#but Yata also thinks Fushimi is so cool
ridiasfangirlings · 2 months
What makes Yata and Saruhiko so good for each other, romantically and platonically?
The two of them were designed as parallels to each other and I think a lot of that is why they work so well together, both as friends and romantically. A lot of these kinda blur together between both platonic and romantic but just in general as partners, I think the fact that they manage to be different and yet have similarities makes their dynamic work. For example, Yata being loud and impulsive and not the smartest, compared to Fushimi being generally more analytical and cool-headed — Fushimi makes the plans and Yata carries them out. You can see this in LSW with the jungle surprise party (even though they fail, but they had no way of knowing at the time that they were up against a King), Fushimi is the one coordinating things while Yata is the person on the ground. They’re basically a good team in this way, where one can cover for the other’s weakness. They both have a similar sense of stubbornness and not wanting to lose which leads them to work well together, they’re very attuned to each other’s movements and style. Even after being apart for so long they still manage to work together perfectly in ROK to take down Sukuna, they don’t need to even discuss their plan because even in this situation they both know how the other fights (compared to the earlier fight at the beginning of the season, where Fushimi in particular is not even trying to be in sync with Yata, and I think the fight at the end shows that even after all that time Fushimi absolutely could have teamed up perfectly with Yata if he’d been willing to let himself do it).
Emotionally I think they also work well even though they’ve had communication issues, because again there’s a lot of covering for each other’s ‘weaknesses,’ so to speak. Fushimi is intellectually mature where Yata’s not that bright but emotionally Yata’s considerably more mature (not without his problems, of course, but we see throughout the series how he’s growing in that aspect) while Fushimi has the emotional maturity of a kitchen knife. That Yata’s so honest and wears his emotions on his sleeve is I think something that works really well with Fushimi particularly in a romantic aspect, because Fushimi is not at all versed in reading things on an emotional level that aren’t said and I think he’d struggle with a partner who doesn’t show affection strongly because Fushimi can’t help but read lack of affection as rejection. That Yata is very clear and open with his feelings is something Fushimi needs, even in middle school I think Fushimi himself would never want to admit just how much good it did him that Yata would touch him casually, and of course he’s always been clear about that ‘look at me with shining eyes.’ On the opposite side while Yata does struggle to understand Fushimi it’s something he’s willing to work on because Yata’s a stubborn person who won’t give up on someone he loves, Yata knows that Fushimi has prickly parts of his personality but Yata also knows that Fushimi is amazing so he has a lot more tolerance than I think many people would have when it comes to Fushimi being sharp-tongued or gloomy.
Similarly Yata’s bright personality compared to Fushimi’s gloomy one works in their favor. I think having Fushimi there to help balance him keeps Yata from becoming overbearing at times — contrast Yata’s experience with the Yata Team in middle school, where Yata is dragging them around even though they don’t like him, versus how he talks to Fushimi, I think he’s able to keep himself in check more around Fushimi because if he does start running off to do what he wants Fushimi will click his tongue and basically pull Yata back down. For Fushimi, I think it helps that Yata’s so willing to go with Fushimi’s flow and fill silences on his own, not expecting anything from Fushimi other than what Fushimi wants to give. In Side Red there’s the whole scene at the amusement park where Fushimi ends up next to Mikoto and is all uncomfortable and awkward, feeling like he has to say something and hating it because Fushimi can’t stand not knowing what this person wants from him or what’s expected of him. But Yata’s always nothing but clear when it comes to that sort of thing, if the two of them were sitting together Yata’s perfectly willing to keep the conversation going on his own while waiting for Fushimi to chime in with something Yata knows will be amazing. The two of them are just clearly so comfortable together when they’re not at odds, like despite their differences they both fit together perfectly.
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threadmonster · 1 year
Do you have any hc for (please take your time there's no rush)
Axel (kh)
Saruhiko (k)
Shizuo (drrr)
and my adorable yukine (noragami)
He's a Sad Boi
Dude had lost all his friends! But it gave him the motivation to break away and be better. Did he believe he was worth having the second chance? Idk, maybe, but he believed in Roxas and Xion.
He had this vague sense of what it was like to have a heart but he would push it aside. Like Roxas would ask about what it'd be like to have a heart and that would trigger the feelings but he had no grasp on them.
It was against his better judgement to be friends with Roxas and Xion and to really care about them
It was essentially his choice to become a Nobody. He and Saix willingly took part in Ansem's experiments. Those two had no choice and we're subjected to the fate decided for them and Axel wasn't able to save them.
He had also decided he was going to save Saix. It wasn't last minute during the battles. He was going to save Saix. And if possible he is going to save the unnamed girl.
He'll help save Sora.
He came back after he had willingly sacrificed himself. He refuses to lose. He wanted to be a keyblade weilder because he won't feel helpless or hopeless ever again.
We know that the way he left Homra and treated Yata was just easier for him. I know his "betrayal" of Scepter 4 was for show, to convince everyone.
However! It hurt him. He willingly went along with it and probably helped come up with the plan but he didn't expect it to hurt.
Both Munakata's words and being labeled a traitor AGAIN.
He had never really been a traitor. Even betraying Yata wasn't about betraying Yata, he was protecting himself the only way he knew how.
Baby boy has such low emotional intelligence and terrible coping skills.
But even if it hurt him and even though he trusted Munakata to save him... part of Fushimi had a bit of doubt. He's still Fushimi after all.
And that part of him with doubt was comforted by the thought that everyone would think of him as a traitor. It's easiest if people hate him. He'd miss them, be sad that he didn't see them, but nobody needs to miss him.
I have a really vague aroace headcanon for him. I've just been making characters aroace lately and for Shizuo I think that's a rather sad/angsty pipeline to acceptance and understanding it doesn't affect his worth as a person.
Separate from that. This is more of an AU idea.
Izaya wasn't so involved with people prior to middle school? I think? He was more withdrawn.
So say they went to the same elementary school instead of Shinra. Maybe Shizuo wouldn't have hated Izaya at first sight. Maybe Izaya didn't have his weird fucked up philosophy of humanity. Maybe they could have been acquaintances even for a short time.
Say they'd be in the same room, like Izaya's just in the library and Shizuo goes there to cool down and avoid people talking about him.
He just looks at Izaya and thinks he looks sad for some reason. Izaya probably just had some melancholy face by default, but Shizuo didn't know that.
So he just keeps glancing at him, wanting to say something but thinking it's better not to. Maybe he's already got some worry about how people are talking about him.
He's embarrassed when Izaya asks if there's something on his face.
They go to different middle schools but are at the same highschool and Izaya's different. Shizuo had missed him but he's different. Suddenly Izaya thinks he's a monster and he looks at Izaya and hates him.
It's the usual canon nonsense, but deep down Shizuo is hurt and doesn't know what to do.
I know it's already canon but I just REALLY LIKE that he'd sacrifice himself for Yato and Hiyori and that he's scared of Hiyori forgetting him.
He was such a brat but was able to accept things. He cares about more than just Yato and Hiyori. Because of losing his life so young, even if he accepted it, he still hates things that are unfair.
He has a grudge against Bishimon for how she neglected so many of her shinki, but in order not to blight Yato he talks to him about it.
Like he doesn't want to be mad but for awhile it just rubs him the wrong way and he doesn't know what to do.
If it came down to it and Hiyori's life was truly in danger by being tied to the far shore he'd lose it
He'd be mad at Hiyori for risking her life so much, as if she didn't care about it. He loves that she cares so much, but she should value her life more. Her getting hurt because of him is worse than her forgetting.
He'd decide that they have to cut ties and would only accept parting if it was only between the three of them.
Even Yato would be depressed for days, weeks, maybe longer.
He'd still acknowledge when Yato is being horrible but he'd be defensive for awhile. Insulting the god that Hiyori had believed in, who she had decided was worth his own shrine and built it herself was insulting Hiyori too and no one has the right to do that.
I mean, honestly they are all sad bois.
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hunterartemisanime · 3 years
KnB Commentary: Midorima Shintarou--The Paradox of a Character: An Astro-psychological Analysis
Midorima is perhaps the most compatible character to be discussed with astrology, but I will bring some psychological angles to his analysis as well. Being the favorite character of Fujimaki sensei “to draw” he must have gone through some trials and errors when he was made. But on the surface, he seems like a stereotypical cool megane guy who thinks everyone is beneath him. So why is Midorima the way he is? let’s dive in with Oha-Asa style
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Let’s talk his name first. Midorima’s surname is written with two kanjis: “Midori” (緑) and “Ma” (間). The first one obviously hints at his hair colour and overall color scheme: green, a colour associated with intelligence, fertility, wealth and youth. The latter character means “space” which hints at his playing style: the high arching 3 pointers. So overall, his name indicates an overachiever, perfectionist to the teeth and serious person. If his name was to indicate “Green Space”, then should he not be a visionary and imaginative person, close to Akashi or Kuroko--but he is much controlled than others. Is it a conscious character design choice, a psychological aftermath or something supernatural involved in it?
Both Midorima’s name and playing style are very Jovian in the Astrological sense. Jupiter in Eastern Astrology is the Advisor of the Gods and he signifies Space and expansion of everything good on the physical plane. Thus, he is often called “giver of great wealth, family, children and intelligence”. Jovian people are also big-hearted, generous, affectionate people. Coincidentally, Midorima is a Cancer, a house where Jupiter is exalted. However, Midorima is not a Cancer Jupiter, but Cancer Sun and his sun is placed in Pusya constellation (the Constellation of Nourishment) a constellation ruled by Saturn: the exact opposite of Jupiter in nature. While Jupiter expands everything from wealth to imagination, Saturn limits. Saturn signifies death, discipline, hard work, limitations and coldness. The juxtaposition of expansive style of play with a very controlled character kind of symbolises the conditions of Jupiter’s exaltation in Cancer. Jupiter is not only exalted in Cancer, it is exalted only when it is placed in Pusya, the constellation of Saturn. Space itself has no shape, it is unfathomable and infinite and to make it usable in the terrestrial level, limitation is required. Midorima’s counteracting character and playing style describe exactly that: in fact his controlled demeanor is the reason behind his excellence.
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There is a surface dispassion and control on Midorima’s character. He tries to control everything around him: his chances through lucky items, disruptive behaviours of others and other normal things which are really common for teenagers. It’s typical Saturnian quality to restrict and control but why in such an extensive way? I think, deep down Midorima is easily afraid and fear is something he struggles with all the time. Saturn is also the lord of fear, which further feeds into the restriction side of the character. In a type A character like Midorima, who wants everything to be perfect all the time, the fear actually stems from his lack of confidence for not being good enough. He may appear that he is cool and confident, but he is not: he does have an abhorrence towards confrontations and taking things head on and face to face, which also translates well to his playing side: shooting from far. He is always afraid of something being wrong, which also makes him cling to the “lucky items”.
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The child-like hoarding habit of lucky item is an adorable quirk in Midorima’a character, whose interpretation can get considerably dark. This sort of “possessiveness” are the result of dysfunctional childhood. In K-project: Return of the The Kings, Saruhiko Fushimi is a character that had dysfunctional childhood which developed into a twisted possessiveness towards his ex-best friend Yata Misaki. Midorima is not nearly as dysfunctional as Fushimi, but things are somewhat apparent. Midorima appears to have a very sheltered childhood, too lavish and sheltered that overlooked his inner insecurities with his outward brilliance. He had doting, perhaps  overprotective parents who incubated their brainy child to a sanctuary of order and discipline, thus discouraging and curtailing the caprices of a natural child. This developed a chronic dependency on “lucky items” that are supposed to make the day better, like the toy teddy is supposed to protect from the monster under the bed. It is both comic and pathetic to see Midorima from such an angle: the parenting he has been under must have been overcontrolling disguised as affection. Inshort, Midorima is the less comical version of Handa Seishuu, the young calligrapher from the anime “Barakamon” [both voiced by Daisuke Ono]
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This also hints that Midorima must also be most emotional of all his peers. Japan is very conformist nation and boys are raised in a very specific ways, showing emotions is considered feminine and therefor is frowned upon on men. Kise may appear emotional on the surface because firstly he is very expressive and extroverted, secondly he is heavily impacted by his elder sisters and has healthy feminine impression on his psyche. Midorima on the other hand is a first born boy in a upper-middle class Japanese family and his emotions were in check frequently so that he could be a stalwart guardian for his decade younger sister. While Kise is shown crying in public after losing match to Touou, Midorima cries in private for more than twice. He is either shameful of his outburst of emotions, or he wishes not to show his vulnerable side. The repression of his abundant emotions creates even tougher outer shell that portrays Midorima with a “Higher than thou” outlook. Aside from feminine, he also has very delicate tendancies like “to file” nails instead of “clipping it” which could have been faster and easier, taping nails with slow pace instead of slapping them hurriedly. Although Kise is the model and works in a domain of Art, it is Midorima’s sense of delicacy that comes out in subtle manner.
: @sidd-hit-my-butt-ham @yanderebakugo @kurokonbscenarios @kurokonobasket @kurokonoboisket @art-zites @idinaxye @sp-chernobyl @strawbe3ryshortcake @reservethemoon @rilnen @a-shy-potato @thirsthourdemon @animebxxch @edagawasatoru @akawaiishi-blog @reinyrei @chloe-noir @theswahn @ahobaka-trash @jeilliane @trashtoria  @scarlettedwardsposts @quirkydarling @ghostieswaifu @levihan-freaks @hope-im-spirited-away @yves0809 @marshiro1101 @bubziles @heartfullofknb @kit-kat57 @akichan-th
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Facts & Trivia || Misaki Yata
The following is part of a series of posts made by me. The information listed is official canon provided by GoRa. Sources will go from the anime, to mangas and novels as well as official short stories. These are NOT fanmade headcanons. The purpose of these posts is to provide useful information for fans as well as roleplayers looking for confirmed lore for their muses. Please do not reply to argue with me about what you read here. I did not come up with this stuff myself. GoRa did. I’ll come back to edit these as I find more info.
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Born on July 20, 1993 (The same year as Daichi Yamata, Tōru Hieda, Andy Dōmyōji and Saruhiko Fushimi).
Member of Homra since January/February 2009, when he was 15 years old alongside Saruhiko Fushimi.
His Homra insignia is on the left collarbone like Saruhiko Fushimi’s. Yata and Fushimi are remarkably known as the first and only case in which two clansmen received the mark on the same spot. Yata took great pride in this and will show it off often. He hates that Fushimi marred his own.
His weapons of choice are his fists and legs that Yata uses with expert street fighting moves and acrobatics. He also brandishes blunt weapons such as a baseball bat and a pole, and can control his aura to make his skateboard go faster as well as use it as a weapon itself.
He wears a smartwatch that he uses instead of a PDA. It has all the functions of a mobile phone, including camera and holographic screen as well as a flashlight. It was gifted to him by Fushimi, who personally customized it for him when they were roommates.
Yata called himself Yatagarasu to sound cooler as a Homra member. Yatagarasu is a crow spirit with three legs in Japanese folklore.
Yata is the vanguard of Homra. This means he adopts an all-out direct offense tactic, charging at the enemy on the front without any regard for his own safety. This used to make his duo with Saruhiko almost invincible as his friend would watch his back and finish off the enemy. But after they split up, this strategy doesn’t work as well and Yata often puts his own life at risk with it.
He was born with a different (and unknown) last name. His last name became “Yata” only once his mother remarried (In Japan children of remarried women get their new stepfather’s last name). Misaki was 6 years old at the time.
He hates to be called by his first name because it’s girly. The only people allowed to use it without getting yelled at are his family, Anna, and Saruhiko back when they were friends. Saruhiko still calls him Misaki out of habit, sometimes just to annoy him.
During his earliest childhood he was best friend with Rikio Kamamoto, dragging him around in all kinds of dangerous explorations. Departing from him at 6 years old, he reunites with Rikio once he joins Homra nine years later.
He always displayed a kind of tough, abusive friendship with Kamamoto, calling him names because of his weight and yelling at him when Rikio showed weakness by crying. Even now he doesn’t hesitate to fight him or physically hit him when in an argument.
Though he was born in Shizume City, he moved to live elsewhere at 6 with his mother when she remarried. When he was 12 his family moved in Chiyoda City (Saruhiko and Scepter 4’s district) and was able to go visit Shizume City again because it was nearby. At 15 years of age he returned to live in Shizume City when he moved in with Fushimi.
He attended Himuka Middle School in Chiyoda City, where he met and befriended Fushimi. Both of them dropped out at the end of their third year.
Though he was often bullied, Yata was kind of a bully himself at school, often forcing people into being his friends and scaring them with his fierce and strong personality. This caused the other kids to not really like him much and blacklist him behind his back.
Swears and yells a lot. He’s very manic and violent when he gets worked up and won’t hesitate to give a beating to fellow clansmen too if they anger him (or even if they don’t, in the case of Kamamoto).
He’s very good at baseball and is particularly proud of his straight as a pitcher.
He can use both the skateboard and surf board very skillfully. Even to the point where girls will find him cool, unbeknownst to him. He owns both boards stylized with Homra’s symbol.
His favorite subjects in school were PE and music.
However, seen how bad Yata was at playing Totsuka’s guitar, it’s safe to assume his only musical talent was singing.
He tried to learn to play the guitar from Totsuka.
He likes videogames, which he played a lot with Saruhiko in the past. He often goes to the arcade and has even taught Anna to play FPS games. This shows he might be a bit oblivious to what is appropriate for a kid when it comes to gore and violence.
For his age, he has pretty good housekeeping and cooking skills. However, Kamamoto has described Yata’s cooking as “too manly” for a girl’s birthday.
All animals seem to dislike him for some reason. This includes the horse strain Basashi and a retriever that Fujishima once picked up.
Neko, who also believes to be a cat, shows instinctive hostility towards Yata just like a real cat would.
Yata is actually upset when animals hate him and to bring it up is a sensitive subject.
This seems to be a “mirroring” trait to Fushimi, who instead dislikes animals and yet seems to attract them to himself like a magnet.
Eric Sōlt seems to dislike him (a reference to his dog-like personality), and often mocks him in English. Though Yata’s English is bad, he seems to be able to pick up the insults and gets very annoyed.
He’s very annoyed by how popular Kamamoto gets in the summer when he loses weight. Though, rather than because of jealousy, it might be because when Rikio is surrounded by girls it is impossible for Yata to approach him or hang out with him at ease.
He’s an active member of the Committee of Fattening Up Kamamoto Rikio, going great lengths with his cooking skills to make him gain weight (even to the point where his own living budget will be as low as to force Yata to eat poorly).
Yata appears to get overwhelmingly flustered in the presence of young women, to the point he looks outright terrified and avoids interacting with them. He seems to be okay with little girls or women far older than himself.
Because of his past drama with Saruhiko, Yata holds a personal and violent grudge towards Scepter 4 and anything related to them, reacting with suspicion and hostility towards any of its members.
By far the member who cares about Homra’s honor the most. Yata doesn’t tolerate that anything offensive is said about his King or clan. He also gets furious when his fellow clansmen act in dishonorable ways that could stain the Red Clan’s reputation, and will violently discipline them without any restraint if so.
In general, Yata proves to have great pride and sense of honor overall, refusing to strike at injured people, no matter how bad he hates them.
Despite his problems with Fushimi and how directly he insults him as they fight, Yata also won’t tolerate that anyone else speaks poorly of him. In general, Homra members know to avoid the topic entirely around Yata.
He’s known to not listen all too well to no one, save perhaps Mikoto-san (who however hardly ever tells him anything).
This may be another a mirror personality trait to reflect Fushimi, who instead doesn’t speak out his thoughts (“He never listens vs. He never tells”).
He won’t tolerate being bossed around by any guy save the Homra founders. Yata dislikes when people settle things on their own. Ironically, he is guilty of this fault himself as he often takes decisions and acts without waiting.
Despite his fiery temper, Yata is very nurturing and won’t hesitate to show concern and care for those he’s very close to. Though he may be aggressive about it, especially with Saruhiko.
Yata is tormented by not knowing the exact reasons behind Saruhiko’s betrayal. He’ll ask him several times, only to get mocked as a result.
When he and Saruhiko start arguing, Yata can get tunnel vision and forget about everything else around him, including bullets and grenades.
Though he always swears he’ll beat Saruhiko to death, deep inside Yata has never given up on getting his friend back, and always looks with hope for signs from Saruhiko that they can be comrades again. Because of this he gets even more hurt every time Saruhiko reiterates his betrayal and spite towards Homra.
Yata can be a bit of a crybaby and tear up more easily than most guys.
He’s terrified of ghosts. When he hears about ghost stories or thinks one may be close, Yata gets extremely jittery and manic. However, he strongly denies his fears and will react with nervous violence if accused of this.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: skyflyinginaction
* Gakuen K (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
"Oh! It's over!"
At the same time the bell rang, Yata stood up vigorously.
However, at that moment, the chalk released by Anna-sensei hit Yata's forehead so badly that it was creepy. Yata turned around and was surprised by the gaudy sound.
"Guh! It hurts!"
"Misaki. Class is not over yet."
"Hey... the doorbell rang, isn't it over?"
"Class doesn't end until the teacher says it's over. Have a seat."
"Don't bother. It's over."
She tried to tell him that it wasn't okay. However, on the way, when Anna-sensei caught him, Yata shook his shoulders and mouth.
"Tsk. Sit down quickly."
"What? Monkey!"
"I understand."
Yata clicked his tongue and sat up savagely.
"Class, so far for today. Don't forget your homework, preparation, and review."
"Wow! This time it's over!"
Yata stood up again and Anna-sensei stopped him again.
Kukuri, who was sitting next to Saya, stood up, touching her arm a bit.
"Come on. The next thing is physical education. First we have to change clothes."
"Oh, it's true."
Oh, so is that why Yata was so tense?
She quickly cleaned her desk and got up with her gym bag.
"Look, Wagahai-chan will go too. Oh, I'll lend you a bag. I'll bring it to you. Saya-chan, your left hand is burned. It hurts, right?"
"It hurts, but it's okay like this."
She shook her head, "Okay then." She replied softly.
"Physical education is often separated by gender, but today it is the same. It is a physical fitness test."
"Oh, is today the fitness test?"
[Physical education for the first and second semesters is decided by a physical fitness test.]
"Yes, it's correct."
"Is Saya-chan good at exercising?"
"Normal. If you say simple tasks like 'run' and 'swim', I'm good at it, but when it gets complicated I tend to think too much and I'm not very good at it. I need a strategy."
"Oh, basketball or volleyball?"
"Yes. I'm not good at team sports. How about you, Kukuri-chan?"
"Me too. I'm neither good nor bad."
"Neko seems to be good at exercising. She moves her limbs well."
Glancing back at Neko as she opened the locker room door, the strange-eyed girl smiled a big smile and shook her head vigorously.
"I like to move my body, but I'm not good with rules!"
It was exciting to her.
"Today we will do a physical fitness test. Everyone, do your best to get a better score than last year!"
Claudia Weismann, a physics teacher with a soft and beautiful beauty, shook the board and screamed.
"You know the first event to measure, right? Each group, after the measurement, go clockwise to the next event. When they have finished the tour, go to the schoolyard!"
"Us first, what was that?"
"Grip strength. No, it's below average, isn't it?"
Kukuri sighed.
Fushimi sighed as well, saying, "That's annoying... Do you want to do things correctly?" She had made a mistake, right? She remembers hearing that the blue club was a super elite group who behaved well.
When she accidentally looks back, he glares at her. "Sorry.". She felt a murderous aura.
"Yes. Next. Yata-kun. Come here."
She suddenly looked back at Claudia's voice.
Yata's face at Claudia's call was surprisingly bright red.
She opened her eyes and rubbed them at the strange answer.
The event was the long seat forward lean. Claudia had just told him to sit in front of the digital measuring instrument... It is true that they will sit close enough to touch, but that's it. That's. However, Yata seemed to be going through a difficult time.
"Yata-kun, even if Claudia-sensei is the other party, he's nervous."
When she coughed, Kukuri turned around and smiled a bitter smile.
"It's like that except for Anna-sensei. He's not good with girls anyway. He hasn't talked much about it either."
"Oh? Is that so?"
"Yes. If you answer 'Oh', do I feel that communication went well today?"
Hey? Was it really like that?
She stared at Yata, who was away from Claudia, because he couldn't concentrate.
It was certainly a digital measuring instrument that a single person can measure. Even if Claudia was out, she could measure it, but she... she already understood. That was Yata, he really was shy.
Little by little, her chest grew warm.
Although he wasn't that good with girls, he looked directly into her eyes and apologized.
And he said that he would "protect" her.
It was Yata who suggested that they take her to the Kusanagi´s bar.
She finally understood how cool he was. That's how it is. All of that was something he had a lot of trouble doing. What should she do? She was happy!
How much of the flame she burns was originally from Yata? What's more, she was a different Strain.
"Hey. It's Saya-chan's turn! What? You're smiling."
"It's nothing. I'm sorry."
She shook her head hastily, pressed her red cheeks together and went to Awashima-sensei.
"Yes. Grip strength meter. Start with the right hand. You should not use the left hand."
Awashima-sensei, a frozen beauty math teacher, presented you with a grip strength meter.
"I think it's okay..."
"But it hurts if you push yourself, right? You can't push yourself too hard. What did the nurse say? Did you go to the hospital?"
"Oh, sure, I was told not to move too much."
"So, let's stop the left hand. We'll only measure the right hand. Now, hold it. Lower your hand parallel to your body. Yes. Hold it as tightly as you can."
As she indicated, she squeezed the grip strength gauge.
At that moment, a destructive sound echoed through the gym.
Awashima's eyes widened. She was confused too, and she looked down at her right hand.
The needle jumped, and that was not enough, the grip piece was broken and had come off. Was it the handle part? Subjection? Anyway, the part she grabbed was broken.
Eh? Maybe she over-squeezed the grip strength gauge?!
"I wonder if it is old."
"Sensei. It's painful."
She didn't think it was easy for an aluminum alloy that wasn't rusted to break because it was old.
She understood that she should take care of herself, but she couldn't.
When she shook her head forcefully, Awashima scowled sheepishly, "That's right."
"Is it because of my ability?"
"Yes, maybe. No, maybe it is."
"Konohana-san. You still don't know your abilities, do you? I have received reports about it."
Reports from whom?
She wondered that, but it was definitely true, so she took it firmly.
"Let's try again for now."
"Eh? Is that okay?"
"Things can be firmly measured this time."
"But I could break it again, right?"
She had gambled a bit, but it was true that her abilities were so unstable that it didn't seem like she was going to continue (or rather, she hadn't had that experience yet), so she was quietly receiving a new strength meter from grip.
Suddenly, the whole class was looking at her. Of course, Yata too.
She couldn't bear the attention and her face turned red.
"That's right. Konohana-san."
"Oh, yeah."
Like before, she lowered her hand vertically, but unlike before, she tried to hold it a little lighter.
However, at that moment, she heard a loud buzzing sound again and closed her eyes tightly.
(Wow, ah! Why is it continuously activated only right now?), she thought.
"Sorry! Sorry!"
Awashima shook her head and asked Kukuri to fetch a new grip strength gauge from the warehouse. Then she turned her eyes back and tilted her head a little.
"The record is over 100 kilos. Is it okay if it can't be measured?"
"I can't measure it, please!"
This was only the result of the skill activation.
Her own grip strength wasn't as good as a gorilla's, it was normal! Because she was normal!
"Hm. It seems the newcomer's skills are excellent. Unlike you."
When she returned the broken grip strength gauge and tilted her head, she heard Fushimi's tongue click from behind.
When she took a breath and turned around, Fushimi had a haunting smile on Yata. Yata also turned his fierce gaze towards Fushimi, saying, "What?"
(Ah, wait!), She thought.
He immediately mistook her for such an atmosphere.
When she looked at Awashima, she said, "Well... oh, you two...", and gave them a lecture.
Then, to stop the fight that was about to start, she started walking towards the two of them, but at that moment, the third "bang" echoed through the gym.
They all looked at her as if that sound was coming from her.
"Kya, kyaa, ah!"
Her wide eyes were stained evenly and astonishingly. With the board broken in half, she quickly bowed her head.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sick and my hands are getting stronger!"
"It's okay. You two…"
Looking back, Awashima smiled gently and turned her eyes to Fushimi and Yata.
And when she points her thumb at them, she heard a pleasant voice.
"If you don't stop fighting now, you will stay like this too."
(I mean... I broke it that way. I mean, I won't do that!), she thought.
She tried to deny it hastily, but when she saw the two of them choke on the words, she thought reflectively.
(Maybe it is better not to solve the misunderstanding to fit in this place?)
However, she would like to deny that "If they're going to fight here, they'll end up like this.".
When she saw them, they clicked their tongues at the same time and turned away from her.
When she looked at Kamamoto as she was about to cry from the pain of being "the last demon chief", Kamamoto also hid his smiling mouth with a deliberate throat clearing and turned away from her.
When she gave a great sigh, before Awashima who returned in front of what was broken in half, she bowed deeply.
Rang the doorbell.
Once she stepped inside, the wooden floor squeaked.
"Welcome. Oh. Yata-chan, you can escort properly."
Kusanagi, who was cleaning the glasses, gave him a mischievous wink when he saw them.
"You took her bag and opened the door... Yeah, great. Did you keep up with the girl?"
Yata blushed a little.
"I can carry my luggage, but..."
"Oh, I am your servant until the burns heal!"
"Why do you say…"
She was embarrassed, she wondered if it was okay, but regret the words.
Saying that while she was thinking about her request, Kusanagi laughed and showed the counter seat.
"Miss, sit down. What do you want to drink? Soda, tea, orange juice..."
"Oh, never mind. I didn't get the price of the parfait yesterday either."
"Okay, don't worry. Part of the cost of the material is deducted exactly from the cost of the apartment. Don't hesitate."
Is that so?
"Well then tea. Um... please use china that can break."
Kusanagi widened his eyes in amazement.
"Break up? Why…?"
"Because she could crush him."
"What?! Crush it?!"
"Konohana-san, it was impossible to measure with a grip force of more than 100 kg."
Kamamoto's words surprised everyone, not just Kusanagi.
As she looked around her, she looked at Kusanagi with a glance and breathed softly.
"It seems the ability has been activated... I smashed two grip strength gauges."
Kusanagi lost his complexion, perhaps even imagining a broken grip strength gauge.
"Well, Saya-chan. Is it possible to use a stainless steel cup? The color of the black tea worsens."
"Of course it's okay. Thank you."
"I would like to thank you. But what is your ability, Saya-chan?"
Kusanagi tilted his head as he set the kettle.
"Here we go…"
"Isn't it the power to manipulate the flame? That pillar of fire…"
"If that's the case, she won't run out of oxygen surrounded by flames. She'll burn."
Suoh, who was lying on the couch, denied the words someone said with a yawn.
"And that's Yata's flame."
"So maybe because the quality of the flame was different? It was Homura's flame, so it burned out."
"It's not impossible, but... hmm."
Totsuka, who was playing with the camera at the end of the counter, looked up.
"That's too conspicuous for Yata's flames to escape, isn't it? So I think Konohana-san's abilities are working somehow... but because she acted on the flames, I manipulate the fire. Is it premature say skill?"
So cut off his words, and Totsuka lowered the camera and looked at her.
"Don't you think you could have multiple abilities? You protected yourself from the knife, (maybe) acted on Yata's flames and broke the grip strength meter, all of which are abilities of different quality."
Everyone except Suoh took a breath and stared at each other at the Totsuka words.
She wasn't familiar with these abilities in the first place, so she didn't understand why everyone was so shocked, she opened her mouth and looked at Totsuka.
"Ah, is that unusual?"
"Yes. At least I haven't heard of that."
When she looked around, everyone shook their heads evenly.
"Is that so."
"I don't know. I don't know if you really have multiple abilities, but it certainly looks different in quality."
"If so, right? Konohana-san's specialty as Strain isn't just that she was born off the island."
Coughing, Totsuka wiped the smile from his lips. Then, he made a thoughtful gesture and called her "Konohana-san.".
"Oh, yeah!"
"That's what happened in PE class, right?"
"Yes, that's true. It was in PE class this afternoon."
When she shook her head vertically, Totsuka and Kusanagi looked at each other.
"Not good."
"That's right... what should I do? I'm sure he noticed it too."
Totsuka covered his mouth with his hand and stared at the amber counter.
That boy? Who was he?
She bow my head, but no one said anything. Did everyone know?
Suddenly, when she saw Yata, he bitterly distorted his face and stared at the bottle on the back of the counter in silence.
The identity of "that boy" was immediately revealed.
To be exact, the next day. When she went to the bathroom alone after lunch.
As she put her handkerchief in her pocket, he approached her as she walked back to the classroom.
She turned around and looked back quickly.
"Ah, Fushimi-kun?"
"Are you really going in there?"
"What?" Before asking, she was surprised to hear him speak to her.
She turned to Fushimi and smiled, "Um...".
"What place is that?"
"The red club. Why are you in such a place?"
"I've never heard of a Strain with multiple abilities."
The words surprised her.
Maybe "this boy" was the one Totsuka was talking about...
"Do you think you can elucidate your abilities and control yourself in such a place? They do not perform any activities. You will just soak in warm water every day."
"Oh, that..."
"Anyway, are you just drinking tea and talking?"
She wondered why? It was as if he knew the red club. That crossed her mind.
By the way, Totsuka had called him "that boy", wasn't it a way of calling a person that you only know his face?
Maybe it was because she didn't answer him that Fushimi clicked his tongue.
She shook her shoulders and lifted her face from him.
"Someday someone may be in danger. It's too late. Do you think so too? Your abilities must urgently be clarified and you must learn to control them."
She thought he was correct.
But for some reason, she couldn't obediently control it, and when she rejected it again, Fushimi clicked his tongue again.
"You are a Strain full of irregularities. It's strange. You can't do it alone. You should still be under the supervision of the blue club, for the good of the school and the students."
Under surveillance...
The words bit her lips involuntarily.
There was nothing wrong with what he said. Rather, that was correct. Very correct.
With pursed lips, she touched the bandage on her left hand with her right hand.
But nobody in the red club said that.
"The captain cares. If something happens outside the school, regardless of whether it is inside the school, we may not be able to respond quickly. The meeting place for the red club is outside the school."
Then Fushimi kept talking.
But after all he was correct. It could be wrong. Because she cannot control it, her abilities can be revealed outside of school. At that time, it would be possible that there was no one from the red club nearby. She would have no way to stop the damage.
She couldn't do it alone, she thought. There was no rumbling sound. She certainly hurt people in the past.
Because Fushimi was right, she couldn't argue, she was just scared.
It was at that moment that...
"Stop it!"
A high-pitched scream echoed down the hall. At the same time, intense footsteps were heard.
When she raised her face to turn around, a reddish-brown haired boy jumped in front of them.
At that moment, her heart made a loud noise and she covered her mouth with both hands.
"Don't say what you want!"
Yata yelled as he stepped between her and Fushimi.
"What's wrong? You shouldn't come to school to act like this!"
He said with a high-pitched cry without hesitation.
Her chest warmed with his back wider than she expected, wrapped in a black school uniform.
He was there to protect her.
Fushimi was very right, but he still held him back.
She knew that she shouldn't be happy. There was no reason to rejoice. She was not a good person to protect. If she really thought of everyone, she should abide by Fushimi's words.
However, she was excited, in a selfish way.
Kamamoto squeezed her shoulders coughing. He gently supported his large, warm hands.
"How dare you intimidate her?! Do you know the word 'rights'?"
Faced with Yata's anger, Fushimi maintained his usual nasty and annoying demeanor. He looked at Yata with a ridiculous laugh on his lips.
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"Hmm...! What?"
"Always talking, and what right do you have? Don't say warm things. It's too late after an irreparable disaster. I don't think the red club can handle it."
"Shut up, bastard!"
Yata yelled at Fushimi's words.
"Don't be silly! Idiot! What do you think that girl is?"
"A Strain, so what? This place is full of them."
Obstructing Yata's words, Fushimi took a breath.
Then, with a provocative mausoleum again, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Yata.
"You will end up being killed, Misaki. You seem like an incomparably idiotic person, right?"
Yata grabbed onto Fushimi's chest as if he couldn't take it anymore.
At the same time, the battle was dry. The lid of the memory that was desperately stored in the depths opened, making a rattling noise.
What revived in her mind was a noise and a scream. It was a schoolyard where tears flew.
A blue sheet put on the floor. The red lights of the ambulance that came all the time.
And a bloody person lifted off the ground.
The faces of the students on the gurney overlapped with Yata's.
At that moment, terrible nausea hit her. She held her mouth with both hands and sat there.
Kamamoto's voice rang out. He quickly knelt beside her and hugged her shoulders like she cared, but she couldn't lift her face. She was trying to hold back the nausea.
Her whole body was trembling terribly.
It was an unmistakable horror.
Yes, it was. Fortunately, there were no deaths at the time, but she was lucky. After all, there were many serious injuries.
(I don't know what it will be like next time! This time I can kill people!), she thought.
Kukuri, Neko, Shiro, her classmates, and the red club members as well. Even Yata!
"Are you okay? Konohana-san!"
"Kamamoto! Get away!"
Dark horror stained her eyes black.
With the sharp shout of Konohana and Yata, Kamamoto's hand detached from her shoulder, and the signal fell far away.
Immediately after, she was strongly drawn and her body floated in the air.
When she opened her eyes as she held her mouth with both hands, Yata's face was at her side.
She realized that Yata was holding her and her heart ignited.
"Are you ok?!
She was happy.
Oh, but no. She wanted Yata to let her go, she was afraid of hurting him.
"Don't talk! Now let's go to the infirmary."
The fiery eyes no longer saw Fushimi, they only stared straight ahead.
Her profile was very sad.
At the same time as her heart beat, it became painful.
(No. It's not good, Yata-kun. Let me go.), she thought.
But she didn't get her voice out of it. Her consciousness was swallowed up by the darkness just as she was.
Suddenly, consciousness arose from her.
When she slowly opened her eyes, she could see the cloudy white ceiling.
She couldn't understand the situation for a moment, and looked mysteriously around her, but she could only see the white partition curtain.
Oh, but she notices that the curtain rail was covered with her uniform jacket and this was the bed in the infirmary room.
When she got up, you probably noticed it from the sound of the bed. She opened the dividing curtain and the infirmary teacher looked at her face.
Instead of being kind, the teacher, who felt like a trustworthy mother with deep nostalgia, smiled and took off her lab coat to get closer to her.
Her smile makes her feel relieved for some reason.
"Yes. You fell. Don't you remember?"
Oh, it's true. That had happened.
"Oh, that's good. Afternoon class is over, so go home today."
Oh, was it over?
"Did I sleep that long?"
"It's a few hours, even if it's long, right?"
No, but...
"They should pick you up, so go home today. Get some rest."
"What? Pick me up?"
When she tilted her head as she combed her hair with her hand, the door to the infirmary opened instantly as if could hear her, and Kamamoto said, "I'm sorry.".
"Oh, you came."
The infirmary teacher looked at the door and beckoned.
Then, Yata and Kamamoto came out from behind the curtain and looked at her anxiously.
"Are you ok?"
"Aren't you shaking anymore?"
Their voices made her feel very relieved.
"Yes, thank you.", she said smiling. Yata's face turned bright red.
And as he was, he retreated into the shadow of the curtain. "Yes?"
"Oh, Yata-kun?"
"Yata-san didn't mind carrying you, take it easy."
"Shut up!"
Just as she was, she heard the rattling sound of the door. So did he come out?
"Huh? Hm?"
"Oh, don't worry. Maybe she's waiting outside. Konohana-san, can you get up?"
Kamamoto shrugged and put a bag on the bed.
"This is a bag. Rest assured that Yukizome cleaned it up. It should have what you need. If you can get you up, let's go home. I'll send it to the bedroom."
"Oh, thank you. Maybe it's okay."
It was time to get out of bed and get up.
She fixed the wrinkles in her skirt and put her shoes back on. She looked good.
"Especially, it feels awkward, they're not there, are they?"
"Yes. There are none. Take it easy."
"But the expression was dark. Really?"
She involuntarily looks at the teacher.
"Is your body really okay?"
"My body is fine..."
The teacher shrugged and said, "Then go home."
Kamamoto removed the sack from the curtain rail and handed it to her. She grabbed it and put it on.
"Then, thank you."
Ready to go, she bowed to the nursing teacher.
When she bowed firmly to her voice that told her "Take care." and she came out of the infirmary with Kamamoto, as Kamamoto said, Yata sat in the hallway and waited.
"Oh, give me the bag."
"Eh? I can carry it."
"I'm going to do it."
Yata extended his hand with slightly red cheeks and looking away.
"Then, please."
"Oh. Then take out your PDA."
Eh? PDA?
"PDA? Why?"
"Because it's okay, get it out."
As she tilted her head, he took out his PDA, and Yata pointed his own PDA.
A bang was heard and Yata's contact information was recorded on her PDA.
"If something happens, give me a call! Okay? Do it!"
Yata's face turned red as soon as he saw her.
Her cheeks warmed when she noticed him. She was very happy.
Because... huh? Didn't he care at all what Fushimi said?
(I can't control my abilities, right? I might hurt Yata-kun. It's not an impossible story, because I've done it in the past.), she thought.
She try to speak correctly.
But it wasn't just about being there. He will try to protect her, it was also very natural.
Why? Why did he worry so much?
It was like a dream. Was that really the case?
"If I call you, will you come?"
"Oh, that's the natural thing to do!"
He wasn't looking at her as usual, but he didn't hesitate or stagnate at her words.
"No matter what happens, hurry up and do it right away!"
Simple words that can be clearly understood without lying.
She was so happy.
(Oh what's up with this? Why am I such a happy monster?), she thought.
She tried to email "Yata-kun" while she hid her face that had turned bright red with the PDA.
Yata, who was alerted by the ringtone and lowered his eyes to his PDA, turned his eyebrows on her saying "Oh?", and finally looked back at her.
"Yes, call me, but not for something silly!"
"Oh? I'll send you an email, if you don't have anything to do..."
"Ok, that's fine."
Kamamoto turned away from Yata, who averted his eyes from his as he endured laughter.
Yata wandered for a while and then quickly turned his back on her to hide his red face from her.
"Hey, I'm not going to answer you if it's something stupid!"
"Yes? You guys. If you get a red dot in the middle and end of the period, you won't be allowed to enter here for a while."
At Kusanagi's sudden declaration, they all yelled at once: "Huh?!" Oh, everyone except her, Suoh, and Totsuka.
Yata, who was sitting on the sofa with her, raised his hand, also stopped and looked at Kusanagi in a stunned way.
"Eh?! I won't, it's stupid. Nobody says I can get good points. Just tell me to avoid the red dots. It's the lowest line."
"But they are all themes, right?"
"It's still normal. Hey, I'm thankful I didn't say that in the skill test in April. The range is fixed at the middle and end of the period. It shouldn't be difficult."
"He can't help but show that he is our idiot, Kusanagi-san."
"I'm not trying to do that, stupid."
Kusanagi sighed and put the polished glass on the counter.
"By the way, Saya-chan, how did your skill test go?"
"Huh? Oh, the average score was only 80 points. Math was a bit difficult."
The inside of the tent was so cold that everyone looked at her with surprised eyes.
Yata's hand also stopped again.
"What? I haven't taken those numbers."
"Oh, no, at my other school, the transfer exam was really difficult."
Eh? Was that so?
(But I haven't taken the transfer exam, have I? I got a letter of recommendation and I just...), she thought.
Thinking of that, Totsuka suddenly looked at her and looked at her left hand.
"By the way, your burns, don't you have to go to the hospital anymore?"
"Oh, yeah. Thanks. All I have to do is be careful not to leave marks."
Yata applied to her a vitamin C ointment and lotion to the back of her hand and bandaged it.
He put a gauze on and taped it up. He had repeated it many times since April and he was used to it.
Yata who usually had a hard time talking to her, much less touching her, had a calm face when he did that treatment, probably because it was a treatment. He would ask things like "Are you okay?" or "Are you no longer in pain?"
When everyone made fun of him, he turned bright red and got angry, but he didn't stop doing it after all.
"Will the scars disappear?"
"There is no problem with the right knee. It seems that the left hand thing will disappear cleanly if care is not neglected. It will take some time, but it will still be clean in the summer."
"Yeah I'm glad."
Totsuka smiled as if he was relieved.
"Hmm. Left hand, finished. Is the bandage not tight?"
Yata propped up the scissors and looked at her.
She slowly opened and closed her hand, shaking her head.
"It's okay."
"So next is the foot. Put your foot up."
Yata hit the couch, pointing at it.
When she lifted her leg up as he told her to, Yata took off her shoe and put it on her lap. Then he released the bandage on her right knee.
"No matter how many times I watch it, it's erotic, right?"
"Aha. But Yata doesn't see it with evil eyes like you do, Chitose."
"No, Saya-chan doesn't either. She lets a man's hand apply ointment or lotion."
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"That's why Konohana-san doesn't have an evil idea like Chitose."
She could hear them.
No, she wasn't embarrassing now, but she was really embarrassing at first.
She had gotten used to it a bit lately, but not that she wasn't embarrassed at all.
But more than that, Yata was desperate... It wasn't Yata's fault, but he was desperate to make it up to her and do what he could.
So she was very happy.
"How about the pain?"
"Most of it is gone, it's just turning red. Maybe I can use a lotion."
"Hmm. But don't overdo it, should I apply a little more salve?"
"Isn't that conversation too erotic to listen to?"
"Shut up, Chitose."
"Saya. I'm off topic. The guy who got a red dot in the middle and end of the period is banned from coming for a while. That's absolutely unreasonable."
Kusanagi stopped the talk by hitting a bread. Yes, that was the story.
Yata's hand stopped again. Maybe for Yata it was quite dangerous?
"If you don't study properly, you won't be a professional."
"You don't want to study because you want to be like Mikoto?"
"No! Go study! Even now!"
Yata sighed as he opened the cap on the lotion.
That was it. It was so dangerous that he sighed.
When she laughed, she softly made a noise to Yata, who was in a gloomy state.
"Let's do our best."
"Are you studying correctly?"
While she was doing her homework in her room, it suddenly occurred to her to email Yata.
She went into the kitchen, boiled water, made instant coffee, and returned to the study table with hot mug in hand, and had already received an answer.
She sat in the chair and enthusiastically opened the message.
"I was in Homura a while ago."
Only those words, but she was very happy. Yata answered the message correctly even though he said that he would not reply nonsense.
It was blunt and a short sentence, but he answered correctly the right way every time.
She was happy to send an email even though she had no problem.
Today was certainly a study session at HOMRA.
Some people were playing games, but Yata was studying hard.
When she casually showed Yata, who scratched his head, he turned red and didn't speak properly, but when the problem was solved, he said quietly, "Thank you.".
When he asked her over and over again, "Tell me...", "Tell me this..." and "Tell me that...", Kusanagi, who was watching them, said, "These idiots. Couldn't they study elsewhere?", but he was happy.
At HOMRA, the red club was very warm.
It was so much fun mingling with everyone and being happy.
"I have to do it in the bedroom. Aim! Avoid the red dots!"
She sent a reply to Yata and wrapped both hands around the mug.
The sweet, warm coffee made her heart feel warm.
She never dreamed that she could spend her days with that feeling even though her abilities had been revealed to everyone. She believed that it was all thanks to Yata and everyone in the red club.
Was she really good? She was having a quiet day like that.
The PDA shook to notify her of an incoming call.
When she opened the email she received, she saw the words "I'm upset."
"Hm, you don't have to be upset, Yata-kun. Maybe you're just blocked, aren't you? Let's do our best together. Ok?"
She texted while she smiled.
He immediately responded with an "Ok."
That made her feel like it was the end of the conversation, so she thought about it for a moment and asked, "Let's study in the library instead of going to HOMRA tomorrow."
She thought that he would probably hate studying in the library, but the answer was, surprisingly, "I can do that.", and she was shocked.
Eh?! Was it okay to go study in the library? Wouldn't he go to HOMRA?!
Oh, she didn't think he would return that answer. Yata really wanted to avoid the red dot.
She was happy in another way and said, "Let's do our best! If you have any questions, ask more and more. If I can understand it, I will show you."
Yata's response was: "I don't know, there are a lot of things I don't understand."
Yata's worried face seemed to appear before her eyes, and it erupted irresistibly.
"Hahaha. Yes. Yes... I see... Hehehe."
She laughed and wrapped both hands around the PDA.
But still, she told him to study together in the library without giving up.
"Well. If that happens, I'll ask you to avoid the red dot. Homura without Yata-kun is alone."
She put down the PDA and picked up the mechanical pencil again in a new mood.
"If that is."
Awashima-sensei announced with the ringing of the doorbell.
They all responded at once. A great chorus of "Yes!" echoed through the classroom.
"Turn over the answer sheet."
She placed her answer sheet on the stack of paper that came from behind and turned it forward.
Awashima received it, counted the number, and confirmed it. And when she finished, she looked around and smiled.
"Yes. Good work."
"Good luck! The test is over!"
The screams increased. She too took a breath and sank down on the desk.
After all, the math was difficult. She was not good at it. The last problem, she could not write it, although the final score would be high.
When she was narrowing her eyes, Kamamoto's voice, "How did it go, Yata-san?", jumped into her ears.
(Oh yeah! Yata-kun!), she thought.
She snapped her eyes open and woke up.
And when she got up on the same impulse, she went with Yata and the others.
"How was it? Do you think you can pass?"
"Oh, maybe it's okay."
Kamamoto smiled. Looking at Yata, he was a bit confident.
"What about, Yata-kun?"
"No! No, that..."
When she looked into Yata's eyes, he blushed a little and walked away.
But soon, he coughed, "Well, I was able to write more than usual... I have hope."
"Really?! So..."
"Well, I hope it goes well. But, I think it can be avoided."
"Hooray! That's good! You did the best you could!"
They didn't have the result yet, but she was relieved. She didn't want Yata to be banned from the bar.
When she clapped her hands, Yata flashed a goofy smile, "Oh!"
That was irresistible and she warmed her chest.
"Oh that's right. Hey, Yata-kun. This morning's email…"
She was worried about it since morning, but she finally asked a question that she couldn't ask because she thought it shouldn't disturb his concentration on the exam.
At that moment, Yata patted her on the back and his overreaction made her narrow her eyes. That? That reaction.
In fact, when she woke up this morning, she was surprised to receive an email from Yata.
Because he, until today, he almost always responded to her emails, but Yata never spoke first. That day for the first time, Yata sent her an email. She had been impressed since the morning.
But that was a slightly confusing email.
There was no topic or text. It was just an email with a photo of the crepe shop attached. She at first she thought it was a wrong email.
Because she knew him well, Yata wasn't very good at sweets.
It was strange to think of Yata sending her a photo of a crepe shop. She felt something was wrong.
So, she thought about asking what happened after the test was completed, so she put it on hold... Hmm? Wasn't that a mistake?
Kamamoto tilted his head and looked at her.
When he spoke to him because he didn't want to say something, Kamamoto turned his gaze to Yata, "Did you send it?"
"Well, well!"
Yata stepped out of Kamamoto's line of sight and said that.
(Oh, after all, he sent it to me. Not a mistake.), she thought.
What did that mean?
Suddenly, she put her finger on her lips and thought.
(That email. What if he couldn't write the topic or the text?)
What if attaching a photo was the best thing the shy Yata could do in front of a girl?
Oh, maybe that was it?
Her heart made a loud noise.
Ah, she wished it were so.
But what if it was different? If it was a coincidence? She was thinking too much.
(But what if…? In this case…), she thought, and her face turned red.
Was it okay to say that? If it was different, it would be a shame, but... but!
She clenched her hands tightly and looked at Yata.
"Oh, that... if you want, can you take me? No, I want to go!"
Yata turned his back on her at her words and looked away.
When she laughed again, his cheeks turned bright red as she looked at him. She then she thought that she was not wrong, (Ah! It can't be! Yes, that was it!).
She ducked involuntarily, hugging her knees.
"What?! Konohana-san?"
She couldn't raise her face at Kamamoto's voice of surprise. Because her ears were bright red and she could understand him.
(Oh, I get it! Yata-kun is great and I like him!), she thought.
Even though he wasn't good at talking to girls, he emailed her and everything.
Of course, inviting a girl must have been a huge hurdle for Yata.
Yata, who wasn't good at sweets, went to the trouble of looking it up and bravely emailed her, right? She always wanted to see it, and she could have Kamamoto translate it!
"Eh? What's wrong? Yata-san. What happened to Konohana-san?"
"I don't know. I don't know anything."
"Huh? What's wrong? Am I the only one in the group?"
"Shut up. You have to keep up with yourself."
Eh? There, Kamamoto always goes where Yata went, but...
"But no. If so, okay?"
"Huh? Hey, Konohana-san."
Face down, she shook her head and refused to explain.
It wasn't that hard to tell, was it? "I invited you to a crepe shop.", "I invite you.", is a story that can be done, right? Also, if she went to the crepe shop later, she could make a rough guess, right? Still, she didn't want to say why.
Yata invited her, she wanted to keep that impression.
It could be for a short time, but she wanted to keep it.
She knew Yata was embarrassed, but when she saw him refuse to talk to Kamamoto in the same way, she even felt the same way. She also tickled her and she was happy.
That "happy" accumulated and he made her happier. Yata was amazing. She felt sorry for Kamamoto, who kept it a secret.
Oh, but after all, she wanted Yata, who had the courage to send that photo, to be with her.
"Hey, how about the crepe shop?"
"It was delicious!"
With a big smile on his forehead, Kusanagi said, "I'm glad."
"That's why the three of us are late. I see, it's too early to be relieved."
"Of course. You know that, right?"
"I don't know. I don't think so when I see him frolicking behind me."
Yata, Kamamoto and everyone else were talking about the athletic festival around the couch where Suoh was sleeping.
It's basically a class competition, but after all, there seems to be a competition that uses skills to compete between special clubs, and they were all on fire.
Above all, the extreme tag game that takes place at the end of all competitions, it is a competition that can be said to be the flower form of the school athletic festival, and it seems to be very exciting.
Everyone was motivated to beat the blue club this year.
"Saya-chan, will you participate?"
Suddenly, Kusanagi said that to her and looked back.
"Sports day. If you go to the competition as a member of the red club, yes."
At Kusanagi's words, everyone stopped talking and looked at her.
"Eh, what?"
She notices that everyone's eyes were shining as if they were saying, "Let's do it!", and she shook her head hastily, also with both hands.
"Yes, yes, refrain!"
"Eh? Why? Do it!"
"Chitose-san. No, I refrain from doing it! I'm afraid of competitions that use my abilities. I can't control them."
In the first place, she had never tried to develop her abilities on her own. She didn't want to use them at all, but just hung out.
Did they want her to use her abilities voluntarily when she didn't even know what her abilities are? What a terrifying thing. Just thinking about it made her shiver.
"I don't know what will come out in the first place, so there's a good chance it won't work."
"Oh, never mind. I'll keep helping you..."
Yata's little cough made her eyes widen.
"It did not matter?"
Even having seen that pillar of fire, the stone pavement that was sandwiched between them, the broken grip strength meter, and the broken recording board, she was surprised that Yata could say that normally.
She really couldn't tell him anything.
Wasn't Yata afraid of him? Doesn't he think she will ever hurt him?
She didn't want him to be afraid of her. Of course, she didn't want him to avoid her.
She was very happy that he treated her like a "normal girl".
She was so happy that she trembled, but still she responded.
"But I don't know what will happen..."
Still, she was afraid to "use" her abilities voluntarily. It could affect the competition and the athletic festival itself. Especially if she hurt someone.
When she shook her head and looked at Yata, Yata coughed, "Oh, I get it.", and turned his back on her.
"No, if you don't like it, no. I'm not trying to force you. But if you're enjoying school life, join us."
"Oh, I'll help you. I'll follow you as much as I can."
A word spoken without hesitation.
Maybe he wasn't very smart, but he was warm and kind and cool.
Although he looked closely at what she had done, he was able to say it without a small bet.
The masculine side of him was great.
(Oh, I see. I'm so happy!), she thought.
"Yes, thank you. Ordinary competitions are aggressive. Oh, that's right. Let's take first place in class grades, Yata-kun. I'll do my best too. I'll enjoy it!"
Rubbing away the burning dependency, she regained her composure and clenched her fist.
"Let's get the trophy! Yata-kun, you can win right?"
With expectations, she looks directly at him.
Looking back over his shoulder, Yata shook his head with his usual awkward smile.
"Leave it to me."
Sports festival. Joyful cheers filled the playground.
It was an ideal sunny day for a sports festival. The blue sky was tinged with cloudless blue. She was cheerful enough to sweat even if she didn't move.
Without disappointing the expectations of the class, Yata participated in quite a few competitions and was producing good results.
She never tired of looking at Yata, who was running like the wind.
Speaking of not getting tired of looking, Suoh was also looking. He had a completely different attitude than Yata.
What's the point of walking calmly, he wasn't even running? Burning obstacles in an obstacle course? Very surreal.
Kusanagi took a break from the store and came with a large package. She was surprised not to know that. Oh, but the rice balls and omelette were delicious! Why was everyone's lunch box so delicious?
The appearance of installing a video camera on a tripod was like someone's parents, and she laughed with Totsuka.
But it seems like he was filming with a lot of energy, and he really wanted to see it with everyone at HOMRA.
"Next is the final competition. It is an extreme tag team game against special club activities."
That was the announcement that echoed down the hall. She closed the cap on the mineral water she was drinking and hurried back to the cheering seat for the special club activities.
"Oh, come here, Konohana-san."
Totsuka, who noticed her, motioned for her to come with him.
She sat next to him and looked at the executive committee that was cleaning up.
"Speaking of which, I was wondering, but what is extreme etiquette?"
"Hmm? Oh, the one in last place wins the competition."
Eh? What was that? Kill each other or something?
In response to the answer that was diagonally above her expectations, she instinctively looked at Totsuka in confusion.
What did that mean?
"Specifically, it's a competition where five players from the special club are sent to compete. One of the five is wearing a special club color ribbon. If it is stolen, or if it is undone, if it is burned, if it is cut... Anyway, if they take it out of your head, you will lose."
"The remaining four people protect the people who are hovering anyway. So, surprisingly, it's a competition where strategy is more important than skill."
"I see. Well, maybe."
"That's right. I'm a bit weak at that. It seems that the blue club has won many championships even in the past. That's because it is controlled like an army."
Sensing what she meant, Totsuka smiled.
That's right, uh...?
"Oh, that? I think the silver club had three members in the first place. But is it a competition where five representatives are selected?"
"Oh, the silver club will not participate. Last year there were fewer people. The silver club just marks the beginning of each year."
Eh? Was that so?
"Oh, hey, does it start?"
Shiro came out with a smile and turned the starter pistol towards the sky.
After a moment, he rang out a loud electronic sound signaling the start of the competition.
The players all began to move at the same time. A great ovation enveloped them.
"No matter how many times I see it, that rabbit is surreal."
"That's right. But Yata will go."
Yata, the commander of the red club unit, rushed straight into the enemy camp.
There was no strategy. Really, it was attacking directly from the front.
Kamamoto and Chitose followed.
Suoh didn't move.
He stood silently and stared at Munakata, the leader of the blue club.
"Ah. okay!"
Everyone around him raised their fists and shouted loudly.
When she turned his gaze towards Yata, Yata also struck a gutsy pose with the best smile. Apparently, he managed to burn the rabbit-faced headband.
He had a cheerful expression. Immediately, he brought his lips together, harbored a fierce flame in his eyes, and plunged into a new enemy.
She was fascinated with him.
He do not doubt it and challenge from the front, facing the enemy directly.
There was no alteration of the plan, nor any calculation. He didn't even think about winning.
He just believed in himself and his friends, and ran.
His appearance was very stringy.
To her, who had run away from various things, he looked very bright.
She intensely yearned for him.
(Oh, he's amazing. Amazing! Yata-kun is amazing!), she thought.
"The green club, left! The rest are from the red and blue club! This year was also a unique match!"
The announcement heated the place even more.
Then, turning his back on the comment, Yata started running towards the blue club, who was solidifying his defense.
The opponent was the blue club, which is good at tactics and strategy. Involuntarily she breathes, then clasp her hands and pray that Yata won't get hurt and will win.
Yata's hand was engulfed in flames and the members of the blue club held his swords.
Five beautiful leaves that roared in the sunlight.
She was surprised at how sharp they were, she got up and yelled.
At that moment, Yata's flame swelled tens and hundreds of times. It grew big enough to burn the skies, swelled up like a living being, and attacked the blue club.
The blue club took a breath and faced a sudden attack that was completely different from what they expected.
That momentary delay was fatal. The flame burned the headband.
"Ah! Wah?!"
The scorch broke and fell to the ground without a sound.
"The winner is the red club."
Big applause in the hall at the exciting announcement.
Everyone in the red club stood up and raised a voice of joy.
"I did it! Saya-chan! I did it!"
"Yes! You won!"
Everyone clapped and rejoiced.
"Yata-kun! Great!"
"You did it! Yata!"
Kamamoto and Chitose ran towards Yata, who was somewhat confused.
Yata, who was hugged, looked at Suoh for some reason.
For some reason, Suoh and Fushimi were looking at her.
Beside her, who noticed the line of sight and tilted his head, Totsuka put his finger on his chin and narrowed his eyes.
"I see."
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 4 years
Yata Misaki Fighting Style Analysis
Surprise! Non-BSD content! I decided I needed to go back to what I like best—fighting style breakdowns. Not to say I don’t adore theorizing and characterizing and all, but I started with fighting style breakdowns so they’re my favorite :) And I’ve already analyzed most of the fighting material for Bungo, so I figured I’d branch out. (Might do a Dazai one in the future...thoughts?)
Anyway, spoilers for K and K: Return of Kings. 
So, Yata’s really fun to watch. He’s only got one fight in season 1 of K, but he has a lot more in Return of Kings. Some basics--Yata is the only character I’ve seen who fights with a skateboard, and it gives his fights a lot of flair. Plus, we get to see him use three different weapons, all in 26 episodes--a baseball bat in season 1, then a quarterstaff, and then a retractable quarterstaff. And he can manifest a strong Red Aura (flameo, hotman) from his fists, his skateboard, and his weapons. 
Yata’s incredibly entertaining to watch, because while his style has a lot of acrobatic flips and jumps, he hits like a freight train. As the “vanguard” of HOMRA, he’s their heaviest hitter. He cracks pavement when he lands his jumps and once kicked Fushimi through a brick wall, and managed to bat away an entire billboard that Kuroh threw at him. He’s also capable of using his skateboard to block and redirect attacks. 
This man’s balance is absolutely ridiculous. If you look at just one sequence from that first fight, Yata flips over a sword thrust, goes on the attack with his fists, blocks with his skateboard by crouching, transitions seamlessly into a sweep, then does a goddamn back-handspring--onto his skateboard. Yata’s technical skill is off the charts. Yata is very good with staff weapons, too. He spins them around his neck and shoulders to block attacks and jeez, it makes for some gorgeous sequences. 
He’s also stupid fast, capable of dodging bullets at close range (anime bullshit? definitely, but it’s still cool). This man manages to kick Fushimi’s knife into the air and catch it. Granted, it was a warning shot, but still. Plus his skateboard means he’s surprisingly mobile on large battlefields, like when he’s chasing down Shiro in season 1 and during the attack on the Greens in season 2.
Honestly, you’d think that Yata--with his brash attitude and his tendency to go for strong rather than fast hits--would be a straightforward enough fighter. But Yata’s real advantage is in his unpredictability and versatility. Acrobatic flips, his skateboard’s maneuverability, and his skill with bludgeoning weapons mean he’s really hard to hit in the first place.
There’s two ways to get a hit in on Yata. Either you take him entirely by surprise, like Saruhiko in season 1 when he pulls a knife out of nowhere and gets him in the shoulder, or you hit him faster than he can dodge. And this man dodges fast. This means he’s weakest against enemies he hasn’t fought before with unknown abilities, like Kuroh in season 1. 
Teamwork isn’t really a strength of his. He and Saruhiko fight Sukuna twice, and while they lose spectacularly the first time, they crush him the second time. In the first fight, they weren’t working together so much as “both fighting the same dude”. In the second, they actually managed to coordinate and plan for each other’s strengths. It’s really the only time you ever see Yata fight with a comrade, because his fights are usually one-on-one.  
Sidenote: when Yata and Saruhiko fight together? It’s kinda awesome. Yata’s a close-range heavy hitter with acrobatic skill, which means he’s fantastic in melee. Saruhiko has the ability to back him up from mid-range with his knives, and the fact that he’s really smart means he’s pretty good at adapting to whatever Yata’s doing to take advantage of openings. And if Yata’s ever outmatched in the melee or needs a quick save, he has his sword to jump in. 
The best way to fight him is to take advantage of his personality. Mudslinging at HOMRA and Mikoto get him mad, and he fights worse when he’s emotionally invested. If you watch his fights, Yata performs extremely well until someone starts talking shit or he gets frustrated. When he’s pissed, it’s like he forgets about all his acrobatic skill to charge in--and he gets his ass beat. 
Was this post an excuse to fangirl about just how amazing the fights in K are? Possibly. Because they’re ridiculously pretty, particularly in season 2. Anyway, hope this was helpful to someone! I’ll be back to answering asks and irregularly scheduled Bungou Stray Dogs content tomorrow :)
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szivtalan · 4 years
Fushimi, Misaki Yata, Bojack, Diane and Princess Carolyn for the character thing please?
i’m doing a whole read more bc this is long as shit
Fushimi Saruhiko
do I like them: yes, he is my bastard son and I would die for him.
5 good qualities: smart, resilient, really fucking tough, caring towards his friends, knows when to move on.
3 bad qualities: he can be kind of obsessive, the self-loathing levels are off the fucking charts, and also he’s sort of a psycho?
favourite episode/etc: his  introductory episode is chefs kiss, but I think my favorite Fushimi  moments are in the kotatsu chapter of the manga. Also, the interaction  between him and Totsuka in which Totsuka asks him to give a reason for  his betrayal later.
otp: you can take SaruMi out of my cold dead hands
brotp: Fushimi and the Scepter4 guys are so goddamn dorky together
ot3: I have a thing for Munakata/Fushimi/Mikoto eeeuugh don’t judge ok. Alternatively, Munakata/Fushimi/Awashima is also Really Nice
notp: apparently some people ship him with his dad, I’d say that.
best quote:  probably the “I can’t stand people with a big heart.” monologue. It’s  actually really relatable, resenting people for being too good and  making someone else feel inferior bc of it.
head canon:  This is already canon, but I think not many people are aware that  Fushimi self-harms. In my opinion, he also does it underneath the  bullshit little cloth around his forearms, but you have to consider that  the HOMRA tattoo might represent the team itself, but it is on his  skin. He burned that shit and refuses to let it heal completely by  picking at it every five minutes - which also happens whenever he’s  feeling stressed or melancholic about the past. That is self harm.
Yata Misaki
do I like them: oh of Course, he’s baby
5 good qualities: his love, his loyalty, his absolute shyness with girls (gay cough so very gay), his subtle naivety and his honesty
3 bad qualities: his temper, his obliviousness, and his inability to resolve tension
favourite episode/etc: I loved their flashbacks with Fushimi?
otp: SaruMi, ofc
brotp: Totsuka/Yata
ot3:  man he is Baby, he can barely get it on w one person without getting  flustered but I wanna say he could be involved in that  Kusanagi/Mikoto/Totsuka threeway
notp: I would bet my ass he is in some way shipped w Niki too.
best quote: I can’t think of any notable one
head canon:  I think he did try to reach out to Fushimi quite a few times ever since  they separated, since he doesn’t have much pride to swallow. It was  probably Fushimi who kept avoiding him.
BoJack Horseman
do I like them: y......yes. Very much so
5 good qualities: n/a I MEAN he is witty, smart, and he cares a lot about people in his own way. Also, he’s sensitive but he would never admit to it
3 bad qualities: I guess using people to his own selfish needs and being unable to admit to it or make amends?
favourite episode/etc: 5x6 Free Churro. That whole episode was painfully real; also 4x6 Stupid Piece of Sh*t
otp: I was really rooting for him and Diane in the beginning
brotp: Todd or Peanutbutter. They just... look out for him and its..... so good
ot3: Pb/Diane/BoJack would’ve been nice
notp: Do people ship him with Penny or Sarah Lynn? I feel like they do. gross
best quote: “You know, sometimes I feel like I was born with a leak...”
head canon: I do think he is remorseful and feels struck by guilt every waking hour like he said he is,,, that still doesn’t excuse his shitty behavior
Diane Nguyen
do I like them: I do love her very much
5 good qualities:  she cares about so many things and she isn’t afraid to vocalize her  opinion, even when the whole world turns on her bc of them. I respect  that kind of bravery in someone, that kind of sense of individual  responsibility to make the world a better place. She’s everything I used  to want to be.
3 bad qualities: she gets way in over  her head about things and she is kind of attached to her own  melancholy, but I think that’s really just depression speaking most of  the time.
favourite episode/etc: the one in which she decides to take medication and get better.
otp: Diane/BoJack  could’ve worked if the show had a more idealistic and less realistic  take on flawed people. But she is way better off with Guy
brotp:  I appreciate how they were there for each other with PC, and how she  had a civil relationship with Peanutbutter after their divorce and  initial stupidity following that.
ot3: Pb/Diane/BJ
notp:  gosh, idk. I’m not familiar with fandom takes but I’m sure I could find  something to frown upon once I get to digging. I guess I would say her  and Pb weren’t really good for each other?
best quote: “Sometimes, life’s a bitch and then you keep on living.”
head canon: she’s such a well rounded character I have no other thoughts to add
Princess Carolyn
do I like them: I will defend PC with my LIFE
5 good qualities: extremely hardworking and determined, caring to a fault, indescribably loving and nurturing, tough as fuck
3 bad qualities: caring to a fault, naive despite her strong will, gets comfortable with the roles he assigns to the people in her life to the point of not really being able to let them grow/change from it (e.g her relationship with Vanessa and Bojack)
favourite episode/etc: the one where she goes to meet the adoptive mother of her child
otp: I’m really good with Judah/PC
brotp: PC and Todd could take over the world and I’d be cool w it
ot3: I really see her as a one-person-cat
notp: it was painful to see in the end how attached she actually was to BoJack,,,, also I used to like her with Ralph but the whole cat-racism thing was a huge nope
best quote: “I compulsively take care of other people when I don’t know how to take care of myself.” dare I say, HUGE mood
head canon: I have nothing to add except that she’s fucking great
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 months
can you show off your K collection?
The whole collection, you say :D I have a lot, so under the cut so as not to clutter up everyone’s dash.
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First: figures. The large military figures are from Alter and the slightly smaller Fushimi one is from Union Creative. The Alter ones are better quality but honestly I like the more dynamic pose of the UC figure better, there’s a matching Yata that I don’t own largely due to lack of space that’s very cool (however the UC Fushimi also has a truly terrifying alternate face…). The larger chibi figures are lottery prizes, I bought them separately in order to be sure I got what I wanted. I like the winter ones best, someday I need to get the Munakata from that set. The smaller figures are a Niitengo Deluxe set, I actually have a couple duplicates from this because I bought two sets. The ‘regular’ set had Mikoto and then there was a special set — I think it was an Animate exclusive? — that had Munakata along with alternate Fushimi and Yata figures. Then I have the teeny Shiro, Fushimi and Hisui which are keychains, I picked those up at a con (they didn’t have Yata which is why I ended up with Shiro and Hisui in there). 
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Also on the figure end I have these little guys: K nendoroids! Wait, you may be wondering, I don’t remember any K nendoroids. That’s because we have no official ones (still mad about that!) so I had no choice but to make my own by modifying parts of existing nendoroids. The clothes were purchased from various places online.
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Next is my full set of K nuis. It took a while to get all these, because when they released the ‘clansmen’ sets I only bought the Blue clan and then regretted it. And no, they didn’t make an official Niki nui, since I had extras I modified them. Hidaka, Benzai, Niki and Douhan are my own customs.
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More plushies. I believe the larger ones were Sega prizes? I found Munakata and Fushimi being sold as a set online and then hunted down Yata later. The chubby birds are from the Chun Colle line, and of course I had to buy them their own (love) nest. The Saru cat had the clothes sold separately, I think the original listing showed them with a white cat but the black was all AmiAmi had at the time so I have black cat Saru. The Sarumi nuis are from the second release around ROK airing, they’re a bit different than the first release — a little less chubby with more scruffy hair. I have Munakata too, as you can see he’s…busy on top of my desk. 
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Standees, because everyone needs a little anime boy on their desk. As you may notice, one of these things is not like the other. That’s right: Yata’s wearing bunny ears! Also Kuroh is there. At the time I bought the little Fushimi with the drink the cheapest one on sale had both Fushimi and Kuroh being sold as a set, so he’s here too. 
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Speaking of standees, here’s a few more along with other lotto prizes. These were all from the specific Fan Clan lotteries, you had to be a member to draw. The big Fushimi picture and the water bottle were both grand prizes that I managed to win, so I got to choose my character for those (…don’t  ask how much I spent….). The Fushimi picture has hardware in the back that you can use to stand it up but it’s mostly hanging out hidden by my drawers because I don’t have space to display it right now. 
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A few miscellaneous things. The Sarumi plate is official goods, the Akiben cup is a fan made product. The glass has Fushimi on one side and Munakata on the other though it’s hard to see, this was I believe also a lotto prize but I got it as a free gift from a shopping service. The pillows are also both official, the one on the left is the Kotobukiya dream cushion and yes I did buy the whole pillow just to use the Fushimi cover. The incredibly gay pillow featuring Fushimi touching himself while looking at a photo of Yata he’s pinned to his pillow is also, amazingly, 100% official merchandise.
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Jumping around to some more official stuff, these are all my physical media. Missing Kings is actually the Japanese release, which has subtitles but no dub. It released before the US version even had a release date on the books so I bought the Japanese version instead (I don’t dislike the dub but dubs are also not something that’s a dealbreaker for me). I also have three stage plays — fun fact, the US and Japan are in the same region for blu ray — these are not subtitled. 
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Novels (and a couple CDs). From the top left, we have the All Memories book, Case Files vol 2, Lost Small World, Idol K, the little short story booklet that came with the pre-MK S4 drama CD (with the glasses drama on it), the three anime adaptation books, the aforementioned drama CD and the Idol K CD. 
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Next, manga. The top left corner is the K Poe Backs book, which has a bunch of mini first person comics of the cast seducing ‘you’ the reader. The top right is the K Maniacs book which is an official doujinshi book, it has no pairings but a lot of older Sarumi doujinshi artists are involved and Fushimi and Yata definitely dominate the book. I have the special Animate of editions of Gakuen K volume 3 and Missing Kings, because I liked the covers. The LSW books are all the special editions as well, the little booklet on the bottom right came with the final volume. The booklet between the two volumes of Days of Blue also came with that second volume and has the special Cherry Blossom Viewing chapter. (Meanwhile I just realized I don’t have Return of Kings….I need to buy that, I like the art.)
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Some more random goods. The purse, hat and watch are all from Super Groupies collabs. I have the Super Groupies S4 wallet as well but it felt weird to take a picture of my own wallet (incidentally, if anyone sees the Super Groupies S4 earrings let me know, I didn’t have my ears pierced when they came out so I didn’t buy them and I want them now). The necklace was for Fushimi’s birthday, there’s a couple Yata ones that were made as well and another Fushimi one that’s blue but this is the only one I bought, it has a tiny S4 logo. The two tins are official teas that were made, the Homra one is my favorite of the two and is a pretty red. 
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Some more clothes. I skipped most of the Super Groupies collab clothes for sizing reasons but these all fit and again, all are official. The shirts are from a collab with the brand Avail, they did shirts based off Shiro, Kuroh, Mikoto, Yata, Munakata and Fushimi. I have the Yata, Munakata and Fushimi ones, the puzzle piece S4 logo that’s Munakata’s is my favorite.
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My wall o’ keychains. I actually have a lot of keychains on various purses so this is not all of them (I may have mentioned before that I’m also into lolita fashion so I have lots of purses, forgive me for not digging up all of them for keychain pics). The wall is missing a lot of Fushimi keychains though because they’re on my Fushimi ita bag. 
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I’ll probably redo this at some point (I don’t really like backpacks so this doesn’t get worn much) but here’s a lot of my Fushimis that aren’t on other purses. I also have some new Sarumi ones I just bought, these are for the Sarumi ita bag I have in progress. This covers most of my collection, I also have a lot of posters and some magazines that aren’t convenient to get pictures of. This doesn’t count my, uh, extensive doujinshi collection either, just know that the bottom shelf and a half of my bookshelves is 90% Fushimi-centric doujinshi. I may be ever so slightly obsessed. 
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mel-animeland · 6 years
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Back in March, I wrote a post for the “Squad” OWLS tour, the prompt was about friendship and as support for the topic, I decide to go with the anime and manga series, Seraph of the End (Owari no Serafu). I decided focus the post on Guren to show what one can do for their friend(s), even if they shouldn’t be friend with them in first place.
I have to say, I really enjoyed writing this post, not only cause I love the series, but also because of what Guren was ready to do for his friend, in fact, more I was writing the post, more I was liking him and seeing him under a new light (I still have trouble to fully trust him tho)
I was almost done with the post when I thought of and other series I could have used for the March tour. The series I was thinking about, portrayed a really different kind of friendship than seen in Seraph of the End.
The series I’m thinking about is K-Project, the focus would have been on the relation between Fushimi and Yata. The more I was thinking Fushimi and Yata, the more I wanted to write about what happened between them and why their friendship ended the way it ended.
K-Project also simply known as K is an original anime series, produced by the studio GoHand (Hand Shakers), counting two seasons and a movie (starting from July 2018, seven other movies will be release) different manga and light novel. The first season, aired from October 2012 to December 2012, the second season title K: Return of Kings aired from October 2015 to December 2015. The movie was released between the two seasons in July 2014. To know more about the K franchise, you can visit the Wikia fan page. This post gonna be mainly based on the information found in the manga “Lost Small World” which follow the story of Fushimi and Yata from before they joined Homra until they part away.
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The manga gonna get a movie adaptation that will be presented in -Japanese – theaters on October 6th (from all the K Seven Stories coming out it’s the one I’m looking forward the most.)
After talking about it with my really good friend Zel from ARCHI-ANIME, she said that I should still write a post about it and since I’m a really good friend, I’m listening to her.
So here we are, after a long introduction, my thought on the relationship between Fushimi and Yata.
** As always the post will or might contains spoilers **
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What do we know about the relation between Fushimi and Yata, if we only take in consideration the anime series?
On one side, Fushimi seems quite enjoying pissing-off Yata and on the other Yata thinki Fushimi is traitor and cannot be trusted (which is not too far from the true since Fushimi left/defected the Red Clan to join a rival clan).
This is what we can understand from the anime, of course thing change a little bit between them toward the end of the second season, but for the most of the series Fushimi is seen teasing Yata and Yata reply with his flame.
This is what the series show us, however, there was a time where both were really close friend, they were what we would call best friend.
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So why they aren’t best friend anymore? Why Fushimi left, betray, the Red Clan and Yata for the Blue Clan and Munataka?
First off, you need to know their friendship didn’t had a solid foundation since the beginning, the reason why Fushimi and Yata became friend is because the former was craving for attention and the latter was giving him this attention. Between you and me, this doesn’t make a really solid base, cause soon as one or the other change their surroundings, thing stop being the way they were before. In the present case, when Yata and Fushimi joined the Red Clan (I have to say Yata was way more thrilled about it than Fushimi), Yata got a new group of friend, new interests. Yata always been the friendly type, an idiot that need a lot of explanation, but he was always friendly with a kind of child’s innocence. Fushimi never really find his place in the Red Clan, it wasn’t his idea and always thought they were better off without them, they didn’t need those rascal in their life. More days they were passing with the Red Clan furthers was drifting away Yata from Fushimi, Yata fitted in the group and he was always in adoration in front of the Red King, Suoh Mikoto, the very cool blazing king. This adoration Fushimi was once the object, he was slowly losing him, this attention he craved so much for wasn’t his anymore.
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Fushimi needed it, he needed to be noticed, acknowledged. He needed someone to look at him like if he was the coolest guy of Japan, the smartest of the planet. He needed because no one in his family never gave him. His mom was always more interested in her company than in her son well-being, Fushimi always referred to “This man wife” when talking about his mother and for her he was only “Niki’s son”
His father, Fushimi Niki, wasn’t better, in fact he was worse than her, he was barely at home and when he was, he was making sure to torment his son. Niki was an intelligent man coming from a wealthy family, but alas money and intelligence doesn’t make him a competent father. If he named his son Saruhiko it’s because the first time he saw him not long after his son birth, Niki said that he was ugly and looked like a monkey (Saru means monkey in japanese) just to tell you how he was seeing his son (and as a really good mom, Saruhiko’s mother just laugh telling her husband he was right).
I can give you a more concrete example of how twisted his father was.
One day little Saruhiko was examining an anthill, for a school project, he was fascinated by it. Seeing how much his son was enjoying watching the anthill, Niki decide to pour fuel in it and set it on fire in front of his toddler son…great father right. I can also tell you about that one time little Saruhiko wanted to race against his father to solve a Rubik’ Cube, Saruhiko finished quickly and look at his father proud of himself thinking his father would have done the race with him, however, Niki never solved the cube puzzle instead he waited for his son to finish his cube, looked at him and break the cube apart while smiling.
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Niki always took pleasure in destroying what Saruhiko cared about.
Little Saruhiko learnt the hard way that everything that he loved can be destroyed.
His family was clearly dysfunctional, he never really had friend, how one can develop social aptitude when he is ignored or psychological tortured by the people who should have taught him how to socialize with the people around him, his parents. Saruhiko was relief when his father died, Saruhiko go see him at the hospital, he screamed his anger at the corpse. Yata had to stop him cause he was about to go out of control. That was the effect Niki had on his son. Even after his death, he was still tormenting Saruhiko. He was still seeing him in his dreams (nightmare is more appropriate), he was hallucinating him, he even saw him through his smartphone (until Munataka come in and hinted Saruhiko his phone had a virus, virus sent by Aya his cousin)
His familial background made him asocial, preferring the company of computer than human being, during his middle school days, Fushimi was passing more time locked in the toilet stall with his own computer program than in class. And that is where he met Yata. (no wonder their relation became like shit…)
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Yata Misaki didn’t really have a great life either before Fushimi, but it was still better than his friend. While he didn’t came from a wealthy family, he came from a loving one, his mother was remarried, but his step-sibling loved him and he was a caring big brother. Yata always been pretty friendly and easy-going, however he was also not the smartest tool of the shed. He state it himself, he is an idiot that need to have thing repeated and explained to him more than once before he get it. This also made him a little bit naive, there is time that people pretend to be his friend for later just throw him away, which affect him. He might have come from a pretty normal family, but Yata was still looking for friends he could trust and a place where he could belong.
He found the first when he met Fushimi in the bathroom stall of their school (fanfic material here) Fushimi was playing a game involving calculation and Yata was pretty amazed about that Starting from there, they boy start to hang out together and eventually they became best friend, they were always together and they both decide to not go in high-school, they found a place to live, not a great place, but it was their place, a place where they both belong, where they talk, talk about taking over the world.
Thing could have stayed like that and their friendship would have remained unchanged, however one day they cross the path of the Red Clan and his King, Mikoto and few days laters That Yata had to beg the Red King to protect his best friend. This day Yata wanted to find a way to be able to not rely on other, he wanted to be stronger, that is why he reach the Red Clan, and Fushimi just tag along. To this day, I still have the feeling Yata never really planned to join the clan, but after receiving the Homra mark, he felt like he finally had found that place he had been looking for.
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Quickly, Yata made friend with the other member of the group. While Yata was making his place within the Red Clan, Fushimi looked from afar wondering why Mikoto was so incredible, not only he was slowly losing the attention Yata was giving him, but for the other clan member, Fushimi didn’t had something special, they wasn’t acknowledging for what he could to, Fushimi didn’t had any purpose within the Red Clan. Fushimi never felt like he was belonging to this place, a place where his best friend was happy, where he could be happy with him he doubted that he was at the right place, the Homra sign on his chest was painful which shouldn’t normally be and he was scared of Mikoto. Yata and Fushimi was slowly drifting apart, and thing become harder for the old friend.
Fushimi realize that Yata wasn’t the same anymore, at least in his eyes, when the latter stopped being there for him. Fushimi is not the type who would open up easily, so if he need to talk about so matter, like the scary hallucinations he had of his deceased father, his friend should have been ready to listen to him, however it wasn’t the case, Yata was more busy talking about how awesome the Red Clan and Mikoto was than paying attention to Fushimi, he never realized once the one he used to call best friend needed him to be by side. Of course Fushimi always wanted to monopolize Yata attention that what he needed since he never had it before.
Yata always lacked of discernment not being able to read the mood, now don’t get me wrong I don’t blame Yata for what happened between them, Fushimi was also in the wrong for not trying to talk more to him, Fushimi knew how Yata was, he was already like that when they were in middle school. Yata Misaki always been a little bit pushy, no matter how many time Fushimi tried to push him away, the chestnut-haired boy always came back without taking in consideration how Fushimi was feeling, Yata is not the type to listen other. despite the fact that at first Fushimi was annoyed by that, slowly he came to accept Yata presence and stop to push the one who will become his best friend away. Fushimi knew Yata wasn’t able to read the situation however there was time his friend could figure out what was going on with is own process of thinking and there was time he hit the middle of the target. The one time Fushimi had wished Yata would get by himself that his friend needed his help, Yata didn’t and I think it affected Fushimi more than he let it appear. However Fushimi being Fushimi, he said nothing to make himself to be understood and pushed Yata away one last time, thinking he didn’t need him anymore. Fushimi was bitter, Yata wasn’t the one he use to be, they weren’t talking about taking over the world anymore, Yata was all about Homra a group where Fushimi didn’t fit in, a group where Fushimi never tried to fit in. Yata is surely not the only one to blame for what happened between them, Fushimi also have his part of responsibilities for not speaking earlier to Yata, for not telling him how he felt.
By pushing Yata away, Fushimi didn’t had anything to tie him back to the Red Clan, plus Munataka, the Blue King saw the potential the young man had and offer him to join his clan instead. At first Fushimi wasn’t sure of the choice he should make, however he saw in the Blue clan something he needed, something the Red clan didn’t gave him, acknowledgement. Munataka would give Fushimi a reason to use his skill and purpose in life a d place where he could belong. All the thing Mikoto and the Red clan could give to Fushimi, Munataka and the Blue clan would give it to him.
As you can guess, Yata didn’t welcome the news with his usual cheerful attitude and it didn’t took long for him to call the one who was his best friend a traitor. Fushimi burned the mark he had on the chest mocking Yata and his pride.
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Fushimi and Yata friendship was probably bound to be broken, it didn’t have a stable foundation like communication or mutual understanding, both were polar opposite. While Fushimi never missed a chance to piss-off Yata, in the end he still cared about his old friend and former clan, finding information for them. The one of the thing Fushimi was scared of, was to become like his father, however Yata told him that it will never happen since Fushimi had something his father, Niki, didn’t had, a conscience and in his “ book he was straight up guy”
I know my title include the words broken friendship, however while their friendship was indeed broken for some years, in the end they made up and start a new  when Fushimi finally decide to talk to Yata about what happened
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  Friendship are important in a person life, friend are there when the family is not, they are there to support you, this is why they need to be chosen and once you get them you need to nourish this friendship and make sure it never wither.
It wasn’t an OWLS post, but it could have been one, hope you enjoyed the read, cause I really enjoyed writing it.
Once again thank to my fabulous friend Zel for pushing me to write this post.
~ Thank you for Reading ~
The Tale of a Broken Friendship Between a Monkey and a Crow Back in March, I wrote a post for the “Squad” OWLS tour, the prompt was about friendship and as support for the topic, I decide to go with the anime and manga series, …
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endless-season · 7 years
vague fan clan event things based on what i read on twitter and weibo that may or may not be correct
Major points: They’ve finished LSW and S:B for K S7 so far. So the trailer i mentioned last time is just for them apparently
Edit: Yesterday, K Fan Clan published the Gora Talks Q&A on their website (it was last month’s survey) so I’ve cleaned up that part of the post.
GoRA Talks K (summarized from KFC website):
lots of k next year apparently
new characters appearing in 7s’ SB and LSW
LSW themed
LSW outfits
kusanagis debut~
Mikorei, sarumi fighting
Homura exec trio bickering.... wait what? more deets pls D:
Gora Talks K 
Mob characters 
were initally designed by director(?). Who then asked Gora to choose names for them(?) (And so they chose names and personalities for them. for example ‘that face is definitely an andy!’ ‘(eric) is blond so lets make him a foreinger!’ etc. Orange was the one who named eric. Eric was the hardest character to flesh out)
Chara birthdays as we already know are largely decided by star signs
Munakata and mikoto were easy to choose. 
Pink: ‘Munakata is definitely a libra and also megane day so 10/01’ 
‘We didnt consider anything but Leo for mikoto’
‘Yata has summery image so we decided on July. Since he has a lot of friends, we made him cancer’.
‘Kamamoto has a bull like body so we made him taurus’
Hisui’s wasn’t decided by star sign, rather they used 11 twice, since K is the 11th letter of the alphabet. Since his role is kind of like the last boss it seemed fitting.
They struggled to choose between leo and virgo for yukari.
There were also cases where the author in charge chose  bdays. For example, Blue chose Iwafunes.
Since each of the KFC profile’s have a bday section, most of them have been filled. Typically just the novel only characters are missing birthdays.
Who has their drivers licences:
Everyone in S4. it’s probably a requirement so those who didn’t have one wouldve had to get one to join, for example Fushimi and Andy.
Kusanagi and Kamamoto had to get theirs to make deliveries.
Totsuka has one too but quickly became a paper driver. (someone who doesnt usually drive)
Other than that, the Red don’t have that many people who have drivers licenses. Though it seems Chitose and Dewa do.
Yata didnt have money so didnt get one.
Kuroh and Yukari have car, boat and helicopter licenses  (Red: thanks to Ichigen’s teachings) Both of them had helicopter flying scenes in the series too.
Seven stories:
K LSW and K S:B finished with their after-recordings.
The new character is going to be voiced by /THAT/ person!?!?! it was surprising.
Music for idol k: theyre writing new songs for them. Wont say what songs and for which chara, but Pink, Orange and Black are in charge of lyrics.
Short stories: theyre thinking about making a compilation of all the short stories so far. like i said last time, theyre still making the novelisations for the 2 series and the movie.
Who thought of using 11 as a theme? NakanishiP. Since the first announcement was made February 11 and then they continued using it.
Scepter 4 Talks K
Enomoto’s BATTOUing speech changed a lot from S1
It was exciting to see Akiyama’s right eye showing in S2
Enomoto is v popular (with the VAs i assume?)
??? soemthing about kusanagi and mikoto. something about seri
Everyone thinks tsuda is cool
‘Do you want to join scepter 4?’ - *silence*
Zenjoh gets a cute scene
new characters appear
mob characters will be cameoing around
Seven stories trailer ayeeeee
animation style is like second season’s
fushimi joining s4 scene
middle school toilet scene
Mikoto’s clan initiation test thing
mask + skateboard
save fushimi
~thought i was gonna die~
PJs fushimi
Niki, Kusuhara, Zenjoh appears 
S4 members bathing scene
mob fighting
zenjoh slashing his sword
Kusuhara chasing the bullet
Habari jin
Fushimi voiceover: that line from SB about ‘the first king i met told me to take his hand, the second king i met told me to take this sword’ 
Munakata voice over: the usual s4 style speech ‘We are Scepter 4 ........ etcetcetc...... we will advance with swords in hand for our cause is pure’
Theres an all night screen thing november 2
Someone tweeted ‘ IT WASNT A NEW CHARACTER. IT WAS YOUNG ZENJOH’ but frankly i have no idea what they were referring to so.
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
“R:B” CHAPTER 8 (Part 2)
* Chapter 1 * Chapter 2 * Chapter 3: Part 1 / Part 2 * Chapter 4: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 * Chapter 5 * Chapter 6: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 * Chapter 7 * Chapter 8: Part 1 
Yata and Fushimi are overwhelming in individual battles. The abilities of the two captains there appear to be close to those of the two, but there was still a distinct "power" difference between the two.
However, “Scepter 4” has a deft movement as a unit, blocking Yata and Fushimi's fighting power.
They do not get impatient, they do not rest and they maintain a certain average. It was a splendid "group battle" that seemed to make him feel like he was watching from the side. This type of fight is a trick that is almost impossible with "Homura", where each member has a strong personality.
However, if Kusanagi participates here, there is no doubt that the situation of the battle can be reversed in the blink of an eye.
Kusanagi is number 2 of "Homura". Not only because he is a counselor, but also because he has the strongest "power" alongside Suoh.
Additionally, Kusanagi's "power" can be applied over a wide area and remotely, like the multiple fireballs that were launched the first time.
Adding in here the extraordinary melee power of Yata and Fushimi, it's not impossible to defeat this formidable unit. On the contrary, if he feels like it, it could last "a year".
But that is not good.
That's because if he is so serious, he will end up with a real "act of combat" with no excuses. Kusanagi doesn't want to risk a full-scale war with the Blue Clan at this stage.
Of course, even though the kings are fighting, he can't help but think of nothing. However, Kusanagi distrusted the "Golden King" more than "Scepter 4". Daikaku Kokujoji and his clan "Tokijikuin" are organizations that dominate the country without speaking before. He is also the ally of "Accord 120", which establishes discipline between clans. At that time, even if Suoh said "Oh.", He couldn't help it, but he didn't want to imitate what might be taken as "opening the battle with "Scepter 4" as the consensus of the red clan."
Even for the "Golden King", they must leave "space" that can be discussed openly later.
Therefore, he wanted to keep "this" in the "fight" category. Even if he makes a mistake, he should avoid a "war dead" situation.
In that case, it would be nice to fight again as the first move, but this time, Yata and Fushimi's degree of devotion becomes an issue.
Especially Yata. He must have been exhausted, but since he realized that Suoh had started fighting, he was even more excited and struggling because he couldn't make a fool of "Homura". It has done. That is why Kusanagi was only able to provide careful support so as not to cause an "unfortunate accident".
"Oh, why is this so troublesome...?"
It was "Scepter 4" that entered. How long are they now in the Blue King process? However, if by any chance it is the "Blue King" who is fighting Suoh now, it is difficult to think that this situation that is currently unfolding is the way he wanted. Of course, there may be some purpose behind this, but even so, the scoop should be too big.
Isn't this a "no one wants" situation?
And, as he can see by unraveling the story, many of the wars, even if there is enough ground up front, start with a sudden misfortune and expand unabated. Nobody wants that.
"This has to be a joke."
No matter how bad he thinks too much. Even if that is said, bad feelings never go away. And what's worse, he doesn’t feel like retiring first while thinking so much.
This is a "fight". It is a "fight" that was sold. He had to find the end point, and it was not his intention to turn down some commitments, but he thinks it is natural to buy it because the fight was sold.
No, he has decided without thinking about it. He knows he can avoid the worst if he raises his hand, give up, and walk away, but he doesn’t buy it.
No matter how rational or cautious he is, Kusanagi is a member of Suoh's clan.
Hard to say at all.
"No way."
If the battle of exhaustion continues further, even if he survives in this place, he will not be able to cope with the situation after that. There is no choice but to force clean.
Kusanagi tightened his expression and looked at the battlefield with a cold gaze. He carefully controlled the "power" and lowered the target. However…
About to attack, Kusanagi stopped at the voice he heard.
If he looks at him, he rushes towards him desperately. Also, there are two strange guys behind him.
Kusanagi looked over and was fed up and frowned. He can see it even if it is far away. There were many annoying smells. It is as if he is holding a sign that says "bad news".
"Totsuka! Did you go looking for Yamata? I don't know why; I'll take you two too."
"These two are related to Yamata! King brought them when they were chasing him."
"Eh? Ah, no, what is Yamata's location?"
"I lost him!"
He thinks he's been running. When Totsuka reached Kusanagi's side, he seemed to sit up and was on the edge.
Fushimi noticed that they called him "Totsuka-san", and Yata looked back and made his face glow. The Blues that kept fighting also showed a terrifying appearance. On top of that, he thinks they thought "Homura's" reinforcements had rushed in.
However, Totsuka is insignificant as a force, and above all, for the current Kusanagi, it is not a story of reinforcements.
"It's harder than that, listen, Kusanagi-san!"
"Damn! Tell me I'm wrong! Totsuka, I'm giving 10,000 yen, so please tell me that idiot Mikoto isn't fighting the Blue King!"
"It's an exceptional request for Kusanagi-san, but unfortunately it's true! Besides, the blood is rushing to his head like never before!"
"Oh, really? Just like I thought. No, but the 'Sword of Damocles' hasn't come out yet. That idiot is also keeping the slightest restraint."
"I think it's just a matter of time."
"It's not a lie?"
He's sure that inside it was by the Strains. According to Totsuka's explanation, Suoh joined Totsuka and later met the "Blue King". Kicking Munakata's request, he refuses to hand over Yamata. It seems that the snow fell in the battle as it was. It was almost like Kusanagi's bad imagination.
"That is, Mikoto is still fighting, and the other units of “Scepter 4” are chasing the lost Yamata."
"King should call everyone."
"No. Is it a full-scale war?"
"But, Kusanagi-san. To be honest, it's a trivial matter now."
Kusanagi is speechless at Totsuka's words. As with the dialogue, his serious expression prevented Kusanagi's tongue from moving.
"Now it's about King. If he doesn't stop, it'll be really bad."
When Totsuka stated that...
As if to test Totsuka's words, a red aura escaped like a pillar of light in the sky over there.
Kusanagi's eyes go to that before he realizes it. The light was fierce and divine, and then it spread into the atmosphere.
And, after the light diffuses, a huge sword appears in the evening sky.
Even at such a distance, its vastness and hidden strength was transmitted. At the same time, it was found that the "power" that dwells within them pulses to resonate with that.
The red "Sword of Damocles".
What is there is not just a sword-shaped body of energy. That is Suoh's intention. The will to fight, which can never be forgiven.
Furthermore, Suoh was not the only one who showed his intention to heaven.
A pillar of blue light stands right next to the "Sword of Damocles" in the evening sky. After the beautiful cool light, another sword appeared.
Similar to Suoh, but more elegant and different in color.
The blue "Sword of Damocles".
Red and blue, one sword to another, it was pulled from its sheath and thrown into the sky.
Kusanagi pursed his lips, not losing sight of the "Sword of Damocles." The battle that had turned into an exhaustive battle has ceased, and everyone is staring at the sky even in Yata.
"It is bad..."
Totsuka gave him a slightly haunted face. Kusanagi feels the same.
Suddenly one night, when he had a meeting in "HOMRA", Suoh's last line was fascinating.
At that moment…
Did Suoh say "then" at that time? A full-scale war with the "Blue King" and the Blue Clan. The two kings, who were in the same place, showed their intention to fight together. It will be impossible to avoid it anymore.
Even so...
Even if the two kings crossed the sword, the ruin has yet to be confirmed.
There have been many battles, such as the appearance of the "Sword of Damocles". It is the first time that the kings have fought each other, but it should not happen immediately after the fight.
The question is, why do he go so far?
However, once they get to that point, it is no longer a story they can make on their own. All they have to do is believe in Suoh, their own king.
Kusanagi decided to prepare.
"Totsuka. Summon the members. However, fighting is forbidden. I don't know how it will end, but believe in that fool and wait."
The first time he saw him was when he was still at school.
It was at the time when he was facing a bad group and only one person was desperately resisting. They crushed him many times and he thought he was going to die several times. There was nowhere to stay and he was walking around a corner of the city to avoid the gaze of the public. That was the moment. By chance he saw "them" in a corner of Shizume-cho.
Happy and proud.
Men who calmly cut the wind with their shoulders and conquer the city without any fault to themselves.
"They" were in the limelight of those around them, no matter what they did. Or it may have been revulsion, fear or hatred, but at least no one neglected "them". Everyone in town recognized them and "they" were naturally proud to walk in the dark.
His body trembled just looking at him.
He doesn’t think he are breathing in the same space. There was a brilliant life there that was totally different from his.
The thoughts that were etched in his heart at that moment were of longing and admiration.
It wasn't long before he saw them in town that he learned that they were a group called "Homura". The reputation of "them" was as diverse as the legend of the city, and those who were enthusiastic about the school were half-confident or shook their heads. Some ridiculed that it was a bunch of crazy clowns.
On the other hand, the evil of the city and the collapse of the Yakuza did not mention his name in the detour. The crazier the so-called insane, the more terrifying or overwhelming they were. Incredible rumors and real legends rooted in the city. He was engrossed in gathering information and trying to find them in town.
When he realized it, he began to dream of conquering the city along with the line of "them".
Men who have opened up to the freedom of living in the city only with their own strength and talent. He stood next to "them" and slapped himself. That imagination was the food to survive the difficult days and the light for the dark future.
When he had that beautiful flame in his hands, he thought he finally had it.
A new world. A new life.
A new me that seems strong and firm.
"There is no point being 'Homura'. They are right."
The place he points to, the world he yearns for, was not bad.
If so, when did it go in a different direction? Why did he set foot on a different path?
"Oh, I found him!"
The moment he heard the scream, Daichi Yamata was lost.
The inside of his head is already a mess. They beat him there, they shook him here and he was chased by Totsuka and those who were following them. So the moment the voice he encountered echoed, he was engrossed in running away from the voice.
He was alone. And that voice still haunted him.
"Shit! I'm careless, persistent, I think of you."
He was being chased by a member of the Blues, "Scepter 4". He was younger than him and he was like a high school student.
It appears that he is in contact with other members over the communicator, and there was a scene where he was almost caught and shot.
However, it seems that they do not know the geography of the place, and managed to escape their hands by hiding every time it became dangerous.
Except for the first young member who has found him.
Even if he hid and jumped into the alley many times, he immediately finds and chases him. He's hideously clever. The physical ability is clearly superior to his. Even if the "power" is the same, probably stronger than him. That is why Yamata keeps running away.
"Hey! Give it up! Can't you run away? It's disgusting!"
Although he clings to Yamata, who is running at full speed, he appears to be out of breath and there are no signs of pain in his screams. On the other hand, he is already on edge. His breathing is turbulent, his heart won't stop beating, and his leg muscles are about to pull. Even though they were both members of the clan, there was a miserable difference.
"No matter how hard the sand is hardened by someone else's blood, it will collapse for a moment."
Suoh's words simply echoed in his head. The ironic sermon resounds.
The blood is trampled on again. Miserably, mercilessly, worthless, like an insect.
"Come on…"
Does not like.
Sorry for that. He has "power", he is different from his old self. He chews on his back teeth and runs desperately. When he realizes, he went out into an open space. A spacious intersection where three lanes intersect in one direction. Perhaps "Scepter 4" was blocking the area, there was no moving vehicle and, at first glance, it was not populated.
Backstage, he yelled, "Yes!" Here he could use his "power" without worrying about his surroundings. He is willing to attack and stop him. He doesn't care if Yamata cries or screams. Regardless of Yamata's intention. He is going to capture him and carry him in a very workable way, handling the luggage as a matter of course.
He feels like stomping on it like a stone.
"Come on…"
He just said that.
Could he forgive him?!
He stopped and looked back. He turned outrage into "power" and burned the flame immediately.
The young man in blue clothes who was chasing him is shocked and scared. That's it, it's not a thing. It is not just an object that can be moved freely at someone's convenience. He has a temperament; he has a heart.
Even if it doesn't match, it won't let the burning "fire" in Daichi Yamata be treated as a thing.
"Do not miss it!"
He radiates the flame with all his might. The blue clothing hurriedly flew to the side. While avoiding it ...
Swing the sword that has been drawn. A blue aura flashed, piercing Yamata's flames with a single sword. All of Yamata's blows scattered as he was parried with the sword.
When the blue clothing lands on the street, he smiles and turns the tip of the sword.
"Did you finally get hungry? Ok? Let's go."
He looked directly into Yamata's eyes and happily said that. Yamata breathed on his shoulder and couldn't even answer.
However, there was a small, satisfying sensation at the back of his chest.
A Clansman, who is superior to himself, looks at him steadily now. Acknowledge its existence and try to fight.
Suoh said that he respected himself.
He thought that was the reason why he couldn't be trampled on by others.
Is different.
True self-esteem cannot be broken even if he is trampled on by others.
He has almost exhausted his "power" in the previous hit. Still, Yamata squeezed his energy and put a flame in his fist.
He can't win, but what happened? The result does not change. However, the way the results are received is different.
It will.
Yamata screamed as loud as he could and hit the face of the “Scepter 4” member, who seems to have an out of tune expression.
When the blue clothing enveloped his sword in blue light, he caught Yamata's fist from the front.
Then, after fully accepting the "power" and momentum, he shook his feet and rolled Yamata onto the tarmac.
While smearing the scratches, Yamata lies on his back and says "Gah?" The tip of the sword hits the tip of his nose.
The sun slid over the blade and reflected a bloody glow.
"Checkmate... I heard that the red clan is a strong enemy, you were persistent, not bad."
The words of the young man in blue clothes did not include malice or contempt.
However, he couldn't ignore the casual line of satisfaction that was like the bud in Yamata.
He stands up by himself and grabs the tip of the sword with which he was struck.
Of course with bare hands. he doesn’t even have flames anymore. His palm was cut and blood was dripping, and he felt a burning pain. The pain was so painful that he even cried. However, Yamata burned the pain with anger and further burned his own fire.
"Oh, hey!"
He laughs at the surprised blue clothes and clenches his fist tighter.
"Oh, yeah... I'm persistent, I..."
The blue clothes approached trying to draw the sword. If he pulls it out hard now, it will cut off his finger. It is a stepping stone to do so much damage.
"Stupid. Let it go. It doesn't make sense."
"How loud, stupid... If you don't like it, get out..."
He is stubborn and puts his strength in his fists. Worthless. As the blue clothes say, it doesn't mean anything.
Also, when the blue clothes had a cold face, the blade would have a blue light again. Then the hand he was holding turned around so that it was pushed from the inside.
The sword is surrounded by "power" crystals like a barrier. He can no longer touch it.
Well that's correct.
Not an opponent.
Still, there is something you can do.
For example, how about getting up? Yamata stepped closer and twisted his body. Scared to get up.
As it is, it puts effort into its entire body, clenches its teeth, and stands up.
There was no interference for some reason. When he looks at him, the blue clothes are looking at him as he carries the sword on his shoulder. There wasn't any kind of evil or contempt in that line of sight. Just waiting for Yamata to stand up.
What a weird boy.
Yamata smiled unknowingly and stood firmly.
When he got up, the young man in blue repositioned his sword again. There…
"Was over!"
Some new members of “Scepter 4” appeared from the street where Yamata and his opponent had just arrived. Each one takes their sword and runs towards Yamata. "Oh, wait!" Said the young man in the blue suit in front of him, but the members were nowhere in sight except for Yamata.
Yamata snorted and then took a deep breath.
He will be trampled on from now on.
If what remains is self-esteem, he is no longer afraid. And he keeps looking forward until the last moment to "go away" even after being trampled on.
At that moment, Yamata's eyesight turned red.
The "mosquito" that should have accumulated came out suddenly. When he looks at it, "power" fills it, as if steaming. Yamata was stunned and sporting flames. It was a new "power" that he had never felt before.
When they realized that, all the members who were trying to run stopped, and the blue-clad young man to the side walked away in an instant. And, as it engulfed Yamata, the entire area was filled with a red aura.
It is the territory of the king that elevates the "power" of the clan member. He looks up as if flipped over, a huge red sword hanging in the sky like a flag showing its land.
The "Red King" approached the crossroads, walking proud in the middle of an unpopular road, with a beautiful but fierce flame.
Not controlled by anything.
Only by his own will.
The sight he saw that day, it's hard to think about that.
In the blink of an eye, the long-awaited and missed shot was stronger than any flame in the world and burned the depths of Yamata's chest.
He wanted to be a man who could be on that side.
Will it still be on time? Can he start over?
Yamata silently stares at the noble king, object of admiration, with teary eyes.
Suoh protects Yamata.
"You decided?"
It was a question about how Yamata would proceed. Yamata replied to Suoh: "Yes."
"Then the details will come later. Go away."
With that said, he passed Yamata's side and went straight down the street. Conquering the city.
When he turned around, a figure was approaching from across the street. A holy tremor that resembled a warrior's tremor ran through his body.
The Blue King.
That blue clothed youth cheered proudly like a child, saying, "Captain!" Behind the king is the female member he saw earlier.
The Blue King entered the wide intersection with the same calm steps as Suoh.
The two sides behind the glasses are like blocks of high-density ice without impurities, and their line of sight is fixed directly to Suoh. And the blue light explodes without the pretext of exchanging words. A blue aura spread around the Blue King.
The aura rises to the sky while dancing and dancing. Then, they were gathered together with Suoh's sword and compressed to form a "shape".
A huge divine sword that is as good as Suoh's sword.
The blue "Sword of Damocles".
The swords of the kings are lined up over the intersection.
Yamata, not only him, but all the vassals who were there, gasped alike and looked at their king.
The air in the place is so dense that it is difficult to breathe. Two shrines collide, space sways.
Two young kings with extraordinary power clash.
It is like a mythical sight.
"This is the end."
The Blue King declared.
"Suoh Mikoto. Get ready."
"That is a bad face."
The Red King answered and said...
"Get lost, Munakata."
The Blue King no longer moved his face. Just he said…
“We, Scepter 4, carry out our duties as swordsmen. Do not allow it to spread into the sanctuary, and do not allow it to be invaded into the world of dust. Control the sword with a sword. There is no cloudiness in our cause."
So, the king put his hand on his waist and drew his sword with that statement.
"Munakata, batto."
* Chapter 9 * Chapter 10
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brynne-lagaao · 7 years
(Fanfic) Set in Stone - Chapter Four
Title: Set in Stone
Pairing: Sarumi
Chapter: 4/18
Rating: M
Mirrors: AO3 | Website
Summary: Yata wasn’t sure what he was expecting when he performed a summon on his own in a fit of drunken loneliness. It definitely wasn’t some asshole demon with a bad attitude, even if that demon happened to be frustratingly hot. But breaking their contract was going to mean working together, and he wasn’t sure how much of that he could take before he snapped… one way or another.
Note: Thank you to @dropletons for being my beta and to @chromekins for helping with the magic aspect. This fic is not entirely accurate in terms of modern magic and the demon lore was basically made up to suit the story, but I tried to keep somewhat of an authentic feel, so hopefully that succeeded.
Yata was in a foul mood by the time they reached the elevator. The insignificant weight of the stone in his pocket felt like it represented the unpleasant knot of this unwanted contract and the hassle he was going to have to go through to get it undone. His patience was already at its limit; he felt about ready to kick something.
Yeah, the train is definitely out. Fuck that noise.
Fushimi moved to stand beside him, the evidence of his matching irritation made obvious in his tense posture, scowl, and directionless glare. “How long am I supposed to put up with this?” he muttered as if to himself and reached up to dig two fingers into his temple beneath the band of his glasses, shutting his eyes. “What a pain...”
“How the hell d’you think I feel, huh?” Yata responded belligerently, slamming the stop button as the doors closed. He bent down to unzip the bottom pocket of his cargo shorts, scowling to himself. “Anyway, fuck it. You’re gonna find out sooner or later, so we're doing this the easy way.”
“The ‘easy way’?” Fushimi repeated. It was almost possible to hear the raised eyebrow in his voice without even looking at him. “Also, in case you’ve forgotten, I already know exactly how you feel.”
Yata ignored that, digging out the familiar cloth pouch and opening it to grab a pinch of the powder inside. “You still wanna fly, right?” He could feel the warmth of the magic still seeped in the herbs under his fingers, fueling his confidence. “I’ll make you invisible and you can do whatever.”
Fushimi eyed the bag for a moment, expression inscrutable, and then inclined his head just slightly in acknowledgement.
Good enough. Yata reached up to sprinkle that tiny bit of powder, brushing his fingers together over Fushimi’s head to ensure that it landed properly, and then dipped back into the pouch to do the same for himself.
“I can still see you,” Fushimi remarked after he’d finished.
“You already know I’m here, dumbass!” Yata stowed the pouch away, shooting him a dirty look. “It’s not perfect invisibility, like we just vanish or anything like that. People won’t notice us, that’s all.”
That sounded like a dubious hum, but whatever. Yata shrugged off his hoodie, quickly securing it around his waist, and then reached back to tug his shirt over his head.
There was a stark pause from beside him – different from the neutral silence of before. He could feel Fushimi’s eyes on him as he freed his arms from the shirt, and a wave of sudden self-consciousness seemed to wash over him. “What?”
“Nothing.” The word was drawn out, low and throaty and promising. “I didn’t take you for an exhibitionist, that’s all.” When Yata turned to stare at him, momentarily confused, Fushimi lowered his eyelids, lashes veiling his gaze as his smirk widened. “Then again, we are invisible, so maybe that’s not the right word for it. Either way, if doing it in public is your thing…” He let that trail off, shutting his eyes and letting out a huff that sounded partly amused and partly smug. “I don’t know if I believe you’ll stay quiet enough, honestly – does the spell come with a ‘silence’ effect?”
Incomprehension gave way to sudden realization; Yata felt the blood rush to his face, hot and furious. “Wha – the hell? I don’t wanna do it in public, you weirdo! Especially not with you!” The last part was a useless lie – the warm twinge of involuntary interest at the suggestion and sultry look combination was going to give him away – but he had to maintain his dignity in some way. “Where the fuck did that come from?”
“You were taking off your clothing.” Fushimi shrugged, spreading his hands without any sign of remorse. He let his eyelids slide just far enough open to fix Yata with a heated gaze. “What was I supposed to think?”
There was a certain amount of promise in that look: an unspoken answer to the desire that Yata was trying very hard to ignore. Fushimi was taunting him, he was pretty damn sure of that – but there was an element of something half-serious behind it; a kind of ‘just kidding… unless you want to’. If he was being honest, he’d been getting flashes of that vibe from the start, and it was confusing as hell. It was directly contrary to the contempt Fushimi seemed to have for him, and he wasn’t sure what to make of that conflicting set of attitudes.
He thinks I’m a waste of space but he’d be okay with us fucking? I don’t get it.
Well, either way, Yata wasn’t so desperate for sex that he’d take it from someone he wasn’t even sure he liked that much, hormones be damned. Fushimi was interesting, yeah – clever and cool, mysterious in a way that was undeniably sexy – but he was also a dick and Yata had standards, damnit! Getting off wasn’t worth the lack of respect.
No matter how desperate for contact he was…
Shoving those thoughts aside, Yata scowled in response, deliberately turning to face the panel again and harshly slamming the lobby button to start the elevator moving. “You can keep those kinda thoughts to yourself, asshole,” he grumbled, tucking the shirt securely into the waistband of his shorts.
Fushimi made a soft, amused sound, almost lost in the hum of the elevator coming to life. “You still haven’t explained why you started undressing.”
That at least he was gonna get some satisfaction from. “Hah!” Yata shot him a sideways smirk, feeling marginally better. “You’ll see when we get outside.”
He got a raised eyebrow in response. “Is the secrecy really necessary?”
“Nah.” Yata shrugged, turning to face the doors again as the elevator came to a halt. “But why should I waste my breath when you’re gonna see it soon enough anyway.”
“‘It’, huh?” The words came out slow and mocking. “In that case, I hope it is worth the production.”
Yata shot him a scowl, moderately irritated. Fushimi was looking at him with lidded eyes, lips turned up in a lazy smirk and gaze somehow intent. It made him keenly aware of his exposed skin, and he felt a little self-conscious, uncomfortably reminded of his diminutive build. He had muscle, yeah, but despite his best efforts he was never gonna be really broad. And he was short, which didn’t help. Most of the guys who liked short, slender men liked a certain type, which he definitely was not. But it wasn’t like his problems with getting laid had ever been about finding people who liked how he looked – at least, based on how often he could pull initial interest, he didn’t think he was unattractive or anything… so…
Why’m I thinking about this shit now? Who cares what he thinks of me? Deepening his scowl at that defensive rush, Yata turned and deliberately stepped forward into the empty lobby, leaving Fushimi to trail after him.
Once they were outside the building, he stepped just off to the side of the staircase, not quite moving fully out onto the sidewalk. Right. I should have enough space here.
“What are you – ?” Fushimi’s words cut off in a sharp inhale.
Yata had already begun stretching out the lesser-used muscle – for lack of a better term – at the center point between his shoulder blades. He felt the initial rush of pain as Fushimi spoke, and gritted his teeth against it as those previously hidden appendages sprouted out through the flesh on his back. It was as if they’d been released from restraint once he’d consciously attempted to extend them. Once he started, they just… came out, muscle and bone and dark feathers, flaring out a good five feet to either side as they sprung free.
He experimentally flexed them one at a time, shaking each wing a little to work out any kinks, as the throbbing in his back faded and he consciously unclenched the fists that had balled up at his sides. As usual, they felt fine – no stiffness or anything. That was normal – the wings were magic, after all; they didn’t make sense otherwise – but otherwise, they had always felt just like any muscle in his body. Natural, controllable, easy.
Through the whole process, he could feel Fushimi’s eyes on him, almost burning his skin; when he turned to meet them, a challenging smirk forming on his lips, the gaze that met his was narrow and calculating. “So that’s the deal with that ‘Yatagarasu’ business.” One thin eyebrow arched. “You’re full of surprises, huh?”
“Told ya we could race.” Yata shrugged, folding his wings in just a little and reaching up to adjust his shoulder to alleviate some of the extra pressure. He deepened his smirk, gratified by the small, irritated frown that was returned. “How often do you fly, anyway? Are you even fast?”
Fushimi clicked his tongue. “Annoying,” he muttered, but the answering fire to Yata’s challenge was present in his eyes. He slid them shut and a short second later, his own wings emerged from the center of his back – along with the smooth curved horns and thin forked tail that were a part of Yata’s vague memory from the previous night.
The transition was so seamless, it was almost like a special effect from a movie. Yata resisted the sudden impulse to reach out and touch, gaze shifting with fascination from the tail as it lashed sharply to the appendages on Fushimi’s back – which, despite the bat-like appearance, seemed to be a lot broader and more solidly built than he remembered from that hazy first impression – and then up to the simple inward curve of the horns.  “Hey… how’d you keep those hidden? More illusions?”
“I can’t use illusions on myself, remember?” Fushimi met his gaze with a raised eyebrow. “They’re probably exactly like yours – I can extend and retract them when I need to, that’s all.”
“Huh.” Yata accepted that – and then a thought occurred to him, and his eyes narrowed. “How’d you get them to go through your clothes so neatly?” When he leaned in for closer inspection, it almost looked like the wings and tail extended naturally from Fushimi’s shirt and pants. “I gotta take off my shirt if I don’t want it getting ripped up.”
“Do you not even think?” Fushimi met his scowl with an unimpressed frown. “The clothing is illusion, idiot. Or had you forgotten that already?”
He had, but the scornful response got on his nerves just the same. Yata deepened his scowl. “So what if I did? Your clothing’s not that exciting, y’know.”
Fushimi let out a small, amused huff, lips turning up in a tiny smirk. “I could change that if you really want me to.”
“I don’t.” Shooting him a final glare, Yata turned away with a frustrated huff. “Whatever. Just keep up – it’s not my fault if you fall behind and get lost.”
“I have to keep you company, remember?” Fushimi drawled back. “I can’t get lost.”
Yata snorted. “Can’t be that easy to get rid of you, huh?” He stepped forward without waiting for a response, stretching his wings out wide before heaving them down hard to lift himself off of the ground and gain momentum.
It wasn’t something he’d realized was magic until he’d joined Homra and Kusanagi had explained that he was too heavy for any non-magical rationalization to make sense. It had always felt natural to him to be able to do this, despite the fact that he’d learned at an early age that he couldn’t, at least not around other people. The first time he’d flexed that muscle and brought out his wings in front of his mother…
Yata grimaced, deliberately shoving that memory back. He didn’t like to dwell on his past – or his future, really. It was simpler to focus on the feeling of sudden weightlessness and speed as he caught the breeze and lifted, gliding forward and up lazily for a beat before pumping his wings again to rise above the buildings around them.
The air was thinner up there – cleaner, too – and as always when he did this, it felt like he was leaving his problems, past and future, behind on the ground, the rush of the wind a pleasant sting against his face and body as the city diminished and became the landscape for his air travel.
Well… there’s still that one really clingy problem…
He could feel Fushimi’s presence without turning his head but did so just the same. The bat-like wings flapped steadily, each powerful beat drawing him further through the air. As he rose up to Yata’s level, he shifted, catching the breeze to glide similarly for a beat. His arms were in close to his body and his legs behind him, a posture that spoke of at least minimal experience with flying.
It was the first time Yata had ever had anything similar to human company while he was in the air, which was a bit exciting. Despite everything, he couldn’t help but grin as Fushimi returned his gaze, a little surge of something like anticipation and pleasure rushing through his body when the corners of Fushimi’s mouth edged up with seeming reluctance. He pumped his wings several times more before gliding again, shifting direction subtly towards his target.
The ease of flying was something that had come with practice – a lot like his skateboarding, but later in life. There was a long period in his early life when he hadn’t brought out his wings even briefly, and once it had been safe to do it, he’d had to start from scratch learning how to fly without crashing. It was Homra who’d helped him – supported him – showered him with all kinds of advice (some of which was even helpful) as he was fumbling around with it. Homra who’d introduced him to magic and the ways he could make it a part of his natural habits and inclinations. Homra who’d taught him that he could be himself without restraint in the ways that it really mattered.
Homra who gave him a place he could always belong – a constant source of friendship and acceptance in a large, lonely, indifferent world.
That sentiment was still burning brightly within him as he angled down from the sky and came in for a practiced landing directly in front of Bar Homra – the place from which his coven took their name.
Fushimi landed beside him shortly after, folding his wings as he dropped gracefully to the ground. “So where is this, exactly?”
Yata spread his own wings again, flexing that inner muscle once more before drawing them back. The sensation always gave him the impression of a sinkhole – his external self seeming to collapse inward as the appendages were pulled in under his skin. “This is my coven’s headquarters.”
Fushimi followed his example, the wings, tail, and horns receding smoothly as he frowned critically at the old-fashioned building in front of them. Beneath the prominent sign bearing its name, Homra had a set of double doors framed by flat rosewood beams and walls lined with curtained windows on either side. Above it, the brick structure extended upward, the framed lining of its windows indicating apartments or personal rooms. The building was located close to the city’s entertainment district, where the roads were more cramped and the sidewalks made from stone rather than stark, neat concrete. It was built straight up against the establishments on either side, its prominent entrance sitting directly at the outward corner in a way that made it seem to pop out at a casual viewer. A folded sign sat at the base of the steps leading to the doors, displaying the bar’s daily specials. “What kind of coven do you belong to?”
There was a scornful note in the inquiry that had Yata’s hackles rising; he scowled back. “Not one you wanna trash talk if you know what’s good for you!” he snapped back, and then let out a short breath, reining in his temper. “Homra specializes in fae magic.”
“I see.” That considering gaze turned sideways towards him. “Well, I guess that makes sense, considering.”
Considering. Yata resisted the urge to rise to the bait, pulling out his shirt and sharply tugging it on over his head. “C’mon.” He started for the bar’s entrance, pausing only when he got close enough to reach for the door handle. “Right, so there’s a protection spell around this place.”
Fushimi snorted, looking unimpressed. “I’d question your leader’s competence if there wasn’t.”
It took more of an effort to clamp down an angry response to that. Settling for a glare, Yata went on. “It’ll remove any active spells you got on you – like my invisibility spell. If you got something else going on that needs to stay on, better say something now.”
“I don’t cast spells,” Fushimi responded, without batting an eye.
“Yeah, right.” Yata turned back to the door. “Let’s go then.” He swung it open without waiting for a response, stepping into the warm space and feeling something within him relax as the familiar jingle on the door went off. The grin he shot forward wasn’t even remotely faked. “Yo! What’s going on, Kusanagi-san?”
The bartender – and their coven’s second-in-command – looked up from the glass he was polishing with a smile. “Afternoon, Yata.” His gaze shifted. “And who’s – ?” The question cut off; he blinked twice, seeming taken aback. “Ah.”
Before there was a chance to process that weird reaction, the blond sitting in front of the counter let out a low whistle, smiling with what looked like innocent cheer. “Now that’s bold, even for this day and age.” He was directing a curious look past Yata. “Are you on your way to a club, maybe?”
“Huh?” Yata frowned, eyebrows furrowing, and turned to look behind him. “What are you – ?”
That question died on his lips, forgotten as he took in the sight in front of him. Fushimi was now dressed as he had been the previous night: tight black pants and sleek black boots, nearly reaching as high as his knees. His upper body was bare, pale skin and lightly muscled torso on open display in the warm, rich lighting of the bar. As Yata had pieced together from his dim memories and the clothed version he’d been exposed to up until then, Fushimi was thin but beautiful, slim and elegantly built but with a certain amount of power behind that deceptive frame.
Fucking totally my type. The thought slipped through Yata’s consciousness before he could recover from his shock and stop it. The sharp, sudden rush of attraction caught him momentarily off-guard – it was difficult to gather his scrambled wits.
The impact of Fushimi’s attire was spoiled slightly by the sour expression on his face. “That’s a powerful dispel you have,” he muttered, and clicked his tongue. “Can I change back, or is it bad manners to wear illusionary clothing in here?”
Kusanagi’s voice was something between amused and baffled when he responded. “Well, we’ll make an exception.” The barest hint of a warning crept into his tone when he added, “But I’d stick to clothing when it comes to illusions.”
“Mm.” Fushimi shot a sideways glance at Yata, eyes veiled by his lashes again. A tiny knowing smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. “Got it,” he drawled, shifting deliberately as the familiar shirt and jeans took shape on his body. “I’m a reluctant guest here anyway.”
“Reluctant, eh?” When Yata turned, Kusanagi was giving Fushimi a considering look. “That’s quite the talent you have.” His gaze shifted to Yata. “What kinda visitor did you bring here, Yata?”
“Demon,” a deeper voice answered; Yata jerked his gaze towards the side of the room in time to see his coven’s leader sit up slowly on the couch, studying Fushimi almost blandly through fierce gold eyes as he reached for the pack of cigarettes on the low coffee table in front of him. “High ranking too, huh?”
He napped there so often that Yata hadn’t quite taken note of him when he’d walked in, but he immediately brightened with that presence. Suoh Mikoto had been his hero for years – and kind of still was, even if Yata himself had settled a bit over time. “You can tell just by looking? That’s awesome, Mikoto-san!”
The blond at the counter chuckled. “King would know if anyone here would.” He stood up, making his way across the room toward them. “I guess I’ll open up the introductions, then.” The smile he offered was warm. “Hey there. I’m Totsuka Tatara.”
Fushimi’s gaze was wary as it shifted from Mikoto to Totsuka; the frown on his face deepened. “Fushimi Saruhiko.”
“Fushimi, is it?” Kusanagi held up a hand in casual acknowledgement. “Kusanagi Izumo.”
Mikoto was already lighting his cigarette, so Totsuka picked up the remaining thread without pause. “And our leader over there on the couch is Suoh Mikoto.” He held out his arms expansively. “Welcome to Homra!”
“Should that be your line?” Kusanagi commented with a certain amusement.
“It’s fine – someone had to say it, right?”
“Not so sure about that.” Kusanagi shook his head, and then turned to face Yata with an arch look. “Want to tell me why you’re bringing a high-ranking demon in here in the first place?”
“Uh… right.” Yata scratched at the back of his head, feeling sheepish. “Actually, I kinda… See, Munakata gave me this book, it had a bunch of summoning circles in it… and I mighta been kinda drunk, and, uh, well… ” He shrugged awkwardly. “Yeah, shit happened and now I got this guy stuck to me for a while.”
Kusanagi blinked at him, clearly startled. “You did a summoning on your own?”
“Yata, that’s dangerous, you know.” Even Totsuka’s expression seemed uncharacteristically somber.
The reminder had him ducking his head, sheepishness deepening into chagrin. “Right, yeah, I know…”
Fushimi clicked his tongue. “Considering who he is, how dangerous is it really?” he muttered.
Yata shot a startled look back at him, but Fushimi didn’t meet his gaze. He’s defending me? The realization surfaced in his brain all at once, an unexpected truth rising through layers of disbelief. But he’s the one who said I was stupid first… And he was right – it was Yata’s dumbass behavior that had led to their current predicament… Yata’s weakness in the face of his own loneliness that had him giving in to his impulses and making bad decisions. And it wasn’t like there’d been any hesitance to point that out before.
So this was yet another contradiction to the disdainful treatment he’d received so far. Yata furrowed his eyebrows, frowning as those blue-grey eyes turned to meet his stare impassively. Fushimi didn’t make any goddamn sense at all, really.
“I’m not doubting his ability.” When he looked up again, Kusanagi was holding out his hands in a kind of surrender, a rueful smile on his lips. “We all know what he’s capable of – ‘scuse me for talking about you like this, Yata – but summoning a high-ranking demon…”
Fushimi clicked his tongue again. “You’re making a big assumption there.”
“Oh? King was wrong?” Totsuka tilted his head, studying Fushimi with keen eyes. “Are you not a demon, or is it that you don’t rank that high?”
The expression on Fushimi’s face was somewhere between perplexed and irritated when he met Totsuka’s gaze. There was a stark second of silence and then he said, with clear reluctance, “That’s not what I meant.”
“Hm.” Totsuka’s eyes softened a little, some of that familiar knowing warmth infusing them. “So it’s the assumption that you’d be dangerous, then.”
Fushimi’s lip curled in response, expression going sour again. Yata didn’t wait for him to interject. “You got it wrong, Totsuka-san – this guy’s dangerous as hell.” He hooked a thumb in Fushimi’s direction with a bit of a scowl. “It’s only ’cause I’m a changeling that he can’t suck out all my energy and fuck off back to hell or wherever.” Reaching up to scratch awkwardly at the back of his head again, he added, “I was the one who didn’t put a time limit in there, and that’s why we’re stuck like this.”
“Hm.” Kusanagi sounded thoughtful. “No time limit, eh? Well, I guess that wouldn’t be more than just troublesome for you.” When Yata turned to face him again, he raised an eyebrow. “By the way… how’d you happen across a summoning circle for a high-ranking demon anyway?”
“Oh… yeah.” Right – that was something he’d wanted to bring up. “Got it from Munakata – a whole book of ’em, actually. Kusanagi-san, did you know that guy was – ?”
“A demon lord?” Kusanagi offered a rueful smile, reaching for one of his cigarettes. “More or less. Well… the details make for a bit of a long story…”
“It’s because King has the kind of aura that attracts power,” Totsuka chipped in, tilting his head to look over his shoulder with at Mikoto. “Right, King?”
Mikoto returned his gaze steadily for a beat, then let out a low grunt and looked away, reaching up to pull his cigarette from his lips and exhale.
“Let’s skip the story for now,” Kusanagi suggested smoothly, reaching for his lighter. “Sorry for keeping it from you, Yata – there’s a reason the three of us had to keep it quiet, even from the coven.” His eyes took on a bit of a flinty edge. “Though… seems to me there was a promise made when he propositioned you for that job…”
Fushimi made a small, amused sound, lips curling up with a slight sardonic tilt. “One thing the Captain’s always been good at is keeping to the literal terms of an agreement while still edging around it to get what he wants.” He reached up to push his glasses higher on his nose. “In this case, it seems to be the two of us working together.”
Yata scowled at the reminder. “Right, yeah, he said he’ll cancel the contract if we charge these stones.” He reached into his pocket to pull out the moonstone, holding it up on his palm. “In a really stupid way, too – sun for the moonstone and moon for the sunstone. What the hell sense does that make?”
Both of Kusanagi’s eyebrows went up at that. Ignoring Totsuka’s low whistle, he removed the cigarette from his mouth and spoke carefully. “That I can’t answer for you. Though… Fushimi, I’m guessing your affinity is with the moon?”
There was some soft shuffling from the stairs before he could answer that, and a soft feminine voice broke into the conversation. “The stones are a pair.” The teenaged girl it belonged to stepped into the room after it, her long white hair seeming to absorb the ambient colors of the lighting in the bar. Anna wore the usual Lolita-themed dress in red and black, striking against her pale skin, and her red eyes were calm as they met Yata’s. “Like the two of you.”
“Huh? A pair?” What’s that s’posed to mean? Even knowing it was useless to protest – whatever Anna saw when her other Sight activated, it was never wrong, even if she could only express it in vague terms – Yata couldn’t help but blurt, “No – you’re wrong – we’re just like this because – ”
“A contract,” she finished simply, and offered a tiny smile. “But not just the contract. Reisi would’ve known already.” She stepped forward to where he was still holding the moonstone on his palm, and reached out to brush a finger across the surface. “Don’t worry, Misaki.” When she raised her eyes again, her expression was serious. “Things won’t always be the way they are.”
Something about the combination of that look and those words had a lump rising at the back of his throat. It was like the loneliness that had driven him the previous night came rushing back sharply to the front of his thoughts, and he swallowed, almost unable to stand the soft understanding in her eyes. After a brief but awkward silence, Yata tried for a grin to play it off. “Uh – r-right. Yeah.” He cleared his throat, a little embarrassed, and reached up to rub at the back of his neck with his free hand. “Thanks, Anna! You saying that somehow cheers me up a little, y’know?”
It was always like that with Anna, though – she was a natural seer, though her powers didn’t always activate fully or give her visions she could understand, and she tended to be cryptic without meaning to. He’d known her since she was a little girl, and she’d always been overly quiet and serious, speaking very little and very simply. But somehow, he could feel the warmth behind the things she said. And it was comforting when she was around. Living at the bar and being known to every other member of the coven, she was like the beloved princess of Homra.
Well, maybe more like a priestess in a way… sorta.
Her gaze slid past him, hands dropping to clasp in front of her. “Nice to meet you,” she said simply, “Saruhiko. My name is Kushina Anna.”
Fushimi blinked at her, clearly taken aback by her immediate familiarity. “Yeah.” After a pause, he added, almost grudgingly, “You too.”
No one could be rude to Anna. Yata didn’t bother to suppress his grin – Fushimi could probably feel his amusement anyway. “I got a favor to ask, Anna. We gotta find some spots around the city for charging these stones. Can you help?”
She tilted her head at him for a moment of silent regard, and then shook it slightly. “This is a quest. There’s less power in it if I tell you everything.”
“Huh?” Yata blinked at her. “A quest? Why?”
Fushimi clicked his tongue. “That makes it even more annoying,” he muttered.
Yata shot him an irritated glare. “What’s that s’posed to mean?”
“But,” Anna continued, as if they hadn’t spoken, “there is one thing I can say. The first step is here.”
“Here?” Kusanagi repeated, sounding intrigued. “One of those charging points is the bar, you mean?”
She nodded. “Not inside. But…” Her gaze lifted to the ceiling, meaningfully. “Homra is blessed by the sun.” When she lowered her eyes again, it was to meet Yata’s confused stare with a small smile. “Misaki. This is the place you belong to more than anywhere else. It’s the right place for your quest to start.”
“Oh. Huh.” Yata reached up to scratch the back of his head. “That’s how it works?”
Fushimi let out a sharp sigh, as if exasperated. “It’s standard for quests. Probably the last one will be mine, if that’s the way we’re doing this. Or,” he added after a beat, “at least as close to mine as we’re likely to get.”
Yata frowned at him, confused, but Totsuka had already picked up the conversational thread. “So the bar is a sun charging place, then, right?” He smiled brightly at them both, raising a hand to point up. “In that case, wouldn’t the roof be the best place to do that?”
“Obviously.” Fushimi clicked his tongue, looking back towards the bar entrance. “Does that dispel effect work on people leaving this place as well?”
“No,” Kusanagi responded, “only when you come in.”
“Good.” Fushimi turned back towards Yata. “In that case, make us invisible again and let’s fly up.”
His tone was irritating. Yata scowled back. “Don’t order me around!”
Fushimi raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you have a better idea?”
He didn’t, but that wasn’t the point. “I said don’t give me orders, asshole – I didn’t say we wouldn’t fly up.” Yata let out a sharp ‘ch’, lips twisting down in a scowl, and turned back to face the others. “Sorry. I’ll probably be busy for a while with all this crap. And I still gotta work too; I need the money.”
“Don’t worry.” Totsuka offered him a warm smile. “We’ll still be here for you. Anyway, things will turn out fine! There’s always a reward waiting at the end of a quest, right?”
Yata grinned ruefully in response. “Yeah, that’d be getting rid of this jerk.” He hooked a thumb in Fushimi’s direction.
Fushimi clicked his tongue again. “That goes double for me. Can we go?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Grumbling, Yata reached down to the bottom pocket of his shorts again for the cloth packet. “I got it.”
The sooner they started, the sooner this would be over with, after all.
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emeraldwaves · 7 years
Title: Don’t Look Down DJ AU Chapter 13 *FINAL CHAPTER* (Read from beginning Here or Here) Pairing: Sarumi Rating: M Word Count:  6,555 AO3 Summary: When Fushimi Saruhiko is dragged to a club by some of his co-workers, he refuses to dance, earning him the attention of the lively, up-and-coming DJ, Yata Misaki. After a heated argument, the boys go their separate ways, never expecting to meet again. Little do they know their first meeting is only the beginning of their now intertwined lives.
Full Fic Under Cut. Thank you to @its-love-u-asshole for betaing! And thank you to EVERYONE who supported this fic! I’m so sad it’s over, but I had SO much fun writing this! Thank you <3
It took a while for Saruhiko to convince himself he was content with his phone being as silent as it was. His emails, on the other hand, had been blowing up. A few random musicians he'd never heard of had contacted him asking if he wanted to collaborate. He deleted those of course. Then there were a few from fans, mostly women, who claimed they loved his voice and how his song had helped them through a rough time. One had sent him questionable pictures, and he had deleted that email so fast, he hoped he could just pretend it had ever existed
Doumyouji and Hidaka were constantly asking when he was going to do something new, but Saruhiko had spent the majority of the time ignoring them and brushing them off. He wasn't going to keep explaining to them that he was done with music forever. Both had seemed disappointed, but Akiyama had recently been ushering them away from Saruhiko's desk.
Munakata had also given up it seemed, no longer did he give Saruhiko a knowing look every morning when he came into work, and he had stopped making weird suggestions.
He wasn't upset people were finally giving up on him—actually it was exactly what he had always wanted. He wanted to be left alone, free to go about his daily life as he had been before Misaki, before all this music mess had begun.
And yet, even though it had been a few weeks at this point, Saruhiko still found himself occasionally glancing at his cell phone, pressing the small button on the side to get the screen to light up. For a moment, it felt as though his heart was a bit heavier in his chest.
Perhaps there was one person he had never expected to give up on him. But this person had given up, this person had other people he was more passionate about. People he needed to focus on to further his career. And being ignored was what Saruhiko wanted, that was what he had convinced himself. It was far easier this way.
And he was content, completely content. Touching the side of his phone, he ran his finger over the cool glass screen. It was much better this way, with his phone being silent. He got more work done, and wasn't so damn distracted or annoyed all the time. It was better.
"Ah Fushimi-san," Akiyama's soft voice came from behind him, and he turned around quickly, practically jumping in his seat, as though he had been caught doing something he shouldn't have. "Sorry," Akiyama continued, "I didn't mean to startle you."
"Tch, you didn't," Saruhiko scoffed, folding his arms.
"I was wondering if you could help me with a quick report?" he asked.
Saruhiko flicked his gaze towards his phone again, he didn't really care much about helping Akiyama, but compared to most of his obnoxious coworkers, Akiyama was probably the one he liked the best.
"Um, if you're busy, you don't have to," Akiyama spoke up again, waving his hand a bit.
"It's fine," Saruhiko grunted, clicking his tongue. "What do you need, make it quick."
Pursing his lips, Akiyama handed Saruhiko the folder. "You can just read it over yourself," he said softly. "But...I wanted to ask if you were okay," he muttered. "You seem really down today... well... lately..." Akiyama muttered.
"I'm fine," Saruhiko snapped, taking the folder from Akiyama's hand. So much for Akiyama being the only one to leave him alone so far. At least he hadn't pressured him for more information. In fact, he hadn't really said anything.
"We're all here for you if you want to talk?" Akiyama said. "I mean I know you're not much of a talker..." he muttered trailing off. "Maybe we could all go out again, take your mind off of things."
Saruhiko tried not to crush the folder with his fist. "Akiyama, I said I'm fine," he growled. "And I'm never going to be pressured into going out again," he continued, looking down towards his phone. "That's how this whole damn mess started in the first place."
"Ah...true..." Akiyama muttered. "I didn't even think of that..."
Clicking his tongue, Saruhiko took the envelope and sat back down in his chair, swiveling it away from Akiyama. "I'll bring this back to you in a moment." And thankfully, Akiyama took that as his cue to leave.
He flipped through the folder, reading about the technical issues the computer was experiencing and had in the past. It was hard to focus when all he could think about was how frustrated he was. This was how work had been for the past few weeks. His performance hadn't slipped or anything, he was still on time with his work, actually he'd been working a little faster, since it was a good distraction. Occasionally, he'd get stuck, focusing on the wrong things, his heart throbbing with frustration and anger.
He'd been avoiding music completely as well, not wanting to listen to anything on the radio if he didn't have to. His and Misaki's song was on frequently, and even worse, his and Nagare's song would occasionally pop up too. Neither were things he wanted to listen to, and any sort of music he listened to reminded him of all of the wrong things.
He stood up, making his way over to Akiyama's desk, and he placed the folder back down. "I circled the parts you're going to want to have him replace," he said. "It's not a difficult fix, but it might be expensive if we need to order the parts."
"I...see," Akiyama said taking the file back. "Thanks," he nodded. "And uh, Fushimi-san," he continued. "I'm sorry...about earlier."
"It's fine. I already told you I'm fine. I want to drop the subject," he said. "It's not something we need to focus on. I put it behind me, and I would appreciate it if everyone else did too."
"I know...you just seemed so upset lately."
"I'm fine," he repeated. "If you have more questions about computer stuff you can ask, but this is the last I want to hear about this subject." Not giving Akiyama the chance to answer, he moved back towards his own desk. The less he heard about it, the less he would think about it, or at least that was Saruhiko's theory. He was already moving on with his life.
It had taken almost a week to perfect it, and even then Misaki wasn't sure if it was good enough. He wanted it to be perfect., absolutely perfect. Saruhiko deserved that at the very least. Actually, Misaki knew Saruhiko probably wasn't going to enjoy the present at first, hell he probably would reject it. Misaki was ready to do what he did best—pester Saruhiko until he convinced him to listen.
He had pushed the thoughts of the apology he felt he owed to the back of his mind, and now he could only focus on convincing Saruhiko to forgive him for what he had done.
The song was something reminiscent of the song they had originally performed together. It had similar melodies, only this time Misaki was singing it. Misaki's voice wasn't very good, in fact he often sounded shaky and nervous on his own songs. He liked it so much better when he heard Saruhiko or Totsuka sing his stuff, it made more sense. But for Saruhiko, Misaki wanted to do this. He wanted to prove how much Saruhiko meant to him, how stupid he'd been to push Saruhiko away, and how much Saruhiko had helped him...there was also the slight possibility that he loved him, and though he had mentioned it in the song, Misaki wasn't sure how...literal Saruhiko would take the message.
It was a song Misaki had written for Saruhiko, and Saruhiko only.
The song was a bit slower than stuff he normally made, but he felt that would suit Saruhiko better, and it swelled at the end, filled with as much emotion Misaki could pour into it. He hated his stupid, shaky voice on it, but it would be worth it in the end when Saruhiko realized how much Misaki had put into this song.
There had been parts he'd deleted and parts he'd rearranged. He'd sang the damn thing at least 20 times, but it had all been worth it. Worth it to get the perfect song for Saruhiko, to express everything Misaki was feeling.
He didn't want Saruhiko to forget the way it had felt when they had performed together. The way the beat had flown between their hearts, the way they had kept the tempo together, and how it had been impossible for Misaki to stop smiling for the entire night. He didn't want Saruhiko to forget how amazing the times they had shared together had been. Sure, they’d had some difficult moments, but they'd also had amazing ones, and Saruhiko had changed so much in the small amount of time Misaki had known him.
He couldn't believe he had almost let all this go.
"Yata-san?" Kamamoto said, opening the door to the studio, and Misaki immediately slammed his laptop shut. He had promised himself that no one else but Saruhiko would hear this. "You left your phone in the living room and you keep getting texts, from Kusanagi-san I think."
"Hah?!" Misaki yelled, and lunged forward, grabbing the device from Kamamoto's hand. "Shit!" Misaki cursed, and tucked the phone into one of his pocket's. "I'll answer later. I'm almost done with this."
"The song you're writing for Fushimi-san?" Kamamoto asked.
"S-Shut up! Yes that one," Misaki blushed, folding his arms indignantly, as he glanced away. "I just gotta...figure out how to give it to him. If I send it, I have a feeling he won't open the file..." Misaki admitted.
"What about your songs for your album?" Kamamoto asked. "Have you worked on those at all? I don't want you to do that thing where you get obsessive and forget what you should actually be working on."
Groaning, Misaki leaned back in the chair. "Yeah, I've worked on them a little bit, but Mikoto-san already rejected some of the songs I’d shown him. I don't think I'll be able to produce anything good until I get this shit with Saru sorted," he said, scratching at his neck. "I have a few months, and Kusanagi keeps reminding me not to rush it," he sighed.
"Well at least you're getting a lot of extra time," Kamamoto said. "I'm sure you'll figure out how to fix things with him."
"Yeah!" Misaki nodded. "And like I said...it's...basically done, I just don't know how to give it to the asshole!"
"If you're worried, go give it to him in person," Kamamoto shrugged. It wasn't a terrible idea, and it was pretty typical at this point for Misaki to burst in unannounced to Saruhiko's job. It might make Saruhiko hate him even more, but it was worth a shot to get him to listen. "Have you tried texting him?" Kamamoto asked.
Misaki shook his head. "Not exactly. But I know how he gets about his damn phone, and he hates me right now so there's no way he's going to text back, even if I was to try spam texting him..." Misaki muttered.
"Yeah maybe don't do that," Kamamoto snorted. "And maybe-"
"I think I'm just gonna take my damn laptop down to his office and I'll show it to him myself." He yanked out the chord, and picked up the laptop, shoving it in his backpack next to his bed.
"Uhm...Yata-san. I was just going to say maybe you should wait until he's back at home and you guys could have some privacy."
"No way! He'll never let me in his apartment, are you kidding?!" Misaki said, swinging the backpack around his shoulders. "This is definitely the best way to make sure he listens!"
"What exactly did you do to make him hate you?" Kamamoto asked raising his eyebrow, but Misaki brushed past him, shaking his head.
"It's too long of a story, I'll tell you later once it's all fixed."
"Okay...good luck then," he shrugged.
"I don't need luck," Misaki smiled. "Once he hears this, I just know we're gonna figure shit out!" Misaki said, giving Kamamoto a thumbs up. "I'll be back!" he called out, slamming the door behind him as he dashed down the stairs.
Admittedly, he was a little nervous Saruhiko would never want to talk to him again, but he hoped, with many of the other times he'd spoken with Saruhiko, this would be able to convince him just as he had in the past. He didn't want to be pushy again, or well, pushy enough that it would push Saruhiko away forever, but he wasn't going to let Saruhiko get away from him, not again. He wasn't sure if it was going to solve his music problem, but he hoped fixing things with Saruhiko would help him be inspired again.
He couldn't pinpoint when it had happened, but somewhere along the way, Misaki realized he needed Saruhiko in his life, whether he was involved with his music or not. No matter what, he had to make Saruhiko realize that.
"You don't understand!"
Saruhiko practically dropped his phone onto the ground.
The voice was loud and echoed up the stairs, a voice Saruhiko was all too familiar with. He felt his heart sink, and his palms grew sweaty. He truly had thought all this was over, and yet here he was back at Saruhiko's office. Why? Had he come to yell at him again?
"I'm always allowed to go up!!" the voice yelled again, and Saruhiko hoped Fuse would have enough of a brain to keep the idiot out of here.
A few of the other workers had peered over the edges of their cubicle, all disturbed by the loud noises echoing up the main stairwell.
"C'mon! It'll take two seconds! This is really important! I'm not going to yell or anything!"
Saruhiko found that hard to believe, especially since Misaki was already creating such a damn scene. Why the hell did he always do this at Saruhiko's job? He'd already created a scene multiple times, did he really need to bother Saruhiko more? It had been weeks!
Groaning, he tucked his phone into his pocket, and stormed down the stairs, not surprised when he saw Misaki at the bottom of the stairs. His face was red, and he was panting heavily, holding his laptop in his hand. He looked frantic. Glancing from the laptop to Misaki's face, Saruhiko scoffed. Was Misaki here simply to get his laptop fixed? There were plenty of places he could do that, and though Saruhiko did like to think of himself as the best, he would've thought Misaki would go elsewhere to save himself the awkwardness.
"What the hell are you doing here, Misaki?" Saruhiko scoffed, clicking his tongue angrily at Misaki.
"AH! Saru!" he called out, and practically slammed his laptop on the counter. If it wasn't broken before, Saruhiko felt a little concerned for it now. "Good! You're here! I've been trying to get upstairs, but this guy wouldn't let me through."
"Good, you have no reason to be up there," Saruhiko continued.
"Yes I do! I wanted to see you!" Misaki urged, and Fuse began to slink away, not wanting to get caught between the two. Saruhiko couldn't blame him, based on prior knowledge of how Saruhiko and Misaki interacted, Saruhiko wouldn't have wanted to be around them either.
"You did? Last time you made it pretty clear you wouldn't want to see me ever again. And quite frankly, I'm not exactly happy to see you."
"Okay, see, I knew you'd probably say something like this. 'I don't wanna see you Misaki' or 'Get out of my sight', but you gotta listen to me just this once Saru, please!" he said.
"Just this once? Just this once?" Saruhiko growled. "How many times have you been pushy with me and forced me to do things I didn't want to do!"
Frowning, Misaki slammed his hand down on the counter, the loud noise echoing through the hall. "And how many times did you end up loving what we did together!" he grunted, determination flickering across his eyes.
It was a look Saruhiko was used to, one he was incredibly familiar with. Misaki's eyes which proved he wasn't going to give this up. But Saruhiko had fallen for this too many times, in fact there was a time he would've maybe even admitted he loved that look. Not this time, no matter what, he wouldn't cave to Misaki's demanding nature.
"You're lucky we're in a public place," Saruhiko hissed, crossing his arms. "Please leave. I won't ask you again."
But instead of listening, Misaki yanked open his laptop, wiping the screen off as he hurriedly typed his password. He glanced around the store, his gaze falling on a few of the people. He groaned, but quickly shook his head. "Okay, okay, this isn't how I wanted to do this, but I need you to hear this!" he said.
Saruhiko rolled his eyes, and stormed forward, pressing down on Misaki's laptop to shut it. "I don't need to hear anything," he explained. "And I know you love making a scene, but could you not do this at my job."
Misaki stopped his hand. "Please Saruhiko! Please!" he begged, his eyes looking desperate. The determination was still there, but his bright eyes were pleading. What the hell was going on? Saruhiko was certain Misaki hated him now, and yet here he was, being his typical pushy self.
But Saruhiko had resolved himself to his choice. He didn't want Misaki in his life. Even if he took him back, he knew it wouldn't go well. History would repeat itself, and even if they made up, Misaki would go back to idolizing Mikoto, worshiping him and being excited the two of them were working together. Saruhiko couldn't do it.
The problem, which Saruhiko had no desire to admit to himself, was he cared about Misaki. He liked him, and he wanted to be the only person Misaki cared about. He wanted to be his number one. And with Mikoto around, there was no way that would ever happen.
Sucking in a large breath of air, Saruhiko's body felt cold, a shiver running down his spine. This had to be the end of it.
"You need to leave Misaki. I am busy, and I'm sure you have plenty of music...things you need to be working on. Don't come here again."
"C'mon Saru," Misaki grumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "We both said shitty things, but I really wanna...show you this thing. I mean it doesn't gotta be like this, you know?" he said.
Clenching his fists, Saruhiko leaned forward, his eyes staring harshly. "I don't know how many times I'm going to tell you. I don't wish to be involved in the music world anymore. I don't...wish to be involved in your world anymore," he hissed, stepping away from the counter. "Don't bother me anymore."
He turned away, and headed back up the stairs, to return to his work. He wasn't supposed to see Misaki again, and he truly hoped this time he wouldn't have to anymore. He wanted to forget about Misaki, and the way he made him feel, and if he kept pestering him it would be impossible for Saruhiko to do so. Even now, he'd worked so hard to forget about Misaki for the past week and now he had stumbled back into Saruhiko’s life, bringing back memories he had almost completely moved past.
Saruhiko hated emotions, he hated feelings, and above all else, he hated when his heart felt so damn heavy in his chest.
When Misaki saw Saruhiko turn away from him and walk up the stairs, he slammed his hand down onto the table in front of him, and stormed away from the counter, not saying a word to the man who called out behind him to have a nice day.
He had to regroup. There was absolutely no way he could just give this up. This was Saruhiko, and Misaki had resolved to fix this. If he couldn't convince Saruhiko to listen at work, he'd have to find another way to get him to listen.
Which was why he was now sat on the stoop of Saruhiko's apartment, waiting for him to get home. He'd tucked his laptop into his backpack, and curled up, bringing his knees up to his chest. He'd wait as long as he had to, even if Saruhiko didn't get home until midnight.
However, Misaki had forgotten one minor detail—winter was on the horizon, and by the time the sun began to set, he was getting chillier and chillier. He yanked his beanie down further over his ears, trying to cover more of his neck as a shiver ran down his spine. It was nearing 8 PM and Saruhiko still hadn't come home. But Misaki didn't care. He had already resolved to wait as long as he had to. He had to prove to Saruhiko he was serious about fixing...whatever they were.
"What the hell are you doing here?" A voice made Misaki jolt up and glance at his watch, realizing it was close to 10:30, and somewhere along the way he'd fallen asleep. Rubbing his eye, he yawned and stared up at Saruhiko's deep blues.
"You're home!" he called out, jumping up.
"I am. Get out of the way. I told you to leave me alone," he said, brushing past him to put the key in the door.
"No you don't understand! I've been here since I left the store!" Misaki tried to explain.
Saruhiko clicked his tongue. "Then you're an idiot. No surprise there. I told you to leave me alone."
"Since when has that ever stopped me!" Misaki grinned, standing behind him.
"Is that really something to be proud of?" Saruhiko grunted, turning the lock. "Good night Misaki." Slamming the door behind him, he disappeared into his apartment and Misaki let out a long whine.
"What the hell Saruhiko!" he called out. "It's freaking freezing out here! At least hear me out!" Misaki stared at the window, blinking, waiting for Saruhiko to turn the light on and come forward, but after a few minutes Misaki knew it wasn't going to happen.
"C'mon Saru! Just give me a chance!" he cried out again, and he could almost hear the other side of the conversation. Saruhiko had already given him a chance, many chances, more than Misaki deserved. "Okay, okay!" he yelled, waving his hands around. "Give me another chance! Please! I promise, if this doesn't work, I'll leave you alone forever and you'll never have to deal with me again!"
That was a shitty lie, and he knew it, and Saruhiko probably knew it too. "I just want to explain how important you are to me!" he whined.
Still there was nothing, no movement or anything. Was Saruhiko really never going to talk to him again? Misaki knew he was stubborn, but he had figured by now Saruhiko would've caved and at least let him speak for a minute.
He froze in place. Maybe...he didn't need to speak! Maybe he could pull his laptop out, and start the song outside his window, like he was in an 80s movie! Sure, a laptop was different from a boombox, but hell, they could be a new modern classic.
He pulled the small computer out of the bag and kicked his backpack aside. He opened the laptop and pushed down on the space bar, turning the volume up as loud as it could go. He held the computer over his head, standing proudly outside of Saruhiko's window.
He waited, cringing a bit at his own vocals, but he watched the window, waiting for any sign of movement, any sign Saruhiko was listening.
His voice echoed a little bit, but the sound on his laptop wasn't very loud, and the speaker was on the underside, and not traveling very well, as the song began to near the end, Misaki sighed, and pulled it down. Huffing, he shut it slowly and placed it back in his bag.
Misaki shivered again. It was so damn cold, but he'd made a promise and he wasn't about to break it. Maybe Saruhiko hadn't heard him. The laptop speakers had been pretty quiet...
Stretching up, Misaki figured he only had one other option. He'd have to sing it live. He rolled his shoulders back, as shook his body out, as though he were about to start running some sort of marathon. "Alright Saru!" he called out. "You've left me no choice! I'll just have to start singing outside your window!"
A few windows next door had lights that turned on, and Misaki caught a glimpse of a few faces staring at him. Maybe they were going to yell, or call the cops, but so be it. Misaki wasn't going to leave until he was physically dragged away.
He opened his mouth and began to sing, his voice slightly off pitch. At least in his own song, he'd tuned himself to the right notes. It still didn't sound great, but damn did it sound better than this. He sang louder and louder, calling out the emotions of the piece, explaining why he had been stupid to leave Saruhiko behind in such a way. Actually, just singing it, even though it was loud and semi-obnoxious, Misaki felt himself growing more and more emotional.
Suddenly, the door swung open.
"Misaki!" Saruhiko growled, and stormed down the stairs. Wrapping his fist around Misaki's shirt collar, he began to drag him inside. "You weren't fucking kidding," he snapped and slammed the door behind him. "You're gonna get yourself arrested you moron."
"Of course I wasn't!" he said, rubbing his hands together, happy to finally feel warmth rushing through his body. "I have to play you this song."
"A damn song? That's what this is about?" Saruhiko hissed. "I told you so many times I want nothing-"
"To do with the music world! I get it, I get it," Misaki sighed. "Look it's not about that," he said. "Just..." he rubbed his arm, his eyes trailing over Saruhiko.
Damn Saruhiko was all kinds of beautiful. His eyes were gorgeous and blue, the wisps of dark hair brushing over his pale forehead. Even with his brow looking furrowed and angry, Misaki felt his heart flutter just looking at him.
Suddenly he felt nervous, as though there was so much at stake. Saruhiko was in front of him, actually ready to listen, or well as ready as he would ever be, and Misaki couldn't mess it up. "Music...is the only way I really know how to...express myself, without being an idiot," he whispered, and pulled open the laptop, and hovered his finger over the button about to push play. He took a deep breath and slowly shut the laptop. "A-Actually...I'm just going to sing it."
He opened his mouth and began to sing the song acapella. He sang slowly, singing of how Saruhiko had helped him so much, how stupid he'd been to have lost him. His voice was shaky, trembling as he picked up the tempo. He sounded awful, off pitch and weird, and part of him could only imagine how amazing Saruhiko would sound on it, far better than him at least. He got to the end, the part where the music swelled and he sang about wanting forgiveness, wanting to work it out, and he knew he sounded so damn desperate. But Misaki was so lost in his emotions he didn't care how he sounded.
He took a deep breath, singing the last note as he looked at Saruhiko who was silent. He didn't clap or say a word, he just stared.
"Look..." Misaki whispered. "I get it...you hate me now. I didn't mean...I didn't mean to upset you...I just...I just loved working with you and I loved how much fun we had performing the song, I wanted you to come with me and share all these experiences I want to have. I wanted to have them with you. But I was stupid and didn't even think about you! I just wanted what I wanted, like a selfish brat! Then it sucked hearing you do a song with someone else! I was so damn jealous! And it's sucked the past few weeks, you know? It's absolutely sucked! I keep trying to write new music, and it all sucks! I don't even need you to sing it, I don't want you to sing it if you don't want to. I didn't come here to pressure you to come sing again. I just...I just want you in my life Saru!" he yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks. He wasn't sure when he had started crying, but he ran his sleeve across one of his eyes, the tears flowing faster than he could really fix. "I get it...I'm a fucking idiot!" he yelled. "B-But I love you okay? I didn't want to stop...whatever it was we were." He took a deep breath, panting as he tried to catch himself, feeling a little dizzy from how fast he had completely spilled his guts, forgetting to breath properly.
"You done?" Saruhiko muttered.
Misaki nodded. "Y-Yeah..." he whispered, slipping his laptop back into his backpack. "That's...all I wanted you to hear so...I'll leave."
Saruhiko folded his arms and clicked his tongue. "You spent all that time and energy and you plan on leaving now?"
Misaki froze, his hand resting on his backpack. Did Saruhiko not want him to leave? There was an awkward moment of silence between them, neither of them moving, their eyes locked. Misaki had just assumed…
Suddenly, Saruhiko flicked his gaze towards the kitchen, and he unfolded his arms, rolling his shoulders back. Misaki opened his mouth to speak, but stopped when he saw Saruhiko do the same. A soft sigh left his lips, one filled with frustration and Saruhiko folded his arms again. He looked tense, and a bit angry, but then again it was rare Saruhiko looked happy. Maybe...he did want Misaki to leave? He had been annoying, but he really wanted Saruhiko to at least hear him out, though now he was wondering if he did more harm than good.
Stammering, he rubbed at the back of his neck, finally speaking up. "I just thought...uh...that you...uh…"
"Shut up." Saruhiko rolled his eyes and leaned forward, yanking Misaki's shirt collar yet again, but this time he pulled their lips together, locking their lips in a kiss. It was an intense kiss too, one that told Misaki Saruhiko had been missing him just as much. Misaki's arms came around Saruhiko's neck, and he pressed his tongue against the taller's, desperately penetrating his mouth. He'd wanted Saruhiko's kisses for weeks now, hell he'd wanted it more than anything.
"Y-You...you forgive me?" Misaki panted, pulling away from Saruhiko, though he stayed close to him, as if stepping back would result in Saruhiko pulling away again.
Shrugging Saruhiko let out a sigh. "Perhaps...but..." he muttered.
"No! Uh...there's no need for a but..." Misaki said frantically, laughing awkwardly.
"But...I should...apologize too..." he grunted, looking positively infuriated with himself. His cheeks were even a little red. "I...I didn't hate doing music stuff with you...I only hated that...maybe you were going to enjoy your time with others more...I didn't want to be...replaced."
"What?!" Misaki yelled and squeezed Saruhiko's cheeks, pulling on them. "Saru! I never would've replaced you! Just cause I was working with other people didn't mean I didn't wanna work with you! You're my favorite! You should know that!" he said.
"Well you didn't make that very clear! All you cared about was Mikoto," Saruhiko scoffed.
"Is...that why you sang with Nagare?" Misaki asked. "Cause you thought I was going to replace you?"
Saruhiko shrugged, not answering verbally, but Misaki could see his cheeks grow a little redder.
"Idiot Saru!" he called out. "I wouldn't have! Hell I'd have you sing all my songs! I thought you didn't want to sing the one with Mikoto."
Scoffing, Saruhiko shook his head. "I didn't, that was a terrible song," he snorted. "I enjoy your style more."
"Well...come sing all the rest of my songs then! I need to make a few more!" Misaki urged, the excitement glistening in his eyes. "A-And...maybe you could sing them...as...you know..." he rubbed his arm, looking awkward. "My, uh, boyfriend..."
"I told you, Misaki I'm done with the music world," he turned away indignantly, but then slowly glanced back at Misaki, a small smirk on his lips. "But...maybe I could...make an exception...for my...boyfriend," he said softly.
Misaki's eyes grew wide. "R-Really?!" he asked, almost breathless.
"Well..." Saruhiko clicked his tongue. "You certainly can't sing them."
"S-Shut up you ass!" he snarled, punching Saruhiko's arm. "I...I tried really hard! On the recording it's not as bad, but...I wanted to say I loved you and shit!"
Rolling his eyes, Saruhiko let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah...right..." he sighed. "I...feel similarly...and...I did kind of...miss your loud stupidity."
Misaki grinned. "Good!" he leaned up, kissing him once again. He'd missed that a hell of a lot more than he'd realized. "So...you'll really sing for me again? Sing for me and...come on tour and be with me?!"
"...Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'll think about it..." he muttered.
"I-I don't care if you don't wanna...I just...wanna be with ya', you know? You...uh, don’t gotta do anything..."
"I know...but I want...that too..." Saruhiko muttered, and kissed Misaki once more too.
"I love you..." Misaki muttered against his lips, and pushed against him harder.
"Mm...yeah, yeah..." Saruhiko whispered, his voice mumbled and shy. Misaki could see how red Saruhiko’s cheeks were, he knew Saruhiko felt the same, even if he couldn’t quite say the words. Instead, Saruhiko wrapped their hands together, and squeezed tightly.
Misaki couldn’t help but smile, resting his forehead against Saruhiko’s. He had no idea where they would go from here, but he was sure it was going to be nothing but perfect, or well, perfect by their standards.
 A few months later
"I'm ready! I'm so fucking ready!" Misaki said, bouncing between both of his feet. Saruhiko rolled his eyes. This had become Misaki's routine, and while Saruhiko found it massively annoying and unhelpful, he couldn't blame Misaki for doing whatever it was he needed to do to...pump himself up.
Saruhiko would've much preferred they do other things to prepare, but he didn't feel like arguing with Misaki as he desperately attempted to get into his own mindset.
"You say this every time," Saruhiko muttered, clicking his tongue.
"Yeah, and I'm ready every time!" Misaki exclaimed.
Rolling his eyes, Saruhiko leaned down to give Misaki a kiss, which made him freeze, his face turning red. Cute. "Idiot," Saruhiko scoffed.
"Look, I know you somehow just space out and do your thing when we go out there, but I still get nervous! The crowds keep getting bigger and bigger!"
They were reaching the middle of their tour, and Misaki was always a reckless ball of nerves before they had to go on stage.
Saruhiko had agreed, offered even, to sing a few of Misaki's songs, and when he had, Misaki had almost no problem finishing his EP album. Kusanagi had released another one of his songs, and sales had been doing quite well. The tour was only making it better.
Misaki's popularity was skyrocketing, and everything was a whirlwind to both of them. With Misaki's rise in popularity, Saruhiko was getting his own following. People were begging Saruhiko to sing for them, just as much as singers begged to sing for Misaki. But Saruhiko and Misaki refused every time, content with each other.
Originally, Saruhiko had wanted to refuse to tour with Misaki, even though deep down, he had enjoyed their performance together. Still, he wasn't quite sure he was ready to drop everything to travel around the country to perform. However, when he realized he'd have to be away from Misaki for months, he'd reluctantly agreed, but on his own terms. He didn't like being away from his main job, but Munakata had told him his job was secure, and Saruhiko could have it back whenever he wanted.
Actually lately, he hadn't hated the whole singing thing, ever since they'd both apologized. Working with Misaki brought out emotions Saruhiko had never known he'd even had, and he didn't mind the sex they usually had after recording sessions. Misaki always seemed particularly fired up after them.
The tour also had been more fun than Saruhiko had expected. He still wasn't a fan of Totsuka or Mikoto, but Kusanagi was fairly interesting to talk to, and Misaki always seemed so excited, he couldn't hate it. Seeing Misaki run out onto the stage, feeling his presence behind him when he sang, Saruhiko wouldn't have traded that for anything. He loved Misaki, the stupid idiot, and whenever he heard their songs begin, Saruhiko was transported somewhere else. A place he felt alive, and happy, comfortable even.
Strange, that on stage in front of thousands of people he felt more comfortable. But he never really felt scared, especially since Misaki was always right there, behind him. The beat of their songs holding Saruhiko's hand throughout the entire concert. They were connected, together, and the whole world knew it.
"Introducing...Yata Misaki and his guest, Fushimi Saruhiko!" Kusanagi's voice boomed into the microphone, and the crowd went wild, cheering and chanting their names.
Misaki jumped up, shaking his hands out as he stepped up onto the steps. Seeing Misaki's energy, the way his eyes twinkled against the stage lights, Saruhiko knew he'd made the right choice. All this time, he'd felt he didn't deserve to be happy, that he should continue on the safe path, the safe journey...and stay away from any risks. But Misaki...Misaki was the best risk, and he loved him.
Misaki turned around, noting Saruhiko's momentary hesitation, and he gave Saruhiko the biggest of smiles, holding his hand out. "You coming Saru?"
 I love you
And as Saruhiko reached forward and took Misaki's hand, their fingers intertwining. He walked up the steps, crossing the threshold onto the black stage. Saruhiko cracked the tiniest of smiles, "Let's do it."
 I love you too.
"Together!" Misaki cheered.
"Together," Saruhiko repeated.
And as the two of them stepped on stage, holding each other's hands, Saruhiko could feel Misaki’s pulse throbbing against his own, their hearts’ rhythm syncing up. Misaki waved when they both looked down at the crowd, and the cheers began to crescendo into the loudest of happy roars.
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evvazi · 7 years
K Fantasy AU
I’ve been thinking about this one for a while now, but since I’m probably never gonna write it, I just thought I’d share some hcs with you guys~
Basic premise stuff:
there’s two super powerful magic objects located in the same mountain that control the flow of the magic in the surrounding area, a crystal hidden deep in the caves under the mountain and a flame burning on top of it
each has a people to protect it who they give magic powers to, obviously Scepter 4 and Homra respectively
for Homra powers, you put your hand into the flame when you’re twelve if you dare to and then you get your own specialized fire (like Mikoto’s makes things burn way more easily than usual fire would, Totsuka’ is weak but can take all sorts of shapes etc.) and a nice tattoo, if you prove a worthy and capable warrior you’re allowed to put your hand in again next year, your powers get stronger and you get more tattooes
also once you have the powers you can always feel the direction the flame is in like a compass that’s calling you home
for Scepter 4 powers, you just touch the crystal once (though you have to find your way through a maze first), and then you have to learn how to properly use it, technically you can do almost anything with it that doesn’t involve creating something out of nothingness
once every hundred years, the spirits of the artifacts (Kuroh and Neko) leave them so they can adjust their powers to the changes in the environments, which leaves them defenseless and their protectors powerless, 12 hours each, Homra during the day and Scepter 4 at night
so while they usually don’t interact, it’s tradition they protect each other during those times
but there’s a third artifact a little further away (and probably more but nobody cares), it’s a giant tree, and it goes through its cycle a little earlier, and spirit Shiro is a bit too talkative and tells Nagare when the other two are due, so he plans to attack, destroy Homra’s flame and then take Scepter 4′s crystal for himself so everyone can become a magic user or something instead of having it be limited to the people born into the clans protecting the artifacts
-->Homra and Scepter 4 gotta fight together despite all their differences, yay~
Sarumi stuff:
Fushimi wasn’t born into either clan, Niki just thought it’d be fun to abandon his monkey in the woods and see if he can find the way home (he’s like 8, maybe)
instead Fushimi walks straight into the opposite direction
he meets kid Yata at the bottom of the mountain, he went exploring on his own again even tho he’s not supposed to, everyone is surprised when he brings back a human, but they take him in anyway seeing as he has nowhere else to go
it’s a really cool mountain with lots of canyons and steep walls and spiky rocks and Homra just built a few wooden structures where they had to, some look very unstable and there’s no rails anywhere, Fushimi has a very hard time getting used to that, meanwhile Yata just runs and jumps anywhere without a care in the world but he never falls
they reach into the flame together when they’re 12 and get their tattoes in the same place, but Fushimi gets flames that can cut things like knives would, while Yata gets the same powers as Mikoto
which he is very happy about, village chief Mikoto is their strongest warrior with tattoes all over his body and Yata idolizes him, Fushimi is of course jealous
it gets worse when it turns out Yata can handle the flames super well and will probably be allowed to receive more power right next year, while Fushimi is struggling with his, he can use them fine, but if he tries to make them too strong he gets scared (due to Niki always burning his shit)
Fushimi isolates himself a lot over the next year while Yata makes friends with all the other warriors, and Fushimi really feels like he never belonged here at all
soon after that second ceremony, Munakata becomes new chief and goes to introduce himself to Homra as per the custom, Fushimi is very intrigued by him and his magic that can do more than just destroy and leaves with him, of course breaking things off with Yata as badly as he can
they only meet again years later when Homra and S4 gotta work together and protect each other, Fushimi is suddenly seen as very valuable because he can fight both day and night and also he’s super skilled with the crystal’s magic
he totally exhausts himself tho, fighting all through the Jungle attack and Yata has to come save him
they’ve both grown a lot so they can make up, and it’s just in their favour that everyone decides that Homra and Scepter 4 should be permanent allies and trade stuff so they can see each other more often and properly fall in love
Other stuff:
all the alphabet boys get to work as the guards of their respective clans
Bandou has really flashy fire that does absolutely nothing
Munakata’s most powerful magic turns people into puzzles and if you get hit even lightly afterwards you just fall apart, so people are pretty scared of him
Doumyoji uses his crystal powers to make fire, which is admittedly helpful in dark caves but it annoys Fushimi nonetheless
Neko jumps out of the flame completely naked and gives Yata the shock of his life
Awashima and Kusanagi totally hit it off too during the attack and annoy everyone with their constant flirting
Totsuka dies at the beginning of the Jungle attack because of course he does
Mikoto dies because he wants to kill Nagare himself and uses up all of his magic power in one burst so he can make it before sunrise, where Munakata would get his powers back and come help him
Anna gets to be next chief, because she was connected to the flame from birth and she has the coolest fire wings
Kusuhara dies too because he jumped in front of an attack directed at Munakata right before they get their powers back
Anyone feel free to come talk to me about this or add your own ideas! ^-^
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 months
I'm sure you've been asked this, but imagine post-ROK, yata starts realizing with the help of other people that his feelings for fushimi mayy be more than just platonic. And then he asks fushimi out at the worst possible time like at his job and it totally catches fushimi off guard
I can totally see Yata just blurting it out at the worst possible time, like Fushimi is swamped with work and there are a bunch of witnesses and Munakata is probably there smiling and making everything worse XD I imagine Yata spends at least some time trying to convince himself that these feelings must just be platonic, he’s just happy to have his best friend back that’s all. Some of this could really be even just Yata having been actually crushing on Fushimi since middle school and so it really doesn’t occur to him that he’s in love because his feelings never changed, he’s been unaware for years now that he was in love. The other Homra guys can totally see it though, Yata coming back to the bar after going drinking with Fushimi and talking about what a great time he had with Saruhiko. Chitose laughs and shakes his head all you’re crushing hard huh, Yata’s like wait what crush no, it’s just that Saruhiko is so cool, that’s all. Akagi adds that it definitely sounds like a crush and the whole Homra alphabet agree, like come on Yata we know you’ve been in love with him since you guys joined up as snot-nosed middle schoolers. Yata doesn’t want to believe it, all but I’m a guy and he’s a guy and anyway we’re friends, and the Homra guys are just like that shouldn’t matter and anyway it’s so obvious to everyone that you’re in love.
Yata definitely wrestles with this for a bit, like he’s got the one two punch of discovering his sexuality and realizing that he’s been in love with his best friend for ages, and probably also worrying like what if those guys were wrong and this isn’t love and I screw things up just when me and Saru were becoming friends again. But eventually he has to admit it to himself, that when Fushimi’s rare smiles make his breath catch and his heart pound, he really is in love. So now he has to figure out how to tell Fushimi, he’s never confessed to anyone before and he doesn’t really know how to do it. He’s also still a little worried about getting rejected, like Yata thinks he’d be fine with it and would be friends with Fushimi anyway but what if Fushimi gets skittish about the whole thing and doesn’t want to be Yata’s friend anymore.
Maybe what spurs Yata on is he walks into the bar one day and Kusanagi tells him there was an incident at S4, Fushimi was injured. He’s okay but refusing to go to the hospital because there’s work to do and Awashima was wondering if Yata could help with that. Yata barely hears the last part, brain immediately latching on to ‘Saruhiko was injured’ and he grabs his skateboard and heads straight for S4. Imagine him rushing into the office where Fushimi is rebuffing Hidaka’s attempts to get him to lay down, complaining that it’s just a minor head wound and he needs to finish this paperwork first. Yata yells his name across the room and Fushimi freezes, looking up all ‘Misaki?’. Of course everyone is staring at them now as Yata rushes over to him and starts fussing, like you’re bleeding idiot why aren’t you resting what if something happened to you. Fushimi clicks his tongue, not sure why Yata is even here, and then Yata gives this relieved sigh as he says he was so worried and finally he just blurts out ‘I’m in love with you.’ 
The entire room goes dead silent and imagine Fushimi’s face getting red as he’s like what are talking about, Yata says he didn’t mean to just spit it out but he wasn’t lying either. Yata suddenly realizes that they are the center of attention and also Saruhiko’s King is smiling and he’s all awkward now, grabbing Fushimi by the wrist like come on let’s go to the infirmary and we can talk while you get your head bandaged. Fushimi’s brain is still rebooting so he lets himself be dragged off and he doesn’t even complain, staring at Yata like he’s seeing something entirely new for the first time.
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Title: Tattooed To Misaki {3} “Pineapples”
Originally Posted On: July 31, 2016
Word count: 3422
Rating: M
Relationship: M/M
Parts: 3/11
Tags: Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki, Suoh Mikoto/Totsuka Tatara, Fushimi Saruhiko, Yata Misaki, Mikoto Suoh, Tatara Totsuka, Tenkei Iwafune, Nagare Hisui, Tattoo, Saruhiko is a tattoo artist, AU, Misaki is part of Homra gang, Jungle, Fluff, Cathedral, Slowish Build
Summary for Chapter 3:  Ha ha Misaki is a little angry that his friends keep joking with him about Saru while Saru is still uncomfortable with Mikoto. Eric gets his tattoo finally.
Notes: I've just realized I've been using USDs opposed to yen. Sorry ‘bout that. Edit: I’ve fixed most mistakes [currency, names, and some grammer] but not all versions [archive, this page, and original posting] are updated correctly. Please send me a message or ask telling me what needs to be fixed. Thank you :D
Yata angrily kicked the oven door shut. What’s wrong with everyone?! Do they have to spoil everything for me? Just because I think he’s… hot doesn’t mean they have to tell him everything! He plopped down in a chair and watched the oven, not taking his apron off.
“What?” he huffed, not moving his eyes away from the oven. He was still angry, but he could tell that it was Saru talking.
“You wanted to talk, so let’s talk.” The artist grabbed a chair and pulled it over to Yata. He sat down with a soft thump.
Yata shrugged, his mood still sour. “Fine. Like I said earlier, I noticed that you don’t have any tattoos.”
Saruhiko’s wrist invaded his vision. A small black outline was printed on it. “What’s that?” Yata tilted his head a little and realized it was a monkey. A small fit out laughter erupted from him. “A monkey. A saru.” He laughed again, then stopped, remembering how Saruhiko had called his father an asshole for the name.
“Tsk. I was forced to get this.” Saru slipped the arm band back over the tattoo.
“I’m sorry,” Yata said softly, honestly ashamed for laughing at him. The gang member had already forgotten about his bitterness towards his friends… was it because Saru was here with him?
Yata watched as the taller man shrugged and crossed his arms. “So?” Saruhiko prompted him to say something.
The skater glanced around for a topic and saw the muffins baking in the oven. “You like muffins?”
“Well…. Try mine!” Yata watched him. “I made plain because I didn’t know what you like.”
Saru nodded. “Maybe I’ll try a bite….” he muttered softly.
“Okay!” Yata smiled. “You like it here?”
“It's….. nice, I guess.” Saruhiko shifted a little in his seat so he could sit cross-legged.
“That’s good.” Bing!
Yata jumped up from his seat and brought out the muffins.
Fushimi sat off to the side as he watched Misaki show off his aura. The artist sighed and nibbled on one of Misaki’s muffins—his 10th one, since Misaki wouldn’t stop making them. “So. Fushimi.” Fushimi looked up to see Kusanagi, the only person in the bar that really seemed responsible.
“Yes?” Fushimi took another little bite out of the muffin, finishing it off.
“How’s your business going? Have you heard of Kuroh Yatogami’s shop?” The bartender leaned against the counter, cleaning off an glass with a cloth.
Fushimi shrugged. “I’ve heard of him in passing.”
“He’s the usual guy we go to. Everyone here but Yata goes to him.”
“Why didn’t Yata go to him?” The younger man was actually curious.
Kusanagi shrugged. “I tried to ask him about it, but he kept his mouth shut for once.”
Fushimi glanced at the kid in question. A red aura surrounded him. Misaki pumped a fist in the air and yelled that it was the first time that the aura hadn’t gone out on its own. Mikoto replied that it was because of the increased amount of emotion for him to feed off of. Fushimi clicked his tongue. “I was wondering…. Has he always been this hyper and excited?”
Kusanagi thought for a moment before answering. “No. He doesn’t usually get this hyped up about something. I mean, yes, he gets excited occasionally, but never about something this particular. He started acting like this…. a week ago, to be exact. Yata-chan kept on saying that he wanted a tattoo from a certain artist. I’m assuming that’s you.” The bartender put a glass on the counter. “What do you want? I’ll give it to you free.”
Fushimi shrugged. “Anything not too strong.” He watched as Kusanagi started to make him a drink. “I’ve never seen him before last night. It surprised me how determined he was to get one.” The artist glanced back at Misaki for a moment, then noted that it was getting darker outside. He had lost the track of time.
Kusanagi nodded and put the drink in front of him as Misaki bounced over. “Saru! Did you see that?”
“Yeah. It was cool.” Fushimi didn’t mean it, but Misaki’s bright smile was enough to make it true.
“Thanks.” He noticed the glass. “Why does he get two without pay?”
The bartender looked at him. “Actually, you paid for the first one, I got the second one.”
“When did I say I would be paying for it?” Misaki sat down in the barstool, a confused look on his face.
“Last night, before we nearly stifled you with a pillow.”
The skater blushed. “I didn’t realize I said that.”
“Well you did, so I get a free drink from you.” Fushimi took a sip out of his teasingly.
Misaki gave him a soft glare. “It’s not like I can pay for it.”
The artist looked at him. “Why not?”
“I have just enough to get by before my next pay,” Misaki said sheepishly, ashamed that he didn’t have the money.
“Not my fault,” the taller man muttered. “You wanted that tattoo when you wanted it.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he snapped.
“Let’s see…” Fushimi started to list things off. “You didn’t come in with an appointment, you didn’t have an ID, which meant I had to do extra work by messing with your PDAWatch, you demanded that I give you the tattoo, you carelessly plopped down in my chair, you—”
“Alright! I get it.” Misaki crossed his arms with a pout. “Is there any other way I could pay you? Like you give the money back for extra fees and I do something for you?”
Fushimi thought for a moment, then nodded. “Fine. You have to do at least 200 dollars worth of quality tasks. You can’t just give me 200 candy bars.”  
Misaki brought his watch closer to Fushimi, who took his PDA out. They did a quick transfer before putting them away.
“Misaki.” A light voice sounded from behind them. Both of them turned around to see Mikoto standing there, Anna sitting on his shoulder. “Make sure you walk your boyfriend back home,” she teased lightly.
“He isn’t my boy—”
“It’s the polite thing to do,” she said, cutting him off. “Good night, Fushimi-kun.”
“Night…” Fushimi glanced at Mikoto and Anna walking up the stairs for a moment before turning away back to his drink.
Kusanagi sighed. “Well, I guess it’s time for all of us to go to bed. Can’t cause too much racket with them sleeping.”
Misaki frowned. “I wanted to spend more time with Saru though!”
“Then why don’t you ask him yourself?”
Fushimi looked at Misaki, who turned to him, blushing. “Could… I spend more time with you tonight?”
“No.” The artist didn’t hesitate. He needed to sleep and get ready for the shop tomorrow….. But he did feel guilty for saying no. He didn’t know why, but he did.
“I guess Eric and I will be seeing you on Tuesday, then.”
He did look upset, so Fushimi said, “Make me a batch of those muffins or something.” After a moment he added, “To make up for some of the money… and you don’t want me eating just energy bars, right?”
That made Misaki smile again. “Okay! I’ll be back in a bit.” He jumped off of the stool and ran back into the kitchen.
Misaki came back out not too long after carrying a plate full of muffins and a black container. “A batch of muffins and some Yata-rice.” He proudly put them on the counter.
“Yata-rice?” Fushimi looked through the transparent lid. It looked edible, Fushimi concluded.
“Yep! I was trying to make something that Kusanagi told me about with Kamamoto, but I messed up a little, so now we have Yata-rice.” He smiled smugly, prideful of his work. “Oh, and also you have to heat it up if you put in the fridge.”
Fushimi nodded and stood up, picking up the “Yata-rice”. “Misaki, help me bring this to the car.”
“Okay! Good night Kusanagi!” Misaki chimed while picking up his muffins.
“Good night, boys.” The bartender waved as the two walked outside.
Misaki hopped over to the car and put the muffins in when Fushimi opened the door. “Um… Saruhiko?”
Fushimi glanced at him after putting the “Yata-rice” into the car.
“C-can I… Uh…. C-can….” The shorter man was a blushing mess, stuttering over his words. He had pulled off his beanie and was twisting it in his hands.
“Nevermind! Forget it. It’s just nonsense.” Misaki blushed more, looking away. “Just good night. Have a good night.”
Fushimi looked at him for a moment, his hand braced on the open car door. “Okay. Night, Misaki.” But before closing the car door, he said, “17,000.”
Fushimi did eat some of the muffins and “Yata-rice”. He wasn’t planning to, but Misaki had made it for him. So for dinner, Fushimi popped open the “Yata-Rice” container. Steam bloomed out of it because of the microwave.
The artist looked at the “Yata-rice” for a moment before taking a bite. It actually tasted good, or maybe it was because the only food he had eaten recently was Yata’s muffins… still, he was grateful for something nice after a day of work. Fushimi glanced up at his laptop and took another bite. With his free hand he clicked on a website.
White and Black
[times. address. etc.]
Kuroh Yatogami has been in service for at least three years, taking over the business from his late “master” Ichigen Miwa. He specializes in tattoos while his assistant, Yashiro Isana, specializes in piercings. This pair has rapidly gone up in the charts as the most reliable and affectionate.
*note: If you have cat allergies, do not come in. We own a cat named Neko. Also, unnecessary hassles will be a fee, we don’t have time for nonsense.
Midway towards the end of the description of Yatogami’s shop, Fushimi bit into something weird. He looked into the dish to see pineapples. The artist gave his food the straightest face anyone had ever seen. I’m going to have to talk to Misaki about this. He poked the vile piece of food with a chopstick, then realized that he had already eaten some. He’s going to pay for that.
Fushimi pushed the dish away from him and turned his focus back to the computer. Pictures of the two men and the cat were posted. Yatogami had a lot of tattoos covering his arms; one poked out of his shirt and onto his neck. His hair was tied back in a neat ponytail. The other man was kind of cute (not as cute as Misaki, but Fushimi wasn’t going to admit that). There were a few black streaks in his white hair and three lip piercings on his right bottom lip. He had his head cocked and his tongue sticking out, flashing a peace sign as well. He looks too lively to be working with Yatogami, Fushimi thought.
A twirling noise came out of the computer and a little green box appeared in the corner. He clicked on it. The box expanded and the box grew bigger until it was 3x2. The was private message for JUNGLE.
Hello Fushimi.
Fushimi glanced at the username, then replied. Yes, Mikoto?
Mikoto wrote back, Congrats on making it to fifth place. Didn’t tell you earlier cuz I doubted anyone else knew.
Misaki knows.
Fushimi clicked on Mikoto’s profile while waiting for an answer.
Mikoto Suoh
Play time: 5 months
Place: 4th
Online?: Yes
Age: 24
Extra information: Mikoto is currently the leader of the Homra gang. He has been in 4th place for 3 months now and he does not want to move. Beware.
Mikoto replied, You to are close. Fushimi frowned at the spelling mistake.
No we are not.
Misaki is close to you.
Why are you speaking to me? Fushimi asked, frustrated as to why everyone seemed to think that Misaki liked and knew him so well.
-Mikoto Suoh logged off-
“Of course,” the artist grumbled before getting up and returning the “Yata-rice” to the fridge for the next day. He shut his laptop and plugged it in. He grabbed his PDA and headed into his bedroom with a yawn. Before getting onto the bed, he took off his pants and threw them into the corner; he did the same with his arm bands.
Fushimi took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes, placing them on the nightstand. When he did, he noticed that his art notebook was open. He shoved his glasses back on and read what it said:
Here is my number: XXX-XXX-XXXX. I figured that you wouldn’t ask for it so yeah. Here you go! ~Yata.
There was a small crow next to the number that was poorly drawn (two circles with a triangle beak and stick legs), but strangely cute. Fushimi sat on the bed and put the number into his PDA, not intending to use it unless something important came up. But he hesitated before shutting off his phone. It would be…. nice to talk to him, Fushimi thought, even if it was just to annoy him about the food. Fushimi hadn’t had that kind of friendly human contact in a long time. Quite frankly, he really hadn’t had any friendly contact. Fushimi wanted to feel it again, the feeling of being mentally connected with someone.
He didn’t realize that he had clicked the call button until he saw Misaki across the screen and “outputting” written underneath. Fushimi was about to hang up when Misaki answered.
“Hey, Yata here,” a groggy voice mumbled through the phone.
Fushimi closed his eyes for a moment, stemming his nerves. He didn’t like talking over the phone; he couldn’t read the person’s features to tell how they were feeling. It was either text or face to face, nothing in between. “Hey… Misaki.”
“Saru? Hi!” The grogginess in his voice seemed to disappear. “It’s 2 am. What’s up?”
“Pineapples.” Okay. That was a good enough reason to call, right? Not just to hear someone’s voice.
“Huh? Pineapples.” There was a pause. “Or right! The “Yata-rice.””
Fushimi laid back on the bed so his legs dangled off the side. “18,000.”
“Did you just increase the price because I put pineapples in it? Did you even try it?”
“Yes to both.”
“Did you like it?” Misaki sounded like he was holding his breath.
Fushimi didn’t say anything for a moment. “Yes.”
“The you shouldn’t raise the price! I take it that you don’t like pineapples, but at least take it down to 1750! Pretend that the pineapple isn’t there.”
“I can’t pretend. But fine. 1750 since you answered your phone.”
“Yay!” Fushimi listened to Misaki cheer goofily over the phone. After another moment of silence Misaki said his name.
“There must be another reason why you called.”
“There isn’t.” Fushimi went to click the “end call” button, but Misaki interrupted quickly.
“Oh. But stay on please. I’m awake so we might as well—”
“Talk. I know. You like to talk.”
“It depends…”
“Let’s not talk,” Fushimi decided.
“O-okay.” Misaki went silent.
The artist rolled over onto his side, his phone now on speaker so he didn’t have to hold it to his ear. He stared at the phone, the screen casting shadows on the sheets and walls. He closed his eyes after a moment, then realized that he could hear Misaki breathing. It was oddly comforting—hearing someone breathe, yet not lying next to them. An unknowing smile crept across his lips.
Fushimi closed his eyes and darkness rolled in.
Fushimi pressed his palms into his eyes. “God dammit,” he growled. He didn’t get a wink of sleep the night before, except for right after the call. The usual nightmare happened again. He hated it so much that he usually got only an hour or two of sleep a night—or just skipped it altogether. The artist normally would go home or into the backroom to rest if he had gotten no sleep whatsoever, but he was waiting for Misaki and Eric.
His last client had just left with a wave, so he looked at the time. He let out another growl, seeing that it was getting later and later and they still hadn’t come. “Misaki. What’s taking you so long?”
Speak of the devil, the front door opened with a little jingle and Misaki walked in, his hooded friend right behind him. The artist got to his feet and walked over.
“Hi Saru!” The shorter man smiled up at him. “We’re here!”
“I see that.”
Misaki itched at the back of his neck, a blush blooming on his cheeks. “Uh….”
“What?” Fushimi frowned at him, not understanding his sudden embarrassment.
“N-nothing.” He blushed more.
The artist leaned down teasingly. “Why are you blushing, Misaki?”
The red on his face was suddenly ten times darker than it had been a second earlier when Fushimi had leaned down. “I-I just remembered when…. I just…. I was just remembering how much I liked listening to your breathing.” The last sentence came out quickly, as if he had had to force himself to say it.
Heat crept up into Fushimi’s cheeks, remembering that he had thought the same thing.
“[Chihuahua is cute when blushing.]” Fushimi turned and looked at Eric in surprise, who had lowered his hoodie to reveal light blue eyes. He noticed Fushimi looking at him. “[You understand me?]” he said in English.
“[Of course I do,]” responded Fushimi, glad that the awkwardness between the gang member and artist was interrupted.
Both men smirked evilly at the same time. Clearly Misaki didn’t understand, because he was looking at both of them with a confused expression. Now the two of them had something against Misaki.
Fushimi moved away from Misaki and over to Eric. “Where?”
Eric grabbed the hem of his sweatshirt, then hesitated. He frowned and shook his head as if to push away certain thoughts, then he pulled his sweatshirt over his head, his shirt coming off with it. He quickly looked away and tapped his shoulder. “There.”
The artist nodded. “Okay.” He pushed him a little and he obeyed, laying on his stomach. Fushimi quickly scanned his body with his eyes, to see why Eric seemed so uncomfortable with taking his shirt off.
“I was a dog of Hikawa, okay?” the blond grumbled, knowing exactly what Fushimi was looking at. The artist was staring at the scars covering his back, mostly around his arms and neck.
Fushimi didn’t respond, but instead grabbed the photo from Misaki’s tattoo and started to copy the symbol down. Misaki had wandered over, his skateboard now gone. “Go sit,” Fushimi grumbled as he finished the sketch.
The skater did as he was told and sat in a rolling chair. Fushimi took out his phone and took a picture of the sketch for Eric. After a nod of approval from the gang member, Fushimi did the rest.
During the process, Misaki had repeatedly come over to watch—enough times for Fushimi to click his tongue, annoyed, and allow him to stay. His bright amber eyes were sparkling in amazement as he watched Fushimi work.
Eric sat up, now with a pad on his shoulder. “[Thank you, Fushimi-kun.]”
“[Welcome.]” The artist put his stuff away.
“This is so cool! Your whole job is cool!” Misaki spun around in the rolling chair until his orange hair looked like a blur.
“Slow down or you’ll hurt yourself.” Fushimi flashed him a look, but didn’t really mean it. He pushed away the little happy feeling that had erupted in his chest at Misaki’s words.
The blond put his shirt and hoodie back on and fished his PDA from his pocket. “How much?”
He nodded, and was putting his PDA close to Fushimi’s to transfer the money when the front door swung open violently.
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