your juices dripping onto your thighs.
“I can’t hold back any more…” He withdraws his fingers from inside you abruptly and sits up on the bed to grabs your thighs, spreading them apart and lifting you up higher. He keeps your legs spread with one arm and grabs his cock to position it with your entrance. You look down at it with furrowed brows and a pathetic look on your face.
“Jonathan please-“ You cry out before being interrupted by his palm covering your mouth.
“I’m going to fuck you.” He breathes out, his voice low and hungry. “No more holding back. You’re mine.” He grips your thigh tightly before driving his raw hard cock into your wetness without warning, filing you completely.
You cry out in pain for a moment. He pounds into you with a rough intensity not caring about the pain you’re currently in, only about the pleasure that he’s going to give you. “You’re mine…” He revels in the sound of your moans and the sight of your desperate expression. You reach up to grab his shoulders for comfort as he fucks you into the mattress.
He can feel the tightness and the wetness enveloping him, enticing him to thrust harder, faster. He continues to pound into you with a relentless intensity, his hips meeting yours with a primal rhythm. The power he holds over you consumes him.
You place a hand onto the bed and try backing your hips away from him. You can barely take his poundings. The lewd sounds of your wet slick pussy and skin slapping against skin fill the room.
"No!” He raises a hand and gives you a light slap on the cheek as a reprimand. “You're my little fucktoy," he growls, his words laced with both possessiveness and desire. "And I'm going to use you however I please." He grips onto your hips, bringing you back down even harder onto his cock to accommodate his deep, forceful thrusts.
“Ugh!” You moan out. “Please! Slow down!” Your legs begin to shake as you struggle to keep them straight, your hands desperately clinging onto his shoulders again for support.
Ignoring your request, he continues to fuck you with an unyielding intensity, his grip on your hips growing tighter, leaving marks in his wake. He pounds into you mercilessly, his cock hitting all the right spots within you. Your sensitive pussy contracts around his length, the pleasure and intensity building once again. “You can take it…”
You lean your head down in shame. Your core begins to shake. You bring your arms down to hold onto your stomach. No, no no! You can’t hold it in. You’re about to cum all over his cock. Your face reddens and Jonathan can feel your impending release. He revels in the shame that washes over you, and the sound of your desperate cries.
The orgasm tears through your body, overpowering you completely. Despite your best efforts, you can't hold it in any longer, and you squirt all over his cock. Your warm juices cascade down your thighs and his. Leaking all over the bed.
"That's it. Take it!” He continues his forceful thrusts, pushing you to your limits and beyond. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, echoing with the intensity of your encounter. With a low growl, Jonathan releases his load deep within your core, his hot seed flooding your insides.
“You’re mine forever…” He remains inside of you before pressing his lips against yours and forcing his tongue into your mouth. You don’t fight him back. You let him explore your mouth and even suck on his tongue encouraging him to go further. He pants into your mouth like an animal, continuing the kiss before withdrawing his cock from inside of you. His seed leaks out of you. Jonathan hasn’t released himself in a long time and you were the perfect outlet to use.
He picks your tired body up from your bed and brings you over to his, tucking you into the sheets and pressing himself against you into a warm embrace. “You were made to be mine…” He breathes out before planting a loving kiss onto your head as you fall asleep. As you drift off into slumber he plugs a finger inside of you, making sure some of his cum stays inside of you the entire night.
You two are both so worn out that you sleep together all throughout the night until the afternoon without moving an inch away from each other.
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agent-love-101 · 11 months
Yandere Johnathon Ohnn Headcanons
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an: I am quite bored and I'm very desperate for content of pre-collider spot/Johnathon, so I must deliver!! it may be a bit ooc and have a lot of my own interpretation, but it's a fun concept to imagine what he'd be like as a yandere! I might do regular headcanons and a draft of what I think he was like before the collider incident. also yay! experimenting with a new format!!
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in comparison to his post-collider self, Jonathan is a bit more of a tame yandere, but due to one of his only friends being liv, he's still not a normal romantic guy. Sometimes he can think realistically and know that you and him aren't meant to be, but other times he really believes it.
he uses his intelligence to his advantage. He is fairly calculated in his decisions. He knows what he can get away with and exactly how to do it.
He knows he should steal your dull dirty clothes rather than your brightly colored ones because they blend in easier and are more likely to go unnoticed when missing.
he will also occasionally take a gamble and steal your comfort shirts or your pillows. you'll always find a new pillow in it's place.
it comes to a point where he can't sleep without the presence of your scent somewhere. he gets distressed whenever the scent of you fades from the stolen items he has, and he can't swap out the items.
He knows your usual pattern in the day, and what circumstances could possibly change the outcome. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a whole bulletin board hidden in his closet. Maybe even a whole shrine of stuff he has stolen and was able to keep.
he's still very capable of being a sweet and sappy romantic though.
He'll angrily and anxiously chew on his pens thinking about how to kill a man trying to get close to you,
But he will also use his lunch break to go and buy you a gift if he notices you're sad.
He'll comfort you or offer support when you're freaked out over someone trying to break into your home, all while being that person. Either it was an accident for you to come home when he's intruding and he was able to get away, or it was carefully planned out so that he can use that stress to comfort you.
he definitely gives off a nervous kind of demeanor when you engage with him— hands trembling, excessive sweating, stuttering, and such a goofy grin plastered on his face.
you might think he's nervous— and that could be part of the reason he's acting that way— truth be told he's excited. overjoyed that you're talking to him.
he'd hang out with you every second of the day if he could.
as for how he'd get rid of someone that he thinks will damage the relationship (either non-existent or genuine) can vary.
the thought of murder crosses his mind many times a day.
whenever you exchange greetings with a coworker, laugh at someone's jokes— he always thinks something bad is happening.
but it takes a lot for him to actually act upon it.
if it's a coworker of his he has many opportunities to stage work accidents. and sometimes the opportunity is so great it would be foolish not to act upon it. so he does.
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nsfw continued below!
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He also knows that towels go in the wash at the end of the day, but they have enough of your scent on them to help him "get off".
I think used towels are one of his favorite things of yours to steal and smell. They're clean but they also have your scent clinging onto them...and the implication that your nude body was all over it. huffing the scent as he fondles himself—the humidity coats his throat, it's almost like he can taste you.
and those pillows of yours? there's a multitude of reasons as to why he doesn't return them— the main one being what he does with it.
the cuddling isn't an issue. but sometimes he just cant help himself and he grinds against the pillow— sometimes clothed, sometimes nude. and it just wouldn't be right to return it afterwards!
if you're coworkers, sometimes after a conversation, even just an email reply, he has to excuse himself for a quick break in the bathroom to regulate him— and by that I mean stroking himself.
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wxnheart · 10 months
Hi new! I don't know if you take requests but can I borrow a Yandere!Spot x Reader?
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞!𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Ready or not Here I come You can't hide Gonna find you And make you want me.
Just as he's obsessed with seeing Miles fall, he's obsessed with elevating you. To what end, you'll never know. You don't think you want to know. You do your damndest to avoid wanting to know.
Perhaps it's his desire for 'normalcy' that draws him ever closer to you. You represent the everyday person for him, life uninterrupted and content, drifting through society unabashed. A life that wasn't taken from you. Not like it was taken from him. He wants it back.
Spot's awkward gait and affable nature are dangerously disarming. If you weren't aware of what he was capable of, the thought of being charmed by these qualities—well, as charmed as one could be by whom you originally thought was pathetically harmless as far as villains go—genuinely terrified you.
Despite his misguided obsession with you, he's not above using his abilities to keep tabs on you. He's not above scaring you into submission.
You've tried to run away from him multiple times, and every time you've been scared shitless when you felt the playful tap of his finger on your shoulder and you wish you couldn't pick up the underlying enmity in his quip. How dare you. Where ya going, hot stuff? 🖤
He finds your attempts humorous at best and a slight inconvenience at worst, because wherever you go, there he is. Has a tendency to toy with you by getting your hopes up sometimes. It's cute the way you breathe a sigh of relief when you think you've succeeded. 🖤
If you haven't already, because of Spot, you've developed an aversion to dark places (especially doorways) because you've lost count of the number of times he's used the darkness to his advantage and surprised you.
Thanks to him, the sight of polka dots is rage-inducing and terrifying.
You've seen more than one person ambling along innocently with the same awkward gait and god, you wish you could scream. Well, you could, but you fear attracting the Spot's attention. And he will come.
But oh, hey, what do you know, gorgeous? If you can't give him what he wants, another you can. The perks of Miles turning him into a freak, eh?
Because trust and believe, his obsession with you spans the multiverse, darlin'. Gives you something to think about, huh? 🖤
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prpfs · 10 months
I've turned out to be fully brainrotted, so hello again!
20nb here looking to write my OC against Spot/Johnathan Ohnn from Across the Spiderverse. In return, I can write just about anybody for your character, and I'm ok with doing all pairings.
I'm looking for angst, yandere, and a long-term story that'll keep us on the edge of our seats! I have few limits, so we can make it as dark as possible!
If you're interested, leave a like and I'll get back to you!
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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keliejah · 8 months
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simon "ghost" riley
keegan p russ
miguel o'hara
johnathan ohnn
nanami kento. early bird
diluc ragnvindr
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chickenpizza420 · 11 months
AAA YOUR YANDERE JOHN HCS-??? CAN — can you ple a se do some with him in the afterglow of sex that the reader thought had no strings attached after a office party and him wanting to make breakfast for reader, then also the aftermath with his behaviour at work for the next week or so? Like hcs and bullet points of ur ideas plspslsp I love the way you write him he comes off exactly as he should in it
TW: slight noncon, unwanted groping, stalking, s*xual harassment. NS//FW
You’re hot for requesting this
You drunkenly hit on Jonathan at the office party when no one was looking. Your beer goggles made you notice him. You noticed yourself being attracted to his height and face. You initiated everything and preferred going to your place.
Jonathan definitely wakes up long before you do. He watches your sleeping form and cuddles with your unconscious body. He definitely kisses and smells your body, even the strange places like your neck and armpits.
He definitely takes pictures of you in your sleep with his phone and poses with your body. A lot of the pictures came out shaken or blurry, mostly because he was scared to wake you up and didn’t want you getting mad at him, but also because he was so excited something like this was happening to him for the first time.
You wake up to him practically snorting your hair with his arms wrapped tightly around him.
This makes your heart race rapidly. He seriously creeps you out right now, more than usual.
He sits up, still naked, and asks if you can make breakfast together.
You politely decline and lie, saying you have nothing in your house. You want him out as soon as possible.
He’s very persistent and you compromise by going out with him to get a quick bite at the corner store.
He takes this as another date and is convinced you’re interested in him.
Over the next week he goes insane blowing up your phone. You can’t block him because of the work group chat and you guys are working together closely on something. What luck right?
He sends you anything, memes, random pictures, lots of “how are you doing :)” and “I had a great time that night 👍🏻. We should meet outside of work again :)” he definitely uses emojis and emoticons.
He calls you at least 10 times a day AND leaves voicemails.
At work you avoid him as much as you can but he always makes his way towards you.
When you two are alone he will always get uncomfortably close to you and always touches you, mostly your: thighs, upper arms, he will even put his hands up your skirt, dress, or blouse.
You will angrily demand for him to stop but he’ll always say the same thing "I... I can't help it” or “But I thought you liked this?” And keep going.
When you two are in the same room with people around he tries to stay sitting down at a desk with something covering his lap. The slightest thing you do will get him hard.
He quickly realizes you will do what he wants if he holds your position over your head. He’s more important than you at this job and he knows it.
He becomes extremely manipulative and possessive over you and hates when you talk to any male colleagues. He will hug you tightly as soon as you two are alone and bury his face in your neck. “You’re mine…” He doesn’t scare you. His mannerisms actually remind you of a jealous little kid.
His power over you gives him confidence and he quickly becomes comfortable and less awkward with you around.
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agent-love-101 · 11 months
Yan John is the kind of mf who throws out tests for you. Some are to see if you’re still in love with him, others are just silly little schemes to get reassurance. He “casually” mentions how goofy his bedhead looks and then stares at you like “if only someone would brush it for me.. if only 🥺”
yan john I love that sm!! and ABSOLUTELY HE DOES.
and he almost always needs an over the top or expressive answer. he's so close to being manipulative, if not he is already. he isn't an innocent sweet baby, dude works at evil incorporated!! /lh
sometimes he wants you to pity him. he might exaggerate parts of his childhood or school life so he can get some extra attention, or complain about a somewhat faked pain or ailment so you'll do something for him.
he's definitely the type to try and guilt you via message like "okay...if that's what you really want..." overusing the hell out of ellipses.
I saw a piece of fanart that gave the headcanon he will fake cry to trick people and YES I endorse that headcanon.
I can imagine he did it once just to see what you would do, and when you immediately tried to console him, he couldn't help but keep at it.
when you ignore his texts (you're too busy to reply) and he hears your keys jingling as you try to unlock the front door, he'll immediately put on the water works so you ask him what's wrong, comfort him, and worry about him. to him, love is worry.
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agent-love-101 · 11 months
Bro I was literally kicking my feet in the air with those yandere Jonathon Ohnn headcanons please make more 😭🙏🙏🙏
Yandere Johnathon Ohnn Headcanons Part 2
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note: I am so glad you enjoyed the headcanons I had so much fun making them!! I'll gladly make more!! I'm also gonna try and give the undercut and long hair Johnathon enjoyers their fix!!! This might be the last yandere Johnathon headcanons post I make unless I get specific requests for scenarios and what not, that means post-collider Johnathon, aka the spot, is next!!
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for the undercut fans (such as myself I'm sorry), imagine his long hair and beard are due to self-neglect (still gorgeous though).
once he meets you though, he wants to attract your attention. he's insecure and with this crush, he starts to get impulsive and decides to get a incredibly new haircut.
for the people who like long hair Johnathon, imagine more of the opposite. what I mean by that is he originally has the undercut, but he gets so obsessed with you he stops going for haircuts, shaving, anything he can cut out of his schedule so he can get more time with you, he's doing it.
as a boyfriend, his obsessive tendencies do get a bit more tame, but they aren't entirely gone.
he's insecure. he'll constantly bombard you with questions. definitely asks if you'd still love him if he was a worm.
sometimes when he's in a particularly bad mood, he just needs you there. if you have any plans, it's best to cancel them.
but when he's in a good mood? he's constantly in your business, you hardly ever get a moment to yourself.
party? he's tagging along. grocery shopping? he'll help you!
he especially loves it if you don't have a car, because then he becomes your self-proclaimed chauffeur.
it's very easy for him for him to believe you hate him, and that's when he stops taking care of himself.
he definitely tries to manipulate you into different decisions (especially regarding you hanging out with friends)
if you're overly affectionate with people he gets very paranoid; he wants to feel special to someone, and if you're giving the same treatment to other people...then in his eyes he isn't special after all.
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chickenpizza420 · 11 months
What if the reader made jonathon jealous on purpose, like they were being affectionate with someone else how would he react to that? also I really like your writing <3
I definitely picture y/n being affectionate to someone else in front of him purposely to get him off their back but it only makes things worse
TW: slight non//con
It drives him insane when he sees you two together but he’ll never confront you guys upfront, he wants to keep his job and not seem even weirder at work.
He will get that guy out of the picture. Guaranteed. He will get them fired and force you two to get out of contact.
He will definitely freak out on you and it will scare you. Lots of yelling from him. “Who is that guy!?” He will yell at you if it seems like you two are alone even if it’s in a public area, like work or he corners you outside. I mean he will be unhinged, wide eyed yelling and gripping your shoulders. He will make you feel tiny under his gaze.
“What about us!?” Especially if there was no “us”.
He will beg for forgiveness afterwards. “I’m- I’m so sorry babe! … I was just angry with you! Please forgive me…” he will hug you against your will until you pat him on the back and tell him you forgive him.
He will mark you in subtle ways. Like he will hold you down and give you hickeys right at collar level just so that it’s peeking out slightly.
He can’t trust you anymore, once he finds out you’re going out somewhere (he always will) he will be there. It’s awkward 90% of the time because he will always he hovering over you making sure no other guys talk to you.
Going somewhere noisy isn’t really his thing so he’s also overstimulated and looks clearly uncomfortable and definitely clinging onto you harder because of it.
He’s gone from feeling you up your limbs to straight up groping you in public to show you the power he has over you, but it’s weird like he’s honking your boob or ass really quick.
He will “misplace” things with his name clearly on it on your desk so people will see. He will also take things that clearly belong to you and display them on his.
If people ask him if you guys are dating he always says yes, even if they ask in front of you. If you protest he will make sure that you can’t get a word in.
Any male colleagues at your job refuse to work with you because inconveniences always happen with you there and you’re “bad luck”.
Now when he kisses you it’s not just a peck on the lips. He always has to stick his tongue in your mouth and make out with you. He’s really bad at making out at first and you have to teach him how to.
You will never be able to be with anyone with him around.
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yanderes-stuff · 9 months
Yandere Johnathon Ohnn x Scientist Reader
(Forgive me if this sucks. I have a sinus infection and can barely focus but I need to dump my brain.)
Johnathon worked at Alchemax long before you did, to him it was just another day of tedious work. Then he heard rumors of a new worker coming, it was nothing too uncommon in the laboratory though.
Then he actually got to meet you, he had to approach you while you were doing papers. He couldn't help but notice how soft your expression was; everybody else seemed so tense and yet you just seemed happy to be there. He really… really liked that.
He couldn't help but watch you from afar whenever Livv was not hovering over his shoulder attempting to finish his project. He remembers having guards shoo him away whenever he came to visit you when you had overtime. You had your head down peacefully on a desk of messy papers, you seemed so tired… He really would've grabbed you a blanket if he had gotten the chance.
Sooner or later he begins to realize his fascination with you is more than it seems, Ohnn never really understood his emotions but he could tell you already had a special place in his mind. 
He eventually becomes a bit stalkerish. Watching you from a window whenever you clock out of work. He had to make sure you were safe, and just generally kept an eye on you. But the more your friend group grows the more jealousy he feels.
Ohnn was very easily jealous of others, he never felt satisfied with what little he had. He always felt the need to do more. The need to prove himself; And it seemed like he was finally understanding that you might be an opportunity for that.
Finally, he gathers the courage to talk to you, it was just a normal break when Ohnn nervously approached you. His awkward frame loomed over you as he held a cup of coffee gently in his clammy palms. But what struck him as odd was the fact you treated him… normally, there wasn't even a trace of discomfort on your face despite Ohnn being deemed a freak by your coworkers, your friends.
Talking to you was addicting, he slowly started to insert himself whenever he got the chance when you were alone. At first, you were flattered such an astounding scientist wanted to speak to you. But you were quickly getting distracted by him, It wasn't anything personal it was just. Between your friends, your work, and him. There was no room left for him.
His jealousy was quickly growing, he felt cast aside. Though it wasn't completely your fault, no no no. It was your friend's fault, it was your boss's fault. They were making it more difficult for him to form anything meaningful with you. 
He would begin to make little gifts for you, leaving you a little homemade lunch instead of the usual cafeteria food. (which surprisingly tasted good for somebody whose diet was mostly takeout and energy drinks.) And he'd leave little love notes on your desk.
He watched in joy as you ate his lunch, and how your feet kicked for a moment reading his rather unprofessional romantic notes.
But what made him regret those little actions was the fact he was too scared to sign it. A co-worker took credit for his gifts! Both of them had similar handwriting… and of course, somebody else would have a thing for you, ugh.
He considered confessing it was him and that your co-worker was a liar. But at this point, his image was already ruined, he was considered bizarre before you came. And it only grew every day, especially with the new rumors of him being a stalker. But that didn't even agitate him, it was observing your new love flirt and spend time together. 
He only had one other option now, and seeing how things seemed at the moment he'd need to act fast before his emotions made him do something even more drastic. 
He came in early like usual, you usually came shortly after. He could tell you were trying to climb the Alchemax ladder and he couldn't help but admire that. It also gave him a chance to fulfill his plan, so he approached you. Explained that he had a discovery he wanted to show you. The excitement you held in your face was adorable, and he led you into his room and closed the door behind him.
As soon as you stepped inside, looking around searching for his discovery, he wrapped his forearm around your throat. Squeezing your body against him as he placed his palms roughly against your mouth. Your screams were muffled as you thrashed, Ohnn wasn't strong by any means but he was around 6'5. And in the choke hold he had you in there was a slim chance of breaking free. He held you there while muttering apologies and trying to comfort you, expressing that he wasn't going to hurt you. As long as you didn't make him.
You eventually passed out in his arms, how adorable! Now it was time to actually show you his discovery…
There was a portal he kept hidden in his personal laboratory, he explored it himself. Memorizing the terrain. And now that he had you to himself, it seemed like you and him were going to explore the multiverse together… Finally, everything that has been distracting you will be put behind you. 
He was going to find a way to make you dependent on him, so don't try to resist him please… it'll only make you hurt, and he doesn't like hurting you. But he's not above it either for more control~
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agent-love-101 · 11 months
Could I ask for Yandere Pre collider Johnathan with a reader who’s Sweet and completely enables his behaviour, fawns over him, dotes ok him, acts naive to ignore any weird things he does, etc,, -?
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Yandere!Johnathon x Enabling!Reader
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an: this is such a cute concept!! hopefully i can do it justice!!! i had a lot of fun!! <3
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enabling his behaviors? my goodness you're gonna get yourself in a lot of trouble. but hey, could be fun!
when you ignore his thieving of your clothes, he starts to steal your favorites because he knows he can get away with it.
he loves holding you. he tries his best to convince you to share a bed so he can constantly know you're there.
he's sometimes a heavy sleeper, but sometimes you'll wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or retrieve a glass of water, or some other kind of task, and he'll be sitting up. staring at you with a stoic expression.
"where were you?" and the way he says it...it sounds kind of scary.
but you don't mind it. you answer honestly, telling him exactly what you were doing.
he'll continue to stare, his tired but attentive gaze watching your facial expressions to make sure you aren't deceiving him.
then he laughs. "oh!! okay! sorry! I was just worried!" he says in response. then you two go back to bed.
you would have forgotten that encounter if it only happened one, maybe. but it happens everytime you need to do something at night.
or anytime you need to do ANYTHING.
you need to communicate it to him directly and honestly. because he'll find out if you're lying.
i feel like the easiest way to have a horrible day is going late night grocery shopping without telling him. maybe you felt bad to wake him this one time he slept through your movement. maybe you wanted to see what would happen.
either way he is devastated, he feels betrayed...and angry.
he'll be making special locks to go on the doors and windows while you're out. you'll be let in easily...
but you won't be able to get back out until he lets you. which means he needs a lot of convincing. you have to earn his trust back.
nsfw below!!
petting and twirling his hair does things to him. it's excellent foreplay.
just do it with discretion. because he can and will finish just from your touch and voice.
it takes a lot of consistent touching for him to have a higher tolerance for you so he can last longer.
he is so determined to make you orgasm everytime you guys engage in sex because not only does he love the noises you make and they help him get off, but he worries that if he can't please you then you might leave him.
if you only want to be ravaged between the legs? he will gladly do so.
if you have a dick, he'll suppress his gag reflex as much as he can so that you like it. he's not very used to giving blow jobs.
or receiving them. if you ever offer one to him, he's on the verge of tears, whining and gasping as he grips onto the fabric touching your shoulders or the fabric underneath him.
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chickenpizza420 · 11 months
Dude..... seriously I need more headcanon yanderes from Jonathan.
I really need to see his pathetic and needy side, he is definitely a perverted weirdo.
Maybe even masochistic(?) idk I imagine a scenario where we push him so hard that we knock him to the ground while calling him disgusting or some other demeaning insult, and he gets a boner for it.
"He will definitely beg just to touch you"
"He's definitely the guy to back you into a corner when no one else is around and beg you for a kiss.
" He's so nervous and pathetic" "He was acting like a starved Victorian child."
"He doesn't scare you. His mannerisms actually remind you of a jealous little kid"
Damn...those dialgos were the ones that got me.
I could see him being a tiny bit masochistic but I see him mostly being sadistic and using you as an outlet for release.
TW: slight non//c*n. Groping s**ual harassment
In human form Jonathan is like 6’2” so it would be too hard to push him to the ground, but it would definitely turn him on when you pull his hair to get him off of you.
Once when he stuck his tongue in your mouth you hit him so hard his glasses flew off. His dick got so hard he had to pull you into a different room and continue forcing sloppy kisses on you until you bit him.
Every time you say something like “you disgust me!” “I hate you” or “get away from me!” It makes him long for you more.
He will say please a lot and beg you for attention. “Please, please, please! Let me touch you, for just a second!” Meanwhile he’s already feeling up and down your ass and pressed up against you.
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chickenpizza420 · 11 months
Do you think your version of Johnny is misogynistic like an incel where it’s like he’s mad women don’t wanna fuck him bc they eat hot chip and lie
He’s not an incel because both men and women hate him, men actually treat him much worse. Generally women do think he’s weird but they pity him. He’s only a pervert to you because he’s loyal.
He just has autism.
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agent-love-101 · 10 months
oh my GODDDOSNSJNSJS I need to know how he reacted to reader returning home with groceries sooo bad, like him just soooo insecure and scared abt them leaving that he accuses them of doing something else bc they didn’t tell him— and how worried he was and what if they had gotten kidnapped or murdered and how would he know where to even look— etc,,
Reader putting the bags down and walking over to lace their hands around his neck and kiss his jaw before laying their head along his chest going “I’m here now, aren’t I?” And “I didn’t want to wake you up, you looked so sweet wrapped up in our blanket”
“But if it really scared you so much, I’ll wake you up next time, Maybe you can even tag along,“
which doesn’t sound like the best outcome because he still wants them to just stay inside while he goes out and gets whatever they need — create some sort of dependency plus make sure reader is kept to himself— but !! A win is a win !!
“It could be like a date”
And he doesn’t want to admit how quickly his entire resolve melts as soon as their hands touch his body and snake into his hair but he at least manages to mumble something about locks and keys before folding into the readers embrace which they (being the same one from the prompt —!) would respond by rubbing circles into his back and talking into his shoulder saying
“If that’s what you want,” with like such a nonchalant and Endeared voice as if he was asking to pick what they were eating rather than whether reader is allowed to leave the house by themselves or not,
!!!!!!!!!! I just !!! Love how you write him sosoosos much it’s soo insanely wet paper bag like that one asker said —!-!!-!-!-!
YESSS OMG this is gonna be so fun to write omg, though you pretty much wrote all of it for me!! sorry I took a bit of a break; feeling some fandom fatigue (and I'm fixating on another fandom atm) but I'll try to get through all my requests!!
to put you in his perspective, when you leave his body goes into a full panic mode. his chest feels ice cold, like his blood has stopped circulating. he speeds through the apartment, knocking things down (strong or not, he still has a lot of power to send things to the floor, especially when he's frustrated.)
when you finally make it home, he's in hysterics. he's cried so hard he's gasping for air.
before you can ask if he's alright, he rushes toward you, grabbing your arms, keeping them forcefully at your sides, asking where you've been in such a loud panicked tone.
you are barely able to tell him you were simply on a late night grocery trip due to his frantic yelling. despite the yelling, you don't feel scared.
you're too busy comforting him to notice the locks are different. very different.
when you do, perhaps you think its a bit cute how he wants to lock you up...but he always forgets the brands you prefer. so to persuade him, you console him further. tell him you can both go next time...but he shakes his head.
despite you saying how it can be "like a date", he can't stand the thought of people looking at you. undressing you with their eyes.
gently caressing his arm, following the direction of moles as if connecting constellations, he can't help but soften up a little.
there's that other bit of johnny you love. the stammering one, the sweating one...your boyfriend.
"...w-well...um...maybe." he stammers out.
you know that answer will turn into a yes later...with a lot of work.
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agent-love-101 · 10 months
i love your john hcs so much... may i rq trans man (preferably binary but eh i can live with nonbinary too) yandere john hcs... stuff like getting jealous over y/n talking to cis men and having to prove hes much better than they could ever be... sorry if this is weird
Yandere!Trans!Johnathon x Reader: Jealousy
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an: I don't think this is weird!! I think this can fit perfectly with my interpretation of Yan John! hopefully I do it justice and understood the ask properly!! as I'm typing this out I realized it said yandere trans man Johnathon and not trans reader!! good thing I didn't type too much out and can easily revise it <3
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To sum this up before you read further; i feel like Trans!Johnathon has difficulty with finding out his ideal way to express his gender, and his identity in general.
Not even just his gender, Johnathon comes off as a guy who has trouble figuring out who he is, as i feel he has missed a lot of social opportunities throughout his entire life due to his dream of interdimensional travel.
as long as Johnathon can remember, he's never been enough for anyone. it seemed as though no matter how great he thought he was at something, or as nice as he could be...he was always and easily replaced in every scenario.
when he meets you, it doesn't go away...if anything, it gets worse.
no matter how much you validate him, there's always a thought in the back of his mind telling him that you're lying.
especially when he catches you talking to other people. specifically men. there's just something about the way they eye you, the way you laugh at any jokes and add on to their conversations willingly with a pleased gaze that makes him feel sick...and angry.
it doesn't matter if he's confided in you about his identity, he automatically draws that conclusion.
is he not enough?
He doesn’t just stalk you, he stalks the men you speak to, trying to see what traits make you smile the most, what phyiscal attributes make you stare the most.
And he’ll use these observations to change himself.
I wouldn’t be surprised if that undercut was a result of those observations as well; maybe its too feminine for you?
He definitely tries to insert himself in any conversations you have with any man that isn’t him.
And expect to see him more often, to try out any new traits or habits he’s picked up.
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