#Yata doesn't try to be but Fushimi is a bad influence
ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Sarumi in a Boarding School AU? Haha honestly im not sure why but I like the idea of Fushimi and Yata being roommates who dont get along but, in classic romcom fashion, a series of coincidences and mishaps causes them to see each other in a new way. And of course the best part: the pining after they get through their differences, because their friends now but suddenly they want to be more aaaa yes the kind of quality trash im always thirsting for haha
Fushimi probably gets sent to boarding school so Kisa doesn't have to deal with him, like say this is right after Niki's death but since Fushimi doesn't have a Yata to move in with (yet ;D) he's stuck in the house alone. Kisa doesn't particularly want to have to deal with him so she decides the easiest thing is to send him to a decent boarding school where he'll be out of her hair. Yata meanwhile also gets sent to school maybe to like make some more room in the house but also hopefully to better his education, like Yata's stepdad works with someone who runs the school and offers to take Yata in as a student free of charge. Yata's kinda been struggling in normal school and the apartment his family lives in is pretty cramped so his stepdad figures this would be a good idea, Yata's not super into it because he assumes all boarding school kids are stuck up snobs but he also wants to take some of the burden off his parents so he agrees.
Yata gets to the school and is shown his room, he's all excited to meet his roommate and become bestest best friends. Unfortunately for Yata his roommate is Fushimi, who's probably annoyed that Kisa couldn't even splurge to get him his own room. The minute Yata walks in Fushimi's pretty much like 'don't talk to me,' focusing solely on his computer and his PDA and basically having no interest in making friends whatsoever. Yata's not so easily defeated though and he keeps trying to get Fushimi to open up, which makes Fushimi more annoyed and he starts snapping at Yata and probably calling him by his first name (which is right on the doorplate outside their room). Yata can't believe that a whole school full of kids and he gets the number one asshole as his roommate.
The two of them end up in a bunch of classes together, though maybe Fushimi has like extra classes afterward that are for the accelerated group and he keeps ditching them because Fushimi has no interest in schools or teachers. Yata on the other hand is struggling to keep up, no one really seems to have any interest in making sure he's getting the extra help he needs and he probably doesn't get along well with many of the other kids either, like most of the kids in this school are wealthy and learned all kinds of social etiquette and no one has any interest in loud, wild Yata. Yata doesn't even notice at first that Fushimi's being ostracized too though, like at first a lot of kids want to get close to Fushimi because everyone knows who his mom is but then when they see Fushimi's got no interest in anyone people start to leave him alone or try to bully him.
One day Yata forgets something after class and has to go back and get it, which is when he sees some of the other students picking on Fushimi. Yata thought these guys were Fushimi's friends and he's really confused, which is when maybe one of the kids starts taunting Fushimi about his dead dad. Fushimi immediately reacts violently to that (for reasons entirely opposite of what Yata assumes), like headbutting the guy who said it and that sets off a fight. Yata comes running in to the fray, deciding screw this he's going to help Fushimi even if Fushimi is a jerk (like at least Fushimi is an honest jerk instead of pretending to like people or acting fake-nice just to tease someone). The teachers eventually break the whole thing up and the other kids point fingers at Fushimi and Yata, Yata's like wait you guys started it but the teacher also assumes that Fushimi and Yata are troublemakers and they get detention together.
Yata's pissed at being put in detention for this, like he and Fushimi are left alone together in a room and told to write apology letters or something. Yata wonders out loud what he should write, like he's not sorry and those guys were out of line taunting Fushimi about his parents. Fushimi shrugs as he gets up, saying he doesn't care about his parents anyway and everyone here is worthless. As Yata watches Fushimi moves aside some books and starts to climb out this hidden window that he found a few days ago, Yata follows him and immediately thinks it's super cool that Fushimi found a way to sneak out of detention. At first Fushimi starts to tell Yata not to follow him but Yata's looking at him with shining eyes and finally Fushimi clicks his tongue and is like 'if you want to follow, come on.' The two of them spend the whole afternoon hanging out and dodging teachers before sneaking back into the detention room right before their time is up, afterward they go back to their room and Yata's just bubbling over with excitement and calling Fushimi amazing and Fushimi finds himself feeling suddenly lighter than he ever has before.
So now the two of them have become inseparable and they're probably total troublemakers, Fushimi getting Yata into all sorts of bad habits and Yata doesn't care because Saruhiko is the most amazing guy he's ever met. He knows though that the two of them are different and sometimes it makes him worried, like imagine they go home for summer holidays at one point and Yata thinks about how Fushimi's going back to some rich family while Yata's headed back to this crowded apartment. But then when they return to school Yata can tell that Fushimi's suddenly acting all distant and cold again, like something terrible happened when he was home and it makes Yata wonder what kind of life Fushimi has at home and is there a way Yata can protect him from everything. This then leads to the realization of how important Fushimi is to him and Yata starts becoming more and more aware of how physically close they are all the time. Fushimi meanwhile hates his family and wants nothing more than to stay with Yata but he also thinks that there's no way this can continue, like he knows Kisa can take him out of school at any time to use as like a pawn for his inheritance and such and he can't stand that idea, that he might have to leave and never see Yata again. Fushimi's also starting to feel emotions that he can't even recognize, like he has no idea what this warm feeling is in his cheeks every time Yata gets too close or why his gaze keeps lingering on Yata all the time when Yata's not looking and he's basically just got this huge crush and doesn’t know what to do with it.
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ridiasfangirlings · 6 years
Fushimi has to go fetch doumyoji from homra? Probably post rok for him to even humir the idea of going
Post-ROK is definitely more likely, I think pre-ROK he’d just be like ‘they can keep him’ and refuse to go inside (actually even post-ROK he’s probably like 'they can keep him’ until Awashima gives him one of her ice glares all 'Fushimi-kun’ and Fushimi sighs and is like fine fine). Yata probably teases him about it a little actually, every time Fushimi walks in he’s like 'hey, Doumyouji,your babysitter’s here.’ Doumyouji waves to Fushimi all brightly and Fushimi glares and says that Doumyouji was supposed to be back an hour ago, Yata snickers all you really are a babysitter huh Saruhiko. If Yata’s there he probably tries to get Fushimi to stay a bit longer with them anyway, like as long as Fushimi’s here he should have a drink and hang out with everyone and Fushimi refuses because there’s still work to finish and all that. Doumyouji complains that Homra doesn’t have to do work and Yata’s all damn right we don’t, Kusanagi takes that moment to show up with some brooms all okay boys time to do some cleaning. Doumyouji says that Fushimi-san’s being no fun again and Fushimi’s all I don’t care come on. He doesn’t see what’s so appealing about coming over to Homra anyway and if Doumyouji likes it so much why doesn’t he stay there. Doumyouji gets unexpectedly thoughtful as he’s like well it’s a good place to hang out and I’m friends with the guys but it isn’t really the same as Scepter 4, like when I see Captain my mind is all 'ba-blam’ but in a good way and I just want to see what places he can take me and how I can help him carry out his vision and all that. Fushimi’s surprised an idiot like Doumyouji could say something vaguely insightful like that and Doumyouji adds that also at Scepter 4 he gets free room and board and Captain even gave him new crayons for Christmas, Fushimi sighs and like drags Doumyouji out by the ear complaining about having to come retrieve this idiot when he could be doing something productive instead.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Fushimi has three daddies au! the homra trio accidentally discovering in fushimi's adolescence that their adorable precious baby is not a virgin anymore and having the famous "conversation" with the poor yata
I wonder what would be more surprising to them, that Fushimi isn't a virgin anymore or that Yata isn't XD Imagine in Three Daddies AU Yata and Fushimi have been dating for a while but the Homra trio have been pretty chill about it, they know how important Yata is to Fushimi and they figure Fushimi's a responsible kid so there's not much to worry about with his first love and all that. Of course Fushimi's grown into a teenager now but he's not like most hormonal kids, the idea of him even kissing someone is a bit out of the ordinary and it's not like they have to worry about Yata of all people being a bad influence in that department (if anything Fushimi is the bad influence here). Everything is fine and happy until the day that Kusanagi's doing some cleaning in Fushimi's room and finds an empty condom wrapper under the bed.
Kusanagi freezes and he probably hopes that well maybe one of the other Homra guys left this here, except he knows that Fushimi never lets any of the Homra alphabet boys in his room. And the garbage can in Fushimi's room is empty, which is weird because normally Fushimi's a bit lazy about that and never empties his trash. Kusanagi's beginning to have Concerns but he doesn't want to jump to conclusions, which is when he descends the stairs to hear Totsuka chatting with Yata and some of the Homra alphabet all 'Oh, so you aren't a virgin anymore, Yata?'. Yata coughs and says it sounds weird when Totsuka says it, the other Homra guys are like elbowing him and being all good for you, Kusanagi feels his eye twitching.
Later on once the bar is empty Totsuka leans over to Kusanagi and he's like 'we learned something interesting today, huh, Kusanagi-san?'. Kusanagi says this isn't something to take lightly, he should have known those kids would do something stupid. Totsuka laughs and says isn't this something they should have expected, even someone like Yata can't stay pure for long. Kusanagi rubs his forehead as he says Yata's purity isn't the one he's worried about here, from the couch Mikoto just snorts and Kusanagi has to concede that 'pure' is maybe not the best word for Saruhiko. Even so he doesn't want those kids doing anything reckless. Mikoto figures it's too late for that and anyway, haven't they all done reckless things as kids. Kusanagi's like no this is a different kind of reckless thing, and it's time we do something we should have done long ago. Mikoto raises an eyebrow and Totsuka just gives this sheepish and maybe slightly concerned laugh as he's like 'really...?'.
The next day Yata walks into the bar wondering what's up, Totsuka called him and told him they needed him here. Kusanagi steps out from behind the bar smiling dangerously all 'Yo, Yata-chan... I think it's time we had a talk.' He's trying to be gentle but somehow it just comes off like a mob boss about to interrogate a mark. Yata swallows hard all 'Kusanagi-san...?' and Kusanagi puts an arm around Yata's shoulders as he says it's time someone had a talk with Yata about the birds and the bees. Yata's like 'we have bees?' and Kusanagi's like have a seat Yata-chan, we have all afternoon for this. (Meanwhile Mikoto's been deputized to give Saruhiko the Talk, which in this case involves tossing a 'How to Talk To Your Kids About Sex' book on Fushimi's bed and telling him to figure it out on his own before walking off. Totsuka thinks King really let Fushimi off easy huh, too bad about poor Yata though.)
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