#also imagine the first time Fushimi gets sick at school
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
hello!! thank u so much for ur misaru stuff, they keep me going!!! anyways i wanted to say what do u think about trans fushimi and oblivious yata? i think fushimi would think (at first) that despite his lack of knowledge yata is actually very supportive of who he is?? wow. and then he finds out that yata literally doesnt know about it even tho fushimi doesn't really try to hide it (he doesnt care+niki would still call him by his dead name and ridicule him so what put in the effort). they go to get testosterone for fushimi and yata will be like "ah yes. doing normal manly stuff for two cisgender dudes" while fushimi just stares dead into the distance. maybe while they were both in the red clan things started going south for fushimi (losing misaki+maybe others finding out about him being trans and while theyre overly supportive fushimi doesnt appreciate it) and so in the blue clan hes relieved that no one pays it any attention, not even munakata brings it up (aside from maybe one time). so he just boils with resentment and is sure that people have already outed him to misaki, meanwhile yata doesnt know ANYTHING hes just like aw man my friend left us and betrayed me for no reason. maybe after reconciling and going out on few dates and some kisses saruhiko contemplates telling him but he's kind of afraid that he'll break this fragile bond and so yata only realizes when they go to bed and he is bewildered to the point that saruhiko maybe leaves the house bc he counts it as rejection? while yata asks his friends if ur penis can fall off. sorry for the long ask!!! hope ur having a great day<3
Yata sweetie please learn to read the room XD Yata’s so bad at figuring out things that aren’t said and Fushimi is horrible at communication so I could kinda see this happening (I can also absolutely see Fushimi making all these scenarios in his head where he has to keep this secret or no one will accept him and meanwhile absolutely everyone else knows and accepts him). Like imagine in middle school Fushimi wears the boy’s school uniform and uses the boy’s bathroom, since he’s generally in there while skipping class no one really notices or confronts him over it. Plenty of people are aware that he’s ‘that girl who wears the boy’s uniform’ though, like imagine the bullies who steal his wallet also misgender him too. Yata overhears and assumes they’re calling Fushimi a girl as like a taunt about him being skinny and pretty, not that they think Fushimi actually is a girl. Fushimi never says anything to Yata about being trans but he figures Yata has to know, like that first time Yata meets Niki when he’s taking care of sick Fushimi Niki calls Fushimi a girl multiple times (I’m thinking Fushimi’s name would be the same though because if he’s picking his own new name he wouldn’t pick Saruhiko). Yata doesn’t bring it up and at the time Fushimi is grateful, thinking that Yata is accepting that Fushimi’s a boy just because Fushimi said so and no one else has acted that way towards him, and meanwhile Yata’s just like ‘even though that guy’s skinny and has super soft skin and is kinda pretty is no reason to call Saruhiko a girl.’
So then when they join Homra I imagine Fushimi being kinda self conscious about it, like another thing that makes him not fit in and he’s never sure if Misaki has told everyone or not, except of course Yata hasn’t told anyone because he doesn’t know. I feel like Mikoto would probably know somehow once Fushimi becomes a clansman and I think Totsuka would figure it out quick too, just giving Fushimi a look and smiling all ‘ah, I see,’ which just irritates Fushimi more. Totsuka maybe drops some small hints that Fushimi might want to talk to Yata and it’s not until some time after that he realizes that one, no Yata really doesn’t know, and two, Fushimi absolutely thinks Yata does (somehow I imagine the Homra trio discussing this and Kusanagi just facepalming like these kids I swear). Meanwhile Yata finds out about Fushimi taking testosterone and is super confused before deciding that well maybe Saruhiko is trying to build muscle. He mentions this to Totsuka, who suggests Yata talk to Fushimi about it seriously, like maybe there’s something Fushimi thinks you know that you don’t. Yata considers and then he realizes, so Fushimi’s taking testosterone and his dad used to call him a girl and come to think even though Yata doesn’t mind changing in the middle of the room Fushimi never has, there’s clearly only one answer: Fushimi is self conscious about having a small dick (somewhere Kusanagi facepalms again). Yata decides to talk to Fushimi about this to let him know that it’s totally cool and that’s how Fushimi finds out that no, Yata’s not super accepting Yata’s just an idiot.
At this point things are strained enough between them that Fushimi doesn’t feel comfortable telling Yata the truth, assuming he’ll be rejected anyway. When he joins S4 I imagine at some point most of the squad at least know but no one says anything and they don’t see it as a big deal, the only one who ever really mentioned it was Munakata in the context of making sure Fushimi can get all the correct meds and such. In some respects Fushimi feels more relaxed here, where everyone knows and no one cares, and at the same time he’s probably stewing that someone in Homra’s certainly already outed him to Misaki. Yata never says anything though and I could see this eating at Fushimi, like he wants to just yell it in Yata’s face so Yata will reject him and get it over with, but at the same time he’s so afraid that Yata won’t want anything to do with him that he can’t say anything.
Eventually post-ROK they reconcile and kinda start dating and Fushimi keeps pushing the thought away, telling himself that Yata must know by now so there’s no reason to tell him, still afraid that Yata might not know and that Yata will hate him if Yata ever found out. One day they’re kissing and it starts progressing, Fushimi’s so lost in the sensation that he doesn’t even think about what he’s been hiding until his shirt and pants are off and Yata suddenly falls off the bed. I feel like Yata would immediately jump to ‘wait you’re really a girl,’ the idea of Fushimi being trans never crossing his mind and he’s really more bewildered than anything, but Fushimi’s already on edge so he just mumbles ‘I’m not a girl’ as he starts grabbing his clothes to make a quick exit. Yata grabs his arm like wait you can’t just go we gotta talk about this, Fushimi mutters there isn’t anything to talk about and leaves before Yata can stop him. After this I imagine Yata returning to the bar like did any of you guys know Saruhiko might be a girl and Kusanagi is just like oh finally as he sits Yata down for a lesson on trans people (and then once he gets what’s going on Yata heads back out to find Saruhiko, because he doesn’t care about Fushimi’s gender he just wants to be with Fushimi). 
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kyofushi trio & komari + "“Be you. No one else can.”"
He’s doing it again. It’s impossible to miss even though Komari is facing directly ahead, nodding along with the conversation and pretending to be listening very hard to what Ishigaki’s mother is attempting to tell them. Not that he absorbs any of it, but Komari had hardly ever listened to his own parents when it came right down to it, so what luck does a total stranger have?
Out of the corner of his eye, he watches Midousuji’s face. He watches Midousuji battle with his own facial muscles, trying to keep them from contorting into a grin, trying to keep himself under control. It makes Komari’s chest ache in a way nothing else ever has before.
Very few things affect Komari on a physical level but this has been since it started a few weeks ago, Midousuji trying to iron out the things about him that make him unique— make him a monster, a demon, some kind fo nightmare to hear other people talk about him.
He catches Ishigak’s eyes out of the corner of his own: Ishigaki nods, he sees it too.
The thought that Midousuji sees something wrong with the way he naturally is is maddening to say the least, especially given everything he went through as a child (Komari still wants those names, and those addresses, to rend meat from bone to repay them for what they did to the man he loves wholly and completely, to lay down physical scars to mirror the mental and emotional ones they dealt a child who just wanted to make his mother proud). If Ishigaki is seeing it, though, then Komari is most definitely not imagining it like he desperately hoped.
Komari drops his knife, not caring about the way it clatters against the plate, and slips his hand under the table to find one of Midousuji’s. Long, familiar callused fingers twine with his and Midousuji meets his eyes clearly confused; Komari mouths are you okay and Ishigaki’s mother continues on speaking, apparently not even noticing what’s going on at her kitchen table.
Midousuji manages the smallest of smiles and a quick nod, but that isn’t him at all. There’s no grin, no teeth, not flicker in his eyes and Komari doesn’t like the looks of this.
This time, he finds Mizuta’s eyes across the table and Mizuta’s confused and pained expression tells Komari all he needs to know. Then all three of them have noticed something is wrong.
“I’m sorry, Ishigaki-san, but we have to excuse ourselves from dinner,” Komari says, pushing himself up from the table abruptly, rattling the dishes and cutlery in the process and again not giving a damn about it. “Midousuji-san is tired from the long drive already and he’s our ace, and as his assistant it’s my duty to make sure he goes to bed. We’ll see you in the morning.”
If all four of them leave at once, Ishigaki’s mother is bound to notice something is wrong, but she doesn’t seem much surprised that Komari pulls Midousuji up from his seat to lead him upstairs to Ishigaki’s bedroom where all four of them are staying. There is a guest bedroom, of course, but none of them are going to use it and Komari thinks the woman might know why even if he’s sure that Ishigaki has never broached the topic with his parents. Oh well, none of that matters right now and he needs to stop spending useless time thinking about it when he has a very real issue on his hands, one that makes his stomach turn and his skin itch all over.
As soon as he has the door closed, he turns around to find where Midousuji has gone. “I thought something was up before now but what I just saw at the table—”
“I know.” Midousuji is suddenly in his personal space, wrapping his arms around Komari’s neck so hard it almost chokes him, squeezing desperately. “I know, I know, I know. I’m sorry.”
The panic in his voice ratchets Komari’s concern up from a solid 25 to a 150 and he hugs Midousuji back automatically, smoothing his hands up and down that long lean back as he presses his face against Midousuji’s neck. “Take deep breaths for me. In and out. I know you can do it for me, Akira. Slow breaths because I need you to relax and talk to me.”
He never uses Midousuji’s first name unless the situation calls for it, but within minutes Midousuji is calmer and it feels less like Komari is about to be strangled to death. He counts it as a win and pushes Midousuji back so he sits on the edge of the futon, looking small and lost.
“You weren’t acting like yourself at dinner. You were reining yourself in. I thought you’d been doing it before now, but I wasn’t sure. I am now.” Komari kneels in front of him, taking Midousuji’s face in his hands, smoothing his bangs back off of his forehead so he can feel the skin there. “Are you not feeling well? Or did someone say something to you? Tell me.”
Midousuji is quiet for a moment, which is also unlike him, and it takes him a great effort to meet Komari’s eyes. “Am I really that strange and gross?” he asks, and Komari’s heart somersaults violently at the words. “People talk about me like I’m some kind of monster.”
“Oh…” Komari needs a minute to stabilize himself from the sudden onrush of anger. “You aren’t strange or gross. Not to me, obviously not to Ishigaki or Mizuta. You know that, don’t you?”
“I don’t know. I used to ignore it, back in high school, because I didn’t care. I just wanted to win. But then we did win, and…” Midousuji trails off, but Komari remembers that fondly, the Inter-High during Midousuji’s third and final year where Kyoto Fushimi had finally dominated just as much as they had been desperate to do. Komari had been the one who propelled Midousuji to the finish line on all three days, determined to make sure he won. That he became national champion. “But now I can’t stop thinking about it. I don’t want everyone to call me a freak.”
Komari had not known Midousuji when they were in elementary school together, but he had heard stories from Midousuji and he almost feels like he must be looking at that small, scared, bullied boy who could never tell his mother what he went through. “You don’t deserve to have to put up with that. No one should call you names. Those motherfuckers. Who’s said what?”
He’s getting angry and can’t help it, his hands— normally so careful, so delicate, perfect for masseuse work— balling up into fists because he’s so tired of this, so tired of people picking at Midousuji’s weakest defenses and wanting to hurt him more than he’s already been hurt.
“Komari.” He didn’t hear the door open, nor Ishigaki enter. “Calm down. Midousuji, what’s up?”
Mizuta sits on the ground behind Komari, something he only finds out when a pair of arms snake around his waist and pull him back against Mizuta’s chest while Ishigaki sits on the futon next to Midousuji and wraps his arms around him without hesitation. There’s still anger at the forefront of Komari’s mind but it softens and quiets in the arms of one of his boys and he’s able to breathe easy when he sees how Ishigaki holds Midousuji, how gently he touches him.
“People are calling him awful names and it’s making him not want to be himself,” Komari manages, because he knows it was already a titan effort for Midousuji to open up to him.
Ishigaki sighs softly, presses his face into Midousuji’s hair. “Is that true? You can just nod.”
Midousuji nods and curls himself into Ishigaki’s chest— he’s tall even now, and none of them had ever gotten closer to matching his height— but he only makes himself small when he feels vulnerable and scared. It makes Komari feel sick and Mizuta hums softly in his ear, rubbing soothing circles into his stomach, willing him to relax. Komari feels everything too much, too hard.
“You know, if we didn’t love you just the way you are, we wouldn’t be here with you. You should hear that, first and foremost I think.” Ishigaki brushes Midousuji’s hair off of his forehead, presses a kiss to the skin there, warm and soft. “We love you more than I could ever explain.”
“I always thought you were kind of cool, the way you just… The way you were always yourself no matter what. I thought it was amazing.” Mizuta sounds less certain of himself, or like he doesn’t have the words he feels like he needs right now. Komari grabs his wrist and squeezes. “I never thought anything was wrong with you. Everyone else is just a fucking loser.”
Midousuji sighs softly and combs shaking fingers through his hair, and Komari’s heart flips in his chest again, banging against his ribs in the process. “Is it hard when I’m this way in public? When other people see me being… Being weird? Being a freak? Isn’t that hard on you three?”
“No.” Ishigaki grips Midousuji’s chin, tilts his head so that those dark gray-violet eyes are level with his own rich velvety brown ones. “I personally love to see you be yourself. All the time.”
“Agreed,” Mizuta says. “It’s the only way I want to see you. I don’t like seeing you beaten down.”
Komari rolls his lower lip between his teeth until it hurts before he can speak. “I like seeing you being yourself because it makes you happy,” he says. “I can’t stand the thought of you hiding yourself and being so upset.”
Ishigaki beams, then turns Midousuji’s head back to him and pecks him on the lips, then goes in for a slower, deeper kiss that makes Midousuji’s face pink just slightly. “We love you just the way you are. You aren’t gross, or nasty, or a monster. You’re our boy, and we want you to be you, and to be happy. Be you, Akira. No one else can.”
Midousuji bites down on his lower lip and Komari might be imagining the slight sheen of tears in his eyes, but he blinks quickly a couple of times and it vanishes. Slowly, so slowly it feels like the seconds dragging by are hours instead, Midousuji manages a small smile, then a larger one, then one of his blindingly perfect and slightly frightening smiles, the one Komari had fallen head over heels for back when he was uncertain if he could even fall in love. A grateful sob leaves his throat and all three of his boyfriends jump, Mizuta’s arms vice-like around his middle.
“I just hate seeing you upset,” he says, scrubbing furiously at his eyes, not allowing the tears to fall, not now, not when their Midousuji has his own smile on his face once more. “I don’t ever want you to be sad again. I just want nothing more than for you to be happy.”
Ishigaki smiles softly and extends a hand. “Come here, Komari. Come hold him now, it’s okay.”
Mizuta puts a hand on his back and helps launch him forward, and he half-tackles Midousuji onto the futon, pressing his face against Midousuji’s neck before trailing fervent kisses over Midousuji’s face. When he snickers, the familiar sound soothes something in Komari’s chest.
“Not that we don’t care about Midousuji’s happiness,” Ishigaki says, “but we care about yours, too.”
Mizuta finally crawls onto the futon with the rest of them, and he gives Komari’s hair a playful tug, flashing him a half-smile. “I get worried about you, too, y’know. When you get upset like that.”
Komari ducks his head, not sure what to say to that, but Midousuji butts their foreheads together gently and he kisses Midousuji instead, deciding he doesn’t have to say anything at all.
It’s good to know all of them have each other’s backs.
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miss-becca · 8 years
it’s week 12 out of 15 now. 3 more weeks of university, and 3 days per week. these numbers seem to accurately track where i’m at in my exchange year, but the last 9 weeks could never be simplified into a class schedule. nor could they ever be adequately portrayed by listing out the places i visited, the events i attended and the sights i saw. these things tend to be the reflexive go-to answers when someone asks me how the exchange lifestyles is treating me. they’re the experiences that are the most easily relatable, the ones that fold up neatly into a box, convenient and complete and conversational. this year i’ve learnt that the reality of exchange is neither convenient, nor complete nor good fodder for small talk. and i guess that’s the reason my writing is so much focused on what i do; just like with my huge pile of university assessment which i haven’t started, i’d rather begin by chipping at the easiest job. so i’ll pick up where i left off.
4th november: machikane festival
the biggest annual(?) festival of osaka university, i was super impressed by the level of effort which the students dedicated to this event. from the big entrance arch to the signs of the food stalls to the performances of jugglers, singers, dancers and bands, right down to the smaller details of everyone’s energy and smiles, my own university’s orientation week event really seems lacking in comparison.
following up the pleasant day by walking ishisbashi with a friend (thanks for coming all the way out!) and then eventually ending up roaming the streets of umeda was perfection. uptown osaka never ceases to surprise. who knew there could be a shrine (temple? oh dear..) hidden right in the middle of the shopping street?
5th november: kifune jinja
what a beautiful place, and it would never have been possible without our local tour guide (thank you for inviting us!). the kifune jinja is located up in the mountains, not too close to the city area of kyoto. though most famous for the steps out the front of the shrine, it was the lead up to that climax which made the experience. it was freezing cold, but the water-top lanterns and restaurant lined streets were just wow. worth.
13th-14th november: hiroshima and miyajima
coming back here as a school trip was really a nostalgic rollercoaster. missing the friends i’d visited hiroshima with before but trying to be in the moment was a difficult balance. however, there were new things to be experienced this time. my attention was shifted away from my wallowing self-pity when we had an atomic bomb survivor share her story.
the effects of the bomb were further and wider than i had imagined. when i visited the museum last time, i was choked up by the sight of the remnants of children’s clothing or bento boxes or even hair and nails put on display. there were stories of people who had died years after the explosion from leukaemia or other cancers caused by the radiation. what i didn’t think of was that people could possibly still be suffering directly from it. that children of the survivors could be carrying health problems caused by a war they didn’t fight. that people would discriminate against them. that there would be shame in admitting where they were from and what their parents had gone through.
it’s humbling to see the city now, a memorial of those who were harmed and a people who stand up for the banning of nuclear weapons.
miyajima was exactly as i remembered it, with an extra dash of colourful leaves. the oysters were fresh and the company was fresher.
hall of remembrance
view from our tatami room
miyajima again
the reddest tree i saw all season
miyajima’s famous oysters
thanks for the ice cream and beer!
20th and 23rd november: kyoto trips for days
november is the season for seeing japanese momiji (the red leaves), and kyoto is apparently the place to be. so we went again, once to the fushimi inari and another time to (almost) settsu-kyo. ;)
fushimi inari
so much of this
and so many steps
outside settsu-kyo
this was my favourite
and then kyoto city
25th-28th november: tokyo disney
this heading speaks for itself – その週休み、本当にありがとう!一緒に遊びはめっちゃたのしかった!the theme parks are so aesthetic, and i adore the fast pass system they have going.
the aesthetics of this place was really something else
and the food was really not bad either
perfectly christmassy too
nabe for dinner to counter the freezing cold
breadcones. what a world we live in.
aiba from arashi’s family restaurant was closed when we got there…
tokyo skytree
cake with kazuma and soki to end the trip!
2nd-5th december: okinawa
  okinawa airport greeted me with an aquarium
the bay by my airbnb room
nearly got hit by a car taking this but yay pretty street
okinawa soba – looks really chinese
shuri castle
this tree needs to teach me how to lay down roots
the view from the top
had to take this 20 times to get it somewhat right
hi duck
mango and cherry softcream
accidentally walked all the way down this path and had to consequently walk all the way back up
but there were pretty flowers!
got lost and walked down this pretty road too
the bay at night
kokusaidori – biggest shopping street in naha
taco rice and a live performance as background music
streets were somehow dead by 8
visited the pottery museum with my airbnb host
pottery street
the hole at the top of the vase is in the shape of okinawa island
last meal before leaving naha
first meal with bae and the fam
first time i enjoyed eating goya (bitter melon)
also ate some raw horse
heading to the most famous aquarium of japan!
hello mr. lobster
wishing i was 12 again so i could jump on this beauty of a playground
this boasted being the biggest viewing glass of 2002 hahahah
super needy fish clinging onto a turtle
goya farm
pineapple farm – look at the tiny pineapples thoughh
literally sashimi for days
pretty rock formation
the sign nearby said beware of venomous snakes, but the view was nice
display of the old kingdom of ryukyu
8th december: kobe luminarie
神戸ルミナリエ was an event i somehow heard about right at the beginning of this exchange year, so naturally i was pretty stoked to go. because of sickness (post-okinawa blues), i thought i’d miss out on it, so i was ecstatic to have a friend in kobe agree to meet me and see the lights (yay thank you!). somehow, the evening was beautifully warm and uncrowded, and the show greeted us with some sweet, sweet music too. ;)
from a nearby skyscraper
10th december: christmas usj
this was by far the most crowded day of usj i’ve been to, and oh my word there were so many people i almost couldn’t breathe. we didn’t go on any rides, and only saw one or two shows, but we won a giant snoopy plushie!
yay tree!
tree at night!
dinner at one of my favourite restaurants and snoopyyy
14th december: my first jazz gig
this was. amazing. i was a little nervous walking into a tiny bar alone, but damnnn. misa’s incredible voice (thanks for inviting me!) and the most amazing jazz pianist ever, all wrapped into a lovely christmas night, with a bonus of being able to touch the piano at the end too. :D
23rd-28th december: reunions in the philippines
admittedly, this trip to the philippines entailed very little time spent actually seeing the lovely city of manila. instead, i was spoilt left, right and centre by my hosts (thank you so much for having me!), attending christmas dinners (and just a lot of food related events in general) and meeting families who have now become like family to me. and oh my word don’t get me started on the festive light displays. we spent hours touring neighbouring streets, ooh-ing and ahh-ing at the wonderland which we somehow found ourselves in. as facebook has kindly informed everyone, leaving this country was tough and tearful. there’s so much more i want to see, and so many more people i want to meet, and so much family i want to spend more time with – somehow in 6 days, this country transformed from foreign into another kind of home. <3
so many pretty lights in this city
and a casual venice replica
dinner with my new bear family
29th-31st december: mie, ise and kyoto
i was saved from my post-philippines blues by vince coming to see me from korea. ending the year with a road trip to somewhere new with him and my very first friend in japan was absolute perfection. we hit up the nabana no sato illuminations in mie before traveling down to the ise jingu, and finally stopping by the kyoto aquarium on the way to our new year countdown in karaoke bar. めっちゃ笑った、めっちゃ寝た、めっちゃ楽しかった!そうきありがとう〜!嬉しいだよ!
yay reflected trees!
and the light tunnel oh my..
a movie made up of thousands of strings of led lights
the autumn tunnel
outside the ise-jingu
scored front seats to this show outside an udon store
the front of the jingu
somehow booked out the cutest log house for the night
the interior is even cuter
sleeping in the loft
nabe to help us through a cold night
yay kyoto tower
all the joyous in-betweens
then there were uncountable precious moments just in my darling osaka which made the school times more than bearable even when tiredness was overwhelming.
my favourite andyy
tart date #1
after uni/work dinners with soki :D
minami senri park – autumn edition
tart date #2
saizeriya tiramisu :D
care package from melbourne (THANK YOU NUG)!
more after uni/work dinners
and desserts
pie date with the tart date girls <3
gudetama cafe date with my fellow canberrans
first nabe and kotatsu experience ever! thank youu! ^_^
truly the last two months of 2016 were filled with magic and ever-more love from the people around me and not around me. i saw so many places i didn’t expect to see, and spent time with people who i can now count among my most treasured humans. exchange is infinitely more than i could have ever expected, and if so many things could have happened in the last two months, then so much more is also waiting for me in the next two. sometimes i have to remind myself of this to rescue myself from the weight of the impending ending (oops that got a little too real).
but anyhow, this brings us to 2017. it will be the year of returning, of (hopefully) hard work and some australia travels and (more hopefully) out-of-australia travels. i’m scared and excited and sad and super looking forward to the new joys and memories and friendships which are waiting to be experienced!
happy new year! 明けましておめでとう!新年快樂!may we all look forward to a 2017 filled with abundant blessings! <3
day #288: what words can’t describe it's week 12 out of 15 now. 3 more weeks of university, and 3 days per week.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
this might be triggering so feel free to skip this ask, but what if saru had an eating disorder during middle school and yata tried to find ways to get him to eat?
This one I feel like would be really difficult for Yata just because as a middle school kid he is really not equipped to try and cure Fushimi’s eating disorder but at the same time I think he would absolutely want to try, even if he’s not entirely aware that it’s a disorder. I’m imagining Yata has definitely noticed that Fushimi barely eats at all, that he picks around his food and is always moving it around his plate to make it look like he eats and that in general Fushimi thinks having half a Caloriemate is a perfectly fine meal to last you the whole day. That Fushimi has developed an actual disorder isn’t something Yata’s really consciously aware of, he thinks it’s more that Fushimi’s just skinny and he’s confused when Fushimi denies it, saying he isn’t ‘skinny enough’ or things like that (also imagining this is somehow Niki’s fault, like maybe Fushimi was a chubby kid and Niki mocked him to the point he thinks he has to be as skinny as possible or else ‘that man’ will win).
Yata is worried for Fushimi’s health so he decides he’ll just have to find a way to get Saruhiko to eat. At first he tries to bring a separate bento, claiming his mom gave him two ‘on accident’ and trying to shove one on Fushimi but even though Fushimi grudging accepts he doesn’t eat anything, only prods at the food. Yata’s concerned because Fushimi is looking even more pale than usual and it’s a cold day out, you need food to keep warm. I imagine him just trying to even feed Fushimi bite by bite, like here I’ll hold it out and you eat it. Fushimi complains but then he does end up eating some because Misaki is right there and Yata feels a little excited by that, like it’s better than nothing.
After this Yata tries his hardest to be the one who makes sure Fushimi eats, still not really aware of the eating disorder but uncomfortably conscious of the fact that if Yata wasn’t there Fushimi would be eating even less and Yata doesn’t want Fushimi’s health to suffer. Imagine Fushimi even snapping at Yata at one point, like why do you care so much if I eat, and Yata gets red in the face as he says because he cares about Fushimi and he doesn’t want Fushimi to be sick, like what if you fainted one day because I wasn’t here, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you because you aren’t eating. Fushimi can barely believe this but on the other hand this is Misaki, who can’t lie to save his life, staring at Fushimi with big worried eyes and food he cooked himself because it’s the only thing Fushimi will eat, and suddenly Fushimi finds himself not feeling quite so ill anymore when he actually eats food. He clicks his tongue and mutters fine, if Yata’s going to be so annoying he’ll eat a little, and Yata’s smile is almost enough to make Fushimi forget for once how many calories he’s eating as he quietly lets Yata feed him.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
saruhiko and misaki are assigned different classroom so as soon as the bell rings, misaki is running over to saru's class. imagine each classroom gets to make their own rules, and saru's classroom rules are something along the lines of "no visits from other classes until lunch time" but obviously yata doesnt care and still shows up. sometimes he gets too distracted when he finally gets to talk with saru that he doesnt hear the bell when lunch's over and he gets locked in saru's class until a teacher kicks him out. sometimes yata skips classes just to go and say hi to saruhiko through the window and the teacher literally glares at him like "go away".
just imagine yata casually talking to saru and then he hears the teachers voice outside so he panics and hides in saruhiko's desk. everyone in saruhiko's class knows him as "that one guy who is always sneaking in"
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Fushimi already doesn’t care about his tests and schoolwork so he would absolutely fail on purpose in order to get into Yata’s class. Imagine their school is like trying out some new merit system of separating the students, trying to put the high achievers together so that the lower level classrooms will be more determined to get their grades up. Yata is of course miserable that he and Saruhiko aren’t in the same class this year, Fushimi shrugs and tries to act like he doesn’t care but actually he’s probably already planning on skipping even more than usual because what’s the point of going to school if Misaki isn’t there. Because it’s a high achievement class they’re largely separated from the other classes, maybe Fushimi’s class is even on another floor with the upperclassmen. Due to this it’s hard to even run into him in the halls before class or on the way to gym and such, pretty much Yata’s only chance to see Fushimi is at lunch. 
Of course since Fushimi’s class is totally out of the way from his Yata has to practically run through the halls to get there, maybe Fushimi’s class is also supposed to eat in the room so Yata can’t even meet him on the roof or anything. The first time he shows up imagine Fushimi looking mildly surprised, maybe not entirely convinced that Misaki wasn’t going to forget about him now that they’re in different classes, and then he smirks and teases Yata for being out of breath. Yata says shut up I had to run up the stairs you know as he just blithely steals someone else’s desk and sets his lunch down. Yata starts just happily chatting with Fushimi and he’s also totally oblivious to the fact that the other kids are staring at him disapprovingly because Yata has no volume switch (Fushimi notices and doesn’t care at all, because he’s already decided he hates every single one of his classmates). 
After this Yata shows up every lunch to see Fushimi and half the time he misses the bell and has to be kicked out by the teacher. Imagine one day someone’s out sick and the teacher doesn’t even notice Yata’s there at first because Yata snagged the extra desk, it isn’t until he catches Yata and Fushimi passing notes that he realizes who Yata is and kicks him out. I imagine it gets to the point that the teacher and all the other students have basically become used to it, like Yata is just ‘that guy who’s always sneaking in,’ if Yata had any academic aptitude whatsoever the teacher would just give up and let him stay but knowing how bad Yata’s grades are the teacher probably has like an actual vendetta against him for constantly sneaking into the high achievement class.
Say the whole class thing was an experiment too and they re-evaluate after several months, everyone has to take this big test. Yata decides he’s definitely going to get into  Saruhiko’s room this time and devotes himself to studying, which Fushimi finds annoying because helping Yata study is boring. Yata insists he’s going to get this, he’ll be a genius too just you wait…and then the day of the test comes and Yata is just staring at it like he has never seen any of these words in his life. A week later the new classes are posted and Yata’s pumped when he realizes that he and Fushimi are in the same class now, like see all that studying did good. Fushimi clicks his tongue and tells Yata to look closer at the rooms, Yata realizes wait I’m not in the smart class Saruhiko went down a few classes. He looks over at Fushimi like ‘Saruhiko…did you fail on purpose’ and Fushimi just shrugs like maybe. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Youtuber Niki au with a channel where he just pranks his son. The pranks are never stuff that's obviously abuse so people don't always know what to make of it. Fushimi hates it and gets bullied cause of it until he meets Yata who like going outside more so he hasn't run into those videos online and only sees the cool side of Fushimi. Fushimi is already very smart but he decides to be really good at hacking so he could wipe all of those videos from the face of the earth before Yata sees them.
I can totally see Niki having one of those awful family channels where he plays fun ‘pranks’ on his son and the viewers think it’s so funny when it’s actually terrible abuse. Niki probably doesn’t even need to pretend that things are better behind the scenes, people just assume that oh isn’t it cute he told his kid that he destroyed something Fushimi loved and made him cry, I’m sure he didn’t really destroy it though and told him it was fine later (he did really destroy it and it was not fine, and even if it was this is still a terrible thing to do to a child). Fushimi’s basically gotten used to being constantly humiliated on film by the time he’s in middle school, like every embarrassing moment from his childhood was streamed live by Niki and Niki loves to torment him and put the videos on his channel. I imagine this would make Fushimi hate the world even more than he already does, like it’s bad enough that he’s being abused and neglected in canon but in this AU he’s also aware that Niki has literally thousands of followers who just watch Fushimi be abused and don’t do anything about it, who think Fushimi’s pain is entertainment.
Fushimi gets bullied due to the videos too, kids at school have seen the videos also and mock him for stuff that Niki’s broadcasted to the world. Fushimi doesn’t even care about that much anymore, he just thinks of everyone around him as worthless idiots and if they’re bullying him over it they’re admitting that they watch Niki’s shitty channel so they’re not even worth Fushimi’s time. One day when he’s being bullied Yata jumps in to save him, Fushimi thinks Yata just wants to be a hero but then later when they meet in the bathroom while Fushimi’s skipping class Yata calls Fushimi cool and amazing like in canon. As they get closer Fushimi learns that Yata never spends much time online at all and actually isn’t very computer literate, he’d rather do things that involve physical activity and even when he watches online videos it’s just video game streamers and skateboard vids. Yata asks if Fushimi has a channel and Fushimi changes the subject, acting like he would never waste his time with anything like that.
 Now he’s really worried though because he doesn’t want Misaki to see all those ‘uncool’ videos of him, afraid that if Yata saw what Niki was doing to him all the time Yata wouldn’t want to be his friend anymore. He’s already pretty good with computers but now Fushimi steps up his skills, mass reporting all of Niki’s videos to get the channel taken down. He also starts using his hacking skills to scour the internet for any copies, deleting everything he can find. At first imagine this becomes something of a competition though because Niki realizes that someone’s going after all his videos with his treasured memories of his little monkey and he doesn’t want that so he’s using his own skills to try and get the videos restored. Fushimi’s terrified that Niki will find out that he’s the one trying to remove the videos and send them to Yata or something, like who knows what Niki will do if he finds out and Fushimi has to spend his nights at various internet cafes just to keep ahead of Niki. Eventually though Niki gets sick and can’t keep up with it anymore so Fushimi’s finally able to get rid of the videos for good but even that doesn’t bring him peace of mind, like imagine when they join Homra he’s always worried that someone will recognize him and tell Yata and that his precious friendship will be destroyed. (But then one day maybe Yata does find out about the videos and he’s so horrified and pissed off, how could so many people watch Saruhiko being hurt like that and not want to try and save him.)
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Sarumi in a Boarding School AU? Haha honestly im not sure why but I like the idea of Fushimi and Yata being roommates who dont get along but, in classic romcom fashion, a series of coincidences and mishaps causes them to see each other in a new way. And of course the best part: the pining after they get through their differences, because their friends now but suddenly they want to be more aaaa yes the kind of quality trash im always thirsting for haha
Fushimi probably gets sent to boarding school so Kisa doesn't have to deal with him, like say this is right after Niki's death but since Fushimi doesn't have a Yata to move in with (yet ;D) he's stuck in the house alone. Kisa doesn't particularly want to have to deal with him so she decides the easiest thing is to send him to a decent boarding school where he'll be out of her hair. Yata meanwhile also gets sent to school maybe to like make some more room in the house but also hopefully to better his education, like Yata's stepdad works with someone who runs the school and offers to take Yata in as a student free of charge. Yata's kinda been struggling in normal school and the apartment his family lives in is pretty cramped so his stepdad figures this would be a good idea, Yata's not super into it because he assumes all boarding school kids are stuck up snobs but he also wants to take some of the burden off his parents so he agrees.
Yata gets to the school and is shown his room, he's all excited to meet his roommate and become bestest best friends. Unfortunately for Yata his roommate is Fushimi, who's probably annoyed that Kisa couldn't even splurge to get him his own room. The minute Yata walks in Fushimi's pretty much like 'don't talk to me,' focusing solely on his computer and his PDA and basically having no interest in making friends whatsoever. Yata's not so easily defeated though and he keeps trying to get Fushimi to open up, which makes Fushimi more annoyed and he starts snapping at Yata and probably calling him by his first name (which is right on the doorplate outside their room). Yata can't believe that a whole school full of kids and he gets the number one asshole as his roommate.
The two of them end up in a bunch of classes together, though maybe Fushimi has like extra classes afterward that are for the accelerated group and he keeps ditching them because Fushimi has no interest in schools or teachers. Yata on the other hand is struggling to keep up, no one really seems to have any interest in making sure he's getting the extra help he needs and he probably doesn't get along well with many of the other kids either, like most of the kids in this school are wealthy and learned all kinds of social etiquette and no one has any interest in loud, wild Yata. Yata doesn't even notice at first that Fushimi's being ostracized too though, like at first a lot of kids want to get close to Fushimi because everyone knows who his mom is but then when they see Fushimi's got no interest in anyone people start to leave him alone or try to bully him.
One day Yata forgets something after class and has to go back and get it, which is when he sees some of the other students picking on Fushimi. Yata thought these guys were Fushimi's friends and he's really confused, which is when maybe one of the kids starts taunting Fushimi about his dead dad. Fushimi immediately reacts violently to that (for reasons entirely opposite of what Yata assumes), like headbutting the guy who said it and that sets off a fight. Yata comes running in to the fray, deciding screw this he's going to help Fushimi even if Fushimi is a jerk (like at least Fushimi is an honest jerk instead of pretending to like people or acting fake-nice just to tease someone). The teachers eventually break the whole thing up and the other kids point fingers at Fushimi and Yata, Yata's like wait you guys started it but the teacher also assumes that Fushimi and Yata are troublemakers and they get detention together.
Yata's pissed at being put in detention for this, like he and Fushimi are left alone together in a room and told to write apology letters or something. Yata wonders out loud what he should write, like he's not sorry and those guys were out of line taunting Fushimi about his parents. Fushimi shrugs as he gets up, saying he doesn't care about his parents anyway and everyone here is worthless. As Yata watches Fushimi moves aside some books and starts to climb out this hidden window that he found a few days ago, Yata follows him and immediately thinks it's super cool that Fushimi found a way to sneak out of detention. At first Fushimi starts to tell Yata not to follow him but Yata's looking at him with shining eyes and finally Fushimi clicks his tongue and is like 'if you want to follow, come on.' The two of them spend the whole afternoon hanging out and dodging teachers before sneaking back into the detention room right before their time is up, afterward they go back to their room and Yata's just bubbling over with excitement and calling Fushimi amazing and Fushimi finds himself feeling suddenly lighter than he ever has before.
So now the two of them have become inseparable and they're probably total troublemakers, Fushimi getting Yata into all sorts of bad habits and Yata doesn't care because Saruhiko is the most amazing guy he's ever met. He knows though that the two of them are different and sometimes it makes him worried, like imagine they go home for summer holidays at one point and Yata thinks about how Fushimi's going back to some rich family while Yata's headed back to this crowded apartment. But then when they return to school Yata can tell that Fushimi's suddenly acting all distant and cold again, like something terrible happened when he was home and it makes Yata wonder what kind of life Fushimi has at home and is there a way Yata can protect him from everything. This then leads to the realization of how important Fushimi is to him and Yata starts becoming more and more aware of how physically close they are all the time. Fushimi meanwhile hates his family and wants nothing more than to stay with Yata but he also thinks that there's no way this can continue, like he knows Kisa can take him out of school at any time to use as like a pawn for his inheritance and such and he can't stand that idea, that he might have to leave and never see Yata again. Fushimi's also starting to feel emotions that he can't even recognize, like he has no idea what this warm feeling is in his cheeks every time Yata gets too close or why his gaze keeps lingering on Yata all the time when Yata's not looking and he's basically just got this huge crush and doesn’t know what to do with it.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
AU where Yata is a demon Fushimi summons out of desperation. Yata is a nice demon though and wants to help Fushimi live happily and starts masquerading as a human so they could go to school together and maybe convince Fushimi to enjoy the outside, too. Yata soon starts to enjoy the human life and even made friends whose company he enjoys. Fushimi gets jealous but realizes that maybe Yata only hangs out with him due to contract but these people are the ones he actually likes without one needed.
I'm just imagining Yata gets summoned and he's all 'I am a great and powerful demon, summoned here to make you my slave human' only to see that he's been summoned by this skinny unhealthy nerd and it turns into him doing all this cooking and cleaning and taking care of his master because seriously this guy can't do anything on his own. Like imagine Fushimi's mostly living alone in his big empty house, leaving only to go to school where he doesn't talk to anyone and skips out on half his classes. One day he's hiding in the library playing on his PDA when a book falls into his school bag without him noticing. Later when he gets home he pulls it out and looks at it idly, it's some kind of 'Demon Summoning for Dummies' type book and it looks really stupid. The house is really quiet though and Fushimi's been eating junk food for the past week because he didn't feel like cooking and 'that woman' never comes home (and Niki is dead by now, thankfully). Fushimi looks at one of the pages and is like this is so stupid, copying the picture of a pentagram that's on the page onto a piece of notebook paper as he recites the summoning spell in this bored deadpan voice.
Suddenly all the lights turn off and a circle of fire appears in front of him, Fushimi just stares flatly as the great demon Yatagarasu appears, demanding to know which foolish mortal has summoned him here. Fushimi gives this small snort and is like 'what, they didn't have any full-sized demons around?'. Yata's immediately like don't mock me asshole I'm a real demon you know, Fushimi gives this smirk and holds up the book all yeah and I summoned you so it looks like you're bound to me by our contract. This mark has appeared on Fushimi's wrist and when Yata looks down the same mark is on his, he's like great why the hell did I get summoned by this jerk. Fushimi's actually pretty amused, like who knew this would work after all. He decides for his first order as Yata's master he wants Yata to go buy him some Caloriemate, he's hungry but he doesn't feel like eating. Yata's immediately like okay so one you summoned a demon to run errands for you what the fuck and two that's not even real food look at you you're so skinny you need some real food.
So at first the two of them are at odds a little, Fushimi thinks it's funny to just order Yata around and Yata thinks Fushimi's a real jerk. But then Yata notices that Fushimi's kinda young for a human right and shouldn't his parents be home, Fushimi just snorts and is all 'parents. Right.' Yata quickly finds himself becoming more interested in this human than he ever thought, like Fushimi's super smart and he really picked up this demon thing quick but then Fushimi's also totally unable to take care of himself and seems to have no one who's there to take care of him. Yata's initial thought is that as Fushimi's demon it should be his job to take care of Fushimi but then he starts to realize that he wants to do it, because someone needs to.
Eventually Yata takes on like a human form so he can come to school with Fushimi too, he thinks it's kinda cool to like get to learn human things and also to hang out with Saruhiko more. But then one day say Fushimi's sick and Yata goes to school just to get his assignments and that's when he runs into the school delinquent Mikoto. Yata thinks Mikoto's super cool, he's almost like a demon himself, and after this he starts hanging out more with Mikoto and his group. Yata always drags Fushimi along because he thinks this will be good for Saruhiko right, to make friends, while Fushimi begins to think that Yata's only spending time with him because the contract forces him to. One day Fushimi finds this book in Yata's stuff, with notes scribbled on it about 'ways a demon can become human' and he gets upset, assuming Yata wants to break the contract. He decides he'll just break it himself then, preparing to burn off the symbol on his arm and telling himself that he doesn't care if Yata gets sent back to wherever he came from because it's not like Yata even wanted to be here in the first place. Yata feels the contract breaking though and he like teleports right to Fushimi's side, pulling his arm away so Fushimi can't hurt himself more. Fushimi yells at him to go away and Yata calls him an idiot, he's not trying to become human so he can break the contract he wants to be human so he can stay by Fushimi's side.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Could you do a angst fushimi being hurt by Niki while yata stands and watches cause he’s so paralyzed with fear let’s say this is the first time he meet Niki I love angst fushimi
Imagine like an AU of their canon meeting, where instead of just teasing Fushimi and threatening Yata Niki actually gets physical with Fushimi and Yata can just sort of stare, like having it right in his face what kind of 'dad' Niki is (also I think this would double freak Fushimi out, not because he himself is being hurt but the thought that Yata won't want to talk to him anymore because he was so scared by Niki, assuming his budding relationship with Yata has already been 'broken' and there's nothing he can do). Like imagine everything goes the way it does in LSW, Yata takes care of sick Fushimi and then falls asleep and wakes up to see Niki there. Niki calls Fushimi down by threatening to stuff a mantis in Yata's mouth and Fushimi comes rushing downstairs, breathing hard and looking pale. Niki laughs that he made Fushimi mad and Fushimi kinda lunges forward to try and push Niki away from Yata, which is when Niki just easily grabs Fushimi by the wrist and twists.
Fushimi cries out and Yata can only stare as Niki taunts Fushimi all 'Oops my hand slipped, did that hurt?'. Fushimi grits out a 'die' and Niki laughs, twisting harder as he says he brought fireworks for them to play with too. He leans in closer to Fushimi as he says that maybe he can let Fushimi set them off, play a game to see if Fushimi burns his hand off first or if his new friend does. Niki laughs again, noting that his little monkey never brings friends over and they should have lots of fun with this one, so much fun Yata will never forget it. Fushimi just freezes even though Niki's still holding him and he's clearly in pain, telling Yata to just leave now. Yata's standing there staring though, his hands are clenched into fists but he can't seem to move. Niki looks over at Yata and says hey your friend has a good look on his face, why don't we play some more, all three of us together.
Fushimi finally manages to wrench himself away from Niki, one hand dangling at his side and clearly injured even as he grabs Yata's wrist with his good hand and drags Yata outside, practically throwing Yata out of the house. Outside they just stare at each other and Fushimi's clearly expecting Yata to just run away, like there's no way anyone could want to stay by his side after seeing that. Yata's still standing there shocked but imagine he finally collects himself and forces a smile, saying he'll see Fushimi at school. Fushimi looks resigned as he's like '...yeah' and then Yata starts talking about how Fushimi should eat the porridge Yata made, and that next time Fushimi should come to Yata's place and Yata will make him even better food. Fushimi looks up, surprised, and Yata gives him this sincere smile, telling Fushimi to feel better soon. Fushimi fumbles his way to a 'thank you' like in canon and Yata eventually leaves, Fushimi still standing there outside the door for a while in disbelief that Yata still wants to be his friend. Yata meanwhile heads home all quiet and subdued, fists still shaking in frustration that all he could do was stand there, he couldn't protect Fushimi at all, and Yata silently vows that he'll never fail to protect Fushimi again.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Kuroyatasaru?? I am intrigued.. so say Yata AND Fushimi were working with Kuroh S1 (Fushimi because something doesn't add up with the sudden 'king' activity and he's wanting to do damage control so hopefully Munakata won't have to kill Mikoto, not that he cares about either of them) and he brings them together near the end and they're both just like "YOU'VE been the one helping him?!" Unlikely but the scenario lives in my head regardless. Kuroh helps them reconcile and maybe Mikoto lives idk he was pretty suicidal
I'm just imagining the two of them pointing at each other like it's the Spiderman meme and Kuroh's just sitting there between them like '…?'. Say the Kurohyata part goes like in this previous ask but maybe without the dating part, and then just toss Fushimi into the mix. Oh like say the whole part in Memory of Red where Totsuka took care of sick Kuroh didn't happen, instead Fushimi was dealing with some Strains of behalf of Scepter 4 when Kuroh shows up out of nowhere to assist him. Fushimi's irritated at this random guy showing up to get in his way, even though Fushimi was actually in a bad situation right before this and maybe he's even a little injured too. After Kuroh helps him Fushimi clicks his tongue and asks Kuroh's name, before he can reply Kuroh faints from his sickness. Fushimi's kinda stuck on what to do, like of course this guy has nothing to do with him but at the same time he knows that Kuroh did save him and Fushimi doesn't like the idea of owing anyone anything. In the end he like leaves Kuroh at some Scepter 4 safe house with blankets and maybe some purchased cold medicine and then he leaves and goes back to Scepter 4, intending not to deal with Kuroh again.
Except of course their paths cross again anyway, like after Kuroh saves Shiro from Homra in the first episode Scepter 4 gets wind of it and Fushimi wonders why 'that guy' was here even before Colorless had shown himself. Fushimi's also been doing some research of his own, well aware that Munakata's going to have to kill Mikoto if this keeps up and probably irritated at the fact that he cares whether Mikoto lives or dies. He's doing some of his own investigating when he runs into Kuroh again, Fushimi expects to be treated like an enemy but instead Kuroh greets him in a friendly manner and asks for his assistance. Fushimi isn't interested in making friends but he's also weak against honestly and Kuroh's a forthright guy so Fushimi starts trading information with him on what Fushimi claims is a mutually beneficial relationship only.
Then when the whole fight on the school island happens Yata's trying to stay with Homra while also secretly helping Kuroh and Fushimi's trying to stay with Scepter 4 while keeping an eye on Misaki and also secretly helping Kuroh, and it ends with all three of them together and Kuroh being like oh let me introduce you to the person who has also been helping me. Yata and Fushimi are both surprised that the other has been in on this the whole time, like say Scepter 4 had figured out that Kuroh must have an ally in Homra and Kusanagi's been wondering if Kuroh had an ally in Scepter 4 and neither Yata nor Fushimi even considered that the people in question would be each other. Kuroh is all for everyone getting along though and he convinces them both to assist him and Shiro, Yata and Fushimi are both like I'm not gonna work with that guy and Kuroh's being all sensible like why not we're all allies here. They can't argue without looking petty and basically Yata and Fushimi just get pulled together into the whole thing and Kuroh's able to help them reconcile (and then they somehow manage to save both Shiro and Mikoto and they're just like the oddest trio, no one understands how those three get along so well and yet they saved everyone).
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Fushimi needs pills for whatever sickness he has AU? If those pills were taken away, like they thought Fushimi was on drugs so they sneak in and took it. And do you think Fushimi will be dependant on the pills?
I would think this would depend on what kind of pills they are and what they're for, like if it's for an actual diagnosed condition and the pills are helping then technically yes he'd be dependent on them because that's what pills are for. Actually my immediate thought here is what if Fushimi was taking pills for an actual diagnosed condition but he doesn't tell anyone because he doesn't want anyone to know that he's got this sickness and then someone sees him taking the pills and suddenly all of Scepter 4 is concerned that Fushimi has a drug addiction he isn't telling anyone about. I'm assuming in this case it would probably be more bodily health than mental health (because while Fushimi could probably benefit from some pills to help with his depression and other issues getting a prescription would require him to actually go to a therapist to try to work out his issues and there are no therapists in K world), like maybe he has some genetic disease thanks to Niki's awful genes and he needs to take these pills regularly for his health and to help him function. Of course this being Fushimi he's probably really bad about taking his pills, he dislikes being dependent on such a thing and he thinks it's a pain anyway so he tends to forget to take them or to delay in refilling his prescription because he hates that he even has to worry about it. During the Homra years I could see Yata being the one to make sure that he's taking his medicine, like Yata finds out somehow because he spots the pills in the medicine cabinet and at first he's worried that Fushimi's sick and then later he's worried that there are so many pills left because if Fushimi's supposed to be taking them every day he's slacking.
When Fushimi joins Scepter 4 he almost falls back into old habits, like he'll usually take the pills but he's not good at doing it regularly at a certain time every day and even though it's easy to refill the prescription thanks to Scepter 4's excellent medical benefits that doesn't mean he'll take the proper dose like he's supposed to. This also leads to him occasionally trying to secretly dry swallow them while at work, like imagine he's typing way on his computer and then he remembers it's pill time and just tosses one back. Some days he forgets to take the pill so the next day he takes two just because this way at least it looks like he's taking the correct prescribed amount (since presumably Munakata at least would know about the pills and probably checks on him regularly once Munakata realizes that Fushimi is not taking proper care of himself). A couple alphabet boys spot him doing that one day and now a rumor starts, like Hidaka sees it and wonders if Fushimi's sick, Fuse mentions that he saw Fushimi taking the pills a month ago and Gotou adds that recalls seeing Fushimi swallow one during a meeting a few months back as well. Enomoto wonders if it's a chronic condition but Fuse thinks it's strange that Fushimi could be taking pills but still be so unhealthy and who knows with him being from Homra maybe those punks were doing drugs or something. Now Hidaka's all worried about Fushimi getting into illegal drugs and he wants Fushimi to know that they all support him and will help him get through this and eventually this ends with Fushimi probably walking into a surprise intervention and not being amused (like imagine he walks into the office to see everyone waiting for him with the kind of pamphlets you give to teenagers in high school and Fushimi just nopes right out of there).
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ridiasfangirlings · 6 years
So I've seen all the LSW movie now and I have Thoughts and it's been a while since I did any kind of anime review so I just had to type this up.
(Note 1: No, I'm not sharing any links to where to find it. I know there's a less-than-legal link floating around that you can find on Tumblr in the tag if you look around. I actually used Google Chrome and a VPN to rent LSW for 500 yen for two days from the official Bandai Channel site linked here.)
(Note 2: The entire thing has not been subbed yet as far as I know. My knowledge of Japanese is spotty at best especially when it comes to listening rather than reading, but I've read the novel translations and the manga enough that even without subs I have a pretty good idea of what's going on.)
-We open on Fushimi's rainy Scepter 4 induction ceremony that was shown in the trailer. I suddenly remember how in the novel it's mentioned that the raindrops don't hit Munakata because of his King powers and it makes the part in MK where he has Awashima holding an umbrella for him while everyone else gets soaked that much more peak troll.
-There's this weird computer-y thing as Fushimi closes his eyes and I don't know if it quite works for me? This isn't jungle guys, the Blues can just be fancy in the rain, it's cool.
-Fushimi takes the sword and they totally cut out Saru snarking back at Munakata about the whole 'pride and pledge and such isn't really necessary.' I wanted to see Fushimi being a little shit why do you deny me.
-They also cut out Fushimi seeing Yata's hand reaching for the sword, instead we only have Fushimi taking it as he voiceovers the whole 'The first King said take this hand. The second King said take this sword.' The background also gets all computer-y again and it looks a little cheap and weird? This is not the first strange decision this movie will be making.
-Then that weird kid from the sixth movie promo material who looks like he escaped from Handshakers and has pokeballs for eyes says something profound-ish, etc etc TIME FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL BABIES.
-We cut to Yata on the toilet. Not what it sounds like I swear.
-Middle school Misaki so cute and dissatisfied as he hides in the bathroom. He spots something in the next stall and climbs up to look, like Romeo ascending Juliet's toilet balcony or somesuch.
-Fushimi is also on the toilet. Also not what it sounds like.
-Flirting ensues, with Yata being cute and enthusiastic and Fushimi playing hard to get by yelling at him to go away. Ah, young love.
-Yata mentions his phone has been getting weird messages due to jungle. That's called spam, Yata-chan, and you're probably too young to be reading anything that has a lot of xs in the subject line.
-Triumphant video game music plays as Fushimi's voice gets all excited and he lets Yata come over to watch him, which is when we see poor baby has a bruise from being beaten up by upperclassmen. (I'd say that's what happens without Yata there to save him but he probably ended up getting beaten less in the movie than the novel precisely because of that XD)
-They've known each other for like two minutes and already Yata wants to beat people up to defend Fushimi's honor.
-Fushimi proceeds to beat his opponent in jcube while Yata yells about how amazing it is and we get that 'this guy is scary...but amazing' moment, aka the actual exact moment where Yata falls totally in love.
-Fushimi's triumphant smile gives me life.
-Cue Yata walking to school. We don't really get any exact passage of time indications here but I like to assume this was at least a few days later – Fushimi's still a bit standoffish but Yata has clearly already officially adopted him as New Best Friend.
-Yata gets Aya's letter in his locker and proceeds to show us all that yes, he can get even cuter than he already was.
-He goes running after Fushimi and there's this weird slo-mo thing for a moment? I feel like if we're going for that there should be like romantic music playing or something.
-Other students stare at them, wondering if these two are really going continue to be this gay in public. (Spoiler alert: yes. Yes they are.)
-And then Aya tackle-hugs Yata. I really like her voice, it sounds super cutesy in just the right affected way, and even the big anime eyes work well for her character (since I get the impression from the novel she's supposed to look young). Also that 'Mi-sa-ki-pyuun!' is so cute.
-'You know what would be completely gratuitous?' 'What?' 'If instead of Aya wearing pumpkin pants like she explicitly says she is in the novel, we put in a middle schooler pantyshot.' 'Great idea!' -Gora, probably.
-Yata hides behind Fushimi because he too has had enough of this fanservice.
-Yata tries to use Fushimi as his totally heterosexual excuse to get away from the scary girl and Aya's voice becomes noticeably less high pitched and cutesy as she talks to Fushimi. I think they did a good job with showing the shift in the way she talks to Fushimi versus how she speaks to Yata.
-Aya tells Yata about the jungle mission and then shows him all the hateful messages she received. Yata looks away and we see his own phone, with the mean chat messages his 'friends' exchanged about him. The former Yata team still sucks and are not even worthy of showing up in this movie.
-Yata adorably clings to Fushimi and have I mentioned he is adorable because I'm dying here.
-So our trio heads out to summon the airship. Aya shows Yata the program she created to decode jungle's hints and Fushimi noticeably sighs and walks away when Yata calls it 'cool.' Someone's jealous~
-Aya's mom calls and Yata takes the opportunity to go talk with Fushimi. This part is really abbreviated from the novel, with Fushimi only confirming that Aya's his cousin before Aya breaks in to ask Yata to talk to her mom, so we don't get any of the family talk between them. I get that there was no way the movie could fit everything in but I think it's an unfortunate loss that will pretty much continue throughout the movie – Yata's backstory gets really shafted here, continuing the trend of LSW tending to be more about Fushimi than about both Fushimi and Yata as it should be.
-Yata's face as he starts his girl impersonation, I can't. Fukujun's female voice sounds like an old woman, Aya is cracking up and so am I, this is beautiful.
-And Fushimi laughs. I think I like how the manga did this one better, in the movie it seems more like mocking laughter than real happy laughter that I think it's supposed to be, and it felt more like he was trying to suppress it. Basically even though Aya's like 'Fushimi's laughing?' I don't get the impression that this is supposed to be a rare event, which I think the novel was intending and which for me the manga managed to convey.
-They spot the airship in the distance and Fushimi starts recalculating the position as Yata stares in awe and Aya gets annoyed. No smiley face like in the novel though, alas.
-Fushimi's ready to give up on chasing the airship but of course Yata's fired up now, and the bicycle built for three kicks off in hot pursuit. Yata strains to peddle even though you know Aya and Fushimi combined probably weigh like barely anything.
-Of course they still can't catch up and we get that 'If we'd gotten on...would anything change?' I feel like the visuals let this moment down a little – the manga was more dynamic here – but Mamoru Miyano's voice acting almost makes up for it, with just a slight undercurrent of longing underneath the tone.
-'A different world?' Yes Yata, you would have seen a different world where an immortal man has an airship complete with its own Real Doll or whatever that thing Colorless was dancing with in S1 was. Maybe it's better they missed the airship.
-Another cut straight to Yata in front of Fushimi's house. Again this makes sense to cut everything before it to streamline things, but I'm sad to lose Aya's comments on Fushimi's family and the mention of him being home when the house got robbed.
-Precious sick baby Saru coughing as he works on what is clearly meant to be Yata's watch. Someone's already got a crush.
-We get the whole 'Yata taking care of sick Fushimi' part and I love everything this scene chooses to be, Fushimi is just so precious and confused as to why Yata's there taking care of him. Also huge props to Mamoru Miyano because the voice acting in this scene is adorable, every little 'Yataaa' makes my heart go doki doki.
-The last time Yata goes back to check on him and Fushimi is sitting up and looking so shocked and amazed because Yata came when he called and he's being loved and taken care of and no one has ever done that before someone hold me my heart can't take this.
-Yata makes Fushimi food and then falls asleep and it's all so wonderful and sweet gosh I hope a raging asshole doesn't show up to ruin it all.
-'Who are you?' One raging asshole, right on time.
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-Niki's voice...isn't really what I was expecting? It's a bit deep in a way that I'm not sure works for me... I mean, he does sound like he needs to be punched in the face so that's spot on. As far as Nikis go though I think I give stage play Niki the edge as far as how I imagined him sounding.
-Niki threatens to stuff a mantis in Yata's mouth and we hear the sounds of poor sick baby Fushimi stumbling his way through the giant house as fast as he can go, likely falling over things and breathing hard and just terrified because he needs to get Yata away from his asshole trash king father now.
-And Fushimi absolutely screams at Niki to shut up and it's beautiful and painful and this entire scene just makes me want to kidnap him and save him from his terrible dad.
-Niki's laugh is just kinda there too, like anime!Niki doesn't quite manage that distinctive 'gyahaha' that stage play Niki did so well.
-Fushimi outside with Yata and again the voice acting is so good, that desperate little 'Yata!' and then the hesitant, stumbling attempts at thanking Yata when Fushimi's never thanked anyone before. My heart.
-Yata says he'll see Fushimi at school and Fushimi smiles and I just...precious baby. Must protect.
-Of course this beauty couldn't last forever and Fushimi's face falls as he has to go back inside to face the piece of unburnable trash sitting on the stairs. This is the one place Niki's voice 100% worked for me – that 'Saruhiko! Asoboze~' was just chilling.
-And we begin part two, with Yata and Fushimi hanging out on the street where they'll shortly meet Mikoto. Yata mom gets cheated out of not just a name but a cameo animated appearance too, why this Gora.
-They use a mix of old and new animation for this part – Yata drinking and then throwing the drink is clearly the exact animation from S1 but Mikoto catching it has been newly animated. That's probably for the best – the bigger eyes work well enough with Fushimi and Yata, since they're supposed to be kids, but there would be a pretty obvious difference between the old and new styles with Mikoto. (I think Mikoto looking back at them might be from S1 though...honestly this just makes me miss the S1 animation style again.)
-Cut to Fushimi getting yelled at for having his phone out in class. Fushimi of course gives no fucks and walks right out, and Yata runs after him while their teacher is completely done with this level of gay.
-I don't really like how those last two scenes went flow-wise, it feels kinda abrupt? The scene with Sarumi meeting Homra continues to feel shoved in and awkwardly out of place even in its own movie, and having nothing to really indicate the passing of time between Yata visiting Fushimi at his home to the two of them on the street and then back to class makes things feel choppy to me here. I assume they rearranged things from the novel for time reasons but it definitely feels shuffled around.
-Yata asks if Fushimi's going home and says he'll go too, and Fushimi has this little '...sorry' moment that's adorable, especially when Yata proceeds to put a hand on his shoulder and smiles and I think this movie is as in love with Yata as Fushimi is, every scene of him smiling is so bright.
-Yata mentions that they're third years already, finally giving some indication of how time moves in this movie thank you Yata.
-Fushimi pulls up jungle, showing Yata pictures that jungle's managed to take of various Homra members as part of a mission. I'm just concerned that someone is stalking Kusanagi.
-They discuss the rumors of the 'Red Monster' as images of Mikoto looking scary cross the screen. My favorite part of this is when they show Mikoto and the Homra members in silhouette with glowing red eyes looking all ominous, except one of the silhouettes is clearly Totsuka and I'm pretty sure the worst he's gonna do to you guys is ask if you want to help him with a hobby.
-We also get a close up of glowing eyes Fujishima. Did someone kick a dog in his presence, or...?
-Yata proposes to Fushimi talks about how they should get a place together and we get a quick flash of Niki looking like an asshole, which is his specialty. 'You don't need a home like that.'
-Yata says their place should have a helicopter pad and suddenly we're in Yata vision with an adorable cartoony plane rising up from a hidden door and just when you thought Yata couldn't be cuter.
-...Followed by Fushimi vision which is basically a mad science lab featuring human-like organisms in glowing pods. The chuunibyou is strong.
-The two of them walk off discussing plans and being in love as Aya stares down from the window, wondering why she's even in this movie again.
-Back to the Fushimi House of Shitty Parents, with Kisa making her cameo. Her character design is just way too....soft, I think, for my tastes. I feel like the manga did the better job of portraying a beautiful but cold and professional woman. Also she's got a hedgehog on her shoulder (or it's some kind of fluffy necklace thing, idk, it's weird why is it there why isn't she in her party dress like she should be).
-Her voice feels a little too pleasant for me too, though it does shift slightly colder when she gets off the phone and starts talking to Fushimi.
-Also while on the one hand the front of the house being wide and empty fits, since we know they don't keep anything valuable where people can see, the background here feels a bit...off? Like at one point we see these huge open doorways behind Fushimi and Kisa and it looks like they live in a fucking museum or something, like there's 'rich person's house' and 'no one actually has a house that looks like this.'
-Kisa tells Fushimi his dad is in the hospital and leaves, her cameo appearance over for the day. She still got more screentime than Yata's mom.
-Fushimi thinks about Niki's illness and then smiles and laughs, as we all should.
-Back to school, and Aya is pissed at Fushimi only being in 45th place in exams and that he isn't competing with her, because once again Fushimi gives no fucks he's moving in with his boyfriend and doesn't need no education.
-Aya mentions getting into Tsubakigahara high school and Fushimi cleans his glasses, reminding me that I wish we'd gotten to see Aya in her glasses animated.
-'Have you ever listened to me with your eyes sparkling and saying 'amazing'?' And Fushimi walks right past her because he doesn't want a rival, he wants someone who will look at him as he is and think that he's worth something, that he's amazing from the point of view beyond just what society expects.
-And Aya scores a direct hit with her backpack! Throwing things at people must run in the Fushimi family.
-Fushimi says he doesn't hate Aya and for a moment she stares at him with romance in her eyes....and then he kicks her backpack right back in her face. Such a smooth talker. At least they resisted the urge to put in another pantyshot there.
-Cut to the Sarumi Apartment of Love. The quick pan up the building makes it feel like they should be on the top floor even though we know from the novel it's a first floor apartment. Also the building looks a bit too fancy for me, considering their apartment's supposed to be cheap and purchased via an underworld-type realtor.
-Yata shows off his skateboard tricks and Fushimi is not interested. He's just playing hard to get again.
-Yata and Fushimi plan their attack on the surprise party and are so cute and hopeful and it's depressing knowing this is really the beginning of the end of their sense of invincibility.
-Also please note Fushimi's loft is big enough that Yata can like climb right up there with him and there's plenty of room for things like for example making out if the two of them wanted to do such things you know just saying.
-The night of the surprise party. Dewa and Chitose get to make appearances trying to disperse the crowd as Yata waits on top of the roof and Fushimi runs the computers while wearing a cute stripey blanket.
-They discuss the plan as tiny CGI people hang out around Homra. It looks like the bar is being attacked by rogue escapees from a Sims game (new plan: Yata leads them to the nearest pool and Fushimi removes the ladder).
-Fushimi is still wearing a stripey blanket on his head, and he is adorable. Just to make note of the important things.
-Fushimi begins the hacking mission as everyone puts on freaky-ass masks. Did Hisui have a coupon for the local freaky mask shop or something? Was this a wholesale deal?
-The jungle kids start shooting off party poppers. Sensing a threat to his bar counter, Kusanagi finally makes an appearance.
-Fushimi sends out a fake mail to indicate jungle's having server issues and we see Aya in the crowd, which makes you think her presence here is going to be important. Spoiler alert: unlike in the novel, her presence has no payoff and means nothing.
-Yata dons his own freaky mask and skateboards into the fray. His acting is slightly less bad than I expected it to be but Fushimi still facepalms over it.
-Fushimi's terminal sparks green and a tiny avatar appears in the corner. I think I liked the manga interpretation of Hisui's avatar guy better, there he was just a faceless completely unassuming avatar and here it's a little guy in a suit and glasses who looks more distinctive. I do like the way his voice is computerized but still obviously Hisui under it, which gets more pronounced the more he talks.
-At the end when the avatar goes all demony, I think this is another point for the manga which actually looked scary, businessman-avatar looks a bit more on the silly side. Though for Fushimi it was probably creepy either way (also it makes me wonder about Hisui on the other end of that transmission turning his avatar into a scary demon while his parrot eats his hair).
-Fushimi pulls the plug on his computer and then is off and running, yelling Yata's name over and over again, just so desperate to be sure Yata's all right.
-”Saruhiko!” “Misaki!” My heart.
-Yata drags Fushimi into a corner and Fushimi has that 'it's our—my loss' moment before they suddenly get attacked by party poppers again. One hits close to Fushimi's eye but it's just a random hit, which makes me wonder why they bothered even showing Aya before.
-I love Fushimi dragging Yata away here – he sounds just so harried, like here he's lost and he wasn't superior at all, and even worse he's put Misaki in danger and he just has no idea what to do.
-More fireworks come flying at them as Mikoto makes his grand appearance at last, in a giant ball of flame.
-I feel like the blocking of this scene was really weird, it seems like Fushimi and Yata should have been being swarmed by masked people but in order to save animation budget they just had random firecrackers flying around and then all of a sudden Saru's being dragged off by fangirls enemies. I wish it had been a little more frantic.
-Yata running towards Mikoto while yelling at him to save Saruhiko was perfect though, he's just so terrified for Fushimi's sake.
-I really loved the whole scene of Mikoto saving Fushimi, the way Fushimi looks up as the fire rains down and then Totsuka coming up behind him and holding him as lovely music plays, the atmosphere was so lovely (….though it kinda made me suddenly want some TotsuFushi. Just a little).
-Totsuka keeps hugging Fushimi, doing what we all wish we could.
-And we finally get a proper Sarumi hug! If nothing else at least the anime didn't punk out with a leg hug, we got a real hug this time.
-Fushimi and Yata head home in failure. Fushimi clenches his fist and you can see bruises on his fingers, my poor child.
-Back to the hospital where ding dong the dick is dead. The manga only implied that Kisa was a terrible mother who made her middle school age son collect his dead dad's body, the anime nicely confirms it by having her call Fushimi and tell him to do it.
-The manga was a little more abrupt and creepy with this scene, where Fushimi briefly sees Niki sitting up and mocking him. Even dead Niki is punchable.
-Also I like how even dead Niki's hair is perfectly styled. Are those bangs natural or what?
-Fushimi loses it and starts yelling at a corpse. It's almost like making your traumatized and abused middle schooler son retrieve his dad's dead body was a bad idea or something.
-A rubix cube falls from Niki's hand and--
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-H E L P M E
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-L O O K A T H I M
-Only a true piece of utter trash could upset such a pure baby
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-D I E
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-Okay, things that aren't baby Saru, right, there's still movie left.
-Yata and Aya talk in the rain, I'm mostly distracted by how cute Yata looks in a poncho.
-It feels a little depressing that the last we see of Aya is her sobbing in the rain. I don't think the novel's resolution for her was the best either but at least there was something like closure.
-'The first King said take this hand. The second King said take this sword.' Fushimi voiceovers once again as Yata and Fushimi stand side by side in front of Mikoto at Bar Homra. They reach for Mikoto's flaming hands and...roll credits. Wait, roll credits?
-So yeah the entire back half of the novel isn't in the movie, it ends with Sarumi joining Homra. I wonder how this plays to people who haven't read the novel, because to me it very much feels like this is a narrative without an actual ending. I think they tried to make a parallel with the 'take this hand/take this sword' part but without the latter half of the novel the opening scene actually feels somewhat out of place to me, like it has no real relation to the rest of the movie (I almost feel like since they were messing with the novel anyway they should have started the movie with Yata and Fushimi reaching for Mikoto's hand, then backtracking to how we got to this point and finally jumping forward just as Fushimi's hand is about to take Mikoto's and suddenly have him reaching for the sword instead, looking to the side as Yata's phantom hand next to him fades away).
-I think they were in somewhat of a difficult position with LSW because the novel's too long for the movie they were making so some things had to be cut – and to be fair I have no idea how I would get the whole novel into a movie of this length either – but I can't deny it doesn't suffer for losing that back half. LSW is the story of how Yata and Fushimi met and then how they broke apart, and the movie to me feels like it's building towards a resolution that doesn't happen. In that sense starting the movie with the Homra installation rather than S4 might have worked better, restructuring the source material so it's more focused around how the two of them became friends and joined Homra with only the hovering specter of future betrayal at the end.
-Similarly, as far as dropped plot threads go, I liked seeing Aya animated but she feels somewhat... extraneous in the movie as it is. Her presence is mainly necessary for kickstarting the airship plot but as the movie stands that's it, and her arc feels rushed with a lot of pointless moments – having her be at the surprise party, for example, but not having her attack Fushimi and then cutting out the two of them speaking at Niki's funeral and Aya talking about being Fushimi's enemy, all of which ultimately makes her appearance there in the movie be without any real payoff. It also means her final interaction in the movie is with Yata rather than Fushimi, even though her character is more of a foil for Fushimi than Yata and her relationship with him more complex.
-Other things they cut I didn't like: no anthill? Seeing babu Saru with the rubix cube was fine enough and I do think the movie made it pretty clear that Fushimi was being abused, but the anthill is so essential to Fushimi's worldview that I feel losing it downplays some of his trauma a bit. As sad as poor upset Fushimi's face was when Niki destroyed the rubix cube it really doesn't carry the punch that this image does:
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-Also this was a weakness in the novel too but once again, Yata gets really shafted by LSW. In the novel he at least has some presence in the first part of the novel but the movie completely removes everything about feeling left out of his family and even the part where he finds out his 'friends' hate him is a lot more downplayed than in the novel. A lot of what we see of Yata feels like it's from Fushimi's view, all those dazzling smiles, and it's wonderful from that perspective but I wish we'd gotten a little more of Yata's inner life here.
-On the good end, I am glad we at least got what we did of animated LSW. Middle school Yata is an utter gem of adorableness and I am so thankful to have him. The voice acting was also really great, Fukujun and Mamo knocked it out of the part (best in show probably goes to Mamo's 'Yataaa' during the scene where he's sick in bed, that was absolutely precious). Niki was complete trash in just the right way and I think the movie did a good job in conveying the dread and fear Fushimi feels towards him. If I had to rank adaptations I would probably put the anime last after the manga and the stage play but it's still a good watch and I'm looking forward to actually being able to, y'know, watch a nice legal stream with subs and then actually be able to buy it on disc some time in the next decade whenever Viz finally stops being jerks and give people who can't go running across the country to random cons on half a week's notice a chance to watch.
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ridiasfangirlings · 6 years
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I think this would have been an interesting twist, everyone having to deal with Shiro taking over the  body of not some random stranger but a person who they all know and care about. I think this probably would have made everyone a bit quicker on the draw as far as figuring out Colorless' power goes, like just imagine Homra watching the tape to see who killed Totsuka and it turns out to be Yata, laughing in a manner totally unlike him as he claims to be the Colorless King. I feel like both Homra and Scepter 4 would be able to guess that this isn't Yata, that he's been possessed by something/someone and that they have to try and find a way to bring him back as well as defeat Colorless. In that case I think the initial search for Colorless would not be trying to hunt him down and kill him but more likely a capture instead, like Homra is looking for him so they can find out how to get Yata back and then Homra will have their revenge. When Shiro is first spotted by Homra in episode one then it's less people trying to attack him and more Homra trying to corner him and Shiro is so confused as to why these people keep calling him 'Yata.' When Scepter 4 eventually corners him in the stadium I think it would be similar, Shiro finding himself referred to as 'Homra's Yatagarasu' even though he has no idea who that person is.
On Fushimi's end I could see this being a big thing too, that he's trying to act calm about it but he's as confused as anyone as to why 'Yata' would kill Totsuka and I think he probably wouldn't believe it, like Fushimi of all people knows Yata's not sly enough to hide a personality like this for such a long time. So then when everyone gets to the school island to hunt down Shiro I think Fushimi would be more focused on that than fighting Homra, in canon all he cares about is Yata but here there's someone who is wearing Yata's body but is clearly not Misaki and Fushimi is pissed about that. I can totally see him running off on his own the minute the battle starts and trying to get Shiro to give Yata back, like to Fushimi Shiro in that body in no different from Colorless taking it and while he acts like this is just his job he's actually worried that he'll never see the real Yata again. I'm not sure how they would even go about defeating Colorless here too because I think Fushimi would be very resistant to allowing anyone to kill Yata's body regardless of who's in it and I feel like Mikoto would at least have some qualms about vaporizing Yata's body even if it means killing Colorless. Imagine he ends up doing it though and Fushimi tries to break into that fight between Munakata and Mikoto but there's nothing he can do, he just has to watch as Mikoto seemingly kills Yata and then Mikoto doesn't even look at him as Munakata runs his sword into Mikoto's chest.
ROK would then likely be even more tense because Fushimi especially is very wary of Shiro and only sees him as the guy who stole Yata's body and it irritates him how much he cares. I think Homra might be a little more hostile to Shiro too, especially if like in canon he shows absolutely no concern about the guy whose body he stole until like the last episode, like I could see during one of the alliance meetings Kusanagi making a comment about when Shiro intends to give back their Yata-chan's body. I feel like this would also make Shiro more aware of what he was stealing too, like he's in the body of someone people know and care about and he can't do anything to give that body back, for all he knows he could be stealing Yata's body forever. I think Homra would be insistent that if they work together something has to be done to try and get Shiro out of Yata's body, especially when Kusanagi gives Shiro all those research materials he found in Germany Kusanagi mentions that maybe there's something in there that will get Shiro out of Yata's body so they can have their friend back.
Then post-ROK Yata finally gets his body back and presumably like Hieda he has no memory of what happened during that time (which is probably for the best, all things considered, and I'm sure Homra does their best to keep Yata from ever seeing that tape of 'himself' killing Totsuka, like hello trauma). I feel like Yata would have a very difficult time adjusting, finding out that he has a gap of over a year in his memory and not only that but Totsuka and Mikoto are both dead and Anna's Red King. That would I think be a huge burden for him, finding out that people who to him were alive just yesterday are gone. Not to mention he would probably find out somehow about Colorless even if he doesn't see the video and now he's got all this guilt feeling like he killed Totsuka even though everyone assures him that he had no control and there was nothing he could have done. I think his relationship with Fushimi would be awkward too, like assuming Fushimi still survives infiltrating the Greens but he's saved by Douhan and still wounded when Yata gets his body back. I think Fushimi might be more open to reconciling because you know he was probably worried sick that he'd never get Yata back and suppressing those feelings all this time, meanwhile Yata's just so relieved to see him alive and to know that at least one of his precious people is still here. I think it would be a more difficult reconcilement than in canon though, because Yata still doesn't understand Fushimi and even though he's relieved Fushimi is still resistant to being understood and that wall remains between them.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
your name AU! Saruhiko as Taki and Misaki as Mitsuha :D
I did this one theother way around before, so reverse scenario. Say Yata’s living inthis small backwoods town, he lives with his mom and little siblingsnear a shrine and often works there (ooh, and maybe his bio-dad isactually the town mayor, Yata’s sort of angry at him for leavingYata’s mom but also really wants to talk with him too and isincreasingly upset that his dad always ignores him or acts like he’scausing trouble if Yata tries to talk with him during public events).Yata always feels really restrained in the town, like his personalityis big and boisterous in a very slow moving town and he’s a bitisolated because of it, almost everyone at school constantly teaseshim and he gets in fights all the time, his only friend Kamamoto isalways having to hold Yata back from beating people up because theymade fun of him for working at the shrine. Then one day when Yatacomes to school and someone tries to bully him into getting into afight again Yata just glares coldly at the guy and clicks his tonguebefore turning and walking away. The bully tries to grab Yata andYata yells at the guy not to touch him, looking so fierce that theguy just stops dead and lets him go. Then on top of that the usuallynot too bright Yata is suddenly answering any question the teachersthrow at him with ease and Kamamoto’s super worried, especially sinceYata starts calling him ‘fatty’ and telling him to go away. The nextday Yata has no idea about any of this and is super confused as towhy everyone is staring at him like that.
Meanwhile Fushimi’sliving on his own in Tokyo, having run away from his abusive homelife. He’s always isolated at school even though a couple of hisupperclassmen, Akiyama and Hidaka, are always trying to befriend himand his annoying work senior Munakata keeps trying to be a mentorfigure for him. One day Fushimi too starts acting strange, acceptingAkiyama and Hidaka’s invitation to eat lunch together on the roof andeven going out with them to a cafe afterward, all excited about theparfait he gets, and then running in late to work. Also while at workthough he doesn’t quite appreciate Munakata – actually hethinks that guy’s kinda creepy, especially the way he keeps givingFushimi this oddly knowing stare – he’s at least more open thannormal. The next day Fushimi wakes up with no memory of the daybefore but when he checks his phone someone’s filled in a wholesection of his diary app, the entry is riddled with typos andemoticons and Fushimi wonders if like a twelve year old girl namedMisaki got a hold of it. He’s also not pleased when Akiyama, Hidakaand Munakata all act extra friendly to him the next day and is superconfused as to why they all seem to think he’s their friend all of asudden.
So eventually Yataand Fushimi realize that the body switch is happening, Yata leavesnotes in Fushimi’s phone and Fushimi writes whole notebooks full ofcomplaints about Yata’s life, Yata’s family, Yata’s friend, Yata’sschool, Yata’s body, pretty much everything. Yata decides thatwhoever this Fushimi guy is he sure seems like a jerk and at firstthey’re both pretty hostile to each other, Yata leaves mocking notesin Fushimi’s phone and enjoys taking pictures of himself with his newfriends Akiyama and Hidaka so Fushimi can wake up to a new phonewallpaper of the three of them taking a selfie with a giraffe at thezoo or whatever. Fushimi in retaliation has been known to telleveryone at Yata’s school to call him Misaki and writes the word'idiot’ across his forehead in big letters before going to sleep. Butthen slowly they start to warm up to each other, like maybe Yataswitches into Fushimi’s body when Fushimi’s a bit sick and leaves himsoup and notes as to how to treat the cold. Fushimi sees Yata’snervous about upcoming exams and takes copious notes on his behalf,Yata’s so relieved he leaves Fushimi like his favorite localchocolate on the desk to have when he next switches bodies. Meanwhilethe bodyswitch is good for both of them, Fushimi’s able to get peopleat school to stop bullying Yata and to appreciate Yata’s open naturemore while Yata’s able to make it easier for Fushimi to suddenly makefriends.
Then one day thebodyswitches stop and while Fushimi acts like it’s a relief he’sactually really worried. Imagine he goes searching for Yata too andwhen he finds out about the freak meteor accident that killed Yatayears ago he just freezes up for a moment, like here’s anotherprecious thing lost and he didn’t even realize it was precious untilnow. Then he starts forgetting Yata’s name but he knows he’slosing something, knows that if he does nothing it will all fadeaway, and that’s what gets him to go try and find a way to switchbodies with Yata one more time, wanting to save Yata’s life so theycan finally meet face to face because Yata’s the first person whoever made Fushimi feel like there was someone in the world who trulycared about him.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Scepter 4 boys as a Kpop group, so Munakata as the leader and lead rapper, Domyouji as main rapper and sub dancer, Hidaka as rapper and main dancer, Akiyama as main vocalist and sub dancer, and Fushimi as lead vocalist and the visual, and all the other boys as sub vocalists? Maybe Takeru was formerly part of the group but had health issues causing him to have to leave?
I keep trying to imagine Munakata rapping and my brain keeps needingto be rebooted. Imagine Munakata decides to form a Kpop group though,like he’s the son of a record executive and having done extensiveresearch on the Kpop ‘scene’ (as the kids call it) he’s decided thathe has created the perfect formula for the ultimate group. The firstthing he needs to do is gather up the ultimate member roster and soMunakata starts going to visit various indie studios and checking outamateur Youtube videos and such in order to find his dream roster. Inthe meantime he has perfected this thing known as 'rapping,’ hisrhythm is absolutely perfect and he’s even managed to get many of hisraps in haiku form, Munakata is very proud of himself. He requiresassistance in choreography and in outfits which is when he asks for ahand from his old high school friend Awashima, she immediately getsto work drawing up some costume samples and working on a proper danceroutine for one of Munakata’s songs.
So imagine Munakata’s eventual group is actually one of those popgroups that has like a million members and sub units but the actualmain unit is only a smaller group of guys. Munakata hires a bunch ofrandom people to do back up dancing or side unit help (this would bethe rank and file of Scepter 4, Zenjou is an old washed-up idol whohad to retire after his partner Habari got a career-ending injury.Munakata lures him back to the idol scene as a mentor figure, someonewho can use his inside knowledge of the idol world to assist inMunakata’s plans of shaping Kpop to his vision). He finds a lot ofhis perfect members in strange places, like Akiyama and Benzai arepolice officers who Munakata discovers at a karaoke bar and decideshe must have, Benzai’s hair is silky smooth and he looks like he’d bea good dancer while Munakata can tell that Akiyama has both anexcellent voice and also a strangely appealing sort of charm thatwould probably make him very popular. Kusuhara is originallyrecruited with Hidaka, they’re college roommates who post videos ofthemselves singing together. Unfortunately a bout of laryngitisforces Kusuhara to bow out with only one song recorded, Munakatafeels this somehow makes his group more complete than before.
Fushimi is of course the hardest to recruit, Munakata realizes rightaway that the gloomy kid working at the coffee shop across the streetwho hates everyone has all the makings of a true Kpop sensation.Munakata therefore continually badgers him with job offers untilFushimi finally gives in, largely because Fushimi is so sick ofserving coffee to idiots who can’t read a menu. Fushimi is extremelyresistant to the pop idol life, he thinks the dances are stupid andhe hates to sing, claiming he’s bad at it, but then the first timeMunakata catches him singing he realizes what a gold mine he has onhis hands. Munakata immediately makes Fushimi the center if thegroup, some of the others are resentful that Fushimi took it overfrom Akiyama (Akiyama’s happy though because he was nervous being inthe front) but when they all hear him sing they become immediatelyenraptured. Fushimi instantly becomes the most popular member of thegroup, his voice wins him a ton of screaming and adoring fans all ofwhom he wishes would shut up and leave him alone.
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
I think it would be cute to see a vet clinic AU where Fushimi has to take in a pet of his, like maybe a snake or lizard and Yata is a vet assistant that loves all the animals that come in. Mikoto and Kusanagi are vets and Totsuka is either a tech or receptionist, and the alphabet boys are part of the staff.
OMG the Homra vet clinic and Fushimi the world’s grumpiest snakeowner, I like. Imagine Fushimi has like a fairly small-sized cornsnake that he pretends not to care about but actually totally loves –and which is possibly the only thing he loves, he never had petsgrowing up after a certain incident with an anthill and after that hedecided that he would never have a pet. Except maybe he works at likea private detective agency that occasionally handles animal abusecases and Fushimi ends up being dragged along to a search at a homewhere they find a small sickly corn snake. Fushimi doesn’t intend toadopt the snake but his boss Munakata suggests that Fushimi keep holdof it for the time being until they can decide what to do with it,the snake turns out to be in surprisingly good health and just needsa little love and care. Fushimi is certain that the snake’s going todie with him taking care of it but instead the little guy begins tothrive in Fushimi’s care and it starts to love him, like it’ll justcurl around his arms and nuzzle him and it loves him so much (as allanimals do). Then one day he notices that his snake is lookingactually sick and he gets all worried because he’s not sure what todo, Munakata sees that Fushimi is distressed and is very pleased tofind that Fushimi is so attached to his snake now that he’s worryingabout its health. He recommends Homra Vet Clinic to Fushimi, as ithappens the owner of the practice is an old acquaintance ofMunakata’s and while Munakata finds that man to be somewhat boorishhe does know how to handle animals.
Fushimi reluctantly brings his precious baby snake to Homra’s vetclinic, he’s met by pleasant friendly receptionist Totsuka who coosover both the snake and Fushimi, noting that owners and their petsreally do look alike after a while (Fushimi’s snake is probably socute and so grumpy and so in need of hugs). Fushimi is reluctant tojust hand his snake over to some random vet he’s never been to beforeand probably demands to go back with the snake to make sure the vetisn’t going to do anything that could upset his precious (or asFushimi puts it ‘just to make sure you idiots know what you’redoing’). As he’s waiting in the exam room he’s met by too-eagerveterinary assistant Yata, who’s just starting working at the Homraclinic and is super excited to meet his first snake. Homra is knownfor taking all kinds of patients, while most of what they handle aredogs and cats they also can handle animals like snakes and lizardsand they even have employees who can handle livestock and exoticanimals. Yata’s only been working on small fluffy animals so far buthe thinks snakes are awesome and he can’t wait to check out thesnake. Fushimi of course is unimpressed and is like did you get loston your middle school field trip. Yata’s all pissed like listenasshole I’ve been training to do this for years, Fushimi’s like howby watching nature documentaries on the internet. Yata’s like shut upand let me look at your snake already, Fushimi’s all touch my babyand die.
They’re still bickering when vets Kusanagi and Mikoto walk in,Fushimi’s about ready to walk out and take his precious snake withhim. Luckily Kusanagi knows what he’s doing and manages to putFushimi at ease, he diagnoses Fushimi’s snake and maybe it’ssomething that requires some medicine and then return visits to makesure that the snake will be okay. It’s possibly serious too soFushimi’s kinda worried, as he’s gathering his snake up Yata tries tobe all comforting telling Fushimi that Kusanagi-san knows what he’sdoing and that Yata’s certain they’ll save Fushimi’s snake. Fushimigets pissed that he was ever attached to something to begin with andsays that it’s not like he cares whether the snake dies or not, Yatagets angry thinking that Fushimi doesn’t even care about his pet. Butthen Yata goes to get some samples of the medicine and when he comesback he spots Fushimi looking at his snake all worried and pettingits head gently and he realizes that Fushimi just likes to look likea jerk but actually really cares for his snake. After that Fushimihas to continually bring the snake back to be checked up on and ofcourse each time he has to deal with Yata, Kusanagi thought it wouldbe good practice to assign Yata to Fushimi’s case specifically. Atfirst they just argue constantly because Fushimi doesn’t trust thismoron with his snake but slowly they start to kinda bond, Fushimi cansee that Yata does in fact know his stuff and is actually really goodwith Fushimi’s snake, the snake seems to like him and it makesFushimi’s asshole exterior thaw just a little.
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