#Yata skipping class just to watch over him
deadmanscity-writing · 3 months
Yata Misaki x GN!Reader
Reader is a College Student, and used to go to middle school with Yata, but was never close with him.
Yata canonly dropped out of school during his junior high years, and is 19-20 years old presently.
Yu.. or Ya… Yuta..? No. What is it?!...... OH! “It’s Yata!” I clap my hands with achievement. “Oh–... whoops.. Sorry, sorry..” I wave a whispered apology, to the people who looked over at me, with an awkward smile.
I groan quietly. Sighing, I slowly sink more into my seat at the table I’ve taken over in the public library. That… was, for a lack of better words, a bit… embarrassing. Deciding it best to leave, as I’ve already studied plenty, and it nearing the eighteenth hour of the day (6:00pm). I do wonder, what ever happened to Yata? I push my hair back in thought.
As I wander out of the building, reaching the bottom of the steps, someone just barely runs into me. “Sorry!- oh- Excuse me!-” He yells, continuing to run and dodge pedestrians. He wears an Ashinaka High School uniform, carrying an umbrella, a bag, and… is that.. A cat on his shoulder..? I shrug and hum, continuing on my way… Until, just literal seconds after… another individual actually crashes into me “Fuck..” My left ankle and hip ache.
“Shit! I’m going to lose the damn maniac!- Hey, watch where you’re-.. goin’..”
“An apology word be better, actually,” I stand, rubbing my hip. I look at him with lidded eyes; ones of not really anger, but more so annoyance.
“I.. uh- I’m.. sorry.” He stutters a mutter. His face, a shade of red. I can barely hear him.
I look at him with slight confusion. “Yeah.. whatever. Better catch up to that “maniac.” at this point, your board’s closer to him than you are.” I gesture vaguely behind him, where his board rolled into the leg of a bench that's borderline untouched.
He looked back so fast, trying to find his skateboard with his eyes. I cringe at the thought of whiplash.
“Sorry… again.” He avoids looking at me, walking backwards to his skateboard. As soon as he turns around, he practically books it away from the area; continuing his chase of some “maniac.”
“Totally… not weird.. Nope. Not. at. All…” I pop the ‘p’. I stick out my left foot, pivoting around on my other heel, walking in the opposite direction.
— Time skip: 2 hours - 5 minutes - 47 seconds: 20:05.47pm (8:05pm)
“Ah- achoo-” I sniffle as I continue my walk. I’m pretty fuckin’ sure if I didn’t step out, I would’ve burned everything. What the hell? Why does everyone want to hang out all of a sudden? Yeah, it’s Fri-
*Clank* “…” I blink once. Then twice. With lidded, suspicious eyes, and a weary smile, I began side-eyeing the alleyway right next to me. “Yeah… no- let’s pretend I didn’t hear anything and there isn’t anything in there….” Just before I could take one step, wanting to rush home, or even the police station if I would have ended up being followed- I voice interrupts.
“Damn… I- I’m sor- sorry.. Damn it!” The bodiless voice sounds annoyed at the end. They clear the throat, breathing, “I’m-” He walks out, head down, face red and familiar. “I’m sorry if.. If I scared you…”
“... well,” I looked to the side, before glancing back at him. “I’m not going to lie, and say that you didn’t. But- why are you in an alleyway? I knew you were a bit of a trouble maker, but an alleyway? Really, Yata?” I spit with playful sarcasm at him. I figured it was Yata just a bit after the first encounter.
He looks up, shocked, almost comedic looking. “How- what?- who-”
I hold in a chuckle, “Really? We were in the same class back in junior high.. Do you really not remember me? I mean… we never really talked, but… still.” I rub the back of my neck.
“I don’t. Not Really.” He says gently, as if he was scared of me becoming disappointed with his answer.
“Oh. That’s a bit disappointing. Then again it was, like, six years ago. I don’t blame ya’!” I bring a foxed smile to my face. “Anyway! I shall, in a way, reintroduce myself; I am [Name], and I think.. I would find joy in getting to know you. Maybe, if you’re up for it too..?” The blush already decorating his cheeks has brightened, with flusteredness, and slight happiness.
“Ye-yeah… That'd be.. Cool…” He clears his throat, as if trying to clear his mind as well.
This would be longer, but I didn't know how to end it.. • 3•
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
middle school sarumi where misaki's been struggling with his maths hw. the teacher pairs him up with student tutor saruhiko who was forced into it, but saruhiko is 100% not made for teaching and they start arguing over the hw... until misaki starts seeing saru working at the problems to attempt to explain it to him and he's just staring at his hands which turns into his face. misaki's suddenly wondering if he should purposely flunk his maths tests if it means he gets to tutor misaki again.
Luckily for Yata there isn’t much difference between him trying to flunk on purpose and him actually trying so… XD Imagine Yata’s been struggling in class, he’s just not made for this math stuff. The teacher is at his wit’s end, like nothing he says seems to be able to get through Yata’s mental block when it comes to math. Yata’s upset because he really is trying, it’s just that he’s not good with this kind of stuff and the teacher keeps making him feel like an idiot. The teacher tells Yata he has to have a tutor or he’ll flunk, forcing him to stay after school and learn one on one. Yata’s really annoyed about this one, like oh great instead of having fun after school he’s stuck learning math.
The first day he attends his tutoring session he’s introduced to his tutor, Fushimi Saruhiko, who already looks bored being here. Yata vaguely recognizes Fushimi from class, assuming Fushimi must be the honor student type and unaware that Fushimi’s been forced into this because he’s skipped class so many times if he doesn’t agree to tutor the teacher is going to contact his parents and the last thing Fushimi wants is for that guy to get involved. Yata decides to be friendly, smiling and greeting Fushimi like guess you’re my tutor huh. In response Fushimi just glares and clicks his tongue, muttering about being forced to tutor elementary school kids. Yata’s like hey I’m in your class you know asshole and Fushimi shrugs like are you, he doesn’t pay attention to idiots so he had no idea.
Yata grumbles like okay let’s just get this over with and pulls out his homework. He figures Fushimi will go through it slowly so he can understand but unfortunately Fushimi sucks at teaching so what actually happens is Fushimi just starts talking a mile a minute as he explains how easy this is you just do this and then this and then obviously the next step is this and Yata is just so lost and back at step one. He’s like slow down aren’t you supposed to be helping me and Fushimi rolls his eyes as he says he can’t do anything for idiots. They start arguing and in the process the book falls on the floor, Yata picks it up and is like well if you’re so smart solve this, flipping to the very end of the book and stuff they haven’t even learned yet. Fushimi gives another sigh and starts explaining again, writing out formulas on Yata’s paper and soon Yata is just staring in awe, like this guy is a jerk but he’s also kinda…amazing.
Soon Yata starts actually looking forward to tutoring, like he’s not really learning much but he just likes watching Saruhiko work and listening to his voice. I imagine at some point too the math homework turns into just chatting, Yata trying to get Fushimi to open up a little more because he’s actually sincerely interested. Fushimi just thinks Yata’s only interested in him because he wants Fushimi to do his homework for him but then every time Yata calls Fushimi ‘amazing’ his heart starts pounding a little more. It’s nearing their next math test and the teacher tells Yata he better buckle down and get a good grade this time or he’ll have to take more tutoring sessions and Yata’s suddenly feeling like maybe that wouldn’t be so bad, as long as Saruhiko is his tutor. 
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snoflakesun · 6 years
K Secret Santa!!
holy shit i forgot im sorry hi @choberibad !! im sorry for the lackluster fic that basically runs through the k timeline but with no powers - i was extremely busy and just wrote a little character study with the homra trio!! (again im rly sorry but i hope u enjoy!!) ((happy crimas))
(also its untitled bc i have no creativity)
“King! King!” Totsuka burst through the door excitedly, the bells jingling softly behind him. “Let’s decorate the bar for Christmas!”Suoh looked up from where he was sitting, using his hand to comb his hair out of the way. “Ah?” He asked tiredly. “I don’t want to go outside today.”“But it’ll be fun!” Totsuka whined. “Even Anna wants to go.” The girl beside him nodded in agreement, her hair falling with the shake of her head.Kusanagi looked up from behind the counter. “You should go, Mikoto,” he chided his king. “I think you should go outside for a little. You’ve been staying in here for a while since Scepter 4 hasn’t been doing anything for some time.”Totsuka dragged Suoh out the door, grinning as he did so. Kusanagi sighed, a small smile on his face. “Well, if they’re going to buy decorations, I guess I should go and get some food. Yata-chan!”“Yeah?” The vanguard poked his head out from the back room where he was no doubtedly playing video games.“I’m going to go buy some food, I’ll be back soon.”“You sure you don’t want me to go?”“Mm. Make sure the bar isn’t on fire when I get back, alright?” He tilted his head and smiled.Yata nodded nervously, “Of course, Kusanagi-san.”“Later,” Kusanagi walked out of the bar, grabbing his lighter to light a cigarette.The air was crisp, the rain from the night before washing away the dusky scents that lingered from fall. He looked up towards the bright blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds, reminiscing about the past.When he and Suoh had been high school students, life was… strange, to say the least. Suoh skipped every class but still passed, and rumors flew around the school. Kusanagi always warded them off, assuring that Suoh studied hard after school at home (which he knew was a complete lie). When they were seniors, Totsuka was a freshman. He was carefree like a butterfly, and smiled brightly like the sun. Somehow, he stuck with the school’s most shady people, and was able talk to them like they were the nicest people on the planet.Although Totsuka insisted that they were nothing like the usual street gangs, no one believed him. Kusanagi smiled at him and said to stop trying, it would be easier if it they thought of them as scary people no one could approach.There had been days that Totsuka was beat up by older members, telling him that he thought he was so cool for joining with some seniors, huh? He’ll have no friends once his seniors finish high school. Totsuka just smiled, defenseless against them. Suoh had been extremely angry, Kusanagi attempting to calm him down. Even so, Kusanagi had a quiet rage burning inside him, and he vowed to make sure it would not happen again.Totsuka was grinning at their graduation, soft tears edging his eyes. He hugged Kusanagi and Suoh tightly, wishing them well for college. It was then that Kusanagi informed him that neither of them were going to college. Kusanagi would inherit his father’s bar, and Suoh would stay with him. Totsuka grinned. “Can I join you guys?” He had asked, a bright glimmer in his eyes. Kusanagi smiled back, saying that he could once he graduated college.Totsuka had brought many others with him, crowding around Suoh like he was a king. Totsuka always called him that and Kusanagi had asked him why. Totsuka gave him a sly look, saying that Suoh gave off that kind of air.Eventually they formed a gang, and Kusanagi spent most of his days tending to the bar and watching over the boys that played around in the bar.The ringing of a bell from a bike made Kusanagi snap out of his memories, Kusanagi blinking twice before he crossed the street. He sighed as he felt his cellphone ring, picking it up while reading the caller ID. “Totsuka?” He asked as he entered the grocery store.“Yo, Kusanagi!” He could hear the grin on Totsuka’s face. “We found these really cool Christmas decorations! Can we buy it?”Kusanagi let out a sigh. It was probably one of the things that only Totsuka found cool - but whatever. “Yeah, sure.”“Thanks!” Totsuka laughed. “King! Put it in the basket!”“Okay,” Suoh’s faint voice sounded through the phone.“I’ll see you later,” Kusanagi said, hearing Totsuka’s “bye!” before ending the call.He shook his head slightly as he wandered around the store, putting some ingredients for food as well as some wine into his basket. He wondered how Totsuka kept that energetic attitude, always smiling every day. If he was being honest, Homra would be wildly different without Totsuka’s patience and happiness. Totsuka was the lion tamer of the gang, even being able to calm down Suoh when he was angered - not that he was angered often, of course.He arrived back at the bar soon after, hearing the sounds of video games in the background and the quiet chatter throughout the bar. Anna got up from the couch when she saw him return. “Izumo,” she tugged on the hem of his jacket.“What is it, Anna?” Kusanagi turned around after setting down his grocery bag.“Where is Tatara and Mikoto?”“They’ll be back soon,” Kusanagi smiled, right as the soft jingle of bells rang from the entrance. Speak of the devil, he thought as Anna turned around.“We’re back!” Totsuka announced, grinning. “Let’s get this party started!”A few of the other Homra members gathered around Totsuka, helping him set up the bar for the festivities of the day. Yata walked to Kusanagi, eying the ingredients laid out on the bar table. “Is there something you’d want for me to make? I’ll do it!” He rolled up his sleeves, grinning.“Whatever is fine,” Kusanagi reassured him. “As long as it’s edible.”“Everything I make is edible!” Yata argued. “Kamamoto! Come help me!”Kusanagi started packing away some of the items he bought into the cabinets around the bar. HE watched as the rest of the gang members shuffled around, decorating the bar as they smiled and laughed to their quiet jokes.As evening set in the city, the bar was filled with chatter and light, presents being passed around, stories being told.Kusanagi looked to where Suoh was sitting on the couch, and to where Totsuka was grinning with some of the other boys. “Merry Christmas,” Kusanagi said, with a small smile on his face.​
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x0401x · 7 years
Gakuen K Drama CD: Dog-Monkey Relationship
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Raw version here. Please message me about possible corrections.
Saruhiko: Gakuen K Wonderful School Days V Edition – Bonus Drama CD. “Dog-Monkey Relationship”.
Tatara: Maro! Maro! Hmm... he’s nowhere... where did he go? Lunch break will be over soon... I wonder if I should resume looking after classes end... Ah, I know. I’ll have Yata and Kamamoto help me out.
Ah, hello, Yata? I have a favor to ask... are you free right now? To tell the truth, it looks like one of my classmate’s pet dog disappeared. It’s someone I usually rely on, so I want to lend her a hand. The name is Maro. It seems it was still at home yesterday night, so I guess it shouldn’t have gone too far. If you don’t mind, I want you to help me search for it. Really? Hah, I’m glad... Then, relay this to Kamamoto. I’m counting on you!
It should be easy like this. Huh? That person is... Heeeey!! King!!
Mikoto: Ahn?
Tatara: Hey, King, haven’t you seen a dog with round eyebrows in this area?
Mikoto: I haven’t... and why are you looking for a dog on campus?
Tatara: Hum... actually...
Saruhiko: Today’s afternoon class will be... at the backyard, huh? Gotta check on the backyard’s situation... since the Reds have been gathering there.
Hmph... it seems there’s no one around... hm?
I feel a stare... and a weak presence. Looks like... someone from the Red Club is hiding here. Are they thinking it would be troublesome if they were seen or something like that? First things first, I gotta make them lower their guard...
No peculiarities in the backyard. Guess I’ll return to the classroom. Is that what you thought I’d say? You’d been busted from the start! Get out of there alrea—
[animal noises]
Saruhiko: Eh? A dog?
Maro: *barks*
Saruhiko: *sigh* Why is a dog in a place like this? On top of it, it’s got incredibly round eyebrows... Hah, whatever... Then, I guess... it would be okay to just kick it to the other side of the fence? Hey. Come here.
Maro: *barks and pants*
Saruhiko: You’re a stupidly obedient fellow, huh? Don’t you know how to suspect people?
Maro: *licks*
Saruhiko: Tsk! Don’t lick my hand, it’s gross! *sigh* This fence... is pretty tall... it would be a problem if he died after I kicked him out. And if, by any chance, this dog was brought here by Captain... there’s no telling what I’d have to hear later. Well... I can’t imagine Captain bringing a dog to school like it’s normal... actually, I don’t want to. Ah... tsk... It’s not like I can leave it here, either... Anyways, while no one has found out about him yet... ah, crap! Someone’s coming!
Those are... Misaki and... Kamamoto? What’re they talking about...? Hm? “Lost”? “Totsuka”...? “Dog”... “Round”?
Maro: *barks*
Saruhiko: Don’t be so loud! Dammit! What about Misaki and Kamamoto? Ah, they left... *sigh*... Wha... what am I hiding for? But... I don’t wanna be found by them... Only, with this, I’ve understood the situation. Guess I’ll just go and give him to Totsuka-san.
Saruhiko: The end-of-class bell... Argh... tsk, I’m damn screwed... This is a pain, so should I just abandon the dog and go? If an idiotic animal that doesn’t remember where his own home is dies by the roadside, it has nothing to do with me. Come on. Just leave.
Maro: *whines*
Saruhiko: *groans* Why won’t you move? I’m telling you to leave.
Maro: *whimpers*
Saruhiko: What’s with those eyes? Do you actually think that, if you pull off an innocent act, anyone will be kind to you? I hate this sort of soft thinking!
Maro: *nuzzles*
Saruhiko: Tsk...! Damn dog...
Saruhiko: Looks like we’ve managed to come all the way here without being noticed by anyone... now all left to do is go down these stair... ugh!
Did they leave? If I’m discovered by anyone, they’ll make a fuss and it’ll be a pain... Ah! Don’t move inside my clothes! Stay put...! Haaah... why did it have to be me...?
Saruhiko: *sigh* Finally arrived. If it’s the rooftop, no one will come till classes are over. Hey. You can come out now.
Maro: *barks*
Saruhiko: *groans* I’m really tired. On top of it, this period was... Awashima-sensei’s class. Later, she’ll definitely complain that... I skipped it. Tsk, running around without knowing how others are feeling... this is why I hate dogs. Hey, dog! I’ll sleep until the end of classes! Don’t wake me up.
Maro: *barks*
Saruhiko: Nngh...
Maro: *pants*
Saruhiko: Nnngh...
Maro: *pants*
Saruhiko: Ngh, you’re so noisy!! Why are you peeking at me from so close?! Your panting is loud and it’s condensing on my face! Hah, what’s that? A ball? You found that here? Uh... you don’t possibly... intend to play with me using this, do you?
Maro: *barks*
Saruhiko: Haaah... *throws* Play by yourself!
Maro: *runs off*
Saruhiko: Aah, so annoying... ugh, you already brought it back?! Tsk! J-Just one more time!
Maro: *grunts*
Saruhiko: Hey, why are you chewing the ball and not giving it to me? If you don’t wanna hand it over, play on your own! Go somewhere else! What’s with those eyes that look like you wanna say something? Do you want me to praise you? You want me to praise you for bringing the ball and throw it again?? That’s one pretty self-asserting dog... Couldn’t it be... that you aren’t lost, but was abandoned? I can’t imagine someone raising such a pain in the ass of a living being out of free will... Tsk! Damn... I just gotta do it, right?! *sigh* There, there. Good boy.
Maro: *growls*
Saruhiko: Why are you growling?! Guess I was too nonchalant... You did very well. Just gimme this ball already...
Maro: *whines*
Saruhiko: Still not enough? Tsk! Theeere, there, there! You were amazing!
Maro: *barks*
Saruhiko: There! *throws* Don’t come here anymore! Go play alone. Hah... Didn’t I tell you not to come?! Tsk! You’re great! Good boy! Very good, very good!
Saruhiko: All right! You did a good job bringing this ba...
Mikoto: Hey, what’re you doing in a place like this?
Saruhiko: Mikoto-san...!
Mikoto: Ahn? What did you just hide there?
Saruhiko: Kh...! I’m not... hiding anything.
Maro: *barks*
Mikoto: That so?
Saruhiko: Tsk!
Mikoto: That’s surprising, Fushimi... you were a dog lover?
Saruhiko: As if. I have no interest in any animal. Especially not impudent ones that come after you even though you didn’t ask for it, like dogs. As a member of the Blue Club, I’m merely keeping watch on an outsider that trespassed into the academy.
Mikoto: That so?
Maro: *whines*
Mikoto: Hm. *pats* I’ll sleep here for a while. Fushimi, you can play around without paying me any mind.
Saruhiko: Tsk! You really don’t listen to others...
Mikoto: Did you say anything?
Saruhiko: No.
Saruhiko: Hm? This is the after-school bell... Eh, this is bad! Mikoto-san is... not here anymore? That dog is... sleeping because it got tired from playing. Tsk!
Tatara: Yes, yes! This is Totsuka speaking! Uh? Fushimi? Eh? Go to the rooftop now? What... ah. He hung up. Oh, well. Rooftop, rooftop...
Tatara: It’s rare to be called by Fushimi! Could this be a love confession? Or maybe an invitation for a duel?
Saruhiko: I have no time to go along with disgusting jokes. Weren’t you... looking for that?
Tatara: “That”? *gasp* AAAH! These perfectly round eyebrows...! Maro! But how did Fushimi...?
Saruhiko: I merely found him during lunch break. Afterwards... I heard Misaki and the others talking about him...
Tatara: EH?! Could it be... you’d been watching over him all this time until now??
Saruhiko: I just... coincidentally felt like skipping class.
Tatara: *giggles* Is that so? But that came in handy! The dog’s owner will be happy too. Ah, that’s right. I have to tell King that the dog was found...
Saruhiko: Mikoto-san... knew about the dog?
Tatara: Hm? That’s right. We met during lunch break.
Saruhiko: If he knew, he should have just said so...
Tatara: Is something wrong?
Saruhiko: Aah... no. Please tell the owner not to let this happen again. I don’t want to take care of a dog ever again.
Tatara: Thank you, Fushimi.
Despite all of this, he seems to be smiling in his sleep... it doesn’t look like he was lost at all. When I think of what kind of expression Fushimi might’ve had when making company to this doggie... *giggles* It must have been interesting...
Now, Maro. Shall we return to your master’s side? If you feel like seeing Fushimi again, I’ll bring you to him anytime, okay?
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Trans Yata Headcanons
Long post so all headcanons are after the line~ in a messy format.
WARNINGS: Talk about LGBT issues, blood, gender dysphoria, talks of panic attacks. If it bothers you DO NOT READ
Coming out:
He came out to his mom really early, though she had a feeling for awhile. Once he moved to a new school (LSW) she made sure that all the teachers thought he was born with a male body. she would do anything she could for her little boy.
Saru found out at the worst possible time. Yata was sitting in class chilling, all of a sudden he paled and asked to go to the bathroom. 20 minutes past, Saru asked to go to the bathroom, thinking Yata skipped class. He found Yata in the bathroom, he was hiding in a stall and was on his PDA talking to his mom. He was telling her that there was blood in his underwear, that he was in pain, and he was scared. Saru put two and two together (they had health class a week and a half before) so he went to the nurse's office and got some pads.(in my school pads were in a bucket in the library so I'm going off that)
When Saru got back, he just put his hand under the stall door, Yata freaked the fuck out, like panic attack freaked out. Saru just kept saying stuff like “you are still a boy Misaki, just use these so you can go home or something”  Yata did what he had to do and walked out of the stall. Saru watched him as he washed his hands. He then put a hand on Yata shoulder and just smiled. They both skipped school and played video games.
Mikoto Suoh, Izumo Kusanagi, and Tatara Tosuka:
Yata got badly injured in a fight, a slash on his back. Saruhiko never came on that fight, mostly because it was a small mission that didn't need him, so he was chilling at home and had no idea what was happening to poor Yata. Yata kept on saying that Saru could fix him up at home. Izumo was going into mama mode and would not let Yata leave until they checked out the wound. Izumo just grabbed Yata’s shirt and started lifting it up, Yata freaked out, he was so scared that his body exploded in fire. Izumo jumped back and everyone in the bar just stared at Yata. Mikoto just happened to walk in at that moment, he saw Yata, walked over to him and bent down so they were at eye level. “You okay kid?” was all he said, before shaking his head, of course, Yata was not okay. They got Yata to go to Mikoto’s room to calm down. Izumo, Mikoto, and Tatara came into the room not long after. Izumo tried explaining they need to see Yata’s wound, Yata really, really didn't want that. Tatara tried finding a way that yata would allow them to see the wound, asking if they only saw Yata’s back if that would be okay, he could have a blanket to cover up with. Yata was starting to shut down a bit, too much happening at once, Mikoto saw this and just plopped his favorite jacket on Yata’s head. “wear that” Yata just blinked, the others turned so he could take off his clothing. Just his top and chest binder, which he hid, and put the jacket on backward so that his front was covered and his back was bare. They saw some markings from the binder on his back but didn’t comment on it. That night Tatara looked stuff up and they found out what trans meant.
Yata first went to pride with Saru, they both were really awkward about it, but after seeing some of the things being sold, they had fun! Saru started a tradition that any time they went, he would buy a shirt. One year it was “happy pride 20XX”, next was “Trans men are real men” he ended up with many, many shirts by the time he left Homra. He kept them, and even when he left homra he always went to pride. Yata and Saru became almost like an icon, just these young kids that grew up at pride. So they always went, just not together.
Homra went to pride a few times, they all got decked out in crazy colorful outfits. Yata had no clue that they were going to do that until he showed up at the bar!
After ROK Saru, Yata, and Anna had a nice day at pride. Anna wearing one of Saru’s old pride shirts, Yata shirtless because he finally got top surgery. it was a good time.
Other HC:
Saru saved up money to get Yata a chest binder and start T. Both being a surprise, though Saru didn’t act like it was. It was more “here” and throws the binder at him.
Misaki does get bad dysphoria, mostly involving his chest. He's not big, but he's not flat either, so it really fucks with him. Some days are okay, he can walk around his apartment topless no binder no problem. But there are days when he has to be flat, flat and everything bothers him. Saru always threw him a baggy sweater when that happens.
The name Misaki: he doesn't mind his name, though it is rather feminine. This is due to his mother, telling him “Born with or without a penis, you would have been called Misaki”.
Saru calling him Misaki isn't him trying to hurt Yata about gender, it's more the friendship aspect. Yata only lets close friends call him Misaki, Saru being the only one. So when he calls yata Misaki, it's him making a jab at their now gone friendship.
Sorry that this is a mess, I was dead tired when working on it.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Youtuber Niki au with a channel where he just pranks his son. The pranks are never stuff that's obviously abuse so people don't always know what to make of it. Fushimi hates it and gets bullied cause of it until he meets Yata who like going outside more so he hasn't run into those videos online and only sees the cool side of Fushimi. Fushimi is already very smart but he decides to be really good at hacking so he could wipe all of those videos from the face of the earth before Yata sees them.
I can totally see Niki having one of those awful family channels where he plays fun ‘pranks’ on his son and the viewers think it’s so funny when it’s actually terrible abuse. Niki probably doesn’t even need to pretend that things are better behind the scenes, people just assume that oh isn’t it cute he told his kid that he destroyed something Fushimi loved and made him cry, I’m sure he didn’t really destroy it though and told him it was fine later (he did really destroy it and it was not fine, and even if it was this is still a terrible thing to do to a child). Fushimi’s basically gotten used to being constantly humiliated on film by the time he’s in middle school, like every embarrassing moment from his childhood was streamed live by Niki and Niki loves to torment him and put the videos on his channel. I imagine this would make Fushimi hate the world even more than he already does, like it’s bad enough that he’s being abused and neglected in canon but in this AU he’s also aware that Niki has literally thousands of followers who just watch Fushimi be abused and don’t do anything about it, who think Fushimi’s pain is entertainment.
Fushimi gets bullied due to the videos too, kids at school have seen the videos also and mock him for stuff that Niki’s broadcasted to the world. Fushimi doesn’t even care about that much anymore, he just thinks of everyone around him as worthless idiots and if they’re bullying him over it they’re admitting that they watch Niki’s shitty channel so they’re not even worth Fushimi’s time. One day when he’s being bullied Yata jumps in to save him, Fushimi thinks Yata just wants to be a hero but then later when they meet in the bathroom while Fushimi’s skipping class Yata calls Fushimi cool and amazing like in canon. As they get closer Fushimi learns that Yata never spends much time online at all and actually isn’t very computer literate, he’d rather do things that involve physical activity and even when he watches online videos it’s just video game streamers and skateboard vids. Yata asks if Fushimi has a channel and Fushimi changes the subject, acting like he would never waste his time with anything like that.
 Now he’s really worried though because he doesn’t want Misaki to see all those ‘uncool’ videos of him, afraid that if Yata saw what Niki was doing to him all the time Yata wouldn’t want to be his friend anymore. He’s already pretty good with computers but now Fushimi steps up his skills, mass reporting all of Niki’s videos to get the channel taken down. He also starts using his hacking skills to scour the internet for any copies, deleting everything he can find. At first imagine this becomes something of a competition though because Niki realizes that someone’s going after all his videos with his treasured memories of his little monkey and he doesn’t want that so he’s using his own skills to try and get the videos restored. Fushimi’s terrified that Niki will find out that he’s the one trying to remove the videos and send them to Yata or something, like who knows what Niki will do if he finds out and Fushimi has to spend his nights at various internet cafes just to keep ahead of Niki. Eventually though Niki gets sick and can’t keep up with it anymore so Fushimi’s finally able to get rid of the videos for good but even that doesn’t bring him peace of mind, like imagine when they join Homra he’s always worried that someone will recognize him and tell Yata and that his precious friendship will be destroyed. (But then one day maybe Yata does find out about the videos and he’s so horrified and pissed off, how could so many people watch Saruhiko being hurt like that and not want to try and save him.)
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Sarumi in a Boarding School AU? Haha honestly im not sure why but I like the idea of Fushimi and Yata being roommates who dont get along but, in classic romcom fashion, a series of coincidences and mishaps causes them to see each other in a new way. And of course the best part: the pining after they get through their differences, because their friends now but suddenly they want to be more aaaa yes the kind of quality trash im always thirsting for haha
Fushimi probably gets sent to boarding school so Kisa doesn't have to deal with him, like say this is right after Niki's death but since Fushimi doesn't have a Yata to move in with (yet ;D) he's stuck in the house alone. Kisa doesn't particularly want to have to deal with him so she decides the easiest thing is to send him to a decent boarding school where he'll be out of her hair. Yata meanwhile also gets sent to school maybe to like make some more room in the house but also hopefully to better his education, like Yata's stepdad works with someone who runs the school and offers to take Yata in as a student free of charge. Yata's kinda been struggling in normal school and the apartment his family lives in is pretty cramped so his stepdad figures this would be a good idea, Yata's not super into it because he assumes all boarding school kids are stuck up snobs but he also wants to take some of the burden off his parents so he agrees.
Yata gets to the school and is shown his room, he's all excited to meet his roommate and become bestest best friends. Unfortunately for Yata his roommate is Fushimi, who's probably annoyed that Kisa couldn't even splurge to get him his own room. The minute Yata walks in Fushimi's pretty much like 'don't talk to me,' focusing solely on his computer and his PDA and basically having no interest in making friends whatsoever. Yata's not so easily defeated though and he keeps trying to get Fushimi to open up, which makes Fushimi more annoyed and he starts snapping at Yata and probably calling him by his first name (which is right on the doorplate outside their room). Yata can't believe that a whole school full of kids and he gets the number one asshole as his roommate.
The two of them end up in a bunch of classes together, though maybe Fushimi has like extra classes afterward that are for the accelerated group and he keeps ditching them because Fushimi has no interest in schools or teachers. Yata on the other hand is struggling to keep up, no one really seems to have any interest in making sure he's getting the extra help he needs and he probably doesn't get along well with many of the other kids either, like most of the kids in this school are wealthy and learned all kinds of social etiquette and no one has any interest in loud, wild Yata. Yata doesn't even notice at first that Fushimi's being ostracized too though, like at first a lot of kids want to get close to Fushimi because everyone knows who his mom is but then when they see Fushimi's got no interest in anyone people start to leave him alone or try to bully him.
One day Yata forgets something after class and has to go back and get it, which is when he sees some of the other students picking on Fushimi. Yata thought these guys were Fushimi's friends and he's really confused, which is when maybe one of the kids starts taunting Fushimi about his dead dad. Fushimi immediately reacts violently to that (for reasons entirely opposite of what Yata assumes), like headbutting the guy who said it and that sets off a fight. Yata comes running in to the fray, deciding screw this he's going to help Fushimi even if Fushimi is a jerk (like at least Fushimi is an honest jerk instead of pretending to like people or acting fake-nice just to tease someone). The teachers eventually break the whole thing up and the other kids point fingers at Fushimi and Yata, Yata's like wait you guys started it but the teacher also assumes that Fushimi and Yata are troublemakers and they get detention together.
Yata's pissed at being put in detention for this, like he and Fushimi are left alone together in a room and told to write apology letters or something. Yata wonders out loud what he should write, like he's not sorry and those guys were out of line taunting Fushimi about his parents. Fushimi shrugs as he gets up, saying he doesn't care about his parents anyway and everyone here is worthless. As Yata watches Fushimi moves aside some books and starts to climb out this hidden window that he found a few days ago, Yata follows him and immediately thinks it's super cool that Fushimi found a way to sneak out of detention. At first Fushimi starts to tell Yata not to follow him but Yata's looking at him with shining eyes and finally Fushimi clicks his tongue and is like 'if you want to follow, come on.' The two of them spend the whole afternoon hanging out and dodging teachers before sneaking back into the detention room right before their time is up, afterward they go back to their room and Yata's just bubbling over with excitement and calling Fushimi amazing and Fushimi finds himself feeling suddenly lighter than he ever has before.
So now the two of them have become inseparable and they're probably total troublemakers, Fushimi getting Yata into all sorts of bad habits and Yata doesn't care because Saruhiko is the most amazing guy he's ever met. He knows though that the two of them are different and sometimes it makes him worried, like imagine they go home for summer holidays at one point and Yata thinks about how Fushimi's going back to some rich family while Yata's headed back to this crowded apartment. But then when they return to school Yata can tell that Fushimi's suddenly acting all distant and cold again, like something terrible happened when he was home and it makes Yata wonder what kind of life Fushimi has at home and is there a way Yata can protect him from everything. This then leads to the realization of how important Fushimi is to him and Yata starts becoming more and more aware of how physically close they are all the time. Fushimi meanwhile hates his family and wants nothing more than to stay with Yata but he also thinks that there's no way this can continue, like he knows Kisa can take him out of school at any time to use as like a pawn for his inheritance and such and he can't stand that idea, that he might have to leave and never see Yata again. Fushimi's also starting to feel emotions that he can't even recognize, like he has no idea what this warm feeling is in his cheeks every time Yata gets too close or why his gaze keeps lingering on Yata all the time when Yata's not looking and he's basically just got this huge crush and doesn’t know what to do with it.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Do you know the song "Tamagotoji"? It's become kind of a meme with all the animatics made for different ships on youtube. Anyways, that song for SaruMi post-RoK and of course, Fushimi is the one with the role of the person cooking for the one they like.
Ahh I watched some of the animatics and this would be super cute with Sarumi, imagine Fushimi trying very hard to make an egg dish for Misaki ;^; Imagine this post-ROK, maybe Yata's confessed to Fushimi and while Fushimi accepted the confession and they're living together and all that he still hasn't managed to actually say his own feelings out loud himself. It's actually starting to bother him a little, that he can't tell Misaki how he feels and like maybe he's just making things worse for Yata again, maybe he doesn't really deserve Yata, and he's just having his whole self loathing self esteem issues spiral. The S4 alphabet end up finding this out, Fushimi doesn't exactly tell them but he's eating the bento Misaki packed for him one day and when Akiyama notes that it's good to see him eating healthy Fushimi quietly mumbles something about how Yata made this for him and Fushimi can't even do anything in return. The squad realize that Fushimi needs a little nudge in the romance department so Enomoto suggests Fushimi try to make Yata a bento, like for those heart-pounding days of high school there's nothing more romantic than a girl making the boy she likes a bento.
Fushimi complains about what a stupid idea but he can't think of anything else either, so he ends up in the kitchen at S4 trying to make Yata some delicious egg dish that Fushimi can drop off at Yata's work. Unfortunately Fushimi's forgotten one little thing, which is that he's never in his life cooked his own lunch from scratch and he has no idea how to do it. He thinks it can't be that hard, like well stupid Misaki does this so really how difficult can it be. He pulls up a recipe online and okay maybe he skips a few steps and combines a couple more to make it quicker because he doesn't have all day but the food sorta looks...decent-ish, kinda. He takes it over to the skateboard shop where Yata works, probably intending to just drop it off with Yata's coworkers so he doesn't have to see Yata in person, but as it happens Yata's outside teaching a class and he immediately spots Fushimi when Fushimi walks over. Yata waves to him and Fushimi has no choice but to give him the bento in front of a bunch of kids that Yata was teaching to skateboard, Yata gets all red-faced and the kids are all grinning and gossiping quietly with each other. Yata can't believe Fushimi actually made him lunch, opening up the bento and taking a bite...and promptly choking and almost throwing up because as it turns out those steps Fushimi skipped were actually kinda important.
Fushimi's so irritated by this he probably doesn't even want to try again but at the same time he's still got that little stab of guilt, like Misaki is still making his lunches and saying 'I love you' and Fushimi can't even make a single lunch for him. Fushimi decides to give it another try and this time Kamo spots him going to the kitchen and offers to assist in teaching him. Fushimi tries to act like this is no big deal but he's actually thankful for the help and he manages to make a pretty good meal. He goes to take it to Yata and once again Yata's out teaching kids. As Fushimi approaches one of the kids accidentally sends a skateboard flying towards Fushimi, Yata's all worried and runs to help but Fushimi jumps over it easily...except he forgets about the bento and ends up tossing it right into Yata's face. Yata's sitting there all dumbfounded with food all over his face and Fushimi just turns on his heel and walks the other way, grumbling to himself and super embarrassed that he did something so stupid.
Fushimi's ready to forget about this entirely but the alphabet squad are persistent, all of them encouraging him and together they cheer him on as Fushimi tries one last time to make Yata a bento. This time it's Yata's day off and the squad offer to cover for Fushimi so he can go back to the apartment, Yata's just sitting innocently on the couch when the door slams open and Fushimi's standing there dead serious like 'Misaki. Come with me.' Yata's all worried that something happened as Fushimi grabs his arm and drags him to the nearest park, making him sit on a bench and looking at him intently in a way that's making Yata feel very nervous. Fushimi clicks his tongue and then shoves the bento at Yata like 'here.' Yata's all curious as he opens the box and sees the beautiful homemade lunch Fushimi made for him and Yata just grins like wait was this what you've been trying to do all week. Fushimi denies it and mumbles that he just wanted to make Yata something to eat '...because I love you.' Yata's eyes brighten and imagine he immediately takes a huge bite of the food, just smiling and laughing and Fushimi has no idea what's gotten into him, Yata just shrugs all well if the guy I love made it I've gotta eat it all, right.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Fushimi is a teen idol whose not entirely enthusiastic at his job. He still goes to school cause his boss Munakata still wants him to get proper education. This is where he meets Yata who he didn't get along with at first until he sees Fushimi is actually smart and talented. Yata decides to watch one of Fushimi's live concerts and becomes Fushimi's fan and Yata's encouragement and them becoming closer made Fushimi enjoy his job cause Yata is watching so he wants to impress him.
Imagine Fushimi's like this super popular up and coming teen idol and he probably has like this whole teenage girl (and guy) fan club at school like you see in some anime, who call him 'Fushimi-sama' and are always squealing over how cool and princely he is. This confuses basically everyone else in school because Fushimi is in fact very much not cool or princely at all, he's an asocial nerd who spends all his time alone and if anyone tries to get close to him he just clicks his tongue and blows them off. Due to this half the school thinks Fushimi is amazing and the other half thinks he's a stuck up jerk. Fushimi himself isn't super enthusiastic about being an idol but he is a hard worker and if his job requires him to sing and look charismatic on TV and occasionally even smile he'll do it, he just won't be happy about it. He didn't want to go to a normal school either, figuring he could just get a tutor, but his manager Munakata notes that education-wise Fushimi knows all he needs to and it's more important for him to get the experience of school in order to broaden his horizons.
Yata meanwhile transfers into the school after his mom remarries and he's heard that famous idol Fushimi Saruhiko goes to this school too. Yata's not much into idols and thinks Fushimi's probably some annoying guy who always sparkles and acts like he's a big shot. As Yata's running to class late on his first day he accidentally runs into this gloomy kid who seems to be skipping class, when Yata tries to ask him for directions to the classroom the guy just clicks his tongue and says Yata's in the wrong school, the middle school is down the road. Yata's like hey I don't need a guy skipping class talking to me like that and the guy just gives this smirk as he says he isn't the hall monitor and isn't Yata skipping class too. Yata grumbles that he's just running a little late and the guy's like the bell just rang, you're more than late. He picks up the school ID that Yata dropped and adds a 'Misaki,' Yata gets pissed at the guy for using his first name and he grabs his ID and runs off to class. He's shocked to find out later that the gloomy asshole he met in the hallway was in fact Fushimi Saruhiko himself, who is totally the opposite of Yata's idea of an idol.
As it happens Fushimi is actually in Yata's class he just skips all the time and none of the teachers are willing to call him on it. Munakata does find out though and stresses that if Fushimi skips class too much it will affect his image as an idol so Fushimi reluctantly actually shows up in class a little more often. His seat turns out to be right behind Yata's and so he spends all of class bugging Misaki instead because it's oddly fun watching Yata get angry, Yata decides that he definitely hates this guy. But then maybe they get assigned some project together and even though Fushimi doesn't want to Yata won't let him get out of this so easily, Fushimi may not need to get good grades but Yata can't afford to fail. All the girls are super jealous that Yata gets to work with 'Fushimi-sama' and Yata's like 'lucky, yeah right, maybe we should switch partners so you can be with one of your fans.' Fushimi clicks his tongue and quietly says they don't even know him, they just like the 'him' that's on stage and he doesn't want to have to 'perform' while he's in school too. That surprises Yata and he starts to realize that maybe Fushimi's actually kind of a lonely guy and that the whole asshole exterior is just a front to keep himself distanced from people.
Yata also realizes in working with Fushimi that Fushimi's kinda amazing, he figured that an idol would just get good grades because the school wouldn't dare score him low (but actually Fushimi's grades do in fact suck because he skips class all the time) and he's surprised when he discovers that Fushimi's actually kind of a genius. As they start working together more Yata finds his opinion of Fushimi changing, like yeah this guy's a jerk and he's hard to get close to but he has all these cool ideas in his head and he works way too hard sometimes and he has a bad diet and bad habits and needs someone watching his back. Maybe Munakata encourages this some too, seeing how Yata's managed to make Fushimi take at least a little better care of himself and he's the one who also encourages Yata to watch some of Fushimi's concerts, thinking Yata may be helpful in getting Fushimi to enjoy his job more. For Yata this is like more proof that Saruhiko really is amazing because his singing and dancing are incredible, he can't believe that's really Saruhiko on stage.
Fushimi's annoyed when he finds out that Yata watched his concerts, like to him Yata was something he could hold on to 'outside' of his job and now Yata's just another person pushing him to put on a mask and play a part. Yata's not like that though, Yata's like 'I know I'm not talented and I can't sing and I'm an idiot but you're super amazing Saruhiko and I know you could be even more amazing on stage if you stopped pretending to be Idol Fushimi and started being more like the Fushimi Saruhiko who's the coolest guy I've ever met.' With Yata supporting him Fushimi suddenly finds himself more focused on his idol career, like knowing Yata will be at his concerts suddenly makes it feel less like a job he's obligated to do and more like something he wants to do, so he can see Misaki's eyes light up watching him, if Misaki's there Fushimi's certain he really can be amazing.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
If Fushimi had been born a girl, do you think Yata still would've struck up a friendship with her? The only difference about Fushimi would be her gender, so she'd still have all the skills/traits that Misaki admired in canon Fushimi, but Yata would have to get over his borderline phobia of girls in order to interact with her. Also one pivotal moment for them getting to know each other happened in the bathroom right? Which couldn't happen in this scenario, unless Saru had a different hiding spot.
I think they could have still been friends, it just might have been a little more difficult. I could still see Yata stepping in to try and save her from the bullies, probably thinking that here this innocent girl is being harassed and he's going to be all hero of justice and save her. Afterward though he's getting a little nervous and stuttering as he expects Fushimi to thank him, thinking that she's like this normal sweet quiet girl which is just the type he can't handle and then he's totally blindsided when Fushimi gives him this cold 'If you want gratitude ask someone else.' I think Fushimi's attitude more than anything would help with their friendship as far as Yata's whole girl issue goes, it seems like he has more trouble with girls who seem sweet and nice (like how he freaks out when Aya's being all lovey dovey but once she starts being more serious and like her 'actual' self he doesn't seem to have any issue dealing with her at all). Fushimi being such a jerk even though she's a girl would I think break down that wall pretty quickly, like Yata's immediate instinct is to talk back to that kind of attitude and he almost forgets that she's a girl for a minute.
Their big pivotal meeting in the boy's bathroom would likely need to change but there's ways around that too. Actually I could see the meeting still happening like in canon just on the premise that where better for a girl to hide and not be found than the boy's bathroom, like Fushimi doesn't want to hide in the girl's room because way too many girls go in there and then just hang around talking and it's hard to stay alone and unnoticed. So instead she sneaks into the boy's bathroom where no one would ever look for her and just remains there, and when she finally gets bored and leaves she simply waits until it's empty. So then Yata could still find her there but he probably double freaks out at first because OMG girl in the boy's bathroom and what if he caught her using the toilet, and then Fushimi gives him this look like he's super worthless before going back to her game. Alternately they could meet really anywhere else that's a good hiding spot, like on the roof or in a storeroom, just somewhere that Yata wanders off to in order to skip class and be miserable and Fushimi's already there precisely because it's a good place to hide out and not be found (or you could have Yata get caught skipping and then sent to detention where Fushimi is also detained for skipping class, and as soon as the teacher's out of sight Fushimi's on her PDA and Yata's watching).
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
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Ahh don't apologize anon, this ask is fine (also while I'm not big into genderbend Yata I'll admit I kinda love genderbend Munakata because I think female Munakata would be glorious). I'm imagining Yata just having such a moment when he realizes that he's been reincarnated as a girl, like on the one hand Yata doesn't feel like there's anything wrong with her body – like even though she was a boy in her past life and she's a girl now she doesn't really feel like she's trans, it's just this is her body now and that's fine but at the same time once she fully regains her memories of her previous life she kinda can't help feeling embarrassed every time she looks down for a few weeks. She starts to get used to it after a while though, she's a super tomboy but otherwise this has probably helped her get over those old 'girls scary' feelings.
Naturally having all her memories Yata's immediately on the lookout for old friends, especially Saruhiko. She probably does run into Fushimi before anyone else too, like imagine Yata gets her memories back some time in elementary school and just a few days later sullen tiny new kid Fushimi transfers into her class. Yata's immediately excited to see Fushimi but then probably really crestfallen when she realizes that Fushimi doesn't remember her at all, even trying to prod Fushimi by hinting about past memories doesn't do a thing. Yata's determined to be Fushimi's friend though and I bet she's really upset when she sees that Fushimi's home life is still terrible, like after all Fushimi went through the first time around Yata feels like why couldn't Saruhiko get some happiness in this life. Yata's determined not to let the mistakes of the past get between them again though and so she's very dogged in not only becoming Fushimi's friend but also trying her best to keep Fushimi away from his own home, always inviting him over for sleepovers (Yata's parents are like 'no you can't have a boy sleep over' and Yata realizes that one of the perks of being a girl is that tears work magic even if they're fake). Eventually of course Yata wins Fushimi over and they become actual friends.
Unfortunately when they enter high school Yata learns that Fushimi's family has arranged an engagement for him, in this life too Fushimi's mom is like a big time CEO and wants to cement a partnership with another firm. Turns out Fushimi's 'intended' goes to this school too and just imagine Yata's reaction when she's greeted by student council president Fem!Munakata, with long glorious hair and a long skirt and shiny glasses, greeting Yata in a speech pattern that is unmistakeably that of the Blue King. Of course Yata's immediately on guard like hey I don't care what your families say Saruhiko's mine and Munakata is very intrigued by this blunt reaction (Fushimi meanwhile is watching them thinking that it looks like a tiny chihuahua standing up to a majestic wolf). Munakata actually doesn't like Fushimi that way and thinks of him more like a little brother, however she finds the way Yata gets so angry and protective of Fushimi to be rather amusing and for some reason she just can't help but want to pry more about Yata's relationship to Fushimi.
Mikoto also happens to go to the school and I imagine Yata knows him from before this, like imagine she met him while in middle school when he happened to be walking by one day when Yata was fighting with some boys and helped her out (and poor Yata probably immediately flung herself at him before she could stop herself, so overwhelmed to see him alive again). Yata made friends with Mikoto's whole group of upperclassman and was really excited to go to high school with all of them, when she and Fushimi walk in on the first day Totsuka greets them and Yata's all high energy excited to see all of Homra to the point she briefly forgets about all the trouble she and Fushimi had in their previous life and doesn't notice that Fushimi's behind her all visibly jealous.
Mikoto tends to skip school a lot and has managed to avoid run ins with Munakata, until one day Yata spots him in the halls while talking with Munakata and Fushimi. Yata's probably trying to get Munakata to stay away from Fushimi again and Munakata's being all polite but vaguely condescending, while Fushimi's just sitting there assuming this must be some girl fight thing. Yata catches sight of a flash of red hair and is immediately like 'Mikoto-senpai!' Fushimi clicks his tongue as Yata runs to say hi to Mikoto, asking where Mikoto's been the last few days and being an excited puppy. Mikoto shrugs and says he didn't feel like coming to school, taking a cigarette out of his pocket. Behind them there's a polite throat clearing and there's Munakata in full student council president mode, noting that she does not recall such a barbarian at this school – ah wait, there is one person who has been constantly skipping class isn't there. Mikoto gets this grin as he wonders who this girl is and Munakata pulls herself up to her full height with this wide grin as she says that as president of the student council she will not allow such a flagrant disrespect for rules in her school.
So now there's like fun love weirdness happening where Yata loves Fushimi who is engaged to Munakata who finds Mikoto very intriguing, while Fushimi is depressed because he thinks Yata loves Mikoto and Yata thinks Munakata wants to steal Fushimi away from her (and Mikoto just wants to nap in peace without the student council president randomly showing up out of nowhere to scold him, even if that place is the boy's bathroom). Yata keeps trying to reassure Fushimi that Mikoto's just her friend and that Fushimi's still important, remembering what happened in the previous life, but she's also irritated by Munakata and complains about it to Homra because she thinks Fushimi won't want her to badmouth his fiancee. I imagine Yata and Fushimi having their whole misunderstanding about who loves who and maybe Fushimi almost tries to pull a betrayal thing, Yata follows him and they both start ranting about how the other loves someone else...only to accidentally stumble upon Munakata and Mikoto making out behind the school. Yata and Fushimi pause, staring, Yata squeaks and turns around because she's super embarrassed all of a sudden and they quickly hurry back inside (and then Yata figures what the hell maybe Mikoto's got the right idea because here's one thing that even Fushimi can't misinterpret, leaning up to kiss Fushimi).
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Fushimi is a Museum employee. Yata is a College student who was brought along with a group on a tour. Separated from the others, Yata looks at the paintings, because the others will start making fun of him that he likes painting, although he is all such a bully, or so he thinks. But in the end, he sees Fushimi and now Yata literally lives in this Museum admiring its him (Saru, not museum), but not daring to get to talk. As a result, Saru gets bored and catches Yata doing It. What happens next?
Tbh my first thought reading this is imagining Yata's into like sculpture and when he sees Fushimi he initially thinks that Fushimi's a piece of art. Like Fushimi's working part time at the museum to put himself through college, because fuck if he's going to ask his terrible parents for money. He works long shifts in between going to classes and he's pretty much living on Caloriemate, coffee, and very tiny amounts of sleep. Fushimi figures it could be worse though, since the museum's a pretty easy job. Ostensibly he's supposed to be a guide and tell people interesting facts about the art and such but the place is big enough that it's usually pretty easy for him to skip out on that and he basically just hangs out in the corners making sure no one's running or being too loud or ruining the art work.
So one day Yata comes to the museum with a group from school, Yata's into sculpting and he's part of the art program at Fushimi's same college. As part of their curriculum Yata had to take an art history class, which he kinda sucks at since there's way too many names and dates to remember. The class takes a trip to the museum one day to look at various specific works of art, Yata ends up in a group with some of the rowdier guys in the class and most of them aren't taking this trip seriously, like they all have their own specialties and that's all anyone's in interested in looking at. Yata decides he does want to check out some of the sculptures and he ends up splitting out from the group, saying he'll meet up with the rest of the guys later. Yata's wandering around the halls trying to figure out which wing has the sculptures in it when he thinks he sees one from afar, Yata's like I knew I was going the right way. He stops short though when the 'sculpture' moves, Yata has to put a hand over his mouth to keep from making a sound and he quickly hides behind a pillar. Fushimi in front of him stretches and sighs, leaning on a wall all bored. Yata realizes he's in a restricted part of the museum and he should probably get moving but instead he finds himself standing there, watching Fushimi as Fushimi just kinda hangs out and plays on his PDA and acts bored of the universe.
Eventually Yata realizes that he's missed his meeting time with everyone else and what's more the class is probably going to leave without him so he has to run back to the entrance. He makes it just before the professor was about to have him summoned via intercom and everyone wonders where Yata went. Yata says he just got...really entranced by the artwork okay, everyone teases him a bit because who knew Yata was the type of guy to get that into art. Yata just laughs and lets them tease him but of course he can't stop thinking about Fushimi and the next free day he has he heads back to the museum. Say one of his classes has an assignment too, about finding something that inspires you and doing a sculpture of it and Yata's decided that this mysterious museum employee guy is going to be his muse. Yata brings a sketch pad for ideas and basically starts stalking through the museum trying to find Fushimi. He has to come back a few times just to get a glimpse of him and Yata pretty quickly manages to figure out Fushimi's schedule. He tries to stay hidden, feeling weird about just blurting things out to a stranger he hasn't even talked properly too.
Which is why one day he's surprised when he loses sight of Fushimi and then he hears this drawling voice behind him noting that stalking is a crime. Yata yelps and whirls, Fushimi is standing there with a hand on his hips glaring at Yata. Yata stutters that he wasn't stalking Fushimi, he just...needed inspiration. Fushimi sees Yata's drawing pad and scoffs that he's nobody's 'inspiration,' Yata quickly tries to explain that he just thinks Fushimi's cool okay, he needed someone to model for his art and he thinks Fushimi would be perfect. Fushimi tells Yata to get going before he calls security and Yata leaves all dejected, but somehow even Fushimi being a jerk isn't enough to deter Yata from wanting to sculpt him and the next day he's back at the museum. Fushimi's like can't you take a hint idiot but Yata's determined, he wants to sculpt Fushimi and he wants to get to know more about him too, even if Fushimi isn't going to make it easy.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
You seen Angel beats? Had a thought of Yata or Muna taking the role of Otanashi with Fushimim taking Kanade's role, a more pissy Kanade who just doesn't bother to correct people on the fact he isn't an angel. Yata/Muna slowly learning that Fushimi might be an asshole but he's not the enemy and just wants everyone to leave him the fuck alone in this shitty afterlife.
I’m just imagining this whole giant afterlife army dedicating itself to defeating the ‘angel’ Fushimi, meanwhile Fushimi gives no fucks and just wants everyone to leave him alone because he hates the afterlife almost as much as he hated his actual life. Like say going with Yata as Otonashi, he wakes up with amnesia at this weird school that he doesn’t recognize. As he’s trying to figure out what’s going on he runs into Totsuka, Mikoto and Kusanagi, who invite him to join the Homra Afterlife Battlefront. It’s explained to Yata that he’s currently in limbo and that this is a place where souls that have experienced hardships end up after dying. The Homra trio are surprised to learn that Yata doesn’t remember his old life at all (and he’s probably freaking out over the whole 'dead’ thing, like wait I don’t even remember being alive how can I be dead already). Yata would probably get into it pretty quick though, like he volunteers to help out on one of their first missions and gets to see their enemy – school outcast Fushimi, who everyone assumes is an angel and who is one of the ones keeping them all here. Yata’s immediately amazed by all the awesome weaponry everyone has and he thinks Mikoto’s way of fighting is super cool but he also finds himself kinda oddly drawn to Fushimi, who’s awfully grumpy to be an actual angel.
Yata slowly starts learning more about the world as things start changing around him, like one day on a mission Totsuka agrees to be a distraction and he ends up disappearing entirely from the school afterward. Shortly following that Mikoto disappears as well and the Homra Battlefront ends up getting new leadership in the form of Munakata (please imagine Munakata and Kusanagi working together and being very pleasant while hating each other). Yata ends up in the same class as Fushimi and at first he’s super wary because he thinks Fushimi must have had something to do with what happened to Totsuka and Mikoto. Yata figures maybe he can get Fushimi in trouble in class somehow so that the Battlefront can regain control but then he realizes that Fushimi skips class all the time anyway. Yata sneaks out of class to go look for him, plotting a solo attack, only to run into Fushimi hiding in the bathroom playing games on his PDA. Yata gets caught up watching Fushimi instead, awestruck by Fushimi’s abilities and he mutters that being an angel must give someone great skills huh. Fushimi looks up at that and clicks his tongue irritably, saying he isn’t an angel and he’s tired of dealing with idiots all the time who think he is one. Yata’s suspicious of that and says maybe Fushimi’s on god’s side or something and Fushimi gets a cold look as he says that he wants to smash this world himself and that Yata should stay out of his way.
After that Yata starts slowly regaining some memories and maybe in this version of events Yata and Fushimi did actually know each other before they died. Yata starts seeing Fushimi in his memories and that’s what causes it to click for him that Fushimi can’t be an angel at all, that Fushimi must be no different from the rest of them. At the same time these black shadows start appearing and attacking various members of the Battlefront, Munakata realizes that this is some kind of defense mechanism from the world to make sure that they don’t become too comfortable here. Yata’s the one who goes to Fushimi to ask for help, Fushimi clicks his tongue and wonders why Yata would come to the 'angel’ who his group has always been fighting against. Yata admits that he still isn’t sure about his entire past but he knows that he and Fushimi have met before and for some reason he feels like Fushimi is someone he can trust, someone who can find an answer for any problem Yata could put in front of him. Fushimi clicks his tongue quietly and calls Yata an idiot but says he’ll help anyway and he shows Yata all the data he’s collected the whole time he’s been in this place. They realize that the reason Totsuka and Mikoto disappeared is because they were able to move on and that the shadows will eventually swallow everyone else unless they’re able to let go of their past regrets.
Yata becomes determined to help everyone move on even if it means he has to work against his friends in the Battlefront, however Munakata and Kusanagi have already figured out what’s going on and they’re prepared to help him. Right before Munakata moves on he wonders if Yata will have the strength to put Fushimi’s ghosts to rest, Yata doesn’t get what he means but says he’s determined to make sure Fushimi isn’t left alone no matter what. Finally when it’s just Yata and Fushimi left Yata remembers his entire past, he was Fushimi’s only friend until one day he died saving Fushimi from being hit by a car. Fushimi reveals that he was also injured in the car crash and ended up receiving Yata’s heart in a transplant, something that he hated because he felt as if he shouldn’t have been the one to survive. He’s been wanting to see Yata again all this time but knew he never would, turning away as he says that Yata should move on and forget about him again. Yata proceeds to punch him in the head and call him an idiot, flushing a little as he says that Fushimi had his heart even before the car crash and that this is why Yata must have ended up in limbo, because even when he was dying all he wanted was to see Fushimi again. Fushimi looks up at Yata in disbelief and Yata smiles as he says he’s glad he got to meet Fushimi one more time and Fushimi’s asshole facade crumbles a little as he calls Yata by his name for the first time since they met in the afterlife, this little broken 'Misaki…’ and Yata puts an arm around him as they both start to disappear like did you really think I’d go anywhere without you you dummy, anywhere we go from here we go together.
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ridiasfangirlings · 6 years
can saruhiko swimm? i can‘t really imagine him learning to swimm as a child (who would‘ve taught him anyway?). it would be so cute if yata found out he can‘t swimm and wants to teach him!
Imagine everyone assumes that Fushimi can swim because of course hecan, Fushimi can fly a helicopter naturally he can swim too. Exceptof course he can’t swim because no one’s ever taught him how and heprobably skipped out on swim class all the time in middle school with(forged) doctor’s notes about how he has a weak constitution orwhatever. Yata never really brought it up because Saruhiko is amazingso of course he can swim and just figured that Fushimi didn’t liketo, like maybe the two of them even went to the beach a couple timesin middle school or even later during the Homra years and Fushimispent the entire time under an umbrella looking like he was about tofaint in the heat. Fushimi doesn’t want to admit that he doesn’t knowhow to swim because it makes him feel stupid and he hates that, plusit’s like a reminder that he didn’t have the same upbringing as mostpeople (maybe Niki even attempted to ‘teach’ him to swim once ortwice by shoving poor tiny Fushimi into the pool and then laughing asthe kid flailed desperately and almost drowned).
So then say one day post-ROK there’s some kind of Strain issue thatmaybe takes place near the river. Yata and Fushimi are taking care ofthe Strain and  at some point Fushimi gets knocked into the water.Yata isn’t even worried initially because he figures it’ll be fine,Fushimi will climb back out in a minute looking pissed off and readyto rejoin the fight. Except Fushimi isn’t climbing out of the waterand in fact is noticeably struggling to keep his head above water.Yata eventually has to let the Strain escape in order to jump in andsave Fushimi, as he drags Fushimi to shore he’s really worried thatFushimi’s like injured or something and that’s why he wasn’t able toswim. The two of them are lying back on the grass breathing hard andYata asks if Fushimi’s okay, Fushimi just clicks his tongue anddoesn’t reply. Yata immediately sits up and starts fussing over him,looking for injuries and wondering why Fushimi wasn’t able to swim ifhe’s fine, and finally Fushimi looks away and mumbles ’…don’t knowhow.’ Yata’s like wait what thinking he must have misheard, Fushimitakes it as mockery though and sits up, telling Yata never mind andthat he’s leaving. Yata’s like wait wait you can’t swim since whenbut now that he’s thinking about it he’s never seen Fushimi swimbefore, Fushimi always skipped out on swim class and never waded outmore than ankle deep in the ocean. Fushimi tells him to forget aboutit but Yata’s all worried now because what if this kind of thinghappened again or there was like a mermaid Strain happening orsomething, Fushimi needs to learn how to swim. Fushimi thinks that’sstupid and he’s fine, Yata can just forget about it, but Yata grabshis arm and is like let me teach you. Fushimi looks back at him andYata’s meeting his eyes all determined, saying that Fushimi doesn’thave to be embarrassed and Yata doesn’t mind teaching him, it’ll behelpful for work right. Fushimi clicks his tongue but then nodsquietly, Yata smiles and is like all right let’s do this.
The next day Yata has Fushimi meet him at like a public pool andYata’s got a kickboard and maybe some floaties and Fushimi’s justabout to turn on his heel and walk away right there. Yata grabs himand drags him back, telling him it’s not hard and just give it achance okay. Fushimi glares but agrees to get n the water. Maybe Yatahelped teach his siblings how to swim so he thinks this can’t be toohard, unfortunately he forgot that he’s dealing with the ultimatethree year old and of course Fushimi is being a stubborn butt abouteverything. Like first Yata’s all 'okay we’ll start small, just putyour head under water’ and Fushimi just refuses, the whole point ofswimming is so he doesn’t have submerge his head in water andYata’s like come on it’s easy watch. Fushimi is super reluctant aboutit though (not because he’s scared though, that would be stupid) andYata has to coax him into the water. Once Fushimi’s got his head wethe’s glaring at Yata as his bangs stick to his face and Yata triesnot to laugh, showing Fushimi how to float next. Fushimi’s stillreally hesitant and he probably keeps checking to make sure Yataisn’t going to shove him into deeper water or anything, like he knowsYata wouldn’t do anything that would endanger him but his body isstill on edge, remembering the way Niki pushed him in and how healmost drowned. Yata’s unexpectedly patient though, guiding Fushimithrough the motions and staying right by his side, whenever Fushimiseems reluctant Yata just smiles and is like 'I’m right here, okay?’and Fushimi has to look away because his face suddenly feels hot.
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