#Yata needs to tell him off XD
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Sarumi are having a discussion that suddenly leads to Yata asking Saruhiko "who took your virginity then?!" And Saruhiko suddenly goes quiet, because yeah, he was a virgin until recently, but admitting that was a whole different thing.
I kinda feel like Fushimi would try to get out of this somehow without technically lying to Yata XD Like say they’ve started dating and had sex a few times, even so of course old habits die hard and Fushimi still occasionally teases Yata with ‘virgin.’ One day they’re making out on the bed and starting to get a little hot and heavy, Yata’s blushing and Fushimi grins and murmurs ‘such a virgin.’ Yata’s like you’re the asshole who took my virginity so you don’t get to say that, Fushimi’s like shouldn’t you stop being so virginal then. He leans in for another kiss but Yata suddenly stops as something occurs to him for the first time: ‘wait a sec, so who took your virginity anyway?.’
Fushimi pauses and clicks his tongue, Yata’s like no seriously you keep calling me a virgin but weren’t you one too. Fushimi gives him a playful smirk and is like ‘what do you think?’, Yata finds himself getting flustered as he’s like wait did Saruhiko really lose his virginity before me. Fushimi assumes that’s the end of it but Yata isn’t letting this go, moving away like you can tell me, I’m not gonna go punch anyone over it, his mind already going over each S4 member and probably trying to tell himself that it’s fine, Saruhiko’s an adult, he can sleep with people (while also being like but those assholes better not have taken advantage of him or I’ll kill them). Fushimi keeps trying to nudge him back onto the bed but Yata wants to have a serious conversation about this. Finally Fushimi sighs and is like do you really want to know, Yata’s like yes I do, I can take it. Fushimi considers and finally gives him a quick kiss as he admits ‘Misaki.’ Yata’s like ‘that asshole I’ll kill— wait, me?’. Fushimi shrugs, trying to act like it’s no big deal, as Yata’s face just breaks out in this giddy smile. Fushimi leans in for another kiss, assuming they’re done with this now, but of course Yata pauses again like wait so you kept calling me a virgin all the time when you were a virgin too, Fushimi sighs like if you’re not going to start kissing me you’re going to end up as a virgin all over again.
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morporkian-cryptid · 3 years
Details of the trailer and some thoughts under the cut! Please please reblog with your own comments I wanna hear about y'all's thoughts!!
-YATA MY SON I'm so glad he's back, characters like him rarely get more than one season, but Zenigata deserves a sidekick
-Lupin and Zeni running together! :D
-The mask is apparently not a Hitler mask which I'm relieved about (okay it could be a different one, but they seem to be using the same scenes that were used in the teaser, so not Hitler)
-His fuckin' sunglasses XD
-(I actually paused the video to check the exact brand/model of Jigen's bullets, they're indeed .357 Magnum bullets, nothing to report here)
-There's a guy with a bomb strapped to his chest. Please. For the love of the gods. Tell me this isn't Moriarty's doing. Or I will burst a blood vessel. THAT'S A COMPLETE RIP OFF FROM BBC SHERLOCK WTF
-Jigen looking menacingly from under his hat >:)
-The mask could still be Hitler actually (black mustache)
-...eyes? The same ones that were in the screenshots released last week. They look like Nyx.
-The Fiat is completely wrecked but we already knew that
-Jigen scrambling to get inside XD
-Eyes Guy has a weird mask and is fighting Lupin? So that means he's NOT Lupin himself and I am extremely relieved about that (I considered that possibility because of the red poster). Considering that Yata and possibly Albert (see below) are back, it's not impossible that it is indeed Nyx. Or it could be Moriarty. Or Nyx is Moriarty. Either way that dude smells like an antagonist.
-YATA AGAIN!!!! So he's not just gonna be in one cameo/flashback from part 5, he's actually there, IM SO HAPPY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND (also he has a rose in his hair and he's frickin' adorable and oh no do I have a crush on him or do I just want to adopt him?????? i don't know)
-Fujiko and Lupin pointing guns at each other... again...
-The woman falling through a window in the teaser was actually Fujiko, she had a wig so I didn't recognize her the first time
So yeah. These are my thoughts about the trailer.
It's definitely darker than Part 4 and 5, but still less dark than what the first poster and the teaser seemed to suggest, so I'm relieved. Regardless of Edgyness TM levels, it's still Lupin III and it's still a humorous anime, and the main series could never reach the level of Edgyness TM of TWCFM or the Koike movies. So I'm less worried than I previously was.
Thoughts about Jigen's new VA? Honestly I'm not impressed, for now. He kinda sounds like a younger version of Jigen would? Not very gruff like Kobayashi usually is. Obviously he's not gonna have the same voice, but I was expecting a closer match. Anyway, it's not so much the exact voice that counts as the acting and tone, so I guess we'll see when the anime actually airs. Also he said "aibou" so I'm happy ^^ And Kobayashi really deserves his retirement. I'd rather have that than him dying out of the blue like it happened with Yamada. Happy retirement, Sir!
Regarding the returning characters, I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER ABOUT YATA'S RETURN, Zeni needs a sidekick like him, and I love their dynamic so much, I'm so so glad TMS decided to keep him for more than one season (I was already surprised to see him in Prison of the Past). I'm a bit more surprised about Albert and possibly Nyx, because these two characters had a specific purpose in a specific plot, and idk how they're going to work if inserted in a different one. That said, it could be very interesting to see the two of them interacting... And more Albert means possibly more Lupin family backstory, so I'm happy about that. That said, I'm not actually sure it's Albert, and even less sure that Eyes Guy is Nyx.
Yata sparks joy.
Your thoughts?
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
GX Month 2020
SUper late and I’m too lazy to do anything (as always), but this seems like fun to think about. So let’s go!
Day 1 (August 31): “Game on!” (It’s Judai/Jaden Yuki’s birthday today! Let’s celebrate!): 
Jaden is a great protagonist. I love dumb but OP main characters, especially when they got lucky-go attitudes. 
Day 2 (September 1): “Red, Yellow, Blue!” (Ah, the tier system at Duel Academy. Which dorm is your favorite?): 
I’m attached to Slifer Red, lol. They got a cat for mascot, what more do I need? Also, they serve tempura for lunch.
Day 3 (September 2): “Rule the School” (These kids might be saving the world, but they’re still students with homework to do and exams to pass. Celebrate the school life today!):
Don’t know what to put here, but I was a terrible student because I didn’t study or do things in a timely manner. Do better than me, kids. 
Day 4 (September 3): “Sometimes I Can’t Believe We’re Related” (10Join! Today is all about the iconic brother-sister pair, Fubuki Tenjoin/Atticus Rhodes and Asuka Tenjoin/Alexis Rhodes!):
I love this sibling pair! ^^ Alexis is really cool, and Atticus is so far out of the left field. I really thought Atticus was going to be cool like his sister, or edgy like Zane, but nah, this guy is, like, I just want to support my sister and play this ukulele. They make such a contrasting pair, so it adds to the humor.
Day 5 (September 4): “Pass The Salt” (No story is perfect. So what is something you wish you could have seen in the story of GX?)
I can’t think of anything. 
Day 6 (September 5): “Going Down With The Ships!” (You know what I’m talking about. We all have an armada parked in the bay, but there’s that one ship, that one ship, that you would die for. Today is all about OTPs and OT3s!)
I really like Rivalshipping. I don’t really have that many ships for GX. 5D’s and Zexal are more of my jam. 
Day 7 (September 6): “Bring the THUNDER” (Ichi! Juu! Hyaku! Sen! Chazz it up! Today the world does in fact revolve around Jun Manjoume/Chazz Princeton.)
HANDS DOWN, one of my two top choices for favorite rival. (Jack’s the other.) My favorite things about Chazz are his name, his energy, and that fact that he’s a baby brother. He’s so cute! ^^ I just want to make fun of him.
Day 8 (September 7): “The Power of Friendship!” (Favorite dynamic duo, two characters you think would have been friends if only they met, how friendship saves the day, or maybe a friendship fail. It’s up to you!):
Chazz and Pharoah, lol. I need Chazz to hold that cat and pet it. Why didn’t he? :’(
Day 9 (September 8): “Born to be Bad” (Inherently evil, brainwashed, misguided, or misunderstood. GX boots a colorful cast of villainy. Who’s your favorite bad guy?):
I haven’t finished season 4 yet, but Nightshroud. 
Day 10 (September 9): Free Day/Introductions (Tell us about yourself and your GX experience! Your favorites, why you like it, how you got into it. Or leave the day open to do whatever you want!):
I’m known as kappa. I got Hulu, and Hulu has almost all the YGO series excluding VRAINS and SEVENS which is fine because I also have Crunchyroll and the internet, lol; so, I watched all the YGO series simultaneously, skipping back and forth between series. I did not watch any of them in order. GX was number 5 or 6, but it’s the one series I’m putting off. 
Day 11 (September 10): “Cyber Legacy” (No Yu-Gi-Oh! show is complete without a pair of brothers. Today’s stars are Sho Marufuji/Syrus Truesdale and Ryo Marufuji/Zane Truesdale!):
I love these guys! It was great to see them grow and become their own people. ^^ They had, I think, the most realistic relationship.
Day 12 (September 11): “But What If We Had Bikes?” (That’s right! It’s time for the GX crew to rev it up on their very own D-Wheels/Duel Runners!):
Day 13 (September 12): “And You Are…?” (Got a favorite OC? Or one you’ve been hiding in the closet? Introduce them to the world today!):
I only have a Rivalshipping OC baby. Her name is Mira Princeton, and she has Jaden’s brown hair and Chazz’s dark eyes (with a bit of a golden glow). Since both her parents can see spirits, it’d make sense that she can too, lol. Her companion is Yata-Garasu, a rare card that her mama won at a tournament. She likes pink and flowers. She is very close to Aster and calls him Uncle Aster. She’s four, and most of her life, she knows her dad as the “Slifer slacker but a really good duelist.” 
I love her. :)
Day 14 (September 13): “The Perfect Formula” (He duels with the power math and science! Today, show the world that you still remember Daichi/Bastion Misawa!)
Bastion is a funny character. “Everything is science. I’m going to disappear for several months. Don’t forget to forget me,” I think. 
Day 15 (September 14): “Insert pun here” (It’s meme day! Recreate your favorites! Make some shitposts! Be the troll you’ve always wanted to be!):
Bastion: SIr, I’m afraid your DNA is backwards.
Jaden: AND?
Day 16 (September 15): “Creation and Destruction” (The Gentle Darkness and the Light of Destruction. The eternal struggle. And also the Darkness that tried to drown the world. Huh. Feels a little unbalanced.):
It’s pretty cool to have darkness and light reverse, and then watch as darkness conflict with itself, lmao. The Light of Destruction would be a chaotic good, and the Gentle Darkness as chaotic neutral. (Don't quote me on that, I don’t do personality quizzes.) 
Day 17 (September 16): “Putting the D in Destiny” (Pro duelist by day and crime fighting vigilante by night. Today is Edo/Aster Phoenix’s day!):
He’s great. I like him. He’s the precursor to Declan Akaba’s D/D/D archetype. Maybe not. Can you believe that he actually said “Shmaden Shmuki on national TV???? LMAO
Day 18 (September 17): “In Another Life” (It’s AU day!):
Currently trying to write a fantasy-ish AU in which Jun marries the Supreme King. Trust me, I have no idea what I’m doing.
Day 19 (September 18): “I Was Here Too!” (GX has a vast array of unique characters, some of which we only saw once. Pick a “one shot” character and show them off!):
I really like Princess Rose. She was pretty, and her spirit monsters care for her. I appreciate that. 
Day 20 (September 19): Free Day 2/Support Fellow Creators (Show some love for your favorite creators, or leave the day free for whatever you please!):
Literally @ everyone whose work(s) and/or post(s) I’ve reblogged. Keep up the good work!
Day 21 ( September 20): “Prehistoric Predators” (The dino duelist with a fossil in his leg. Today is all about Kenzan Tyranno/Tyranno Hassleberry!):
Dino DNA is so funny; I’m sorry, Hassleberry, but I don’t like dinosaurs. At least you were cute as one. 
Day 22 (September 21): “Stop Blowing Holes In My Ship!” (Some ships are popular and some are…not. Today is all about rare pairs and crack ships! Give those underdogs some love!):
Tanya/Bastion is kind of cute. And I guess Chazz/Atticus too. ^^ 
Day 23 (September 22): “And For Today’s Lesson…” (The teachers at Duel Academy have their work cut out for them, but they still take care of their students. Show the DA staff some love today!):
Fonda Fontaine!
Day 24 (September 23): “Legend of the Seven Gems” (Resurrect the greatest light in history today with Johan/Jesse Anderson and the Crystal Beasts!):
Johan is very cute! I’m so glad they gave him a Southern accent in the dub. ^^ It makes him extra soft and lovable. I can’t believe that Johan/JIm is called Cowboyshipping, but I love that name so much.
Day 25 (September 24): “For The Glory of Academia!” (We got to see Asuka/Alexis and Edo/Aster over in Fusion Dimension, but what about the rest of the cast? Show us some Fusion counterparts today! What are these dorks up to and what part do they play in the war?):
I’m bad at rewriting canon. ^^: Sorry. 
Day 26 (September 25): “Dream Team From Overseas” (Austin O’Brien/Axel Brody, Jim “Crocodile” Cook, and Amon/Adrian Gecko. Today is all about them!)
I absolutely love Jim Cook, from him being Australian to having a crocodile as his best friend to getting burned with a mysterious object to cowboy hat. xD 
Day 27 (September 26): “Duel Monster Spirit Day!” (The world of GX is full of spirits. Do something fun to celebrate your favorite!):
Mine would be Scapeghost and Rose Garden Maiden! 
Day 28 (September 27): “Gold Eyes in The Darkness” (Today’s all about the Supreme King! Unleash the Darkness and create your content!):
I like his aesthetic. I’m into Chazz/Supreme King for sure.
Day 29 (September 28): “Don’t Forget Me!” (Have an underappreciated character you wish you’d seen more of? Give them some love today!):
Miss Dorothy! She’s wonderful, she’s friend shaped. 
Day 30 (September 29): Free Day 3 (Share anything. Anything at all. It’s free game.): 
The Chazz/Supreme King fic I’m working on: The Supreme King’s Husband (Prologue)
Day 31 (September 30): “Gotcha!”:
Is this a Pokemon reference? O_o
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stealinghero · 5 years
Could I get some headcanons about the Lupin gang and Zenigata being nursed back to health by their s/o after being injured during a job?
That’s so cute!! XD They would show their true colours!
- he would love and hate it. He hates the part where all he can do is lay in bed all day. But the nursing is great!!!
- he will shower his s/o with compliments and will tell them quite openly what he wants to do with them as soon as he can get up again
- if his s/o doesn’t show him enough affection, he will pout and act a bit, worrying about surviving his wounds or if he has high fever, and really he doesn’t feel so good right now.
- he is just peachy for 99,5% of the cases. the worst for him is a stomach flu. He really hates that and will actually take a days off out of free will. But not for a “simple injury”.
- as soon as he can move, he will pull his s/o close and cuddle with them
- he doesn’t need anything from then, only cuddles. Holding his s/o close, listening to their breath, smelling their scent, feeling their warmth. This is all he needs to get well soon.
- if he can move, he is fine. 40°C fever? Not a problem. Broken arm? Not a problem. Even the stomach flu that he once had and that left him shaking and vomiting and pale as Death himself? Not a problem!!
- He has a serious problem with cabin fever. He can’t just lay in bed all day, being sick. He just CAN’T!! So as mentioned as above, his s/o better stays with him or he might get up and roam around as much as he can
- Being sick/injured sucks. Being nursed back to health? Hee should be sick more often.
- he worries lot about his s/o. Are they alright with nursing him? Are they tired? Are they eating properly? He will ask the same questions over and over.
- he is the only one that reflects about the situation that got him there. Why did it happen? How can he avoid something like that the next time?
- he will just meditate in another position. But he still is a bit bummed that it happened to him and not the “stupid” one (he is a bit too afraid to say the name out loud)
- YES! Jackpot!! He loves it!! All the affection and all the love around him! He wants to be healthy again, but as long as he really is injured, he will need all the affection
- he’s so cute at this: if his injury is only slight, he will suffer like he will die. The more serious his injury is, the more smiles and jokes he will be.
- normally mentioning Lupin around him will bring him back to life (it happened once!), but being injured and out of duty for this time really bites something in his head. His s/o doesn’t need to heal his body, but his mind. He will feel useless and worthless very fast
- he will call Yata everyday to get new informations about Lupin’s new heist. Maybe his s/o will want to cuff him to the bed just in case something happens and he chases after Lupin, totally ignoring his current state.
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7 Stories R:B Blaze
My unfiltered reactions. They will be below the cut
IT’S THE ALPHABET BOYS (okay clearly I was not prepared to watch this *at all*)
Okay that’s fucking cool but aren’t the bullets supposed to just melt before reaching him not bounce off? I’m a minute 35 into this and I already know the post is going to be WAY. TOO. LONG.
Oh okay there’s the melted bullet stuff
Yeah no shit it’s your king did you not see him before?
Okay but honestly why do they need anyone but Mikoto to do anything?
GAH MIKOTO DON’T DO THAT TO YOUR SWORD YOU’RE GOING TO.... yeah we all know what’s going to happen T_T. *THANK YOU* Totsuka.
OOh who’s this girl? (Other than the one I’ve seen in all the official art)
Okay as much as I hate the green clan I really love their squadmobile in the opening
Pfft. Saru don’t agree that way about your future king. 
Saru you’re too good for them. You should totally leave XD
Hasn’t been able to blow of some steam, eh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) That’s about to change
TOTSUKA YOU HAVE TOO MUCH FAITH IN HIM YOU POOR BOY. WAIT. “He’ll do what’s right by us even if it means hurting himself” YEAH THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS ALL RIGHT. 
OOoh we get to see Totsuka in action? And by “in action” I mean “in charge of something that is likely going to wind up needing a stronger clansman’s action”
Fuck you gohands for not having him wear his dad-on-vacation outfit.
Mikoto. If this face:
Tumblr media
doesn’t say “I’m in love”, I don’t know what does XD
I’m sad they cut out the part where he and Seri kick ass *before* he becomes King.
Okay seriously, I know gohands likes to cut costs on the animation, but why did they choose to do it by making everyone’s heads too short?
SHOUTOUT TO THE GOLD KING (I did write “unfiltered” at the top of this, didn’t I? *checks* yep. okay, good)
Okay, exposition, great, let’s get a move on folks, we’ve all seen the show. (Also why was Habari Jin like 5 years old?)
God, Reisi is fucking gorgeous
Side note: they couldn’t have made his footsteps as he transitioned from dirt to pavement sound different?
Damn SaruMi make such a great team of threatening with physical violence and then breaking the will with words XD. But Saru... 
They were such a good teeeeeaaaaam T_T at least they both live to reconcile
Oh look it’s the beginning of episode 1. Oh it’s not? Huh. You could have fooled me because the FUCKING ANIMATION IS THE SAME
Yata you’re a dumbass
TOTSUKA LET HIM DISBAND HOMRA IT’LL BE GOOD FOR BOTH OF YOU, YOU SWEET OPTIMISTIC CHILD. Okay playing the “do it for me” card, Totsuka you’re slick XD
Okay that reflection on Tenrou’s sheath was erotic as fuck.
HOLY FUCK REISI. HAHAHA “minimal effort”, boy, he was just not prepared for you.
I didn’t imagine you’d be crawling on the ground in dirt, but I *am* curious as to how the fuck you got over there when you were clearly the center of that hole that’s there now and were the pressure point causing it so like, how did you get over there and the hole got so big?
Oh Reisi. You think he’s going to let you go that easily now that he’s gotten a taste? You naive boy. 
Waaaaayy too much of this movie has been shots of the city from above. Like, at least an entire 60 seconds, and since it’s not under credits that means it’s been WAY. TOO. LONG. 
Reisi comin’ atcha with the megane glare!!
Okay that animation was also reused but I really love it so I’ll let *JUST THAT ONE* slide.
Oh Reisi. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, my sweet boy. I know your future, and you can’t keep that one. I’m sorry. 
“You make me bristle”. Is *that* what we’re calling it now? Okay~~
He put Mikoto out like a candle. WHERE WERE YOU WHEN WE NEEDED YOU TO PUT HIM OUT AT THE END OF SEASON ONE???? T_T_T_T. right. dead. Fuck. T_T
“Yes, we agree to not fight as long as we’re not both horny for it”
Omg the gold king’s laugh is something I didn’t know I needed XD
I’m really depressed now because, well... season 1. 
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timelessusagi · 7 years
Yata-chan with long hair and Saru-kun stalking him
-Sorry if this comes late I was buys carving pumpkins and didn’t feelt that good so it was already pretty late when I got on my computerOh, Saru why are you doing that XD
Okay, so maybe between K the first and Missing Kings when the guys from Homra stopped to meet and Yata was often alone he didn’t really pay attention to his hair and it became really, really long. He didn’t bother to cut it and hid it just under his black beanie.So after the events of Missing Kings when Homra is back together Izumo notices that Yata maybe should pay the hairdresser a visit, Yata’s abit grumpy because he doesn’t want to go but then Eric mocks him for looking like a girl and he agress.So, on the way for his appointment he runs into Saru, who throws a few knifes at him, Yata rolls his eyes and tells “the damn monkey” that he needs to be elsewhere. This is the moment when Saru notices Yatas hair and is speechless for a moment. Yata just mutters something and walks off. Being a little crep Saru follows him to the hairdresser and can’t decide between being amused because Yatas being totally akward around the girl who cuts his hair or being disappointed that Yata gets his pretty hair cut off. In the end ask Rikio, who came to pick Yata up what the hell he’s doing here and he disappears.
-Hope you like it, I’m not used to write scenarios like this, so mine are pretty badIf you want to see better stuff go to the blog of ridiasfangirl, she writes pretty cool stuff with a lot of diffrent pairings
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 months
I'm sure you've been asked this, but imagine post-ROK, yata starts realizing with the help of other people that his feelings for fushimi mayy be more than just platonic. And then he asks fushimi out at the worst possible time like at his job and it totally catches fushimi off guard
I can totally see Yata just blurting it out at the worst possible time, like Fushimi is swamped with work and there are a bunch of witnesses and Munakata is probably there smiling and making everything worse XD I imagine Yata spends at least some time trying to convince himself that these feelings must just be platonic, he’s just happy to have his best friend back that’s all. Some of this could really be even just Yata having been actually crushing on Fushimi since middle school and so it really doesn’t occur to him that he’s in love because his feelings never changed, he’s been unaware for years now that he was in love. The other Homra guys can totally see it though, Yata coming back to the bar after going drinking with Fushimi and talking about what a great time he had with Saruhiko. Chitose laughs and shakes his head all you’re crushing hard huh, Yata’s like wait what crush no, it’s just that Saruhiko is so cool, that’s all. Akagi adds that it definitely sounds like a crush and the whole Homra alphabet agree, like come on Yata we know you’ve been in love with him since you guys joined up as snot-nosed middle schoolers. Yata doesn’t want to believe it, all but I’m a guy and he’s a guy and anyway we’re friends, and the Homra guys are just like that shouldn’t matter and anyway it’s so obvious to everyone that you’re in love.
Yata definitely wrestles with this for a bit, like he’s got the one two punch of discovering his sexuality and realizing that he’s been in love with his best friend for ages, and probably also worrying like what if those guys were wrong and this isn’t love and I screw things up just when me and Saru were becoming friends again. But eventually he has to admit it to himself, that when Fushimi’s rare smiles make his breath catch and his heart pound, he really is in love. So now he has to figure out how to tell Fushimi, he’s never confessed to anyone before and he doesn’t really know how to do it. He’s also still a little worried about getting rejected, like Yata thinks he’d be fine with it and would be friends with Fushimi anyway but what if Fushimi gets skittish about the whole thing and doesn’t want to be Yata’s friend anymore.
Maybe what spurs Yata on is he walks into the bar one day and Kusanagi tells him there was an incident at S4, Fushimi was injured. He’s okay but refusing to go to the hospital because there’s work to do and Awashima was wondering if Yata could help with that. Yata barely hears the last part, brain immediately latching on to ‘Saruhiko was injured’ and he grabs his skateboard and heads straight for S4. Imagine him rushing into the office where Fushimi is rebuffing Hidaka’s attempts to get him to lay down, complaining that it’s just a minor head wound and he needs to finish this paperwork first. Yata yells his name across the room and Fushimi freezes, looking up all ‘Misaki?’. Of course everyone is staring at them now as Yata rushes over to him and starts fussing, like you’re bleeding idiot why aren’t you resting what if something happened to you. Fushimi clicks his tongue, not sure why Yata is even here, and then Yata gives this relieved sigh as he says he was so worried and finally he just blurts out ‘I’m in love with you.’ 
The entire room goes dead silent and imagine Fushimi’s face getting red as he’s like what are talking about, Yata says he didn’t mean to just spit it out but he wasn’t lying either. Yata suddenly realizes that they are the center of attention and also Saruhiko’s King is smiling and he’s all awkward now, grabbing Fushimi by the wrist like come on let’s go to the infirmary and we can talk while you get your head bandaged. Fushimi’s brain is still rebooting so he lets himself be dragged off and he doesn’t even complain, staring at Yata like he’s seeing something entirely new for the first time.
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ridiasfangirlings · 15 hours
Munakata making Yata uncomfortable (not in a serious way XD just in his usual captain no way) and Fushimi sees it and rescues Yata out of the conversation... Fushimi is gonna have to have a talk with his captain later -_- (Sarumi pls!!)
When he started dating Fushimi Yata neglected to realize that he will also be more likely to have to spend time with Fushimi’s dad King. Imagine he stops by S4 one day to pick up Fushimi after work but there’s been some small Strain situation that he had to handle and he’s running late. Yata sits down to wait and unfortunately for him Munakata was not needed for this particular situation so he happens to be the only other one in the office. He pretty much pops up out of nowhere, startling Yata so he almost falls off his chair, Munakata smiling pleasantly as he wonders if Yatagarasu-kun has a moment. Yata isn’t sure if he’s being baited or something, like why does the Blue King want to talk to him is this some plot to get him and Saruhiko to break up, and meanwhile Munakata is thinking wouldn’t it be good manners to have a friendly bonding talk with Fushimi-kin’s boyfriend.
About twenty minutes later Fushimi returns to the office, covered in flour and grumbling about annoying Strains. He immediately spots Yata and Munakata — Munakata is right up in Yata’s personal space, nearly pinning him to the wall, Yata has a look on his face like he’s about to be eaten and Munakata seems to be talking about high level physics. Fushimi promptly steps in to save his boyfriend, Munakata welcomes him back and says he and Yata were just talking about skateboarding. Fushimi gives him a flat look like ‘skateboarding,’ Yata is looking at Fushimi with eyes that just scream ‘please save me.’ Fushimi promptly informs Munakata that Awashima was headed to his office to debrief him on the mission, Munakata must reluctantly take his leave. Once he’s gone Yata breathes a sigh of relief and is like Saruhiko your King is weird, Fushimi clicks his tongue and makes a mental note to tell Munakata not to talk to Yata anymore (well, not like it will help, Munakata thinks they had a real rapport going on there and he’s looking forward to getting to know Fushimi’s significant other even better).
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 months
People start to wonder where Saruhiko's daughter came from, like, did he give birth to her himself or...?, and then Saruhiko reveals that he found her sitting around when he was sixteen. Saruhiko accidentally-intentionally becomes a teen dad because that kid was not gonna last. Maybe that could be great to keep him going? Maybe one of the reasons he joins Scepter 4 is that, besides his underlying issues, he could give her a better life there?
I’m assuming this is in an AU where it’s not an omegaverse and Fushimi is still a cis male, but even so when he shows up at S4 with this little girl in tow everyone just thinks he must have birthed her out of nowhere himself XD I imagine him finding her maybe a little earlier than when he’s sixteen though, otherwise Yata and Homra would probably have ended up taking some control of her care. Maybe this is like just after Niki dies but before Fushimi and Yata move in together and Fushimi is wandering around when he feels this tug on his shoe. Fushimi looks down and there’s this little girl barely one year old holding onto him, wearing just a diaper and a dirty shirt. She’s really thin and ragged looking and all alone, just staring up at him with these big blue eyes. Fushimi looks around but there’s no adults anywhere around, and when he tries to ask the kid where her parents are she just looks at him in confusion and makes babbling noises. Fushimi considers dropping her off at a police station but it’s not like he trusts any adults, even police, and besides it occurs to him that they might ask why he’s out alone so late too. As much as he complains about this kid clinging to him he doesn’t want to simply leave her there either, and in the end he has no choice but to take her back home with him. He figures it’s just for now, he’ll figure out how to get rid of her in the morning, but somehow despite him constantly telling himself that he keeps watching over her instead. 
In this case I feel like Yata at the very least would have to know about the kid, there’s really not much of a way that Fushimi could get around it especially if he was already planning to move out of his house and Kisa’s planning to sell the place anyway. Yata can’t believe that Saruhiko of all people adopted a kid, Fushimi says he’s just watching her until he finds her parents and he doesn’t want Yata to tell anyone. When they find an apartment maybe it’s slightly larger in this case and Fushimi and the kid have a room separate from Yata, Fushimi says it’s so she can have her own room so he doesn’t have to listen to her cry and can get some sleep but then in practice he ends up sleeping in the room a lot because she won’t stop crying unless he’s there (and the idea of just leaving her to cry until she gets exhausted makes Fushimi feel itchy and on edge, like that’s something that Kisa or Niki would do, and even though he’s adamant that this is not his kid and he is not her dad now he can’t bring himself to be like those two either). 
Yata really thinks they should at least tell Kusanagi about the kid because maybe he could help find her parents but Fushimi tells him not bother Homra with stupid things like this, he can find the kid’s family all on his own. Yata I think would be pretty helpful here even so, he knows how to deal with little kids so imagine he does end up ‘teaching’ Fushimi some parenting basics. Yata likes the kid but he can see that Saruhiko is unexpectedly attached and thinks maybe this is a good thing, Fushimi still seems on edge in Homra and like he’s not fitting in but here’s something that Fushimi is showing an interest in. Yata feels like eventually Fushimi will share the kid’s existence with the rest of them and Homra can help him raise the baby, and if it’s good for making Saruhiko happy then Yata will support that and be the best uncle ever.
Obviously having a kid is an extra expense, and even though Yata swears he can handle paying for the apartment on his own and he doesn’t need Fushimi’s half, really, Fushimi insists that he’ll pay his half and pay for everything for the kid too. In this case I wonder if Fushimi would even stoop to touching his inheritance (presumably he has one, Kisa didn’t need Niki’s money and I could absolutely see Niki leaving anything he has to his little monkey as one last joke), like he doesn’t want to get anything from ‘that man’ but his baby needs food and he has nowhere else to go. Maybe he starts taking odd jobs when he can, but since he’s only sixteen it’s either online coding work or shady in-person stuff. Kusanagi would probably become aware of the latter due to his own contacts and he tries to talk to Fushimi about it, worried that he’s going to get into something he can’t get out of, but Fushimi just rebuffs him.
Then when Munakata recruits Fushimi to S4 maybe this is part of his ‘sales pitch,’ like while he and Fushimi are doing the puzzle in the van Munakata just drops a ‘you’ll be paid of course, enough to support yourself and your dependent.’ Fushimi is immediately on guard because he never mentioned a dependent, Munakata just smiles calmly and says he has his sources and has become aware that Fushimi is working for two, so to speak. Munakata probably also knows whose kid Fushimi’s child is but won’t unseal that record unless Fushimi asks, though should he join S4 he would have full access regardless (also imagine Munakata hinting that he himself is a very dependable uncle and good with children and Fushimi is like I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that). 
Maybe one of the other things that gets Fushimi to decide to leave too is Yata finally breaks his promise and tells Homra about the kid — definitely not maliciously, like say Kusanagi decides to talk to Yata about the dangerous stuff Fushimi’s been doing lately to see if Yata can talk some sense into him. Yata’s really worried that Fushimi’s putting himself in danger and ends up blurting out ‘I told him I’d help pay for the kid.’ Kusanagi is like wait what kid and Yata desperately tries to think of a lie but of course he’s no good at that and eventually has to admit the truth (say while he’s stumbling over a bad lie Mikoto comes over and tells him it’s fine if he wants to say it, if he thinks that’s the right thing to do. Then afterward when Yata’s trying to explain himself to Fushimi he starts talking about Mikoto and Fushimi misunderstands, thinking Yata just told because Mikoto asked him to and not that Yata had already accidentally given it away). When Kusanagi, Totsuka and Mikoto try to gently confront Fushimi about it he gets defensive, on top of him seeing all the Niki hallucinations putting him on edge. All of this piles up to him deciding to go to S4, because he’s angry at Yata for breaking his trust and leaving him, angry at Homra for thinking he can’t take care of someone else on his own, and angry at himself for being just as useless as his own parents that he can’t give this kid a decent life and that he can’t bring himself to give her up even though he knows anyone else would be better at being a parent than him.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 months
when sarumi first joined homra misaki became the designated hypeman, whenever a homra member had a 1v1 fight he was right there yelling "grab his dick and twist it!" or "punch him in the balls!" some of the homra boys would crack up a little and maybe he even accidentally made them lose once cause the person he was hyping up couldnt hold in their laughter
Just imagining little freshly-joined, still with his middle school haircut Yata yelling ‘punch him in the dick!’ and laughing XD Imagine this was intended as a little friendly hazing, like Chitose thinks it would be fun to play with the new guys by telling them that it’s their job as new blood to hype up the other guys in their fights. Fushimi of course immediately refuses and tells Yata not to listen but Yata’s eyes are already shining because he’s been in Homra five minutes and he’s already got a role, this is so cool. Kusanagi wonders if they should tell him it isn’t necessary but Totsuka’s like ‘now, now, we should let the boys have a little fun,’ mainly because he thinks this is very funny and wants to see what happens. Kusanagi groans but allows it, he’s probably worried about letting the kids get into fights right off the bat anyway and this will give them an excuse to hang back and observe. 
Yata absolutely takes his duty as hype man very seriously, imagine him dragging Fushimi along and Fushimi is just sitting there deadpan as Yata’s jumping up and down and punching the air as he yells ‘Get him! Kick his ass! Punch him in the neck!’. The Homra guys all find it kinda cute and maybe it does actually unexpectedly hype people up just because Yata is so very into it, Yata’s just infectious that way. Even Mikoto can’t help but smirk when Yata’s all ‘Fuck him up, Mikoto-san! Burn his fingers!’ (and then Yata’s so thrilled that Mikoto smiled at him and Fushimi is even more annoyed). At some point imagine there’s a brawl and Homra are easily winning but Yata’s still over here yelling ‘Twist his dick! Fry his balls! Burn his eyebrows off!’ and no one can keep it in anymore, the random Homra guys all start laughing. Chitose nearly gets hit by karma because he’s laughing too much and a guy tries to jump him, luckily Fushimi is the only one not laughing and gets the guy with a knife. After that it’s agreed that Yata and Fushimi can be part of the fights now and Yata doesn’t need to hype everyone up anymore, Yata’s happy to be more a part of the clan now but also a little bummed because he was enjoying himself.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Yata and Fushimi started dating but haven't told anybody else yet but are planning to do so cause the others are their friends and they can't really hide it from them forever. Yata has to tell Homra while Fushimi has to inform s4 (even if he doesn't know why cause it's none of their business).
To which everyone responds ‘Yeah, we knew that already’ XD Imagine Yata being all nervous about telling Homra and Fushimi just gives him this flat look because even he is aware at this point that like everyone knows about them. Yata’s still adamant that they have to tell their clans, Fushimi argues that his subordinates (and superiors, for that matter) are so nosy they already know and anyway it’s none of anyone’s business. Yata’s like but they’re our friends right — Fushimi snorts at that and Yata’s like they’re your friends idiot — we should tell our friends about our relationship. He says he’ll tell Homra if Fushimi will tell S4, Fushimi sighs all fine, probably already dreading how Captain will want to celebrate the important milestone of Fushimi having a boyfriend.
As expected when Yata tells Homra they pretty much to a man are like ‘yeah, we knew. Everyone knew.’ Yata’s all come on you couldn’t all know and Chitose’s like you’ve literally been making eyes at him since you guys were middle school brats. Yata’s like I was not and Dewa agrees with Chitose on this, it was obvious to everyone from the start that Yata had it bad for Fushimi. Kusanagi feels a little bad for Yata and is like now boys keep it down, offering to pour Yata a drink to congratulate him. Yata brightens and thanks him (and then he’s like ‘you didn’t know, right Kusanagi-san?’ and Kusanagi decides to suddenly be very invested in cleaning a glass). Anna tugs on Yata’s shirt and sincerely congratulates him, saying she’s glad he and Saruhiko are happy together now. Yata’s pretty pleased about that but then imagine he’s about to ask if she knew and Anna just holds a marble up to her eye, Yata sighs instead like right okay I should’ve expected that. 
Meanwhile Fushimi probably just dashes off a group text or something, he doesn’t want to make a whole announcement. Oh maybe he’s typing up a mass email when Munakata comes by and looks at his screen, wondering if Fushimi-kun has something he would like to share with the class office. Fushimi flatly says ‘no’ and Munakata ignores him, instead clapping his hands together and gathering the special forces squad because it seems Fushimi has something to say. Everyone comes clambering over all oh what is it did you need help for something Fushimi-san. Fushimi is getting increasingly more annoyed as everyone surrounds him, radiating nothing but helpfulness and goodwill, and finally he grits out that stupid Misaki just wanted him to tell everyone that they were dating. Naturally everyone is so pleased for him (well, Hidaka and Akiyama are maybe a little bummed, but they’ll be happy for Fushimi’s sake). Hidaka suggests they all go out drinking to celebrate, forgetting that Munakata and Awashima are there until Munakata chuckles and pushes up his glasses all ‘excellent idea.’ Fushimi tries to protest as Munakata asks Awashima to schedule them all an evening at the bar, just steamrolling over Fushimi’s protests because of course this is a time for celebration and friendly bonding. Fushimi quietly vows that Misaki will pay for making him do this.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 month
Imagine this pre-S1 and at first after they get transformed everyone assumes that they’ve been transformed both mind and body into little kids because they’re still fighting like toddlers XD Like Homra and S4 are going after the same Strain and there’s a confrontation, Munakata stepping forward to inform Mikoto that this is S4’s job and Mikoto just telling him to shut up. Fushimi naturally goes right to tease Yata into a fight, and the two of them end up separated from the rest of their clans. That’s when the Strain jumps out of nowhere to attack them, both of them looking up just in time to get hit by a wave of power. Meanwhile Awashima and Kusanagi are trying to work this out like adults away from where Mikoto and Munakata are flirting posturing and they spot the Strain running away. Kusanagi hears Yata yelling and he and Awashima immediately go towards the source of the sound where a pair of six year olds in oversized clothes who look suspiciously similar to Yata and Fushimi are fighting. Awashima and Kusanagi reach in to separate them (imagine them each picking up their respective Sarumi by the collar like mother cats collecting naughty kittens). Fushimi is dangling there miserably while Yata swings around like come on Kusanagi-san, I’m trying to teach that stupid monkey a lesson. Fushimi snorts like how could an idiot like you teach me anything and Kusanagi sighs like well I guess their personalities are intact at least. 
The two of them are taken back to their respective clans, Munakata suspiciously has a small S4 uniform already prepared for tiny Fushimi. Fushimi clicks his tongue and calls Munakata creepy but takes it, imagine him trying to adjust his knife harness so he can get at least a couple knives in here while the alphabet boys get all nervous because what if he cuts himself. Fushimi’s getting annoyed at being treated like a little kid, insisting that he’s fine even at this size and that he can go out and do missions and things like normal. His powers are still working but maybe weaker than normal, even so Fushimi doesn’t intend to relax just because he looks like he’s six. He also doesn’t particularly want to stay at the office anyway because Captain keeps offering him candy and trying to hint that Fushimi is welcome to sit on his lap while he works so Fushimi decides to sneak out and go patrolling all on his own. 
Meanwhile Homra buys Yata a nice sweatshirt and shorts and he’s hanging out at the bar, annoyed because it’s even harder to reach high stuff than normal and the Homra guys keep teasing him. Kusanagi tells him to take it easy and that maybe he should go home and rest. Yata says he’s fine but decides he may as well go home since he can’t do much right now, a little down because he can’t even really use his skateboard that well. He decides he just needs to practice more and he’s dragging his skateboard to the nearest skate park when he hears someone laughing at the ‘little shrimp with the skateboard.’ Yata immediately looks up and is like you don’t get to call me short you chibi monkey. Fushimi scoffs, smirking as he wonders why Yata was allowed to go off on his own, he might end up following someone to their van for candy. Imagine they start fighting but rather than using weapons and powers like usual it turns into a kid fight, Yata just tackles Fushimi and now they’re scratching and biting at each other.
Someone suddenly steps in and pulls them apart, a police officer off duty saw them and is like kids where are your parents. Yata starts stammering, trying to think up an excuse, while Fushimi coldly says he’s on official business and flashes his S4 badge. The police officer is unimpressed though and asks where Fushimi stole the badge from, Fushimi’s about to say something acid when Yata just grabs his wrist all come on Saruhiko and takes off, dragging Fushimi behind him. When they’re finally away from the police officer Fushimi pulls away, panting hard as he’s like stupid Misaki what are you doing I was taking care of it. Yata’s all sure you were, I’m sure that guy was gonna believe you’re a government official. Fushimi clicks his tongue and looks away, annoyed because he totally knows Yata is right and no way is he admitting that. Of course now it probably turns out that they’re lost because Yata wasn’t paying attention to where he was going and Fushimi’s PDA with his badge is back with the police officer so they have to stick together to get back home, arguing like the six year olds they appear to be the whole way.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
i dont even know how but (again from the south park episode about paris hilton kidnapping butters as her pet..) some famous influencer woman kidnapping yata
Yata’s so cute and small, no wonder he was kidnapped XD I imagine in this case it being something like he’s dragged off to be some famous influencer’s ‘assistant’ and Yata has no idea how this happened but also he can’t get away because that would require him to yell at a girl. Say there’s some lady in Shizume who’s been making waves as an up-and-coming influencer type, she makes constant liveblogs about the city and all the weird things that happen here. At one point she’s filming a ‘visit lesser known locations with me’ vlog and she decides to stop at Bar Homra. As it happens Kusanagi is out and Yata’s helping with the customers, as soon as this girl walks in Yata’s all blushing and stuttering because oh no women. The influencer initially ignores him, instead just being all OMG look at this bar it’s so quaint. Yata doesn’t know what quaint means but don’t insult Kusanagi-san’s bar. The lady looks at him and she’s like aw look at this guy with his beanie and his red hair, he’s so charming, hey come take a video with me.
Yata is of course tongue tied and this lady just bulldozes right over him all hey why don’t you show me more places like this, talking to her audience all this guy has offered to give me a tour and Yata’s just like wait I did what. The lady drags him out just as Anna’s coming downstairs. An hour or so later Kusanagi comes back and wonders where Yata went, Anna helpfully tells him that Misaki was kidnapped by a lady with a phone. If it was anyone else saying this Kusanagi wouldn’t believe them but he’s not going to argue with Anna so he’s just like ‘I….see,’ wondering if they’ll need to rescue Yata at some point. He figures Yata’s a grown adult and can handle himself though, it should be fine. 
Meanwhile Yata is absolutely not fine, he’s been roped into carrying all these bags for the influencer and lugging around camera equipment and having to be her guide when he just wants to leave. Everytime he tries to say something though she’s got her camera (and also her boobs, even scarier) in his face and he can barely get a word out. Eventually the influencer gets annoyed because ugh there’s these guys in blue uniforms blocking where I want to get my shot. Yata feels some uncharacteristic relief as he immediately looks for Saruhiko, like please get me out of this. The Blues are shooing everyone away from the scene though and Yata’s trying to get a word in edgewise, like I just need to see Saruhiko it’s an emergency.
That’s when he hears this mocking ‘what are you doing here Misaki’ and Yata has never felt more relieved to hear his first name said in that tone. Pride is all to the wind now, he’s like there’s this weird girl dragging me around can you just get me out of here. Fushimi of course finds this whole thing hilarious, like what Misaki did you get kidnapped by a girl. Yata’s all shut up I did not (but also please make her go away). Fushimi is toying with the idea of just leaving Yata to his fate or making him beg for Fushimi’s help when imagine the influencer girl shows up again all ‘come on, Misaki-kun.’ Fushimi’s eyelid immediately twitches at the sound of someone else using Yata’s first name and Yata can’t even yell at him for pulling his knives on a girl, at least now Yata is finally free.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
yata accidentally consuming edibles and getting high for the first time 🙏
Yata is absolutely that guy at the party who eats a bunch of marijuana brownies thinking they’re just normal snacks and then ends up super high afterward XD Like imagine Bandou is having a party at his place for winning a game tournament, a bunch of the Homra guys are there along with Bandou’s gaming friends. Yata comes along and he’s having a pretty good time and oh hey someone brought chocolates cool. He’s eaten a few and is starting to see stars when someone finally asks him if he’s okay, Yata snaps that he’s fine but that chocolate tastes weird. The Homra guys exchange glances and Akagi asks Yata how many he ate, you know just a friendly question. Yata’s like what the fuck kind of question is that and then adds he ate a few and the Homra guys just sigh, like yeah he’s gonna be high for a while.
No one trusts Yata to go home on his own, he probably tries to grab his skateboard but he can’t balance and he keeps falling off and then staring upwards watching the ceiling fan move for ten minutes. The Homra alphabet get the rest of the party out and start deciding shifts for who’s going to watch Yata until he’s back to normal. Meanwhile as they’re hashing this out Yata wanders into the kitchen and starts grabbing chips, wondering what the big deal is he just had some chocolate, really good chocolate too he feels fine this is fine. Dewa’s seriously wondering if they should take Yata to a doctor because they don’t know how much he took but that gets vetoed, it’s illegal after all and no one wants to get in trouble. Yata’s started trying to get everyone’s attention so he can do such skateboard tricks as running straight into the wall at full speed. 
Eventually the Homra guys agree to just let him ride out the high, when they walk over to tell him he’s gonna need to stay here for a while Yata waves a hand like oh hey guys I’ve been texting Saruhiko Saruhiko is my friend he’s so cool I’m gonna text him how cool he is. The Homra alphabet are like shit we should have taken his watch away, imagine Yata’s been sending Fushimi a bunch of emojis and capslock about how he had the best chocolate here it made him feel floaty. Ten minutes later a very pissed off Fushimi shows up to drag Yata to S4’s infirmary for observation and make sure the Homra guys are very aware that if they get Misaki high again he will be having them all arrested (or worse, he’ll tell Kusanagi). 
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ridiasfangirlings · 10 months
lol a Ratatouille AU with Yata the rat ending up working at Kusanagi's bar.
Would Kusanagi really allow a rat in his bar, even if the rat can cook XD Imagine tiny rat Yata who likes to cook, he steals ingredients and tries to make fancy food because he thinks it’s cool. Maybe his best rat friend Fushimi is so picky that Yata had to become a chef rat out of necessity, like this guy refuses to eat garbage unless it’s properly seasoned so I guess it’s time to learn how to season. The other rats think Yata’s weird for this but Fushimi is happy to be fed (though he still complains all the time and Yata has to keep learning new recipes, muttering that Fushimi’s lucky Yata’s here or he would seriously just starve with that level of pickiness, you know we’re rats right).
One day Yata decides he wants to up his game and like learn how to make some sauce with alcohol in it, so he needs to sneak into a bar. As he’s carefully making his way inside he spots two people, a red-haired guy and a little girl, staring at the stove. It turns out bar owner Kusanagi went off to do some errands and Mikoto has to cook Anna breakfast, and of course he has no idea how to do that and is probably just going to burn something. Yata can’t stand to watch burning pancakes so he impulsively jumps up on the stove the minute the two humans look away and starts cooking. The food’s almost done when Yata suddenly feels like he’s being watched and turns to find Anna and Mikoto staring at him. Yata freezes, expecting to be chased away, but Anna points out that he cooked and Mikoto decides to taste the food. He tells Yata that it’s ‘pretty good’ and Yata is just over the moon, this cool-looking human liked his food. 
Yata is happy to have made friends with Anna and Mikoto and imagine him coming back regularly to help cook things for them, he’s so proud to have his skills recognized. One day he’s making Anna dinner when Kusanagi comes back early, imagine Yata and Kusanagi just staring at each other for a long moment as Kusanagi realizes that there is a rat. In his bar. He immediately tries to chase Yata out and Anna jumps in to save him, clasping little Yata close and saying he’s a nice rat. Kusanagi can’t believe Mikoto is letting Anna handle rats and Mikoto shrugs, saying the rat cooks good. Kusanagi is like run that by me again and Mikoto has Yata demonstrate. Yata makes a nice curry and Kusanagi is just speechless, like what the hell kind of rat is this.
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ridiasfangirlings · 9 months
ik its too late for halloween stuff but whatever strain related incident where yata starts seeing this creepy woman in the background of everywhere like just staring at him and then randomly disappearing🫶
Since it’s Yata I assume ‘creepy woman’ just means any normal woman ever, right XD Imagine he gets hit by a Strain power without realizing, like he’s headed home from his part time job one evening and accidentally runs into a guy sweeping a small shrine. Yata doesn’t remember seeing a shrine here before and the guy grins, asking if Yata’s heard the story of the ‘curse’ of this shrine. Yata tries to sound all tough as he’s like ‘curses aren’t real’ but he’s actually all nervous now. The guy just says to look out for ‘her,’ putting a hand on Yata’s shoulder before returning to the shrine. Yata shakes his head all that was weird huh better get going. As he’s nearing his apartment though he spots what looks to be the dark silhouette of a woman in a black dress with long black hair. She smiles at him, revealing sharp white teeth, and Yata falls off his skateboard. When he looks back up the woman is gone and there’s no sign anyone was even there. Yata’s heart is beating fast as he’s like it was just a trick of the light right, yeah that’s it must’ve just been the shadows playing tricks on me. 
The next day Yata goes to Bar Homra and it’s raining out, as he’s waiting under a bridge for the rain to stop he suddenly sees the woman in black again, right there under the bridge with him. Yata screams very manfully and skitters away, but when he looks up there’s no one there. Yata tells himself it must just be his imagination getting the better of him and he decides to keep going to Bar Homra, only to spot the woman watching him from across the street. He gets to the bar and maybe Totsuka and Anna are out but Mikoto is sleeping on the couch, Yata starts to greet him and then cuts off with a yell as he sees the woman staring at him through the window. Mikoto raises an eyebrow and looks out the window curiously but there’s nothing there, Yata tries to blow it off like no, I, um, just thought I saw some lightning, yeah, just got startled I’m fine.
At some point I imagine him getting really nervous and paranoid that the woman is watching him, he sees her in the bushes while he’s skating through the park and then screams when someone actually steps out — except it’s not the creepy woman it’s just Fushimi (an entirely different sort of creepy). Fushimi thinks it’s amusing that Yata screamed like a girl just now, taunting him all maybe you should pay better attention to your surroundings Misaki. Yata’s like I wasn’t yelling at you I was yelling at her and then cuts off, muttering never mind. Fushimi wonders if virgin Misaki finally found a girlfriend, Yata’s like it’s nothing shut up. Fushimi goads Yata into a fight but then as they’re fighting Yata sees the lady again and ends up losing his footing, almost getting stabbed. Fushimi pulls back, clicking his tongue as he says Yata’s acting strange and it’s annoying. Yata says nothing’s wrong and anyway he doesn’t need a traitor’s help. Fushimi scoffs all as if I would help you, but he notices the way Yata’s eyes suddenly dart to one side where there’s nothing at all, but even so Yata’s face gets paler. 
Yata ends up going back to Bar Homra, exhausted and on edge wondering if he’s going crazy. When he gets there though Anna runs up to him all worriedly, she touches his forehead and then looks over at Kusanagi and nods. Yata asks what’s going on and Kusanagi asks if he’s been seeing a strange person. Yata tries to evade the question and Kusanagi explains that he got a phone call, there’s a Strain running around with the power to make people see a ghost-like woman. Yata suddenly sags in relief as he’s like so I’m not crazy. It’s not until later that he wonders who gave Kusanagi the information and how did he know that Yata specifically got hit by the Strain, like huh Kusanagi-san must have a really wide intelligence network I guess.
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