#Yang Hyuk
stuff-diary · 4 months
Lovely Runner
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Lovely Runner (2024, South Korea)
Directors: Yoon Jong Ho & Kim Tae Yeop
Writer: Lee Shi Eun (based on the novel by Kim Bbang)
This is one of those rare dramas where I could tell I was in for something truly special from the very first episode. And it delivered on that initial promise until the very end. Somehow, it got better with every episode. You can just tell everyone involved was incredibly passionate about this project. The writing is both riotously funny and heartbreakingly sad; there are few dramas that have made me laugh and cry as much as this one. The directing and the cinematography also keep things dynamic and visually gorgeous. And the acting... Man, Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo Seok give two of the best performances I've seen in a K-drama; their acting is so nuanced and detailed. Plus their chemistry is crazy, seriously off the charts. Lovely Runner has helped me get through these last couple of months, and I will miss it so so much. Do yourself a favor and go watch it, if you haven't already!
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evnne · 11 months
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YANG HYUK / 'iykyk' Jacket Shooting Behind
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kpop-bbg · 4 months
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club-cheongyang · 4 months
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gabichive · 2 years
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230324 instagram live
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omegaxlore · 11 months
지구 - 양혁
word count: 3237 warnings : guns , gunshots
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His mother had always assumed she gave birth to a real-life Superman. Turns out it was much deeper and scarier than she or her husband could imagine.
From a young age Hyuk always knew he was different, and he loved every part of it. Despite being raised to hide his ability from the world and to appear as normal as he could, Hyuk rebelled every chance he got.
When he was a toddler, Hyuk didn’t understand why he had to hide his ability, wasn’t it normal? One of the last days he went to a park as a toddler until it was banned, Hyuk lifted several rather large rocks. Rocks three times his weight. Hyuk had figured that he needed to show off, to be the alpha as some would say. To prove he was the strongest and the coolest. Of course the other kids found this cool and tried to lift the heavy rocks too but couldn’t do it. Hyuk was confused, why couldn’t they lift it at all? The other parent’s were mortified to say the least. 
Hyuk’s father picked him up and they swiftly left the park. 
At home Hyuk’s parents had to sit and explain, to four-year-old Hyuk, that he was not normal- not like the other kids. 
“You must never show your ability to anyone,” his mother told him.
“Why?” Hyuk asked- his favorite word for the conversation.
“Someone bad could see and take you away,” his father didn’t sugarcoat it, and it scared Hyuk. He burst into tears. His mother consoled him and told him about how she and his father would help figure out how to hide Hyuk’s abilities.
And that’s exactly what they did. For years, they practiced about hiding his ability and playing it off that he was normal like everyone else. They did test runs in public. They went horrible at first, but slowly they improved until it was mastered. Hyuk was homeschooled until it was mastered. It took three and a half years. So Hyuk started in the second half of the second grade/year at a prestigious private school. His parents worked extra hard to donate extra money to school in case anything ever happened and they couldn’t just expel him.
But of course, as kids grow, the more rebellious they become. 
When Hyuk’s parents weren’t watching he always messed around with things. Of course he did it without anyone looking. He knew to be careful- his father’s words still ring in his ears.
There were several cases in which Hyuk received weird looks when his strength took over. Hyuk was scrawny- stick and bone others would comment. How could someone so skinny break a door handle? How could he crack glass by bumping into it? How did he get the snack machine to drop his favorite snack by hitting it? Quickly Hyuk noticed these eyes and he ran out of excuses, especially when they started to become more bizarre cases. Most of the time he didn’t mean to use his abilities. He just knew how to hide them but was not trained to not use it.
As often as he could, Hyuk would go on a hike into the mountains to train and to build on muscle after his few trips to the gym were unsuccessful and he continued to get looks from people. After his first trip to the mountains, Hyuk discovered while he was strong he was not invincible- his knuckles bloodied when he would punch the side of mountains, rocks, or trees. So on his second trip to the mountains, he brought gloves to help protect  his hands, and they did an okay job. He would have to replace them after every few trips, but his trips were paying off. He was building muscle. His training, eating habits, and protein drinks were helping him build the look he needed.
With his bulked up muscles, Hyuk no longer received weird looks when something happened. Now he had a plausible excuse. Instead of weird looks he received feared looks. While still some-what following his parents' rules, Hyuk took up a new ‘hobby’.
He picked on bullies. Every single one of them. Teaching them a small lesson in what it’s like to be a victim. Of course this brought trouble, but the school never expelled him. Mostly due to his parents donating so much money as well as all the bullies’ victims vouching for Hyuk as well. He became legendary at school. Bullying became non-existent. So Hyuk reached out to other schools, and within a semester, bullying in the area ceased due to Hyuk.
Hyuk, of course, became bored once again. How was he going to mess around with his abilities if there was nothing for him to do? Bored of moving rocks and no one to punish. But that all changed the day he was introduced to the gangs that ran certain parts of his city. The first encounter was simple, the members were beaten so badly that instead of jail they were sent to the hospital. The thrill of stopping bad guys became Hyuk’s new ‘hobby’. The thrill of it brought him so much energy.
Of course that is all until now.
Hyuk stands, barely breaking sweat and not out of breath. Several guys scattered around him, unconscious from the beating they received. Several more men stand in front of him, out of breath but still ready and able to fight.
Hyuk would not back down. Every single man that came at him, he would take on. Hand-to-hand. He would be the reason everything is safe.
He knocks another man twice his size unconscious. Hyuk shakes out his wrists and rolls his shoulders, looking back at the group of men in front of him.
Something in the corner of Hyuk’s eye distracts him. Something moved, but it wasn’t one of the men. That’s when one of the gang members do it. They pull out a gun and fire it. The bullet, too fast to avoid, rips through Hyuk’s shoulder. 
Hyuk screams in pain, his body wiping backwards with the force of the bullet and onto the ground.
Something jumps from the shadows and in front of Hyuk. Pools of shadows roll out like clouds from under the cloak dn envelope the rest of the men in darkness. The sound of crackling lightning scares the men. But they are all swiftly rendered unconscious with the traveling lightning coursing through all the metal around them.
“Let’s go,” the cloaked person tells Hyuk, helping him up. Hyuk yells in pain, the cloaked person grabbing his injured arm.
They lead Hyuk away before the black mist disappears. Groaning men on the floor, bodies twitching from the level of volts their bodies endured. Enough to hurt, not injure or kill though.
“Where are we going? Who are you?” Hyuk asks, groaning in pain. The masked person still had not let go of his arm. Instead the person leads him down several allies then up a flight of stairs towards a door.
The open it and shove Hyuk inside before looking behind them and then closing the door. 
“Who are yo-” Hyuk stops when he sees the person under the dark hood. Goosebumps rise along his skin. Why did he he feel enchanted all of a sudden.
“Sit,” they demand, pointing to spot in front of a worn down couch. Hyuk obeys.
“Who are you?” Hyuk curiously asks.
“Poaegi,” they respond pulling out a rather large first aid kit before sitting on the couch behind him, “What you did was stupid.”
“I was getting rid of bad guys,” Hyuk counters.
“You are not listening,” Poaegi snaps, “You. Could. Have. Been. Killed.”
“It’s impossible to kill me,” Hyuk scoffs, irritated that he's being scolded by a stranger. Poaegi puts pressure on his wound and Hyuk yells. He turns around and stares at Poaegi, pissed. Poaegi returns the look of pure rage. Hyuk backs down, slightly scared. He turns around and faces forward. He watches Poaegi work on his shoulder through the black screen of the television.
“Where are we?” Hyuk asks.
“A safe house,” Poaegi responds, eyes trained on the medical supplies and his wound. They work cautiously but quickly.
“A safe house?” Hyuk repeats, “what are you? Some special, secret government agent?”
“Not quite,” Poaegi answers and wipes a numbing gel over Hyuk’s wound, causing him to hiss, “it’s one of the several safe houses my parent’s instated for when the Ethereals awakened.”
“You must be on drugs. What the hell are Ethereals?” Hyuk spats.
“You,” Poaegi pulls out a pad, and they dab away some more blood. Goosebumps rise on Hyuk’s skin.
“Finally, an answer, right?” Poaegi laughs, “Ethereals are beings created by the universe to control the elements. There are 12, and you, Yang Hyuk, are one of them. Earth.”
“Why me? What does that even mean?”
“Wish I knew why too,” Poaegi grabs the wrap with their free hand, their other hand holding the pad against the completely numb wound, “but it means that a great danger is waking up, and soon it will come after the twelve. I’ve come to collect the Ethereals. You have to defeat whatever this monster is. I’ve only heard legends. The last time the mons-”
“You sound crazy!” Hyuk pulls away from Poaegi who is mid-wrapping the wound. He pushes himself off the ground and stands before Poaegi.
“Then explain yourself,” Poaegi challenges, “explain how I did all that as well.”
Hyuk laughs and shakes his head, “I don’t need to subject myself to any of this. I’m out of here.” Hyuk grabs his torn and bloody shirt, putting it on.
“What happens when those men find out where you live?” Poaegi questions, “where you live with your parents. Your innocent parents.”
Hyuk turns around, full of rage, and screams, “YOU DON’T KNOW ME! I CAN PROTECT THEM!” Hyuk walks out the door, slamming it behind him.
“Well that went well,” a male voice says.
“Could have been nicer, but that’s my opinion,” another male states. 
Four men move out of the shadows. Poaegi turns to them.
“Need I remind you how stubborn you were, Moon Jehyun?” Poaegi counters, another man chuckles, “you too, Lee Jinwoo.”
“So what do we need to do now?” The final boy speaks, adjusting his wings.
“We need to beat him to his house. I have a feeling those men are going to find him,” Poaegi tells them.
“Do you need me to scout ahead?” the winged one asks.
“No, I can’t risk you being seen here,” Poaegi tells him, “it’s too open. We will go on foot.” Poaegi cleans up the medical supplies and they all head out the door.
“Jaehan, your wings,” Poaegi reminds him.
Hyuk angrily marches home, grumbling quietly to himself. 
He earns horrified looks from those he passes by, but not one dares to offer their help.
Your innocent parents.
Hyuk scowls harder, biting his teeth. He would show Poaegi. He would show them he can handle himself and protect his parents. 
Hyuk turned down his neighborhood street, unaware of those around him. He marches right up the stairs to his front door and walks in. His anger suddenly disappears. His childhood home always had that effect on him.
“Mom? Dad? I’m home!” Hyuk calls. He walks further into the house.
“Mom? Dad?” Hyuk calls, not seeing anyone.
Suddenly loud bangs and shattered glass fill the silence. Hyuk throws his body to the floor.  Holes in the wall around him leave Hyuk wide eyed.
What happens when those men find out where you live?
“How do you know where he lives again?” Hwichan asks.
“Not important Hwichan,” Poaegi rolls their eyes, “I have to keep tabs on you guys the moment I find you. Sometimes the first moment I find you is never the right one.”
The five of them walk through the back end of Hyuk’s neighborhood when they hear it. Several gunshots and screaming.
The four of them begin to run towards the sounds. At the end of Hyuk’s street the four of them hide behind the side of a house, peering out. Poaegi turns and nods their head to the boys. They quickly run the opposite way, back towards a large tree they passed by moments ago. Xen approaches the tree.
“Out of sight,” Poaegi tells Xen.
“In the mind,” Xen responds. Jaehan helps him up into the tall tree and Xen ties a blindfold over his eyes.
“Jaehan, find the parents,” Poaegi orders, “Hwichan illusions, Jehyun shadows.” Poaegi reaches for their bracelet and pulls off a bow and arrow and it flashes before growing to life size. The three other boys nod and they head in a sprint towards the house.
Parents are hiding in a closet, near the master bedroom. Xen’s voice speaks in their minds. Jaehan instantly opens his wings and takes to the sky.
Five hiding across the street in the bushes. Two behind the cars. Four in the front yard. Three approaching through the back. One body scrambling inside the house- probably Hyuk.
Thanks Xen. Keep watching. Poaegi responds.
“Boys, Take care of the front,” Poaegi orders and quickly the rest of the group goes off. Poaegi heads towards the back of the house. Poegi pulls an arrow out of the quiver and latches it onto the string. They quietly move towards the backyard. The first man comes into view and Poaegi lets go of the serving and the arrow flies towards the man. It hits him in the back- but instead of impaling him the arrow evaporates into electricity, shocking the man unconscious. Poaegi quickly pulls out the next arrow, latching it onto the bowstring. The second man comes to check on the first and Poaegi hits them with the arrow. The third fires a random shower of bullets towards Poaegi’s direction. They slam themselves against the wall. Poaegi pulls out another arrow, notching it to the bowstring. 
Poaegi takes a couple breaths, and when the bullet shower stops they pop out from behind the wall and let go of the serving. The arrow flies off towards the third and final guy. As the arrow evaporates and shocks the man, his finger pulls the trigger, another shower of bullets. Poaegi moves, but not without getting hit in the arm with a bullet.
“Ahh,” Poaegi yells, they grip their arm.
Quite lucky, Taedong is not here, Xen comments.
“Not now, Xen!” Poaegi growls. They take a few hissing deep breaths.
They drop the bow and arrows and they return to a charm and appear on the bracelet. Poaegi pulls off the halo charms. They grow to their bracelet size. Poaegi puts them on and heals themself.
Hyuk slams his body to the ground once more, a shower of bullets flying through the broken windows, walls, and door. He army crawls behind a wall. He covers his head, but looks behind him. For anything. Anything that could potentially be a weapon. The knives in the kitchen would be a risk to get. The baseball bats were too far. All of his weight training items were upstairs. He was stuck.
The back door breaks in. Hyuk panics and scrambles to the kitchen across the room, to reach for the knives. A hand stops him. Hyuk looks up to find Poaegi, out of breath and battered.
“Poaegi,” Hyuk gasps, “how did you find me?”
Before Poaegi responds another round of bullets fly through the house. Poaegi tackles Hyuk to the ground. 
“Here,” Poaegi pulls off the brass knuckle charm, “put these on. Follow my direct orders.” Hyuk, panicking, puts both brass knuckles on.
“On the count of three you’re going to smash your fist into the ground,” Poaegi orders, “One! Tw-”
“What?” Hyuk panics.
“Three!” Hyuk punches the ground as hard as he can. The ground shakes violently. A small crack opens under his hand and trails to the front of the house, the crack growing bigger and wider.
More men keep showing up. 
Poaegi takes a deep uncertain breath.
“What? What’s wrong?” Hyuk asks, “did I do it wrong?”
“No,” Poaegi tells him, “more men are showing up. I know what we need to do… but I need them closer to the house. All of them.”
Xen. Tell Hwichan and Jehyun to lure them here.
“We have to wait. It won’t be long,” Poaegi tells Hyuk. They pull off the bow and arrow charm again.
“Your door frame is made of metal, please tell me it is,” Poaegi begs Hyuk.
“I don’t know,” Hyuk answers, panicking once more.
“Let’s pray it is,” Poaegi pulls an arrow on to the notch and pulls back the bow string, “I get one shot at this.”
Jehyun is the first to enter the house and quickly finds shelter. Quickly after is Hwichan.
I get one shot Xen. Tell me when.
Bullets shower through the walls and doors. Their voices get louder and louder.
“What are you doing?” Hyuk panics and curls up into a ball covering his head.
Poaegi lets go of the serving and the arrow flies into the door frame. It evaporates and electricity flies through the air like a firework show, bouncing off every metal object within inches of each other. 
All the men being so close that the metal guns they are holding are not only electrocuted but so are the men holding them. Bodies fall down in a wave like motion.
When the last body falls, silence follows. Poaegi pops their head out. Hyuk follows. Jehyun and Hwichan come out of their hiding spots. Jehyun leans over catching his breath, Hwichan plops onto the dirty couch. Jaehan slowly makes it downstairs with Hyuk’s parent’s. 
Hyuk runs to them, Hugging them tightly. His mother checks him over for injuries. Poaegi watches.
“Who are you guys?” Hyuk’s father asks.
“We are like your son, but a little different,” Poaegi explains, “we have different elemental abilities.”
“There are more of you?” His mother asks, completely shocked. Poaegi smiles and nods.
“There are a total of 12 of us,” Poaegi explains, “darkness,” Jehyun bows, “light,” Hwichan bows, “life,” Jaehan bows, “mind, but he is elsewhere. Finally, protection,” Poaegi bows.
The KNPA is about to move in, you all need to get out of there now.
“Who said that?” Hyuk’s mother asks.
“Mind,” Poaegi explains, “but he’s right. We need to go, now. You can go under KNPA’s protection, or you can come with us. But I can’t promise Hyuk’s safety if they find out about him.”
“Where will we go?” Hyuk’s father asks.
“I have a safe house for the two of you, but Hyuk will need to come with me to the library,” Poaegi explains. Hyuk’s parents look at him, allowing him to make the final decision.
“You’ll train me to use my abilities?” Hyuk clarifies once more.
“Yes,” Poaegi answers.
You guys have about 30 seconds.
“Okay,” Hyuk tells Poaegi, “we’ll go with you.”
“Perfect,” Poaegi smiles and turns to the boys, “Hwichan. Jehyun.”
The two boys straighten their posture. Hwichan’s crystal on his necklace glows, and Jehyun wraps himself in his cloak, shadows spilling from the bottom of it.
“What’s happening?” Hyuk’s mother asks.
“We have to be silent,” Poaegi whispers, “it’s our cover to leave.” Poaegi holds out their hand for Hyuk. Hyuk hesitates but takes Poaegi’s hand. They nod their head towards the back and they all leave the house.
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starryjeekies · 2 years
~ Omega X OT11 ~ Dom to Sub
A/N: hello, this was requested by one of my irl friends because I’m finally getting back into writing again and we just saw Omega X together. So I’m formatting this just like my E’last one so check that one out too if you’d like! It’s super unhinged I’m so sorry whoops. Everything is below the cut. Enjoy!!
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1. Hyuk
2. Sebin
3. Yechan
4. Junghoon
5. Hangyeom
6 Jaehan
7. Xen
8. Taedong
9. Hwichan
10. Jehyun
11. Kevin
Dommest of dom. There is no sub part about him. Have you seen him? Hyuk is a man like no other. Sure he can be cute and adorable when he wants to be. But I honestly think that he needs total control in the bedroom. Now this doesn’t mean he won’t want someone on top of him, bouncing on him, but if anything else he’s a power bottom. There. That’s it. Send tweet.
Sebin. S e b i n. For some reason, my irls and I agree that he is unpredictable. We can’t actually determine anything about this man other than that he is a dom and he is freaky. It’s always the sweet ones that are crazy in the sheets. Because of this I feel like he would be the one in charge and doing all the crazy things. Might let you take control once but he won’t let that go to your head.
My dude will probably put up a fight if you try to dom him. I said it so many times but Yechan would be the bitch to square up in a Denny’s parking lot at 3 am. If anything, he would be the type of guy to make you ride him while being overstimulated whoops that’s a different post. There could be a façade of doming but if you slip out of line he will bring you crashing down.
Daddy Junghoon my mans, hello. Tbh out of everyone in OX, I wouldn’t pick Junghoon to have the daddy kink but hey whatever works for him (I highly suspect Yechan had something to do with this). But I think he would definitely be a dom more so because he doesn’t know how good it can be for a partner to take over. Once he’s been in a situation where he doesn’t have to be in control and he feels it hits different, then I think he’d be more open to you doming him more often.
A man who likes to please. Hangyeom is one who probably would do a lot of things his partner asks of him. Fuck them from behind? Bet. Against the wall? Just say please. Ride him? Better be lubed up. So not saying he’s a switch, but if you ask him to please you, he’ll probably be in control but give you a wild ride unless you ask otherwise.
Just a big baby, that’s all. I don’t think Jaehan is too much whichever way he goes. He’s a big sweetheart so whether it’s him controlling what happens or when you’ve had a few orgasm and take control to chase the final one, I think he’s happy either way. Probably is the type of dom who wants almost wreck you and you spring back at the last second so you’re both fucked out.
I had a long convo about this one, but Xen needs to be put into submission. I think he’s a switch with a dom lean and needs to be forced into submission because he’s a BRAT. Probably likes it too so don’t be afraid to. He’s definitely cocky in what he can do to you so you need to put him in his place with overstimulation and a nice cock ring oops wrong post again.
Taedong is only slightly higher on this list because there is a slightly more dom leaning but that is it. Otherwise I feel like its pretty even. Like 55/45. Yeah. I want to say that he’s game for a lot of things. He’s probably more of the experimentalist because he’s got a dancer physique and can contort his body in different ways. I also can just see him saying a mantra of “please” when he’s close and that’s hella sub energy.
The true switch in my opinion. When I asked “who would want a strap” and my friend immediately said Hwichan so I’m rolling with it. Hwichan is probably really fun and sex would be like the Olympics of just one round after another, both doing a new sport essentially. One minute he’d have you crying and the next you would be needing to hold his hips down to stop him fucking up into your hand.
Jehyun honey ily you’re my ult but your introverted ass comes off kinda subby. He’s shy and can be bashful but he’s also flirty (ik i met him irl and he called me pretty) so he has SOME confidence but I think he’s gotta be comfortable with a partner to determine if he can be more of a dom and more of a sub. Opposite of Taedong but still pretty close.
I want him to prove me wrong but Kevin is too sweet to be a dom. Yes, yes, I know soft doms exist but he is like a patch of daisies on a sunny spring day. I think it’s the pink hair and the constant duck faces he does. I definitely think being a dom is in him, for sure (thank you love me like) but just not as strongly s sub. Still an fantastic lover though don’t let his adorable face fool you he’s probably really good with his mouth.
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hyunsua123 · 4 months
Baby, would you like that
Baby, would you like that
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i4uniq · 2 years
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[...] 'cause, baby, it's, baby it's you
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howlingrush-krp · 8 months
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As of February 3rd, these faceclaims are available:
AESPA: Jimin Yu
ATEEZ: Jung Wooyoung
ATEEZ: Kim Hongjoong
ATEEZ: Kang Yeosang
KARD: Kim Matthew (BM)
OMEGA X: Yang Hyuk
SEVENTEEN: Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups)
STRAY KIDS: Hwang Hyunjin
TXT: Choi Soobin
Interested in joining? Check out our GUIDELINES and APPLY!
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denim-bias · 11 months
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omegaxmasterlist · 2 years
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Remember to write your birthday messages for Hyuk today!
*I have added the dropdown list in preparation for the member customization update, which I hope to have released in the next couple weeks. Please stay tuned~ 😘
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evnne · 11 months
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kpop-bbg · 3 months
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club-cheongyang · 2 months
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gabichive · 1 year
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